

s, female; national Arina, -s; simple. to Orina, -s.

Derivatives: Irinka; Rina; Irisha; Ira; Irunya; Irusya; Irusha; Irena; Rena; Ina; Inul; Arinka; Arisha; Aryukha; Aryusha.

Origin: (Greek eirene - peace.)

Name day:

Jan 12, Jan 16, Apr 29, May 18, May 26, Aug 10, Aug 17, Aug 22, Aug 26, Oct 1

Dictionary of personal names.


The name is of ancient Greek origin, meaning "peace, tranquility."
In childhood, Irina is independent and decisive. Strives to be more in the company of the father than the mother. She has good abilities, and studying does not require much effort from her. Able to realistically approach the assessment of the surrounding reality. He likes to read science fiction novels and detective stories, enjoys sports. Shedding tears, empathizing with the heroes of the book, will never be, since the feeling of sentimentality is not characteristic of her, on the contrary, cruelty is present in her character.
After graduating from school for Irina, an important moment in life is the acquisition of a specialty, and then professional growth. Responsible for any job. Sociable, quickly establishes contact with strangers. The company behaves freely, does not refuse to drink wine. She feels better among men, in women's society she becomes bored.
Irina is an amorous nature, but she does not lose her head in hobbies, she always strives to maintain independence. The choice of husband approaches thoroughly. She will be a devoted, faithful wife and will be highly respected by her husband and children. In marriage, Irina never completely subordinates her life to the interests of her husband and the hearth. Professional activity in her life always plays a significant role. Irina knows how to cook well, is fond of fashionable systems for raising children.
There will be a happy marriage with Andrei, Boris. Ivan, Leonid, Sergey, Stepan. Less luck with Valery, Dmitry, Konstantin, Roman.

50 popular names and their interpretation.


Calm; calm. Affectionate form: Ira.

Tatar, Turkic, Muslim female names. Glossary of terms..


Irina, -s, female

Greek eirene - world

Derivatives: Irinka, Rina, Irisha, Ira, Irunya, Irusya, Irusha, Irena, Rena, Ina, Inulya; Arinka, Arisha, Aryukha, Aryusha

Name day: 12.01, 16.01, 29.04, 18.05, 26.05, 10.08, 17.08, 22.08, 26.08, 01.10

Dictionary of personal names and patronymics (with name day calendar). I. Mostitsky. 2011 .


s, and.; national Arina,-s; simple. Orina,-s.

Derivatives: Irinka; Rina; Irisha; Ira; Irunya; Irusya; Irusha; Irena; Rena; Ina; Inulya

Arinka; Arisha; Aryukha; Aryusha.

[Greek. eirēnē - peace.]†Jan 12, Jan 16, Apr 29, May 18, May 26, Aug 10, Aug 17, Aug 22, Aug 26, Oct 1

Dictionary of Russian personal names. N. A. Petrovsky. 2011 .


See what "Irina" is in other dictionaries:

    World; Arina; Orina; Irinka, Rina, Irisha, Ira, Irunya, Irusya, Irusha, Irena, Rena, Ina, Inulya, Arinka, Arisha, Aryukha, Aryusha, Iren Dictionary of Russian synonyms. irina n., number of synonyms: 5 arina (2) ... Synonym dictionary

    Irina, or Ingigerda, wife of Yaroslav I, see Anna ... Biographical Dictionary

    Female bush plant Cynometra. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Irina- (Irene) (c. 752 803), Byzantine. empress (780 802). After the death of her husband Leo IV, she became regent and then co-ruler of the son of Constantine VI, who sent her into exile in 790. Returning, she ordered to blind and imprison her son and ... ... The World History

    The word "Irina" has other meanings: see Irina (meanings). "Irena" redirects here; for the meaning of the word in mythology, see Eirene. Irina Greek Genus: female. Other forms: Arina, Irena, Rina, Ira Proizvod. forms: Irinka, Rina, Irisha, Ira ... Wikipedia

    - (752 803), Byzantine empress. Irina was from Athens, in 769 she was chosen for her beauty to be the wife of Leo IV, the future emperor (since 775). When Leo died in 780, Irina became regent for her 10-year-old son Constantine VI. The empress was outstanding and ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

    IRINA- Prmc. Irina (Khvostova). Photo. NKVD prison. 1938 Prmts. Irina (Khvostova). Photo. NKVD prison. 1938 (Khvostova Irina Mikhailovna; 1882, village of Agintovo, Aleksandrovsky near Vladimir province. 02.26. 1938, Butovo training ground, Moscow region, ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    Irina- () Byzantine empress in 797 802, wife of Emperor Leo IV (), after the death of her husband, became regent and then co-ruler of the son of Constantine VI. A supporter of icon veneration, Irina convened an Ecumenical Council in 787, which temporarily restored ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary "World History"

    IRENA, IRINA (Greek). Greek goddess of peace. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    IRINA- (I. S. Efron (1917 1920) - the second daughter of M. I. Tsvetaeva) Get out, get out, Enemy! Keep, Triune, the Heir of the eternal blessings of the Infant Irina! Tsv918 (I,425.1); (My second daughter Irina - was born on April 13, 1917, died in the 20th of the Candlemas, from hunger, ... ... Proper name in Russian poetry of the XX century: a dictionary of personal names


  • Irina Odoevtseva (set of 2 books), Irina Odoevtseva. In the stream of literary evidence that helps to understand and comprehend the phenomenal flowering of Russian culture at the beginning of the 20th century, the memoirs of the poetess Irina Odoevtseva in the book "On the Banks of the Neva", ...

The female name Irina appeared in the Russian name book a long time ago. It comes from the name of the ancient Greek goddess Eirena and means "calm", "peace". At first it was considered noble in Rus'. Many researchers suggest that it has lexical connections with such names for girls as Arina, Yarina, Irena.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Taurus
  • Ruler Planet: Venus
  • Talisman Stone: Opal
  • Colour: pale blue
  • Wood: chestnut
  • plant: lily of the valley
  • Animal: owl
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character traits

The secret of the name Irina hides an imperious, strong, sociable, decisive and independent personality. Such a woman clearly knows her abilities. The girl skillfully builds plans for the future, sets feasible tasks, and therefore achieves them with enviable success. She has a good command of words and is endowed with a sense of humor. This helps her get out of the labyrinths of human relationships. Outgoing and cheerful, she is actually a secretive person.

Irina is a good student at school, strives to get a prestigious education, to make a successful professional career. Working in a male team, enjoys authority and respect because of the responsibility and complaisance of character, perseverance. She can be entrusted with any difficult task, and she will always find solutions. She believes that personal problems should never become public.

The negative character traits of a girl named Ira are pride, a skeptical attitude towards certain human weaknesses, a tendency to betrayal while solving mercantile issues that are important to her.

Interests and hobbies

Irina pays a lot of attention to fashion and her appearance. He devotes his free time to visiting the salon, shopping, hairdressing, a friendly meeting. She is unlikely to find a “pause” in order to do embroidery or knitting, but she knows how to appreciate manual work, she knows the subtleties of such craftsmanship well. He treats sports without much “fanaticism”, considers sleep and home silence to be the best rest.

Profession and business

Good upbringing and paternal "science" make Irina an excellent diplomat, a good leader. She knows how to manage subordinates without raising her voice, moralizing and administrative levers. Such a woman respects people and receives in return words of gratitude and convincing results of collective work.

Irina needs communication, she is pleased to be the center of attention. This character trait helps to achieve leadership positions in the political sphere. Successful is work as a manager, psychologist, lawyer, prosecutor, businessman, teacher.


A girl named Irina knows how to restrain emotions, but this negatively affects her health. Her blood pressure drops dangerously low. Vegetovascular diseases, which are most often diagnosed with it, can be hereditary and require regular courses of prevention.

Sex and love

In love, Irina is looking for romantic adventures, emotional unrest, passion. This is a bright and bold personality. The process of self-affirmation passes through sexual attraction, confidence in the correct behavior with a partner. Such a woman will never admit to dissatisfaction with sexual intercourse. The girl is used to choosing men herself, therefore she does not tolerate persistent and obsessive courtship. In love, she is sincere and tender. Does not tolerate young people with pronounced features of "narcissism" (exclusive narcissism).

Family and marriage

Irina gets married late or suddenly, she makes a sensible decision. Her chosen one can be both a long-familiar person, and a man for whom she suddenly ignites love. But this person must fully comply with her ideals.

In marriage, Irina considers mutual respect and love, and not sex, to be the main ones. She values ​​her husband's trust, family traditions and values ​​very much. With a beloved spouse and a good family, he can move mountains. But she will never become just a wife or a patient and wonderful mother, even in a very wealthy family. Work for such a woman is far from an empty question.

According to Popov

Delicate taste, balance in words and deeds from ancient times made Irina in Rus' a symbol of peacemaking and common sense coming from a woman.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

Irina is a woman capable of selfless, bordering on sacrifice, love. She is educated, knows how to control herself, has tremendous willpower. Love for her is most often a dramatic situation: a unique first love, an unforgettable last love ... She likes the very romance of love as a feeling of something unusual, sublime. She is not so much looking for a way out of her loneliness in love, but she plays out her love drama in life. In love, Irina, like no other woman, is able to give warmth. She asserts herself in the world through love, afraid to admit to herself that she is not sure of the correctness of her sexual behavior. She never gives the appearance that she is familiar with mental anguish and suffering, a feeling of sexual dissatisfaction.

Irina loves light flirting, beautiful courtship, conversations on the verge of what is permitted, but she is rarely captured by deep feelings, strong passions. Even with the most ardent lover, Irina feels lonely. She makes her choice herself, Irina is not one of those women who follow those who are more persistent. In the sexual process, she seeks equality, not imposing her style of behavior on a partner, but not completely submitting to him. For "winter" Irina, sex is a way to express herself, her disposition, for her it is like a continuation of communication with a man. Her life is full of love adventures, often with a touch of adventurism. She gets married very carefully, not wanting to hamper her freedom in any way.

“Autumn” Irina is looking for strong sexual harmony in marriage, but for her sex is not the main thing in life, she wants to see in her chosen one, first of all, a person worthy of love and respect, and then a skilled and ardent lover, Irina can get married unexpectedly, for a person whom she knows only a few hours, but more often - for someone with whom she has known for a long time and with whom she is connected not by passion, but by spiritual kinship, by common intellectual interests. Irina remembers her first love for a long time and often, having married, she cannot forget her old affection. She attracts the attention of men for a long time, because she never, even with age, loses her attractiveness.

According to Mendelev

A good, simple, joyful, gentle and feminine name, perceived by many as typically feminine.

Very emotional, excitable and inconsistent, guided by the so-called female logic (although in fact the logic of women is more formal and prone to straightforward conclusions than that of men). Often has a strong will, choleric temperament and, which is much less common in women, a developed sense of humor. She is open, even open, sociable, not prone to scrupulous analysis and "weighing" her own and others' actions. The decision is made instantly on the basis of her intuition and emotional assessment of the circumstances and behavior of the people around her, therefore, she may later regret some of her actions bitterly. He eagerly takes up any business, brings his personal attitude, personal approach to it, but does not always bring this matter to the end. The ratings are very subjective. She is not vindictive and kind, but she reacts extremely sharply and sharply to insults and insults. Authorities are not very fond of and have their own point of view on many things.

Irina's intelligence is high, but superficial: her strength is not in analysis. She usually singles out one or two, as she believes, the main qualities of a person or phenomenon and makes her judgment as a whole, discarding secondary details.

It is very popular with men, it is perceived as a source of joy, therefore Irina rarely has unhappy love, there are almost no problems in the family. He loves holidays and feasts. When choosing a profession, she gravitates toward typically female ones; she is not interested in technology. More prone to strenuous, but short-term efforts than to constant, systematic and consistent activity.

In relationships with children, she is as inconsistent as in many other things. In a family, he rarely becomes the head, relying entirely on his spouse. Irina rarely becomes a good housewife, cook, housewife.

A very popular name, in terms of prevalence it is in the top five names, especially in cities. The color of the name is bright blue.

By Higiru

The name is of ancient Greek origin and it means: peace, tranquility.

Since childhood, Irina has been distinguished by independence and determination. More drawn to his father than to his mother. Able to study well, it does not require much effort from her. Soberly approaches the assessment of the world around her. He likes to read detective novels, science fiction, attends sports clubs. Not sentimental, on the contrary, somewhat harsh. To see Irina crying over the suffering of the heroes of the soap opera is a rarity. Sociable, easily finds a common language with strangers. In company, he behaves relaxedly, willingly drinks, sometimes a little more than decency requires. He feels more comfortable and easier in a male company, among women he quickly gets bored. Direct and sharp in judgments and statements. Jealous.

Compatibility and marriage named after Irina

By nature, Irina is amorous. However, they always retain their independence. Women with this name almost never dissolve in a loved one, family, do not subordinate their lives only to the hearth. The acquisition of a profession, and then professional growth, is an important and obligatory moment for her. And these are, as a rule, valuable workers. Irina always knows what she wants. Married Irina easily gains the authority not only of her husband and children, but also of work colleagues and neighbors. She is no less thorough in choosing a husband. The latter may not doubt her devotion, but only on condition that he constantly makes her feel her significance. Underestimation of Irina's husband is dangerous - this can push her to betrayal, although she is unlikely to decide on a divorce - because of her love for stability and peace.

Irina cooks well, is fond of new systems of raising children, and likes to read special magazines. Most often, Irina tend to be overweight. Mothers-in-law usually dislike Irin for their independence.

The marriage with Leonid, Boris, Andrey, Sergey, Stepan, Yefim, Ivan will be successful. Less luck with Dmitry, Konstantin, Yaroslav, Roman, Valery.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Peace, tranquility" (Greek)

Energy and character of the name Irina

In the name Irina, such qualities as firmness, cheerfulness, mobility and purposefulness are perfectly balanced. At the same time, sufficient independence is observed in him, and therefore all of the above properties are difficult to level in the process of education. It is for the best, since a balanced combination of such character traits can make Irina's fate quite favorable.

The energy of the name suggests Ira has an analytical mindset, but this does not mean that she will grow up to be a kind of scientific cracker. Rather, on the contrary, it’s just that she usually clearly knows what she wants from life, and of all emotions she prefers a sense of humor. Most likely, since childhood, Ira will not limit her communication to purely girlish companies, it is possible that she will be more attracted to the society of boys, where she can even become a ringleader. But still, boyish games are unlikely to captivate her too much and interfere with her studies - usually she knows the measure in this, not wanting to complicate her life once again.

With age, Irina most often tries to devote enough time to her career, which is primarily due not to ambitious dreams, but to the desire to further strengthen her independence and independence. At the same time, she can have well-developed makings of an intelligent leader, since her inner balance, prudence and sense of humor allow her to get along well not only with her superiors, but also with her subordinates. It is hard to imagine that she will raise her voice to her employees, especially since by treating people in a purely human way, much more can be achieved from them. Irina is a good diplomat and psychologist, because she knows how to feel the mood of the interlocutor and often uses it very skillfully.

It is practically impossible for Ira to decide to limit her life to only economic and family concerns, and this should be taken into account by her husband or a candidate for such a position. Of course, her energy will allow her to maintain the economy at the proper level, but she is unlikely to give up her career. Even if the husband is able to provide for Irina and the children beyond measure, all the same, her independence will find some way out for herself, otherwise Ira will simply wither away. And the husband, having tried to imprison her within four walls, soon runs the risk of coming face to face with the independent character of his wife: either Irina will soon arrange an active personal life for herself, or sooner or later she will take her husband into a tight rein. Or both will happen. In a word, this name is perfect for a modern emancipated woman, which should always be considered by candidates for her hand and heart.

Secrets of communication: Sometimes in communication with Irina, you may get the impression that she either has no problems at all, or she treats them quite easily. It is unlikely that this is actually the case, it is just that she usually prefers not to show the full depth of her experiences. But if you suddenly noticed these experiences, you should not show too obsessive pity. Much better when compassion is combined with gentle humor.

Famous people named Irina

Irina Khakamada

"You can't do without housewives in the political kitchen!" - such a slogan was chosen by Irina Khakamada for herself in the election campaign, and it is this image that is closer to her - the image of an elegant charming woman, self-confident, at the same time fragile and strong. Not surprisingly, the French firm Carlos Villalon asked Irina Khakamada to represent Delicate Poison eau de toilette before launching it on the Russian market. It so happened that for the creators of "poison" a woman politician, half Japanese, has become a symbol of the modern Russian woman.

In general, the biography of Irina Khakamada is replete with all sorts of amazing facts. It is interesting, for example, that her father, Mutsuo Hakamada, is none other than the former leader of the Japanese Communist Party, who emigrated to the USSR after World War II. Irina herself, having graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, by the age of thirty became an assistant professor, successfully engaged in business, headed one of the largest charitable organizations ... It is hard to imagine how this woman manages to do everything at the same time: while doing politics, she finds time for aerobics, reading, social events, visits to nightclubs, where rap dances with selflessness. But Irina Khakamada is also a loving wife (though her third husband) and a caring mother. In a word, for many, she is the ideal of a modern business woman, independent of anyone and steadily following the motto: "I should always feel beautiful - both internally and externally."

The female name Irina appeared in the Russian name book a long time ago. It comes from the name of the ancient Greek goddess Eirena and means "calm", "peace". At first it was considered noble in Rus'. Many researchers suggest that it has lexical connections with such names for girls as Arina, Yarina, Irena. A good, simple, joyful, gentle and feminine name, perceived by many as typically feminine. An elastic and strong wave coming from the inside causes a surge of energy and directs its movement.

Irina is a very popular name. In terms of prevalence, it is in the top five names, especially in cities. Irina has been independent and determined since childhood. She loves to read, play sports and travel. Her sociability makes it easy to find a common language with other people. The adult owner of the name is one of those people who know what they want from this life.

Characteristics of the name Irina

Corresponding zodiac sign: Virgo ♍.

patron planet: Uranus ♅.

The dominant element of Feng Shui: Metal 金.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Opal.

Talisman-color: Pale blue.

Mascot Tree: Hazel 🍁.

Mascot Plant: Lily of the valley.

Animal Mascot: Owl.

most successful day: Thursday ♃.

happy season: Autumn 🍂.

Character features: Independence, Activity, Straightforwardness, Decisiveness, Objectivity.

Spring Irina in childhood prone to respiratory diseases. Talented and hardworking, cunning and resourceful, she is independent and enterprising, but she lacks determination. Irina is able to soberly assess what is happening and make the right choice. The company is relaxed, it is not a problem for her to make new acquaintances. Musical, loves to sing and dances well. Spring Irina is sociable, loves interesting conversations, while she is an attentive listener. A more suitable profession is the field of art, but perhaps it will be inspired by the work of a dressmaker, salesman, referent, designer.

Summer Irina He is a hardworking, trusting and kind person. She can help anyone who needs her help. Doesn't like being criticized. Its main goal is to create comfort, tastefully furnish the apartment and decorate the interior. She cooks with pleasure. Her devotion to friends and beloved man is admirable. She is sociable, easily meets new people, but not everyone can become her friend. In marriage, summer Irina is not always lucky.

Autumn Irina- scrupulous and prudent. Before making any decision, he thinks it through well. Non-envious, thrifty, non-conflict. Autumn Irina has a difficult character, she is very demanding, so living next to her is not easy. Has a heightened sense of justice. Hostile to selfish people, all sorts of diplomatic and tactical tricks, which sets people against themselves. She is an energetic and active hostess.

Winter Irina- a principled, firm, controversial and diplomatic nature. She creates difficulties in life for herself, and then stoically begins to deal with them. In communication, she is closed and constrained. Winter Irina feels more comfortable in a male society. Often she spills her negative emotions on her husband. Relations with mother-in-law are strained.

The nature of the name Irina

The secret of the name Irina hides an imperious, strong, sociable, decisive and independent personality. Such a woman clearly knows her abilities. The girl skillfully builds plans for the future, sets feasible tasks, and therefore achieves them with enviable success. She has a good command of words and is endowed with a sense of humor. This helps her get out of the labyrinths of human relationships. Outgoing and cheerful, she is actually a secretive person.

Irina is a good student at school, strives to get a prestigious education, to make a successful professional career. Working in a male team, enjoys authority and respect because of the responsibility and complaisance of character, perseverance. She can be entrusted with any difficult task, and she will always find solutions. She believes that personal problems should never become public.

Positive traits of the name Irina: Decency, restraint of feelings and emotions, balance, endurance, reliability. Irina (Arina) grows up as an obedient, cheerful child. It does not cause trouble for parents or teachers. She is a good student and is often an excellent student. In her youth, the name Irina is independent, she can live separately from her parents, although she is very attached to them. Irina is a materialist, she objectively assesses the situation, and does not succumb to illusions. The name Irina does not have unrealizable desires or dreams. She really evaluates her abilities and knows what she wants and what she can achieve. Irina is sociable, strives to enter high society.

Negative traits of the name Irina: Excessive prudence, skepticism, pride, vanity, resentment, coldness, hidden pride. Irina is alien to the subtle manifestations of the soul, her poise and skepticism can repel people, interfere with sincere and trusting communication. The meaning of the name is always trying to enter the society of influential people and for the sake of this give up even heartfelt affection.

Interests and hobbies

Irina pays a lot of attention to fashion and her appearance. He devotes his free time to visiting the salon, shopping, hairdressing, a friendly meeting. She is unlikely to find a “pause” in order to do embroidery or knitting, but she knows how to appreciate manual work, she knows the subtleties of such craftsmanship well. He treats sports without much “fanaticism”, considers sleep and home silence to be the best rest.

Profession and business

Good upbringing and paternal "science" make Irina an excellent diplomat, a good leader. She knows how to manage subordinates without raising her voice, moralizing and administrative levers. Such a woman respects people and receives in return words of gratitude and convincing results of collective work.

Irina needs communication, she is pleased to be the center of attention. This character trait helps to achieve leadership positions in the political sphere. Successful is work as a manager, psychologist, lawyer, prosecutor, businessman, teacher.

Psyche and health

Women named Irina are most often choleric. Irina is an extrovert who can easily adapt to any conditions. Simultaneously subjective and objective. She has a great need to devote herself to some cause (for example, caring for relatives, social activities or religion). Her patience often borders on sacrifice. He has a strong will and always strives to adhere to a clearly chosen position. Often guided by female logic. The sense of humor is well developed.

A girl named Irina is the owner of fairly good health, but still you need to pay attention to the nervous system: it is undesirable to overwork and shoulder an unbearable burden of troubles and problems on your fragile shoulders. She knows how to restrain emotions, but this negatively affects her health. Her blood pressure drops dangerously low. Vegetovascular diseases, which are most often diagnosed with it, can be hereditary and require regular courses of prevention. In addition, Ira should take care of her eyes to avoid vision problems.

Love and sex

Love for Irina is most often a real drama: a wonderful first love, an all-consuming last love ... This is a bright and courageous personality. She does not seek salvation from loneliness in love, but plays out her love story. In love, Irina is able to give her man warmth and incredible affection. Irina will never let you know that she is familiar with mental suffering, anguish and sexual dissatisfaction.

She loves light flirting and beautiful courtship, but she is rarely captured by strong passions and deep feelings. Even with the best and most passionate lover, she can have a feeling of loneliness. The girl is used to choosing men herself, therefore she does not tolerate persistent and obsessive courtship. In love, she is sincere and tender. Does not tolerate young people with pronounced features of "narcissism" (exclusive narcissism).

Family and marriage

Irina gets married late or suddenly, she makes a sensible decision. Her chosen one can be both a long-familiar person, and a man for whom she suddenly ignites love. But this person must fully comply with her ideals. Irina is selfless and caring, she is a loving mother and faithful wife. She is highly respected by her husband and children. He never devotes his life entirely to the family and the creation of home comfort. But she is not destined to become the head of the family, because in all matters she still relies on her husband. Ira can become a wonderful hostess if she can overcome her laziness. Nevertheless, she gives her family so much warmth and love that all her shortcomings fade against the background of her virtues.

In marriage, Irina considers mutual respect and love, and not sex, to be the main ones. She values ​​her husband's trust, family traditions and values ​​very much. With a beloved spouse and a good family, he can move mountains. But she will never become just a wife or a patient and wonderful mother, even in a very wealthy family. Work for such a woman is far from an empty question.

Horoscope named after Irina

Irina-Aries ♈- active, assertive, sincere woman. In any of her undertakings, she tries to involve as many people as possible in order to make her life easier. at the same time, she does it with such simplicity and seeming sincerity that it is impossible to refuse her. In the same way, Irina conquers men: they cannot resist her charm.

Irina-Taurus ♉- stubborn, attentive to detail and scrupulous nature. The realization of her dream may take many years, but Irina-Taurus still will not back down and refuse her. As a result, sooner or later she will achieve what she wants. Irina's feelings are strong and unchanging. She will never forgive the man who deceived her, but she cannot stop loving him either.

Irina-Gemini ♊- This is a scattered, but at the same time a cheerful personality. Around her, events that she herself creates are in full swing, but to a greater extent this is only the appearance of activity and employment with something useful. She knows how to bring others to the extreme boiling point, and she herself quietly disappear. In love affairs, Irina is just as fussy: she can promise a lot, but you should not take her words seriously.

Irina-Rak ♋– Irina, born under the sign of Cancer, is a vulnerable and tender woman. She has many fears - the fear of a failed dream, the lack of career advancement, the fear of misunderstanding in relations with her husband. Trying to adapt to people and circumstances, Irina-Rak eventually loses her individuality. All fears will disappear if a reliable man can become a support in her life, to whom Irina will devote her dreams with love and joy.

Irina Leo ♌- a woman is authoritarian, wayward, tough. She recognizes only her own opinion as the only correct one, in her every act one can see undisguised egoism. Irina-Lev is not able to appreciate people, each of them is just another stage on the way to her greatness. She does not need friends, and in relations with men she considers herself a muse that should be sung.

Irina-Virgo ♍ She is a prudent, imposing, business-like and responsible woman. In the most tedious, routine work, Irina is able to bring a spark of inspiration and creativity. Irina-Virgo thinks prudently and judiciously, strives for prosperity and independence, relies only on herself and her strength. She always looks stunning in public and can often charm a man involuntarily. She approaches the choice of the chosen one carefully: Irina needs a man to appreciate the most important quality in her - individuality.

Irina-Libra ♎- delicate, fragile, refined nature. This Irina will, first of all, listen to others, perceive and respect their opinion, and then she can express her vision of the situation. Irina-Libra loves to spend time in a male society, she is charming, flirtatious, but also moral. Preference is given to the one and only faithful and reliable man.

Irina-Scorpio ♏- vulnerable and quick-tempered, but does not know how to be offended for a long time. Lover of increased attention to yourself. She makes concessions hard, but knows how to admit her mistakes. Irina has many fans, because she carefully monitors her appearance. She is emotional, amorous and appreciates diversity in relationships with a man.

Irina Sagittarius ♐- an enterprising, imperious and passionate woman. She is a leader by nature, knows how to politely insist on her point of view and, as a rule, the people around her respect her for this. Irina-Sagittarius knows how to implement her original ideas. She can have many novels, mostly in her youth (in this way she gains experience and experiments). With age, Irina stops at one chosen one.

Irina-Capricorn ♑ is a woman methodical, balanced and impenetrable. She gives herself completely to her work, without a trace. Irina-Capricorn does not know how to relax, and rest is alien to her. But all this can go away if she finds the right company for herself. Irina's personality can be fraught with many surprises, so her man will not be bored.

Irina-Aquarius ♒- a witty, intelligent, peculiar woman. She is able to objectively evaluate people and herself. Irina-Aquarius does not like unnecessary words, she always approaches the situation in a businesslike way. She has the ability to work effectively on her own. This is a cheerful woman who appreciates humor and is always optimistic. Representatives of the opposite sex take care of her with pleasure, give gifts and fall in love.

Irina-Pisces ♓- this is a scrupulous, proud woman with a harsh and strict outlook on life. Irina-Pisces is proud, she considers herself a divinely beautiful and sophisticated person. From the opposite sex, he expects unquestioning admiration and admiration. She is often sure that there is no man worthy of her attention.

Irina name compatibility with male names

Irina and Alexander Most of the time this couple is perfect for each other. Irina and Alexander fall in love at first sight, which is preceded by a stormy and passionate romance. But quickly arising feelings can quickly cool down. They prefer to live without any obligations. But, of course, such relationships will be bright and unforgettable.

Irina and Dmitry- such an alliance is often found, but, as a rule, it is not long. Possessing such common features as independence and love of freedom, Irina and Dmitry cannot coexist peacefully, because their family life is destroyed by jealousy. They need a lot of time to appreciate each other and learn to understand each other.

Irina and Sergey- this union is united more by friendship than love, and in this they do not see anything reprehensible. Support, mutual understanding, reliability and warm feelings are all that the owners of the names Irina and Sergey need. But they won’t be bored either, because they have completely different characters: he is an emotional homebody, she is cheerful and restless.

Irina and Andrey- such a pair is a standard of mutual understanding. Irina and Andrei help each other in everything, strive to achieve common goals, and build relationships between themselves on absolute trust. Only equality and the correct distribution of responsibilities can make such a family prosperous and happy.

Irina and Alexey- this couple craves constant change, and this is a unifying factor for them. Irina and Alexei like to spend time together, travel, cook (in general, anything, just not to sit still). In such relationships, there is not enough stability, but with the advent of children, everything falls into place.

Irina and Ivan- this is a couple, united by mutual understanding, they always help and support each other. They strive to create a strong family based on absolute trust. Minor troubles and quarrels are resolved quickly enough, finding a compromise. Irina and Ivan build their relationship on equality, striving for creation.

Irina and Eugene- this couple is made for each other, because they even think in a similar way. If Irina and Evgeny stand at the head of any enterprise, then it will begin to grow and prosper. They easily find like-minded people, and their ideas will contribute to the development of a common cause. In the family, the wife takes the initiative, which the husband does not interfere with.

Irina and Maxim– partners have a joint interest in the occult sciences and philosophy. They are more interested in spiritual values. In society, Irina and Maxim can become outcasts, but they will never change their convictions. In marriage, Irina becomes a kind of rector for her husband, but in general they can stay with each other for a long time.

Irina and Vladimir- at first, everything is going well for this couple, but in the future, relations will only worsen. The fact is that Irina will get tired of the daily routine, and Vladimir will want a delicious dinner and comfort. If this couple wants to be together, they will have to be patient.

Irina and Denis- this is a couple in which the woman is the neck, and the man is the head. Irina is a housewife and keeper of the hearth, while Denis' task is to provide for his family. They are always ready to help each other. Such relationships have good chances for a long and happy life.

Irina and Pavel- this couple, on the one hand, is practical, and on the other, freedom-loving. With Pavel, everything should go according to plan, and Irina is used to an easy and relaxed life. A man needs to have great patience and strong nerves so as not to quarrel with his companion. If Pavel does not make concessions, then the couple may not take place.

Irina and Artem- both partners are adventurous, while they need to do everything together: go to the store, play sports, travel. But as soon as Irina and Artem are only briefly separated, their freedom can turn into a break, because both partners are constantly in search of extreme sports.

Irina and Anton- Irina often has her head in the clouds, and Anton is very practical and strives to achieve great results in life. At the very beginning, everything goes well, but life and everyday worries bring an imbalance in their relationship, from which romance disappears.

Irina and Mikhail Their hearts are filled with passion and love. Irina and Mikhail have a talent to surprise each other in everyday life. This couple is capable of a serious, productive and long-term relationship. If they really want to be together, then they will have to make concessions and respect each other's opinions.

Irina and Roman is a union-struggle in which different beliefs, interests and outlooks on life collide. Irina is charming, but frivolous, so she often gives Roman a reason for jealousy. Both partners constantly test each other and their relationship for strength. Therefore, this tandem, as a rule, is not too strong.

Irina and Nikolay- despite the fact that Irina and Nikolai have the same outlook on life, their independence and pride, as a rule, prevent the creation of a strong family. It takes them a long time to appreciate each other's qualities. Life's obstacles can rally them, if they overcome them with honor.

Irina and Igor- the union lacks the desire for home comfort. Both do not want to sit still, do lengthy household chores. Their desire for leadership and excessive emotionality cross all boundaries, so the couple Igor and Irina most often break up.

Irina and Ilya- on the one hand, this couple is good because it strives for diversity. But there is another side - Irina and Ilya do not have a sense of proportion and stability. They strive to get everything from life at once, but, as you know, Moscow was not built right away ...

Irina and Vladislav- this couple has great chances to create a strong family. He is cheerful, mischievous, the soul of the company; she is a housewife who fell in love with a temperamental man. Together, Vladislav and Irina can be quite a happy couple.

Irina and Vadim- Irina is an active woman, accustomed to achieving everything herself, and Vadim prefers a calm, measured life. Despite a full and active sex life, it will be difficult for this union to find a foothold. In order for the couple to take place, Vadim needs to stop hoping for fate.

Irina and Konstantin- this union is initially formed due to interest in its opposite. She is carefree and he is practical; she wants to tour, and he is already thinking about children. Although Irina is a good housewife, her frivolity leads to the fact that the gap between them becomes even deeper. Konstantin needs to be decisive and persistent, otherwise such a tandem will not take place.

Irina and Vyacheslav- the couple has a lot in common: the desire for excellence and self-affirmation, similar concepts of family values. Also in a sexual relationship, they are perfect for each other. Irina and Vyacheslav will succeed if they overcome all difficulties and hardships together.

Irina and Egor- everything says about the ideality of this couple: numerology, zodiac signs, statistics. Although at times they have disagreements, Irina and Egor easily overcome them and come to a consensus. The idyll of this couple lies in the little things - they will never quarrel over who will wash the dishes. And such a union establishes family rules solely on the principle of equality.

Irina and Vitaly- an alliance that, if it takes place, is doomed to be short-lived. Irina's character is amorous, freedom-loving, eccentric. Vitaliy first thinks everything over, and then does it. Quarrels in such a tandem are inevitable. Preservation of relations is possible only with restraint and tolerance of the partner.

Irina and Oleg- although the general similarities of such a couple are striking, they lack common correct family values. Irina and Oleg are a charming and faithful couple. All they need is time to test their feelings and make their life right.

Irina and Valery- such relationships can be characterized as free. They do not want to burden themselves with any obligations, and open relationships are more important for them than stability and devotion. But still, Irina and Valery, having lived together for many years, will be able to find the golden mean between permissiveness and a full-fledged family.

Irina and Yuri- quite a successful couple who for a long time cannot overcome the brink of friendship. Spending time together and even living in the same house does not allow them to fully immerse themselves in a high feeling of love. In this case, Irina and Yuri need a push, which, according to tradition, a man should do.

Irina and Anatoly- Relationships in this pair are built initially on passion. Partners enjoy each other, but one day they realize that this is not enough, that something more than passion is needed to create a full-fledged family. Alas, the feelings of Irina and Anatoly rarely succeed in developing into a productive union.

Irina and Ruslan This couple falls in love at first sight. Irina charms her partner with her cheerfulness and the fact that she can always easily cheer up Ruslana. Ruslan, on the other hand, reciprocates her feelings, giving herself to these relationships without a trace. This is a wonderful union for love and marriage.

Irina and Nikita They have a lot in common, including free-thinking and hobbies. Spending a lot of time together, they soon realize that friendship is not all that attracts them to each other. The relationship between Nikita and Irina may well develop into marriage.

Irina and Kirill- the main thing on which this union is based is cheerfulness and the desire to expand their horizons of knowledge. Irina and Kirill, charging each other with optimism, enjoy life together, finding a compromise in any issues. In the society that surrounds them, they say that they are the perfect couple.

Irina and Viktor– this pair, as a rule, converges quickly. Relations between Irina and Victor quickly grow into unforgettable love. But if a man does not pay due attention to his family, then everything can end badly. Victor in such a tandem is prone to depression, so Irina needs to praise her chosen one and support him in his endeavors.

Irina and Stanislav- this union is strong mutual understanding. Partners come to the aid of each other in everything and always, sincerely striving to achieve their goals. Absolute trust is the basis of their relationship. Divided into chief and subordinate, their family will not be able to exist for a long time. Therefore, for Irina and Stanislav, only equality is possible.

Irina and Timur- in these relations, both are strong personalities with their own ambitions. He is businesslike and, as a rule, devotes little time to his family, because business comes first for him. She gives all her time to her family. The man in this pair must devote time to his other half and family, otherwise the paths of Irina and Timur will diverge.

Irina and Artur- this couple has a unique ability to enjoy every moment in life, as well as accept it with all the vicissitudes of fate. Irina and Artur know how to take care not only of themselves, but also of their relatives and friends. The family for them is the main support for which they live. Children become the top priority (as a rule, Irina and Artur are not limited to only one child).

Irina is a beautiful name, striking in its simplicity and magnificence. It has been popular for hundreds of years. For a long time, the name was given to women from aristocratic families.

Translated from Greek, Irina means peace, peace, which means that the girl has a wonderful character. She treats everything with understanding and sincere interest. The origin of the name is from the goddess of justice Eirene, daughter of Zeus and Themis. It came to Slavic culture with the adoption of Christianity, representatives of the merchant and peasant class liked to call them girls.

The Holy Martyr Irina, who suffered for her faith, patronizes women with this name, Memorial Day - May 18. This saint converted a large number of pagans to Christianity, acting with kindness and sermons. Under torture, she did not give up, but remained alive. She spent the rest of her life in seclusion in a cave.

Irina also has other patrons - Irina of Macedon, burned by the pagans for her faith, the martyr Irina of Egypt and Irina of Aquileia. Name days are celebrated on a day close to the birthday: January 12 and 16, May 18 and 26, September 30, August 17 and 22, February 26, April 29, October 1 and November 2.

For a woman with this name, plants - chestnut and lily of the valley - will become a talisman. Chestnut gives strength and energy for life, protects from pain and disease, and lily of the valley is a symbol of love and fidelity. Termite, as a totem animal, symbolizes change and vital activity, and the owl bestows wisdom and loneliness.

Stone as a talisman for Irina - opal and rock crystal. Opal treats diseases of the nerves and depression, eliminates insomnia, relieves negativity, and rock crystal personifies joy and love. The most successful time of the year for Ira is spring, and important events always take place on Friday.

Decisiveness and some sharpness are given to the name by the signs of the zodiac Sagittarius and Taurus, the planet is Jupiter. But Irishka gets femininity and grace from Venus. Luck bring her brown, steel, blue, yellow and red.

Affectionately this girl is called Ira, Irishka, Irochka, Irinka, Irisha, Irinochka, Rina, Rinochka, Irusya, Irishechka, Irusya.

Meaning of the name

The secret of the name lies in the fact that it gives the owner great determination, the will to act and achieve goals, self-confidence. Sentimentality and sensuality are not her traits; rather, she is guided by reason in making important decisions.


The main characteristic of the name is independence. On all issues, Irina has her own opinion, which can radically differ from the opinions of others. It is based on convictions and own experience, Ira actively defends her views, is responsible for actions and actions.

The sociable Irochka easily finds a common language with strangers, but communication is easier with men, because she feels uncomfortable among women. He has many friends, and he can be sure of everyone. Irishka's abilities allow her to easily gain knowledge at school and in life., she quickly learns new things, is inquisitive.

Irina's kindness knows no bounds. As a person, she does not remember evil and is not inclined to avenge insults. But she is easy enough to hurt, this trait often brings her a lot of unpleasant moments. He endures deceit and betrayal for a long time, in his soul he feels a lack of attention and love, although outwardly he looks quite cold.

The meaning of the name “peaceful” does not really fit with the characteristics that fate endowed Irina with, such as strong will and optimism. She is ready to confront enemies, in some cases can be cruel. Thanks to endurance, he never loses his composure. She will come out of any life situation with dignity.

In judgments and statements it can be quite harsh, which shows an independent nature. Diplomacy is her creed, she is smart, has a great sense of humor. Feels people, and understands when they are trying to deceive her. As a true extrovert, he easily adapts to new circumstances. Educated, constantly developing, reading and traveling a lot.

Despite an active life position, he will never get involved in an adventure. This is hindered by her pathological honesty.


The owner of the name Irina is a father's daughter, in childhood she does not leave him a single step, she helps and is interested in male hobbies. Inspirationally fiddles with dad in the garage, goes fishing. He loves sports and prefers reading detective stories and science fiction.

Balance and purposefulness, cheerfulness and fortitude allow her to find a way out of any situation, and her character will make her happy in life, bring success. External carelessness and even coldness hides the storm raging inside. Until old age, she remains an attractive woman who is successful with the opposite sex. But he really appreciates his family.

She is persistent in her career, which allows her to quickly grow professionally. Getting a good education and career growth are important for Irina, this is a necessary condition for a good, prosperous life. Ira is able, unexpectedly for others, to change her lifestyle, to break away somewhere, despite the circumstances. She completely controls her life, not allowing anyone to interfere in it.


Attractiveness and the ability to communicate are highly valued by members of the opposite sex. Irochka is always gorgeous, well-groomed and looks great. She loves coquetry and light flirting, appreciates beautiful courtship, but she will only feel a truly deep feeling for one man. And the fans allow her to assert herself, so Irina rarely suffers from unrequited or unhappy love.

Despite the fact that Irishka is an amorous nature, she is more interested in love itself than in a man as its object. She is a loner in life, and it is difficult for her to get rid of this feeling. Although the woman herself with this name can give a man a lot of tenderness and affection.

Despite the amorousness, he approaches the choice of a spouse thoroughly. For her, the family means a lot, she is interested in the affairs of her husband and children, self-realization is no less important for Irina. A woman will never devote herself to the family completely, without a trace. For her relatives, she will arrange a cozy home, she will take care of everyone, and she will leave the supremacy to her spouse.

Irina will be happy if she becomes a beloved and necessary wife and mother in the family. If this does not happen, then the moral principles of Irochka will completely allow adultery. The owner of this name treats divorces negatively, she values ​​\u200b\u200bstability very much. Financial issues in this case will come to the fore, she does not like to share what she has acquired.

In the upbringing of children will adhere to new methods. In cooking, she is exquisite, she will always please her family with interesting dishes. Ready to help her husband in his career and all endeavors. Unshakable authority in the family deserves, but relations with the mother-in-law rarely develop successfully. Rather, they can be called a policy of non-intervention.

Irochka is waiting for a successful relationship with Andrei, Sergei, Yuri, Alexei, Anton, Boris, Daniil, Edward, Nikolai, Efim. An alliance with Stepan, Nikita, Anatoly, Oleg, Denis, Leonid, Roman promises to be difficult, if possible, close relationships with men who are called that should be avoided.


Irishka does not like to live in poverty, she strives with all her might for well-being, but she can only achieve her goal with her own work. Honesty is her life credo, so she will not get involved in dubious matters, take risks. At the same time, a woman has great insight and easily establishes contacts. These qualities will allow her to succeed in her own business.

Irochka has a good memory and an analytical mindset, so she will be successful in professions related to numbers and reports - economics and accounting. This is a valuable employee on whom you can rely on everything. But she does not strive for leadership, the leadership role depresses her more, but Irina will make an excellent deputy.

If she manages to reach heights in the career ladder, her subordinates love and respect her. She will never raise her voice, she is in perfect control of herself, while everyone obeys her unquestioningly. Often strive to master several professions at once. Thanks to a sharp mind and diplomacy, success can be achieved in the field of politics, advocacy, she will make a good diplomat. You can try yourself in the field of technical sciences, engineering.

Whatever path Irina chooses, she will always be a very responsible worker who is appreciated by her colleagues and management. Creativity allows her to choose such professions as a teacher, artist, biologist, pediatrician. And natural charm, the ability to feel people and tact will help Irochka become an excellent psychologist.

It is worth noting that if Irochka does not tie herself up with an early marriage, she quickly moves up the career ladder and reaches professional heights. In the case when Ira has a family and children, she never loses her zeal for work anyway. This sphere of life is important for her, where she can be realized as a person. Therefore, a woman tries to combine work and family, and in most cases she successfully manages to do this.