A speargun has a direct impact on the success of an event, so its quality is crucial. Experts do not recommend rushing to the first thing that comes across, because an exciting adventure can turn into torment due to a bad device. Before choosing a weapon, it is better to get acquainted with all its varieties, find out their characteristics, pros and cons. Already then decide which speargun will be the best choice.

Types of spearguns

There are certain types of guns for this type of hunting. The modern market has devices made by different companies, but homemade spearguns can also come across. When purchasing a speargun for yourself, you need to know that there are such types:

  • Sling;
  • Powder;
  • vacuum;
  • Gas;
  • Spring;
  • Hydropneumatic;
  • Pneumatic;
  • Crossbow.


You can’t call a sling or Hawaiian a gun, and it doesn’t look like that outwardly either. However, this device itself became the ancestor of all underwater guns.

A sling is a metal tube with a movable tip attached to it. The other end has a spring or rubber band. To actuate the device, the spring or rubber band is pulled to the middle of the tube. In this place, the hunter, holding it with his hand, after aiming, releases the tube. The force of tension will abruptly throw it at the target. Such a do-it-yourself speargun can be made without problems even at home.

Gun powder for spearfishing

The harpoon is ejected under the action of powder charges. These guns were popular in the last century. Today, their use has been banned. Fans of spearfishing have not lost anything due to the many flaws in the device.

Underwater vacuum gun

The device consists of a metal pipe, barrel and piston with a large diameter. Charging it, the hunter presses on the harpoon, moving the piston. The pressure created between it and the pipe body forms a vacuum.

When diving to great depths, the pressure of the water was supposed to increase the power of the gun, but in practice the device demonstrated its inefficiency and unreliability. The strength of the shot was not enough for a large fish, there was also no accuracy.

gas gun

The device is a barrel with a trigger mechanism. It has a special dispenser, as well as a compressed gas cylinder. When fired, some of the gas is released through the dispenser, after which the harpoon takes off.

The weapon is quite noisy, for this reason it is not used by amateurs or athletes. It is used by professional hunters for large specimens of fish.

Spring shotgun

It is more widespread than all the previous ones. It was especially popular until the middle of the last century, although even now some people use it. The gun has a powerful spring, under the action of which the harpoon is thrown out of the barrel.

There are several modifications of such a gun, with differences in spring mechanisms, in which:

  • The springs are stretched;
  • The springs are compressed;
  • Two springs - the first is compressed, and the second is stretched.

In addition, one gun can be equipped with two springs of similar action, but differ in diameter. A thin spring is placed inside a thick one, which increases the power of the gun.

Stretching springs are used in small models, and compressing, on the contrary, they are also more powerful. Double-spring - very strong, but difficult to charge.

The advantages of such products include simplicity of design, ease of use, low cost and reliability.

Despite this, such guns are undesirable for beginners, because they have:

  • Weak lethal force;
  • Low buoyancy;
  • Noise during reloading and firing;
  • Low shooting accuracy. The trunk is thrown up.

Hydropneumatic spear gun

Powerful, but structurally complex speargun. In its production, only high-quality materials should be used, because it is very whimsical.

The design of this device consists of:

  • trunk;
  • muzzle;
  • receiver;
  • Piston for separation of hydraulic and pneumatic cavities;
  • The handle in which the trigger is located;
  • Harpoon.

Hydropneumatic guns have some advantages. With their help, you can hunt even at night in reservoirs that are completely overgrown with reeds. In addition, such a device can be fired completely silently.

Pneumatic gun

The gun is considered non-consumable and operates on compressed air. Underwater gun "Shark" is one of the representatives of pneumatic guns. The presence of compressed air replaces the spring. The power of the shot is determined by the download. When firing, the release of compressed air does not occur, it will not leave the chamber.

The activated trigger releases the harpoon from the hitches. The pressure created from the energy of compressed air pushes the harpoon out of the barrel. Such devices can be recharged underwater.

Pneumatic guns have a wide variety of power, which directly depends on their size. Larger pneumatic devices are more powerful. Many systems have combat controls. With their help, the force with which the harpoon will be allowed to fly out of the barrel is selected.

Pneumatic devices are produced mainly with 11-13 mm barrels, the thickness of the harpoons for them, respectively, is 7-8 mm. 7 mm arrows fly out with a high initial speed, but they are more likely to lose it due to the presence of less weight. Whereas 8 mm harpoons fly out with a low initial speed, but they are able to cover considerable distances.

By the way, the Zelinka speargun is deservedly considered by many amateurs and spearfishing professionals to be the best pneumatic gun in its class. Knowing the tactical and technical characteristics of this underwater weapon, experts recommend using sevens for hitting targets at short distances, eights for hunting from a distance of several meters.

Some specialists will improve their devices by installing an additional pneumo-vacuum system on them. It will prevent the collection of water when loading in the barrel space. The underwater gun "Pelengas" is just one of the representatives of pneumatic vacuum guns.

Advantages of pneumatic guns:

  • The efficiency is high;
  • Convenient use;
  • High maneuverability;
  • Good buoyancy;
  • Significant power;
  • Adjustable lethal force;
  • Compact dimensions.


  • Noisy shot;
  • Big return up;
  • The need to get used to the process of aiming.

Underwater crossbow

This type of weapon for spearfishing is used mainly in sea water and subject to good visibility. The crossbow is structurally arranged very simply and reliably. As a result of this and some other reasons, the speargun is now extremely popular.

Crossbows with a length of 500-1500 mm are popular on sale. It should be remembered that it is not the actual length that is taken into account, but the distance from the first hook of the harpoon to the attachment points of the rods, that is, the barrel (“barrel”) is measured. The actual size will exceed the stated by approximately thirty-five percent.

Main advantages:

  • Accurate shooting;
  • Silent shooting;
  • Simple construction;
  • Minor price.


  • Low rate of fire;
  • Weak mobility.

Rules for choosing spearguns

When choosing an underwater gun of “your dreams”, you will have to take into account the characteristics of the reservoirs on which hunting is supposed to be carried out: whether it will be the sea or fresh water, what is the level of the bottom and vegetation.

So, for hunting in reservoirs with densely overgrown vegetation, the presence of stones and snags, it is recommended to arm yourself with highly maneuverable short-barreled models. For deep-sea hunting with good visibility, it is recommended to arm yourself with long-barreled guns that have the most accurate combat.

What trophy is supposed to be hunted, the choice of the power of the gun will depend on this. The larger the trophy is planned, the more powerful the shooting device should be. So, when hunting at short distances, you will need a silent gun.

  • CressiSubSL Star 55. Good value for money. Simple and reliable;
  • Appeared relatively recently, but has already attracted a lot of admirers. The device has many useful innovations;
  • Seac Sub Handy and practical shotgun with reel and regulator;
  • Mares Sten 11. It has good performance and low cost. By the way, most experienced hunters prefer to use this model;
  • Zelinka. It belongs to the best and most expensive. The main advantage is the titanium body of the weapon.

It is undesirable to buy the cheapest Chinese devices, because the quality is likely to be appropriate. Do not go to extremes and think that the best speargun should be only the most expensive. The most acceptable option for a gun is most likely to be a copy of the middle price category, and the manufacturer is preferably eminent and time-tested.

If you have any questions - leave them in the comments below the article. We or our visitors will be happy to answer them.


The sporting interest inherent in many fishermen makes us constantly look for new ways of fishing to increase the amount of prey and the diversity of the fishing process. The most ancient ancestor of the harpoon is the spear, but if the legality of hunting fish with the spear is in question today, then this type of tool is gaining popularity among fishing enthusiasts. A harpoon is a tool designed to be thrown at prey under water or in shallow water, having a serrated tip. It can be both an independent weapon and a projectile of a throwing weapon. It differs from the prison in that the shaft of the harpoon is connected to the tip with the help of a strong rope, fishing line. At the same time, the shaft remains in the hands of the fisherman, and the tip digs into the prey with the help of lateral teeth. The fish, as a rule, are not killed immediately, so the rope connecting the shaft to the tip allows the fish hunter to follow the movement of prey. Without any materials and tools at hand, it is problematic to make a harpoon gun on your own. You can find out how to make a harpoon with your own hands at home below.

The most common type is the harpoon with a release mechanism without a latch, i.e. without moving parts, grooves and grooves. The second type has special holes and a groove. This type of spear is used in guns with a front release mechanism. The third type has a special groove, which is designed to be attached to the back of the trigger.

Grapun for fishing - types

The tip of the harpoons is of two types: removable or solid. The first type is universal, it is easy to change depending on the type of prey and its weight, dimensions, as well as in case of deformation during fishing. The second type is a single piece with the base of the harpoon, it is considered more reliable than a removable one.

Depending on how the harpoon binding is made, the following types can be distinguished:

  • Front binding
  • Front binding to slip sleeve
  • Tie at the back with slip sleeve

The front tie is easy to make, holds the fish well, shooting through it easily. But with this method of binding, it is more difficult to hit the fish from a long distance, the arrow can get stuck in the barrel or break at the point of attachment. The second type has the advantage of a longer line required for long distance hunting, as well as the independence of the line from the harpoon. But, this type is difficult to manufacture on your own, its design is more complex. In addition, prey is difficult to hit on the fly and keep it. A harpoon tied behind a sleeve with a slip is easy to manufacture, while the line does not affect it. The disadvantages of this type are: difficulties with replacing the line, weakening the arrow with a hole, the impossibility of hitting the prey right through.

At home, it is easy to make a harpoon for spearfishing, which will consist of a handle and a tip. Before you start making a harpoon, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • wooden stick
  • A piece of polypropylene pipe
  • Martens bandage
  • Medium sized nails
  • large nut
  • Vise
  • Sandpaper, file
  • Hacksaw
  • Insulating tape


First, the harpoon itself is made. To do this, the nut is placed in a vise. At the same time, a wooden block is put on a drill. Using medium speed, the bar is inserted into the nut and scrolled through it, achieving a round shape. Then, also, scrolling with a drill, the bar is polished with sandpaper. Then you need to take nails (3 pieces), saw off their hats with a hacksaw, and sharpen both ends of each nail with a file so that they are sharp. Electrical tape is wound around the end of the bar, nails are attached to it in turn with the help of a strong fishing thread. After they are tied with a thread, small wooden blocks must be inserted between them and the stick so that the nails take an angled position. The gap between the nail and the bar is filled with glue for strength. It remains to wrap the place where the nails are attached with electrical tape, and the spearfishing tool is ready.

Next, you need to make the main part to launch the harpoon. To do this, you need to cut off a small piece from the martens bandage (or rubber band) and attach it to the cut of the polypropylene pipe on both sides. You can do this with glue. From above, this part, as well as the place of contact of the harpoon with the bandage, is wrapped with several layers of electrical tape. The device is almost ready, it remains to attach the harpoon with fishing line or fishing line to the launcher to hold the prey.

Methods for making a harpoon as a projectile for a gun

If we consider the harpoon not as an independent tool, but as a projectile for an underwater crossbow, then its design will not differ from the above (shaft, tip, rope for attaching to a crossbow). The difference from a hand gun is that the rope is wound on a spool, and after the shot is easily unwound. To keep the harpoon on the trajectory of movement, plumage is often made on it.

Similar to a hand harpoon, in this case the shaft is made of a light, durable material. A thin branch, hardened by fire, will do. If the tip is non-removable, solid steel must be used. It is machined on a lathe from a steel bar. If this is not possible, they are made to order. When designing a harpoon with a detachable head, the main part is made of wood, as mentioned above, or of metal. The tip is formed from a thick wire (4-5mm), bent at a right angle. At the same time, it consists of several parts, one of which is flattened with a press and attached to the axis with a rope or by cutting. In the manufacture of a removable type of tip, it is advisable to make several pieces at once for their future replacement. They must have threads of a certain diameter and pitch that are present on the axis.

You can provide a significant catch by hitting the “fish spot”, but no matter how many fish there are, a hunter cannot do without good equipment and special devices.

Spearfishing equipment includes several elements, but one of the main ones is considered to be an underwater harpoon. Only if there is a gun and a harpoon in hand can a person be considered an underwater hunter.


This is the main element that provides a direct hit on the fish. Having hit the fish, he helps to keep it.

The material used to make a harpoon - stainless steel, which has special strength, which is often subjected to hardening. Only with a harpoon that has sufficient rigidity is quality hunting guaranteed.

If this piece of equipment does not have reliability in this regard - it bends when fired, then it is very difficult to hit the target, since the accuracy of the hit is not guaranteed.

Moreover, this device becomes dangerous when used.


Speargun harpoons can be classified into the following types:

A) the most popular view - harpoons that do not have a lock in the trigger. They are solid, there are no grooves or grooves. The guns in which this type of harpoon is applicable are pneumatic, having a trigger mechanism located at the back;

b) shotguns with a trigger located in front. The harpoon for such a gun differs from others in having a hole and a groove.

c) a group of guns, in which the harpoons are machined so that they can be fixed at the back in the trigger mechanism.

Depending on what kind of harpoon tip, they can be divided into groups:

a) A harpoon having a tip on its base. The advantage of this design is that the fish is securely held on it and its deformation is excluded. It also eliminates the loosening of the attachment of the tip to the harpoon and its loss. The downside is that the fish is removed from it with some difficulty.

b) Harpoon, the tip to which is screwed. Universal type of harpoon. Having a variety of tips, you can replace them, focusing on the conditions of hunting. Good because it allows you to easily take off the fish. Its disadvantage is that at the place of the thread there is a low strength of the metal, which leads to breakage or bending of the harpoon, which negatively affects the accuracy of the shot.

Harpoon head shape and sharpening directly affects on the quality of use of this tool and its productivity. In accordance with the type of fish inhabiting and the place of the planned hunting, the type of sharpening of the harpoon is selected.

Video about speargun harpoons. Very useful for beginners and not only. Enjoy watching.

Choosing a Speargun Harpoon

You need to choose a harpoon for the upcoming underwater hunting, focusing on the type and size of the fish you are expected to catch.

The most popular is the harpoon, which has a diameter of 6.5 mm. If you have to catch fish of medium size, then a harpoon with a diameter of 6 mm is suitable. They are faster.

If you are catching not very small fish, then you need a harpoon with a diameter of 7 mm, and even better 8 mm, the material for which titanium served. Such harpoons are distinguished from others by their reliability and special durability.

If hunting is carried out in blue water, then the most convenient will be a gun 1.5 - 2 meters long, and a harpoon size of 8 to 10 mm.

Some spearfishers prefer not production devices, but those that allow the possibility of manufacturing oneself. Harpoon is no exception.

How to make a harpoon for spearfishing with your own hands

Homemade harpoon for spearfishing has a number of advantages. The master will bring his weapon to perfection, making it as convenient as possible in all respects. In addition, it does not take much time to assemble. If the hunter does not have a shortage of improvised means, then making it will not be difficult.

Making a harpoon will require two items: a thick stick that will replace the metal rod, and tips.

The tips are made of durable steel wire, the diameter of which is 4-5 mm. It is cut into pieces of 25-30 cm, depending on the desired number of tips - either 5 pieces or 3.

The edge of the wire must be bent so that a right angle is obtained, the length of the bent edge is 5-7 mm. The other edge needs to be made flat by flattening it, and then make it look like a thorn with a hook.

Make holes in the stick, insert curved sharp ends into them, and fix all this with a rope in several turns. The harpoon is ready.

This video shows how to make your own speargun and harpoon for spearfishing. Enjoy watching.

Tying a harpoon to a speargun

The most popular are three types of binding: front binding; binding in front, the sleeve has a slip; binding in the back, i.e. for the sleeve with sliding.

Each of the listed types of binding has its positive and negative points. Let's list them.

Front binding


  • has no difficulties in manufacturing, as well as changing
    frayed line;
  • easily shoots through the fish and holds it.


  • less effective hit from a distance;
  • the presence of a hole for binding weakens the arrow;
  • the arrow can get stuck in difficult places;
  • tench fish bone can be cut.

Video on how to practically tie a harpoon to a speargun. Enjoy watching.

Front binding to slip sleeve


  • line length is normal.


  • has difficulty in manufacturing;
  • in the place of the muzzle, it is necessary to have fixation;
  • the harpoon has a complicated model;
  • resistance is higher;
  • through the defeat of the fish is complicated by the sleeve;
  • the arrow is not fixed in the fish at the moment of its hit.

Tie at the back with slip sleeve


  • there is no special influence of the line on the harpoon;
  • there are no special difficulties in manufacturing;
  • the muzzle ensures the correct direction of the harpoon.


  • it is problematic to replace an outdated or damaged line;
  • the reliability of the arrow is reduced by the presence of a hole for binding;
  • tench fish bone can be cut;
  • through the defeat of the fish is complicated by the sleeve.

Choosing for yourself optimal the design of the harpoon, the hunter-fisherman will not experience difficulties due to the inconvenience of the equipment, he will get a lot of pleasure and impressions in the underwater world, securing the expected catch.

Photos of harpoons for spearfishing can be seen below. Enjoy watching.

Novice spearfishers need to know how to make a homemade speargun. This can be done even without special skills, professional tools and precision equipment. There are several key varieties of an underwater gun, which differ primarily in the way they throw a damaging projectile - a harpoon. As an element that gives the striking projectile acceleration and communicates the energy necessary to overcome the resistance of water, a spring, a special rubber band, vacuum and pneumatics can act. In addition, hydropneumatic, powder, gas guns and even double-barreled shotguns are produced industrially and made by numerous home-made craftsmen. But since for the manufacture of most varieties it is necessary to have experience in such work, a variety of materials and drawings to maintain exact dimensions, you should know how to make the simplest home-made spear gun - an improved version of the so-called Hawaiian.

Novice spearfishing enthusiasts will be interested in a way to make a homemade gun without special skills, professional tools and precision equipment.

Appeared, as the name implies, on the islands of Oceania, the Hawaiians had an extremely simple device. Initially, they consisted of a pole with a harpoon tip and a rubber band with a diameter of 10-15 mm, rolled into a circle. Having hooked the rubber band on the thumb, the hunter with the back end of the pole pulled the rope back to the elbow, after which he grabbed the pole closer to the middle with the brush. After that, it remained only to aim and unclench the brush, so that the compressing rubber band would forcefully push the harpoon towards the target. However, the described method of catching fish is not very convenient for hunting, since keeping the harpoon in the “cocked” state requires constant arm tension. This shortcoming can be easily corrected without complicating the design in principle, but only by equipping the Hawaiian with a home-made trigger mechanism. Now about how exactly to make a gun for hunting under water - extremely easy to manufacture, effective and at the same time convenient to use.

Preparation for work

In addition to sporting interest, making such a homemade product also makes economic sense, since a specialized hunting store will gladly offer you the simplest harpoon gun for the price of a crossbow. In addition, a tool made to your taste will allow you to enjoy both processes - manufacturing and hunting itself. Before you make your own speargun, you will need to stock up on the following:

  • an aluminum tube with an outer diameter of 10-15 mm and a length of 150 cm;
  • PVC tube 25-30 cm long, the inner diameter of which is slightly larger than the outer diameter of the aluminum tube;
  • rectangular steel skewer;
  • M4 bolt 20-25 mm long with a nut, metal and rubber washers;
  • M4 bolt 40-50 mm long;
  • a steel rectangle measuring 40 × 15 × 2 mm;
  • three self-tapping screws 70-100 mm long;
  • fishing rubber;
  • an annular rubber band;
  • kapron thread;
  • cutting boards with a thickness of at least 20 mm;
  • epoxy glue.

Also, in order to make a gun for hunting aquatic creatures with your own hands, you will need the following tools: a screwdriver, pliers, a hammer, a chisel, a vise, wrenches, a rasp, a drill, hacksaws for wood and metal.

In addition to sporting interest, making such a homemade product also makes economic sense, since a specialized hunting store will gladly offer you the simplest harpoon gun for the price of a crossbow

Separate a fragment 20 cm long from the skewer, clamp it in a vise so that 10-12 mm sticks out of the sponges, and bend the protruding section at a right angle. Having removed the resulting L-shaped part from the vise, bend it in the direction opposite to the short part of the letter “G” so that an arc is obtained - a sector of an imaginary circle with a diameter of 50 cm. Drill a hole of 4 mm in the middle of the part. In the center of the short tube, drill 2 opposite holes - with diameters of 5 and 4 mm and 2 - with a diameter of 5 mm 1 cm from the edge. Also, in a short tube at a distance equal to the length between the hole and the bend of the L-shaped part, make a transverse slot measuring 8 × 2.5 mm. A centimeter from the edge of the aluminum tube, drill 2 opposite holes of 8 mm, and then make a transverse slot measuring 8 × 2.5 mm in the center of the tube. From fishing rubber, make a tourniquet 1 cm thick, 40-45 cm long and rewind it tightly with nylon thread every 5 cm. From the board, cut out a round cork corresponding to the inner diameter of the long pipe and drill a 4 mm longitudinal hole in it.

How to make a speargun (video)

Shotgun assembly

Now, from the set prepared in this way, it is necessary to assemble a gun. To do this, fasten the L-shaped part with a short M4 bolt to the PVC pipe, inserting a rubber washer between them so that the short part of the L-shaped part falls into the cut in the pipe wall. The bolt head should not protrude above the inner surface of the tube wall, otherwise it will interfere with shooting. Additionally, secure the L-shaped part in the area of ​​the cut with an annular rubber band.

Outwardly, this springy structure vaguely resembles a bicycle handbrake lever and simultaneously functions as a trigger and a sear - a part that serves to cock the weapon.

First, you need to cut out a wooden cork, after lubricating it with epoxy glue, insert it into the end hole of the aluminum tube. Then, weld 3 self-tapping screws on one side and an M4 bolt on the other to the metal plate in such a way that something like Neptune's trident is obtained, where the M4 bolt is the shaft of a trident. Lubricate the M4 bolt with epoxy. The resulting trident should be screwed into the hole in the wooden cork. Homemade harpoon is ready.

The aluminum tube must be inserted into the PVC tube, and a rubber band must be passed through the holes drilled in the aluminum tube with a diameter of 8 mm. The free ends of the bundle are inserted into holes with a diameter of 5 mm, drilled in a PVC tube, and carefully fixed there with a nylon thread. So, without having special qualifications, in a maximum of 1 hour you can make with your own hands an excellent attribute of outdoor activities - an underwater gun.

Do-it-yourself speargun (video)


To tension the rubber and prepare the gun for a shot, it is necessary to move the PVC tube, which acts as a cocking handle, forward to the harpoon tip, until a characteristic click indicates that the metal part that has fallen into the slots of both tubes has fixed the gun in the cocked state. Now pressing on the protruding arc of the metal part will disengage it from the harpoon and a shot will occur. Tests carried out in water show that from a distance of about 1 m, the harpoon confidently breaks through the wall of a plastic bottle filled with water, and it is quite difficult to remove it back because of the threads on the screws.


This is the simplest scheme of underwater weapons and the shortest instruction on how to make a speargun with your own hands. In addition to the method described, there are many more concepts and manufacturing methods. You can make, for example, a pneumatic gun in which the harpoon is driven by compressed air, a spring gun, etc.

You should be aware that homemade means for fishing under water, like any weapon, require careful adherence to safety rules when handling. There are more than enough cases of careless wounding of oneself with this weapon, and the time spent on recovery will be irretrievably lost for fishing, hunting and other healthy hobbies.


Harpoon device and its history

Many centuries after the invention, harpoons have changed little in appearance: a long and durable shaft, a tip with notches of various shapes, a hole in the shaft for a special rope (line) in order to pull prey to the boat. Only the materials from which the harpoons are made have changed. The shaft of the harpoon arrow is made of solid stainless steel, and the tips are made interchangeable. The purpose of harpoons, like many centuries ago, remains the same - hunting for fish or whales and seals.

Whale hunting with a harpoon is one of the oldest types of hunting. Scenes depicting whale catching have been found on rock paintings that are over four thousand years old. Norway is considered the birthplace of whaling, and the first evidence in Europe of this type of hunting is found as early as 1000 BC. From the 12th to the 17th centuries, this type of commercial hunting has already spread throughout the world from the Arctic to the shores of North America and Japan. Earlier, when the ships were sailing and had a small size, whalers hunted whales in lighter and more maneuverable boats, and their main tool was a hand-held whaling harpoon. Later, in the 19th century, when the Norwegian Sven Foyn invented the harpoon gun, whale hunters expanded their geography and moved to the southern waters of the Pacific Ocean. The design of the whaling harpoon also underwent some changes: now it was a heavy (50 kg), two-meter spear, with spikes (or paws) of the tip, the petals of which, falling inside the body of the animal, opened up and did not allow the whale to escape from the persecution of hunters.

Today, not only professional whalers use harpoons. Recently, spearfishing has become popular among amateurs, for which even special types of guns that shoot harpoon arrows have been invented. The harpoon itself for spearfishing can be divided into several types, which depend on the design features of guns or crossbows for harpoon shooting.

Types of harpoons by tips and loading methods

Modern harpoons for fishing are divided into several varieties:

  • A harpoon for a crossbow, which does not have various clamps in the design of its arrow (grooves, grooves, soldering, grooves). It is also used in shotguns with pneumatic or spring triggers;
  • With a groove: it is designed for shooting spearguns and pistols and is equipped with a trigger mechanism in the front;
  • In weapons for spearfishing with a trigger located at the back, products equipped with clamps are used;
  • With non-removable tips. They have a high rigidity and strength of the rod and eliminate the risk of losing the tip, but are a little inconvenient when removed from fish bodies;
  • With removable tips are less convenient, but it is possible to change them. The type of tip depends on the type of underwater fishing. The detachable harpoon tip is very sensitive to damage, and the accuracy of the sight depends on the strength of the thread. If the thread “looks loose” from damage, then the harpoon will quickly fail.

The shape of the tips and their sharpening play a big role when it comes to choosing a fishing tool.

Harpoon tip shapes

Speaking of a collapsible tip, you need to know that this important element has several different forms:

  • Armor-piercing tip with a dowel inserted into it for fish with large and thick scales;
  • Tip with one petal;
  • Tip with two petals for strong and large fish;
  • Three-pronged (or more) tip;
  • X-shaped tip;
  • T-shaped tip;
  • Knurled tips; they are good for small fish.

According to the method of sharpening, the tips can be pointed, double-conical, three- and four-sided, cruciform or crown.

How to choose the right harpoon?

For an experienced hunter, who has been engaged in underwater fishing for more than a year, it will not be difficult to choose the right harpoon for any type of fish and fishing location. What does a beginner need to know when choosing a tool for spearfishing?

  • A harpoon with an arrow, the diameter of which does not exceed 6.5 mm, is suitable for medium-sized fish. Small fish are more difficult to hit, and a gun of this diameter has a high rate of fire;
  • For medium-sized fish, arrows with a diameter of 7 mm or more are usually chosen;
  • For large fish species, the harpoon must be made of titanium and have a diameter of 8 mm or more.

Of great importance in fishing is the method of attaching the line to the rod. Not only the accuracy of hitting the prey depends on this, but also the distance at which you can safely hunt underwater.

How to care for a harpoon?

Regular lubrication will not hurt even stainless steel, because even it can be destroyed over time, especially if you use a harpoon for hunting in salt water. The rod must be inspected for deformation, and the tip of the tips must be sharpened periodically. If the tips are removable, then their fastening may loosen and the threads may be worn out. The line is also subject to abrasion and aging, so it is necessary to periodically replace the aged line with a new one.

All maintenance of the harpoon is best done after each hunt. If such defects as worn-out petals or cracks in the harpoon are not eliminated in time, then hunting, especially with an underwater crossbow, will not be a pleasure.

How to make your own harpoon

Beginners starting spearfishing ask experienced hunters: is it possible and how to make a harpoon yourself? The question arises because many experienced harpooners prefer a homemade harpoon to a factory one. The fact is that homemade weapons are often better than standard ones, as they are made to the individual requirements of the hunter. When creating such a harpoon, everything is taken into account, down to the smallest detail. Making a harpoon with your own hands will not be difficult if you have certain materials.

To make a homemade harpoon, you need a strong stick, thick synthetic thread or rope, wire from which tips can be made, as well as tools. To make the simplest homemade tips, you need pieces of wire 4-5 mm thick and 25-30 cm long. One end of the wire is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and the other is flattened with a hammer. The ends flattened in this way are then filed to the shape of a hook. Holes are made in the stick and the manufactured hook tips are inserted into them. A simple homemade harpoon model is ready.

Harpoons, just like knives, spears and other hunting weapons, are the property of not one particular nation, but of all mankind. Today, in many civilized countries, modern models of harpoons are used both in professional activities (whale fishing) and among underwater fishing enthusiasts. However, some peoples of Africa and New Zealand, Indonesia, as well as the peoples of North America still hunt in the same way as their ancestors many millennia ago - on boats and using a conventional hand-held harpoon.


What are spearguns?

There are several types of this tool:

  • pneumatic and pneumatic gun with a hook;
  • spring and hydropneumatic gun;
  • crossbow.


The pneumatic type is distinguished by the ability to adjust the strength of the battle, as well as adjust the tool in accordance with the conditions in which the hunt takes place.

The driving force is a compressed air stream. The air is compressed in a special compartment under the influence of a powerful spring mechanism. As soon as the trigger is lowered, the piston mechanism located in this compartment begins to move and pushes the harpoon with force, which hits the target at a distance of several meters.

This type of underwater weapon is distinguished by a high level of buoyancy and a powerful shot. Also among the advantages of this type can be distinguished high accuracy of shooting.

Pneumatics must not be reloaded outdoors, otherwise there is a risk of injury.

Among the advantages of using a pneumatic barrel are the following:

  • increases the strength of the battle;
  • it becomes possible to adjust the force of the shot;
  • such a tool has a large selection of harpoons;
  • the weapon provides a high level of maneuverability of the hunter under water;
  • compact dimensions;
  • steel spring increases the life of the hunting tool;
  • high shot speed;
  • ease of aiming;
  • simplicity of design;
  • ease of pressing the trigger;
  • safe device charging;
  • low cost of the tool, if you make it yourself.

Spring type

Due to the fact that the spring-type design has fewer parts, such weapons are less likely to fail. It differs in durability and reliability of the device.

The spring gun is used to catch large-sized fish that can oppose the hunter.

The gun throws the harpoon under the influence of energy received from the spring mechanisms, which are in a compressed or stretched state.

The handle and trigger are located in the middle of the whole structure, which allows you to increase the level of maneuverability, as well as providing optimal balance.

Pros of using a spring gun:

  • small weight of the gun;
  • shot accuracy;
  • long service life.

Requirements for underwater weapons

  1. The longer the gun barrel, the less recoil and the easier it is to hit the target. The handle plate should be placed as close as possible to the axial part of the spear.
  2. Compactness. The smaller the gun, the easier it is to swim and the higher the level of maneuverability of the hunter. This is an important parameter, especially when hunting for a long time.
  3. Low noise level. This will prevent you from scaring away the fish in case of a miss.
  4. It is recommended to choose a simple weapon, the scheme of the speargun should include as few elements as possible. This will simplify the repair work and reduce the likelihood of breakage.
  5. Ease of use. The gun should be easy to reload, the design should provide for the possibility of removing prey.

Assembling a homemade speargun

For a homemade speargun, you will need items such as:

  • guide mechanism in the form of a sleeve and a harpoon;
  • gun barrel;
  • piston part;
  • combat type spring;
  • clip (for example, in the form of nails);
  • a hook required for winding a harpoon line;
  • thrust;
  • fastening rivets.

The procedure for assembling an underwater gun:

  1. It is necessary to make and assemble a spring. Its size will depend on the length of the barrel of the gun (no more than 30 cm).
  2. You need to make a trunk. It is made from a pipe, the length of which does not exceed 80 cm.
  3. A spring and a fuse are installed on the barrel.
  4. In accordance with the drawings, a handle and a trigger mechanism are made. For example, there is a Hunter - an interesting trigger design that can be used in the manufacture of homemade products.
  5. A stopper is installed to prevent the handle from sliding along the barrel.
  6. At the end, you need to install a steel line thrower on the plug.


For the manufacture of a spring mechanism, you will need materials and tools such as:

  • metal wire with a diameter of not more than 2 mm;
  • duralumin pipe with an inner diameter of up to 13 mm;
  • 2 plastic plates;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fixing nuts;
  • metal rod with a diameter of up to 8 mm.

The procedure for making a spring for an underwater gun:

  1. Screw the pipe to the plastic plates using fixing nuts.
  2. Secure the tube with a rubber band.
  3. Insert a metal wire into the opening of the tube.
  4. Weld 3 self-tapping screws to the metal rod.
  5. Lubricate the base of the plate with epoxy glue and attach to the gun barrel.

What and how to make a trunk?

The trunk consists of:

  • checkbox;
  • hooks;
  • places for fixing the harpoon;
  • rubber traction;
  • mounting sleeve;
  • a regulating device that is responsible for the length of the working body;
  • holes for fixing the mounting buoy;
  • overlays;
  • trigger mechanism;
  • nastvolnika;
  • a place intended for attaching a line;
  • safety element.

The barrel for such a gun is made as follows:

  1. On a ski pole (up to 80 cm long), threads are sharpened on both sides.
  2. A groove for the spring sear is cut on the base - up to 18 cm. This is enough to determine the required shot force.
  3. The cap and the stem are made of aluminum.
  4. A harpoon is inserted into the hole of the plug.

Grip and escapement

Before manufacturing these elements, it is necessary to decide on the design of the tool and make a detailed drawing.

The manufacturing process of the handle and trigger:

  1. Clamp 2 plastic plates in a vise and drill holes in them, the diameter of which will be equal to the cross section of the barrel.
  2. Using a file, open the halves of the handle.
  3. Make holes for the spring element, sear, fuse and mounting screws that will connect the 2 halves of the handle.
  4. Press and fix the halves with each other.
  5. Attach a stop ring to the barrel.
  6. Harden and install the sear.
  7. Install the trigger and close it with a flag. The depth under the trigger should not exceed 3.5 mm.

Harpoon and line thrower

Many hunters are concerned about the question of how to make a harpoon at home. To do this, you need a metal or steel bar.

In order to make a harpoon with your own hands, you must:

  1. Cut the thread and cut out a hole for installing a line and a harpoon (its diameter should not be more than 8 mm).
  2. Make a stainless steel bushing.
  3. Install the sleeve to which the line is attached to the harpoon. In this case, the sleeve must rest against the shank.
  4. Sharpen the tip of the harpoon.

The line thrower is made from a steel strip. The finished plate is attached to the barrel plug with two mounting bolts. During winding, the line is placed under the plate, while it is tied to a front sight located on the front of the case.

Features of testing weapons under water

During a homemade test under water, the harpoon is inserted into the barrel, the spring begins to compress until it is fixed with a sear. When a click is heard, the harpoon falls into place, which means that the charging is completed.

When the hunter pulls the trigger, the sear moves into the piston part and makes room for the spring sleeve, which pushes the harpoon.

It is strictly forbidden to reload guns in the open air, this can only be done under water.


Let's continue the topic of homemade weapons. This time we present to your attention an overview of the video on the manufacture of a powerful spear gun.

So, we need:
- wooden block;
- a piece of polypropylene pipe;
- martens bandage;
- three medium nails;
- a thread;
- glue gun;
- screw;
- vice;
- sandpaper;
- hacksaw for metal;
- file;
- electrical tape.

Martens bandage can be purchased at any pharmacy. The people also call it a medical tourniquet, but this name is incorrect. Let's get started.

First you need to make the harpoon itself. To do this, take the nut and put it in a vise. According to the author of the idea, it is advisable to take a larger nut, since the harpoon will be thicker and more durable, but one should not overdo it so that the harpoon does not turn out too thick.

When the nut is clamped in a vice, insert the bar into the drill.

We begin to scroll the bar through the nut at medium speed, giving it a round shape.

In the same way, we process the resulting base for the harpoon with sandpaper.

Then we take three nails and saw off each hat with a hacksaw.

Now we take a file and sharpen that part of the nails from where the hats were sawn off. Then, with the same file, we sharpen the sharp parts of the nails so that they are sharper.

We attach one of the nails to the base of the harpoon with a thread. It should be noted here that the author of the homemade product recommends using a fishing thread, since it is stronger than ordinary threads.

After one nail is wound with a thread, we insert a piece of wood between the nail and the base so that the nail is at a slight angle.

We fix the nail with a small amount of glue from the glue gun so that it is secure. Similarly, we attach the remaining two nails to the structure.

To better fix the structure, you can wrap more tape over the nails. The harpoon is ready. Let's start manufacturing the main part for its launch.

Take a martens bandage and cut off a small piece.

The resulting piece must be attached to the polypropylene pipe on both sides. To do this, pour glue from a glue gun on one side of the pipe and attach a piece of martens bandage. We do the same on the other side.

We clamp it well and wind one layer of electrical tape.

Then we wind the thread and on top another layer of electrical tape. Thus, the installation for launching the harpoon is almost ready.

It remains to wrap the tape in the place where the harpoon will be in contact with the bandage.

The spear gun is ready. If you plan to use it for its intended purpose, we also recommend attaching a fishing line to the harpoon and launcher to reduce the chances that the fish will manage to get away from you.


We make an underwater gun with our own hands

To carry out weapons for spearfishing at home, you must have several qualities:

  • Perseverance:
  • painstaking;
  • Patience.

Such work will take a lot of time and effort, but the end result will give admiration and delight, especially in those moments when the very coveted trophy is obtained with the help of a gun made by oneself.

So, a speargun is a combination of several materials and rocks in one design:

  • Wood for the base;
  • Stainless material for escapement.

The handle of the gun will need to be treated with a special automotive sealant, sprinkled with sugar and dried thoroughly, then shake off the sugar and end up with a porous material.

You will also need to make a reliable stop, you can make it on the axis, then at the moment the harpoon is inactive, it will rest against it and will not mix, and when the harpoon is activated, it will be able to scroll.

Homemade speargun for spearfishing

With the proper implementation of all prescriptions and recommendations, it is possible to ensure that the speargun will be characterized by a sufficiently large force to hit a fish of medium size and light weight.

Most likely, the radius of destruction will be no more than 3 meters.

It is also worth knowing some of the negative aspects of homemade weapons for spearfishing:

  • Significant level of noise when fired;
  • Spring creak during loading.

In order to reduce the level, you need to systematically wipe the barrel of the weapon and the spring with a rag, which must be moistened with glycerin.

It is worth paying special attention to the rules and safety requirements:

  • It is necessary to load the weapon only directly in the reservoir;
  • When going ashore, it is mandatory to discharge.
  • Shoot only if the water is clear and the target is clearly visible.

Any angler who tries himself as an underwater hunter needs to know that just shooting accurately is not everything, you need to not miss the fish from the harpoon.

Construction parts

Any design of underwater weapons consists of the following elements:

  • Trunk;
  • clip;
  • Harpoon;
  • Action spring;
  • Liner;
  • Hook;
  • Fuse springs;
  • Thrust.

The speargun barrel for spearfishing is a pipe with a diameter of 12 mm and a pipe thickness of 1 mm. Often, a material such as brass, which does not oxidize in water, is excellent for these purposes.

Stainless steel is also good.

In order to ensure unimpeded entry and exit of water, it is necessary to drill holes along the entire length of the trunk, with a diameter of at least 3 mm and an approximate distance between them of 10 mm.

The piston for the barrel is best chosen from duralumin or brass.

The pipe can be purchased in a larger size, the leftovers will be needed in order to make bushings and pistons.

This will completely dispense with turning operations in the manufacture of spearguns.

The clip, which is one of the main parts of the speargun, must be made of brass sheet metal, 1 mm thick.

It must have special holes, which must be made on the sides and it is best to cut them out after the workpiece is bent.

According to the chosen technology, it is possible to achieve a clear arrangement of holes, without bevels and offsets on the right and left sides of the clip. When assembling the clip, you need to solder it to the barrel, you need to adjust the parts along the slots and holes.

The main active part of any weapon will be a harpoon, which is made of a durable steel bar with a diameter of at least 5 mm, at the main end of which a five-millimeter M5 thread is cut for installation and a hole for the line is sawn out.

After all the preparation work has been completed, it is imperative to harden the harpoon in a thermal furnace. In addition to everything, you will need to carve a sleeve for the harpoon, it is best to use stainless steel for this.

Before proceeding with the processing of the wire, it must be released, namely, heated to 300 degrees and cooled to room temperature.

Such operations will avoid deformation of the spring in the future. The ends of the rod, or already the springs, must be heated and bent so that they are perpendicular to the axis.

The liner in the gun is designed to secure the flat return springs and is mainly made of textolite.

It will need to be glued to the clip, and after that, glue the springs on it.

To assemble underwater weapons, you will need rivets, which are best chosen from strong, reliable steel.

In order to wind the harpoon line, you will need a special hook, which can be made of brass or stainless steel.

The hook must be soldered to the barrel.

Safety springs are mainly used as a stopper for two main positions.

Steel is best suited as a material, 0.5 mm thick from durable alloyed material 65 or carbon grade U8, U10, U10A. The spring is attached with rivets.

The pull for the line is nothing more than 2 mm steel wire. One of the ends of the rod is bent, forming a ring, with the help of which it will subsequently be attached to the trigger.

It is precisely due to the fact that the design involves a rather complex manufacturing technology that some interested customers refuse this type of weapon for fishing.

In order to make a spring speargun for spearfishing with your own hands, you need to prepare some materials in advance:

  • wire ОВС Ǿ 2 mm brand, it is best to choose spring steel 65G;
  • duralumin tube with Ǿ12.5-13 mm, which will be used for the barrel;
  • plates 2 pcs, 10-12 mm thick, made of vinyl plastic, from which the handle will later be made;
  • rod Ǿ 6-8 mm, a material such as stainless steel for a harpoon would be ideal.

The technology for the phased production of an underwater gun is as follows:

  1. All experts recommend starting the manufacturing process with the most complex element in the design, namely with a spring, which is best left to professionals for winding. Specialists, most likely, will wind the spring on a lathe in accordance with GOSTs, after which they will have to be fired in a thermal furnace and apply a special anti-corrosion coating. Professionals will not need to give recommendations, they will only tell you what step the finished product needs and its final length, which will correspond to the size of the barrel. The spring, already in the assembled product, will work in compression and therefore its length must necessarily be more than the barrel by about 300 mm, otherwise it will sit down or burst at the first shot.
  2. The second step will be the implementation of the prepared material of the barrel for weapons. If it is not possible to buy a small aluminum tube, you can use an old ski pole. It is believed that the most optimal barrel length is 700 mm. Thus, it is possible to achieve the best and most convenient shooting, in any conditions, in any water bodies.
  3. At the two ends of the tube, it is imperative to cut the thread and a special groove of 150 mm, which will be intended for the sear. After that, it is worth making holes so that the liquid that has entered the barrel can easily and quickly exit.
  4. The gun must have a muzzle and a plug made of duralumin. In order to install a harpoon in the plug, you will need to make a special hole. After that, mono boldly begin the execution of the handle of the weapon and the trigger mechanism itself.
  5. For the manufacture of the handle, textolite plates are perfect, which heal in a vise during execution and drill holes along the diameter of the barrel. Next, cut out the intended contour of the handle and cut out grooves 3 mm deep with a file to install the trigger.
  6. Next, you need to drill a hole for the axis of the fuse, the sear and the spring itself, also do not forget about the fasteners, which will also require mounting holes.
  7. Now combine the two finished halves of the handle in the barrel and secure with screws, this will subsequently exclude mixing along the length of the barrel. Before fastening, it is necessary to install a retaining ring. The assembly process itself will be completed after the trigger, springs, fuses and sear are installed. In general, there will be a simple locksmith work.
  8. Now you can proceed to the harpoon, the best material for which would be stainless steel 6 mm thick. The harpoon must necessarily be with a tip sharpened in a special way, so that 4 edges are made under the body. Thus, the sharpened edges of the tip will instantly cut the fish scales and pierce them much easier.
  9. Almost everything is ready, only the easy thrower remains, which is made of a steel strip and is fastened with screws to the barrel plug. At the time of the shot, the line will simply unwind without delay and effort, and when wound, it will be laid under the plate, in front of the barrel.
  10. Everything is ready, the gun can be tested, start spearfishing. It is only necessary to fill the harpoon into the barrel of the weapon, so that it reaches the stop, then press the spring against the sear until a specific click is signaled.
  11. Thus, the sear goes up into the barrel and is pressed against the sleeve, at the moment of descent, the spring performs translational actions, returning to its original position. The gun is now loaded and ready for its first prey.
  12. When the angler pulls the trigger, the sear goes into the groove and makes room for the spring bushing. Thus, the spring unclenches and pushes the harpoon.

The benefits of making your own

The advantages of making an underwater gun with your own hands include:

  • high level of accuracy;
  • significant money savings;
  • manufacturing does not require special knowledge and skills;
  • comparatively quiet in operation.

But do not forget that there are also disadvantages:

  • Hunting can be done only for medium and small fish, for large ones, the harpoon is not strong enough;
  • The ability to change the tip of the harpoon is excluded.

This design of a homemade speargun not very difficult, easy and with good combat power. Numerous experiments and refinements gave the desired result.

The figure shows a section of a speargun for spearfishing.

Harpoon - from a steel bar Ø 5 mm ("silver"). An M5 thread is cut at one of its ends and a hole for the line is drilled. After machining, the harpoon is hardened. The sleeve - a guide for the harpoon - is machined from stainless steel or duralumin.

The barrel of a speargun is a 12x1 mm pipe. Material - brass or stainless steel. For free passage of water when firing or charging, holes Ø 4-5 mm are drilled over the entire surface of the barrel in increments of about 10 mm. The piston is machined from stainless steel or duralumin.

By the way, both the bushings and the piston can be made from 10x2.5 mm tube sections, which completely eliminates turning work in the manufacture of a gun.

The mainspring is wound from OBC wire Ø 1.6 mm. Initially, a wire is wound onto a rod Ø 6 mm coil to coil, which is then stretched to obtain the required pitch - 4.5 mm. So that there are no residual deformations during the processing of the spring, the wire must be released, that is, heated to about 300 ° C and cooled to room temperature. The end coils, after red-hot, must be bent in such a way that their plane is perpendicular to the axis of the spring.

The speargun clip is cut from brass or stainless steel sheet 1 mm thick. It is advisable to cut holes on its side surfaces by inserting a plank of a suitable size after the workpiece is bent. This will avoid errors in the location of the holes on the right and left cheeks of the clip. When assembling, the clip is soldered to the barrel, focusing on the position of the slot.

The hook is intended for winding a harpoon line on it. It is sawn from brass or stainless steel and soldered to the end of the barrel.

Textolite insert, it is designed for fastening flat return springs. The liner is riveted to the cage, the springs are also riveted to the liner. It is desirable to use steel rivets, in extreme cases, you can use ordinary nails.

Fuse springs designed to fix the fuse in two stable positions. The material is a steel tape 0.5 mm thick grade 65G or U10A. It is most expedient to attach the springs to the cage with screws or rivets.

The pull for winding the line is a piece of steel wire 2 mm thick. One of its ends is bent into a ring, with which the rod is attached to the trigger.