A single father in terms of social status is an important category. Unfortunately, an incomplete family, in which, of course, is more often present, however, single fathers also take place, are not so rare. In fact, it doesn't matter how this situation turned out. The main thing is that, logically, a single father should not, in principle, be different from a single mother.

The main task of a single father is to ensure that his child (or children) become a future citizen. But life is not easy. It may happen that a single father does not have the opportunity to receive any help from relatives due to their absence.

In this case, the state should come to the rescue, providing benefits to single fathers in possible social areas. Moreover, this support does not differ from the support of single mothers. And this should not be forgotten.

A single father is a category of citizens who have a huge responsibility, caused by the need to raise a child and guarantee him, without exaggeration, "double" attention and full care. In the absence of a life partner, it is very difficult to properly fulfill the duties of both parents.

From a legal point of view, the status of a single father, like a single mother, automatically means that the family receives the status of "incomplete", such a parent will have the right to receive mandatory assistance from the government.

For reference. Only a single father can apply for the status, when the mother of the child was legally deprived of parental rights, recognized as incapacitated (due to mental disorders, for example), died, is considered missing.

Employment rights and benefits prescribed for single fathers

Within the framework of the Labor Code, the single father is provided with the following benefits:

  • Obtaining the right by a citizen for part-time work, while no entry is made in the work book on this fact;
  • It is impossible to call single fathers to work on the night shift, with the onset of late evening hours, thereby ensuring the stability of care for the remaining child;
  • When there is a child under the age of five, the parent may, according to the situation, be sent on a business trip, as an alternative - for overtime work only after obtaining written consent from him;
  • When a parent is the only parent of a disabled child (as well as an ordinary child under the age of 14), they cannot terminate the labor agreement with him, he must be provided with a source of income in accordance with the provision (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 554, dated 05.06.1992 );
  • The sick leave is paid in full, taking into account the average monthly earnings;
  • A citizen has the right to receive an additional two-week vacation, it is issued once a year, but it will not be paid on a par with official vacation pay (TC, article 263).

When the enterprise is liquidated, the man must be employed. When there is an admission to the chosen job, a single father cannot be denied, violate his rights in the personnel department in employment, if such a situation has occurred, the reason should not in any way relate to the current status.

Important! The key conditions that the employer provides to single fathers are presented in articles 259, 261 of the Labor Code.

Maternity leave is also relevant, which a single father can receive - this is due to the need to provide care for his child. If such a child is not one and a half years old, a man can apply directly to the employer with a statement, demand that he be granted leave in connection with the upbringing of the child.

Payment must be due for the entire leave in accordance with applicable laws. They should not refuse when a man has the status of a single father, he is required to sign an appropriate appeal.

Social benefits

Single fathers are guaranteed the same social benefits as single mothers. The man receives separate child benefits. If the wife (the mother of the child) has died, the father receives a special survivor's pension.

Attention. When divorce proceedings take place, child support may be requested from the mother. Collection of funds is carried out within the framework of the law.

Despite the fact that the Maternity Capital program is designed for single mothers, this payment becomes available to both parents who were recognized as single after the birth of two children.

Individual employees of the Fund sometimes denied benefits to single fathers, motivating their decision by the fact that the capital is exclusively “female” in nature. This is a violation of the rights of parents; in the event of a similar situation, it is necessary to immediately contact a higher authority with a statement of infringement.

This circumstance has been corrected, now every single father who raises children without the participation of the mother can get the right to dispose of the federal budget allocated to him.

For reference. The funds allocated to single fathers can be spent on providing their own children with housing, providing them with a guaranteed education and other things necessary for a normal life.

Obtaining an MSC certificate is regulated by regulation No. 256-FZ.

If the mother of the child has died or been deprived of parental rights, the documentary fact of this circumstance will be considered an automatic right to dispose of these funds.

Housing Benefits

You should not count on benefits and privileges in the housing sector, they are not assigned. The only exception is the program in Moscow, under which you can count on compensation for renting an apartment in the established legal amount.

At the regional level, a benefit is provided for improving one's own living conditions, shown for the purpose of carrying out repairs in the apartment.

Attention. If a single father with a child lives in an apartment issued by an enterprise (departmental housing), he will not be able to be evicted even after his dismissal.

tax incentives

A man has every right to further receive a double tax deduction. In the standard case, the deduction is provided at the rate of 1400 rubles per child, a single father can be calculated in the amount of 2800 rubles.

For reference. The provision is regulated by articles 218, 224 of the Tax Code.

Getting the status of "single father"

Officially, the current legislation does not provide for the allocation of the status of a single parent to a separate category. Regardless of this, all men who, in fact, are engaged in the upbringing of their own or adopted children without the participation of a female, are considered as such.

This fact is not affected by the reason why the mother is absent from the family. She may be in prison, which automatically makes such a man a single father.

The absence of status at the official level is considered a real paradox, but social guarantees apply to this category of citizens in full.

For reference. All rights, benefits, accruals are provided in the same volume as for single mothers, which makes fathers completely socially protected and allows them to raise a child in full accordance with his needs and standards.

This became possible thanks to the regulations of the International Labor Convention, which states that the rights of a single father are the same as those of single mothers.

Where to go

To apply for these benefits, a single father needs to contact the department social security of citizens, which is located at the place of residence. You can apply with a similar application to the Pension Fund, as well as to the MFC.

For the recipient of the status, it is necessary to provide the following documents:

  • An application indicating the requirement for the appointment of a certain allowance;
  • Passport, with a residence permit;
  • Notarized copy of the Birth Certificate;
  • Information about the composition of the family;
  • Copy of work book.

What to do if they refuse

If a man - a single father was denied the observance of his rights, he can apply to the social protection authorities, he can file an application with the prosecutor's office and the court.

Important. Before starting actions to overcome the refusal, it is best to coordinate the sequence of actions with an experienced lawyer who is ready to offer all possible assistance in resolving this issue.

According to statistics, at the moment in Russia there is one single father for every 150 single mothers. One can argue about the reasons for this ratio for a long time, but in this article I would like to dwell on the legal status of single fathers, as well as talk about the benefits and payments provided for by law.

Who can be considered a single parent?

As in the case of single mothers, not every dad who independently raises a child has the official status of a single father. So, obtaining the status of a single father is possible if:

  • The mother of the child is deprived of parental rights;
  • The mother is incapacitated due to a severe mental illness or for other reasons;
  • The mother is dead or declared missing.

What allowances and benefits can a single father count on?

In accordance with current family law, a single father is entitled to the same assistance from the state as a single mother. Each region of the Russian Federation provides for its own measures of social support for single parents. Here we cover the main federal benefits and benefits for single fathers:

  • One-time allowance at the birth of a child;
  • Benefit for caring for a child up to 1.5 years:
  • Holiday to care for the child;
  • Compensation of part of the payment for a nursery or kindergarten.

You can find out about regional benefits and benefits in the social security authorities at the place of residence.

Can a single father receive maternity capital?

To date, both mother and father can receive a certificate. This can happen if the father adopted the second child alone, or if the child's mother is deprived of the right to receive maternity capital. If everything is clear with the first point and without explanation, then the second should be discussed in more detail. So, in what cases can a mother be deprived of the right to maternity capital?

  • If the mother has committed a serious intentional crime against any of her children;
  • If the adoption was canceled by a court order.

What documents does a single father need to receive maternity capital?

To receive maternity capital, the father must apply to the Pension Fund with an appropriate application and the following package of documents:

  • Passport;
  • Copy of the passport;
  • SNILS;
  • birth certificates;
  • Documents confirming the father's right to receive maternity capital (mother's death certificate, court decision depriving the mother of parental rights, etc.)

What to do if the father is denied the provision of maternity capital?

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for single fathers to refuse to accept documents for maternity capital. If you are faced with such a situation and you are denied your legal right, you have every right to file a complaint with the social protection authorities or the prosecutor's office.

Many people are afraid of becoming a single mom. Firstly, it's hard - one to raise the child to his feet. Secondly, in our society it is often embarrassing - therefore, many are ready to save a long-destroyed marriage to the last, if only the father was nominally. We listened to the stories of Belarusian women who took a different path and decided to raise their children alone. How do they live and what do they dream about?

Photo source: pixabay.com

“I make a menu for the week in advance and buy only the essentials”

Katerina is 33 years old. Daughters Nastya - 2.2 years.

My failed marriage consisted at times of quarrels and dissatisfaction, and at times of insanely beautiful courtship and compliments every day. Today I'm the best for him, and tomorrow I'm annoying.

When I got pregnant, I happily replaced my active life with a quiet family life. And the husband was drawn to hang out and flirt with other women. This is what caused the break.

Since my ex-husband lives in another country, I do not count on help. He comes every 2-3 months. Buys daughter toys, medicines, helps financially in emergency situations. But most of my help comes from my parents.

I was extremely lucky: my parents live next door. Mom spends time with her daughter and while I work, she often feeds us. If there are any problems in the apartment, dad is always ready with a suitcase of tools. It happened that at 11 pm he came to repair the fallen cornice.

I learned how to allocate a budget and make smart purchases. I make a menu for the week in advance and buy only the essentials. I buy and sell things on sites selling "used" things.

The presence of a dacha also saves me: all winter I eat vegetables from my mother's garden. I earn by working as a hair extension master. I also make personal horoscopes for people. It turned out that hobby can be a great source of income.

I don't remember what it's like to take a shower for 30 minutes

The most difficult thing for a single mom is to be in a state of increased attention 24 hours a day. I don’t remember what it’s like to fall asleep and wake up without ever getting up at night, or what it’s like to take a shower for 30 minutes. Sometimes you need to urgently call a hair supplier, and your daughter needs attention. Have to twist.

But I do not think that a purely female upbringing will lead to some anomalies. Is it better for a child if parents constantly quarrel or hate each other? Even one parent, but adequate! To be honest, I don't like the concept of a single mom. I have my treasure, my joy! So what kind of loner am I?!

In the future, I want to see next to me an active man who takes responsibility for his choice and builds his life himself, and does not go with the flow. But for this, I myself need to become a full-fledged person.

“The child’s father helped financially 5 times…”

Elena is 33 years old. Two daughters - 2.8 years and 5 months.

I lived in my first marriage for 9 years, and I had no children. After the divorce, I met a young man and fell in love. Soon I became pregnant from him. Naturally, there could be no talk of any abortions.

And yes, he seemed happy. He quit his shift work in Russia and began to look for work in Minsk. However, he could not find a permanent place: either he was deceived with a salary, or the schedule was strange, or something else.

In addition, he constantly disappeared with friends, he could “go away into the unknown” for a week. We lived almost all of my pregnancy at my expense, and after giving birth, we lived only on maternity money and with the help of my mother and brother. In the end, we broke up.

I sat with my daughter during the day and worked at night

I quickly pulled myself together, as I understood that I needed to look for a part-time job. Almost all the maternity money was spent only on diapers, food and medicine. And I had to somehow pay for the apartment and eat.

I found a part-time job at home at the computer. She spent the day with her daughter and worked at night. And although there was not much money, they just saved me.

Photo source: pixabay.com

Thanks to my mother, who could sit with her daughter, I found another job for the weekend. I was even able to take my child to a developmental center. The child's father helped financially 5 times, but I'm glad for that too.

We met the father of our youngest daughter at my part-time job. He is very responsible and attentive. He fell in love with his eldest daughter, showered her with gifts, went for a walk with her. We dated for six months and I got pregnant again. But until we live together, and I don't know if we will.

I can’t say anything bad about him, he is a man that many women dream of. He helps a lot: with food, money, and tries to visit us more often. But the money is still not enough. Especially a lot is spent on sports, doctors and various examinations: either the older neurologist, the younger orthopedist, or massage, or the pool; to dance.

Others believe that I did the right thing with the father of the first child, because. At home there was a "sick" situation. But in relation to the father of the second child, everyone condemns - they say, I am “mad with fat” and I make it worse for both daughters. Many feel sorry for the girls, they say that a father is needed for proper upbringing. I agree that one female upbringing of children is not enough.

“Having received a salary and alimony, I put everything in envelopes”

Yulia is 30 years old, she is raising her son, who is 4.6 years old.

I got divorced recently. Just one day I realized that I was tired of quarrels and showdown with my husband. And I decided that it was better to let go of "not my person."

At first, everyone felt sorry for me: “Oh, how you are alone, it's difficult ...” And I will say this: when mom is alone, mom is a superhero. After the divorce, I had more strength and energy. I can easily go to bed very late and get up very early. My character has become more solid, and I am more confident in my abilities. I want to be an example for a child so that he can proudly say: "This is my mother!".

Photo source: pixabay.com

Having received a salary and alimony, I put everything in envelopes: for household issues, housing and communal services, a garden, mugs, for clothes for a child and for myself. There is also an inviolable envelope in which money is in reserve.

You can live on any money

The main thing is to correctly allocate your budget. At the beginning of the month I always make a list of what I need, and I go to the store strictly according to the list. To lack money, thank God, this was not the case. I have a main job and a side job. And I also study at the correspondence department at the same time.

The ex-husband has not forgotten us: he visits his son, brings treats and takes his son for the weekend. If I need to go somewhere on business, maybe I can sit with the child.

I am a strict mom, but sometimes I arrange days when a lot is allowed: sweets, cartoons and going to the movies or entertainment centers together. I am not afraid of the so-called "women's education". A child in a complete family can grow up to be a bad person.

I don't consider us an incomplete family. Mom and child are already a family... Women's upbringing teaches to be a man, not to hide your feelings, to be gentle, kind. But without a man, to be honest, it's not easy. Mom can do a lot, but she won’t teach you how to play football, she won’t tell you how to shave properly ...

Tatiana Nekrashevich

The status of a single mother is a fairly common occurrence in the Russian Federation. There can be many reasons for this. But in fact, women raise a child on their own, without the support of the baby's biological father, so they are supported by the state.

Getting a status

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Providing for a child is a fairly significant financial item in every parent's wallet. He needs to be dressed, fed and educated. To provide for the child, the government allows you to receive benefits through which you can purchase the necessary goods.

Not all citizens have the right to receive from the state.

Many mistakenly think that since they are raising a baby on their own, they are entitled to cash benefits. No, it is allowed only to those who confirm theirs according to the law.

To be provided at the expense of the state, a woman will first have to obtain legal status. But for this she must have strong arguments and conditions.


All conditions are prescribed in the current legislation:

  • An unmarried woman gave birth to a baby, there is no documentation regarding paternity. There is a dash in the father's column or the father is recorded according to the mother's words.
  • The child was born during the marriage or after it within 300 days, but the father proved his innocence to this baby.
  • When adopting a child, being alone.

The status cannot be assigned to women:

  • After the divorce proceedings, when the former spouse does not fulfill his obligations.
  • If no more than 300 days have passed since the divorce before the baby was born, the same concept is present after the death of the husband. In such situations, the spouse is recognized as the father, even if he does not live near the former family. Upon death, a survivor's allowance is paid.
  • The woman is out of wedlock, but paternity is established through the court or voluntarily. There is an opportunity to prove, even if he does not live together with them.
  • A woman whose husband was deprived of parental rights.

Normative base

Several laws regulate the issue:

  • dated May 19, 1995 on benefits to citizens in this status.
  • Article 6 regulates the question of who exactly is entitled to receive maternity benefits.
  • Article 7 regulates the time period for receiving benefits.
  • Article 8 regulates the amount of the benefit.
  • Article 9 regulates who exactly is entitled to receive benefits and allowances of a one-time nature.
  • Article 11 regulates the allowance when a baby is born.
  • Article 12 regulates the issue of the amount of benefits.
  • Article 13 regulates the issue of citizens who are entitled to receive child care allowance.
  • Article 14 stipulates the payment period.

How to become a single mother after divorce?

Many want to know if it is possible to become a single mother after a divorce in 2019. The fact of marriage is not a cardinal reason for rejecting an application for benefits.

If the father is not indicated on the birth certificate, but the mother was married, then with this fact, the article by a single mother is possible.

But if the father is listed on the birth certificate, then it is impossible to acquire such benefits.

Is it possible?

There are nuances to this procedure. They are all connected with the procedure for adopting a child during marriage without the consent of the spouse. There are also legal aspects that affect the status.

After a divorce, it is possible to obtain status in the following situations:

  • the child was born without a father, when the mother married after the fact of birth or when paternity was not established;
  • at the birth of a baby in marriage, but through the court the father challenged his paternity;
  • at the birth of a child after 300 days of divorce, paternity is challenged in court;
  • when adopting a child without the consent of the second spouse.

How to apply?

Registration of the status is possible through the registry office and social protection.

To obtain the status, you need to bring and write an appropriate application. After considering it within a month, a decision is made.

Required documents

To obtain the status, you need to provide the following package of documents:

  • birth certificate of the baby, issued in the state registry office on the basis of an extract from the maternity hospital;
  • a certificate in form 25, issued all in the same instance, can be issued at any time;
  • a certificate confirming cohabitation is issued by the housing department or BTI;
  • a certificate specifying the family income is issued at the place of employment;
  • a copy of the work book certified by the employer.

Benefits and allowances

Everyone is eligible for federal and labor. In particular, they are entitled to receive monetary compensation in connection with pregnancy.

Additionally, you need to know what payments are due to this status:

  • If you register with a antenatal clinic during pregnancy up to 12 weeks, you can receive a one-time compensation in the amount of 581.73 rubles.
  • After the pregnancy period of the initial stage has passed, a sick leave is issued at week 30, which is provided at the place of employment. The employer undertakes to accrue monetary compensation in wages. Together with the sick leave, the woman receives the corresponding birth certificate. Its cost is 11,000 rubles. This certificate can be used to pay for medical services in a women's clinic, maternity hospital or to purchase medicines.
  • Upon the fact of the birth of a baby, the state accrues a one-time allowance in the amount of 15,512.65 rubles. Until the baby reaches the age of one and a half years, a monthly allowance in the amount of 2908.62 rubles is accrued. This type of monetary compensation can only be received by a person who actually takes care of the child.

Additionally, the legislation provided for additional benefits for families with many children. In particular, maternity capital and additional allowance for a child up to three years old can be noted.

The target program is a popular proposal from the state. Issued at the birth of the second or third child. The amount of this type of benefit is fixed and amounts to 453,026 rubles.

A woman raising a child in a full-fledged family can also receive monetary compensation in the form of maternity capital.

Single mothers can count on additional payments if it is provided for by regional legislation. This payment varies according to the income level of the family.

There is also a question here - is it a single mother who will receive benefits? The answer depends directly on the number of children in the family, the presence of a disability and the policy in a particular region of residence.

Single mothers receive higher rates in the following payment categories:

  • monthly allowance for caring for a baby up to three years;
  • monetary compensation to mothers raising a child under 18, but disabled.

To understand what benefits can be obtained in the region of residence, you must contact the local social authority.

There is a certain minimum for the capital. The payment here also depends on the average income of the family. If the family consists of two citizens, then the income should be at least 30,328 rubles.

If the amount of income is less than the specified, then you can count on:

  • compensation in monetary terms until the child reaches the age of 16, such compensation will amount to 750 rubles per month;
  • additional financial support in the amount of 500 rubles for children under the age of majority;
  • state assistance in the form of 4,500 rubles monthly to citizens who have children aged 1.5–3 years.

If the average monthly earnings here are higher than the specified norm, then the woman also has the right to receive:

  • compensation for a child up to 16 years old - 300 rubles;
  • inflation compensation - 675 rubles monthly until the child reaches three years old, a similar amount is paid to mothers who do not receive alimony from their spouse;
  • additional assistance in caring for a disabled child of groups 1 and 2 is financial support - 6,000 rubles.

In addition, the regional authorities pay a lump-sum allowance in the amount of 14.5 thousand rubles. All mothers are entitled to such assistance, regardless of the status assigned to them.

To receive benefits, you need to contact the social security authority at the place of registration and provide the following package of documents:

  • a copy of the baby's birth certificate;
  • certificate in form 25, which confirms the status of the mother;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • proof of income.

If paternity has been disputed in court, then a copy of the court decision on this issue must be provided.

Payment of compensation and benefits is carried out from the moment of submission of the documentation. Therefore, it is better to arrange everything in a timely manner in order to receive full monetary compensation.

There are also certain benefits to protect the interests of a single mother. In particular, labor guarantees are in demand.

The current legislation allows such citizens to receive social protection during employment and at the workplace:

  • Priority employment if there are other candidates for the vacancy. Refusal to accept employment must be in writing. A single mother can apply to the court with him to challenge such an action. The employer must give a valid reason for the refusal.
  • With official employment, it is possible to establish part-time work or a week if a woman has a child under 14 years old.
  • If a woman has a child of five years old or a child below this age, then she has the right to refuse night shifts, overtime work and going to work on weekends and holidays. And at the same time, the employer is not entitled to apply any penalties to her.
  • Regardless of the woman's length of service, she is entitled to 100% sick leave payments for a child under 7 years old, and payment in the same amount for 15 days for a child older than the specified age.
  • A single mother is also entitled to special monetary compensation for caring for a sick child. But it is set in accordance with the length of service of the employee.

Such an employee becomes a separate issue. A citizen cannot be dismissed at the initiative of the employer. But there is a definite exception here. If she violates labor regulations, leads an immoral lifestyle, then dismissal is possible in one day.

The state should notify the woman, give her the opportunity to find a new job and pay compensation.

In the best case, they should be transferred to another position with the preservation of wages.

There are also . The standard deduction is provided in the amount of 1400 rubles. Single mothers can count on a deduction of 2,800 rubles.

A deduction is provided until the child reaches the age of majority. When studying at a full-time department of a higher educational institution - up to 24 years.

A woman who is raising a disabled child is entitled to a deduction of 6,000 rubles.

This type of compensation is provided to the mother on a monthly basis. To do this, you must submit a written application to the accounting department of the enterprise where the single mother is employed.

Every single mother wants to receive benefits and allowances for child care. But not everyone gets this status.

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Therefore, before you go and apply, you need to familiarize yourself with who actually is a single mother by law.

What do you need to know?

For legal reasons, she is now considered a widow and cannot take advantage of the benefits of a single mother. In fact, she is raising the child on her own.

What is the right of a woman recognized as a single mother? Her rights are enshrined in both federal and regional legal acts:

  • Each of them has the right to receive all benefits that are only possible to receive. They are always somewhat higher than for a standard full-fledged family. But this is determined by regional legislation. To clarify information on a specific region, you need to contact the appropriate authority at the place of registration.
  • Low-income families are entitled to additional support.
  • When a single mother enters into marriage, her rights are preserved until the adoption of a child by a new husband.
  • An employed woman has the right to receive extraordinary leave at any time convenient for her.
  • A citizen has the right to refuse overtime work and work on holidays. Additionally, she may refuse to work at night.
  • The right to demand a reduction in the working day. This is regulated by the Labor Law and must be agreed in writing with the employer.
  • A single mother has no right to refuse employment. If this is done, then it is necessary to take a written refusal and apply with it to the court.
  • A woman can apply to the housing inspectorate if she wants to improve living conditions. She gets in line and is the first in line.
  • The kid goes to kindergarten without a queue. And payment is made only in 50% ratio. It is possible to provide completely at the expense of the state.
  • A child can eat free of charge at least twice a day at a school institution. In addition, he receives free textbooks.
  • A single mother has the right to receive a ticket to a camp or a health complex. Either partial payment or full payment is possible.
  • The right to receive preferential medicines from the list of the Ministry of Finance free of charge.
  • In a medical institution, a child from an incomplete family has the right to be served free of charge, including in a massage room.

These rights are regulated in the current legal acts.

The legislative framework

Such concepts stipulate several legal acts:

  • Resolution of the Plenum No. 1 of January 1, 2019 regulates the issue of labor relations.
  • of 1995 - regulates the issue of all benefits and compensations.
  • Resolution of the Plenum No. 1012N of 2009 - regulates the issue of appointments.
  • Decree of the Plenum No. 4218-1 of December 1992 - regulates the issue regarding housing conditions.
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation Art. 74, 77, 79, 261 - regulates the rights of women in labor relations.

Grounds for obtaining status

Reasons for obtaining this status:

  • adoption without the consent of the second spouse;
  • a dash in the child's birth certificate or the name is written according to the mother's words;
  • absent father officially;
  • the woman is not married.

Single mother: supporting documents

To determine this status, you must come to the social authority. protection and provide relevant documents that confirm the fact of upbringing by one parent.

For help and benefits

Documents confirming a single mother is an opportunity to receive additional benefits.

In addition to the application, the following package of documents must be submitted:

  • a document confirming the identity of a citizen;
  • certificate of the appearance of the baby;
  • certificate in form 25 (issued at the registry office) if there is a record of the father from the words of the child;
  • certificate of income (in the form of 2-NDFL);
  • a certificate from the employment center if the woman is unemployed;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • an extract from the house book to determine the composition of the family and the absence of debt obligations;
  • work book for those who are not registered with the employment center.

Additional documents may be required. This must be found out in advance at the center of social protection.

All women who are recognized as such receive the same benefits as ordinary citizens, but with additional subsidies.

To receive benefits

Many people want to know what documents are needed to apply for a single mother in 2019. To receive it, you must register with the social center. residence protection.

Additionally, you must provide:

  • identity document;
  • certificate of birth of children;
  • certificate in form No. 25;
  • certificate of cohabitation with the baby;
  • certificate of availability of wages (2-NDFL);
  • employment record or a copy thereof.

An additional package of documents may be required to apply for a regional allowance.

How to apply?

Registration takes place only at the written request of a single mother.

Where to apply?

It is necessary to apply at the place of registration in social protection or at the place of employment of a citizen. In both cases, a different set of documents will be required.


The application is handwritten by a single mother. There is a certain format in social protection.

  • the name of the authority to which the application of a certain sample is submitted;
  • personal data, surname, name and patronymic of the applicant, address of registration;
  • Title of the document;
  • a request for granting the status is stated;
  • list of attached documentation;
  • date of completion and signature of the applicant.


Many citizens want to know what document confirms the status of a single mother. This is the certificate of a single mother.