A bachelorette party is one of the most important elements of preparing for a wedding, an outstanding event in the life of every girl. A bachelorette party is the female equivalent of forgiveness with a "bachelor life", when a lady is already ready to give up noisy gatherings with friends and crazy parties in favor of a measured family life. It is on this holiday that girls can “break away” for the last time and take a sip of the freedom that was allowed to them before the wedding, for the last time. It is not surprising that girls carefully prepare for this event by purchasing accessories for a bachelorette party.

The best time for a bachelorette party

Of course, some girls prefer to celebrate quietly: going to a museum or cultural event, movies all night and gossip with girlfriends, but for most it is a holiday with lots of alcohol, noisy music and vulgar but interesting questions. In the morning you will surely feel bad: a sleepless night and a large amount of alcohol will make themselves felt. Schedule a bachelorette party for Saturday, and preferably on Friday (take a day off from work), so that you have a couple of days to recover.

By time, the bachelorette party is not tied directly to the wedding, but is usually held a week before it, not earlier.

Bachelorette and bachelor party

Traditionally, these events are held separately. If you are betrothed against the unification of holidays, in no case ask for it, and even more so do not break into. It is likely that there will be something that the bride does not want to see before the wedding - it’s not just that you were forbidden to come there.

And what will remain after?

Hiring a professional photographer for a bachelorette party is an interesting idea, but impractical and expensive. Since the hourly payment for shooting is usually taken, and the bachelorette party drags on for a long time, it is irrational to purchase the services of a photographer. Ask your friends - perhaps someone has a camera to take some pictures.

If you decide to have a bachelorette party, the photos should be unusual. Get photo props like mustaches, glasses, and hats on a stick ahead of time to make your photos interesting.

It is also a good idea to buy special plates. These accessories for a bachelorette party will diversify the holiday, and you will be able to enjoy beautiful pictures after a few years.

Gifts for guests

As a rule, no more than 10 friends are invited to the celebration. So that they have a pleasant impression of the event from the very beginning, give them small gifts.

It can be sweets, small toys, magnets or jewelry packed in bonbonnieres - special organza bags for such small gifts. If you are inviting a large number of guests, it is not necessary to spend money on gifts: in this case, this can be omitted to save a little on the holiday.

Many are interested in how to celebrate a bachelorette party so that the event is remembered for a long time, and all friends remember this event without regret. One of the most original solutions is carnival costumes.


  1. Variability. You can choose any scenario for a bachelorette party: cool costumes will diversify the plot and help your friends get used to the role.
  2. colorfulness. Bright colors will cheer up guests. In addition, you can choose those shades that go well with your interior and the style of the event.
  3. The ability to make role-playing stories with the participation of various characters. Themed events are gaining popularity these days. For example, everyone wears pirate costumes or princess dresses.
  4. This decision brings people together. Dressed in the same or similar costumes, they begin to feel like part of the same company.
  5. Variety of photos. A costume party will allow you to take a sea of ​​unusual, interesting pictures.
  6. And finally, the variability of images! You can choose a suit for almost every taste. Of course, cowboy costumes are most often sold, as well as outfits of pirates, stewardesses, police officers, etc., but it is quite possible to find an image to your taste.

Room decoration

Accessories for a bachelorette party include not only clothes, but also various decor elements.

Do not forget that a bachelorette party is a holiday, so add something bright like balloons and signs, add ribbons, flags, buy special plastic dishes and bright straws for cocktails.

Put an ice bucket with champagne and various snacks on the table in advance.


Cake for a bachelorette party is usually served at the end. Some prefer traditional small cakes from cooking, others purchase desserts in several tiers, which is especially true for large parties.

Striptease in the cake

Such a surprise can be ordered both by the bride herself and her friends. Such erotic entertainment, as a rule, is agreed with the husband, so that under unforeseen circumstances there will be no disagreement up to the cancellation of the wedding.

The big disappointment that awaits the girls is that the cake is not real. Of course, there may be small cakes on the sides, but the base is a dummy, only on top you can specially put a cake of standard sizes.

If you are going to include such entertainment in the holiday, doing it as a "surprise" is not a good idea. Some friends may misunderstand you and will not appreciate the present, but on the contrary, they will react negatively.

Where to begin?

It is better to postpone drinking and erotic games for the evening, first you need to “warm up” the guests. Sit in a cafe, chat, go to the movies. The preparatory stage should take no more than 3 hours, otherwise it will be boring.

After that, offer to do something crazy: a water pistol battle, a hot air balloon flight, a trip to the water park - extreme adventures, adrenaline! If you are not a connoisseur of such a holiday, you can visit the spa and just talk about life over a bottle of wine.

Evening is the height of the bachelorette party. Throw a pajama party or invite your friends to wear specially prepared costumes. You can play various erotic games, order a striptease or just chat about everything over alcohol all night long. To make the holiday not boring, you can separately launch firecrackers and fireworks. Don't forget about musical accompaniment.

By the way, the games should be mentioned separately. This "accessory" for a bachelorette party is simply necessary, otherwise the evening may not be interesting. As a rule, games for a bachelorette party are card games: tricky questions are written on a piece of paper, to which the girls answer in turn. Another version of the fun is "While the match is burning." For this you will need a box of matches. You light one and pass around the circle, on whom it goes out - he answers the question that the friends come up with together.

Move from words to action. Truth or Dare is a game popular with teenagers at school and camps. The rules are extremely simple: if a person chooses the truth, he is asked an uncomfortable question, to which he is obliged to answer, the action performs it.

This accessory for a bachelorette party, as well as for a wedding, is used everywhere. If a veil is obligatory at a wedding ceremony, then at a bachelorette party you may well limit yourself to its analogue - a short colored veil. It can be worn not only by the bride, but also by her friends. Thus, you will make a series of original wedding shots.

Did you know that the bachelorette party in English is hen party, which translates as “chicken party”? There is nothing offensive in this. This phraseologism originates in the distant past, when the constant chatter of ladies was compared to chicken clucking. By the way, its second meaning is “women's company”.

In England, it is customary to wear revealing outfits for the holiday. Socks, short skirts, bows, defiant dresses, and bows on the head are typical as accessories for a bachelorette party. It is important that at least one of these things is pink.

General - different

If you want to know more about your girlfriends, play this simple game. Everyone sits in a circle and clockwise says one phrase about themselves, starting with the words “I never ...” If one of the participants cannot say this about herself (that is, the girl did it), she bends her finger. The winner is the one who last remains with "empty" hands. You ask this person as many questions of interest to you as he has unbent fingers left.

If you can’t figure out how to spend a bachelorette party in an original and fun way, quests dedicated to this event will help diversify the holiday. You can order a quest for a large company or come up with it yourself. Sometimes the bachelorette party is organized not by the bride herself, but by her friends.

In this case, you can intrigue the girl by inviting her to find her friends with the help of various clues. The future wife receives the first of them directly in the mailbox, while the others are hidden in different parts of the city. Note that the notes must be hidden so that the girl can find them. The best option: one of the girlfriends sends each next note, then they go together.

If the holiday does not begin at your home, wait a little with carnival costumes - passers-by may misunderstand you. However, you can introduce a dress code that will make it clear that you are all one big company, that you are having a holiday! It can be T-shirts with the inscription "We have a bachelorette party!" or items of clothing of the same color. So you will not only stand out from the crowd, but also will not get lost if something happens in the city center.


Do not forget to invite your friends to the holiday in an original way. Purchase postcards or special bachelorette party invitations in advance and send them to your friends by mail or hand them in person.

The bachelorette party before the wedding, as a tradition, has been known since pre-Christian Rus'. In those days, it was customary for the bride to gather her close friends on the eve of the wedding to say goodbye to a carefree unmarried life. According to tradition, on this day, the girls led round dances, sang songs, guessed. This cheerful custom, although somewhat modified, has nevertheless come down to our time. However, the essence of the tradition has remained unchanged - the bride is preparing to take on the duties of a wife, saying goodbye to a girl's life.

Nowadays, every modern girl is trying not to miss her chance to have a fun friendly party for her close friends. A bachelorette party is not only a pleasant tradition, but a wonderful opportunity to relax, have fun from the heart and absorb positive emotions, as well as gossip with girlfriends before the wedding. The main and main condition of this long-standing custom is that there are no men, a purely female team.

It is worth noting that at the same time as the bachelorette party, the groom arranges a bachelor party, while these events should be held separately from each other. It is also worth knowing the unspoken rules that exist regarding the bachelorette party. Firstly, it is undesirable to invite future relatives from the groom’s side to such a holiday (why give another reason for gossip?), Only close girlfriends and friends (and age does not matter at all), as well as people who can make a good company and will support the bride on the eve of an important event in her life - the wedding. And secondly, the bride does not need to try to get to the party that the groom throws before the wedding, and he, accordingly, does not need to try to do it either. This can lead to a curiosity and embarrass both the "peeping" and the participants in this holiday. Therefore, during the bachelorette party, the bride should leave all the worries behind, get rid of tension and have fun to the fullest, enjoying the conversation. In general, the number of such bachelorette parties may not be limited. You can arrange a holiday for colleagues, girlfriends, relatives, this is not prohibited. It all depends on your capabilities and desires.

As usual, friends and witnesses should organize a bachelorette party (for example, girlfriends organize a sweet table with pies and buns and invite the bride to their place). However, if the bride had to deal with her own bachelorette party, it is worth thinking about some important details in advance. First you need to decide on the day of the meeting with girlfriends, so that the date suits everyone. Today, the fact that it is customary to hold a bachelorette party immediately on the eve of the wedding is treated formally. Judge for yourself, the holiday involves fun until the morning, alcohol, dancing, etc., depending on the scenario. After such an event, it is unlikely that at least one bride will be able to look at her best on such an important day as a wedding (lack of sleep, circles under the eyes, headache, fatigue, weakness, etc.). That is why it is optimal to arrange a bachelorette party a week before the appointed date of the wedding.

Today, many wedding salons offer the service of organizing and holding bachelorette parties according to any scenario. By the way, if desired, an experienced host or toastmaster, working from a wedding salon, or separately, can also lead the holiday. This will save the bride from having to puzzle over how to cheer up the guests. A party hosted by a professional will be remembered by everyone for a long time. All details are discussed in advance when ordering such a service.

Where to celebrate?
There are plenty of options where to spend your own bachelorette party. Here it is worth considering your financial capabilities, as well as the interests of those invited. Of course, a party-farewell to a girl's life can be held at home, it will come out a little cheaper. But I would personally refuse such an undertaking, since it brings with it a lot of not very pleasant consequences - dirty dishes, a mess in the apartment, and maybe even the discontent of the neighbors below, will expect the bride the next morning. Therefore, again, if possible, you can book a table in a cafe, restaurant, hold an incendiary party in a club.

If the bride and bridesmaids love outdoor activities, hiking, etc., then you can spend the holiday in nature. Of course, for this you should collect everything you need and look at the weather forecast for the next few days in advance. You can even stay overnight: a fire, barbecue, delicious wine and a warm company of cheerful and pleasant people will create a great mood. Only it is necessary to organize a party in such a way that the trip to nature differs from the usual hike.

Another option for a traditional place for friendly gatherings is a bathhouse or sauna. You can order a table with snacks, low-calorie dishes and not very tasty drinks. In addition, you can use the services of a professional massage therapist, play billiards. Or you can pre-register in a great beauty salon. Girlfriends from such an idea will surely be delighted.

If you want to keep the tradition, and also if cleaning the house and washing dishes afterwards are not scary, then you can organize a mystical bachelorette party before the wedding and invite your girlfriends home. Upon arrival to the bride, the girls give her gifts that will be useful in the future family life. Usually, girls discuss in advance the options for gifts (for the bedroom, for the bathroom, for the kitchen, etc.), as well as who and what will be presented. However, the bride receives a gift only after she guesses what exactly was prepared for her (the guessing process is carried out using questions and answers: the bride asks a leading question, she is answered in monosyllables “yes” or “no”). By the way, it is necessary to give a gift in such a way that both spouses use it. For example, two mugs with personalized inscriptions of future newlyweds, a pair of towels, indoor slippers (male and female), etc. In this case, the witness is supposed to lead such a bachelorette party.

At a mystical party, as in the old days, it is customary to guess. The bride tells fortunes about married life, and girlfriends for future grooms. Remember that during fortune-telling it is undesirable to name names, because evil spirits are not asleep.

Here are some examples of divination:
For future children. The essence of this ancient divination is to break your favorite cup by throwing it over your head. The number of fragments indicates the number of future children.

Or such a fortune-telling: thread a yellow or red thread into a needle, wind it around the index finger of the right hand so that the needle can swing in different directions. Hold the needle above the left palm at a distance of a few millimeters. If the needle starts to rotate, then a girl will be born first, if it looms back and forth - a boy.

And the following comic fortune-telling allows you to find out how many children and what gender each of the girlfriends will have. Pour large red and white beans into a cup with buckwheat and mix everything well. Give each girl a saucer. Then they alternately, with their eyes closed, take a handful of cereal from a cup and pour it into their saucer. Then everyone opens their eyes and begins to look at how many beans and what color they got: red - daughters, white - sons.

For a future life. Such fortune-telling can be done in advance, on the day of acquiring a veil. The bride needs to go to church, buy three candles and go up with her eyes closed and put them on. If the total number of candles exceeds twelve, it is believed that a happy life awaits the young, less than seven, which means that life will be difficult, and three or less candles portend a quick divorce after the wedding.

Regarding clothes for a bachelorette party, it all depends on where and how the party will take place. Everything is used, from old and worn jeans to evening dress and stilettos. For example, if a theme party is planned at home, you should think about the appropriate costume in advance. In this case, you can sew it yourself or to order, or rent it. If you plan to travel out of town, it is important to think about warm, and most importantly, comfortable clothes. A holiday in a restaurant requires an evening dress. If you want to take a break from cosmetics and other feminine paraphernalia, then the home environment for a bachelorette party will come in handy.

A bachelorette party is not just entertainment, but also a kind of test of feelings. If, despite the general fun, the bride feels a lack of something, if she needs his presence to be completely happy, then she made the right choice.

A bachelorette party or bachelorette party is a favorite tradition of the fair sex - brides. A kind of ritual originates from ancient times. Even many years ago, girls in the evening, on the eve of the solemn hour of the wedding, found time to pay tribute to the custom. There were a huge number of options for how to spend a bachelorette party: the ladies, sitting in a circle, were armed with candles that created a mysterious atmosphere. They sang songs, ditties, which were intended to express all the sadness of parting with the "bachelor" life. The bachelorette party before the wedding was lively and bright. For the bride, the event was a surprise.

Today, a lot of water has flown under the bridge since then, but modern brides also sing "songs of farewell to independence" during this event. There is an opportunity to arrange an amazing party with the best girlfriends in the club, you can quietly spend the evening at home watching cult films, having a glass of cocktail, looking at photos of the bride and remembering funny stories from the institute times, or go to a restaurant to sing karaoke. One way or another, the event will be fun, but how it depends on your preferences, because ideas for a bachelorette party can be even the most extraordinary at first glance, and the photo session is provocatively.

Preparing for a bachelorette party

In other words, "in winter and summer - one color" it is important to prepare. The tradition of "bachelorette party before the wedding" suggests that the bridesmaids are involved in the preparation of the event. In ancient times, this evening on the eve of the wedding day meant farewell to youth. Most likely, it was thought so, because fathers often gave daughters in marriage. There was no talk of love: it was important to make the best possible arrangement for the bride, who shed tears, and her girlfriends consoled her. If a happy marriage was supposed, then, of course, there were songs and round dances. The question "How to spend a bachelorette party?" did not stand.

To implement original ideas for a bachelorette party, preparation must begin in advance. Think over where the event will take place, a thorough scenario, how best to decorate the room, dress code. If a photo session is planned, it is important to organize all the equipment with which you will be photographed and accessories that highlight the image of the bride. The upcoming important day of the event brings with it pleasant chores. Usually a lot during a bachelorette party is spent talking about the organizational aspects of tomorrow. However, the end in itself is a pleasant pastime in the circle of the closest girlfriends, with whom both into fire and into water.

First of all, you should choose a place that is suitable to arrange a holiday. Choose: a bar, a sauna, a restaurant, a club, a picnic in the park, of course, not in winter. To the taste of the bride. In addition, we must not forget that there are also ideas for a bachelorette party at home in a cozy environment. Often they prefer to invite a stripper to an event, and this is not possible in every cafe. Remember that not a single representative of the stronger sex should be in the company this evening, except for the invited guest, because the boys have their own event organized by the groom. But asking for a bachelor party is out of the question, because your lover completely trusts you and does not encroach on the freedom of the bride! Reply with the same coin.

The bachelorette party should be held culturally, in addition, it should not be stretched over time. Everything should be at ease, which does not involve an excessive number of competitions. There is a hard day ahead, which requires effort: it is important to sleep well and rest. To organize a special charm for a bachelorette party, you can give preference to African or Oriental style. However, absolutely anyone who would please the heart of the bride and bridesmaids will do. As mentioned, the ideas for a bachelorette party suggest a complete scope of fantasy, a photo shoot, if one is planned, will somehow be funny and interesting.

The nuances of a bachelorette party

Wanting to achieve the perfect figure on the eve of the wedding, you should not go to the gym. An essential point of the weight loss program will be proper nutrition. In addition, during a bachelorette party, you do not need to consume too much alcohol or junk food - salty, fatty. This is not good for your health. As for in which circle how to spend a bachelorette party, the number of invited girlfriends is individual. You can call all your friends, starting from kindergarten, or limit yourself to only the closest ones in order to feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible at your own celebration of life.

An important fact: you can arrange a bachelorette party not only on the evening before the wedding. By organizing the celebration in advance, you can fully relax before the wedding. There will be no: “What do men talk about?” in the female version. Also, there will be no “hangover” look at the wedding. It is undesirable to call women from the side of the groom, whether they are relatives of the future husband or his girlfriends. No matter how closely you communicate, the feeling of awkwardness will remain on both sides. You can forget about how fun it is to have a bachelorette party, because you will worry so that, sharpening your hair, you won’t blurt out anything superfluous that you could chat with your girlfriends about. Little things like that make a bachelorette party comfortable.

A bachelorette party in the style of your favorite heroines from the series suggests that you can do several events organized by different friends. For example, not wanting to offend anyone, but not wanting to gather “under one roof” colleagues, mother, grandmother, girlfriends, aunts, relatives, cousins, good neighbors, you can organize a holiday “in several visits”. It is important to take into account the financial capabilities of a particular bride, as well as her desires. However, if everything is in order with money, then dreams will not have to wait. If such a desire is expressed by one of the invited guests, the bride has the right to refuse.

Breathtaking bachelorette party at home

How to celebrate the holiday at home? This is especially true in winter. It's a pajama-style bachelorette party. The photo session will be memorable. If a decision is made not to make friends tired, and, to be honest, yourself, not to burden the sea with additional clap associated with organizing the event, then you can spend time at the bride's house. The option has a large number of advantages, but it also has a number of negative points: you will have to prepare one way or another. Living with your mother and father, ask them to leave the apartment on X day, leaving you with your girlfriends during your harsh days. This is the main condition. You can also use the cottage or country house. If you live in your own apartment, then you will not encounter this kind of problem. One less headache for the bride.

Even if the topic for organizing a bachelorette party does not involve a venue outside the home, invitations should still be “confused”. Let it be some kind of surprise that serves as a pass to the event, which has a symbolic meaning and a small souvenir for memory. For example, a small teddy bear is perfect - a surprise for your guests. In addition, it is possible to simply call in advance everyone you want to invite, calling “passwords and appearances”. If you are planning a bachelorette party in the style you invented, do not forget to warn the girls so that there are no "black sheep" or "white crows" - it will turn out to be somewhat ugly, and indeed - an unexpected surprise.

Together with your witness, think through "from and to": how will the guests be entertained? The scenario of the event includes moments of a feast, chants, dancing until you drop, funny games. A competition for the best chef or “What? Where? When?" in a stylized version. You can spend the night wondering about your future family life or kids. The program may include viewing of favorite TV shows, popular music. It is good form to exchange playful gifts with your girlfriends. Let the bachelorette party be remembered forever and only in a positive way!

Ideas for a bachelorette party can be found on the Internet or take note of the experience of acquaintances who have recently married to celebrate the event. The bride's farewell party with freedom is usually themed. The girls dress up with a preference for costumes, whether it's a Barbie or a pajama party. You can organize a Tiffany-style bachelorette party by decorating the room in mint tones. In other words, the scope of fantasy. You can organize any idea - it will be a surprise for guests.

It seems that on a date in Moscow City, every person worries about our couple with a soul

Guys, thank you very much for the work done, everything was done promptly, in a short time, you deprived me of most of the excitement, because you took over all the organizational work of our romantic dinner on the roof of Moscow City. Thanks directly to every person, Evgeny, Anastasia, Alexander - our operator. Such fellows, they all know how to sing and shoot videos, and the magician is just some kind of magician, honestly. It seems that every person worries about our soul couple. Everything worked out, thank you very much

I really liked that they satisfied our wishes, which were not originally discussed.

Hello, I found this event - a romantic evening on the roof, on the Internet, I wanted to surprise my wife. Just talking about restaurants is usually enough. But here I was still interested: the view of Moscow is beautiful, the atmosphere is romantic. And I really liked that the guys who organize it are very responsive, went to the meeting and satisfied our wishes, which were not originally specified. Therefore, I am very grateful. I'm glad my wife enjoyed her date on the rooftop.

In general, I'm shocked!

In general, I did not expect! I was in a taxi and didn't know where I was going. They brought me here, closed my eyes. I rode in a terrible elevator, in which my ears were blocked. Came here and was very surprised, everything was very beautiful. A real romantic date on the roof: it was decorated with rose petals and candles. What else to say? - In general, I'm in shock)

Opinion on the quality of service and professionalism of the staff organizing romantic dates on the rooftop in Moscow City

I want to say that we spent these couple of hours of a romantic dinner on the roof for two with pleasure and were very pleased with the service, the way the organizers greeted us, how comfortable the conditions were for us. I want to note the kitchen, everything was very tasty! I want to note the music: there was musical accompaniment, a saxophone. Everything was very romantic, according to the mood. I also liked how the photo session went and how professionally the photographer took the angles, how he exposed us against the background of flowers and panoramic windows. We thank you and invite others who are interested in this to take part.

Everything was very romantic, according to the mood. I also liked how the photo session went and how professionally the photographer took the angles, how he exposed us against the background of flowers and panoramic windows. We thank you and invite others who are interested in this to take part.

I really liked the date in the city, especially the live music and the cake

So, well, I really liked everything. I found this organization on the Internet. A romantic evening in Moscow City was great and met my expectations, I really liked everything! - and I liked it. Especially live music, cake! I'm satisfied!

I'm totally shocked

I liked it all very much. I was worried, but not much. The date in Moscow City went as expected. Thank you very much Valeria. - Yes, Valeria was very nice and responsive. We all really enjoyed it! - I'm so shocked! Thank you very much, Valeria separately!

On our romantic evening in Moscow City, we were able to see the sunset - very beautiful, very cool

Hello Oleg and Christina. Tell me, what did you expect from a romantic dinner in Moscow City and did it really work out? In fact - we did not expect that we would be so high and see such a picture - a pleasant surprise! And we were very lucky with the time - we were able to see the sunset - very beautiful, very cool. Would you recommend us to your friends? - Of course, now there will be posts on Instagram, everyone will see anyway

Romantic date in Moscow-city Workshop of Emotions - the best gift for dr

Today, July 1, is the birthday of my beloved husband. It took me a very long time to find a way to congratulate him in an unusual way. And one day, when I came across such an unusual congratulation on the Internet - a romantic date in the Moscow City Emotion Workshop - I decided that this would be exactly what I needed. I didn't regret it. There was a full correspondence of price and quality - romantic, clean, high quality. Everything corresponds to reality - it was very cool. Guys, thanks! Hope to see you again sometime! it was great!

guys, I advise a great place for holding various formats of events: birthdays, a nightly movie screening, a romantic date on the roof. Moreover, Valentine's Day is coming soon - you can retire on the 60th floor of the Capital City tower. Imagine: I have been working here for 6 years and did not even suspect that there is such an awesome place. You can decorate as you like, you can with your drinks and food, in general - there are plenty of places for fantasies, I recommend, I advise. The company that helped us is called "Emotion Workshop". Welcome!

We will come here again and again

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Today we visited an incredible place like the Emtsoy Workshop, which is located in Moscow City. From the romantic evening in Moscow City, which was organized by the Emotions Workshop, there were delightful impressions: a very romantic setting, a very good atmosphere, very hospitable people, very good service staff. We invite all of you to visit this place because there are incredible views of Moscow. We liked it very much, we will come here again and again!

Romance! If, of course, we still jumped

I went on the Internet, wrote "entertainment" - "What entertainment can be today", because. it was my wife's birthday. I look - you can make a date in the Moscow-City Federation Tower for your wife such surprise entertainment and found a phone number and called. And it happened by itself, not planned, "at random" in a couple of hours. When everything happens spontaneously, it turns out beautifully. Romance! If only we jumped, of course))

The future wife even shed a tear

We liked everything! Very good! Fears? - I don't know, were there? - Well, the first time you stand at such a height, of course, there is a feeling of fear, because. high enough height. Emotions overwhelm, so it's all memorable. My future wife even shed a tear! This is so sweet and touching, thank you very much.

Everything is exquisite - thanks for the quality and service of a romantic dinner in Moscow City

I would like to say a huge thank you to the company "Workshop of Emotions" for the service provided, the quality of organizing our private party for two in honor of our anniversary! In fact, everything is refined, cultural. I would like to say a huge thank you for the quality and service you provided today.

Beautiful view and pleasant atmosphere of a romantic evening in Moscow City.

Everything is great, we liked it very much! The beautiful view from the window is the most important impression. And nice environment! How did we find you? - There were a lot of offers on the Internet. Why stop at you? - Probably looked at the reviews and photos. And we decided to organize.

Insanely happy that you were found

we found through the site "head in the clouds". Insanely happy that you were found. The proposal turned out "with a bang." The services were also excellent. Everything is beautiful and view..everything is romantic. We will invite all our friends to contact you and book a date in Moscow City.

Romantic dinner you have is good, comfortable and prices are good

Can I be honest? Seriously? - Yes! I turned to the Emotion Workshop because it seemed to me that this company would really be able to realize a real romantic evening in Moscow City, just what I wanted. In principle, I did not lose, everything went very well! In general, rose petals were not included, but they ended up here - I'm very happy. I'll be honest. - Today I was proposed, and this is the best place where it could happen! Thank you! You have a very good, comfortable and good prices

Aerobatics - a date in Moscow City

My name is Rita, my name is Ilya. We are here for the first time, a romantic dinner in Moscow City was super. Everything is very well organised. The atmosphere is wonderful. Aerobatics, we will advise and advertise to friends!

One of the best places for a panoramic view

We found out on the Internet one of the best places with a panoramic view, where you can arrange a date on the roof of Moscow City with a girl. I liked everything very much, the expectations really match. Thank you Workshop of Emotions, everything is very cool - please contact us. I got a lot of emotions - this is the most important thing, thank you!

I chose for a long time, stopped at the Emotion Workshop, everything was cool.

In fact, I was not afraid of anything, I already knew my choice. For a long time I chose a venue for a romantic evening in Moscow City and thought about how to do it, and I do not regret that I settled on the guys from the Workshop of Emotions. Everything was at the highest level, you can trust them! WOW effect was, everything was cool.

The rule of three “nos” will help to have a bachelorette party fun: “no” to envious girlfriends, “no” to indecent behavior and “no” to a bad mood.

Celebration time

A bachelorette party is a holiday dedicated to saying goodbye to an unmarried life. Choosing the right day of celebration will allow you to have fun and not ruin your wedding.

According to Russian tradition, a bachelorette party is held on the eve of the wedding. Previously, the bachelorette party was not violently celebrated, because the girls said goodbye to the "free" life and accompanied the event with crying and dreary songs. Over time, the tradition changed and the bachelorette party began to be fun.

It is better to spend a bachelorette party a week before the wedding, then the bride will be able to put herself in order, get enough sleep and prepare for the wedding.

  • the day before the wedding. It is unlikely that the groom and guests will be pleased to look at the sleepy bride.
  • a month before the wedding. Having celebrated a bachelorette party like this, you will lose the festive mood.


The bachelorette party is celebrated cheerfully, with competitions and thematic direction. You should not invite people to the celebration, in whose presence the bride will feel constrained.

Invite friends, colleagues, relatives to a bachelorette party - but only those with whom you communicate closely.

Bridesmaids are obligatory at a bachelorette party, often they organize the event.

As soon as you decide on the list of guests, proceed to the design of invitations.

Decide in advance on the place of the bachelorette party, make a program and choose a dress code.

Original bachelorette party ideas

By putting more effort and time into preparation, you will get a really cool bachelorette party.

Oriental party

Having a bachelorette party in oriental style will be to the taste of those whose favorite childhood cartoon was Aladdin.

Oriental-style party invitations decorate with coins or decorate in the form of Aladdin's lamp.

Start preparing by decorating the room. Hang transparent tulles, pick up oriental music to create an entourage. Scatter rose petals from a flower shop under your feet.

Define a role for each friend. Possible roles: fortune-teller, dancer (teacher of oriental dances), harem princess. Even without a prepared script with such images, you will not get bored.

Let the girlfriends dress up in oriental costumes, use scarves with coins. Large jewelry and bright eye makeup will complement the image of oriental beauties.

The bride dresses up in a white oriental dress.

river walk

The decision to walk can be made based on the weather forecast. Accompany a bachelorette party in nature with beautiful photographs.

The disadvantages of a river walk are seasickness, a possible change in weather.

Celebrate a bachelorette party in a marine theme, then the celebration will become original. Work out this idea in advance, and at the bachelorette party everyone will comply with the dress code.

Launch the balloons into the sky by writing on them what the bride loses when she gets married: maiden name, freedom, parties. Symbolically send the bride on a big voyage called "family life."

The dress code for a sea party involves the presence of sailors and the captain of the ship. The bridesmaids dress up as sailors (use vests), and the bride in the costume of the captain of the ship.

Visiting Carlson

Where to celebrate a bachelorette party in an original way, if not on the roof of a skyscraper - in the warm season, the impressions of the holiday will be unforgettable. Romantic girls will be delighted with such an event.

Prepare contests in advance. At the end of the event, launch balloons with the bride's maiden name into the sky.

The dress code for the bride and bridesmaids will depend on the theme of the event. The classic version involves dresses of the same tone for girlfriends and a contrasting dress (you can take white) for the bride.

Master Class

Girlfriends at such a bachelorette party will help prepare accessories for the wedding. Hold this event at least 2 days before the wedding.

Organize a master class at home or sign up for a ready-made one, where professionals will teach you. To see the interest at the bachelorette party with all the girlfriends, these options will help:

  • Creating accessories for bridesmaids for the wedding;
  • Preparation of decorations for the wedding table;
  • Dance master class. Having learned the dance to your favorite motive, you will surprise and amuse the guests at the wedding.

Get the same accessories, for example: a veil, a veil, a bright bracelet, a headband. Then the festive atmosphere will be felt. It is desirable for the bride to dress for a bachelorette party in white.

Standard bachelorette party

Use ready-made celebration ideas if the bride and bridesmaids do not have time to come up with ideas.

home party

A home bachelorette party takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, watching children's photos or dreaming about a future life.

Treat your girlfriends with dishes from the delivery service or prepare cupcakes with a “surprise”: write funny predictions for each girlfriend and hide them inside. So the holiday will be remembered by everyone.

Create a collage in the form of a wish card (according to the principle) for the bride from old magazines. At the end of the party, each bridesmaid will share their ideas about the future life of the bride. For example, make it in the form of a presentation or a short video.

The home option will allow you to spend a bachelorette party inexpensively and save the nerves of your future husband - he will not have to worry about where and what you do.

Dress code ideas for a house party:

  • for girlfriends - pajamas, plain home overalls, ugg boots (all colors except white).
  • for the bride - white pajamas, white home overalls, white ugg boots.


The sauna used to be a popular place to celebrate a bachelor party, but now the girls celebrate the holiday there too. Ancient traditions advise choosing this celebration option, because all the rituals of farewell to the girl’s past life were carried out in the bathhouse. Use the old rituals to have a fun bachelorette party in the sauna.

Steam the bride well, then all past failures, sins and unnecessary memories will remain in a past life and be washed off the skin.

After that, the bridesmaids braid the bride's braids, while singing wishes for a happy future life.

Sauna dress code ideas are limited, so complete your bridesmaid and bridesmaid outfits with a veil. The bride's veil must be white, the bridesmaids are allowed any color except white.


Prepare in advance a list of the bride's favorite songs, or songs with which good memories are associated with the whole company.

Let the bridesmaids arrange a surprise: surprise the bride with a specially written song.

The dress code is the same for everyone, dress up in jeans and white T-shirts. Amuse the image of a boa made of feathers.

Complete the image of the bride with a white veil so that she stands out among the bridesmaids.

Night club or bar

When inviting a large number of strangers to a bachelorette party, it is better to avoid this type of celebration. Some guests may be shy and act awkward.

The option is suitable for "party girls": if the bride and bridesmaids love noisy companies, fun and loud music, then it will not be boring.

Dress code is free. Match the theme of the given party.

Limousine rental

One of the costly options for celebrating a bachelorette party. Take a photographer with you - just riding around the sights of the city is not interesting. It is unlikely that anyone will refuse to take original commemorative photographs.

For a daytime celebration, a floral print dress and a headband of flowers are suitable for girlfriends, for an evening celebration - black dresses and fishnet black eye masks.

The bride should choose a white or red plain dress. Complete the look with a fishnet mask for an evening celebration and a floral headband for a daytime celebration.


Suitable option for a small company.

After meeting with your girlfriends, take a walk around the city, take photos, and then relax during the procedures, drink tonic cocktails.

After the procedures, go home with the guests and continue the holiday in a relaxed atmosphere.

The bridesmaids dress up in jeans and white t-shirts with "bridesmaids" written on them. Complete the look with red lipstick.

The image of the bride is distinguished by the inscription on the T-shirt, make it double-sided. On the one hand - "bride", on the other - "I'm getting married."


An affordable option for those who dreamed of celebrating a bachelorette party by the sea.

In the water park, the bride and her bridesmaids will have fun and get a dose of adrenaline while riding crazy slides. During breaks, sit in a cafe on the territory of the water park and discuss the details of the wedding.

Don't bother with the dress code: everyone is dressed in swimsuits and in a good mood.

Competitions for a bachelorette party

After fun competitions, the bride and girlfriends will have something to remember.

"Hello Stranger"

Before the start of the bachelorette party, have fun in the company of strangers.

Props: cards with prepared tasks, bag.

The bride and her bridesmaids pull out the cards from the bag and complete the tasks.

Examples of street tasks for a bachelorette party:

  • Take phone numbers from five brunettes;
  • Kiss the blond on the cheek;
  • Scratch a man's elbow;
  • Take a photo with three men;
  • Convince a man to kiss his hand;
  • Get autographs from three men;
  • Shake hands with a man in a tie;
  • Persuade the bartender for a free cocktail;
  • Ask to touch the mustache of a man;
  • Ask a man to marry you;
  • Take a selfie with your dog.

With such questions, a cheerful bachelorette party will set the mood for the whole company.

"The bride's stash"

The task of the bride and bridesmaids is to sell things from the men's basket. Film this bachelorette party contest on video.

Props: a bottle of alcohol, socks, a flashlight, a pack of cigarettes, a shoehorn, a breath freshener, maps, a float, a tie, a video camera.

Hold the competition in a public place. The bride and bridesmaids sell items from the basket to the men and form the bride's stash.

"It will not work"

Competition for the best excuses for men.

Props: paper, pens.

All girls write down popular male excuses on a piece of paper. The winner is chosen by the bride.

"Secrets of the Groom"

The bridesmaids prepare the contest in advance. They ask the groom personally or by phone 10-15 questions about him. The answers are filmed.

At a bachelorette party, bridesmaids ask the bride questions about her lover, comparing her answers with the groom's answers in the video.

Props: camcorder, paper, pens, laptop or TV.

"The Bride Knowledge Test"

First the bride, and then the bridesmaids answer questions about the life of the bride.

For example:

  • What is the bride's favorite dress?
  • Why does the bride love the groom?
  • What did the bride dream of becoming as a child?

The girlfriend wins, whose answers match those of the bride.

Props: paper, pens.

What Not to Do to a Bride at a Bachelorette Party

  1. Bring men to the feast.
  2. Get involved in alcohol. A pregnant bride on a bachelorette party should not use it at all.
  3. Bringing a stripper to a bachelorette party without the consent of the groom. Warn your friends ahead of time.
  4. Emphasize that YOU are getting married - girlfriends remember the reason for the party.
  5. Show wedding dress. Keep the tradition of the bachelorette party and keep the outfit a secret.
  6. To provoke quarrels of girlfriends - refrain, they still have to go to the wedding together.
  7. Constantly being in touch with the groom is an evening spent with girlfriends. With my husband, I have my whole life ahead of me.

Gifts for a bachelorette party

Gifts are a pleasant reminder of a past bachelorette party. It is better to give a gift for a bachelorette party for the bride not from yourself, but from all those present.

Gifts for the bride

  1. Silk linens.
  2. A beautiful robe.
  3. Erotic lingerie.
  4. Umbrella for two.
  5. Tray for breakfast in bed.
  6. Cake for a bachelorette party with the bride's maiden name.
  7. Album with funny moments from life.
  8. Organization of a bachelorette party - if a bachelorette party is organized and paid for by girlfriends.
  9. Photoshoot.
  10. Bride and groom cartoon.
  11. A dream come true. It can be a horse ride, a parachute jump or swimming with dolphins - the bride will definitely not forget such a surprise for a bachelorette party.

Gifts for guests

Our ancestors at a bachelorette party cajoled friends and relatives with gifts in order to avoid damage and the evil eye on their part. Now gifts are given for a bachelorette party so that guests can leave something as a keepsake from the holiday.

  1. Thematic attributes of a bachelorette party: veils, bracelets, T-shirts, headbands.
  2. Cakes with the initials of each girlfriend.
  3. Wishes for a bachelorette party in verse for each guest.

When going to a bachelorette party, do not forget to bring a good mood and a willingness to have fun!