1. Approval of others

What difference does it make what they think of you? If you are happy with the decisions you have made, then you have made the right choice, no matter what others say. Imagine how much effort you spend trying to read other people's minds, and still do not guess.

Listen to advice - please, but do not let others decide how you live.

2. Anger and resentment

The next time you catch yourself feeling this way, think about this: “Would I like to be the person I envy?” Certainly not, you love yourself (even if somewhere very deep inside).

You are looking at someone else's life that you do not know. You have no idea what this person is thinking. Maybe when he dives into the pool of his private house, he hates himself or is wildly afraid of something? Maybe you, walking through the forest on a sunny day, experience much more pleasure than he does, basking on the snow-white sand in the Maldives?

Stop looking at others. If you feel good now, then everything is right. If not, make it good.

16. Uncertainty

Happy people tend to have self-esteem (just don't confuse it with an inflated ego). They are pleased with themselves and exude confidence.

There is no reason to doubt yourself. If you have traits that you hate, there are two ways: accept them or change them. In every person there is everything at once: a libertine, and a puritan, and a lying bastard, and a gentleman. You choose who you will be.

17. Dependence on others

No one will fill the void within you. No one will make you positive and self-sufficient if you are unhappy with your fate. To share your happiness with someone else, you must first become happy yourself. So do not even hope that your success is in the wrong hands. Only in yours.

18. Past

Living in the past means burying your present. There were mistakes - okay, who didn't? Arrange a magnificent funeral for your memories, remember only the lessons and.

19. Total control

Sometimes you just need to relax and let life take its course. You can't control everything and you have to deal with it. Otherwise, you will be constantly nervous, but in the end you still won’t change anything. There are just things that are out of your control. They must be accepted as they are.

20. Expectations

People think that others should live up to their expectations. That's bullshit. Nobody owes you anything, and you don't owe anything either. No one should be polite, attentive, accurate, honest, pleasant in communication, clean, after all. Nothing should be perfect, amazing, unforgettable, but it can be. If it does, great, if not, don't worry. Be ready to accept everything that life sends you, and you will find happiness.

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Hello! In this article, we will talk about how to become a happy person. And also about how a woman can become happy and loved, even if she is alone and she has no one. Today you will receive the best psychological advice on the subject.

Probably, each of us dreams, waking up one morning, to feel the maximum of happiness and peace of mind. Happiness is the state of complete satisfaction with one's own life. This is purely subjective.. Looking at a person from the outside, we can only guess whether he is happy. Only he himself feels it.

The feeling of happiness never depends directly on the status, financial opportunities, social environment, etc. Often people with material wealth, many friends and a good family feel unhappy. And sometimes a person who is not particularly wealthy, with a difficult fate, can experience real happiness. Everything here depends entirely on us.

What affects the feeling of happiness

  • Values. Each of us has a certain set of significant values ​​( "to love and be loved", "family", "interesting work", "freedom", "permanent development" etc.), and if they are present in our lives, then the feeling of happiness does not leave us.
  • Achievement of the set goals. For some, simple and quickly achievable goals prevail, for others, ambitious and requiring great effort. But one way or another, the main criterion of happiness here is the result.
  • Satisfaction of needs. The key is to satisfy precisely those needs that a person puts at the head. You can be a hungry artist, but if recognition or self-expression is the most important thing for him, and this is realized, then he is very likely to experience happiness. But if the most significant needs regularly remain unsatisfied, then the person is unhappy.
  • . If we are satisfied with ourselves and adequately evaluate ourselves, then we become more confident and feel inner harmony. If we are not in harmony with ourselves, constantly engaged in self-digging, then we cannot feel completely happy.
  • Health. Health problems are always more or less reflected in the feeling of happiness. Therefore, it is important to be attentive to your condition in order to be able to prevent serious violations in time.

What prevents you from being happy

Unfortunately (or fortunately, sorry for the tautology), our own attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts almost always interfere with being happy.

  • Creating obstacles. Quite often, we ourselves come up with various difficulties and obstacles on the way to happiness, believing that it is not easy and you have to pay for everything. It seems that true happiness must be gained through suffering, won... But paradoxically, while we are struggling with fictitious barriers and obstacles, it goes away, and we do not notice it. We don't let ourselves be happy. .
  • The burden of the past. Being happy is often hindered by negative events that have ever happened to us. The experiences associated with them constantly bring us back to that time, and we fixate on the problems of the past.
  1. Wrap around. It simply cannot be such that nothing pleases and at least for a moment is not a reason for happiness. It is made up of little things. You have been complimented, you have successfully completed an important task, your baby smiled at you, you attended an interesting event… Every day we have many reasons to be happy. Our task is to notice them and rejoice.

Listening to the singing of birds, the rustling of grass in the wind and leaves underfoot are useful actions for inner calm and establishing a connection with the world. Rejoice in the simplest things. They charge with positive energy and allow you to distract from bad thoughts, feel happier.

  1. Break the vicious circle.

For example, we may be sad that we do not achieve what we want. But we don’t achieve it because we sit and do not take any actions (or act in the wrong way), since all thoughts are occupied with unnecessary experiences and the search for the guilty ones. And often it seems that this circle cannot be broken. We are still waiting for circumstances to change dramatically or for some great luck to fall on us. The probability of this is low. And the only way out is in ourselves. You need to break the circle by stopping worrying and starting to act. Any steps and attempts to change the situation or attitude to life will bring you closer to happiness.

  1. Get carried away.

You should definitely have something to your liking - something that inspires you and energizes you. Engaging in creativity, sports allows you to express yourself and cope with stress. But it may not be just a hobby. For example, the realization of oneself as a mother, a caring wife, doing household chores also allows you to feel a truly happy woman at any age: both at 20 and at 40 years old.

  1. Rest and.

If you are exhausted and don't get enough sleep on a regular basis, you can hardly feel completely happy. Healthy sleep not only helps to restore strength, but also bring thoughts and feelings in order.

  1. Follow your goals and finish what you start.

The more completed cases you have in your piggy bank, the freer and more harmonious you will feel. and do not retreat from them when faced with obstacles.

  1. Breathe happiness into another person's life.

The more often you do good deeds and please others, the happier you will become. Positive energy from your good deeds will definitely come back to you. Such is the pattern. Give gifts to others, say nice words, provide support, do charity work. The feeling that you are changing the world for the better helps you understand how you become happy.

  1. Look to the future not with fear, but with hope.

Stick to the principle and constantly remind yourself: Now it's good, but it will be even better". Make plans and look forward to their implementation. The more actively you can act and realize your plans, the more interesting the future will seem to you.

  1. Have in your arsenal a list of life-affirming phrases that uplift your mood and make you feel happier. For example:
    "I'm getting better and better at coping"
    "I like myself"
    “There are many pleasant moments in my life,” etc.
  2. Weigh your "I want" and "I'm afraid".

It is most convenient to write them down on paper in 2 columns. Try to remember as many of your "I want" and "I'm afraid" as possible. Well, if the first turns out to be much more than the second. After all, the energy of desires always inspires us, makes us more confident, and the energy of fears slows down actions, forcing us to abandon our intentions.

How to be a happy wife

When creating a family, a woman always wants to become happy and loved. What helps to achieve this?

  • It is important to remain feminine, affectionate and attractive. Let your men feel like reliable defenders and knights next to you. This is a powerful stimulus for self-realization.
  • Show care and attention towards your husband. Smile while waiting for him to return from work, ask how his day went, give him the opportunity to fully relax, delight with delicious food.
  • Maintain a man's self-esteem: praise him, recognize his achievements and abilities.
  • Do not be too demanding of your husband, do not control his every step. He needs to feel a certain degree of freedom and independence.
  • Maintain comfort and order at home, keep it clean, create comfortable conditions for family life, take maximum care of children. A man is always in a hurry to return to a warm home.
  • Give your love, seek physical intimacy, trust him and respect him.

How to become a happy mom

For most of the fair sex, the question of how to become a happy woman is equated with the task of becoming a happy mother.

  • Feel the joy of every contact with your child: when he smiles at you, when you feed him, when you sing a lullaby and watch him fall asleep, when you play with him and just talk.
  • Allow yourself to relax and do personal things, because the child needs a lot of your attention and care. You need to restore your strength and recharge with positive energy. Don't forget about proper sleep and your hobbies.
  • Love yourself and show your child self-confidence. This will allow you to be convinced that "I am a good mother and doing everything right."
  • Be active and emotional when interacting and playing with your baby. The more pleasant emotions you experience with him, the higher your satisfaction with motherhood will be.
  • Try to trust the child at any age, encourage his initiative and respect his personality. He feels it and will treat you the same way.
  • Rejoice in the development of your child, notice the positive impact of your educational impact.
  • Be flexible when raising your baby, listen to his needs and mood.
  • Visit cultural events with your children more often. Interest is provided both to you and to them.
  • Children develop us and change us for the better. Be open to this experience. They really have a lot to learn.

We summarize all of the above in the following lines:

Happiness decorates our lives

Sow the seeds of it in your soul,

And hurry to give it to others.

All good things will come back - believe in it!

Video on how to become a happy woman.

All women want to be happy and loved, but only a few can clearly say what happiness is in their understanding. Married or single ladies often complain about fate. Some women feel as if they are undeservedly living in spiritual or material misery, while others live life to the fullest. If a woman does not appreciate what she has, she will always be unhappy. After all, happiness is a state of mind.

How to become a happy and beloved woman?

Many people consider love to be synonymous with happiness. As if it is impossible to enjoy life if there is no loved one nearby. The thing is that in the system of human values, marriage, built on love, is the highest meaning of the life of all mankind. You can't argue with this statement. However, what about lonely people who cannot find a life partner? They also want to live and feel happy and in demand.

Loneliness then becomes a problem when a woman lacks male care, financial support and regular sex. If a lady is able to cope with everyday difficulties herself, feed herself, provide for her children and redirect unspent energy in another direction, the need for a man disappears.

True, a successful and independent woman will still feel unhappy. Such is the nature of the weaker sex. Although, if a woman is any man, she will most likely refuse him, so as not to burden herself with unnecessary trouble. So, the whole point is not in the man, but in the woman herself. She just can't figure out what she really needs.

If a single woman wants to become happy and loved, she needs to get to know a man and try to win his heart. After all, love always implies some person to whom the feeling will be directed. How to become self-confident, attract the attention of the stronger sex, establish long-term relationships will help the advice of a practicing psychotherapist. Women suffering from loneliness and wanting to know the reason for their failures on the love front can turn to a psychologist - hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

There are many women who are sure that they can live without men. However, knowing how to earn money on their own and solve life's problems, ladies still feel like they are unhappy. Dealing with this problem is not so difficult. It's just that a woman needs to understand what she wants and what kind of object, object or phenomenon will bring her happiness. After analyzing their thoughts and dreams, many women will come to the conclusion that they have everything within reason and the only thing they lack is the ability to enjoy life. This problem can be easily dealt with by following the helpful advice of psychologists.

How to become a happy woman if you are alone:

  1. Learn to think positively and treat people with respect.

Nothing destroys a person from the inside like your own negative thoughts. They overshadow all the good things in life. A negative attitude towards others makes a person blind, and his existence turns hell. Moreover, a person torments himself with his own attitude towards life and people.

It is very easy to change the world around you without doing or changing anything. You just need to smile at yourself in the mirror in the morning and say: life is beautiful. Throughout the day, you need to control your thoughts with the help of willpower, not to allow any negativity. It is recommended to force yourself not to criticize anyone, not to be angry with anyone and not to shout. Talk to people sincerely and kindly. Thank others for the slightest service and accompany your words with a smile.

  1. Adequately evaluate yourself, do not engage in self-criticism and self-flagellation.

It is impossible to feel like a happy person if you constantly look for negative traits in yourself. It is important to love yourself with all your flaws. True, we are not talking about bad habits or significant defects. Ugly sides of character and vices must be eradicated. However, treat yourself Do not allow others to make fun of your appearance or actions.

  1. Constantly develop, improve, seek yourself.

Every day you need to read articles from the Internet, new literature, watch interesting films, listen to the news. Life does not seem so boring if a person is aware of all the events. Let such a pastime not bring any income. However, the benefit of reading and good news is that they will fill a person's life with some content. After all, it is emptiness that makes existence unbearable.

It is important not to sit still, constantly set new goals and achieve them. You can sign up for knitting courses, learn foreign languages, go in for sports. Any activity will bring new sensations, emotions and interesting acquaintances.

You can change jobs, start a business, or offer partners your business idea. No need to wait for a quick change in your financial situation. It takes time to promote any business or professional development. However, the fact that a person has set a goal for himself and does everything to translate it into reality is important.

  1. Live for yourself, satisfy all your needs and desires.

Married women often do not have enough time for themselves. However, single ladies do not face such a problem. After all, they do not need to please anyone, to reckon with anyone. A single woman can sit all evening in a restaurant. Travel for the weekend. Take an early leave from work and go to a beauty salon, or just go shopping and buy yourself some new clothes.

Many people love to eat delicious food, but they constantly have to give up delicacies in order to buy more food for the whole family. Single women don't have to deny themselves anything. They can eat cakes or expensive French cheeses all day, and in the gym.

  1. Do not be afraid of loneliness, be independent.

A single woman must cope with all the difficulties and not expect help from anyone. If she can single-handedly overcome all the obstacles that interfere with her normal existence, she has nothing to fear. Only the person who cannot cope with difficulties, build friendly relations with others, and boldly move forward towards the intended goal is unhappy.

The future is not to be feared. Fear most often arises not because of real problems, but because of imaginary possible difficulties. Excessive suspiciousness can become an obstacle to moving forward and self-realization. If there are no visible reasons to worry, you need to live and enjoy every minute. If there is a problem on the path of life, it is necessary to solve it and move on.

It is important to remember that happiness is not the ultimate goal of human existence. A life filled with events, acquaintances, communication and feelings is the basis of happiness. If a person will gratefully accept everything that the world gives him, appreciate every acquaintance, love any insignificant detail, he will become

How to be happy at 40?

A difficult stage of life is experienced by women who are forty years old. At heart, they are the same girls, however, with rich life experience and a sober outlook on life. Forty-year-old women still want to rejoice, have fun, be loved and happy. True, looking at themselves in the mirror, they understand that they have grown old. The time has passed when it was possible to turn the heads of guys, act windy and hope for fiery love.

Old age is merciless, with quiet steps it approaches a person and disfigures his beauty. Some women painfully perceive age-related changes in appearance. It is hard for them to realize that their smile no longer has such an effect on men as it used to. A new hairstyle does not hold the eyes of strangers. The very existence of a forty-year-old woman for men remains an unnoticed and insignificant fact. Passions do not rage, eyes do not burn, no one shows any interest.

However, one should not despair. Even after forty years, happiness can be found. The psychology of a single woman is designed in such a way that the representatives of the weaker sex cannot feel inferior for a long time. Ladies must find a way out of the created unpleasant situation. After all, regardless of age, women still want to be happy and loved.

How to become happy after 40 years:

  1. Look after your appearance.

A woman feels younger if she looks a few years younger than her age. It is recommended to change your hairstyle, pick up fashionable clothes, lose weight, go to a beauty salon. A well-chosen diet has a beneficial effect on the appearance of a woman. Fresh fruits, vegetables, seafood, cheeses, expensive wines change the condition of the skin and hair, make the eyes glow with a healthy glow.

  1. Communicate more with people, expand the circle of acquaintances.
  1. Find a hobby and learn to relax.

Life will become much more interesting if a woman after forty finds a hobby or an exciting activity. It is recommended to do gardening or floriculture. What could be better than growing new crops in your garden. Such a hobby will not only fill a woman's life with interesting content, but will also bring many benefits. Self-grown vegetables and fruits diversify the diet, reduce cash spending on food.

You can learn to knit or embroider. Some women prefer cooking. They collect recipes, bring something of their own to them and share the secrets of cooking with friends or with readers of their blog.

At any age, a person must be happy. True, you should not expect that someone will amuse or give gifts to lonely people. There are no miracles in the world. Real magic is the work of the women themselves. If they want to be happy, they will find ways to diversify their lives.

After forty years, women see that there are so many interesting things around, and they have not noticed anything for so long. The fact is that each age has its own scale of values, desires, aspirations and hobbies. At twenty, girls want to like guys, get married, have children. After thirty, women go headlong into family life and dissolve in their husband and children. When a lady turns forty, children are usually already adults. The husband, if he is, does not require too close attention to himself.

It is important to understand that each stage of life is unique. It is impossible, being a forty-year-old woman, to try on the dress of a twenty-year-old girl. Live in the present, not the past. Optimism and faith in goodness are the components that will help you find happiness in any life situation.

Hello, since you have landed on this page, you probably feel unhappy, or at least not happy enough. Let me tell you how to become a happy woman in 7 days. This will help us 7 simple steps, after which you will feel happy.

But first, let's think about what happiness is? And what is happiness for you? Why don't you feel happy? The answer is simple: happiness is in your head, and in order to feel happy, you just need to believe in happiness. For happiness, a person does not need much, sometimes a glance, attention, a strong hug, or just a good night's sleep is enough.

If you want to be happy, be.

Step 1 Remove all problems to become happier.

The biggest problem for unhappy people is imaginary problems. Don't treat problems like problems. All your problems are trials, closed doors on your path that you just have to go through. You can go through them in different ways: go around, jump over, pass by or turn around and leave to look for another way, climb over, break, burn in the end. But in no case should you stand in front of the door and hope that it will open itself. Over time, it will turn out that you will find yourself in a room in which there are many locked doors. If this has already happened, and it seems to you that your situation is hopeless, then do not despair anyway. I said that the doors can be broken, you can dig a tunnel - there is always a way out.

It seems to you that there are many problems. Write down 10 problems on a piece of paper. And cross out 8 of those that are not the most terrible and difficult. Think about how to solve the remaining two problems. The problems and fears of most women are similar: dissatisfaction with themselves, loss of loved ones, lack of money, loneliness, uncertainty about the future, desire to be loved, fatigue.

Do not dwell on problems, do not accumulate them, throw them away.

Step 2 Don't think about what's done because you can't change it.

All people who feel unhappy think they have a lot of problems. You constantly think about them, try to find solutions, worry, replay situations that have already been passed. Has it happened that you go to bed, but then you remember that today at work in front of everyone you said or did something stupid? You begin to think about what your colleagues thought of you, how you should have acted in this situation. What would happen if you acted differently. You begin to delve into yourself and your thoughts, blame yourself. As a result, you can’t fall asleep, and the next day you get up a tired, unhappy person, whose brain didn’t rest all night, but wound up problems that don’t really exist.

One day, my friend told me that she was not happy because she wanted a child, but she and her husband couldn’t do it. One of the reasons for the failures was her excess weight, which she was warned about in the antenatal clinic. The idea became obsessive, she could not find a place for herself, began to hate everyone around, and especially happy families and children. The result - she divorced her husband and got two dogs. She became an ardent lover of dogs - she takes them to exhibitions and receives awards. She has lost weight, but now she no longer wants children. According to her stories, she became happy. And I believe that she is happy, because happiness is in her head.

There could be another way - you could lose weight, undergo treatment and still give birth to a child. But whether she would be happy is unknown. We live in the same timeline, we can't change anything. Therefore, you don’t even need to think about what happened if it were different. It is better to think about what to do now in order to be happy in the future.

Step 3: Set goals that will make you happier if you achieve them.

Goals should be specific, time-bound, and achievable. For example, if you want to get married, then just the “Get married” goal will not get you anything. And for example, “During the year I want to find a husband, for this I have to look good every day, go in for sports, communicate a lot in different new companies.” Secondary goals are automatically created, the completion of which will bring you closer to the main goal. An example of a secondary goal: “I must always look good!”. To do this, you need to constantly look after your face and body, dress well. Another goal may arise: "Make money for all this." In this way, a whole tree of goals can be formed. And these are not problems - these are goals, and quite feasible.

Perhaps you are already married, you have children. But you are still not happy. In this case, your goals may be different. But they certainly should be.

A woman who works on herself, on her happiness, simply has no time to think that she is unhappy. She always goes forward and knows her goal.

Step 4. Enjoy every moment of your life.

You must learn to be happy right now. No need to wait for a miracle, and hope that happiness will come sometime later. Will not be. It already exists. When you go to the gym for a workout, you should have fun. This is not work for the result - it is a pleasant pastime with a pleasant bonus in the form of a beautiful body. When you go to a party, your goal is not to find a husband there, but to enjoy communication. When you do homework with a child - it's not so that he grows up smart and successful, you are spending time with him now and you should enjoy it.

Enjoy every moment, every second. Be happy now.

Step 5. Do not solve other people's problems and do not try on someone else's life.

You don’t need to compare yourself with anyone and you don’t need to try to help everyone. You have your own life - build your own house, you don’t need to carry bricks from a neighbor, drag your own, for your happiness. Don't confuse support with problem solving. If your loved one is in trouble, support him. But don't force help.

And don't be jealous of others. Now it is very easy to create an external illusion of happiness - show a few photos from the resorts, post a photo with a large bouquet - and it seems that the woman is happy. In fact, everything can be different. Everyone has their own life. One person needs a beach and the sea to relax, another a tour of the ancient city. One person loves soap operas, the other science fiction movies. We are all different. Someone works to have a good rest, and someone has a rest, so that later they can work well with renewed vigor.

And never blame anyone for your failures. Remember the wisdom: “A fool blames others, a smart man blames himself, a wise man does not blame anyone!”.

Step 6. Don't pay attention to other people's opinions.

Little attention is paid to happy people. Happy people are not interesting for gossip. And, moreover, often cause hostility due to envy. Therefore, the happier you look, the less envious people will notice you. On the contrary, everyone is trying to help the unfortunate, to calm them down, to solve their problems, to discuss them. Therefore, a happy person must take for granted that his happiness is his happiness, which will not always cause positive emotions in other people. A friend is known in trouble, but he is known even more strongly in joy.

Not always people will approve of your actions. If you take care of yourself, many will be skeptical about your undertakings, and maybe even condemn. This should not lead you astray towards your goal and should not prevent you from being happy. People are not jealous because you are happy. They are angry with themselves for not being able to pull themselves together and make their lives happy, like yours.

Step 6. Share your happiness.

Smile and always be positive. You must be confident in yourself - self-confidence gives strength and improves mood. You may have noticed that when you put on a new outfit, you feel more confident, it seems to you that everyone sees how stylish and beautiful you are. It's hard to be sad at this moment. Therefore, you must always be a queen so that others feel this royal aura. Show your success, share your goals, share your good mood and smiles with people around you. Talk less, do more. Don't be afraid to break up with people. Your environment will change, people will leave and come - and that's okay. As you grow, so do your interests.

Step 7. Accept yourself for who you are.

There seems to be a contradiction. On the one hand, we are talking about self-development, changing oneself for the better. On the other hand, about the need to love, appreciate, respect yourself the way you are now. And it is true. You need to strive for the best, but everyone needs to love and accept themselves. It doesn't matter how old you are, what weight you have, social status - you are the best!

Be yourself and do what you want. If you want to dance - dance, if you want to sing - sing. You have one life and one timeline - so live it as fully and varied as possible.

Let this article help you change your very attitude towards your happiness and life, and looking at your life with new, happy eyes, you yourself will understand what you need to be happy!

Tell me in the comments, did you manage to be happy? What can you advise other girls to become happy?


Happy life. 10 easy tips to be happier

Have you ever had the feeling that something is missing? Everything seems to be in order: family, and career, and friends, and a loved one, but still something is not right. Perhaps… you are missing yourself. In the daily running and heap of things, people and habits, it seems that there is no time at all to stop, take a breath and think.

1. Find happiness in the little things

In fact, life is wonderful. Stop. Look around. Happiness is never far from us, it is in simple things. Blue sky, sunlight, children's eyes. Happiness even in breathing (remember how unpleasant it is to breathe when you have a runny nose). Happiness can also be felt by doing simple actions.

It's very easy to be happy.

2. Wash the dishes. Seriously!

Washing dishes seems unpleasant until you start. Standing in front of the sink, rolling up your sleeves and immersing your hands in warm water, you understand: this has its own charm. Make time for each plate, completely realizing and her, and water, and any movement of the hands. You know, by rushing to clean up the dessert plate, you will make your time spent on dishwashing unpleasant and not worth living. It's sad, because every minute and second of life is a miracle.

The same trick can be done with any duty: vacuuming the apartment, ironing clothes and walking the dog will become much more pleasant. And after such ordinary, as it may seem, affairs, you will feel even a little happier.

Even in washing dishes you can find a little happiness. Instagram photo @mifbooks

3. Give your brain a break

Sometimes it only takes a few minutes to feel like you've been reborn. Sit on a chair or on the floor. Close your eyes. Inhale and exhale several times. As you breathe in, say to yourself, "Breathing in, I know what I'm breathing in." As you breathe out, say, "Breathing out, I know I'm breathing out." Try not to think about anything.

Stop the stream of consciousness. Try to feel every inch of your body. Smile. Take a few more deep breaths in and out. These respite meditations are simple and very effective. Try to live a happy life.

The brain will definitely appreciate the respite given to it!

4. Don't eat mindlessly

Try eating mindfully for at least one week. There is such an oriental saying: "When you eat, think only about food." So that's what she's talking about. You will understand that food has become for you not only a way to get enough, but also a time of solitude, self-knowledge. And to understand what is the point of such an attitude towards yourself, try the “Chocolate Meditation” from the book