Even the popular Stihl is not eternal: once the teeth of the chainsaw wear out, which is easy to establish by the nature of the chips formed. With a blunt cutting edge, the chips turn out to be small, because the working edge does not cut, but crushes the wood. Naturally, the efforts expended by the operator increase sharply. It's time to sharpen the saw. How to do it right - choose the optimal technology, set what angle of sharpening the tooth should be and how to check it?

External signs of a blunted cutting edge of a chainsaw tooth

Recall that the chainsaw tooth has a complex configuration (see Fig. 1), which also depends on the direction of chain movement. It has two working edges: the side, which is located perpendicular to the axis of movement of the links, and the upper, located at a certain angle to the direction of movement of the chain. In addition, a limiter is provided on each tooth, the parameters of which determine the height of the chip being removed. Since the main cutting force falls precisely on the working angle, then all subsequent work with the tool will depend on which angle to sharpen the tooth.

Picture 1 - The functional parts of the chainsaw tooth and their appearance

Before starting long-term work with a chainsaw, it must be inspected and test sawed, as a result of which:

  1. Visually establish the presence (or absence) of a conical section adjacent to the corner of the tooth, as well as a radius rounding on it - the main signs of blunting (see Fig. 2).

Figure 2

  1. Check the feed force at which the tool works stably, with a fast cut. For sharp teeth, the initial moment of penetration of the tooth into the wood occurs quickly, and without significant material resistance.
  2. Find out the presence of chain vibrations during a steady cut - if they are noticeable, then the teeth must be sharpened.
  3. Examine the appearance of the just cut end (especially if the tool is used for ripping). In the presence of rough chips and dents, the chainsaw chain must be sharpened.

Sharpening angles and chainsaw tooth configuration

The cutting edge of the tooth is characterized by the following parameters:

  • Width;
  • Thickness;
  • Sharpening angle.

In addition, each tool model has its own tooth pitch, the value of which for household and semi-professional models is related to the power of the chainsaw, and the torque that the drive develops. For example, for rip sawing, the pitch is smaller (for example, 0.325 inches). The productivity of work will decrease, but the required effort will be significantly lower. The upper step values ​​for household chainsaws are extremely rarely taken, mainly when felling trees with a large trunk diameter. In this case, the motor power should not exceed 2500 watts.

The thickness of the cutting edge for most manufacturers of chainsaws is set to the same and equal to 1.3 mm (there are also edges with a thickness of 1.1 mm, but, firstly, they are extremely difficult to sharpen at home, and, secondly, such links are extremely little functional: they can only be used for sawing thin branches).

The height of the chain profile can be either 0.625 mm or 0.762 mm, and in the vast majority of cases, it is the low profile that is used for household gas tools. When sharpening limiters, this parameter is very important, because with a decrease in the height of excess values, the vibration of the tool during operation increases, although the quality of the cut remains satisfactory. Therefore, you should not get involved in reducing the height of the limiter when sharpening the tooth.

The chainsaw chain sharpening angle depends on the main purpose of the tool - for transverse or longitudinal sawing. Since the resistance of wood is always noticeably higher during longitudinal sawing, the tooth edge must also be very sharp. It is recommended to do it in the range of 6 ... 12 ° (for comparison - with the predominance of the transverse cut - up to 25 ... 30 °). Naturally, in the first case, sharpening should be done more often, and especially carefully, since the unacceptably small angle of inclination of the tooth contributes to its rapid chipping during chainsaw operation. This is especially important for links that are made of structural alloy steels containing silicon and manganese, for example, 40KhGS or 35KhGSA.

Chainsaw chain sharpening template

When purchasing a chainsaw, it is advisable to acquire a special template (see Fig. 3), with which you can easily set the optimal values ​​​​of the tooth angles. It controls the values ​​of the rear angles of the upper and end blades, as well as the front angle of the edge (it is indicated in the manufacturer's instructions, and can vary within 65 ... 80 °).

Especially important is the use of a template to evaluate the value of the back angle of the upper blade. This chainsaw chain sharpening angle is otherwise very difficult to determine, but meanwhile it must be maintained within rather limited limits - from 50 to 60 °.

The sharpening angle is measured by determining the angle between the upper cutting edge and a line perpendicular to the chain guide.

The angle of sharpening the chainsaw chain can be changed, depending on what work will be done. With increasing hardness of wood, its value should be less. In general, it is considered the optimal value of the angle of 10 ... 12 ° - for a longitudinal cut, and 25 ... 30 ° - for a transverse cut.

Picture 3 - Appearance of the template for sharpening chainsaw teeth

Sharpening can be done manually using a round file with a working diameter of 4 ... 5.5 mm, or on a machine. In the first case, it is extremely important to correctly position the tool relative to the tooth being sharpened. The upper edge of the working part of the file is located approximately one fifth above the upper edge of the tooth. The tool is placed perpendicular to the chain axis, and at an angle of 25 ... 30 ° to the upper edge of the tooth

One round file is not enough. To sharpen the limiter, you will need a flat file, and to clean the work site, a hook that removes the resulting sawdust. There are also special holders on sale, on which the lines of the direction of movement of the file relative to the axis of the chain are graduated. As can be seen from fig. 4, the holder can be installed on the tooth from above, and rest on its upper edge. Since the height of the holder is adapted to a certain chain pitch, it should be selected in relation to chainsaws of specific models and brands.

The minimum required set in order to obtain the correct chain sharpening angle by hand is shown in fig. 5.

Picture 5 - A set of sharpening tools and fixtures

First, the teeth are sharpened in one direction, and then in the other. Start with light pressing of the tool in the direction away from you, gradually increasing the load. During sharpening, a round file is periodically rotated along its axis.

Mechanized sharpening on the machine

Sharpening on the machine is much more convenient, and does not require high qualification of the performer. Such machines have an electric drive, and are equipped with special grinding wheels.

For a household workshop, it is worth purchasing compact units that do not take up much storage space and are suitable for quick and high-quality sharpening of chainsaw chains from different manufacturers. Such units must operate from a stationary 220 V power supply, have low power consumption (up to 100 W) and be easy to install on the circuit.

When choosing a machine, it is necessary to pay attention to the following technological characteristics:

  • Possibility of processing teeth with different thickness of the upper edge and different chain pitch;
  • The ability to adjust the angle of sharpening, within the limits indicated earlier;
  • Availability of replaceable grinding discs;
  • Constant cutting width.

The design of the machine is simple, and includes a drive motor, a shaft with a seat for a grinding disk, a handle with controls, and a device for attaching the machine to a chain. Adjustment of the pressing force on the element to be sharpened is provided by a spring clamp. Modern models of grinding machines are equipped with a differentiated clamp, which provides for self-centering of the product on the machine. For convenience of work on the body of the clamp there is a measuring scale.

Optionally, the machines can also be equipped with a miniature electric light bulb that illuminates the working area, as well as a hydraulic booster that facilitates sharpening.

The safety of work is ensured by a folding safety shield.

The use of a chainsaw in work on a summer cottage in our time is not a whim or a whim of the owner, but a vital necessity. Various works on the construction of a bathhouse or a garage, creative ideas for improving garden design, home repairs, and even more prosaic logging require the intervention of a chainsaw, and without it, they often turn into an almost insoluble problem.

But, like any tool, it needs care, one of the components of which is chain sharpening. So that the saw never fails its owner, he should literally “listen” to her work and learn to determine the moment when the chain needs to be sharpened.

You can notice quite a few signs that directly indicate the need to sharpen the saw chain. This is both a decrease in performance and an increase in fuel consumption. Another important distinguishing feature is the reduction in the thickness of the chips flying out of the cut. Don't wait until it looks like dust.

The intensity of saw chain grinding is directly proportional to the frequency of chainsaw use. The hardness of the material with which you have to work, the presence of knots, the danger of chain contact with the ground, with iron, stone, etc. also matters.

The longer the cutting process lasts, the more the chain is ground, respectively, the load on the body increases, which leads to wear of the drive and bar. It is not far from here to serious breakdowns that will require significant investments in repairs and replacement of spare parts.

The best solution in this case would be to use the services of a specialist who will do it professionally, using special equipment. But there may be a situation when it is not possible to use the help of specialists. Well, this is a good reason to learn how to sharpen the chain yourself.

Tools for work

To sharpen a chain at home, various sets are often used, consisting of files of different sections in combination with various devices - holders, gauges, templates, hooks.

    • round file - a tool necessary for processing the surface of the cutting tooth;
    • flat file - used for grinding the limiting tooth;
    • holder - a device that allows you to fix the file in the correct position with respect to the chain, setting a certain angle of inclination and the height of the protrusion above the edge of the tooth;
  • gauge - a tool by which the ratio of the height of the depth gauge to the height of the upper edge of the tooth is regulated;
  • template - a universal device that combines the functions of both holders and caliber;
  • hook - a device for cleaning teeth from sawdust.


To form the correct skill in using tools, sharpening the teeth of the chain is carried out following the sequence of steps:

1. The saw bar is fixed in a fixed position with a vise attached to a table or workbench.

2. A file of the right size is selected for the chain. Usually its diameter ranges from 4 to 5.5 mm.

3. The beginning of work is determined by a small tooth. All other chain teeth are adjusted to its size. It is recommended to mark the first tooth with a marker so as not to go around the second circle.

4. A template is applied to the device in such a way that the arrow coincides with the direction of movement of the chain.

5. With the help of a round file, movements are made along the cutting teeth in exactly one direction. The angle of the file is determined by the factory notches on the teeth.

6. Having sharpened the first tooth, go to the second. The operation is repeated for each subsequent tooth. For uniform sharpening, the same tool pressure and the same number of movements are used.

7. Then the chain is rotated 180 degrees and the process is repeated for the second half.

8. At the final stage, the restrictive teeth are ground to the desired height. This is done with a flat file. The difference in the height of the cutting tooth and the limiter tooth determines the depth of cutting of the wood. Its optimal value is from 0.5 to 0.8 mm.

The result of the work can be assessed positively if all the teeth of the chain are sufficiently sharp and, most importantly, the same height.

We sharpen on the machine

Sharpening a chain with a file is painstaking work, sometimes not effective enough - if an inexperienced person undertakes such work. The result in this case is not worth the effort.

It is much easier to change the file to a circle, manual labor to automatic. With the help of the machine, you can quickly and accurately sharpen the chain. Specialized machines can also help in cases where a large amount of work with a chainsaw is expected, and the time for sharpening the chain is limited.

Grinding machines are divided into two types: manual and automatic.

Automatic machines - pros and cons


  • circuits can be adjusted without much effort and in a short time;
  • automatic machines are safer and more efficient than manual devices;
  • power plants have a number of additional functions.


  • relatively high cost;
  • The power tool cannot be used in places where there is no power source.

Do-it-yourself chainsaw repair at home:

Manual machines

Such machines are divided into mobile and station. The principle of their work is similar to automatic machines.


  • indispensable for work in places where there is no power source;
  • relatively low cost.


  • all sharpening manipulations require manual effort;
  • sharpening and debugging the chain take a lot of time.

When choosing a machine, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • device power. It is selected according to the frequency of use of the chainsaw;
  • swivel head kit. Its presence simplifies the sharpening process.

Note: the main advantage of using machines is the ability to adjust by the smallest tooth, thanks to which all the teeth of the chain will be adjusted and sharpened to the same size.

Stages of working with the machine

The main thing in working with a grinding machine is to strictly follow the instructions and observe safety precautions. If we talk about the sequence of actions in brief, we can highlight several main points:

1. We install the saw in the machine. The teeth should point towards the grinding wheel.

2. Set the sharpening angle (usually 30°).

3. We select the control tooth (the shortest).

4. We sharpen it by setting the parameters.

5. Without changing the settings, we sharpen the remaining teeth.

6. After sharpening all the teeth, we carry out a purge, process with oil.

To go longer without sharpening, you need to learn a few simple rules:

  • new chain needs to be broken in. Produce it by scrolling the chain at low speed for a minute. In this case, the lubricant is evenly distributed over the parts, and the sprocket and chain are heated and rubbed against each other;
  • the new chain is incompatible with the old drive sprocket, and the old one, on the contrary, with the new one. After replacing 2 chains, the sprocket needs to be replaced;
  • the cut depth gauge must be correctly adjusted;
  • the chain must be well lubricated. In addition, without sufficient lubrication, the life of the chainsaw is significantly reduced.

Below, we suggest you watch a video about sharpening a chainsaw chain with your own hands:

The chain for the saw is a series-connected links with special cutting teeth. This headset is designed to be mounted on a chain saw. At home, it is not difficult to sharpen the chain on your own and correctly, but you must adhere to certain rules, as well as use special devices that can be home-made or factory-made.

Why and when you need to sharpen the chainsaw chain

Proper care and operation have a significant impact on the quality of the chainsaw and the performance parameters of such a tool as an electric saw. Specialists can sharpen the chain with high quality, but many owners of such equipment prefer to sharpen the headset themselves. Problems arising from untimely sharpening of the chain, may be as follows:

  • getting curved cuts;
  • increased fuel consumption;
  • increased wear of the main parts of the chainsaw and reduced life of the chain teeth.

A blunt chain often gets stuck in the cut, forms fine dust-like chips, and plunges into the cut with considerable effort. As a result, the time spent on sawing is greatly increased. If there are such signs, you can sharpen the chain with your own hands, using a special tool, or a machine. The headset is sharpened as early as possible, which minimizes metal grinding and extends the service life.

The structure of the teeth of the tool chain

If we consider the structure of the chain teeth in the example as a template, "then several important points can be observed:

  • teeth have a pair of edges: top and side;
  • the upper edge has an angular bevel in the direction of blade movement;
  • the cutting links are represented by the base, the tooth blade and the depth limiter;
  • the blade has a horizontal, falling at an angle, blade and end vertical blade;
  • chip thickness is determined by the difference, which is represented by the upper limit line and the front line on the backs of the teeth;
  • under standard conditions, the difference indicators can be in the range of 0.5-0.8 mm, but the optimal parameter is 0.6 mm;

  • each subsequent sharpening reduces the distance due to a decrease in the size of the upper edges of the teeth;
  • control cuts are made every six to eight sharpenings;
  • for ensuring the cutting properties of the chain, the angle of the upper edge of 50-60 ° and the rear angle on the end blade are responsible;
  • the front corner part is formed by the edge of the end blade and can be in the order of 60-85°.

Only a well-sharpened saw can ensure safe and highly productive work.

Chain sharpening: basic principles (video)

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home

The operating condition indicators are determined by the extension of the headset, as well as the appearance of the chips formed during the sawing process. In a well-sharpened saw, sawdust of the same size with the correct shape is formed during operation. Otherwise, you need to choose a sharpening method.

Machine tools and fixtures

Currently, manual sharpening and high-quality sharpening on the machine are used. Both methods have certain advantages and some disadvantages:

  • Bulgarian used for sharpening quite often, but it is important to control the sharpness of the chain, and lubricate the drive sprocket with machine oil. The tire is periodically rearranged in reverse, which will prevent one-sided abrasion. The advantages of the method include the absence of the need to remove the chain from the saw, and the ability to use a visual selection of the sharpening angle;

  • automatic machine involves sharpening in a chain based on several simple actions, including installing the saw in the machine, choosing the desired sharpening angle and turning on the saw engine at full power, as a result of which self-sharpening occurs on the emery stone of the machine;
  • manual machine easy enough to apply. At the first stage, the screw clamping the chain is loosened, after which the angle suitable for sharpening is adjusted and the maximum degree of sharpening is determined based on a visual inspection of the most dull tooth. After sharpening, blowing and processing with clean oil is carried out.

Step-by-step instructions for sharpening your own hands with a file

A file or sharpener allows you to sharpen quickly and make the chain sharp enough for the job. The diameter of the round file is selected depending on the chain pitch and varies between 4-5.2 mm. The cutter stops must be represented by a flat file. Among other things, you need to attach a template or pattern to the turning area that gives direction to the file.

Headset sharpening technology is simple, but must be carried out in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • strong fastening of the undermined chain;
  • sharpening at a certain, unchanging angle with the protrusion of the file over the back of the tooth by one fifth of the thickness;
  • the file stroke should be smooth and not strong, with idling during the reverse movement;
  • to minimize wear on one side, the file should be rotated periodically;
  • the file is held at a right angle to the vertical plane, and the horizontal angle varies within 10-30 °;
  • when grinding, you need to focus on the shortest tooth in the row.

The main disadvantage of such sharpening is a significant time investment, but the disadvantage is leveled by the lack of the need to purchase expensive equipment and special tools.

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with a file (video)

How to increase the life of the chain without sharpening

Chain saws are kept in good condition and Reliably serve for a long time only with careful maintenance:

  • chainsaws need to be refueled using a special oil, the concentration of which involves dilution with gasoline 92 or 95 in a ratio of 1:40 or 1:50;
  • before choosing a proportion, you need to carefully read the basic information on the label;
  • it is necessary to dilute a limited amount of the fuel mixture, and the unused volume must be disposed of;
  • it is important to periodically check the gap between the limiter and the edge of the tooth, and the standard parameters should be approximately 0.7 mm;
  • it is important to carry out the alternation of independent sharpening and machine sharpening with high-quality alignment of all corners;
  • periodically you need to rearrange the tire 180 degrees, which minimizes the risk of curvature and one-sided abrasion;
  • the drive sprocket is systematically lubricated immediately before using the chain saw in work;
  • for lubrication, you can use standard oil, which is poured into the tank together with gasoline, but the M8 brand has proven itself best.

It is required to control the tension indicators: there should be no excessive tight tension or sagging. The chain must lie flat on the bar groove.

There are several rules for perform chain saw work safely and as efficiently as possible:

  • before assembling the chain tool and installing the chain, it is important to familiarize yourself with the operating rules in the instructions, noting all its features;
  • work with electric saws is carried out in gloves and goggles;
  • work safety can be ensured by tight-fitting work clothes and reliable shoes;
  • work must be carried out in a stable and safe position;
  • the material to be cut must also be positioned as securely and steadily as possible.

The chain saw must be driven with two hands, constantly monitoring the process.. Installing a toothed stop on a log or beam is a guarantee of obtaining a high-quality saw cut. Before using a power tool, make sure that the power cord is intact.

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands (video)

Modern and high quality chainsaws, electric and cordless, as well as hand chainsaws are widely used in various works related to construction and woodworking. The performance and performance indicators of the work performed are directly dependent on the condition of the chain, so this headset must be kept in order and periodically subjected to correct, timely sharpening.

Proper use and care greatly affect the quality and performance of the tool. For comfortable work, you need to sharpen the chain on time. A blunt chain can be attributed to specialists or sharpened with your own hands, especially since the whole process is not particularly complicated. It is only necessary to acquire a certain skill, since the teeth on it have an unusual shape.

When to sharpen and how to find out about it

Problems that may arise due to untimely chain maintenance:

  • crooked cuts;
  • increased fuel consumption;
  • faster wear of the leading parts of the chainsaw and a reduction in its service life.

How quickly the teeth become dull depends on how often the tool is used and the conditions. It is enough just to hook the ground or stones a couple of times, and you will already need to sharpen the chainsaw chain.

Signs by which you can find out that the chain is blunt:

  • the tool tries to escape from the hands, gets stuck;
  • small chips are pouring, almost dust;
  • the saw deepens only with great effort;
  • cutting time increases.

In addition, blunt teeth can simply be inspected carefully. Even to the naked eye, signs of blunting will be noticeable.

The earlier the chainsaw chain is sharpened, the less metal is grinded, which means that it can last longer.

How and how to sharpen chain teeth

The saw chain teeth are irregularly shaped. They consist of a base, blade and depth gauge. The blade at the same time has a vertical blade and a horizontal one, falling at an angle. It is thanks to these blades that the chainsaw cuts wood. They work on the principle of a planer, cutting off pieces, and the limiter regulates their thickness (the difference in height between it and the horizontal blade will be the thickness of the chips). You can sharpen the chainsaw chain manually or using a machine.

Sharpening sets

One of the most common ways is with a set of round and flat files, a holder, a stopper template and a hook used to remove the sawdust. For the correct location of the holder, special markings are applied to it, allowing you to determine the correct angle for sharpening. It is installed on the upper part of the tooth and the limiter, while the round file remains under it and is located just near the blade. Thanks to the file holder, the file is at the correct height, more precisely, it protrudes 1/5 above the blade. To sharpen the cutting tooth, only round files are used, since the contour of the tooth has a rounded shape.

Kits must be purchased according to the chain pitch. Do not use the same sharpening kit for different chains.

Before you start sharpening the chainsaw chain at home, the tire must be fixed in a vise or with a clamp, the main thing is that the saw does not move during processing. Having installed the holder according to the markings, they begin smoothly and without too much pressure, move the file strictly away from you 2-3 times. Similar actions are repeated with all other teeth. The file needs to be turned over from time to time so that there is no one-sided wear. The pressure force and the number of movements for all should be the same, this is necessary for uniform sharpening of all teeth. If they are different, then cracks may form in the chain, which will lead to its breakdown.

To make it more convenient to work, the teeth are first sharpened on one side, and after them the saw is turned over and the teeth are aligned on the other.

Sharpening begins with the smallest tooth, so that the length of all the others is the same with it. After the work on processing the blades is completed, they move on to the limiters. A template from the kit is installed on top of the chain in such a position that the limiter is in the hole. The protruding part is ground with a flat file.

The video shows an example of how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with a file:

There is another set, which instead of a holder, has one template, both for sharpening the blade and for grinding the limiter. Install it so that the chain falls into the holes. After that, a round file is placed on top of the rollers and brought under the blade. During sharpening, you need to make sure that it is always parallel to the side edges of the template.

There are 2 separate holes for the limiter, labeled Soft, which means for soft wood, and Hard for hard wood. The protruding part of the slot is ground with a flat file.

Sharpening is carried out only from oneself and with smooth movements, the number of the latter should be the same for all teeth.

This system allows you to sharpen the chain in a few seconds without even removing it from the bar. Includes PowerSharp chain, abrasive bar, guide bar and sharpener. In order to sharpen the chain with it, you will need to do the following 3 steps:

  • install the PowerSharp bar and chain;
  • fix the timber inside the grinding device, after which it is installed on the tire;
  • the end of the chainsaw is rested against an object and launched for a couple of seconds.

The video below shows in more detail how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands using this system:

Manual and electric machines

If the teeth have been heavily worn and the cutting blade has lost its shape, it will take a long time to align them manually. In this case, a manual machine or an electric one with a grinding wheel is usually used. The first type of device has the form of a bow saw with a round file. Machines are stationary and mobile, which can be installed directly on the bus.

To set the necessary parameters, start with the smallest tooth. After all the teeth are sharpened and aligned, the round file is replaced with a flat file to sharpen the stops.

The advantage of electric machines is that the disc is brought directly under the blade being sharpened. In addition, the quality of sharpening in this case is guaranteed and all the teeth will be the same size.

The video below shows an example of sharpening a chainsaw with your own hands using an electric machine.

The blades are always sharpened first, and only then the limiters.

The angle of sharpening can be changed - it depends on the purpose of the appointment. A smaller angle is used for cutting hardwood, and a larger one for softwood. In any case, it should be between 25° and 35°. A 10° angle is used for chains intended for longitudinal cutting.

The beginning of autumn cleaning in the garden or the preparation of firewood for the winter is due not only to a large amount of physical work, but also to the presence of high-quality, and, most importantly, sharp tools.

Therefore, each person begins to check his working equipment, including a chainsaw, which, during use in the previous season, could become dull and will have to be sharpened. How to do this and what is needed for this, we will try to figure it out in more detail.

Features of chainsaw chain sharpening

Many owners of cottages and private housing construction do not even think about how to sharpen the saw chain with their own hands, as they know that you can contact the nearest service center for such a service, where the issue will be resolved in a matter of minutes.

But what to do for those people who live in a small village where there are no such services, but specifically go to the nearest city for this expensive, long and inconvenient.

In general, there are enough reasons for self-sharpening the chainsaw chain and therefore you need to deal with the features of this process. That is, learn how to sharpen a worn chain with your own hands at home.

Why you need to sharpen chains

In principle, such a question does not require clarification, since everyone is well aware that working with a blunt tool is long and inconvenient, but besides this, there are other aspects of the problem that are known only to specialists.

Plus, according to the technology of operating chainsaws, any work should begin only with sharpened chains, since when sawing wood with a blunt tool, not only efficiency decreases, but also greatly chainsaw mechanisms wear out.

Simply put, when starting any work, the chainsaw chain must be sharp, and the tool itself must be in good condition. According to professionals, a sharpened chain is much more important than the power of the tool's motor.

The chainsaw sharpening procedure itself is not too complicated even with your own hands, of course, with a certain experience and tool. However, one must also take into account features of the geometry of the teeth chains, which greatly complicates the work.

Why does tool dull?

You can figure out that the chainsaw has become dull not only by reducing the cutting speed, but also by the appearance of vibration, which is transmitted to the hands of a person. A high intensity of work can contribute to the rapid blunting of the chain.

Very often, in the process of harvesting a large amount of firewood in the forest, tool sharpening is performed several times a day. The main reason for this is a large amount of processed material and other related factors: knots in wood, chainsaw touching the ground and other solid elements.

Working with a blunt chainsaw can cause serious problems that are associated not only with a decrease in efficiency, but also with an increase in fuel consumption and, even worse, destruction of the tire and other parts of the tool due to vibration.

Such problems can lead to serious repairs or the need to purchase a new tool, the cost of which is difficult to attribute to the budget.

To avoid such troubles with a gasoline sawing mechanism, it is necessary to carry out regular instrument maintenance. A blunt saw chain will quickly manifest itself with a sharp decrease in the speed of the work being done, an increase in the load on the chainsaw, a high level of vibration, and, most importantly, small chips will begin to fly out of the cut of the tree.

Also, the problem is indicated by the darkening of the chips, which is 100% evidence that the time has come to sharpen the tool.

Do-it-yourself chain sharpening rules

If a person wants to learn how to sharpen a chainsaw chain correctly, so that at the end of this process the tool functions like a new one, it is important to follow certain rules:

Also, in the process of sharpening a chainsaw, you need correctly place the file in relation to the plane of the tooth so that the tool is located at an angle of 90 degrees to vertical surfaces and approximately 10-30 degrees to horizontal planes.

How to sharpen a saw chain with a file

Using a standard file greatly complicates the sharpening process and therefore it is advisable to buy a tool kit in the kit, which includes: round and flat files, as well as a hook element for cleaning the chainsaw.

The use of such a tool is convenient because it has marked with a special landmark, which allows the chain to be sharpened as correctly as possible. The insert will rest on the depth gauge and on the top line of the cutting teeth, allowing the file to sit under the cutting edges.

So, for the correct sharpening of the chainsaw chain, you need to watch an informative video and follow a certain sequence of work.

  1. The tire is carefully but firmly fixed and suitable files are selected.
  2. Sharpening begins in such a way that the round file protrudes above the cutting edge of the tooth by no more than 1/5.
  3. The movement of the file must be in one direction.
  4. After several sharpenings, the cut limiter needs to be adjusted.

If we consider the general sequence of sharpening the saw, then it consists in the following actions:

  • installation of a chain brake;
  • tool installation according to the template;
  • mark of the initial tooth so as not to perform circular sharpening;
  • direct sharpening.

Technical features of the grinding process

If a person is the owner of a professional tool, then constantly sharpening his chain with his own hands is highly undesirable. Such activities are allowed only in case of emergency.

In other cases, it is better to entrust the work to professionals or use a special machine. But if a person took up a file, then it is advisable to watch a video on how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands, and also follow the recommendations of professionals:

  1. Don't put too much pressure on the file. It is important to do all movements smoothly and accurately.
  2. It is necessary to perform constant turning of the file. This allows not only to make the sharpening of the teeth more uniform, but also to reduce the wear of the file.
  3. The chain teeth must be sharpened sequentially.
  4. It is convenient to sharpen the teeth first in one direction and then in the opposite direction.
  5. For each cutting element of the chain, the same pressure and the same number of file movements are important. Thanks to this, the sharpening of the chain will be uniform.
  6. If the chain teeth are unevenly ground, then the element with the minimum height is the reference point.

The presence of teeth of different sizes in the chainsaw chain will lead to to rapid wear and frequent breakdowns all parts of the instrument.

Sharpening the sawing tool on the machine

It is far from always possible to make high-quality sharpening of the chain of the sawing mechanism yourself with the help of a round file. Very often, uneven wear of the cutting teeth occurs, and it will not work to manually adjust them to the same size. Therefore, for this purpose, it is better to use an electric or manual grinder.

The complex mechanism of such a grinding device allows quickly and efficiently sharpen chainsaws. By adjusting the tool for the smallest tooth, the entire chain is sharpened uniformly, which allows for high-quality sawing of wood in the future.

First of all, perform control sharpening one cutting element, which will be a template. Further, without changing the setting, the remaining teeth are sharpened. If you have such a machine in your arsenal, the problem of sharpening the chainsaw chain with your own hands will be removed for a long time. But before starting work, it is advisable to watch the video of the grinding process and follow the rules for the work.

  • The saw chain clamp adjusting screw is loosened.
  • The saw is fixed on the grinder so that the direction of the grinding stone is directed towards the chain links being sharpened.
  • The correct sharpening angle is set, which initially corresponds to 30 degrees. The exact parameters are determined by the features of the tool chain.
  • For sharpening, several methods are used - sequential and through the tooth, which is much more practical, since it takes much less time and does not allow mistakes.

Looking at the video, the process of sharpening the saw chain with your own hands, you can come to the conclusion that there is nothing supernatural in this. However, if there is no self-confidence, then you can always seek help from professionals, which will save time and nerves of the tool owner by doing all the work quickly and efficiently.