Here I found an interesting article, maybe someone come in handy!

It becomes particularly relevant as the baby grows, because many children with age will tend to wake up more often than in infancy. There are a lot of opinions, from the toughest to the position "tolerate, with time everything will be held over time," but most moms would still like the child to wake up less frequently without the loss of nerves on both sides ... Do you really do something for this?
Are frequent night awakening?

When thinking about night feedings, the main thing is what you need to remember - for the child it is completely natural to wake up several times in the night. Any child, regardless of the type of feeding, up to 3-4 years can sleep without a break for no more than 6 hours, and usually even 4-5 hours. Reflective sleep for 8-10 hours, as adults are often expected, is simply not a physiological norm. In kids, other rhythms of surface and deep sleep: in an adult duration of surface sleep is about 20% of the total sleep time, and in a newborn - 80%. A semi-annual child is in a superficial sleep 50% of the total sleep time, and two-three-year-olds are about 30%. The famous psychologist Winnicotte believes that it is in the surface dream there is an active brain development.

Surface sleep is easily interrupted, so the child often wakes up as soon as it starts to disturb something - for example, the lack of mom is near. And the simplest and faithful remedy to calm the baby - of course, breastfeeding! Those parents who believe that the kids are "artificials" sleep better, they are mistaken. Sometimes they really sleep hard, simply because the mixture is digested longer and harder than maternal milk, and the body throws all the forces on the assimilation of food; Perhaps this task becomes more important than adequate brain development. Other children still wake up, but mom is not name, because they do not expect help from her. They are already accustomed to the mother who satisfies not all the needs of the child, but only those who choose themselves, and the support from her do not really have to wait. And a significant part of the kids on artificial feeding is still waking up, and his mother calls, and it does not always calm down with a bottle alone, but requires, for example, a tech ...

From the point of view of nature, night feedings are very reasonable: the maximum number of prolactin - hormone, on which the volume of lactation depends - is formed in response to sucking from 2 to 7 o'clock in the morning. It is at this time the kids and tend to wake up. At the same time, the newborn will awaken because after continuous intrauterine food, it is still unable to withstand large interruptions between meals. And older children begin to wake up more often at night exactly after being started to fade in the afternoon - sweating is the goal of maintaining lactation. Children after half a year will often be the cutting teeth. And those who for more than a year, in this way often fill the lack of tactile communications with mom.

The Council "Give the Child" is very common and then at some point will cease to disturb the parents at night. Various techniques are proposed, the purpose of which is the child's teaching to "independent sleep". Margo Sanderland, Director of the Child Psychological Health Center in London, on the basis of a 4-year study of the results of cerebral ultrasound and scientific research, came to the following conclusion: "If you ignore the crying child, put it to sleep in a separate room, you can make serious damage to the head Baby brain. This may cause many serious neurological diseases and emotional problems in the future. "

"So, suffering from nonpropions - is it inevitable?!" - Many exclaim. However, there are good news: first, the rhythms of sleep nursing mom also change, and subject to sharing sleep with a child 2-4 wakes overnight almost do not affect her mother's rest. Another thing, if mom has to get up and go somewhere for feeding, when the rhythms of her sleep are not synchronized with sleeping separately by the baby. But even then a daytime dream can come to the rescue: do not try to remake all the things when Crocha fell asleep, and he to sleep with the best, best - after all, it will provide a calmer and long sleep of the child.

Secondly, in some age, children will definitely cease to wake up at night. And this happens, the earlier, the more fully satisfied the needs of the kid in night contact with their parents.

Finally, in addition to simply ignoring a child, which always is a strong stress for the baby, there are softer ways to reduce night feedings who have become too frequent!

Improve the dream of a child up to the year

In fact, the ways to reduce the night feedings have become too frequent. But in each family, depending on the characteristics of the development of the baby and the psychological warehouse of the parents themselves, one of them will work, and others - no. It remains only to try, carefully following the reaction of the baby.

If the child is under the year, then try to reduce night feedings through the removal of the crumbs is dangerous for his mental equilibrium. The persuasions also do not work yet, so the actions of the parents are better to send not to the kid himself, but on factors that can cause frequent wakes.

Starting from about 5 months (sometimes a little earlier or later) kids makes wake up more often discomfort from the cutting teeth. It is clear that for Mom it is very restless, but breastfeeding remains the easiest and easy way for the whole family way to revive the child's concern. Many mothers of "artificials" at this age are complaining not just that the Kroch wakes up, but to have a rapid baby in the middle of the night for a long time, in the middle of the hour he woke up again ...

If you think it can be in teeth, then:

Try local tools for removing pain in teething: such as, which buys the discomfort of the baby from the night motion of the teeth.
It did not help or are you sure that the teeth have nothing to do with it? Then a couple of "tricks":

If the kid is older than six months eating lures in any significant amounts, at least several spoons, you can try to transfer it closer to bed. Children tightly sought before bedtime, usually wake up less common.
Sometimes it happens on the contrary: some kids have too dense food before bedtime causes discomfort in the tummy, and they wake up more often. Therefore, if the lure is closer to the sleep, it does not work or even worsens the situation, then, on the contrary, try to push dinner at earlier time.
Offer the baby breasts right before going to bed yourself: Even if the child is already sleeping, most children can take the chest and suck, almost without waking up. Thus thus fade than in an hour or another after his falling back to be awakened for feeding.
Think about swimming kids. If they calm it down, transfer them to a while closer to Snu - and if on the contrary, it is cheating, then it is better to spend them in the morning. Promotes a calmer sleep with a children's salt with lavender extract or with soothing herbs ( valerian , hops, dye).
Many kids, mastering new skills, are very interested in knowledge of the world and almost cease to suck during the day. Such active kids, even if the mother itself offers breasts, can attach literally for two or three minutes, and then throw the chest and again they strive somewhere. Sometimes a decrease in fluid contact with mom is compensated by a sharp increase in night feedings. What to do in this case?

Try to equip a place for calm feeding. Restless kids are less distracted if they offer them the chest in silence, in a darkened place (you can, for example, close the curtains) or under the cover of the diaper.
You can use the fact that children in any case are sucking longer around dreams - before falling asleep and after waking up. Let's suck for falling asleep, especially for the night. Do not hurry to take the chest as soon as the crumble fell asleep - the children have a unique ability to sleep and fed at the same time, thereby satisfying the need for intimacy with her mother.
Maintain as much bodily contact as possible in the daytime - caress, wear on hand or in a sling, many active "runners" lack of this. It is not necessary to strive for the kid to spend a lot of time in independent games - play with him yourself, touch it. There is another interesting pattern: many kids begin to "hang" on his mom during the day or at night just before making a new leap in development - for example, start walking.
And one more advice Mama kids up to a year, which are easily waking up at night - try to fall asleep with your child, it will reduce your non-sleeping. If you still need to go away, wait next to the baby about 20 minutes after falling asleep - usually during this time the child moves from the surface sleep phase, which is easily broken into the deep. Some moms put their clothes next to the baby, which was rented for some time - a child through sleep feels the mother's smell and believes that Mom is near, everything is in order. This happens enough to take a little concern.

And if the child is older than the year ...

Not all kids older than the year often wake up at night, some can feed only one or twice, giving their mothers the possibility of a full-fledged night rest. A conversation with a friend, the kid whose more sleeps, can cause bitterness and annoyance of moms, whose kids wake up almost every hour or the following thruit breathe on the chest. Some it even pushes to thoughts on the excavation from the chest. However, the mother, resolved at this step, often with great disappointment discovers that the baby continues to wake up in the former rhythm! And it happens that the situation is much worsening - this is the revocation of one of the moms, which hoped through an excommunication to improve the night's sleep:

"It began with two weeks hysterics five times a day - at night twice, in the morning when wrapping, during the afternoon, during waking up and during nightlife. The hysterics are terrible for 40 minutes, the experienced way it was established that conversations, progress, touch, soothing it only more. Exit only to sit silently near and be ready to hug it when she wants - 40 minutes !!! Then the daytime dream went - it is impossible to lay a child without a chest. Either download it on the site on the swing of an hour and carry home, or press the power to bed and listen to 40 minutes of screams ... and for the month she did not forget and never ceased to ask the chest. "Mom, Sisya does not hurt already? Are you easier? Let's Tabeto Dam? And now I can be sisya? "

Why often instead of the expected improvement occurs unexpected deterioration? The fact is that not breastfeeding is the cause of night anxiety. It is just the easiest way for both parties to cope with the already existing problem. The child older than the year wakes up, to feed the breast - on the contrary, he feeds his breast, so that the most familiar way to calm down and fall asleep again. How often will the baby wake up, it depends not on the method of feeding, but on the temperament of the child, the conditions and features of its development.

And yet, after a year, care from night feedings is easier, because the mother can put into progress methods of exposure, which are simply a tiny kids. Previous tips can also work, but the arsenal of mother's tricks expands. Important note: When you use these steps, watch your baby's reaction carefully! The way you behave at night is necessarily reflected in the child's behavior during the day. If after you have a few nights using some kind of method, baby behaves as usual - you can continue in the same vein. But if the kid becomes a capricious, whines, rolls hysterics or it seems removed - such a reduction in night feedings does not suit your child. At least it is now. So, what can help?

If the baby sleeps with you, make the chest less affordable. Moms who firmly decided to stop night feedings, put on body. The step is not so radical - to wear a feeding bra or clothes for feeding, from where you need to get the chest. Sometimes, if a child cannot quickly find a nipple, he can just fall asleep again.
At the age of about aven a half years, most children already understand that it is Mom who wants to say to them at night. A well-known pair of children care professionals, March and William Sirs (Serz), who themselves upbringing nine children, propose a child programming for certain expectations at night. "Program the child to expect feeding after waking up - for example," we will feed again when the Sun will go. " When you feed before bedtime (either during the first or second night feeding), the last thing is to hear the child: "Mom will sleep, dad will sleep, the baby will sleep, and there will be to sleep" (all your favorite things can be mentioned in this row kid). When a child wakes up at night, the first thing he should hear is a soft reminder, "Sisya will sleep. The baby will also sleep too. " This program may require a week or two to repetition, and soon the baby will be mastered with the thought that day is for feeding, and the night is for sleep. "
If mutual understanding has been developed in the family, then mom with breasts can replace dad with other ways to calm down. Pointing, singing of lullabies, wearing a sling, the offer of the driver to drink - if your goal is to teach a child to calm down without a chest, it can all help. This is how the Sirs describes this method: "Bill wore Stephen in a sling, so it's used to fall asleep on the way near Bill. When he woke up at night, Bill had to secure again, having shook Stephen in a nest under the neck under the singing of a lullaby. First, the baby can protest against the proposal of the Father instead of the mother, but remember, shouts and anxiety in the hands of a loving parent - at all the same as "crying nowhere." Dad, understand that you have to stay calm and patient, solving the task of night parenthood. "
Finally, if the baby sleeps with you, you can try to increase the distance between the child and mom to go from night feedings. The simplest thing is to start laying a babe from the father. When the child wakes up, then the dad tries to calm him, and if it does not work, the task takes on Mom. Sometimes mom can just for the night, after the last feeding, go to bed to another room, leaving the baby with the dad. And older children can sometimes, after preparatory work and stories about how great it is good to sleep with a brother or sister.
Calm, friendly confidence of both parents is of great importance. The child should feel that nothing bad happens. The oscillations that mother or dad are experiencing are very clearly captured by the baby, and he begins to suspect the wrong. And when a child is in anxiety, you can not expect a calm sleep from him.

Still, do not hurry to stop it happy for crumbs time. Frequent night wakes are just an age stage that will definitely pass, and your baby will still sleep all night without waking up. Increased night care - relatively short time, but it is now the memories of love and proximity that your child will carry his whole life with him.

The newborn baby is happiness that is inextricably linked with alarms and experiences. Why is he crying? Maybe the baby is sick, or doesn't he like something? It is very difficult to understand such a crumb, and parents, especially those who have the first child, are worried all the time. In fact, in most cases in vain. Today we will talk about one of the most common problems of the newly-made mothers and dads - the night awakening of the baby. Why this happens, and how to wean a child from feeding at the late hour - this is the topic of the conversation.

We agree immediately: infants - albeit very small, but still a person. He already has a psyche, individual traits of character and manifestation of various emotional reactions. Many young parents forget about this, belonging to the newborn treasure as something magic, not at all belonging to this Brenic world. Such a worldview was reflected in the expression "Children - Angels", which does not correspond to the truth. This is, first of all, people, and, it means, the reasons for night awakens they can have many, and to reduce them to the banal "Wants to eat" is not entirely correct.

When you can feed at night

Night feeding is the necessary process. But he needs only in the first months of the life of the baby. And although, if you still believe the Soviet approach to feeding babies, at night there should be a 6-hour counterfeit (the last time the child eats at midnight, and until 6 in the morning it is impossible to feed it), in practice it is quite difficult to achieve this. Yes, and no need. While the baby is still completely small, he needs close contact with his mother. And constant food.

It is not worth the deprivation of this little man if you do not want to injure the psyche. Leading activities in such a gentle age - emotional communication with the mother, which the baby receives, including, and feeding the breast. Today, another approach is distributed - feeding on demand. Plus a refusal of artificial nutrition. Most maternity hospitals practice applying to the chest immediately after birth and does not give any supplies so that the mother has a lactation normally settled. That is why in the first months you can not sharpen attention on a non-existent problem: let's chest on demand, even at night, set up a close contact with the baby, do not be nervous and not worried. And all will be well.

And what if the kid is on artificial feeding? There is even easier to control the situation. First, on each package it is indicated how many calories receives a child, how many times it must be fed and what portions. Unlike breastfeeding, the mother knows the amount of food eaten. Secondly, you yourself produce feeding schemes. It's only enough to be patient here. Just a few sleepless nights with demanding cries and swing - and the goal is achieved, the child learned to sleep, not asking anything. He will quickly understand that there is no point in waking up if they still will not give anything. But to revere and cross will have to.

Causes of night awakens: whether all hunger

Unfortunately, the view was rooted in everyday life that the child wakes up at night only exclusively because he wants to eat. Through this error, many moms seek to feed the baby, give him the chest, thereby unwittingly being involved in night concerts. The kid in the first months of life knows only 2 types of emotional state: "I feel bad" and "I'm fine." Next to my mother, in the chest, and even with warm milk - perfectly. And, if you give him to understand what you should shove at night to get the desired, the baby will wake up. And you with him.

In fact, the reasons for night wake are much more, and they are not immediately reduced to the hunger:

  1. Dreamed a terrible dream. The child was frightened, woke up, cried, he was immediately fed. Having received positive emotions, the brain set neural connections. It is quite possible, your treasure will wake up the next night, but already in order to get the happiness due, to eat and feel near mom.
  2. Something got sick. The child is the same person, and from time to time he can have health problems. From pain or discomfort (for example, wet diapers), he wakes up and crying. Sometimes it is enough to shift, warm, change clothes and bed linen, but many parents are also fed. Again, making a mistake.
  3. Interpreted day and night. Common cause of awakening in the dark. Your baby can sleep perfectly almost all day, but at night he will definitely wake up and will joyfully go. The reason is not in hunger, but in the violation of the recreation and wake mode. It is necessary to feed here, but rebuild the child's body.

These are only the main causes of night awakening, they are actually even more. Many parents are the only panacea from the cries of the newborn only one way: to give the chest, let it calms down and falls asleep. Such behavior leads to a resistant ritual of night feedings, from which it is later very difficult to wean. Hence the main advice: initially do not count! And for this, follow several rules:

  1. Try to figure out the true cause of crying and waking up the child, do not strive to solve the problem of feeding.
  2. Do not go on the demanding crying and screams. At night it is easier to give your chest or a bottle than to listen to how the child is crying. But it's not right. Sometimes you need to give a baby to shove and get tired. Usually no more than a week of such ignoring, and the child will stop waking up at night. Remember, even very small kids can be capricious and demanded.
  3. Do not fall into a panic, do not screw yourself. Yes, the child is still very small, yes, for him scary. But even at that age perfectly understands when he is good, and he can show character, trying to cry. Moreover, if he has already been given to him.
  4. Remember that night feedings are definitely normal to six months, in some families are possible and up to the year, but then it should definitely be accustomed to sleep all night. Therefore, while the son or daughter is completely small, do not worry and do not listen to anyone: for such kids, it is absolutely in order of things after midnight. They, in the end, do not sit on a diet.
  5. Do not listen to anyone, except for the doctor who trust. Another excellent adviser is your own heart. It and mother, and father always suggests the right decision. Therefore, even if the girlfriend sleeps the child all night from the very birth, and the cousin is already a month after the appearance of the light, do not listen and do not compare. Your baby is only your responsibility, and no one knows it better than you. Consequently, each family has its own problems and its own modes.

And yet, despite all the warnings and advice, you have already committed a mistake, and now the baby regularly wakes up at night, demanding to eat, and you are 100 percent sure that it is just a habit, and not an urgent need, but do not know how Effectively cope with it? Well, let's look at the practical side. How to wean a child from night feedings if they are no longer needed? Let's consider all the ways.

So, to begin to establish the border. When to eat normally, and when not? Most pediatricians tend to the fact that after a year the child should be safe to sleep all night, without waking up for the "snack". In fact, the boundaries are more vague, much depends on you themselves and from the child. If you feel it's time, proceed. On average, from 6 months to 18, but after one and a half years, the baby must sleep at least 8 hours: from 22.00 to 6.00. Time can fluctuate depending on the individual regime, but a non-eight-hour sleep - an indicator of the right development of a two-year-old child. It is important to understand.

To achieve the goal, take the following:

  1. Cut at night. Transferring a child to lure, follow this scheme. About a couple of hours before night sleep, feed the satisfying porridge, and immediately before laying - kefir. The kid will feel comfort and satiety. It may not be necessary to wake up.
  2. Allow your own waste ritual to long sleep. For example, wash the handles with additives, tell the fairy tale, intend my son or daughter. A psychologically calm situation should be created, relaxing and configuring on vacation. In addition, in such rituals there is another meaning: spending them every day, you form the right reaction in the child. He knows exactly: after such actions, I have to go to bed and not wake up until the morning. Excellent if this installation also will prove, unobtrusively and affectionately.
  3. Do not forget to love your child. It happens, the baby wakes up among the night, because it did not get the necessary amount of caress in the afternoon. Fold it, praise, touch. Such relations are given to calmness and confidence that the child loves. And with a good mood and sleep stronger.
  4. Watch the baby to be fed during the day. Excellent option: Feeding in small portions 6 times a day. There is a secret here. Greater, the child constantly gets a flow of information that carries and makes forget about hunger. And my mother got used to giving food on demand: the kid is silent, and she is calm. However, the lack of food during the day may later affect the night awakening. Carefully follow the correct nutrition of the younger person!

Lask, care, sensitive attitude will help to avoid serious problems. Listen to yourself and your child, and then Maternity will definitely bring only joy and positive!

Video: How to wean a child from night feedings

With the beginning of the introduction of dust, that is, aged 4-6 months, most children are well feeding in the afternoon, and night feedings are no longer required for their development.

So to teach a child from night feedings, in principle, you can try from 6 months. Many children are not hungry at night for this age, they simply have a sustainable habit of waking up at night. Mom should realize that the process of teaching may take some time and in any case will be associated with some additional inconveniences that cause lack of sleep. Therefore, you must first analyze your own readiness to teach the child from night feedings. After a year, it will be much easier.

But in addition to satisfying the purely physiological need for food, a child with feeding fills a shortage of communicating with his mother. This is especially becoming noticeable when the kid is sick, or a teeth are cut, or during the day he does not see mom. In such cases, the child takes attention at night, asks the chest or a bottle. Therefore, in the process of teaching the night feedings during the day, it is worth paying for a maximum of useful time to ensure psychological comfort, and the baby did not have the need to make sure in Mamina Love in the dark.

Ways to wean the baby from night feedings

  • Gradually replace feeding for water.First offer a child in one night feeding just drink water. If the water fails immediately, then you can dilute milk or the mixture in proportion 1 to 3, the amount of water is every thing in the mixture. Soon the child will not be interesting to wake up to drink the driver, and perhaps such a simple way to reduce the number of night feedings.
  • Reduce night feeding duration With breastfeeding. You need to teach the baby to the fact that the night is time for sleep, and not for food, and you should not use the chest as a pacifier.
  • Increase the intervals between feeding, in various ways to hatching a child during night awakens (songs, tech, fairy tales, stroking).
  • Feed on the night with a mixture or porridge
  • Increase the amount of applying to the chest during the day.In case of breastfeeding, there is usually night feeding remains the last feeding before the final excavation from the chest, but in the case when the mother wants to keep breastfeeding, but to reduce the number of night feedings, it is worth as much as possible to satisfy the need of a baby in his chest during the day.
  • Change the way to lay a child.To dramatically put a child without feeding or, a little fed with breasts, shifting into the bed. You can put the baby while walking in the wheelchair or give dad to the dad.
  • Restrict access to chest at night. With a joint dream, waking up and not finding the nipple immediately, the child is simply covered by the mother in the side and falls asleep, as it is not really hungry, but simply satisfies his need for intimacy.
  • Sleep separately - in different beds or in different rooms. In cases where the baby wakes up, you can lie next to soothe or feed, but then you still go to my bed.
  • Explain. Children over a year can already be explained that no one eats no one, everyone sleeps, and the food will be when it becomes light. It is necessary to repeat it to constantly and at night, with awakening, and during the day, during games. Moreover, it is important not to move away from your own words, and if the child still requires to eat, to distract from this in every way, to tell the fairy tales, rock in his arms, make a light massage. You can offer water.

If you see that the child began to behave very capriciously, aggressively, he had a breakdown day dream, he does not let you go on a step, or, on the contrary, repels you, perhaps he has not yet matured to completely abandon the night Feedings.

It is the daytime behavior of the baby tells you, in the right direction you move. It is not necessary to ignore the reactions of the child, sometimes it is better to slow down the pace or at all for a while to abandon the venture, so as not to injure the baby, having deprived him of a sense of confidence in the world. After all, the period when the kid is in dire need of you, in fact, so short that you will remember your night feedings with nostalgia, waiting for your grown child with a disco.

When the baby turns the year and getting closer to the end of maternity leave, her access to work and sending a baby to kindergarten, the rib has a question about night feedings. Frequent wakes on the night snack do not benefit your mother nor the child: it's hard to get up in the morning. But how to wean from the night feeding after a year of the baby and is it really necessary?

How old do you need a night feeding?

The maximum gaps between the feeding of the child of the first half a year of life is 6 hours, and the night's sleep, as a rule, takes an average of about 10 hours, so that without feeding at night you can not do without feeding. If the crumb is an artificial, it can wake up for food once or two per night: a mixture of chicorial breast milk, and the child does not feel hunger longer. With kids on natural feeding, mom can wake up hardly every hour. The reason does not always lift the crumbs in hunger: he needs a bodily contact with his mother.

After 6 months, when the baby receives lures, milk is still the main food of his food, so it's not worth tearing from night feedings. But to cut them up to 1-2 - this is what you need.

After the year, the krochi's diet is already diverse: the child receives a large number of adult foods, and from the point of view of the physiology, the need for night feeding disappear. But from a psychological point of view, everything is not so simple: daylight impressions, lack of maternal attention in the afternoon - all this can affect the dream of a child, and he eats at night for the thickening of hunger, but to calm down.

Methods of teaching night feedings

Before we to wean from the night feeding the baby, it is worth consulted with a pediatrician: is the weight of the kid sufficient to deprive his nutrition at night? Mama, who want to keep lactation longer, it is worth remembering that it is the night attachment to the breast that stimulates the production of prolactin (Milk hormone).

You can choose one of the possible methods of teaching:

  1. Radical: sharply complete the night snacks, pull the children's cries. In a few nights, the kid will understand that waking up pointlessly, and gradually his sleep is normalized. Some moms use the advice of women of the Soviet generation: to send a child to a couple of days to grandmother. Isolated from mom, yes not yet receiving food at night, the child is experiencing stress. However, the method allows to solve the issue with night feeding times and forever.
  2. Conservative: Meeting of night food occurs gradually due to an increase in the interval between feedings, replacing milk portions with water or dummy, dummy, etc.

How to wean a child from night feedings? This question does not give rest to mommies that dreams of relaxing normally. A tiny person requires constant attention, care and psychological support.

Feeding at night with breasts or from the bottle gradually exhausts, provokes chronic fatigue, irritation. It is important to catch the moment when you can abandon night feedings with the lowest harm to the baby. Learn how to make this process is most comfortable.

Child age up to 6 months

The smallest can not be deprived maternal milk or dairy mixture. Without night feedings, the development of crumbs is disturbed, the child is starving, crying, can not sleep. Until half a year, Kroch simply does not withstand such a long break, it is necessary to breast or a bottle.

Children - "artificials" get a nutritional mixture on the clock, but it is not worth deprivation of food at night. Kroch also wants to eat at night, like a baby on breastfeeding. Until a certain period, Mamuchka will have to interrupt sleep, get up, give baby food from the bottle.

What to do:

  • it is impossible to disturb the natural process, deprive the baby mother support. The baby should not starve;
  • up to 6 months, pediatricians strongly advise feeding the crumb at night, if the baby wakes up, crying, looking for her breast or a bottle.

Take note:

  • night feedings for mommies are no less important than for a little man. It is at night that the greatest amount of breast milk is produced, the volume of the nutrient fluid is laid the next day;
  • crook not sucking the chest? Quite quickly the amount of milk will decrease, the baby will be hungry for the day;
  • wait another half year until the kid strengthens, it will be less likely to ask the breast at the time when the sleep is the most sweet.

Kid in 1 year

By this time, the digestive system was strengthened, the intestinal operation was normalized, painful colic was passed. The food falling into the stomach is better digested, the larger percentage of nutrients is absorbed.

Another important point - by the year kids are already acquired, regardless of the type of feeding. Vegetable puree, fermented milk products, cereals, cottage cheese in combination with milk give crude more energy, longer support feeling of satiety. In the afternoon the child is more eaten, breaks between feedings increase. There comes the right moment to give mom the opportunity to sleep at night without breaks.

Important! After 7 months, the majority of kids are cut, the crumb is often worried, crying, refuses the chest or a bottle, whims. Refusal of night feeding is an additional stress for a small little man. Pediatricians advise maintaining food at night, if the crumbs are cut with unpleasant symptoms. The process of sucking, the warmth of mother's chest distracts, soothes the crumb. Do not deprive the child of "Natural Soothing".

Age after a year

The baby is more active in the afternoon, most of the kids are not only crawling, but also make the first steps. Natural fatigue provides a deeper sleep at night. Wean a child from the snack in the dark time of the day is much easier than in 8-9 months.

Pay attention to the recommendations of pediatricians and experienced moms. Take into the arms of two or three methods, set to the result, but do not force the events. A sharp refusal of breast milk or mixtures at night - serious stress for crumbs.

Larger food in daytime

Power must be balanced, with a complete set of vitamins and minerals, sufficient calorie. The task is to give a daily calorie rate during the daytime, in the evening, before bedtime, Karapus was not a desire to have a snack.

An hour before Sleep, offer a baby kefir or cottage cheerle. Some mammies give cookies with milk, providing satiety for the whole night.

Communication with mom

After a year old, a child not so much satisfying the physiological need for food at the expense of breast milk, how much does it like to warm around mom, feel affection and protection. Do you give up a learned little attention to the day, take it so much so that in the evening the baby is tired and fell asleep firmly.

Little man woke up at night? Do not offer breasts or a bottle with a mixture, intend the cappus on the head, make a massage, spoite the lullaby. After two years, lay next to sleep your favorite toy so that the child felt warm and soft in the crib.

Replacing night feeding water

The method is more suitable baby - "artificial". Prevent stress, make a failure of a nutrient mixture less painful will help a simple admission. Dilute baby food with a driver, gradually reduce the percentage of the mixture.

After a couple of weeks, instead of baby food, only water should remain in a bottle. We also need to diversify the diet, as for infants.

Connect Pap.

Most pediatricians and psychologists advise to attract a man to the process of teaching night feedings. Let Dad more often puts the one-year-old son or a daughter to sleep, sings the songs, and Mom will also sit next to the side, but will not take the carapace on his hands.

Gradually, mom is distinguished from the bed so that the dad can fully pay attention to the child, and Mom left the field of view. Pay more attention to the baby in the afternoon, and the departure to sleep should support dad. Well, if the baby will still calm down at night.

Important! Many modern dads are no worse than moms cope with parental duties, are interested in the methods of raising children, baby care rules. Trust the man, do not limit the chat with a cloth, and the child will listen to the dad as well as you.

Method for children aged two years

Some moms continue to natural feeding after one and a half years. Most kids for two years do not ask for chest at night, but there are exceptions.

What is the reason? Most likely, the daily diet is not balanced enough, the child lacks calories that provide satiety for the whole night.

Sometimes kids are trying to attract the attention of mommies in this way, behave, "like small", if you do not manage to achieve the desired differently. Perhaps the baby does not have enough caress, participation, the atmosphere in the family intensive, parents often quarrel with a child.

On the page, look at the review of children's inhalers and read about their use from cough and runny nose.

What to do:

  • change the psychological climate, surround the Karapuza care and caress, but do not allow to dissolve yourself;
  • explain that he is adult enough, so as not to ask for a breast or a bottle with a mixture at night. Tell us that mom and dad sleep at night, do not eat until the morning, and he should also be good in the afternoon, and at night calmly relax;
  • if the family has older kids, connect them. Let them also tell a two-year-old baby that only small kids eat at night, and the "adults" Mamino Milochenly no longer need. But laughing, tease the younger brother or sister on this reason (check how the elder explains the rules);
  • be sure to arrange a child's own bed, if until this point the little man slept with you. Buy a beautiful bed. If possible, select the model in the form of a car, a boat (for a boy) or a fabulous house (for a small princess).

What can I do

Learn the baby from night snacks gradually. If the rules are not compliance, the desire to force events can be caused by the baby psychological trauma, worsen the state of the digestive system.

  • consider the age of the child. Until 6 months, the rejection of feeding at night will not benefit, and the harm: the crumb is just hungry, because asks to eat;
  • changes in everyday life. Never combine the failure of the night feeding and moving, shifting the situation, the outlet of mommies to work. Stressful situations are superimposed on each other, the little man is experiencing strong emotional overload. Often, not only psychological problems arise, but health worsens, immunity suffers;
  • during the period of illness - no serious change. A small organism is so weakened, and the change of feeding mode will increase the load on the rapid digestive system. Even after a year, when the stomach and intestines work more stable, with a rotavirus infection, intestinal influenza, diarrhea or constipation can not be deprived of the child of breast milk. Remember: Natural product is not only energy, but also the mass of the useful substances normalizing the composition of the intestinal microflora;
  • joint sleep with a grown baby. After half a year, gradually teach the baby to the thought that he sleeps separately. If from birth, the baby slept in the parent bed, build a septum from the blanket so that the child could not easily reach the mother's chest. An excellent exit - an older bed and older babes. Karapuz is close to the mother, but on his bedroom. The useful device warns many problems that inevitably arise with a joint dream with parents;
  • changes in nutrition with an insufficient weight of the child. With a lack of body weight in 9-12 months, it is impossible to refuse night feedings, even if the baby does not wake up at night. If the Karapuz does not eat all the volume in the day, be sure to quiere it among the night. Especially wakeful the baby is not worth it if the sleep is deep, healthy, but if the karapuz is spinning at night, he sleeps fucked, feed it. As body mass is normalized, feed the child at night at night, until you stop giving your breast or a bottle at all. Mandatory condition - a varied menu day with a sufficient calorie plus an active lifestyle so that the baby is tired and slept hard;
  • milk glands are smeared with a green or mustard during the random period from the chest. The radical method, which some moms are also used, often injured the child, provokes stress. If two - a three-year-old child will easily respond to such an unsightly spectacle, then in 1 year old kroch can be very frightened if he sees mom in such a strange form or feel a sharp taste.

Now you know that pediatricians and experienced mothers are advised for the soft teaching of the baby from night feedings. Combine several ways, make the process soft, minimize stress. After a while you can sleep at night without breaks, also hard as your baby.

Video - Tips on how to wean a child from night feedings: