Is your child planning a holiday - a birthday or a name day? Is he expecting guests? What to do, after all, it is necessary to make it fun, interesting and tasty? ?

It's no secret that the holiday was a success if all the guests and the birthday man himself had a good and fun time. In order to child's birthday became a real holiday for him, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance.

How to organize and hold a children's party for preschoolers and younger students?

If you want to do everything with your own hands, then we suggest that you arrange children's birthday party Houses. The birthday of a small child (aged 8-9 years) can be not only a holiday for the whole family, but also bring a lot of surprises. These can be scenes of jealousy, and aggression against a neighbor at the table. In order not to exaggerate, in order for this not to happen, it is necessary to think over and organize everything in advance.

You should start by solving the problem - whom to invite ? In order for children to be interested and fun, it is better to gather a company of the same age, or so that the age difference does not exceed 1-1.5 years.

Children with a difference in age of 3-4 years feel uncomfortable together, they have different desires and different opportunities, this also applies to tastes at the table.

As for the number of guests, it is best to invite 5 people, no more, so that no one gets bored and each kid gets the attention of an adult. If you are organizing a holiday for children aged 2.5 to 4-5 years, then it is best to invite their parents as well. So, in addition to the children's table and entertainment, it is necessary to think over the adult menu, but more on that later.

It is necessary to discuss who should be invited all together, including taking into account the wishes of the child. It is better when the children know each other well and have already made friends, these can be friends with whom you walk in the yard, take the baby to kindergarten together, and so on. So, the issue with the guests is resolved.

Now - how to prepare for the holidays ?

1. It is better to start doing this a week or even two before the celebration itself. Prepare the child for the fact that he will soon need to act as a host, as an adult. He must get used to the idea that the owner, under no circumstances, should be capricious, greedy, stubborn, not fulfilling the requests of the elders.

2. It is necessary to arrange a real holiday for the child. Think with him room decoration. To do this, remember the labor lessons at school, when we managed to make very beautiful garlands, lanterns and all kinds of decorations from paper, glue and thread. Surely you will find rain reserves after the past New Year. Let the kid craft with you, because he understands that he is doing responsible work, helping adults.

How to arrange an apartment is up to you.

  • Posters. Greeting posters can be bought at the store or painted by yourself. In this way, you can write beautiful, warm words to your child, show how much you love him and interest guests with the brightness of colors.

  • Garlands, both alphabetic and regular triangles, can also be purchased at stores. They are not very expensive, but they look great.
  • But all the same, the main attributes of the birthday are balloons. They are not so expensive, and you can easily inflate them yourself or with special helium. The joy from multi-colored balls, that for boys, that for girls is exactly the same.

3. - this is a small but very significant element of the upcoming holiday. Your guests are only looking forward to the upcoming celebration, so their first impressions of the upcoming event depend on your invitation. Approach this issue creatively - think over the form of the invitation, its style, choose a beautiful template. We offer you to make your child's birthday invitations original, fun and memorable! Birthday invitations in verse...

Make your own or buy invitations - you choose.

Don't forget that the invitation must include:

  • Date and time of the celebration
  • Address
  • The theme of the evening
  • Your coordinates (for calling parents) and
  • Necessary things to take with you (good mood, mom and dad, etc.)

And now we move on to the most important part of the holiday - entertainment . It is very difficult to interest a child in something in our time, so from the very beginning it is necessary to introduce an element of play and surprise. For example, start by buying balloons and small edible souvenirs in advance, since now their range is huge. It can be a chewy candy, and caramel on a stick and a small chocolate bar. Place them in balloons, blow them up and hand them to every new kid who comes - let him take with him a piece of your joy and your holiday. In order not to be bored, come up with some games, jokes, quizzes, practical jokes in advance.

Children's birthday contests

What should no child's birthday party be without? No cake? Maybe. But the most important thing is children's birthday contests! Let your child remember his birthday for a long time!

Contests for children's birthday in summer

In the summer it is very successful to hold birthday contests. Since in summer the scope for imagination is almost limitless. But still, we decided to help and wrote our birthday contests in the summer. These competitions are suitable for children 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 years old. But many of the competitions can be applied to adults.

Children's competitions at home will amuse any audience.

Various interesting children's games and contests that are suitable for any holiday.

We offer you children's contests that are suitable for both birthday and any other holiday.

Children's competitions 2012

Children are flowers of life. So that your "flower" at your birthday does not "wither" from boredom, we suggest you hold children's birthday contests. Let your child have fun from the heart and even more “bloom” with happiness.


Children's, teenage contests and games - Funny children's, mobile birthday contests! Let's have fun and have fun!

Children's birthday gifts

It all depends on the age of the child and his interests. First of all, the child should be pleased with the gift. Do you want to make your child happy? Certainly. We offer you several options children's birthday gifts, the child's interest in which was set depending on age. So...

2 to 5

Starting from this age, we give gifts directly to children, and not to their parents. You do not have to be a virtuoso in the gift business, because. toys are still relevant. Here are some recommendations:

  • Toys not containing small parts
  • Educational games
  • Cloth
  • cartoons
  • Educational games
  • coloring pages
  • Wax pencils

5 to 13

Here it is worth stretching your imagination a little. At this age, children become more demanding for pleasure. But you want your sweet child to be sincerely happy with your gift! So, at this age, the child will be happy to receive:

  • Board games
  • cartoons
  • Books
  • felt-tip pens
  • Computer games
  • Tickets to the circus, zoo, dolphinarium, puppet theater
  • Dolls, cars (or attributes for this: a house, a carriage, clothes for a doll, a racing field for cars, etc.)
  • Set of children's cosmetics (for girls)
  • School supplies set
  • School bag
  • Constructor
  • Sports attributes
  • Money box
  • Water park tickets
  • Roller Skates
  • Puppy (be sure to discuss this gift with your parents)

13 to 18 years old

The hardest period. Teenage. At this age, young people are capricious and impressionable. You need to try so that your gift does not cause disappointment and irritation.

Girls will probably like:

  • Inconspicuous jewelry (chain with a small pendant or earrings)
  • Makeup kit
  • Plush toy (oddly enough, but at this age love for them is renewed)
  • Swimsuit
  • Handbag
  • Shoes
  • Manicure set
  • Mobile phone

The young man should like:

  • Computer bells and whistles (it’s better to ask him himself what his “personal” pet lacks)
  • Mobile phone
  • A month of Internet access (more is possible ... and the more the better)
  • Roller Skates
  • Backpack for the same rollers
  • Player
  • Board game set
  • Organizer

Present children's birthday gift- This is also a special procedure, which has its own difficulties. Let's say, such a moment: how to present a gift - in expanded form or in a package? The giver gives the gift in a beautiful wrapper or a small package directly into the hands of the birthday man, and the one to whom they give should unfold the gift and thank him from the bottom of his heart. It must be remembered that the gift should look aesthetically pleasing. This means that it must be beautifully packaged to make it look attractive. Now it is not difficult to do this - you can buy bright wrapping paper and multi-colored ribbons. You can include a personalized business card as a gift.

Children's birthday songs

Children's songs and backing tracks - you can listen or download.

In our collection you can find children's birthday songs. Here you will find the most popular children's songs, well-known not only to parents, but also to their children. After downloading children's songs from the site, you will sing them with your whole family!

A child's birthday is the most memorable holiday that can successfully compete even with the New Year. And all because it is on this day that all attention is riveted only to the baby: gifts are given to him, guests come to him, a table is set for him with all sorts of goodies.

Unfortunately, this holiday is really remembered only in childhood, because when we get older, we grow out of enjoying the miracles happening and lose the selfless feeling of happiness.

How to spend a child's birthday so that he remembers it? What treats to put on the table, and what contests to make? Where is it better to celebrate the holiday - at home, in a cafe or in a park? Finally, what is the best way to celebrate a holiday for a toddler under 3 years old and an older baby?

Choosing a place to celebrate

Holiday at home: pros and cons

The most important advantage of celebrating a birthday at home is its affordability in terms of finances. After all, you save not only on renting a hall or buying entrance tickets, but also get a unique opportunity to prepare treats for your child and guests the way you want, and for the amount that you have.

In addition, you will be able to invite more guests than if you celebrated the holiday in a cafe (and all for the same financial reason), and if we talk about the birthday of a baby, then a house party will be a safer event for him.

Of the minuses of a birthday party at home, one can single out the time spent on cooking and decorating the room, as well as the need for self-washing dishes after the guests disperse.

Celebrating the holidays away from home

If the financial component of the banquet does not scare you and you can well spend an impressive amount on renting a hall and refreshments, and also do not want to be noisy at home, then celebrating a birthday outside the home is best for you.

Indeed, in this case, you will not need to worry about treats, buy food for cooking on your own, think about organizing an event, planning games, contests and entertainment.

As a rule, this is done by the organizers who accept your application for a banquet: they invite animators, compose a menu, decorate the room and deal with other important issues.

General principles of preparation for the holiday, depending on the age of the baby

0 to 3

While your child is very young, it is best to spend his birthday at home. After all, until the age of 3, he does not understand the meaning of a large-scale event, and you, as a rule, prepare everything not so much for him as for the guests.

However, you should not refuse a celebration for a baby at 1 year old either: it is enough to invite close relatives and friends to the holiday. Don't forget to put it on the table.

Despite the fact that the child may not be able to blow them out on his own. Photos in which he touchingly tries to do this will be the best memory of a children's birthday. And they will stay with you for years to come.

3 to 5 years

A baby's birthday at 2 years old or 3 years old (up to 5 years old) is also better to spend at home, because it will be comfortable for him to be in a familiar environment. And the fact that at this age a child can still be shy of guests cannot be discounted either.

6 to 8 years old

At this age, all the most interesting begins: the child already well remembers the importance of the event and his central position in it, so you simply have to organize the holiday as brightly and effectively as possible. However, in any case, the choice of the celebration format should be discussed with its "culprit".

8 to 10 years

A child at the age of 10 has already grown up a lot and expects something special from his birthday, and you have to help him get as many positive emotions from the event as possible. Therefore, it would be best to celebrate this holiday outside the home: in a cafe, in nature, in a water park. Moreover, now the baby is already calling his guests on his own: a bunch of friends in the yard and friends from school.

It would be best to pay as much attention as possible to the child himself and call everyone he wants to see at the holiday. Relatives of the baby can gather separately a little later (for example, in the evening).

Ideas for celebrating a children's birthday outside the home

In aquapark

If it’s warm and sunny outside, then sitting at home on such a beautiful day is just blasphemy! Is your child's birthday today? Just great! Celebrate it at the amusement park or take the kids to the water park.

There, with a squeal and joy, they will ride the slides, splash in the pool, ride a train and explore the surroundings, sitting in the Ferris Wheel. There are a lot of places where you can climb and what to jump on, and the energy that overflows will be splashed out in the right direction.

Don't forget about treats either: having played enough and ridden on the rides, the children will have to eat deliciously in a cafe or pizzeria, which you order for them in advance.

Cultural holiday: museums and excursions

Don't want to take the kids to the park? Spend the day culturally: let the celebration take place in the museum! Starting with a fascinating excursion, you can, having agreed in advance with the organizers of the event, hold the event in a museum setting.

For children of primary school age, it will appeal to you: unusual and very exciting!

Outdoor recreation: picnics and barbecues

Another option for celebrating a birthday is to go out into nature, because all children love fresh air and delicious kebabs. If you have a country house or cottage, then it will be possible to go with guests there, but if not, then a simple outing for a picnic is also suitable.

If there are not very many guests, and the parents of the invited children will be with you, it is worth staying in nature with an overnight stay. For a child, there is nothing more wonderful than sitting by the fire at night, baking potatoes in the coals and telling interesting stories.

Celebrating holidays at home

Prepare your prizes

In order for the birthday to go off with a bang, you need to worry about the surroundings and the components of the holiday no less than about the treat. Therefore, start the organization by preparing gifts-prizes that you will give to little guests for winning competitions.

These can be chocolates, hairpins and key chains, books, souvenirs and small soft toys.

Decorate the apartment

In order for the festive atmosphere to be felt at 100%, you need to properly decorate the room in which the children's holiday will be celebrated.

You can use anything: balloons, bright ribbons, painted posters, decorative flowers, and even soft toys. The most important thing is that the room is truly beautiful, full of childhood!

Pick up the music

Being bored at the festival is a sin, so you can pick up cheerful music in advance, with which you can fill in the pauses between competitions and accompany the event itself. Record songs about friendship on a disc and pick up special backing tracks on the network: this way you can invite your little guests to sing a song for the birthday boy, giving them the words in advance.

invite the clowns

To make your birthday bright, invite clowns or life-size puppets. There are a lot of companies that help organize a child's birthday at home in a similar format.

Just don't forget to discuss the idea of ​​the celebration with them in advance by watching videos of their work and choosing the cartoon characters and fairy tales that your child loves the most.

Take photos

Regardless of how you decide to celebrate this day, don't forget to take photos and videos. Just do not ask the kids to pose: it is best to take pictures during the fun - they will definitely be unexpected and interesting.

Together or separately?

You don’t know what to do: should you gather guests at the same table, regardless of age, or should children and adults be seated separately? It would be best to find out from the birthday man what he wants: to sit with adults or with friends?

There are also disadvantages to the “dealing”: if you have two tables, you will start to be torn into two fronts. We'll have to look after the children, and don't forget about the adults. Therefore, it would be better to gather all the children during the day, and for adult guests to sit at the table in the evening.

Treats for guests

A table for adults is more or less clear, but what about children's treats? Of course, it is worth making more sweets, but why not feed the children with cakes and sweets alone?

Therefore, it is better to start the celebration with serving light salads so that the children can gain strength for games, and after the break, serve them cakes and fruit cuts. The cake should be placed on the table at the very end of the event.

Examples of scenarios for celebrating a birthday

Of course, there are many options for celebrating a children's birthday, but we decided to offer you one script for a boy and one for a girl.

Pirate party for a boy from 3 to 8 years old

To celebrate a boyish holiday, you can organize it in the style of a pirate party. After all, little men are very fond of ships, duels, pirate costumes and other marine paraphernalia!

Of course, it will be better if you organize in the yard, but if it is cold outside, then it is quite possible to hold a pirate party at home.


To get started, make unique invitations for each child: cut out an irregularly shaped card, rub a wet tea bag over it to give it an “old” look, and write some fun pirate words.

After that, tie the card with a rope, having previously rolled it into a tube, and put it into a plastic bottle, pouring sand into it.

holiday attributes

Let every boy who enters your house receive an eye patch on his hands. You can even draw him real stubble or go further and give young pirates homemade sabers and scarves.


Lay a blue tablecloth on the table, decorating it with sewn paper sabers and gold coins. You can put a bottle of candles there, which should be well fixed. Drink glasses can be decorated with a themed film appliqué.

Sea battle or Treasure hunt

The first option for fun: dress the kids in swimsuits and give them balloons filled with plain water. Let the children squeal and throw them - this game will not leave anyone indifferent!

In addition, real pirates will have to go on a treasure hunt. To do this, bury a magic chest filled with sweets and chocolate medallions in advance in the garden, and then divide the guys into two teams and give them a map to use to look for the treasure.

Royal party for a girl from 3 to 8 years old

Any girl will love a holiday organized in the style of a royal party! After all, the birthday girl and her guests can be dressed in the best outfits, decorate themselves with beads and bows to become the most beautiful Princesses in the world!

invitation card

It is done not only to reinforce the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe holiday, but also because in the postcard you indicate the clothes in which guests will come: beautiful dresses or suits.

The invitation itself can be made by hand: to do this, cut it out of colored paper, write the text on it in beautiful handwriting and make a border with ribbons along the edge of the card.

We decorate the room

It is best to lay a pink tablecloth on the table, attaching bows or ribbons to the edges. Glasses for juice are decorated with flowers attached with adhesive tape.

The hall where the celebration will take place is decorated like a castle: hang balloons, flowers and posters depicting royal nobles, castles and horses there.

Meeting with guests

Any guest entering the door on this day will be greeted with a curtsey, as befits palace etiquette. It is worth addressing each other only as “Princess” or “Prince”. And you can also give each guest a royal crown at the entrance.


One of the competitions that can brighten up a girl's day will be the game "Where is the king's treasure?". To carry it out, fill a simple saucepan with chocolate medallions and prepare a wooden spoon.

After that, blindfold the birthday girl, give her a spoon in her hand and tell her that there is a whole pan of coins not far from her. The girl will have to use the tips of the guests to find these treasures. Children will shout to her, hot or cold, so that the birthday girl understands where to go.

In the same way, other guests can try to find ingots and coins so that no one is offended on this wonderful and joyful children's holiday.

Summing up

Remember that only loving and attentive parents are able to arrange a real holiday for their baby!

After all, if there is a desire to make a child happy, then the ideas of holding an event appear out of nowhere, and financial opportunities are also necessarily found. Happy birthday to you!

Today I decided to summarize my own articles and collect all the ideas for a children's holiday together to help you navigate the site, and cover the amount of work done yourself.

Children's birthday: step by step instructions

This article is for those who do not want to be limited to the usual children's table. Believe me, you can arrange a magnificent holiday for your baby once a year, using the advice of experienced organizers. I will try to make everything short and clear.

Do not be lazy to go to my articles with detailed tips and pictures - this is real wealth!

Holiday theme

Why is choosing a topic important in the first place? It is on this choice that your whole flight of thought depends. I immediately come up with ideas for all the other points from my instructions, so start with this.

If you don’t want to dedicate a holiday to one hero or one fairy tale, just choose a color! Well, let's have an orange party where everything will be in an orange mood. However, study the article and be inspired!

Location selection

If we are talking about an apartment, there is not much choice. It just has to be the most spacious room with a minimum of furniture and sharp corners. It is better to separate the dining and play areas in the apartment. Let the program take place in one room, and the table with refreshments is in another. It is safer, and there are more places for active games.

But if you decide on a cafe or a kids club, then it already makes sense to choose a room taking into account the theme of the holiday. Agree, it’s strange if you spend the “Princess’s Birthday”, and there are only Minions or Batmans on the walls.

Room decoration

For those who like to do everything with their own hands, I am happy to send to the article. There are interesting techniques for decorating a room with the help of improvised materials and ready-made paper decor elements, which are sold nowadays in any city in Russia.

Naturally, we stick to the chosen topic, but we try not to overdo it. You don't have to use all the design methods at the same time. Everything should be beautiful and joyful.

The work of a decorator who makes handmade jewelry (letters, numbers, candy bar) is amazing. Email me and I'll send you a link to view my portfolio.

photo zone

A photo booth is a must! Let it be something simple, but photographing children against the backdrop of wallpaper and cabinets is a shame. To organize such a bright wall you need quite a bit, believe me. .

If you have chosen a character, print pictures on the Internet and create a photo zone with Luntiks and Fixies. Beautiful photos from a child's birthday are a wonderful memory and a source of positive for many years.

And who will take pictures

This is an important question. Appoint a person responsible for reportage photography before the start of the holiday, because the preparation shots are also very interesting. How mom sets the table. How dad hangs balloons. How the whole family together cuts out the petals for a giant flower.

If there are many volunteer photographers (for example, someone's parents), ask everyone to collect photos on Yandex.Disk, so that later you can choose the best shots and exchange “happy moments”.

Festive printing, invitations and napkins

The stores have enough of this stuff. I remind you again! Do not buy napkins-tablecloths-caps until you decide on the theme of the holiday. Well, fairies with a picture from the Masha and the Bear series on their foreheads look strange. And it was. And more than once.

There are lovers of individual jewelry. There are many designers on the net who will create all this beauty with the name of your child. We also have)).

And I can give you a selection (invitation, bonbonniere, guest cards, cupcake decorations and chocolate packaging) in style.


However, you can create masterpieces from ordinary napkins. .

Here's what I got

And I once made cards for guests in the form of animals. It was just killer! .

There are not only dogs - many different animals and birds. They can not only be placed on plates, but also hung from a chandelier at different heights in the form of a mobile, used as elements to decorate a photo zone.


Yes, it's easier to order pizza. They'll go, for sure. But, if you are still a creative mother, let's try here too. I send you to . Pigs and chicken skewers (cooked in a frying pan and in the oven) are especially popular.

You can cook the most ordinary dishes and sandwiches, but try to decorate them in an unusual way. IN . Something you will definitely need!

What to do with guests before the party

Children rarely arrive at the same time. Sometimes it takes 30-40 minutes to collect guests. During this time, the “first swallows” manage to get bored, so you need to take care of their leisure time. The easiest way, of course, is to turn on cartoons.

You can also hang a large sheet of paper with some kind of pattern and give the children pencils so that they can participate in a joint congratulatory newspaper for the birthday man.

Great idea - a cardboard house-coloring. This is a fairly large structure (up to 1 meter high), which can be painted from all sides at once. Just don't give paint! Wax crayons and pencils are also good!

Here are two options for pirates and princesses (large cardboard "homes")


This is a program in which children take an active part. If you feel the strength to arrange such a holiday on your own, take ready-made scripts and selections of competitions, which I have been generously sharing with you for many years now.

Fortunately, since 2011, I began to collect all the selections of contests into one convenient list:

  • (all can be printed)

Home quests according to "out of the box" scenarios

A show in which children are just spectators

You can actively have fun for 1.5-2 hours. Then - everything! Children get tired. You need to arrange a small snack and organize something where you don’t need to run around and answer questions. Toddlers can be shown a puppet theater, older children need something more interesting - for example.

If nothing of the kind is planned, the showing of old recordings from previous holidays is very successful. I remember my daughter's guests were delighted when I played them a record from the birthday of "7 years" in the 7th grade. They saw themselves small and funny, laughed a lot and were touched.

Master classes

All materials for decoupage, painting and creating jewelry can be easily bought in the online store. Children enjoy painting T-shirts, making rainbows in a bottle with colored sand, and decorating photo frames with a hot gun. Even boys don't mind doing this!

As a memento, children take home a souvenir that they themselves made with their own hands.

Prizes and gifts for guests

During competitions, I do not recommend giving prizes. It is distracting and sometimes even leads to conflicts. All the time something gets lost, falls, comes off, etc. children begin to change and beg each other for little things.


Happy child 29.05.2016

Dear readers, today we will talk with you about how to celebrate a child's birthday. I think the topic will be of interest to many parents, as well as grandparents. After all, it is not easy to spend such an interesting and memorable day. The columnist Anna Kutyavina will share her thoughts and ideas. I give her the floor.

Hello dear readers of Irina's blog!

Probably every parent dreams of giving their child an unforgettable birthday party. And, if the baby most often meets its first anniversary in a close family circle, generously kissed by grandparents and gifted with suits and rattles, then starting from the second or third birthday, the situation changes. The crumbs, most likely, have friends and comrades on the playground, in the kindergarten or in the development center. And they, too, must be invited to the holiday! And, therefore, mom and dad need to include all their creativity in order to please both the birthday boy and the guests.

Every baby's birthday is different from the previous ones. And it will never happen again. The child will never be three, five, seven years old. However, as well as ten, and seventeen. Only every time we and our children wait for this holiday in different ways. And it is very important for us, as parents, not just to "check in" by hiring an animator on duty for our son or daughter or booking a table at McDonald's, but also to put a piece of our soul into the event. Make the holiday memorable and bright. And, of course, to hear and feel what your child really wants? And not some abstract kid from a smart book or article.

Children's birthday - who is the toastmaster?

With adult holidays, everything seems to be simple. For weddings, anniversaries and corporate parties, we invite professional presenters, DJs or live orchestras, depending on tastes and preferences. The industry of children's celebrations is also filled with a mass of various offers. Here you will find themed parties, quests, and clowning, as they say, "for every taste and color." And even a wallet. There are special event agencies that organize a turnkey holiday at a high level, help you choose and design a room, write a script, hold contests and competitions, and whatever you want. Parents don't have to worry about anything at all. True, and all this will add up to a pretty penny.

You can also choose a more budget option - invite animators to your home. For those who don’t know, animators are specially trained people designed to entertain children. They will come with their costumes, play with the children, and, most likely, the event will be fun and not boring. The payment for such services varies quite a lot - you will have to invest heavily in the "masters" of animation by ordering their services no later than a couple of months before the event. But on the other hand, most likely, there will be no problems during the holiday either - the professionals know their business and know how to communicate with the children's team.

On the other hand, there are quite promising young people who will happily spend a holiday for your baby for very little money. After all, experience on the road is not lying around, you need to work it out. But what if not in real situations? Perhaps not everything in such a holiday will go perfectly and according to plan, but it will be sincere and cozy. What else do kids need?

And, finally, the third option, which, according to the opinion of very many, is not suitable for everyone. This is the organization of a children's holiday by the parents. And, first of all, mothers. The work is not easy, but very creative and blissful. Come up with a script, organize scenery, build costumes, select music and competitions. Do you think that only an experienced presenter can do this? By no means! Mom herself can spend a wonderful holiday for her son or daughter, or better, together with dad. And nothing worse than invited experts.

The only thing, of course, is that it can take quite a lot of time to prepare. But the return from such an event will be greater. And most importantly - you will see the enthusiastic eyes of your child, and rejoice with him.

Child's birthday. Where to begin?

The very first thing to remember is the duration of the event. If you are celebrating a birthday for the first time in the company of your baby's friends, the whole event should not last more than two hours! Even if it seems to you that the children have just “played out”, there are still a lot of contests and fun in store. Remember that calming an overexcited child is not an easy task. Imagine if there are several? This is especially true for toddlers, preschoolers.

Of course, they do not have a conscious desire to "destroy" the apartment, but because of the imperfect system of self-regulation, it is very difficult for them to stop.

Agree in advance with the child how many friends he wants to invite to the holiday? If the baby is completely tiny - 2-3 years old - it may well be that he still has no friends. So, it's time to "start" them. And here mom will help wonderfully by inviting several kids from neighboring families or the children of her girlfriends. Of course, it is desirable that the interests of the children coincide in age - you must admit that two-year-olds and ten-year-olds need different competitions, and indeed a program.

Now it is important to decide where and with whose help the holiday will be organized? The easiest, but at the same time energy-consuming way for mom is to organize a holiday on her own at home. But if you wish, of course, you can have a picnic in nature, a quest in the park or fun gatherings in a cafe. You can invite animators and make a theatrical performance. Or come to a cafe with a children's room, where a young birthday boy with friends can periodically "dump" energy between gatherings and blowing out candles on a cake.

An important point - think about who the children will come with. Quite kids, of course, will require the help and support of their own mothers. Yes, and it will be much easier for you to cope with a fun crowd. But this does not mean that the parents are also guests who sit decorously at the table, and the mother of the birthday boy gives all the best. Be sure to connect the "senior" to organizational issues. Yes, they themselves, most likely, will not mind helping and having fun from the heart. But still, these points should be discussed in advance.

If the kids are already 4 years old or more, most likely the parents will bring them to you and leave them. Do not forget to ask moms and dads what their children like, what they do not accept (and this happens!), if they are allergic to any food products. All this will help you avoid annoying misunderstandings during the holiday and save your nerves.

And, of course, think over the festive table. Yes, we all know that our children like to eat a little different than we do. Or rather, not in that form. So the festive potatoes with meat, Russian salad and jellied fish are unlikely to impress them. But sandwiches with animals laid out of cheese or bacon, boats, multi-colored skewers with vegetables and salads laid out with a “bunny” or “cat” will most likely go with a bang. Again, you need to focus on the age of the children. And don't forget about plenty of drinks - kids always drink a lot. Especially when they are actively moving.

If the child is celebrating a birthday for the first time, do not forget to tell him everything in advance. How will the holiday go, how to behave and what to expect. Remember that kids love predictability and stability! And an unexpected clown and a crowd of guests can not only cheer up, but also scare the young birthday boy. Tell him what will happen and how, how to behave with children, where to put gifts and how to thank for them. How to see off guests after the holiday. It will be great if each child takes with him some small surprise from your family. It may be a trifle, but everyone likes to receive gifts, right?

So, the list of invitees is ready, the menu is drawn up, the contests are thought out. You know everything about the guests, and your baby is already in anticipation of interesting events. It's time to start preparing!

Children's birthday - age features

Toddler 1 to 2 years old

At this age, it is best to organize a holiday in the usual conditions for the baby. But that doesn't mean you can't make something fun and memorable! Everything is quite real!

Before preparing treats, ask the mothers of future guests what children can eat. And prepare a neutral menu, something that everyone can do - cottage cheese cookies, apples, bananas, etc. Most likely, many mothers will bring a snack for their beloved child. This is quite normal, because the children are still very small. And at this age, food is by no means the main component of the holiday. But joyful emotions are a completely different matter.

Preparing entertainment for such little ones is also not difficult - invite them to play with a ball, dance to funny children's songs. Often, such a company will not last more than an hour, keep this in mind. And by all means choose the most suitable time when the children are active and do not want to sleep yet. It is best to organize such a holiday in the morning, at ten o'clock.

Child three to six years old

We all know that at this age, children are very active. They are difficult to organize, and even more difficult to expect that they will leave behind a perfect order. Therefore, prepare mentally in advance that it will take a long time to clean up after the holiday.

For children of this age, it is important that the program has as few "gaps" as possible. Invite an animator, or take on this role yourself. There are a lot of holiday scenarios on the Internet, you can download it without any problems. And, of course, you can make it yourself, taking into account the interests of your baby. You can include soap bubbles, tricks, a small puppet show in the program.

As for food, everything is simple. This age group will not appreciate the feast - cover the buffet table with it. Arrange food that can be eaten without utensils, but simply by taking it with your hand. It can be cheese, fruits, cold cuts, sandwiches, cookies. And, of course, don't forget about the cake, balls and caps for guests.

Children from seven to eleven years old

Such children can already be captivated for a long time, but you have to try. All fun must be truly exciting. Themed parties are best suited: with fairies, pirates, musketeers, favorite cartoon characters. The main thing is to be guided by the interests of your child, and warn his friends on what topic to dress up. And create an appropriate theme at home.

Arrange the first snack, and then you can count on two to three hours of active games. After them, you can also turn on the cartoon corresponding to the topic, and during this time set a sweet table.

Adolescents from twelve to sixteen years old

Right now, your role as a parent will likely be reduced to cooking. The birthday boy is able to organize entertainment and music on his own. The main thing is that there is enough free space for activity. And yet, if a child visited one of his friends for a celebration in a cafe, most likely, a home holiday will no longer seem enough for him. So you will have to look for a compromise solution.

Children's birthday. Ideas

Here are some fun holiday ideas:

  • Quest to search for treasures in the house.
  • A show of tricks that can be done with guests.
  • Festive photo shoot in an interesting place.
  • Mini theater based on a famous fairy tale or cartoon.
  • Creative master class (baking, needlework, depending on the interests and age of children).
  • Sport competitions.
  • Entertainment in the water park.

Of course, each of these areas can be developed at will, or a new one can be invented. All in your hands!

Children's birthday. What can't be forgotten?

And now I would like to focus on some points that are sometimes forgotten. But they are important:

  1. Children, especially small ones, do not know how to give gifts. Organize a warm atmosphere so that the whole process goes smoothly and naturally.
  2. Some children are afraid to participate in competitions. Do not insist and actively pull them, they may want to join later.
  3. Show the children where your toilet is. Children are often embarrassed to ask themselves.
  4. For competitions, prepare a lot of the same prizes. It's easier than later calming down children fighting over a thing they both like.
  5. Help your child remember the whole birthday! So, start from the very beginning. Balloons, cheerful music, mother's songs, sparklers right after waking up - this is what will remain in memory for a long time
  6. Do not try to combine a children's company with an adult. Invite grandparents, aunts and uncles in the evening or on the weekend.

And remember that the main thing is the atmosphere of love and joy. Don't expect the entire scenario to work out 100%. Throw away perfectionism and just have fun and play with your child. And it will be the most wonderful birthday ever!

Happy holiday to you!

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Fabulous life to you! Anna Kutyavina

I thank Anya for all the helpful ideas. We'd love to hear your comments. Share how you spend your children's birthdays.

And for the soul, we will listen today COOKIES. Birthday . Cheerful holiday song cartoon for kids. Great children's song!

see also




    12 Sep 2017 at 14:04


    Of course, this is, first of all, mother's holiday. She gave birth, she fed, she changed diapers, rejoiced at the first word and the first step.

    Thinking about how to celebrate a year old child, many mothers stop at the decision to arrange a holiday for adults. Many, realizing that the baby is still small, generally refuse any celebration. And yet, such a happy event must be celebrated, because after it there will be at least an album with photographs.

    The main thing is to have fun

    The scenario for celebrating the anniversary of the child needs to be special. All those invited are not strangers. And if everyone is awarded with a certificate or a diploma on behalf of the crumbs? It will be nice for the local doctor, and for godparents, and for your beloved grandmother.

    It is interesting to arrange a fun contest "What does the baby look like." Let everyone write their version on a piece of paper, and then mom will read: “Our Christina is three times like Grandma Varya, five times like Dad, twice like Mom and three times like Grandpa Vitya.” Or, for example, hold a competition "Scales". Of course, for this competition, the birthday boy must be in a good mood. Each of the guests picks up the baby and guesses how much the baby weighs. The winner is the one who will be closest to the truth. In the same way, you can guess the growth of the baby. The winner is awarded a chocolate medal with the name of the crumbs.

    Celebrating a year in a cafe

    By the way, thinking about where to celebrate a year old child, you can decide that it is not necessary to celebrate the anniversary at home. Why not rent a room in a cafe? A cafe with a playground will be a convenient place for both children and adults.

    Some institutions specialize in working with the smallest. A birthday in a children's center or in a family restaurant can be fun, calm and even enchanting. I want the birthday boy to have the opportunity to crawl somewhere, so you need to take care of this moment in advance. While food is being prepared in a good family restaurant, children are entertained in the playroom by a nanny. The rented hall can be decorated with a “train”, on each trailer of which it will be told about each month of the birthday. In the menu of such cafes there are even dishes for babies up to 1 year old! All sorts of cereals, soups, mashed potatoes and gulls. You can, if you wish, order one animator, for example, a child's "beloved bear". Adults can come in costumes, arm themselves with rattles and surround the baby with attention.

    In the pool and in nature

    How about celebrating a holiday in the pool? If the child loves to swim, then why not? You can get together in a small company in the club. Where there is a bar and a pool for the little ones. The kid swims with loved ones, adults can visit the bar with him for a short time. Such a holiday is not recommended to delay, one and a half hours maximum. But how nice it is to dress up a daughter with a Mermaid and give pleasure to her!

    Many mothers draw so-called wall newspapers dedicated to the baby. It's good, and the fantasy can not be stopped! But it is not necessary to depict the family tree in a large format. It is not very convenient to keep such a newspaper, but how pleasant it is, how you want to leave it as a keepsake. In addition, a small wall newspaper can be taken with you anywhere, for example, in fresh air.

    There are certain places for organizing holidays in nature. There is everything you need: tables and even barbecues. But you can find a secluded place. Somewhere on the edge of a forest or near a river. Trees are decorated with hearts, toys, photographs and garlands. In the fresh air, the birthday boy has the opportunity to sleep, so if the baby is not restless, then the celebration is celebrated for a long time. Competitions in the fresh air are even more interesting to arrange than at home. For example, the contest "Who will spit the pacifier next." Or "Who will be the first to drink juice from a baby bottle."

    Arranging a holiday in an unusual place for a baby, you need to provide everything you need. It will be very difficult if the baby is frightened or begins to behave restlessly. It is very important that the birthday boy feels good, because this is his holiday. You need to think in advance about the possibility of a quick return home if it is urgently needed. It is good if you have your own vehicle.

    Therefore, they try to invite guests to their apartment, because houses are calmer.

    How to celebrate the anniversary of the baby at home

    When deciding how to celebrate a year old child at home, you should think about how to decorate the house and. The room in which the celebration will take place is easiest to decorate with photographs of the baby. After all, they, no doubt, have accumulated a lot this year. Flowers, balloons, ribbons, plush toys - all this can also serve as a decoration.

    When celebrating a birthday at home, it is imperative to warn guests about the time of arrival and the possible time of departure. Don't be shy. Among those invited may be people who have never had children. They may not understand if they begin to be escorted out of the house at the moment when they just cleared up.

    Parents will be interested to know that for thousands of years there has been such a rite as Tongues. It is he who is associated with the anniversary of life. But initially this pagan rite was performed in relation to boys only. When they were seven years old.


    This ceremony symbolized the transition of the child from mother to father. The father was supposed to teach his son the family craft. It is believed that up to a year it is impossible to cut a child. Many women take this belief very seriously. It happens that the baby has already regrown hair tied with rubber bands. It is customary to cut hair for the first time at a year old. That is why the ancient rite of tonsure is now performed at the age of one, and for both girls and boys!

    The dedication is very solemn. The father or godfather cuts the child's hair with an even cross, which symbolizes the Sun, Yarilo. Then the parents store this hair.

    According to one of the many versions, the hair must be burned, let into the water or buried in the ground. The strand symbolizes the fate of the child, so they say: “Fire-brother (Earth-mother, Voditsa-sister), grant our baby happiness and a happy fate.” After this, the baby is seated on a sheepskin casing, and various things are laid out around it to find out what profession the baby will choose in the future.

    For example, scissors symbolize a tailor. Sweets - a confectioner, money - a businessman. Whatever the kid picks up first, he will prefer such a specialty.

    Of course, the ceremony is very entertaining for all adults who came to the holiday, and can become part of a fun scenario. Since the custom is very ancient, you can decorate the house in folk style, and dress the child in folk clothes.

    For you, for dad and for mom

    No need to force the table with those culinary delights that cannot be given to the crumbs to try. You can't refuse a birthday.

    Of course, the most incredible and festive dish of the table can be a cake. It is decorated with one large designer candle. The cake is made with a “skirt”, and in the form of a typewriter, and in the form of favorite fairy-tale characters.

    This masterpiece will definitely want to capture on video or photograph. It is important not to forget that these photos, like group photos, must be taken at the beginning of Godomania. While the baby is in a good mood and is not tired of the guests.

    Therefore, if the mother is used to serving sweets at the very end, then it is worth considering that the child’s holiday table for a year should be served immediately with a cake. The cake is placed in the center of the table or next to the birthday person. The most important point when setting the table is the choice of tablecloth. After all, she will be the first to attract attention. A red, pink, blue or blue tablecloth will look nice. After all, it has long been known that it is pink and blue that become decisive in determining the sex of a baby by adults. It's already a tradition. A bright light green tablecloth will also look good.

    Chairs can be decorated with ribbons, and next to each plate put a beautiful napkin with a children's story. Dishes are decorated in a fun, fabulous, children's style. Animal faces and funny faces of clowns will create the most appropriate atmosphere and make adults remember their childhood. Improvised baby carriages are made from watermelon and pumpkin, in which fruits or salads are placed. You can choose the theme: fairy, pirate, captain, princess, butterfly. Based on the theme, they select a tablecloth, napkins, design elements, and also decorate all dishes. But if there is no desire or time, then the emphasis on the theme of the holiday becomes easier. Instead of traditional glasses and glasses, guests are offered jars of baby food.

    Dishes for babies from a year old can be very tasty and festive. This is a sponge cake, and a banana muffin, and meatballs, and a pepper appetizer, and cottage cheese balls, and chicken cutlets. Is it worth regaling guests with a banal Olivier? Let them taste delicious and healthy baby food.

    The baby is unlikely to remember the holiday. No matter how original the celebration may be, the parents arrange it for themselves for the time being. Therefore, the main thing that should be remembered is a good mood.