The September school bell sounds, and the most difficult 11th grade begins for high school students. This is a time of intense study, summing up and preparing for the exam. In order for the year not to become a nightmare, you need to create an action plan as early as possible.

1. Choose a university.

Choosing an educational institution where you will receive higher education is a very responsible step. Well, if you have dreamed of being a doctor or a teacher since childhood - everything is clear here, and the road opens straight. But if at the beginning of the 11th grade you still don’t know where to go after school, approach the issue pragmatically: study the statistics, find out the most popular specialties (look in the future, because in 5-7 years the picture will change); decide whether you are a humanist or a "techie"; Check out the rating of universities and reviews about them. You should not act somewhere at random, for the company or blindly obey your parents - most likely, by the 2nd or 3rd year you will realize that you have chosen the wrong specialty.

2. Decide how you will prepare for the exam.

Consider options for preparing for the exam in biology. It can take several forms. If you are confident in your abilities, . An excellent assistant to you will be created by V.Yu. Yaroslavtsev - he will help to systematize knowledge. The modern form of preparation for the exam - which make it possible to prepare for the exam in biology in grade 11 with the best Moscow tutor, being in any city in Russia. You can also study full-time with tutors or attend courses at a university - evaluate the pros and cons of all training options and the financial capabilities of the family in advance.

3. Participate in olympiads.

Victories in biology olympiads not only help to get to know the subject perfectly, but are also equal to 100 points in the Unified State Examination, that is, they provide an opportunity to enter a university without competition for a specialty corresponding to the profile of the olympiad. Read the schedule of the Olympiads and their conditions in advance. Remember that preparation for the Olympiads should begin 2-3 years before graduation. In this case, in the 11th or even 10th grade, you can become the winner of the Olympiad.

4. Make a plan for preparing for the exam in biology and stick to it.

From the very beginning of the year, distribute the entire amount of training by day of the week. Objectively assess your knowledge and allocate more time to the most problematic disciplines. Two hours a day is optimal, but you need to work hard. The sooner you get into the rhythm, the easier it will be for you to prepare for the exam throughout the year, without rushing randomly from subject to subject. Hang a large work schedule above your desk, listing extracurricular activities you attend, meetings with a tutor, etc., as well as marking various trips and family holidays. This way you will clearly understand how much time you have.

5. Give up everything superfluous.

Yes, it is difficult, but 11th grade is a time of increased self-discipline. Don't lie around after school with a detective until a freaking mom appears at the door of the room, brandishing a ladle. Know how to say "no" to friends who every day invite you to go out late. And, of course, forget about many hours of computer games that gobble up time and effort without giving anything in return. Passing the exam in grade 11 is your main task for the next year, and let the whole world wait. And at the same time, of course, leave yourself time for your favorite things and loved ones, live according to the formula “changing activities is also a vacation” and dream about where you will go in the summer, having already entered the chosen university!

1) Estimate the number of days to prepare for the exam: subtract 2 days before the exam, weekends, holidays from the total number of days before the exam. Keep in mind that training can go on other subjects. When assessing the intensity, it should be borne in mind that the number of two-hour sessions per day is from 1 to 4.

2) Ask relatives and friends to cheer you up, praise you for what you are doing well, as parents do not notice that the child is trying, that he is worried about the result. It may not always work out, but still there are pluses ...

3) Provide yourself with a comfortable place to practice at home, make sure that no one and nothing interferes with you. (TV, tape recorder, telephone, conversations with family members).

4) Take care of sleep. Increase your sleep time by about 1 hour. It is better to use fractional sleep and sleep 1-2 hours during the day.

5) Take care of proper nutrition so that there is no breakdown, irritability and weakness. Proper nutrition: carrots (for memorization), onions (from fatigue), nuts (stamina), hot peppers, strawberries, bananas (improving mood), cabbage (for calmness), lemon (for energy), blueberries (blood supply to the brain), sea fish (nutrition of brain cells).

6)Use effective working time - 8-9 hours a day. The most favorable time for the perception of information is from 7 to 12 and from 14 to 17-18 hours.

I can't do anything, I can't do anything...
According to statistics, if you decide at least ...., then you will already get "3", the minimum number of classes will help you reach level "4". The main thing is to strictly follow our recommendations.

I constantly worry about how many points I will get for each exam. I look at the information about the passing score of last year for this specialty, which I entered, and I think that I will not receive such a sum of points with all my desire ...
Don't worry about the score you get on the exam and don't get upset after the exam. Think to yourself that the number of points is not a perfect measure of your abilities.

The closer the dates of the exams, the more often my parents remind me that the day of the exam results will come soon and then ...
Do not be nervous and ask your parents not to disturb you on the eve of exams - this may adversely affect the test result. After all, the excitement of your parents is always conveyed to you, and if adults at a crucial moment can cope with their emotions, then you, due to age characteristics, can emotionally “break loose”.

When I'm preparing for an exam, I start to think that I can't do it, that the assignments are too difficult for me, that I don't know anything...
Never think that you will not cope with the task, but on the contrary, mentally paint yourself a picture of triumph. And hurry will come to you in your hands.

I don't know how to time my tasks.
Practice with a stopwatch in your hands, time your tests (already calculated: the tasks in Part A take an average of 2 minutes per task).

Plan for preparing for the exam in mathematics in 2017

Make a plan for preparing for the exam in mathematics in 2017

Decide on training goals.

First of all, the graduate and his parents need to understand where and what specialties you will enter after passing the exam. Having decided on several (2-6) promising universities for admission, you need to see which USE exams are needed for admission.

You can look at the list of the Unified State Examination for admission to Moscow State University on our website, and do not neglect the official information from the websites of universities, where you will receive the latest information.

Profile or base?

Starting from 2015, the Unified State Examination in Mathematics can be taken at two levels, profile and basic. If the list of subjects required for admission to the university of your choice includes mathematics, you need to pass it at the profile level, otherwise - at the basic level.

If you pass only the “basic” USE, the results of the exam will be transferred from a 100-point scale to a 5-point scale and will go only to the certificate of secondary education. The minimum score for the USE at the basic level in 2017 is 3 points (translated from the USE in mathematics to a five-point scale), at the profile level it is 27 points.

You have the opportunity to sign up for the delivery of both profile and basic levels. This move has the following advantages:

  • 1. In the case of very insecure knowledge of mathematics, this is a safety net: having passed the “base” with a minimum score, you guarantee that you will receive an assessment in the certificate and receive it, in the absence of problems in other subjects.
  • 2. Even after passing only the “base”, you will be able to enter this year in specialties where mathematics is NOT required.
  • 3. You are trying to pass the test in real mode and will feel more confident in passing the profile exam.

  • The first stage for drawing up an optimal plan for preparing for the exam in mathematics passed.

    How much time is left before the start of the exam

    This is a key factor in planning! 3 months or 2 years is a huge difference. This factor will influence the planning of preparation for the USE both on the degree of intensity of preparation, and in general on the strategy and tactics of preparation.

    And also for other subjects approved by FIPI for 2017.

    Current level of graduate training

    Another important factor. To prepare for the same level, say 90 points, a person who unstable solves only questions 19, 20, 21 of the second part of the USE in mathematics, and one who can hardly solve only the first part - these are two completely different tasks, and require fundamentally different preparation time.

    Knowledge - skill - skill

    This chain is known in pedagogy and is not disputed in sports disciplines. When preparing for the exam, many for some reason do not accept this thesis, but only repeated repetition of the knowledge gained in various variations, solving examples on their own will help to form a skill, which will then turn into a skill.

    Qualified tutors in mathematics or good textbooks for preparing for the USE 2017 in mathematics will only help you prepare optimally. Without serious independent work, there will be no high USE results, this should be taken into account.

    Now we know all the data in order to draw up an optimal plan for preparing for the exam in mathematics in 2016.

    An example of drawing up a step-by-step plan for preparing for the exam in mathematics

    Please note that the following is just an example that represents a general approach. An individual plan can be drawn up only after preliminary testing of the student.

    Suppose there are 2 months left before passing the exam in mathematics, and you want to solve all the tasks of part 1 correctly for the exam (making no more than 1 mistake). Currently making 4-5 mistakes.

    Preparatory stage.

  • 1. It is necessary to highlight those tasks of Part 1 in which errors occur.
  • 2. Next - download textbooks for preparing for the exam in mathematics, or / and we select a qualified tutor.
  • 3. Determine the time that we spend on preparation per week (for example, 4 times a week for 2.5 - 3 hours).

  • Planning.

    In total, we have 8 weeks, 4 times a week for 2.5-3 hours. In 4 topics of part 1, serious gaps are not resolved, in the rest there are sometimes errors, in 85% of cases they are solved correctly.

  • 1. Repetition of the theory on 1 topic from the problematic ones, solving thematic problems.
  • 4. Repetition of the theory on 1 topic from the problem ones, solving thematic problems.

  • 1. Repetition of the theory on the 2nd topic from the problematic ones, solving thematic problems.
  • 2. USE test, part 1 (not for a while), analysis of errors, solving problems on the previous topic.
  • 3. USE test, part 1 (not for a while), analysis of errors, solving problems on the previous topic.
  • 4. Repetition of the theory on 1 and 2 topics from problem areas, solving thematic problems.

  • 1. Repetition of the theory on the 3rd topic from the problem ones, solving thematic problems.
  • 2. USE test, part 1 (not for a while), analysis of errors, solving problems on the previous topic.
  • 3. USE test, part 1 (not for a while), analysis of errors, solving problems on the previous topic.
  • 4. Repetition of the theory on 1, 2, 3 topics from problem areas, solving thematic problems.

  • 1. Repetition of the theory on the 4th topic from the problem ones, solving thematic problems.
  • 2. USE test, part 1 (not for a while), analysis of errors, solving problems on the previous topic.
  • 3. USE test, part 1 (not for a while), analysis of errors, solving problems on the previous topic.
  • 4. Repetition of the theory on 1, 2, 3, 4 topics from the problem areas, solving thematic problems.

  • 1. USE test, part 1 (with tactics), analysis of errors, identification of weaknesses, based on previous tests (suppose there are errors in 3 additional topics, but not in the rest).
  • 2. Repetition of the theory on the 5th topic from the problematic ones, solving thematic problems.
  • 4. Repetition of the theory on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 topics from problem areas, solving thematic problems.

  • 1. Repetition of the theory on the 6th topic from the problem ones, solving thematic problems.
  • 3. USE test, part 1 (with tactics), error analysis, problem solving on the previous topic.
  • 4. Repetition of the theory on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 topics from the problematic ones, solving thematic problems.

  • 1. Repetition of the theory on the 7th topic from the problematic ones, solving thematic problems.
  • 2. USE test, part 1 (with tactics), analysis of mistakes, solving problems on the previous topic.
  • 3. USE test, part 1 (with tactics), error analysis, problem solving on the previous topic.
  • 4. Repetition of the theory on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 topics from problematic ones, solving thematic problems.

  • 1. USE test, part 1, analysis of errors, additional tasks according to the situation.
  • 2. USE test, part 1, analysis of errors, additional tasks according to the situation.
  • 3. USE test, part 1, analysis of errors, additional tasks according to the situation.
  • 4. USE test, part 1, analysis of errors, additional tasks according to the situation.

  • The disadvantage of the Russian education system is that upon admission, you immediately need to decide which areas are priorities for you (even better - specific universities). It can be difficult to decide on this for guys who take several exams at once. To do this, you need to answer two questions:

      What items do I need the most?

      What subjects do I know best?

    Spend more time on items that fall into the first category. If these two sets (“I need” and “I know best”) intersect, fine: they should also be the first in priority.

    It is also not necessary to abandon less priority subjects so as not to end up in a situation where there are two months left before the exam, and you have never opened a collection of tasks in Russian and forgot the multiplication table for seven. Do them regularly from the beginning of the year. The USE is a system, and the better you adapt to it, the higher your scores will be.

    How to find out which exams are required for your university

    Universities publish lists of entrance examinations until October 1 inclusive. As a rule, for the same specialty from year to year it is required to pass the same exams.

    You can go from the opposite: choose a university based on what subjects you are ready to take for the exam. To do this, you can use the aggregator.

    Examples of aggregators


    Choose the best time for you. The school schedule (and optionally the schedule of the clubs or sections in which you are involved) is usually quite rigid, so rely on it when you plan your preparation. Nelli Grigorieva at , gave good advice: determine your peak time and use it.

    It is best to prepare for all the subjects a little each day, focusing on the priority ones. Studying, say, a lesser priority Russian for half an hour a day, you will prepare better than if you set aside two hours for it once a week.

    The more detailed the schedule, the better. Specifically indicate the time at which you will work out the test part, tasks with a detailed answer, when you will write notes and essays.

    For example, my own plan for preparing for the exam in the third quarter of grade 11 looked something like this.

    Set a goal

    It is clear that your global goal is to prepare for the exam and not screw up. Some of my acquaintances specifically calculated the points for which they need to pass, but this practice depressed me: I can’t calmly concentrate on the subject, constantly keeping in my head the thought that I need to pass it at 98.

    Small, achievable goals can and should be set. For example, if you take English, Russian and Literature, you can set yourself the following goals for the week:

      To make entirely two standard versions of the exam for each of the subjects;

      Learn 30 new words in English;

    Similarly, you can set goals for the month, quarter, or year.

    Keep track of your progress so that in moments of discouragement, think about how much you have done. In addition, you will be able to track at what level of knowledge of the subject you are now.


    In some schools, it is possible that you attend classes only in those subjects that you pass on the exam. If you study in such a school - rejoice. The rest will have to get out.

    At my school, attendance was monitored quite strictly, so it was rarely possible to play truant. I came to school equipped for exams. On subjects I did not need, I solved typical options or read reference books. If it was hard to drag paper versions, I solved tasks from the phone in groups preparing for the Unified State Examination on Vkontakte.

    As a rule, in the 11th grade, teachers are quite loyal to the fact that students skip some subjects. Try to agree in advance with the teachers that you will do your own business during their lessons. It’s not worth behaving impudently: you still need to get a certificate.

    What should I do if I drop out of class?

    For starters, don't panic. If you feel like you're about to burn out, take a break. Do not practice for a day or two, and then return to training. Remember that your mental and physical health is more important than the exam. For the first month and a half or two, I did not study at all one day a week - I only read reference literature and reflected. Then I began to practice every day (but always with breaks for rest).

    What if I just miss my schedule?

    The simplest and most obvious advice is to recycle it. Understand what is wrong: for which subject you do not have enough time, and where, on the contrary, you work quite relaxed and still manage to finish ahead of schedule. Perhaps the problem is the intensity of your classes: someone cannot study for several hours in a row, but prefers to work all day at intervals.

    The modern concept of education assumes that the student himself receives knowledge, and the teacher only plays the role of a tutor, mentor. Each student must draw up his own plan for preparing for final tests, aimed at successfully passing the exam. The resulting individual training trajectory must certainly contain several important points. Let's consider them in more detail.

    Refer to official sources

    Study the demo materials given on the official website of FIPI. It is this institution that develops assignments, which are subsequently included in the examination materials (KIMs). Each item presented on the site consists of 3 documents:

    • demos- an approximate version of the work;
    • codifier- a list of skills and training topics tested in each task;
    • specifications— regulations for the evaluation and verification of each task.

    Recently, a bank of tasks for all subjects began to work on the site, where you can find and analyze tasks from previous years.

    Solve tests

    « Theory without practice is a backpack with swimming textbooks behind a drowning man”, - these words from a modern work are the best suited to characterize this point of the plan. After a thorough repetition of the theory, you need to solve test tasks as much as possible.

    Important! Be sure to check that the tests you solve match the FIPI demo materials. Usually such publications have a special badge. Otherwise, you can lose strength and time allotted for preparation.

    Feel free to ask for help

    Consult not only with your school teacher and tutor. Now there are a lot of methodological associations on the Internet, where competent teachers can suggest solutions to difficult tasks. There are also groups where consistently, day by day, all tasks are sorted out.

    Thus, it is not difficult to prepare yourself for passing the exam. The most important thing is to clearly define a competent action plan for yourself and strictly follow all its points.

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