This dreamer and romantic can easily and quickly fall in love, the Cancer man reacts vividly to any pleasant sensations. Behind any conclusions of Cancer, there are always not so much facts as emotions, so they should be emphasized. He will not remain indifferent to pleasant words, good perfume, decor, music, etc. To successfully conduct a special operation called "How to win a Cancer man", you should know which "levers" to press in order to attract and keep his attention.

It must be borne in mind that the Cancer man dreams of emotional interdependence with his partner, it is in this that he sees the foundation for the spiritual and physical unification of two people. To successfully conquer a Cancer man, you need to be able to unobtrusively convey to him that you also dream of spiritual intimacy with a partner, would like to see a person nearby who will share both joy and sorrow, will be able to understand without further ado. Gently hint that you are ready to tenderly care for and reliably support your future chosen one - and then he will look at you with completely different eyes.

What kind of women do Cancer men like? Undoubtedly, first of all, those who really want to start a family and become a good mother. This is one of the main "litmus papers" by which he checks the compliance of the future chosen one with the ideal. The Cancer man will also like sentimentality and a love of vintage items, for example, a vintage brooch from a grandmother’s chest worn on a date can help you.

The emotional and psychological dependence of Cancer on the family remains with him for life, so it is advisable for the future chosen one to get to know his relatives ahead of time and try to find a common language with them. If this is not possible, it is necessary, at a minimum, not to speak disparagingly about the role of the family in a person's life and not to speak even in the slightest negative way about his relatives. The main figure for Cancer is his mother, whom he puts on a pedestal and will not overthrow her from there even when his beloved woman appears in his life.

How to make a Cancer man fall in love with you? He is extremely sensitive to both criticism and praise. He is very pleased to hear words of admiration, and in his character you can really find features that you can admire sincerely and without a hint of falsehood. However, it should be remembered that outright sycophancy will be quickly exposed.

To attract the attention of a Cancer man, you can tell him about some of your own personal problem, about which you would like to get wise advice. You will really get it, and at the same time give Cancer the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to empathize and see that you appreciate it. If you do charity work, help the elderly or abandoned children - do not hide these circumstances from him - it will be much easier to win a Cancer man.

Cancers value thriftiness in their future chosen ones, including the ability to cook. Cancer men need to be looked after even at the stage of conquest. If he gets sick, you should definitely be close to words of comfort and a first-aid kit at the ready. To push the chosen one to make a decision about your relationship (and he, as a rule, hesitates to propose a hand and heart), you can tell him that someone else is seeking your hand - and then the Cancer man in love will become more active.

Cancer man ... "there is no sign worse than Cancer" - astrologers say, referring to his desire to constantly be in his "shell" and lead a secretive lifestyle. He does not like cheerful companies and noisy parties. A Cancer man on a first date is impossible to reveal. And you will not know him until the end until he is at home, in his fortress. It is there that the main metamorphoses take place - silent and a little gloomy, at home he turns into a caring and affectionate man. He, like a real cook, is always full of food in the refrigerator. As well as clean floors and order in the closet. Have you developed an inferiority complex yet? If you find yourself visiting him, he will do everything to make you feel cozy and comfortable. Home for a Cancer man is the main thing. This is his "shell", protecting from all the hardships of the outside world.

The Cancer man has excellent taste and good manners. This is a real gentleman, always polite, friendly and with a great sense of humor. Cancer is the most mysterious of all the signs of the Zodiac, and where the mystery is, there is interest from the opposite sex.
Women love such men, with them they feel desirable, beautiful, witty. And largely due to the natural inclination of Cancer men to generously give compliments. These men know the right approach to a woman! And at the same time, they are sensitive and understanding, always ready to listen and help.

The disadvantage of such men is that they like to hush up all the problems. If something worries him, he will be silent like a partisan and wait until you yourself understand the reason for his discontent. If you start arguing, blaming him, or, God forbid, insulting him, he may even go into his “crustacean shell” with his head, and it will be extremely difficult for you to lure him out of there. Well, except for a delicious dinner. But it’s better not to give free rein to your emotions - you will say anything in anger, then you will forget, but the Cancer man will remember this for a very long time. And be offended. He is not one of those men who desperately need emotions - no matter - positive or negative.

His happiness is peace, tranquility and comfort. He loves to look through old photographs, remember childhood friends, sigh sadly for the old days, carefully adjusting the blanket on his knees so as not to disturb his beloved cat. Yes, the Cancer man is sentimental and dreamy.
Sometimes it seems that he lives in his own fantasy world. But only at home he can afford to be like that. With strangers, he will never show his true self.

To attract, conquer a Cancer man, you need to be able to take care of yourself. Keep in mind that these guys notice everything from a knocked-down heel on a shoe to regrown roots in their hair. Therefore, no sloppy evening make-up or peeling nail polish - this will scare away this connoisseur of feminine freshness and grooming.

Cancer man is an incorrigible romantic. In the candy-bouquet period, he will literally overwhelm you with flowers and gifts, he will take you to cafes and cinemas. What can I say, even in family life, he will not let life seize your couple. Even though he is all so economic and homely, he is never bored with him.
His intellectual abilities lead to success in politics, business, literature. And diligence and efficiency - to a successful career and financial stability. People like him are valued and encouraged in every possible way. Therefore, Cancer men never have problems with money. He will be able to earn and provide for himself (and you) in any life situation. A greedy man is not about him! If he has already taken up the matter, then he will not let go of his claws just like that, he will definitely bring it to the end.

Aries woman

The union is heavy, full of quarrels, conflicts Aries is one of the most active signs of the zodiac, leaders. Cancers, on the contrary, are balanced, family and calm. For the union to be successful, it is desirable that both halves equally share household duties among themselves, have a common dream, and go towards the same goal in life.

Taurus Woman

A quiet, calm and conflict-free union that can exist for many years. Cancer becomes the head of the family, the breadwinner, the Taurus woman helps him in everything, provides home comfort, leads a life and takes care of children. There is usually no particular passion in such relationships, but there is understanding and patience.

Gemini woman

In this union, physical intimacy is in the main place - in bed they are ideal lovers, ready to constantly charm each other in a new way. For routine life, these people are too different, with different life goals. They have a completely different understanding of the family. For Cancer, the family is the most valuable and important thing, Gemini, on the contrary, value personal freedom, do not like to lead a life. Such partners make great friends and lovers, but a bad family.

Cancer Woman

A very rare union, since it is difficult for two Cancers to live under the same roof. A man understands a woman in everything, but she does not arouse his interest, does not intrigue him. A great passion between such partners flares up extremely rarely, more often just friendship appears. If love arises between partners, then this is the most ideal relationship.

Leo woman

A very common union. Cancer seeks to conquer the proud Lioness. He likes her energy and inner strength. The lioness will always be the leader in such relationships. Cancer will follow her orders, but if she disobeys, quarrels and resentments are inevitable. Cancer is also frightened by the waste of money by the chosen one, her craving for beautiful and expensive things. Such partners are ideal lovers. Cancer is slow. Very often having lived with cancer for some time, the Lioness begins to look for a more generous and active partner.

Virgo woman

Also a fairly common union. Cancers and Virgos have similar views on life, money, family and life. Both signs love to save money, do not spend it in vain. For both Virgo and Cancer, the main priority in life is family, home comfort. Together they perfectly equip their life. Virgo often educates Cancer, teaches him how to live, but such reproaches rarely reach scandals. Sexually partners are rarely compatible, but otherwise they are well combined. A secure and promising marriage.

Libra Woman

A very real union. These zodiac signs make very good friends. They can spend hours discussing some idea, plans for the future, although the passivity of both signs does not allow them to quickly implement these plans. If such a couple survives a period of rubbing each other, then it is quite possible that family happiness awaits them.

Scorpio woman

Complicated union. The Scorpio woman inspires the Cancer man, on the contrary, he annoys her with his slowness. Ideal sexual partners. If Cancer can tolerate the pickiness of his chosen one, the couple promises a long joint future.

Sagittarius woman

Difficult union. Cancers and Sagittarians are very different in their outlook. At first, Cancer arouses increased interest in Sagittarius, will try to win him over. Over time, interest fades, most often their relationship breaks down on ordinary everyday problems.

Capricorn woman

People under such signs are absolute opposites. This is an extremely rare union. The Capricorn woman is constantly trying to suppress Cancer, "tame him." Such a woman will never understand the subtle soul of a Cancer man. At the beginning of family life, partners still somehow try to get along. But over the years they only swear, insult each other. These are people of different planes. Even sexually they are opposites. Such a union is unlikely to be happy.

Aquarius woman

We can say that this is an ideal union for Cancer. Such relationships often last for many years. Leadership in the family will fall on the shoulders of Aquarius, she will captivate Cancer with her activity.

The only thing that can destroy this union is deceit, betrayal, or constant whimpering from Cancer. In such families, a lot of attention is paid to children.

Pisces Woman

Cancer and Pisces have a lot in common. In terms of physical relationships, they are ideal partners. They have similar views on life, family. They can talk to each other for hours about anything or just be around. The main problem of relationships is increased emotionality. Both Pisces and Cancer tend to idealize their partners, and then worry about each other's shortcomings. Cancers are jealous, afraid of losing Pisces. Quarrels, reproaches and insults are frequent in relationships, but in general the union is quite strong and often successful.

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Water signs - Cancer and Pisces - are subject to the same element. Often they have the same views on life, character, temperament and even behavior. Therefore, it is not surprising that representatives of this element can create a strong alliance based on mutual respect, understanding, and love. If we talk about relationships where the partners are Pisces-man, Cancer-woman, their compatibility is beyond doubt: often they are able to even read each other's thoughts. Their marriage is creativity, where he inspires, and she brings to life the idea of ​​a talented artist.

romantic union

Spiritually and physically combined Cancer woman and Pisces man. Compatibility, reviews of astrologers about which are only positive, connects them with a thin thread in all areas of life. Only Pisces are able to perceive the sensuality and daydreaming of Cancer as a normal phenomenon, give him the romance he lacks and constantly refresh relationships. In return, they receive protection from adversity and a secure stable financial position of the family as a whole.

Each of the partners sees in the other a continuation of his own "I". Both are very vulnerable, so they try not to offend their soulmate for nothing. In this union, the spouse usually takes on the role of leader, since she is more pragmatic in business and, if necessary, can stand up for herself and even for her chosen one. Cancer woman and Pisces man, whose compatibility is impeccable, are an ideal couple. Their separation is incredible.

Candy-bouquet period

Meeting at first, they attract the attention of passers-by with their genuine tender attitude, mutual affection and care. The Cancer woman and the Pisces man are on the same wavelength. Compatibility in love manifests itself in the form of a scheme: the lady inspires the gentleman to exploits, he accomplishes them. In a word, real Romeo and Juliet from the eponymous story of the great Shakespeare.

This couple very quickly approaches, finds a common language. There is an almost telepathic connection between them. They spend a lot of time together, visiting theaters, cinemas and clubs. Leisure is also filled with eternal declarations of love and vows of fidelity, reading romantic poems and dreams of a happy future. Despite the idyll, the partners are in no hurry to tie the knot. Their festivities under the moon can last for years, because each of them greatly appreciates premarital relationships and tries to take as much as possible from them.


Pisces-man, Cancer-woman - compatibility is so high that it can be called one exact phrase - complete harmony. They are very good together: understanding, mutual respect and love reign between the spouses. No one is obliged to compromise or sacrifice himself - everyone catches the desires of a partner and tries not to upset him once again. A wife is able to lend a fragile shoulder to her husband, support him, even help physically. She will not whine because of a lack of money - if necessary, she will get two jobs without any problems and will provide for her family.

Cancers are excellent budget planners, they are caring housewives and also adore children. Where else can you find such an ideal wife? Pisces appreciate efforts and try to help their spouse in everything, because they feel strength and confidence in her. With such a chosen one, you can even move mountains, and Pisces really like it. Sometimes in difficult situations it is difficult for them to make decisions, since both are guided by emotions, and not common sense.

Sexual Compatibility

Real romantics Cancer woman and Pisces man - their love compatibility just rolls over. The same applies to intimate life: being sensual, they try to please their partner, while not shunning various sophisticated ways. They are playful and affectionate, they like to stretch the process, fill it with endless kisses and tenderness. In addition, both love experiments, so they try not to deny themselves, realizing all kinds of fantasies.

Usually the second fiddle in bed is played by the sign of Pisces - a man. A Cancer woman, whose compatibility is ideal for him, is a leader: desire comes from her, she directs sexual energy in the right direction. The chosen one gives in, he likes to be led, so even a shadow of irritation does not arise between partners. They are able to get an ocean of pleasure to the envy of other couples.

Business relationship

They know how and love to work together - a Cancer woman and a Pisces man. Business compatibility, if not quite ideal, then very interesting and fruitful. Together they make up a team of experienced professionals who act in a coordinated and competent manner. Cancer controls and organizes the work process, Pisces find a lot of new ways and methods to achieve the goal. They are great at working with people.

If Cancer is the boss, then this is the best alignment of forces. Such a woman can make a colleague go forward, do business, and not hover in the clouds. When the Pisces man is the director, the business may not develop so successfully. It is difficult to work with him, he never knows what decision to make, where to go and where to start. But a young lady born under the sign of Cancer is able to understand him, direct him on the right path, and sometimes even outshine him with charm and dictate her terms.


What are the friendly relations in a pair of Pisces-man, Cancer-woman? Their compatibility in friendship is also at the highest level. It is usually based on the similarity of characters and the same interests. Both value trusting relationships, are always tactful in intimate conversations, make sure not to offend the opponent. They know how to create that psychological comfort for the other half, which subsequently saves them from scandals and quarrels. They do not need to defend themselves during dialogue, on the contrary, everyone tries to avoid unnecessary criticism, sarcasm and pressure.

Pisces who are friends with Cancer can relax and daydream. For them, this is especially valuable, since most people demand masculine behavior from them, the absence of complaints. And Cancer can cry in a vest, and at the same time expect that everything will remain a secret to others. A woman also values ​​​​friendship, because with the men of this constellation she feels completely safe.

The complexities of the union

Cancer woman and Pisces man, whose marriage compatibility is at the highest level, are still not immune from minor conflicts. Sometimes they quarrel, but this happens rarely and exclusively at the household level. After a minute of insults and reproaches, they put up and forgive the partner. It can be difficult for them to adapt to the realities of society, since both are very emotional and sensitive. They are helpless in situations where you need to quickly and correctly make a rational decision.

Wrong steps are usually taken by a young couple. With age, they adapt and almost avoid mistakes. Disagreements can also arise over money matters. Pisces don't know how to save money. They are not allowed to save and spend wisely, which greatly angers the scrupulous, thrifty and practical Cancer. But the latter is often the owner, which is not liked by Pisces, who love relative freedom and trust.

Fundamental differences

Ideal partners are the Cancer woman and the Pisces man: their compatibility in love, friendship and at work is excellent. Despite this, they are completely different. She is a homebody, he is a travel lover. Therefore, she should make concessions and agree to joint trips, and he should return home at her first request. Such young ladies are strong, and their chosen ones are weak, which can also cause conflict if the woman is not wise enough to change the situation for the better.

Cancer - closed, often does not trust people. Pisces, on the contrary, are open, love communication. They should find that "golden mean" when the hostility of a woman will not repel mutual friends, and excessive hospitality and joint pastime of her husband with comrades will not destroy the family hearth. Often the Pisces man does not finish what he started. The Cancer woman puts compatibility in marriage as a priority, therefore she always teaches a not too responsible husband of seriousness and rationality. And this is also important in family relationships.

Representatives of the water signs of the zodiac dispose each other to communicate, but they can overestimate the degree of their similarity, and then be disappointed. At first glance, they perfectly understand and feel each other, but in reality it may turn out that they do not have much in common. Pisces often pass off their fantasies as reality, which misleads cancer, and the latter will upset the fish with the rigidity of their character, despite the fact that outwardly it looks soft and compliant.

The main eccentricity of the relationship of this couple is that the union where the man is cancer is practically doomed to failure. In a pair of Cancer women and Pisces men, compatibility is close to ideal.

CANCER man and PISCES woman

A woman born under the sign of Pisces is unlikely to be comfortable in the company of a Cancer man. If this couple is not connected by common affairs or love relationships, the pressure from cancer is not so noticeable. The superficial communication of fish and cancer can even be pleasant, especially at the initial stage of the relationship, but the feeling of similarity of natures for both may turn out to be false.

♋ + ♓: In love

UNWANTED UNION- The cancer guy is attracted to sensitive and emotional girls who are able to sincerely love. If a fish girl is in love, she can go into a love pool with her head and endow her chosen one with those qualities that are inherent only in a fairy-tale prince. The cancer guy is an ordinary person, with his own advantages and disadvantages, so a romantic and tender girl may be disappointed in him, but this will not happen immediately. At first, the cup of her patience should be more than overflowing.

The cancer guy himself is not an ideal, but he is very picky about the character traits of other people. In the chosen one, he will be annoyed by excessive sociability, daydreaming, frivolity. The fish girl is quite self-critical, so the guy’s discontent will be taken closer than it deserves. The young man will easily convince her of the need for self-improvement, and she, driven by guilt, will allow him to behave selfishly.

The result of the relationship is most often this - the guy will get carried away and begin to tyrannize his beloved, and her eyes will be opened to his negative traits. Nothing good will remain from a love affair, and two are to blame for this. The cancer guy did not appreciate sincere love, and the fish girl allowed a disrespectful attitude towards herself.

♋ + ♓: Married

UNWANTED UNION- Usually, a fish woman agrees to a marriage proposal earlier than she manages to get to know the groom properly. She believes in fabulous love, in the existence of a soul mate, and thoughts of adultery and marriage of convenience do not visit her. The representative of this zodiac sign is pure in soul, and expects the same from others. If she is young and has not previously been burned, marriage to a Cancer man will quickly return her from heaven to sinful earth.

The husband is not satisfied with his wife as a hostess, but not because she is lazy, it’s just that their ideas about comfort and order differ significantly. The fish woman does not like the accumulation of dust, dirt, and unnecessary items in the house. She can throw away her husband's things that he has not worn for several years, for which she will be accused of impracticality - after all, all this could still come in handy! For cancer, it is more important that everything is in its place, and his wife does not depress the creative mess.

In this family, the husband is the breadwinner. Most often, he does not have enough stars from the sky, but he is able to create a decent standard of living. Having once entrusted his wife with his salary, he will be horrified at the speed with which she spent the money. There will be a big quarrel, after which he will manage the money alone.

Domestic quarrels are not the most unpleasant. Cancer men are much more likely to cheat on their wives than representatives of other zodiac signs. For his wife, this will become a serious mental trauma, most likely, she will file for divorce. Even if he is faithful to her, sooner or later the wife will get tired of enduring constant nit-picking, and the relationship will end.

♋ + ♓: In friendship

GOOD COMPATIBILITY- Incompatibility in everyday life has nothing to do, so the fish girl and the cancer guy can become friends. As representatives of the same water element, they will always find something to talk about. The girl will always cheer up her friend, who is inclined to exaggerate everything and fall into depression, and he will surround her with care. Only one trouble awaits friends - they can get carried away with each other, and become no longer friends, but lovers. Given the poor compatibility in personal relationships, it is better for them not to do this.

Pisces man and Cancer woman

Unlike the previous couple, the Pisces man and Cancer woman are similar in many ways, and as they get closer, they all get along better. These people will find a common language, even if they met not under the most favorable circumstances. From former rivals, they can easily become friends and support for each other. Mutual sympathy is so great that even if they do not unite into a loving couple, they will try to maintain their relationship. It will not be easy for both of them to meet a more personable person.

♓ + ♋: In a love relationship

THE PERFECT COUPLE- In this pair there is no unrequited feelings, no seducer and cunning of his tricks. Rapprochement happens on its own. Cancer girl and Pisces guy are very drawn to each other. Having met under random circumstances, they can forget that they were in a hurry somewhere, that someone is waiting for them ...

If one of this couple has an arranged personal life, his other half will have a hard time. The fish guy and the cancer girl are spending more and more time together, first under the pretext of friendship or common affairs, and then completely stop looking for explanations for those who are disturbed by this connection. A couple in love will not care, they just want to be together.

Both Cancer and Pisces tend to keep inner experiences, their secrets and weaknesses deep in the soul. Together it will be easy for them, mutual trust appears immediately, young people will become liberated and talkative, but only in each other's company. Most often, this love affair leads to the creation of a family that promises to be friendly and strong.

♓ + ♋: Married

THE PERFECT COUPLE- A Pisces man and a Cancer woman after marriage expect a quiet life and a trusting relationship. Quarrels with scandals are excluded, because both signs of the zodiac do not belong to conflicts, and there are no serious reasons for swearing from the spouses. Representatives of the water element are very picky in choosing a life partner, so they prefer to appreciate the good that they have. They really have something to appreciate.

For a husband, the domestic side of life is not the main one, but he will appreciate the housekeeping of his wife. The decisive factor here is not the order in the house and a delicious dinner, but the ability of a Cancer woman to manage money. Such families rarely live richly. Success in the career of a Pisces man, if it happens, is due to luck or a combination of circumstances. His wife usually has a permanent job with a small but stable income. Pisces do not know how to save, and are able to spend all the money on which they had to live for a whole month in a couple of days. If someone manages to convince him (but not force him) to soberly assess his financial capabilities, then it can only be a cancer woman. Over time, the material standard of living of the spouses will improve significantly.

Based on the theory of sexual compatibility, fish and cancer are in first place with each other in terms of matching ideas about the ideal partner. Their intimate life is interesting and varied, and mutual sexual attraction does not risk fading away over time.

The marriage of a Cancer woman and a Pisces man is likely to be the only one in the life of both. Spouses are not prone to betrayal, lies and scandals, and since both value trust and a calm environment, they will hold on to each other with all their might.

♓ + ♋: In friendship

GOOD COMPATIBILITY- Friendship between a Pisces guy and a Cancer girl is possible only if there is a relationship. In all other cases, their communication is based on the emerging mutual sympathy, and friendship has nothing to do with it. If one of this couple is married, the second will be near him, perhaps even trying to arrange a personal life in parallel. As soon as both gain freedom, it goes into a love relationship.

Video: CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

The signs Cancer and Pisces can be called truly ideal partners. Their compatibility is so successful that they are able to keep love and devotion to each other all their lives. Representatives of these signs have common character traits, their temperaments are very similar, they are used to leading the same lifestyle. Lovers create around themselves a small world in which only the two of them happily exist. Literally from the first meeting, deep, sincere feelings flare up between them.

1. How does a pair of Cancer man - Pisces woman develop?

2. Characteristics of signs.

3. Love compatibility and possible difficulties.

4. Sexual compatibility of lovers.

How does a pair of Cancer man - Pisces woman develop? attraction between lovers

It is noteworthy that Rybka does not need to "go out of her way" and do something fantastic in order to win such a man. Partners are just perfect for each other, and therefore Cancer is drawn to this woman at first sight. On an energetic and intuitive level, he feels that she is the very “one and only” that he has dreamed of all his life. Such a girl conquers with her romance, tenderness, sensitivity and flexibility. Lovers will constantly talk, because they are interested in being together.

With others, Cancer, as a rule, behaves closed and cold. However, with his beloved Rybka, he will easily open up, begin to share grievances and feelings with her. The chosen one will always patiently listen, support, console and help with advice. Such a woman is used to soaring in the clouds, she cannot be called a vulnerable nature, and therefore she can simply ignore sarcasm and rudeness. Thanks to her bright character, she endures insults more easily, gives her peace of mind to Cancer. The mutual, sincere love of the Cancer man and the Pisces woman will make both a little brighter. He will begin to perceive the world not so aggressively, will cease to be afraid of hostility.

Why do Cancer man and Pisces woman find mutual understanding? Characteristics of signs

Both partners strive for comfort and harmony, they dream of a big and strong family. That is why Cancer and Pisces compatibility in a love relationship is simply amazing. They can be called two halves of one spiritual whole, because they pursue the same life goals, adhere to the same beliefs.

The partner protects his companion, tries to satisfy all her needs. She gives him romance and sensuality. Lovers often idealize feelings. The excellent compatibility of Cancer and Pisces in a relationship allows them to feel each other. Just one look at a partner - and a woman already knows what mood he is in, what he wants. They see each other as their own reflection. Since both are quite sensitive, they will not offend, insult their soulmate.

Since both signs belong to the same element, they are romantic, dreamy and expansive. Partners dream of great and pure love. When fate pushes them together, the cherished feeling is born immediately. They represent family life colorful and happy. However, the habit of idealizing feelings often leads to disappointment. Partners quickly get used to each other, adapt. At this stage, there are no disagreements and quarrels between them. The fish will become a true friend for a loved one, a good adviser, will give him sensitivity and warmth. But the sensitivity of Cancer is just a cover. In fact, this is a very difficult person. He often puts ultimatums, is picky, rolls up scandals. He is used to being a leader, and therefore will try to minimize the communication of his beloved with others, as in a couple.

The love compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Cancer man, Pisces woman is found very quickly. Their relationship develops rapidly. Together they feel good and comfortable, they like to spend time together. Lovers constantly talk to each other about their feelings, do romantic things. Before officially legitimizing the relationship, partners need to accumulate a sufficient amount of romantic impressions and memories. It is worth noting that the horoscope "Pisces woman - Cancer man" predicts an ideal marriage for them. The spouse will be the leader in the family. He will provide his beloved with everything necessary, making all important decisions will become his direct responsibility. The fish will only have to give her husband warmth, care, comfort and tenderness.

Soon the couple will begin to think about having children. Pisces woman, Cancer man sex is perceived as the only way to procreate. For her, a joint child is the meaning of life. The husband, too, will not cherish the soul in the baby, will consider him his pride. With the advent of children, new responsibilities will fall on the spouses, but they will only bring them happiness and pleasure. Cancer makes a wonderful father, and Pisces makes an exemplary mother. If a man decides to take responsibility for raising a child, then he will begin to spend all his strength only on this. A woman must overcome self-doubt, because it prevents her from raising a child. As a rule, the joint children of Pisces and Cancer grow up spoiled, because their parents adore them.

What is the difference between Cancer man and Pisces woman? Love compatibility and possible difficulties

Since the representatives of these signs have perfect compatibility, their union has practically no difficulties. The main difficulties are as follows:

1. The key enemy of lovers is mutual insults. Due to the fact that both partners are sensitive, they quickly tune in to each other, determine the weaknesses of the second half. Emotional Cancer man, Pisces woman in a quarrel can say too much. Unfortunately, resentment remains in their soul for a long time.

2. Due to the pathological jealousy of a partner, the compatibility of signs may suffer somewhat. The main reason for this behavior of Cancer is not the potential gentlemen of the chosen one, but her excessive daydreaming. Immersed in his own thoughts, Rybka can fall out of reality for several hours.

3. Cancer needs the attention of a partner. When he begins to suspect that her thoughts are not fully directed at him, he begins to put pressure on his beloved.

Are Cancer man and Pisces woman suitable lovers? Sexual compatibility of lovers

The intimate proximity of these partners is like a relay race: one of the partners gives his warmth, and the other multiplies it and gives it back. It is rare for a couple to experience such mutual understanding. A Cancer man in bed with a Pisces woman shows some telepathic abilities. He feels what his partner wants. As a result, both get pleasure from intimacy, are charged with each other's energy. Thanks to a rich imagination, the intimate life of partners is filled with vivid emotions and diversity. They are able to carry passion through life. Even when physical attraction turns into simple respect, the mutual love between them will never fade away.

Cancer man, Pisces woman compatibility in bed demonstrate harmonious. They both like gentle, long touches. In sex, a woman will prefer a passive role, and therefore all power will go to a man. Their intimate life is energetic and active. A fly in the ointment is brought only by the psychological state of the partners. They attach great importance to spiritual unity. Sincere feelings and passion between partners only increase over the years.

What helps to keep the union "Cancer - Pisces"? Compatibility of signs, bestowed for life

Her sacrifice and innate kindness helps Rybka forget the offense. She is ready to forgive her beloved everything. In addition, a woman is able to take the blame on herself, if only to maintain harmony in a couple. When a man is offended, things are much worse. This sign is not capable of forgiveness, it is vindictive. Cancer is easy to cheer up, but even after years he can remember a past offense. In order for Cancer and Pisces to carry compatibility in love through life, they need to learn how to discuss controversial issues. When such a man is offended, he can think up a lot, start blaming everyone, but he will never understand what exactly provoked the offense. The fish must teach the chosen one to say what does not suit him. In this case, lovers will be able to avoid conflict. Tenderness, warmth and participation of a woman will smooth out all sharp corners.

To maintain harmony, partners should fantasize together. Their hobbies for the most part converge, and therefore both are happy to walk in the park, go to a concert or watch an interesting movie. Cancer man, Pisces woman will maintain compatibility thanks to such events. When Rybka once again plunges into her thoughts, she will just need to say that she thought about one of the days she lived together. This will calm the jealous Cancer. A woman must make sure that the chosen one does not move away from her. Therefore, you need to be more careful immersing yourself in your world or less likely to engage in creativity.

Psychological compatibility Cancer woman and Pisces man in a relationship

There is complete mutual understanding between the partners in this union, they belong to the same element, although no one can promise them an easy life. As a rule, already after a short time after meeting a Cancer woman and a Pisces man, they feel an unprecedented attraction to each other and the highest happiness is that this love is mutual. The Cancer woman feels the wisdom and depth of the Pisces men, but what is even more pleasant, she feels completely protected in their presence. As for Pisces, this is the case when they have no need to hide under other people's masks, they feel completely free, to the point that they do not always think about their own words. But here lies the main danger. One awkward word can completely destroy the whole charm. And if Pisces men lose their authority in the eyes of Cancer women, relationships can be, if not destroyed, then distorted.

Unfortunately, both the Cancer woman and the Pisces man masterfully master the art of making their partner's life unbearable. Perhaps there may be some charm in the thrill and constant struggle, but building a normal family life on this foundation is almost impossible. When emotions begin to go off scale, partners may even break up. And the suffering side in this case is the Cancer woman, who, after a very short time, begins to miss Pisces. Unfortunately, reunion is extremely rare, men born under this sign are extremely distrustful. And even if the relationship can be restored, Pisces subconsciously will always expect some kind of trick from Cancer.

Sexual Compatibility Cancer Woman and Pisces Man

Usually in intimate relationships, this couple converges just perfectly. They do not just give themselves to a partner or receive it, they accept desires and emotions from each other as a precious gift and in fact, each of them receives much more than he could even dream of. This is not just physical or even spiritual intimacy - it is some kind of complete unification, telepathy. Cancer woman and Pisces man don't just know what their partner needs at this very moment, they actually feel the same. After the passion reaches its climax and deep relaxation sets in, they again become two separate people, however, a deep memory of the magic that happened to them will not require conversation, it will simply be noticeable in their eyes, shining in a special way.

Business Compatibility Cancer Woman and Pisces Man

Pisces has an extremely difficult character, but it is cancer that knows how to cope with it better than anyone else. In order to force them to give all their best, cancer will be able to pick up an activity that will completely absorb Pisces. At the same time, the intuition and innate tact of Cancer will contribute to the establishment of personal contacts. But if Pisces finds themselves in a leadership position, everything can turn out to be much worse and the partners will almost certainly part. Pisces will not waste their precious time looking for personal approaches, they will demand complete and blind obedience and Cancer will most likely just have to leave.

What a Cancer woman needs to know about a Pisces man

If a man born under this sign really loves a woman, he will always idealize her somewhat. No matter what, not a single, even the most terrible act, can disappoint him, because the Pisces-man simply cannot admit that their beloved was wrong. In general, Pisces extremely easily fall under the influence of others, and his numerous betrayals also follow from here. Even towards their goal, Pisces prefer to go the easiest ways, well, and if in this way it is not achieved - well? So you need to change the goal, that's all. At the same time, more than anything, they value the stability that they cannot provide for themselves, so if you prove that you can handle this task, the Pisces-man will return to you again and again.

What Pisces men need to know about Cancer women

Cancer woman is incredibly frugal. She knows the value of money, loves it and knows how to save it. However, it is precisely this focus on the material side of life that can prevent her from revealing her imagination. Although she loves to dream, she prefers to do it in such a way that no one sees it, secluded in her shell. She should not be disturbed at these moments, an uninvited invasion can only frighten the Cancer woman and she will burrow even deeper into her mink.

Compatibility Cancer woman and Pisces man: chances for the future

As a rule, this union is not burdened by quarrels or scandals, the Cancer woman and the Pisces man perfectly understand each other, literally from a half-word. The impracticality of Pisces is perfectly compensated by the presence of the opposite quality in Cancers, moreover, after some time, Pisces become much more rational, they even have responsibility. A calm, measured and not at all dry family union, based on tenderness for each other and mutual understanding, which can last for ages.

Cancer Woman Benefits

  • His inimitable sense of humor.
  • The power of his love.
  • His vividness of imagination.
  • His magic of the heart.
  • His compassion.
  • The seriousness of the support he is able to provide.
  • The receptivity he represents.
  • His round wet eyes.
  • His wisdom expressed in the question: "Where did it come from?"
  • His understanding of the presence of a child in each of us.
  • His deep affection and devotion.

How compatible Cancer is a woman in relationships in love and marriage