Apple ID or Apple account is an authentication system for users of Apple products. It was created so that the owner of a tablet or phone with an apple on the back of the device could access company resources. For example, use the free iWork suite of apps, or go to the online iTunes Store to purchase audio, video, games, or a paid app from the App Store.

In addition, the Apple id account stores all information about the user and his personal settings. That is, if the account is used to log into an Apple device, then the settings saved in the account will be automatically installed on this device. Apple ID also speeds up the OS X and iOS boot process, again thanks to the fact that all personal data, including contacts and Apple Mail settings, will be entered automatically.

In principle, the process of registering in the Apple authentication system is simple. The problem arises when it comes to entering a bank card number. Some users do not want to trust such confidential information, others (usually teenagers) simply do not have this card.

There are two ways to create an Apple id account without a card. Both the first and the second are described on the technical support website (, however, in the original language. Let us translate them with some important remarks.

Create an Apple ID account without a card using a desktop computer

1. Open iTunes (media player from Apple). If it is not there, then download it here , install and run.

2. Click on the iTunes Store button located in the upper left corner of the player and select the country by clicking on the tricolor (in the lower right corner of the main iTunes Store page).

3. VERY IMPORTANT: go to the Current Trends (Top Charts) column and scroll down until you see a list of FREE (required, otherwise you will have to enter the card number) applications. Click on any one you like. Under the main image of the application, we see the “free” button and click on it.

4. We see a pop-up dialog box offering to either sign in to an Apple ID or create one. Select "Create an Apple ID".

5. Redirected to the iTunes Store welcome screen. Click "Continue" in the lower right corner.

6. We read the terms of the store and indicate our agreement with them by checking the box next to the corresponding inscription. The Continue button becomes active. We click on it.

7. Enter information in the proposed fields: email, password, year and month of birth, etc. Once again, check the entered data and - "Continue".

9. So the X hour has come - a window with a choice of payment type has appeared. If the third step was done according to the instructions, then among the payment options there will be a button that says "No". We click on it and with a calm heart we move on.

Create an Apple ID account without a credit card on your mobile iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

1. Open the App Store on the device.

2. Find, download and install a free (required, otherwise you will have to enter the card number) application.

3. In the dialog box that appears, select "Create an Apple ID".

4. Select a country, click "Finish".

5. We read and agree to the terms of the store by clicking on the "Agree" button at the bottom of the screen.

6. Enter information in the proposed fields: email, password, year and month of birth, etc. Once again, check the entered data. If everything is OK, click "Next".

Ever since those seemingly ancient times, when only the iTunes Store was available from Apple services, Apple began to divide content on a regional basis. For North America, new items appeared earlier, for Europe - later. And the countries of the former socialist camp, including the Russian Federation, were not covered at all for a long time, and for a resident of Russia who wanted to make online purchases in Apple stores, there was only one way out - registering a foreign Apple ID account.

Benefits of a Foreign Apple ID

Apple services have reached out with their tenacious hands to the most remote corners of the Earth. But still, the most delicious goodies, promotions and free services are provided by the AppStore of the United States of America. However, this also applies to Apple hardware. And if it is better to buy purchases such as music, movies and books in the regional branches of the AppStore (the price is significantly lower, and there are often discounts, as for third world countries), then it is more interesting to connect programs and services through the American branch, and here's why:

  1. Games and programs appear in the American AppStore earlier than in other branches, and some exclusive editions are even released only for the USA. Special discount programs and cheap subscriptions also work only in the United States.
  2. iTunes radio, Spotify, Rdio services will only work through an American account, and if the problem with access is solved by life hacks, using proxy servers and anonymizers, then applications for these services can only be downloaded using an American Apple ID registration.
  3. Such a nice thing as FreeMyApps, a free installation service for paid programs, again only works with an American account - and this is a completely legal way to save a hundred or two dollars. At the very least, this is much better than installing hacked programs, infecting your device with viruses.

So in order to take advantage of the full amount of abundance, you will have to register a North American Apple ID.

When registering an Apple ID in the United States, you get access to promotions and free services that are not available to Russian users

How to register a foreign Apple ID

You can create an account in a few simple steps, using both a mobile device and a desktop computer. It will be possible to switch accounts on the fly without losing installed programs and downloaded applications and subscriptions. Just do not forget that no more than three free accounts can be linked to one mobile device.

Since both account creation options (desktop and mobile) will use Maps.Google, sign up for a Google account if you don't already have one. Without it, access to the cards will be impossible and the task will become somewhat more complicated.

Registration using a desktop computer or laptop

To create an American account from a computer, you need to do the following operations:

  1. We check if the computer is connected to the Internet, then open the iTunes application if you already have an Apple ID connected.
  2. From the "Applications" section, we head to the AppStore category. Scroll down the page and click on the flag to select a region.
  3. Select the region United States of America - it is already assigned by default.
  4. From the list of programs, select any free application, for example - Instagram.
  5. On the page with a brief description of the application, click the Get button.
  6. In the dialog box for entering authorization parameters, select the "Create Apple ID" item.
  7. In the invitation dialog, we study what features will be available after registration, and click Continue.
  8. Read the license agreement and enable the checkbox confirming that you have read and agree to it. Click the Agree button to proceed to the next step. If this is not done, registration will be terminated.
  9. Enter your registration data and information that will allow you to restore access if you forget your password. Pay special attention to the choice of secret questions and answers to them.. If for some reason you lose access to your account, it will be possible to restore it only by providing all three answers to the security questions.

    Enter your username, password and three secret questions with answers that will allow you to restore access if necessary

  10. If you do not plan to make purchases through this account, select None in the payment methods in the window that appears. Otherwise, you need to enter the details of a bank card, necessarily an American bank or a bank that allows you to make electronic payments abroad. If three free accounts are already linked to your device, you can register only with a bank card.

    When creating an Apple ID account, select the option without connecting a bank card if you do not plan to make purchases and no more than three free accounts are linked to your phone

  11. At this step, you need to perform a delicate operation - entering personal data. You need to specify the first name, last name, as well as a real American address with a phone number:
  12. Double-check the entered data, click Create Apple ID. If everything is correct, a verification screen will appear, and to confirm your email, an email will be sent to it with a link to activate your account. After opening the received letter in the mail client, follow the link.

    Sign in to iTunes using your new username and password. Now you have access to all the features described at the beginning of the article.

Table: mandatory personal data for registration in the AppStore

EmailUse the mail services of an American provider: gmail, yahoo or hotmail. Russian letters in the email address are not allowed. Even if your mail with Cyrillic in the name is registered and works normally, it will not work for registering an Apple ID
PasswordThe password, at least 8 characters, must contain lowercase and uppercase Latin characters and numbers or underscores.
security infoThree secret questions from the list provided. You may need answers to them when you restore access to your Apple ID. For example, the name of the first dog, favorite food and the city where you met your first love, or the make of the car you drive.
date of birthDate of birth - your own or one that you can remember and not forget. If you choose an arbitrary date, make sure that the difference between the current date and the day of your imaginary birth is more than 13 years, otherwise registration will be interrupted

Below are the names of the fields to fill in when entering data about the address of the account owner. The way buildings are addressed in America is different from ours, so you need to carefully transfer the information to the fields with the appropriate names. The decoding of their purpose is given in the table.

Table: address data for registration

Video: create an account in the American AppStore in 3 minutes

Signing up for an Apple ID from a mobile device - iPhone or iPad

There are situations when you are far from your computer, but you need to create an account right now: vacation, business trip, trip to the country. The main difference from creating an account on a PC is that the created free account is linked to the device. After three linked entries, further creation of free Apple IDs will be available only after resetting the device to factory settings.

  1. From the main screen, open the AppStore application and log out of your existing account (if any). On the "Selection" screen, scroll down and, by clicking on the login, select "Exit".
  2. Go to the search tab and find any free program. It is important to choose a free application, otherwise the system will definitely require a bank card to be linked, and we need to register an account without it.

    Choose any free app to download

  3. Click Get, in the account login dialog, select "Create an Apple ID".

    Select Create a New Apple ID from the menu

    Since the country selection checkbox is already set to United States, we accept the license agreement after reading it carefully (or not so much). If everything suits you, click on Agree. You can disagree, but then registering an account will not work.

    Choose America, it is already marked by default

    As in the case of registration from a PC, we indicate the location of the hotel, restaurant or even the library as the registration address. The easiest way to find such an object is with the help of Google maps. We transfer all address information from the sidebar, including postal code and contact phone number.

    In the Billing information section, select the payment method None, then click Next.

Video: Create a US Apple ID on iPhone

Account not registering - causes and solutions

Circumstances may arise so that an account cannot be registered. Below we will look at the most common causes of errors.

  1. Sometimes the Apple server checks if your IP address matches the range of addresses specific to the region to which you link your account. Simply put, you cannot register an American Apple ID with a Russian IP. The way out of the situation is to use one of the huge number of proxy servers that can pass off your ip as an American one.
  2. Apple has strict rules: the account holder must be at least 13 years old (and all AppStore features and content will only be available from 18 years old). If you are actually under thirteen (or you, entering an arbitrary date of birth, made a mistake and indicated too young an age) - the “account” will not be registered. And the worst thing is that if you sent data from a mobile device, then re-registration will be possible only after resetting to factory settings. If the reset option does not suit you, you will have to create an account from a desktop computer or laptop.
  3. Invalid characters in login, password or even email address. The most common is Cyrillic. Moreover, your mail service can normally perceive Russian letters and register a mailbox. But the Apple server will not accept such an address. The result is a refusal to register.
  4. There is a limit on the number of free Apple IDs associated with the device. Their number is limited to only three, and if you have experimented with different "accounts", then you have probably already exceeded this limit. There are two options for solving the problem: either create an account with an attached bank card, or create it on another device or a stationary PC, and use it on your gadget.
  5. The hosts file contains elements that block iTunes from accessing Apple's activation servers. Most often, such entries appear after the work of programs that install JailBreak on your iPhone. In this case, you need to run the Notepad program with administrator rights, open the hosts file and delete from it all the lines that contain the word apple.

    In the hosts file, you need to remove all lines that block iTunes access to the activation server

As you can see, getting access to the foreign segment of the AppStore is not difficult. It is important to remember the main rule: the regional affiliation of the AppStore is determined by the Apple ID, or rather, the region that you chose when registering it. It will not be possible to change it in the future, so register your account carefully, double-checking yourself after each step and referring to the instructions.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I’m slowly acquiring gadgets from Apple — I really liked their uncompromising approach to user convenience.

iTunes is installed exactly like any other application on your computer, and has support for the Russian language. In addition, you can immediately understand what exactly it will allow you to do and what opportunities it will provide:

At one of the steps, you will be prompted to check the box to accept the agreement on the use of this software. At the first launch, you will be prompted to open access for Apple to your library so that photos of artists and disc covers are uploaded to it. I don't need it, so I chose the cancel option.

After downloading and installing iTunes on your computer, it makes sense to immediately click on the button located at the top left "Login" button and register with iTunes, i.e. create a new account.

We press the button "Create an Apple ID". Continue, agree to the terms of registration.

To secure your profile, it is better to answer the questions and enter another mailbox address. If one already exists, then a new password will be sent to it in the future. Next, enter your date of birth. If you are under 18, I advise you to enter a different date, as many applications are only allowed to be downloaded by adults.

Then we click on the "Continue" button, after which you will be prompted to immediately enter your credit card details, with which you can pay for the purchase of applications in the App Store. Is it possible to create an Apple ID without a card? Of course, you can, but you have to start registration from the beginning.

To add card details, in the upper left corner of the iTunes window, click on your Apple ID and select "Account".

In the window that opens, find the item "Payment method" and click a little to the right on the link "edit".

It's simple: enter the card number, security code and other data. At the first registration, one ruble will be withdrawn from your account in order to verify its authenticity.

If you then connect to a computer iPad via USB when iTunes is turned off, this will cause it to start and it will automatically detect the gadget connected to it, and also display it in the form of such a button:

The button on the right will have an upward pointing triangle (like you might have seen on CD players where it was used to eject the media). I accidentally clicked on it at the beginning, waiting for the context menu to appear, but instead the button disappeared and my Ipad disconnected from the computer.

I had to close and reopen iTunes to reconnect with my tablet. You need to click a little to the left and then you will open all the diversity of the inner world of your gadget. On the first tab "Review" a page opens with its name and model, as well as with all other data. Battery charge, capacity, serial number.

You can immediately update the software of your gadget (check for availability and download a new version of iOS) or restore its state to factory settings (the "Restore iPad" button), that is, erase all personal data and bring the device to the state in which you purchased (alas, this does not apply to scratches).

It turns out that from here you can manage your "apple", as well as create backups or recover from them. You can even encrypt them for greater security if the data stored on the Iphone or iPad is confidential. By default, iTunes will create an image of a tablet or phone on your computer, but you can save important data in the cloud, which Apple calls iCloud.

Create backups ( sync iphone, ipod or ipad with itunes) is very important, because if you lose data, or buy a new version of the gadget, you can download all the programs again - in this case, we will not have to look for and buy everything again.

Moreover, as shown in the screenshot (second) located just below, it will be possible to set up automatic synchronization immediately when you connect the device (via USB), and you can also set up wi-fi synchronization between your computer with iTunes and your Iphone.

All this data can be saved not only on a computer, but also in cloud storage, the so-called iCloud.

With it, you can download some data, for example, saves for games directly to your gadget without connecting to a computer via the Internet.

How to sync iPhone, iPod or iPad with iTunes?

Also at the bottom is a very convenient and interesting panel, here we can clearly understand what exactly takes up space on the internal memory and how much. You can also click the "Synchronize" button.

BUT what exactly will be synchronized between a computer and an iPhone, iPod or iPad? Well, this is already at the mercy of you - just go through all the other tabs of the top menu and check the boxes in the right places.

It turns out that here you can upload music, video or photos from your computer to your device and vice versa, but not only. Moreover, there is a possibility create your own music library(not from the tracks bought in the Apple store, but from your own, which live on your computer).

To do this, open the folder with your music in File Explorer (or Total Commander), and in iTunes go to the "Music" tab.

After that, select all the necessary tracks in the explorer and drag them to an empty space in the program, as shown in the screenshot.

iTunes will offer to convert some types of music files into a format convenient for this program:

Right in iTunes, you can edit this music and even listen to it. Right-click on any music file icon and select "Play" from the context menu. A player will appear on the top panel, where a bitten apple used to flaunt.

If you click on the arrow in this very player, a window will open where you can choose which music will be played for which. If you are not satisfied with these "gray notes" instead of the cover of your favorite band, then you can change it as well as the name.

To do this, right-click on the icon again and select "Details". A window will open, where you can write a title, album, etc. To change the cover, first copy the desired image and then open the "cover" tab and click paste. The beauty.

To transfer this music to your device, click on the device button (Iphone or Ipad) on the top right, and in the window that opens, go to the "Music" tab, where you can specify what exactly to copy. Well, to start synchronization, click on the button "Ready" located at the top right of the window.

If everything worked out, then instead of the player a bar will appear showing the download of music.

Great, you have music on your Iphone or iPad. BUT you don't want to sync movies through iTunes? The process of uploading a video to a gadget is about the same as for music, in the upper left corner we find a button and select "Movies" there. In the same way as in the case of music, drag the video files into the program and click on the "Finish" button. You can download books the same way.

iTunes and the App Store

Movies, books, music - everything is there. But what else is needed for complete happiness? Of course, access to a store with millions of applications for every taste, which can be obtained both from a gadget and from a computer using iTunes.

Let's press the button iTunes Store, which is located in the upper right corner. A store opens in front of us where you can buy movies, music and applications. We already have films with music, so we press App Store.

Large banners on top are new and popular applications. On the right, you can select a category or, dropping a little lower, some other section. If you want to have a free app, then click "Download" or "Buy" button, if it is paid. To install it, you will have to enter the password that you created earlier when creating your Apple ID.

The downloaded or purchased program will live in your Apple ID account, and you can always install it on your gadget. To do this, connect it to your computer and go to the Programs tab in iTunes. Find there visually or using the search bar the application you just downloaded and click the "Install" button opposite it.

If you need to install any other applications or games from iTunes on your Iphone or Ipad, then just click on the "Install" button opposite them. The inscription will change to "Will be installed". Then go down and click on the "Apply" button located there.

The synchronization process will begin, during which your new application will be successfully installed on your gadget.

In general, no one bothers you to connect to the Internet via WI Fi and roam the App Store directly from your apple gadget in search of the necessary software or games. However, the variety of options only adds to the convenience.

Improving the usability of iTunes and the App Store

Well, now you can use, at first glance, a very complex and fancy program, but in the end, convenient and functional. Perhaps this is all I wanted to tell you about the right hand of the owner of Apple products.

By the way, if you need to transfer pictures and videos taken on it to your computer from your Iphone or Ipad, and at the same time you have an account in Dropbox or Yandex Disk, then it will be enough to install the appropriate mobile application on your gadget and it will allow you to do this automatically . Read more about that, and.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Every user of an Apple gadget sooner or later comes across an Apple ID. Registering this account is required to use the company's services. If you do not have it, then you will not be able to download even a free application from the AppStore. The first step after activating the device can be considered the creation of an account ID.

You can create an account in several ways: using a computer and directly from the device. When registering, you can specify a bank card for making purchases, or you can register without linking a card. In order to create an Apple ID from a computer, you will need: a valid email account, a PC with the current version of iTunes installed, Internet access with good speed, time to register.

Find and install the latest version of iTunes. You can find it on the official website of the company. It is distributed free of charge. Run it on PC. There is a panel in the workspace in the upper left corner. Click on the "AppStore" icon. Browse through the proposed selection of free applications and click opposite the desired “download”.

A functional menu will appear in which you need to click "create ...". After clicking, the store will offer to read its terms of use. Read the information, check the box next to "read" and click "accept". Now the registration stage: enter a valid e-mail address, invent a complex password. The secret code must contain at least 8 characters. There must not be three identical characters in a row. It must not match the username. Must contain numbers. Uppercase and lowercase letters must be used.

Enter your personal details. When you indicate the date of birth, please note that you can register an Apple ID only from the age of 13. In the future, when using the services, depending on your age, there will be or will not be an age limit. Registration at the age of 13 occurs with the consent of a parent or guardian. From the age of 18, such consent is not required.

Read the user agreement and click "I accept". Then select security questions and answer them. Answers to questions are best recorded on physical media and put in a safe place. In the future, this information may be useful for restoring access. After clicking "continue" you must specify the form of payment. If you want to link a bank card, enter its details. If you want to register for free, click "no" and click on the button at the bottom of the working window "create ...".

An email with instructions will be sent to the specified email address (login ID). If you specified an additional e-mail, then the same letter will also be sent to it. Open the email and follow the link to complete the registration. You will be notified that your Apple ID has been successfully activated.

How to create an Apple ID from your phone?

You can register an account directly using your smartphone. You will need: Apple iPhone, mailing address, internet connection and patience. On your phone's desktop, click on the "AppStore" icon. Find any free app and start downloading it. When the functional menu appears, select "create new" from the list. Next, enter the email (which you use) and enter a new password.

Password requirements are described above, please consider them. Next, enter personal data, as requested by the instructions. Read the user agreement and accept it by clicking "accept". After that, give answers to security questions that you choose. It is better to write down the answers on paper and put them in a safe place. You may need this information if you forget your password to recover. Next, enter your bank card. If you do not plan to use it, then click "no" and "continue".

An email will be sent to your email address. In this letter, you must follow the link to complete the registration process. Now you can use the company's services and fully enjoy the capabilities of the phone.

There are two giants of mobile operating systems in the world. These are IOS from Apple and Android from Google. If in the first case, IOS can only be installed in phones from the company that produces them. The situation with the "android" is different. For a fee, all companies that produce smartphones can use it. Everyone who has switched from one Android mobile platform to an iPhone is probably interested in the question of how

Benefits provided to the user when registering with Apple ID

You become a full user of your iPhone. You will be able to download games, as well as some applications. Of course, as in the case of the Play Market on Android. The Apple Store will require you to pay to use some apps. But there are seasonal discounts and you can grab your favorite game almost for nothing. Sometimes app developers make them temporarily free. And then everyone can get the treasured thing forever and without payment. Therefore, the creation of Id is so important. It also allows you to use other services from the Apple company.

Five Benefits of Using an Apple ID

The full list of features that registration in the service on iphone provides is as follows:

  1. The ability to install applications for free in the App Store.
  2. Listening to licensed music through the iTunes Store.
  3. Using the provided messengers, such as iMessage, FaceTime or any others.
  4. If the device has been lost, there is the possibility of its preventive blocking and search through a special service from the "apple" company.
  5. Working with iCloud cloud storage from Apple.

Now we know about the various bonuses provided when registering an account, and it's time to learn how to create an Apple ID on an iPhone. For convenience, all actions are divided into several stages.

First stage. Registration in the store

You need to go to the App Store, for this you need to find the corresponding application icon on the phone's home screen. Once you've entered the Apple Store, you need to find the "Free Apps" tab. In the list of games provided to you, choose what you like best and download. It is possible to download an application that costs money. In this case, you will need to enter a card or mobile phone number. After you have chosen the desired application, click on the "Free" button. We have almost learned how to create an Apple ID on iPhone.

Stage two. Create a new account

The button that was called "Free" will now look like "Install". Click on it again, and a new window will appear in front of you, where you need to select a download method. Either from the existing "Apple ID" or create another.

Now we will learn how to create a new Apple ID on an iPhone. To do this, click on the item "Create new" and in the window that opens, select the country in which you are currently located or live.

Third stage. Agreement with all terms

As usual, you will have to read the license agreement that is between you and the company. In the open window, you must agree that you have read the information and read it carefully.

You will then be asked to enter your email address. This is done in order to create an Apple ID account. There are no preferences for mail, you can specify both your Gmail and the address from Mail or Yandex.

If you forget your Apple ID password, you can recover it via your email. A notification will be sent to you with a link to reset your forgotten password.

Security measures

The most important step of all is creating your unique password. You need to create a password that will consist of various combinations of numbers and letters. Be extremely careful and do not use your personal data in the password (like the year of birth or your first and last name).

It is also not recommended to use passwords consisting only of numbers or letters. Or primitive ones that are easy to pick up. Approach this step carefully and with caution. It is best to have a password consisting of the following sequence: number-letter and so on. And in order not to forget it, write it down on some paper medium.

This step is important because your password can be compromised in various ways. And then you risk losing not only your personal data, but also your phone forever.

Additional protection measures

Large services always use security questions. After all, you can forget the password and even lose the sheet where it is written. Not always rescues and the letter on mail.

Often people do not use the same e-mail. And they are created only for registration on certain services, and then safely forgotten. For example, they learned how to create an Apple Id, registered a mailbox and, with a calm soul, threw out all the information from memory.

In a new window, you will have the opportunity to create a security question that will help you recover data from Apple ID later. Here, as in the case of the password, you need to be extremely careful and not ask questions like “What is my name?” or “What is the name of my first dog?”. It should be something extremely personal that will never get out of your head. Knowing how to create a new Apple ID on an iPhone makes you a more tech-savvy person.

Profile completion

Once all past steps have been completed, you will be required to complete your personal details. Namely, your date of birth. After you have indicated everything, a new window opens in front of you, where you are asked to choose the method by which payment will be made in the service. It contains all available international payment systems.

After that, you are prompted to enter your first and last name. And also fill in the line about your place of residence, it is important to indicate exactly the country in which you are now or will be living for the next few years. Then you enter the world index of your state and your address. We have almost learned how to create an Apple ID.

Letter to mail

This is the practical completion of all actions. An email will be sent to the email address you provided that your registration has been completed. It indicates the password and login from your account in Apple ID.

If you can't remember your login details, then copy them into a separate document. And it's even better, because there will always be an opportunity to return to them. Then go to your mobile device and select the App Store application, find the profile and fill in the "login and password" fields. Now you know how to create an Apple ID and you can download apps from the store without any problems.

The second way to register in the service

If the former was well suited for those who use mobile devices, then the latter is suitable for users of Apple MacBooks or computers. To implement it, you need to download the iTunes program. Below is a list of steps to create an Apple ID:

  1. Install and run the program in the iTunes Store. Next, click on any available application and click on Free or "Free".
  2. In the new window, select "Create an Apple ID" and click "Continue".
  3. You agree to the license agreement by clicking "I agree".
  4. You enter personal information, create a password and ask three security questions, and so on.
  5. You are asked to provide payment information. If you do not live in the USA, then scroll up the page and click on the inscription click here. Now, instead of states, you can specify your country.
  6. After the fifth step, a new page will open in front of you, where you enter your address and confirm the action by clicking on the "Create Apple Id" button.
  7. You receive an email. It contains a link that you need to click on to confirm the account registration.

Now you know how you can create an Apple Id in two ways. Which one to choose is up to you.