How to photograph for Instagram, you can ask Beyoncé or Taylor Swift, whose pages have gained millions of subscribers, but they are unlikely to answer you. Accounts have earned such interest not only by the popularity of the singers, but also by the correct photographs that periodically appear on the pages and collect tens of thousands of enthusiastic comments. We will try to tell you what the secret of the success of popular Instagrammers is, and how to make a splash on the social network.

If you have a page theme ready, whether it’s your workouts or courses, you can do a beautiful manicure, bake muffins or create masterpieces from garbage and want to sell, learn how to photograph it correctly.

And with the Stories feature, your subscribers will have no complaints about the number of published photos. - Linked to the article.

How do you know what to photograph?

Users visit Instagram to get visual ecstasy, so the aesthetics of the picture is paramount than its informativeness. To contemplate something beautiful, people have stopped visiting art galleries, they just need to open the application and view amazing photos on the network. But whether they will visit your "exhibition" depends on what and how you can photograph. A hastily taken photo can alienate potential customers from you, so think carefully about what you post online. To find out what is popular with the inhabitants of Instagram, just visit several popular pages of similar freelancers.

Even if you are a writer, you can post your books on Instagram. Who forbids you to photograph the Talmud on a warm purple blanket with a plate of cookies and a cup of tea? You can create thematic pictures that relate to the plot. Does the main character love trains? Isn't it time to go to the train station and take pictures?

Frame, another frame!

Don't skimp on frames. The phrase "I'm out of shots" is long forgotten along with the films and red lights. With gigabytes of storage on your phone, you can take thousands of photos, so don't stop at just one or two shots. As the saying goes, take a picture seven times, post it once. Did you get the gist?

If you have a professional camera, then you can skip this tip. For smartphone users, the native camera app takes full advantage of your model, unlike the camera apps on Instagram itself or any other photo editor. Using the native camera, you will get the clearest pictures that require a minimum of processing.

Set up a home photo studio

Hearing the word photo studio, a room immediately appears before your eyes with several spotlights, a camera on a tripod and reflective "umbrellas", but at home it is enough to choose the right place.

Many entrepreneurs photograph products against a white background for online stores. For such purposes, they use a photocube - an ordinary white cube with strong lamps illuminated from the sides. But this method is not quite suitable for Instagram. It requires the creation of a composition, a story that will “hook” subscribers.

If you sell clothes or accessories, then you can safely use a beautiful floor, wallpaper, window sill, bedspread, table for a photo. No wonder precious thousands were spent on furnishings? Photograph only what you want to show. Messing up in the background will get you stigmatized, so think carefully about what gets in the frame.

All about composition and details

If you know how to pump a press or cook deliciously, then you still need to know how to take pictures correctly, and generally use a camera. Creating the right composition is half the way to hundreds of Likes from your fans.

Remember the correct angle and conditional division of the screen into three parts. The main subject should not be in the center, move it to the right or left to the conditional line.

In no case do not photograph the horizon in the middle: move it up or down, and also do not tilt it.

To emphasize the subject, use a blurred background. This effect can be achieved in macro mode. You can blur the background in the editor during post-processing. The same effect can be used in portrait photography. For landscapes, on the contrary, add some sharpening.

Try to revive the photo with additional details. If you are photographing a manicure, then add flowers or jewelry to your hand. For a piece of cake nearby, a cup of aromatic coffee is useful. If you are in the jewelry business, remember that they look better on a person than on a table. If your model is shy, it is not necessary to take a full portrait, give preference to a photo with a certain part of the body, which will focus on the main detail.

Athletic trainers should keep in mind that the pose of the intended models plays a major role in their photographs. No need for dressed up faces when benching a hundred kilos or mud all over your body after a marathon. With the help of such a photo, you can only convey the pain of the training process, but not the beauty of the sport. So take staged photos.

Finishing touches

If you ask a professional, then Adobe Photoshop and LightRoom will come first. For less advanced users, there are many applications with a simplified interface and designed for specific tasks. FaceTune will help you - for editing portrait photos or LuminsCare if you need to color correct a photo. PhotoLab and PhotoEditor applications are also popular. All photo editors are similar in their features, so choose the one that is more convenient for you.

If you are a professional photographer or can hire one for quality photos, then your task becomes much easier.

If you don’t have the time and money to spend on professional footage and processing it, then you will have to learn how to make beautiful publications in the “field conditions”.

Your home photo studio

The Photocube is a life saver for photos where good light is needed. And light is one of the autumn components of the picture.

A photocube (lightbox) is an empty cube with white fabric walls.
From the outside, light from the lamps is directed to the walls while the subject is placed inside the cube.

The photocube is convenient for an online store, as it allows you to take photos on a white background.
But if you're taking an Instagram profile photo, a white background is optional.

You can take a good picture even just on the floor!

If your photo spot has a beautiful floor and good lighting, you're in luck!
You can put your product (or the item you want to photograph) directly on the floor, add other beautiful details and photograph from above!

On the floor it is convenient to photograph such things as:
- clothes,
- polygraphy,
- dishes,
-other items.

The window sill is the second salvation of the photographer on Instagram. It can be used if you are unlucky with the floor or if there is little daylight in the room.

The third salvation that has texture is light boards.

It can be a laminate or just ordinary white-painted boards from a summer house or a construction market.

Most likes in the networks are collected by photos:

  • Photo in the style of minimalism
  • Photo with lots of details
We have already considered minimalism, let's move on to the details.

Details matter a lot

Scrolling through popular instagrams, one gets the impression that in order to be successful online, one must live somewhere near the sea or in the mountains, or at least in one's own country house. Of course you are lucky if you live somewhere there. But if not, this is not a reason to be upset. Because this is not the same factor to have a popular instagram.

In every home there is always something that will help revive the frame. You just need to carefully look around.

The Instagram frame is quite small, previously there was only a 1 by 1 format, now you can upload larger photos. Therefore, it is enough to use only a part of some large object to make the photo look good.

At the same time, much will remain behind the scenes and no one will see and few will guess that in fact everything happens on a small piece of the windowsill.

Photo processing

You still have to edit the photos. And success: Instagram has filters!

Editing photos directly in the Instagram application is not difficult at all, one might even say very easy.

In addition to the built-in filters, there are many additional applications, both free and paid, where there are various filters that you may like and you will delight us with your photos.

Instagram is one of those social networks that focuses on posting images rather than text. Today, marketers are actively using it to promote and sell their own products and brands. A well-written marketing plan is undoubtedly important, but the quality of the image itself is no less significant. If not photographed correctly, it may not be well received by customers and, as a result, sell poorly.

How to take product photos?

Knowing the basic principles of building a subject photo, you can significantly increase sales due to the originality of the presentation of goods and improve their perception. It would seem that this is the prerogative of professional photographers, and therefore they should do this. But, alas, the opportunity to get the desired result from the photographer is not always there.

Therefore, knowing how to take pictures will help make sales more alive.

1. Background

Background selection plays one of the key roles in product photography. It should contrast with the general tone of the person being photographed, but at the same time be sufficiently uniform and not distract attention. The background color can be muted - too bright colors distract attention from the central object. The background does not have to be uniform - you can photograph the product against the background of dim objects.

It is important that the object being sold is not lost in the photograph and is precisely the key point.

Watch the video: Common Instagram Mistakes

2. Light

Lighting must be white so as not to distort the colors of the object being sold. The warm tone from incandescent bulbs will brighten reds, oranges and yellows, while the cool light of fluorescent lights will brighten blues and greens. To prevent this from happening, you need to photograph products in white light or in daylight.

It is important to remember that the camera will “eat” some of the color anyway, and therefore you will have to work a little with brightness and contrast.

3. Location

The position of the object in the picture plays an important role in perception. It is customary to place jewelry in the center of the picture so that you can convey the maximum detail. At the same time, do not forget about the “rule of thirds”, which has already been tested for years.

Watch the video: How to get 100,000 followers on Instagram

By placing the subject at points that are at a distance of ⅓ from the vertical and horizontal edges of the image, you can achieve a more effective perception of it.

4. Plot

A simple photograph on a flat background will not be of interest to a wide range. Even on Instagram, you have to try to make a story for every shot. This will help not only improve its perception, but also emphasize certain details.

So, for example, it is better to photograph clothes on a living person and, if possible, in motion. Narrative photos “revive” key items and show their merits.

5. Shooting point

When photographing objects, it is important to be at the same level with them in order to avoid distortion of proportions. A shot from above will distort the dimensions of the lower part, and, conversely, from below, it will distort the details of the top. In order not to disturb the harmonious perception of objects, the shooting point should not differ greatly in level from the object being photographed.

Using these simple rules will help make your product photo for Instagram more attractive in the eyes of the buyer.

As you can see, if you already know that even in the absence of specialized equipment, you can take pictures of goods for a store, then use these tricks - this will make it easier to find a product by photograph, making it more interesting and memorable.As always, the main thing is to act correctly, and you will succeed. It is better to act together and together with those people who already have experience and results. Come to our programs, at the same time and earn more!

With you,
- Igor Zuevich.

If the next 5 minutes you can invest in self-education, then follow the link and read our next article:

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As you know, not all users of those who like to post photos on Instagram, these same photos are really worth it to become the property of the online public. However, in there are quite a lot of pages on which their owners regularly publish really cool pictures, and which, of course, always have a lot of followers and (which is inevitable) even envious people.

The latter, of course, cannot but be disturbed by the question “How do they do it?” In the sense that a seemingly ordinary user gets such, maybe not always masterpiece, but consistently beautiful pictures?

Obviously, some talent of the photographer often matters.

However, do not be upset if it suddenly seemed to you that you did not have any pronounced abilities for the art of photography.

Paraphrasing the words of a famous cartoon character, we, firstly, note that everyone can take pictures. And secondly, so that your photos for Instagram also become cool, we will only remind you of some simple rules with which you can take absolutely amazing photos and noticeably refresh your Instagram channel. By the way, you can always learn more of this kind of wisdom at - everything about Instagram is here.

So, What do you need to take cool photos for Instagram:

1. Use natural light as much as possible

You probably know how blurry and grainy photos are when taken with a smartphone camera or even with a regular digital camera during some kind of friendly or corporate event in a dimly lit restaurant hall or under fluorescent lights in an office? But beautiful, clear and contrasting photos are almost always obtained when shooting in bright sunlight, moreover, easily. Know that even a small window as a source of natural light will always be better than a randomly selected and clumsily placed lamps.

Therefore, if you decide to shoot, for example, some dish or a small object for Instagram, then first try to place them next to the window (by the way, restaurants and offices also have them). But if you are photographing landscapes, then try not to get the sun into the lens - an excess of light is also not needed.

2. cool photos for Instagram -Work on the photo for a bit before showing it to the public

Not all Instagram users know that the vast majority of beautiful photos posted on the network are “polished” in another application (or even several at once) before publication. And if one of your friends or girlfriends suddenly posted a demonically beautiful photo, say, a plate of potatoes, then be sure that he (or she) has learned how to use a modern image processing application (or maybe not one) with different filters and functions.

For example, many experienced mobile photographers use programs such as Snapseed ($4.99 for Apple devices and free for Android) or Camera+ to pre-process photos from smartphone cameras, and also use filters with VSCOcam or Afterglow if necessary.

Instagram filters are certainly convenient and understandable, but often their capabilities are simply not enough to work effectively with footage.

3. cool photos for Instagram -Surrounding objects and space are your props

There are quite a lot of seemingly simple photos on Instagram that collect an incredible number of likes just because they depict the Eiffel Tower, balloons, ice cream, beautiful outfits, kittens and other stories popular among the people.

The same goes for vintage-looking bikes, and grandmothers with baskets full of roses, and an old lamppost, and an ordinary ice cream cone in your own hand (what is not a way to show off a new manicure?), and everything else that a lot of ordinary people will seem unusual, since they have never seen anything like this before - a flower field, a snow-covered peak, clouds, bugs, etc.

4. cool photos for Instagram -Decide on a composition

Composition is the most important organizing component of any photo, and not just photography. A lot has been written about this, but, of course, not all novice photographers read about composition. But there are a lot of good photography rules that you should use more often when shooting for Instagram. For example, one of them is that the main subject in the frame does not need to be placed strictly in the center. If this is a landscape, then it is better to shift the horizon line to the upper or lower part of the frame, if the subject is, then it will often look more interesting if it is shifted in the picture in any direction from the center. In general, to get started, read about the application of the rule of thirds in photography, you will not regret it, as well as about contrast, balance, direction and point of shooting, about movement in the frame.

5. cool photos for Instagram -Watch the corners

Photographing your breakfast in a summer cafe? Be sure to stand up so that the whole table with dishes and a little restaurant or view outside the window as a background get into the lens. In fact, it is believed that all kinds of food are best perceived if they are taken from the side or from above. So beer with a foamy cap in a glass should be photographed from the side, because if you shoot at an angle, then neither the majesty of the cap, nor the freshness of the drink itself can really be conveyed.

The shooting angle is also of great importance in so-called self-photos and/or mobile portraits. However, the techniques of competent photography in such cases are also sufficient. If you want to lengthen the legs, shoot from top to bottom, if you need, so to speak, to reduce the width of the face, then ask the subject to look down and shoot it from above at a slight angle. To somehow emphasize the beauty of a flower, photograph it from a low angle, so in the photo it will look like it is striving for the sky.

Here, in fact, in brief about how to take cool photos for Instagram. And do not forget that you need to constantly learn and improve, but the rules should not interfere with creativity.

Try to photograph in good lighting, ideally it should be natural. Experiment with light, try to focus the camera on different parts of the frame: bright and dark.

Take several shots in a row, in which case you can choose the best one.

Use a horizontal format unless circumstances require otherwise. People often forget to turn their smartphone around and shoot in portrait mode, which makes photos look like cropped stripes. For the most forgetful, there is even a special Horizon Camera program that aligns the horizon.

Take photos with the volume key. The physical button is more convenient, it is easier to press it at the right moment. And thanks to the physical feedback, you will immediately understand that you have taken a picture.

Before shooting, always inspect the object or scene with the naked eye, only then look through the screen. It helps to choose the angle.

Subscribe to famous photographers. Let them inspire you and be a good example. Yes, look at the work. brahmino , thiswildidea , mikekus or natgeo.

Shoot a lot and diligently - this is the only way you can wake up the photographer in yourself. But do not fill your personal Instagram with all the frames in a row. Choose the best.

Get the most out of your phone

Crop pictures, cut off unnecessary details that spoil photos.

Stylize photos with built-in filters, but choose them.

Make sure that the maximum frame resolution is set in the camera settings. Sometimes users forget this detail and shoot with a camera set to medium or low quality.

Use additional ones that expand the possibilities of Instagram. For example, create original collages in Snapseed editor or edit finished photos.

Use the grid in your camera settings to follow the rule of thirds.

Don't forget extra accessories. For example, an attached lens or a tripod will bring your photos closer to professional ones. A waterproof case will allow you to take spectacular pictures underwater.

Try different ideas, angles, plots

Avoid clichés: cats, food, selfies of the same type... Too banal for you, isn't it? But if you decide to take a self-portrait, then use.

But try not to take pictures of yourself. Instead, try to shoot other people, unusual situations, interesting objects and places more often.

Constantly look for new stories. Try to fill the pictures with artistic value, creativity, humor, in the end.

Capture not only the picture, but also feelings, try to convey the mood.

Experiment with angles.

Pay attention to small details, look around. For example, watch out for silhouettes, highlights, and shadows.