These crunchy, oval-shaped seeds offer a wide range of health benefits. First of all, it should be noted the prevention of diabetes, heart disease and the promotion of bone health, but sesame seeds can provide us with much more benefits. This will be discussed further: sesame seeds useful properties.

What are the benefits of sesame seeds

Good source of protein

These tiny seeds are famous for their good protein levels. 100 grams of sesame seeds contain 18 grams of protein, which is 32% of the daily value. This is one of the reasons why they must be in the diet of children without fail.

Prevents diabetes

These seeds are sources of magnesium as well as various other nutrients. All of these together allow sesame to lower blood glucose, thereby hindering the risk of diabetes. People suffering from diabetes should choose to cook.

Natural treatment for anemia

Black seeds are a source of iron. That is why they have become one of the most recommended home remedies for treating anemia as well as other iron deficiency problems. Roast some black sesame seeds and sesame powder along with palm sugar. Make small balls out of them and chew. Along with seeds, palm sugar will also help in boosting iron levels.

Prevents heart disease

Sesame seeds can help in preventing atherosclerotic lesions and hence it is very beneficial for heart health. Sesamol, an antioxidant present in sesame seeds, has anti-inflammatory properties that help improve heart health. Sesame seeds are rich in oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid that can lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in the body, thereby preventing coronary artery disease and heart stroke.

Anti-cancer properties

Digestive health

Sesame seeds are good for the digestive system and colon as they are a good source of fiber. Fiber helps in normalizing the functioning of our intestines, facilitating the elimination of waste products, and thus providing relief from constipation.

Relieves symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

Sesame seed contains copper, a mineral that has an abundance of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant enzyme systems. These systems have the ability to reduce swelling and pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. This mineral also strengthens the bones, blood vessels, and joints of the body.

Prevents respiratory diseases

The presence of magnesium in sesame seeds may reduce the risk of asthma and other respiratory problems associated with airway contractions.

Protects DNA from free radicals

Sesamol, an antioxidant present in sesame seeds and oil, helps fight the harmful effects of free radicals, thereby protecting DNA from damage caused by them. It may also reduce the risk of damage to the spleen.

Promotes Bone Health

Supports Oral Health

Sesame oil and its seeds can help maintain oral health by removing plaque and whitening teeth. Regular gargling with sesame oil can reduce streptococci present in the mouth and teeth.

hangover treatment

Consume a handful of white seeds if you suffer from a hangover in the morning. Sesamin helps in overcoming the effects of alcohol by increasing the efficiency of the liver by clearing it of alcohol.

natural antidepressant

The consumption of these seeds is more effective in comparison with many drugs. Antispasmodics magnesium and calcium regulate the functioning of muscles, increasing the transmission of nerve impulses. Thiamine is a natural sedative that improves nerve function. The seeds also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that aids in the secretion of serotonin. Serotonin significantly reduces pain and regulates the structure of sleep. In short, regular consumption of sesame seeds can really help lead a stress-free life.

Reduces cholesterol levels

Black sesame seeds are abundant in sesamin and sesamolin, a group of fibers and lignans. Lignans are well known for their cholesterol-lowering properties. Therefore, incorporating these seeds into your diet can certainly help to get rid of high blood cholesterol levels, and at the same time guard against the risk of cancer.

Useful for pregnant women and baby

Rich in folic acid, these seeds are a great supplement for pregnant women. Folic acid helps in regulating DNA synthesis in the fetus and is beneficial for the health of the pregnant mother. Black seeds help in preventing anemia during pregnancy, while calcium-rich white seeds are good for maintaining calcium levels during this period. However, at the beginning of pregnancy, they should be abandoned, since sesame seeds are known for their contraceptive properties.

Useful properties and contraindications

People who are allergic to peanuts, walnuts, and so on should avoid consuming sesame seeds.

The second warning is addressed to those who suffer from varicose veins, thrombosis and other diseases associated with increased blood clotting. With such diseases, it is not necessary to completely exclude sesame seeds from the diet, but you just need to stick to the dose that is beneficial for the body - a maximum of 2 teaspoons. All this is due to the fact that the substances contained in sesame seeds increase blood clotting.

How to use

In order for the seeds to bring maximum benefit, they must be consumed in ground form. And there is absolutely no problem here, because there are several very tasty delicacies that contain ground sesame seeds.

The first of them is urbech. Urbech is a dish of Caucasian cuisine, which is prepared by grinding between stone millstones. Honey or sour cream is added to the ground seeds, or simply eaten with tea. Very tasty stuff. Sold in many organic food stores.

The second is natural halva. Its composition is almost the same as that of the previous product. Sesame halva is made from ground sesame seeds (not on millstones, but on a mill or coffee grinder) with the addition of other seeds and honey.

Third, tehina is sesame paste. Tahini is also made from ground sesame, but is added to dishes with vegetables and legumes (for example, falafel) or simply spread on bread. When cooking, sesame seeds (ground) are combined with olive and sesame oil.

And last fourth option - sesame milk. Very easy to cook. As shown in detail in the video:

All these are high-calorie foods. And they will bring maximum benefit if they are prepared without the addition of preservatives and other chemicals.

Known to all, sesame (sesame), which is used in cooking and baking, has not only taste, but also useful properties. Regular use of the product allows you to strengthen immune cells, cleanse blood vessels and improve the body as a whole.

Regular consumption of sesame seeds will help get rid of many health problems.

Composition and calorie content of sesame seeds

Most of the composition of sesame belongs to oils - 45-50%, the rest is:

  • proteins;
  • sesamin, phytosterol;
  • lecithin, phytin;
  • iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc;
  • vitamins - tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid, B12, B1, B2, B3.

The ratio of useful elements that are contained in sesame and the daily rate

The product is very nutritious: 100 g of sesame contains up to 570 kcal.

Useful properties of sesame seeds

Due to the unique healing composition of sesame seeds, it has a beneficial effect on the entire human body, gives strength and health, especially with a lack of calcium and a lack of potassium.

General medicinal properties of sesame seeds:

  1. Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, helps to liquefy atherosclerotic plaques.
  2. Strengthens the heart muscle, stimulates the brain.
  3. Restores the mineral balance in the body, normalizes metabolic processes.
  4. Prevents the appearance of cancer cells, slows down the growth of existing ones.
  5. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  6. It has a laxative effect, removes toxins from the body, toxic substances.

Regular consumption of sesame seeds helps to increase the resistance of the immune system to colds and viral infections. And the calcium content in the product makes it possible to strengthen bones and avoid the development of osteoporosis.

What is useful for the body of women?

Sesame seed has medicinal properties in gynecology. The product has a positive effect on the genitourinary system:

  • increases local immunity and prevents inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs of a woman;
  • improves blood circulation in the pelvis;
  • promotes normal metabolism in tissues;
  • increases libido.

The use of sesame seeds improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs in women

During breastfeeding, the use of sesame seeds helps to increase the amount of milk and maintain the health of the mammary glands, preventing the formation of clots and further mastopathy.

The product is also useful for women during the period of extinction of reproductive function. During menopause, hormonal imbalance occurs, and the use of sesame seeds allows you to compensate for the deficiency of hormones and smooth out the course of menopause, reduce unpleasant symptoms.

Women use sesame oil in cosmetology. It helps to smooth wrinkles, strengthen hair and nails, cleanse the skin and restore their elasticity.

Benefits for men

  • improves blood circulation in the pelvis;
  • increases potency and prolongs erection;
  • stimulates the production of spermatozoa, improves the quality and quantity of seminal fluid;
  • supports the health of the prostate gland, prevents the development of cancer cells in the reproductive system.

Sesame helps prevent prostate disease in men

The systematic consumption of sesame seeds saturates the body of a man with argenin, which increases testosterone - improves mood, normalizes blood pressure, reduces the risk of erectile dysfunction and depression.

How to take sesame

Proper use of sesame seeds can eliminate and prevent many diseases - arrhythmia, tachycardia, atherosclerosis, inflammation of the genitourinary system, disorders of the digestive tract. A variety of folk recipes using sesame seeds makes it possible to choose the most optimal method for a specific pathology or its prevention.

Honey with sesame

Eat sesame seeds with honey to normalize the processes of the digestive system

In a mortar, crush 50 g of sesame seeds, pour 20 ml of liquid honey. Take 1 tsp. every morning on an empty stomach for 10 days. The healing properties of the drug are in the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action - the work of the stomach and intestines is normalized, flatulence, dysbacteriosis is eliminated, ulcerative processes in the organs are reduced.

Sesame oil for gastritis, ulcers

For 10-12 days, use sesame oil 3 times a day in the amount of 1-2 tbsp. l. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is better to drink the medicine 30 minutes before a meal. The tool has a regenerating effect, helps to recover faster damaged tissues of the mucous membrane, neutralizes the increased acidity of gastric juice.

Sesame cleansing

You can cleanse the body of toxins by eating ground sesame

Grind 1 cup sesame seeds using a coffee grinder. On the day you need to eat 2 tbsp. l. ground drug. The daily dose can be divided into 4 doses. It is recommended to use the powdery mass before meals, drinking 100 ml of warm water each time. Compliance with the proportions of the recipe allows you to remove toxins, toxins from the body and cope with extra pounds.

Sesame for diarrhea

Boil 2 tbsp. l. seeds and grind them in a mortar to a mushy state, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, stir. Divide the prepared drug into 2 doses and eat with an interval of 2 hours.

The therapeutic mass helps to stop severe diarrhea and has a mild enveloping effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Sesame oil for constipation

Sesame oil effectively helps to cope with constipation

Sesame seed herbal product should be taken during the day, 1 tbsp. every 2 hours. After emptying, reduce the dose to 1 hour. l. three times a day for 3 days.

Treatment allows not only to get rid of constipation, but also to restore the natural contractility of the intestine.

Recipe for a protracted cold

Heat sesame oil (2 tablespoons) in a water bath to 36-37 degrees. Rub the patient's chest with a warm substance and wrap it with a scarf. The procedure should be done before going to bed.

The folk method helps to separate sputum from the respiratory tract, lower the temperature and alleviate the general condition of the patient.

Sesame seed to boost immunity

Drink sesame ginger tea to boost your immune system

Dried sesame seeds (1 cup) grind to a powder. The mass should be eaten during the day 2-3 times 1 tsp. and drink tea with ginger (1/3 cup). The duration of treatment is 14 days.

In addition to the immune-strengthening effect, the prepared remedy reduces pain in the joints and muscles, gives strength and energy.

Sesame infusion for hemorrhoids

In 100 ml of boiling water, brew 2 tsp. seeds, tightly close the lid and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse the anus with warm liquid or make lotions 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

The tool stimulates blood circulation in injured tissues, eliminates inflammation, reduces itching and burning in the anus, promotes the resorption of hemorrhoids.

An effective recipe for mastitis

Apply sesame compresses to your chest for a quick cure for mastitis

Dry 3-5 minutes 3 tbsp. l. sesame seeds in an oven preheated to 40 degrees, grind in a coffee grinder. Ground sesame seeds mixed with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. In the prepared liquid, moisten small pieces of tissue and apply to the inflamed areas of the chest for 5-10 minutes. Compresses do 3-4 times a day. To be treated until the complete disappearance of redness, swelling.

Sesame oil against otitis media

Heat up to 35-37 degrees of sesame oil and drip into the ear passages 1-2 drops with an interval of 2 hours. Therapy lasts 3-5 days. This recipe can be used not only for the treatment of otitis media, but also in order to combat insomnia - rub the heels, temples or drip the ears with oil.

Sesame oil with milk for angina

Milk with sesame effectively relieves irritation of the throat mucosa

Dilute 5 drops of herbal extract in a glass of warm milk. Drink a medicinal drink 4 times a day for 3 days.

The medicine increases local immunity, disinfects a sore throat, and gently soothes the irritated mucosa.


Sesame oil for dental pathologies

Rinse your mouth with sesame seeds to treat dental diseases

Take oil in your mouth and rinse the cavity for 3-5 minutes. Inflamed gums can be lubricated with oil. These actions are carried out up to 5 times a day.

Sesame oil for external use

Moisten a cotton swab in the plant extract and treat non-healing wounds, rashes with eczema, dermatitis, anal fissures with hemorrhoids. The number of procedures per day - 3-5 times. The duration of treatment is until the complete healing of the affected areas.

The use of sesame oil allows you to eliminate pain discomfort, burning, itching, accelerate regeneration processes.

Recipe for men and women

A mixture of sesame, flaxseed and poppy is a powerful aphrodisiac

In equal quantities, combine poppy seeds, flaxseed and sesame seeds (2 tbsp each). Take the mixture 2-3 times a day, 1 tsp, with 0.5 glasses of water.

The folk remedy is a powerful aphrodisiac, in women it increases either, and in men it increases erection and improves potency. If you regularly use the combined drug, it improves the general condition of the genitourinary system, normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels, mental activity and the functioning of the nervous system.

Sesame for osteoporosis

Dried grains (3 tbsp.) Pound into powder and take 1 tsp. in the morning on an empty stomach and 2-3 times during the day. Ground sesame seeds can be combined with milk - 2 tbsp. l. seeds per 20 ml of milk. The reception scheme is similar.

Recipe for weight loss

Drink sesame tea every morning for weight loss and body cleansing

For a month, every morning you need to drink 1 tbsp. l. sesame oil. It is necessary to use a useful substance on an empty stomach 10-15 minutes before meals. The plant extract can be replaced with sesame seeds. Soak 0.5 cups of seed in a glass of water and leave overnight. Drink the infusion in the morning and eat the seed during the day.

Sesame not only cleanses the intestines, but also burns body fat.

With oncology

In the evening, soak a glass of sesame seeds, leave overnight. In the morning, eat on an empty stomach 1 tbsp. l., use the rest of the mass during the day. The duration of treatment is at least 2 months.

The resulting remedy helps with malignant neoplasms in the organs of the digestive tract. Sesame slows down blood circulation in tumor cells, which inhibits their growth.

You can not use sesame (oil and seed) for cancerous pathologies of the kidneys. Inflammation in the organ increases even more due to the nutrition of tissues with calcium, which is abundant in sesame.

Sesame oil for face

Add a few drops of sesame oil to your favorite cream for a rejuvenating effect.

Add 3-5 drops of sesame oil to the day and night cream. Rub a small amount of the prepared ointment with massage movements 2 times a day regularly.

The folk method of using sesame helps smooth out wrinkles, increase skin elasticity and restore a healthy tone to it.

Hair strengthener

In equal quantities, combine sesame oil and aloe juice (3 tablespoons each). Rub the prepared substance into the scalp and leave for 10-20 minutes. Wash your hair and lubricate the ends of the hair with the remaining product (prevents brittleness).

Useful substances in oil and sesame seeds are preserved with light drying or heating. You can not fry the seed and boil the plant extract, otherwise the healing properties of the product will disappear.

In addition to healing, sesame is widely used in cooking. It is added to sauces, salads, sprinkled on pastries, halva, it is an integral part of urbech (oriental sweetness).

Sesame is widely used not only for medicinal purposes, but also in cooking.

Harm of sesame

Sesame can bring not only benefit, but also harm if the product is abused. In large quantities, oil and sesame seeds produce an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, adversely affect the functioning of the kidneys and bile ducts, and increase blood clotting. During pregnancy, frequent use can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.

The key to successful treatment with sesame seeds is to use the healing product correctly and dosed for the purpose of treating and preventing diseases.

You can not use more than 2 tsp. sesame per day during pregnancy and children under 12 years old.

For health purposes, sesame seeds can be given to children from an early age, but not earlier than a year. Up to 12 months there is a risk of allergic reactions.

Proper storage and shelf life of seeds

Unpeeled sesame should be kept in a tightly sealed container. The storage place should be cool, dark and dry. The shelf life of unpeeled grains is 3 months.

The best container for storing sesame seeds is a tightly closed jar.

Peeled seeds deteriorate faster - after 2-4 weeks a bitter taste appears and the product loses all healing properties. To extend the shelf life, it is better to store sesame seeds in the refrigerator - up to 6 months. In the freezer, sesame seeds can be stored without loss of taste and medicinal qualities for 1 year.

The difference between black sesame and white

Black sesame is not peeled, unlike white, so it has more nutrients.

Table "The difference between black sesame and white"

More carbohydrates, vitamin B, A, iron, less fat and proteinFats and proteins predominate, vitamins E, K, ascorbic acid
By nutritional value
High concentration of antioxidants - phytosterols and lignansMore sesaminol, less phytosterol

Oriental sesame, he is ordinary, he is Indian sesame, sesame, is one of the oldest spices and seasonings. Sesame - useful properties, how to use and store - all this will be discussed in the article.

Where does sesame grow, what does it look like?

How sesame grows - the photo below will give a complete picture of this.

The height of the plant can reach three meters. Basically, sesame blooms with white flowers (although there may be pink and lilac) that grow from green leaves. Remarkable fact - sesame blossoms only one day, after which it is pollinated, and small pods with seeds of different colors are gradually formed. Sesame (plant photo with boxes filled with seeds).

Sesame prefers a warm climate and grows mainly only in tropical zones. Since ancient times, it has been grown in India, North Africa, Arabia and Pakistan. Years later, sesame began to be grown on the territory of Russia, in the agricultural area of ​​the Krasnodar Territory, but it is rather difficult to do this due to not very suitable climatic conditions. It should be noted that you can start growing sesame seeds at home, but the size of the plant will not exceed 80 cm, and its density will not be large.

Types of sesame.

Sesame seeds come in different varieties - white, golden, reddish, brown or black. The most common are white and black types of sesame. Black sesame - how is it different from white, which one is more useful? It is impossible to give a clear answer to such a question - it all depends on your goals. Black sesame is more common in southeast Asian countries, while white is more common in the west. Black sesame has a more pronounced aroma - it is used for marinades, and white - more delicate, it is used mainly in sweet dishes. Black sesame has more vitamins like A and B and carbohydrates, while white sesame has more vitamins E, K and C, as well as protein and fat. At the same time, black seed oil is considered to be of higher quality.

Composition of sesame

Sesame seeds have a fairly rich assortment of vitamins and minerals that bring great benefits to the human body. The fat content in sesame seeds is on average 48.7%, carbohydrates - 12.2%, proteins account for 19.4%. Vitamins - B1, B2, PP, E, A, C; minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, manganese, copper. Sesame seeds are especially rich in calcium - sesame, like poppy seeds, is a great alternative to the traditional source of calcium - dairy products, which, in fact, are not as good as advertised (the more dairy products you consume, the more calcium you will have). miss). How much calcium is in sesame? One hundred grams of the product can account for up to 1.4 g of calcium, which is the daily requirement of the human body for calcium.

What is useful?

The benefits of sesame for the body - lies in its ability to remove toxins from the body, stabilize metabolism, lower cholesterol. Sesame seeds are a prophylactic against diseases of the joints, osteoporosis, cancer; strengthen nails, hair, skeletal system, help gain muscle mass, help speedy healing of wounds, rejuvenate the body.

Who can't have sesame?


All plants have seeds, which are quite a high-calorie product due to their high fat content. Sesame was no exception, the calorie content of seeds in which is different due to the individual shape and size. However, on average 100 grams of the product will give you 560 - 580 kcal.

Why soak sesame seeds?

Black sesame seeds, the useful properties and contraindications of which we have considered, require their own approach to use. This applies to the same extent to white sesame, and to its other types. In order for sesame to show the best qualities, it is advisable to use it raw or soaked, because. any seeds that have undergone heat treatment lose almost all of their useful properties.
If you buy dried sesame and after it soak, then the seeds will be easier to chew to the desired consistency and the level of assimilation in the body increases.

Another way to consume sesame seeds is to pre-treat them. grinding. Here it should be clarified that sesame, like flax, is not recommended to be stored crushed, because in this form it quickly loses its valuable qualities.
Sprouted sesame is also very useful. At sprouting it increases the content of vitamins C and E.

Norms of consumption of sesame per day

What is sesame, useful properties and how to use it, we have already considered. Now let's talk about how much it can be eaten. In order for sesame seeds to bring the greatest benefit to the body, a normalized daily dosage should be established. Sesame - how much to eat per day - the average dosage for a person is no more than three tsp. for one day. In general, I advise you to focus on your feelings. For example, you can make sesame milk. Most likely, in this case, the consumption rate will be exceeded, but at the same time, the milk cake will be used / eaten at another time.

Sesame oil

Sesame seeds, useful properties and contraindications, as well as the composition of which are given above, are also used to obtain valuable oil for its medicinal and cosmetic properties.

Oil can be produced from both roasted and unroasted sesame seeds. In the first version, the oil will have a darker color and a stronger aroma, and in the second case, it will be lighter, with a less pronounced odor, but much more beneficial for the body.
The oil contains poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and oleic), vitamins, minerals, sesamol, squalene, phospholipids, phytosterols.
Sesame seed oil has many medicinal qualities: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, bactericidal, wound healing, laxative, diuretic, antihelminthic, sedative, antidepressant. It is good for the heart and blood vessels. And besides, like sesame seeds, the use of oil helps to build muscle mass.

Contraindications for the use of sesame oil, there will be increased blood clotting, thrombosis and urolithiasis. 100 grams of this oil contains 899 kcal.

Why is sesame bitter?

Sesame can be bitter for the following reasons:
- as a result of damage due to long-term or improper storage;
- as a result of the treatment of seeds with chemicals.
It seems to me that the sesame seed still has the slightest bitterness, barely noticeable. And if it is bitter, then it is worth thinking and drawing conclusions.

How is sesame stored

It is advisable to store unpeeled sesame seeds in a dry, cool and dark place. If it was possible to purchase peeled seeds, then the shelf life of such a product will be less than that of an unpeeled one, and over time they acquire a bitter aftertaste.
As for sesame oil, it is quite a long-lasting product due to its antioxidant content. It can be stored for many years and not even in a refrigerated place. Over time, the oil does not acquire bitterness and does not lose its beneficial properties.

Sesame and pregnancy, lactation

Is it possible to sesame while breastfeeding? - Of course. Sesame during pregnancy, as well as during lactation, should be present in the diet of a woman every day. Its vitamin and mineral composition will have a significant healing and strengthening effect on the body of both the mother and the baby.
What is useful sesame for women? Due to its composition, sesame has a positive effect on the endocrine and female reproductive systems - allows you to alleviate discomfort during menstruation and during menopause.
Introducing Sesame to Your Diet good for men too- both in diseases of the male genital area, and to increase potency.
And sesame is part of a strong aphrodisiac for both men and women, along with poppy and flax (all in equal proportions).

Sesame or sesame belongs to the herbaceous plants of the Pedaliaceae family, and has been used as an oilseed since ancient times. It should be noted that sesame is white and black. The seeds of these plants differ in taste and concentration of biologically active substances. As a rule, among connoisseurs of spices, black sesame is valued more. Today we will take a closer look at how to take sesame seeds with benefits, possible harm and contraindications for use.

Sesame is an integral part of Arabic and Jewish cuisines. Sesame seeds are a unique product widely used in cooking (adding to cold snacks, sprinkling bakery products, making tahini halva and gozinaki), cosmetology (mainly sesame oil saturated with healing components is used), traditional and folk medicine.

Numerous seeds of the culture are in an elongated multifaceted box, ripening at the top of the stem. Valuable oil is squeezed out of them - a universal vegetable oil that has found both internal and external use.

Seeds with a delicate nutty flavor and delicate spicy aroma have a unique biochemical composition, thanks to which they are endowed with powerful healing powers. Their inclusion in the diet as a seasoning and oriental sweets can significantly improve health. Water- and fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, bioavailable lipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, etc. were found in seeds.

The benefits and harms of sesame seeds for women and men

white and black sesame seeds (photo)

The benefits of sesame seeds have been confirmed in numerous scientific works, they are endowed with truly mystical characteristics. In ancient times, it was believed that sesame is one of the important components of the elixir of youth.

To date, it is known for certain that seeds have medicinal properties that allow them to cope with many diseases of the human body.

Useful properties of seeds:

  • Immunomodulatory (the inclusion of sesame seeds in the diet increases the body's resistance to various infections);
  • Expectorant (with the help of sesame oil, colds are treated, accompanied by a cough);
  • Cleansing (the product helps to remove accumulated toxins, carcinogens, heavy metals, metabolites and toxic substances from the body);
  • Anti-cholesterol (omega-3 PUFAs in the seeds help reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood);
  • Hematopoietic (seeds improve blood composition);
  • Metabolic (the inclusion of seeds in the diet normalizes all types of metabolism, primarily phosphorus-calcium);
  • Sedative (the product has a positive effect on the state of the central nervous system and helps to resist stress);
  • General strengthening (vitamins and microelements prevent the development of hypovitaminosis and microelement deficiency in the body).

In addition, it has been proven that the systematic use of small portions of seeds is a powerful prevention of malignant cell degeneration, and hence the development of cancer.

The product is indispensable for the health of the cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, musculoskeletal and reproductive systems.

The benefits of sesame seeds for women is to improve the condition of the genital area. In addition, the biologically active phytonutrients of the product have a beneficial effect on the female body during hormonal disruptions and during menopause, prevent the development of mastopathy and prevent calcium leaching from bones (prevention of osteoporosis).

And sesame is a powerful tool for maintaining beauty, since its components significantly improve the condition of the skin and skin appendages (nail plates, hair).

The benefits of sesame seeds for men is to activate the processes of building muscle mass, which is especially important in the process of intense training. Sesame is also useful for male menopause, which is accompanied by insomnia, irritability and decreased sexual activity.

About harm and contraindications

To date, the benefits and harms of sesame seeds have been studied quite well, and despite the value, nutritionists recommend including them in the diet in limited quantities. Firstly, the product is high in calories, and secondly, excessive consumption of seeds can lead to the development of allergic reactions (skin rashes, overthrow, hyperemia, urticaria) and digestive disorders (constipation, flatulence, diarrhea, pain in the epigastric region).

You should not get carried away with oriental sweets made from sesame seeds, the main of which are kozinaki (grains pressed into plates in sweet molasses syrup) and tahini halva. The combination of sesame and refined sugar is contraindicated in diabetes, obesity, pancreatitis, exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Women should not forget about the calorie content of such a treat.

Sesame is harmful to patients prone to the formation of blood clots and having increased blood clotting.

It is undesirable to use seeds and in the presence of urolithiasis in history. Experts do not advise eating sesame on an empty stomach, as it can provoke irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.

How to take sesame seeds?

Let's eat and enjoy!

To reap the maximum benefit, nutritionists recommend consuming seeds and oil in the morning, when calcium and other trace elements are absorbed as much as possible.

Eat sesame seeds in the amount of 1-3 teaspoons per day. They are added to salads, vegetable dishes, pastries.

Healthy dishes with sesame seeds

A very healthy drink for both adults and children

The easiest way to eat the seeds is raw (not roasted). To diversify the menu, experienced housewives recommend trying to cook savory and original dishes from sesame seeds - I will give a few recipes below.

sesame milk

One of the healthiest sesame-based dishes is sesame milk. This is an amazing tool for both kids and adults. Just one glass of such milk per day can satisfy the body's daily need for calcium and improve the functioning of all organs and systems.

The drink is especially popular among vegetarians, everyone who suffers from lactose intolerance and cannot drink cow's milk, as well as Orthodox people who observe long fasts.

A glass of seeds is poured with water all night. In the morning, the swollen seeds are filtered, placed in a blender bowl, 15 ml of sesame oil, 2-3 date fruits (pitted), a pinch of sea salt are added there. The mass is ground, gradually adding drinking water (0.8 l is required in total) until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The drink should acquire a characteristic milky color.

  • Before use, the liquid is filtered through several layers of gauze, removing the cake. Milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days without loss of quality.

Vitamin salad with sesame seeds

This salad is a great cold appetizer served before the main courses for breakfast, lunch or dinner. You will need washed lettuce leaves (1 bunch), celery root (100 g), medium apple, sesame oil, herbs for decoration, a teaspoon of lemon juice and 2-3 teaspoons of sesame seeds.

Lettuce leaves are cut into strips, peeled celery root and an apple are grated, fresh dill, arugula and basil are chopped with a sharp knife. All components are mixed, seeds are added, slightly salted and seasoned with vegetable oil mixed with a few drops of lemon juice.

Bon appetit!

Have you added sesame seeds to your daily diet yet? Then it's time to start, because the useful properties of the product are almost inexhaustible, and the taste is beyond praise.

Sesame has long been called "food for the Gods" because its rich vitamin and nutritional composition can give a person many positive properties: improve health, improve well-being, eliminate problems. There are special rules for eating seeds, both seeds and oil, to which you should pay utmost attention.

South Africa is considered the birthplace of sesame, but it is also grown in the countries of the Far East, Central Asia and India.

It should be noted that sesame seed is used more widely abroad, while our compatriots use it mainly for gastronomic purposes, for example, for making desserts such as halva. Sesame is also used as a topping for various bakery products. But you should better familiarize yourself with the issue of sesame seeds: benefits and harms, because it is not entirely reasonable to use such a useful tool exclusively for culinary delights.

Composition of sesame

The rich and ... very high-calorie mineral and vitamin composition of the seeds impresses with its beneficial properties:

  • Tocopherol - is responsible for the tone, vascular permeability, supplying oxygen to the human circulatory system.
  • Retinol is the best protector of eye health, takes part in most of the biochemical processes of the body. Strong antioxidant.
  • B vitamins - protect against the consequences of stressful situations, stimulate brain cells, are responsible for the nervous system.
  • Micro-, macroelements: zinc, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and, most importantly, calcium.
  • Lecithin, fetin. A useful property of the latter is the ability to maintain the mineral balance of the body.
  • Sesamin is a powerful antioxidant that lowers cholesterol levels.

Sesame seeds are rich in fatty oils, accounting for up to 60% of the total mass. Therefore, sesame oil has the same rich composition and beneficial properties as seeds. It is worth noting that sesamin, passing through the refining process, turns into a phenolic antioxidant - sesamol, but vitamins A and E are “lost” during processing.

The composition of sesame includes phytin - a substance that helps to restore and normalize the mineral balance in the body. Phytosterol helps to strengthen the immune system, increase the body's resistance to various infections and reduce the risk of getting the flu. The same element reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and fights the problem of obesity.

The table shows the content of nutrients (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of the edible part.

Nutrient Quantity Norm** % of norm in 100 g % of the norm in 100 kcal 100% normal
calories 565 kcal 1684 kcal 33.6% 5.9% 1682
Squirrels 19.4 g 76 g 25.5% 4.5% 76 g
Fats 48.7 g 60 g 81.2% 14.4% 60 g
Carbohydrates 12.2 g 211 g 5.8% 1% 210 g
Alimentary fiber 5.6 g 20 g 28% 5% 20 g
Water 9 g 2400 g 0.4% 0.1% 2250 g
Ash 5.1 g ~
Vitamin B1, thiamine 1.27 mg 1.5 mg 84.7% 15% 1 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.36 mg 1.8 mg 20% 3.5% 2 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 2.3 mg 15 mg 15.3% 2.7% 15 g
Vitamin PP, NE 11.1 mg 20 mg 55.5% 9.8% 20 g
Niacin 4 mg ~
Potassium, K 497 mg 2500 mg 19.9% 3.5% 2497
Calcium Ca 1474 mg 1000 mg 147.4% 26.1% 1000 g
Magnesium 540 mg 400 mg 135% 23.9% 400 g
Sodium, Na 75 mg 1300 mg 5.8% 1% 1293
Phosphorus, Ph 720 mg 800 mg 90% 15.9% 800 g
trace elements
Iron, Fe 16 mg 18 mg 88.9% 15.7% 18 g
digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins 10.2 g ~
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) 2 g max 100 g
Essential amino acids 5.37 g ~
Arginine* 1.9 g ~
Valine 0.886 g ~
Histidine* 0.478 g ~
Isoleucine 0.783 g ~
Leucine 1.338 g ~
Lysine 0.554 g ~
Methionine 0.559 g ~
Methionine + Cysteine 0.87 g ~
Threonine 0.768 g ~
tryptophan 0.297 g ~
Phenylalanine 0.885 g ~
Phenylalanine + Tyrosine 1.6 g ~
Non-essential amino acids 12.883 g ~
Alanine 0.781 g ~
Aspartic acid 1.666 g ~
Glycine 1.386 g ~
Glutamic acid 3.946 g ~
Proline 0.75 g ~
Serene 0.945 g ~
Tyrosine 0.716 g ~
Cysteine 0.315 g ~
Sterols (sterols)
beta sitosterol 210 mg ~
Fatty acid
Omega 6 fatty acids 19.6 g 4.7 to 16.8 g 116.7% 20.7% 17 g
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids 6.6 g max 18.7 g
16:0 Palmitic 4.2 g ~
18:0 Stearic 2.2 g ~
20:0 Arachinoic 0.1 g ~
Monounsaturated fatty acids 19.5 g from 18.8 to 48.8 g 100% 17.7% 20 g
16:1 Palmitoleic 0.1 g ~
18:1 Oleic (omega-9) 19.4 g ~
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 19.6 g from 11.2 to 20.6 g 100% 17.7% 20 g
18:2 Linoleic 19.6 g ~

The calorie content of sesame seeds is high - about 500 kcal. Therefore, dieters need to strictly control the amount of sesame consumption. The conversation is about seeds that are used for medicinal purposes, and not in cooking. But for athletes who want to gain muscle mass, sesame will give not only energetically valuable calories, but also proteins, polyunsaturated fats, and minerals.

If your body refuses to sleep at night and no remedy helps, then the weak one from this fruit is exactly what will effectively cope with the task.

Sesame seeds, useful properties and contraindications

Sesame seeds are known to many white oily and very fragrant seeds. Not everyone knows that sesame is often referred to as "sesame".

This is an oriental plant that is extremely popular in Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian cuisine.

This plant looks extremely unusual and visually resembles a small box, a little oblong in shape, which is completely filled with seeds of different colors. Sesame seeds can vary from pure white to deep black.

The rest of the seeds can be yellow and brown and all shades of these colors.

A pleasant feature of sesame is its very delicate and slightly spicy aroma. It is this property that allows it to be used as a seasoning in cooking. But this is far from the last use of sesame, because it has found its application both in medicine and in cosmetology.

There is an opinion that a special elixir of immortality, which also included sesame seeds, has been popular in the east since ancient times. However, until now, this plant is considered very useful for humans.

Useful qualities of the plant:

  • These seeds naturally contain a lot of healthy oil, which has a very beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body. These oils improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract, because the sesame oil itself is completely organic and saturated carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, amino acids and fatty acids
  • Sesame seeds contain a large amount of vitamins that are very useful for humans. Most of them vitamin A and a huge amount of B vitamins. In addition, the presence of vitamin E, PP and vitamin C
  • Sesame has a rich mineral composition. Sesame is rich phosphorus, it has a lot of calcium, not enough magnesium and potassium

It is important to note that the amount of antioxidants that are in sesame can be stored in the seed for quite a long time - up to ten years.

The many useful properties of sesame seeds allow the seeds to have not only a healing, but also a preventive property. So sesame is able to normalize many processes in the body:

  • to prevent diseases of the bone tissue and joints
  • improve metabolism
  • lower blood cholesterol levels
  • provide cancer prevention

The substance that is part of sesame, which has a beneficial effect, is called phytin. It is he who helps in the body to normalize all metabolic processes.

Sesame flour has a strong detoxifying effect. A tablespoon of crushed seeds before each meal will help rid the body of toxins. Due to the anti-inflammatory action, gruel made from flour and sesame oil will alleviate the symptoms of mastopathy. Heated in a frying pan, the seeds, ground into powder, will become indispensable for neuralgic pains in the limbs, lower back.

In medicine, oil obtained from sesame seeds is used. A variety of preparations for various applications are prepared from it. It can be both ointments for external use, and in the form of injections.

Sesame oil is also impregnated with a variety of compresses and plasters, which help the fastest healing of wounds. Another use of the oil is in the form of intestinal cleansing enemas.

The use of pure sesame oil inside helps the stomach cope with peptic ulcers and gastritis. in addition, regular use of oil contributes to the removal of toxic substances and toxins from the body.

If you make regular face masks with sesame oil, you can avoid skin problems: rashes, irritations, acne.

Sesame contraindications:

  • Like any plant with a number of useful properties, sesame also has its own specific contraindications. First, the most basic disadvantage of the seed is its ability to affect blood clotting. It is for this reason that people suffering from thrombosis should not often eat sesame seeds.
  • It is also forbidden to eat sesame seeds for those who regularly suffer from urolithiasis.
  • In addition, any person should not consume sesame seeds and sesame oil in large quantities.
  • It is permissible to consume sesame seeds only in a certain limited amount - no more than three full teaspoons per day in any form: in salads, in pastries, in the form of gozinak

What is the difference between white and black sesame?

Of course, everyone knows what sesame is. However, many can be misled by its color scheme, since sesame seeds can be either white or black. What is the difference between this seed?

Everything is much easier than it seems. Black sesame ripens along with white sesame, but it has a brighter and stronger pleasant aroma and, unlike white, it should not be peeled.

It should be noted that black sesame is rich in iron, it contains much more of it than white. It is for this reason that black sesame seeds are recommended for those who suffer from anemia and general weakness of the body.

Black sesame is most often grown in China and Thailand, while the largest supplier of white seed is El Salvador and Mexico.

The black seed, when peeled, does not become white, its nucleolus remains black. White sesame also does not change color, but it should be cleaned.

Black sesame is noticeably bitter, unlike white. White sesame has a pleasant nutty flavor. The black seed is more oily and mainly oil is obtained from it.

Black sesame is perfect for salads and desserts, while white sesame goes well with pastries and bars.

It is recommended to use both black and white sesame along with the husk, since it contains 90% of useful minerals and beneficial properties. Sesame peel is rich in fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive process.

Useful and medicinal properties of black and white sesame and contraindications

It is necessary to analyze in detail all the medicinal properties of both black and white sesame seeds, taking into account all possible contraindications.

Properties black sesame white sesame
Biochemical properties More saturated than white. Black sesame contains much more ash and carbohydrates White sesame has a richer content of proteins and fats. It is noticed that there is much more moisture in the white seed than in the black one.
Vitamin composition Black seed is rich in vitamin A and B vitamins White sesame is richer in vitamins like E, K and also contains a lot of vitamin C.
Protein content Black sesame contains about 20% White sesame contains about 22%
Fat content Black sesame contains less fat, approximately 48% white sesame has more fat - about 53%
Beneficial effect on the body Black sesame contains the maximum amount of antioxidants, it contains much more of them than white sesame There are a lot of phytosterols in white sesame seeds, which help lower blood cholesterol.
medicinal properties Due to the fact that black seed is more saturated with useful trace elements, it is it that is most often used in medicine. Contains sesaminol and sesamolin - beneficial antioxidants
Contraindications Individual intolerance, tendency to thrombosis. Urolithiasis. Individual intolerance. The calorie content of the seed makes it unacceptable for eating people prone to overweight.

It is worth noting that the use of sesame oil on an empty stomach can provoke discomfort: nausea and vomiting.

Sesame for women

Healers were sure that sesame helps to keep the female reproductive system in good condition. Therefore, even in ancient times, they recommended that women daily chew one spoonful of these seeds.

What is useful sesame for women? The body of the fair sex, during menopause, "stings" on the production of hormones that protect women from cancer, are responsible for youth and attractiveness. Sesame is rich in phytoestrogens that help replenish the deficiency of female sex hormones, slowing down the aging process and protecting against cancer.

Sesame seeds contribute to the formation of the baby's bone tissue, strengthening the bones of a woman during pregnancy.

Sesame for men

Since ancient times, flaxseed porridge with the addition of sesame oil caused an extraordinary surge of sexual energy, acting on its admirers as a powerful aphrodisiac, regardless of gender. In the East, sesame is used to increase potency: 40 g of heated seeds with 20 g of honey will turn a man into a great lover. For athletes who want to give relief to the body, increase muscle mass, experts recommend including sesame oil in the diet, raw seeds - black or white.

In addition, sesame seeds are rich in such an important mineral as zinc. It is zinc that is responsible for the production of sex hormones in both women and men. Zinc in sesame is able to directly and beneficially affect the prostate, improving its functioning and preventing oncological diseases of this gland.

In addition, the rich content of zinc, vitamin E and other useful elements improves the reproductive function of a man, improving the functioning of the genital organs and improving the quantity, and most importantly, the quality of sperm.

It has been proven that sesame (aka sesame) improves blood circulation both in this body and in the pelvic organs. Thus, it also has a beneficial effect on the male genital organs, improving erection and helping to make sex longer.

Treatment of a cold with sesame seeds

With regular use of sesame seeds, immunity to colds is noticeably increased. This is due to the trace elements it contains. Since ancient times, sesame seeds have been used to ease breathing in lung diseases or asthma.

Oil, by the way, also has this useful property, so you can actively use it. If you moisten a cotton swab with this oil and wipe the child's ears, then the congestion will immediately disappear, and the tension in the head will noticeably decrease.

If the cold is delayed, then it is recommended to do the following. In a water bath, bring the sesame oil to 36 degrees, and then quickly rub into the chest. After that, wrap the patient in a blanket and let him sleep. As a rule, the very next day he will get rid of many symptoms, since sesame oil can normalize body temperature and significantly help the immune system.

Why is sesame seed unique: replenishing the body with calcium

  • Sesame seed is incredibly rich in vitamins and other trace elements that are important for the normal life of any person.
  • It is worth paying special attention calcium which is contained in sesame in sufficient quantity
  • Sesame can be safely called a "champion" among other seeds in terms of calcium content.
  • It is for this reason that it is recommended to eat it, but in a limited amount for women who are in a position
  • It is extremely useful to use sesame seeds for adolescents in whom the bone and skeletal system is experiencing its strengthening and growth, as well as for the elderly in order to avoid bone fragility and inflammation of the joints.
  • In addition to the fact that sesame is able to strengthen bones, it also helps to remove various and harmful metabolic products from the body.
  • The calcium contained in sesame improves the secretion of hormones in the human body.

Effects on digestion and body weight

Thiamin, which is rich in seeds, contributes to the normalization of metabolism, stabilizes the nervous system. The seeds also contain vitamin PP, which improves digestion. Also, sesame is used to get rid of excess weight. By chewing a small amount of raw seeds, you can dull the feeling of hunger for a long time. But, given the high calorie content of oil and seeds, this should not be abused. Eating sesame seeds in large quantities can lead to obesity.

Sesame seed in folk medicine

  • For indigestion You need to take 200 ml of chilled boiled water and add 1 tbsp. a boat of liquid honey. Next, grind the seeds and add 1 teaspoon to the prepared mixture. This solution must be consumed several times a day in small portions;
  • With mastitis in women during lactation, a compress will help solve this problem. First you need to fry the seeds on low heat, and then grind them to a powder, mix with vegetable oil, then this mixture should be wrapped in gauze and applied to the chest;
  • For rejuvenation, a remedy from 1 tbsp. tablespoons of sesame seeds, 1 teaspoon of ginger (ground), 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar. You need to use this mixture once a day, 1 teaspoon;
  • Plant seeds are used to cleanse and heal the body. It is necessary to consume about 15–20 grams of sesame powder in the form of a powder before meals and drink it with water three times a day;
  • For hemorrhoids, you need to take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sesame powder, then pour it with 500 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes. Then you need to cover the contents and insist until completely cooled. A decoction is used for external use on inflamed areas;
  • For pain in the lumbar region or arms and legs due to inflammation of the tissue of nerve fibers, a sesame-based remedy will help. First, the seeds are fried in a pan, then finely chopped. Take one tablespoon of sesame seeds and honey once a day. For the best effect, you can drink the mixture with warm water with ginger juice.

Medicinal uses of sesame in Ayurveda

As a treatment, sesame can be used in the following ways:

  • For lung diseases, colds, flu, coughs, asthma, sesame oil is used, which is rubbed into the chest, head, hands and feet;
  • To strengthen teeth and gums, with osteoporosis, sesame seeds are mixed with shatavari (in a ratio of 2 to 1), ginger and unrefined sugar are added. You can take up to 30g of this mixture per day;
  • For burns, boils, ulcers - sesame oil is mixed in equal proportions with water acidified with lime or lemon juice and applied externally;
  • For headaches or dizziness, sesame oil mixed with a small amount of camphor, cardamom and cinnamon can be applied to the head. For the same purpose, sesame powder can be applied to the head;
  • For abscesses, a slurry of sesame leaves boiled in milk is applied to the affected areas;
  • The leaves are also used for scabies. To this end, they are moistened in vinegar;
  • With rheumatism, joint pain, arthritis and polyarthritis, the sore spot is rubbed with warm sesame oil.

Can sesame be pregnant and lactating?

The unique properties of sesame help people of all ages to deal with various problems: constipation, gastritis, bone and joint diseases, skin imperfections.

It is worth noting the positive effect of sesame on the body of a woman who is in position. You can eat sesame during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but only in limited quantities and focusing on your own tolerance to this product.

What is favorable sesame during pregnancy and lactation:

  • The rich content of vitamin and calcium in sesame has a positive effect on the embryo, giving it the necessary complex of microelements for development.
  • Sesame seed and oil are easily digested and are not able to give any discomfort to either mother or baby.
  • When choosing sesame for consumption, do not give preference to the polished seed, as it is intended only to add flavor and decoration to baked goods. Choose black or white sesame with husks
  • Do not eat more than three teaspoons of the seed per day. You can eat it both in its pure form and add various dishes: to salads, to meat, to desserts.
  • During lactation, one teaspoon of sesame oil per day will be enough. If you eat a lot of butter, you run the risk of bitterness in the milk. This, in turn, may not attract the baby and make him anxious.
  • Sesame oil and sesame seeds have a beneficial effect on the lactation process, increasing the flow of milk and making it a little fatter. Such milk will give the child satiety and energy.
  • Using sesame, a woman in position or a nursing mother may not worry that she will have a lack of calcium, which over time will lead to bone disease and tooth loss
  • Regular consumption of sesame seeds contributes to the normal formation of bone tissue in the embryo and the avoidance of serious problems and diseases.
  • Pregnant women are advised to consume a spoonful of oil daily to improve bowel movements and avoid painful constipation.

At what age can seeds, gozinaki, halva and sesame oil be given to children?

  • The researchers calculated and were surprised when they noticed that sesame seeds contained three times more calcium than natural milk. In addition, a rich mineral composition can favorably affect the functioning of the liver and glands.
  • There are no specific restrictions on the use of sesame in childhood, and each time it is worth focusing only on the individual tolerance of the product by each person.
  • So, in childhood, when a child's teeth appear and he begins to try serious adult food, occasionally he can be pampered with a small piece of kazinak
  • It is worth noting that if for an adult the norm of pure sesame seed per day is three teaspoons, then the norm of a child should be strictly limited to one teaspoon per day. The same goes for oil.
  • Sesame seed and natural dishes from it can be consumed in limited quantities at any age, each time after eating the seed, the child should monitor his well-being, stool and skin condition for an allergic reaction.

How to choose and store sesame seeds

When choosing sesame, make sure the seeds are dry and crumbly. For this, it is best to buy them in a transparent bag. Seeds should not give bitterness.

It is worth noting that unpeeled sesame, whose beneficial properties are undeniably higher than that of peeled sesame, is also stored longer!

Until sesame seeds are peeled, they may well be stored in a simple but preferably airtight container where it is dark, dry and cool. But if the seeds are already cleaned, their shelf life is sharply reduced, they become rancid in a short time. In order to avoid this, you need to store them in the refrigerator, and preferably in the freezer.

In a non-refrigerated place, sesame seeds are stored for about three months, provided they are stored in an airtight container in a dark and dry place. If they are stored in a refrigerated place, their shelf life increases to six months, and if stored frozen in the freezer, they can be stored for about a year.

This is absolutely not related to sesame oil. It does not deteriorate over time and can be stored for years without harming its quality even in very hot climates.