You know that 99 out of the 100 richest Russians according to Forbes magazine have children? Read more about this below.

Are you satisfied with your work, family relationships, health, internal condition? In the life of each person there are various problems, but many difficulties can be avoided if you act in accordance with the right life values.

Now I will tell you about 8 life values \u200b\u200band how their satisfaction affects the level of happiness.

8 life values

1. Spiritual development. This is your moral condition and actions, understanding life values.

2. Family close. Your relationship with the second half, relatives, friends.

3. Health, sport. Your well-being. Regularity in general surveys can also be attributed to this section, since many diseases can proceed asymptomatic to the very last stage.

4. Financial position. Satisfaction with material status.

5. Career. Career and Finance are divided by t. For many, self-realization in the career is more important than income for whom, on the contrary.

6. Rest, emotions.

7. Self-development.

8. Environment. People with whom you often communicate, at work and in other public places.

If you want, then you can add other life values.

Priorities in life values

The maximum efficiency and level of happiness experienced is achieved at 2 conditions:

Your life values \u200b\u200bare correct;

You as close as possible to the uniform satisfaction of all life values.

Now we will analyze these 2 conditions and begin with the first: right life values. Each vital value has its own priority.

The main life value is spiritual development, i.e. your moral condition. The importance is that negative deeds do not affect all areas of life: health, rest, finance, etc. The reason is that bad actions create a conflict with yourself, or rather, with your conscience. Remember how you felt after a quarrel. Irritability, headache, stress, etc. - the result of any negative emotion.

All bad deeds conflict with your conscience, as a result, stress hormones are produced.that lower immunity worsen your mood, etc. If you make good actions from a moral point of view, then hormones have been producing happiness, which strengthen the body's forces and increase the mood, which, in turn, affects all other areas of life.

Denote the main vitality from above.

2nd in the degree of importance value - family. The problems in the family in the same way as in the values \u200b\u200bof "spiritual development" strongly affect all areas of life, the principle is about the same.

3rd in importance. Value: Health, which also affects everything else. Priorities for other values \u200b\u200bmay vary depending on your type of personality.

Confirming facts from Forbes about success

Many may have doubts about the above priorities, so I will give the facts. Forbes magazine is known to everyone, which annually publishes lists of the richest people in the world. In one of the magazines I found the following interesting fact: in the list of 100 richest Russians according to Forbes, I only counted 9 divorced men, 1 unmarried, the rest are married. But the most interesting, attention that 99 out of 100 have children, even in divorced, reception or their own. At the same time, the average data for all married men in Russia is significantly less, you yourself understand this.

It turns out that the most successful men are married and who have children. This is the fact of statistics.

How do you like this align? It seems to be the opposite, according to the logic of a modern person, the more you work to achieve success, the less time for everything else. Why is lonely men and women so hard to achieve success? Why do they have to work more and it turns out to be achieved?

So, according to statistics in marriage you have more chances to realize your desires. But let's try to understand why this happens, because the family and children require time, care, efforts!

We are so arranged that with good actions in blood, hormones of joy (dopamine, serotonin, etc.) is thrown into the blood. Remember how you felt when they had invaluable help to another person. You can look at the faces of people who work in charitable foundations, even on photographs immediately it becomes clear that they feel much happier than others.

Caring for others, in particular, about the family, children greatly reduces susceptibility to stress, because our brain can not think about several situations at once, it works consistently. What does this mean? And when we want to help someone, positive thoughts of help do not give to develop negative emotions. If thoughts on how to help the neighbor would not be, then the void fills the experiences and negative emotions.

That is why after a divorce, so often people start drinking and fall into other harmful favors, they are simply becoming more susceptible to the negative. And family people, on the contrary, are less proud of, they are offended, they are sick, it happens because when a person about someone cares, his moral state is improving.

That is why the family can help not only get the emission of hormones of happiness: endorphins, but also reduce the production of stress hormones, replacing negative thoughts positive.

Success and moral condition

The foundation of success is your moral condition. It is clear to everyone that people avoid cooperation with proud, arrogant, evil people and, on the contrary, stretch to interact with calm, polite, kind. Therefore, the most important value is spiritual development that improves your moral condition and reduces the negative actions. As a result, less conflict with conscience and less negative thoughts that adversely affect the emission of stress hormones.

I will share your experience, I go to the Orthodox Church, regularly confess and communion. It helps to improve moral condition, remove negative thoughts and feel happier.

The family gives a person the possibility of faster spiritual development, since the care of the neighbor makes a person better, its moral state is improving, the acts become correct. Therefore, family and relationships with close 2nd importance vital value.

Priorities allow you to make a more accurate analysis and help you better understand what needs to be done to make life changed for the better. For example, satisfaction with financial position should not be higher than satisfaction with spiritual development. Or career satisfaction should not be higher than satisfaction with family relationships. That is, on the wheel of life, it is necessary not only to pull up your demanding needs, but also ensure that less priority vital values \u200b\u200bhave not grown above more priority.

Often, people work where they do not like. And every day, unloved work brings more and more disappointments and spoiled mood. Often the reason is neither bad job and even a bad worker, but the fact that they do not fit together. If approaching the choice of work and lifestyle in accordance with your life values, then you will be more successful in any area.

How to evaluate life values

Success criterion in life - the level of happiness experienced. Perhaps everyone wants to be happy. The more you satisfy your life values, the happier you will feel. But to understand where to start - you need to know at what stage of satisfaction your current life values.

Now is the time to appreciate your life values. To get started, take a piece of paper and draw a circle, then divide it into 8 parts, spending 4 lines through the center. In the center of the circle, put zero - this is your point of reference. Each of 8 axes are divided into 10 parts, touched by risks. There will be zero in the center of the circle, and along the edges at the intersection of lines with circle 10.

Sign every cross-line crossing described above, 8 life values.

Ask yourself the question: Are you satisfied with how you worked on improving your health, family relationships, etc. For each item, rate your degree of satisfaction on a 10-point scale and mark on each axis.

It is important to supplement that the question needs to be asked not to satisfaction at all, but to how you worked on each sphere. It is important not the ultimate goal, but your desire and movement to it.

I will explain why: Life is constantly limiting us in something and there are situations where it is not possible to achieve, but you can achieve satisfaction from invested labor. For example, a person has no leg, of course, everyone would like to have full limbs, but so far it is impossible, so if such a person will point out a low result on the axis, this will demotivate it, since he wants, but can not .

And if you put your movement to the goal on the wheel of life, for example, a person without a leg is trained every day, so that on an artificial leg feel as natural and indicates the high numbers on the axis health, it will motivate it to further workouts. Therefore, 10 points for each axis are the value of the maximum result that you can achieve exactly, and not someone else in this life situation.

As a result, you should get a figure like a circle. If this fails, then see all the areas of life. First of all, it is necessary to satisfy the most lagging life values, since. saturate the base level is always easier than the higher, i.e. so that the uniform circle. In addition, the balance in life is extremely important for a person. Only balanced life will bring happiness.

Now you know how much your vital values \u200b\u200bcoincide with the real state of affairs and what you need to change first.

It is necessary to identify life values \u200b\u200bregularly, draw a circle of life at least once a month, better once a week.

The figure to which you need to strive - a circle. When you define your life values \u200b\u200band the degree of their implementation, it will be much easier to express priorities in affairs, your life will become more balanced, you will feel happier.

P.S. If you have difficulties or questions on the article read, as well as on topics: Psychology (bad habits, experiences, etc.), sales, business, time management, etc. Please ask them, I will try to help. There is still advice on Skype.

P.P.S. You can also pass online training "How to get 1 hour of extra time." Write comments, your additions;)

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Why do you need priorities in life? Imagine that priorities are your guys in the ocean of life. Having relying on them, you hold the course and do not "hang out" in you who are unnecessary directions. If there are no buoys, you may not notice how deeply deep water floated or stranded. In practice, the question of the priority arrangement arises when a person is interested in. Each of us periodically spends time for insignificant or not included in his plans to occupy, take it from truly important affairs. Preparations of priorities, you can organize life, effectively manage not only with your time, but also efforts. Knowing what is worth investing, but what - no, you optimize your activities that will speed up and will allow you to be less distracted towards them.

The human life consists of several important areas, they can vary, but, in general, most of us are the same:

A family. Includes relatives, children and personal relationships.

Work. This is the immediate duties, communication with colleagues, part-time.

Study. Receiving education, trainings and seminars, advanced training.

Society. With friends, like-minded people, neighbors and acquaintances.

If you find it difficult to determine which areas of you have a high priority, and which are low, use the way to determine priorities with a diary. It consists in the following: at the end of each day in a notebook or notebook it is necessary to record the main event of the day. Just remember everything that happened per day, you do not need to assign negative or positive evaluations to events, just choose the most significant one and write down. Next, place the sphere of life to which it relates. Wearing a diary within a month, choose the main event of the week, and then - just a month. The spheres of life in which the largest number of major events (2-3) occurred are priority for you.

In order to determine the weaknesses of how you manage the time, we also advise you to choose the most meaningless occupation of the day, weeks and months. A meaningless occupation is that the definition of "empty time spending" is suitable. Thus, in just a month you will receive priority areas and subferred lives that need to be given the maximum amount of time and strength, and less significant spheres whose time can be "selected". How to do it?

Learn to postpone the case "In a long box"

A strange principle for material on how to rationally spend time and effort, but believe me, such an approach, if it is properly used, brings noticeable results. It is about postponing less important things to engage more significant, and not to idle. For example, you spend a lot of time on correspondence with friends and acquaintances on social networks, by e-mail and instant messaging services. If this correspondence does not apply to work, it simply eats up your time without bringing any significant benefit. How to return this time yourself and spend it with benefit?

  1. Do not go to Skype and ICQ, if, of course, you do not teach. :-) If you are offline all the time, no one can write to you, and you will not have a temptation to greet the next friend on the correspondence.
  2. Take yourself a rule to respond not to all messages, but for every fifth, who came from one person (if you can not answer at all). So you will not lose contact with people and give them to understand that you do not have time for the chatter.

If you have classes that do not bring any pleasure and benefit, but have become a kind of responsibilities, like the weekly visit to relatives or a visit to the "Saturdays" in the yard. Just stop doing it. Post aside these duties in such a long box, from which they do not get out, and you will free up a lot of time and effort for truly important activities. We do not advise you to "score" on the family, but the elderly relatives who have nothing happened in life can be visited once every three weeks, it will not change anything substantially.

And last: if you caught and ready to work dinner and knowing some kind of project, giving him all strength and time, but daily routine responsibilities try to distract you - do not give in. Party from friends or washing windows will not go anywhere and next week, and inspiration is a valuable thing and not coming on schedule.

Hello, dear friends. Do your plans fall due to lack of time? Sometimes it happens that life turns into an infinite "Groundhog Day". All the forces go to the solution of domestic issues, and the rest does not reach the rest. The wave rolling depression, the voltage will be copied ... What to do? Get out of the vicious circle. How? Now consider specific examples of life priorities and human principles. Why in such a "coupling"? To plan properly, you need to understand what to do the emphasis. Let's proceed.

We put priorities

Duight David Eisenhower - 34th US President. To cope with your duties, he had to invent his own technique. The president drew a square and divided into 4 cells. On the edges there were two scales. They determined how important it is important and urgent. If you want to use the Eisenhuer Matrix as a tool for prioritization, you should get acquainted with each "quarter" more.

1. It is important and urgently

What you need to do right now. Tasks in the cell can be divided into 2 main groups: related to health and safety and emergency situations that create obstacles.

To be clearer, I will give a few examples. With a serious illness, care for yourself should go to the fore. The same applies to the extreme degree of fatigue. Sometimes leisure or entertainment may be needed. The repair of the equipment is another lesson that is worth contributing to the square.

Why is this main cell? First recall what priority is. In the literal translation, this means "first". In the top of the queue we put those tasks that are urgent. For them you need to take here and now. What if things are more important? Take them forward, bypassing the rest.

2. It is important, but not urgently

Key square. Before you get to the main cell, it is usually jammed for a long time here. For example, it often leads indifference to their own health. The man is disturbing the symptoms, but he postponing the hospital to the latter. If you do not take yourself to Izor, it will not come to depletion. From breakdowns of equipment, too, you can also progress.

It is this part that teaches how to express priorities correctly. In time, take care that the condition is not critical. Do not launch tasks! There is enough time on them, but should not relax.

Examples of classes from the second group:

  • regular visit to the gym
  • establishment of relationships with customers, family, acquaintances, etc.
  • planning a work project, work on it.

3. Urgently, but not important

Not always everything goes according to our plan. New priorities may arise literally from nowhere. This is normal. Here we will impose those tasks that do not tolerate deposits, but are not key. For example, unexpected guests.

Often, things from the third and first cell are confused. This is the main problem of identifying life priorities. Arguments sound quite logical: once this question must be solved quickly, it means that it is important. It should be distinguished by the importance of urgency!

The boss asked to call the ordinary client? You need to take care in the near future. However, the task is not so burning. Similar things are desirable to redirect others. For example, "Pass" a call to someone from the subordinates. If you want to find a new artist, think for whom this action is more important than for you. Who would record it in the first square?

4. Not important and not urgently

There are entertainment. They should pay attention, but in moderation. Miscellaneous events are kept in a tone and give to relax, but distract.

Ideally, the first cell should be empty. Why? Completely express priorities - it means to be able to keep everything under control. As soon as something fell into the main square, consider that you did not cope. Sometimes the "Accidents" gives a confluence of external circumstances, but these are rare cases. In addition, most such problems can be defended in advance.

Objectives depend on the principles. Someone throws all the forces on career growth, someone tries to succeed in relations. I suggest familiarizing yourself with the installations that help grow in general.

Life principles

The authors of the Methodology rarely pay due attention to the functions of the worldview in a person's life. From temperament, character and gaze on what is happening. Different people will give a different priority to the same case. And they will be right! Everyone has their own opinion. For someone, communication with parents is an important part of life, and someone, alas, forgets about the roots. Some attend the church once a week, for others the issue of religion goes to the far background.

What are the life principles? I will tell you about the most important. They affect all spheres: from work to family.

1. Kindness. Do you think that around too much evil and injustice? Mohandas Gandhi claimed: "You must change myself what you want to see in the changed world." However, it is better to watch the film "Pay another", which clearly shows the importance of mercy.

2. We are much. Does it seem to you that everything flies into the abyss? Look around. Surely there is someone who will support you. To seek help to others when you can't cope myself, not ashamed. We love to close in the "shell". This also applies to everyday issues.

3. courage. Of course, do not forget about rationality. No need to go in advance only because of the rebar essence. Just do not be afraid to take for a new one, try to "break through", even if others do not work. Probably, they just do not try. Make your own table 50 goals in life and strive for them. Drive records in the diary of desires, follow progress. About how to properly set goals, I have already told.

4. Live hereby. Past is an experience, the future is the distant prospects that should work. It happens that preceding events drive us into a vicious circle. Moral injuries make it stop and run in the wheel. This will not lead to anything. You can hope for the future, but you can not breathe by them, forget about reality. Otherwise, such a desirable prospects are simply collapsed.

5. Look for the relationship. Constantly analyze yourself and others. I mentioned that environmental errors greatly save strength and time. Try to understand not only the world, but also yourself.

6. Learn. It's never too late to learn something or master the new skill. The oldest student in the world Alan Stewart received a diploma in 97 years! No need to prematurely put a cross on yourself. Age - only numbers in the passport, and not a sentence.

7. Love. It is also natural how to breathe. Without love for family, children and partner, life turns into existence. Do not be afraid to trust. Unfortunately, sometimes our feelings betray, but it is worth perceiving it as a life lesson. Let me remind you that you can not live last!

Such system is a purely individual thing. You may have other installations. The main thing is that they are. What should be the vital priorities of a person and how to decompose them on the shelves? Hope you are ready to answer this question. And what is your most important principle? To new meetings!

Invangible Woman usually tries to have time to "live", (take a walk, make repairs, like, etc.), I do not understand what it is necessary for what exactly do she need to do it?! 😕 She spends a bunch of time, supposedly for convenience, success, development, on self-realization, ...

And it is not even months, girls !!! And the years! 🙆 And when I ask her, "Why are you doing so many years that it does not bring you the desired tangible result?", In response, I often hear a phrase, like, "on errors learn ... The miracle does not happen ...", ... khm, oooopay But then why these errors are needed, if there is no ability to take them as experience and, at the time of the next "loss", not disappointed, but to remove the lesson?
But here, tell me where in a woman there are contradictions leading to self-deception, which makes her hurry to live? Thoughtful? I will share with you - from there, from where the woman takes confidence that the most important thing in her life has not yet happened, it is ahead. ... !!! Oh, mom ... incorrectly arranged priorities !!!

How much can you live in some future, where subconsciously, you still hope for a miracle, and do not see the most important thing in your present? Miracle is happening now !! You are a miracle))) ☺ - study yourself! I know what I'm talking about, years of unsuccessful life - it is extremely sad, believe me!

Authoritative methods allow everyone in just 7 days in the format of individual practice to come to what you can't come to the years ... Look for yourself as a person! Look for opportunities, knowledge, teachers! Develop, and more often ask yourself, what is more important for you now? And answer honestly! Next, everything is simple - act! 😘 And life will become rich, timely, satisfying! 👏👏👏 Speed \u200b\u200byou!

Marina Targakova:

The most important thing is that a woman wants from a man is a sense of security. This is housing security, and financial security, and the safety of her as a wife and mother of his children. A woman is entitled to demand it. A man owes her to give it, otherwise what's the point of marrying.

The science of love implies to learn to give freedom, learn to rejoice at your loved one, learn to forgive, learn not only to not demand anything from your loved one, but not even wait for nothing in return on your love.
You need to think about your beloved better, "drawing" him, and not to expose all its shortcomings, because what kind of niche man you will answer, he will take it, and really will become so.

What should be priorities in a woman in life?


A woman should put her husband in his first place in his first place. The daughter is born, the mother is tied to her. So, the daughter will be overwhelmed, but feminine, in general, normally. If the boy is born, then it becomes weak and capricious in this case. And the husband becomes disadvantaged. Head can receive love from children, relatives, girlfriends, because she is a generator of this love itself. But a man is not a source of love. He consumer in this regard. He gets the main energy of love from his wife.

If the wife switched to the child, he does not get anything. As a result, he has three options: 1) Find another, 2) Start drinking, 3) Switch to work. But the man in this case will still overtaken, because at home it is necessary to somehow relax. That is, as soon as the woman made the basis of his child's life, the family begins to fall apart. The husband is not satisfied, the child will be selfish. Therefore, a woman should know that her desire to give her life to a child is a loop that leads her to the destruction of the family. Because she must first take care of the husband, and in the second already about children. If the mother cares more about his father, then the children will respect the Father. If the mother cares more about them, then they will not respect the father.

Earlier, I already wrote about how the Jansk world affects the female nature. But even if you understand how your lifestyle has a negative effect on your health, it does not mean at all that you immediately change your life. Why does it happen: we want one, and do something completely different?

Question priorities

Do you know that your priorities have the most active impact on your life. What does it mean? You may want to dance, draw, do the needlework, do household and educate children. However, if these dreams and desires are not your priorities (and most often this is exactly what happens - our dreams are just a dream), then you will do anything, just about what you dream about.

And for women, such a placement of priorities is much more destructive than for a man. After all, making money - male duty. And the motivator for a man (in contrast to the woman) is not so much the need as a sense of responsibility for himself and his family. Thus, a man does not go into incision with her essence.

In the case of a woman, a different situation is obtained. As a rule, women are going to their desires and dreams away, deeper, bringing yourself to sacrifice. Unloved, but highly paid (or at least payable) work, an uncomfortable schedule - this is exactly what a woman attracts for which the priority becomes survival. Permanent stress, tension and discontent lead to apathy, fatigue and irritability. After all, a similar life comes against the essence of a woman.

In such a state, the woman stops seeing even the opportunity to do some beloved thing, somehow enter it into this life. After all, she is not up to such nonsense - it is necessary to provide a family.

What makes the change of priorities

I was convinced of my personal experience that the change of priorities is very and very beneficial to life. For a while, my main priority was survival. It was necessary to pay for the apartment, I wanted to buy a delicious food, beautiful clothes, high-quality cosmetics. Therefore, I worked on a good job, in a good office, with good people. And everything would be nothing, but I just wanted to me at all.

And I wanted to dance, knit, sew, write, photograph. I tried hard to enter all these hobbies in my schedule. But the fatigue accumulated during the day and the week did not allow this long and productive. Everything was urabs.

And then I revised my priorities. I realized that it is more important for me to get enough sleep, be free from office chart and do what I really wonder and brings pleasure.

Care from the office made it possible to finally make a big step forward on the path of its development. I got what I had long dreamed of - the life I had to manage myself. This does not mean that it has disappeared to pay for expenses, just now it is done with joy and pleasure and enough enough for everyone and that's it.

Life is really worth to devote her to his dream.

What is important for a woman in life: five priorities each of us has their own vision of female happiness: someone dissolves in children, someone in work, someone in taking care of themselves. Today we will talk, which is important for a woman in life, because if the priorities are exhibited incorrectly, there is a chance of unpleasant surprises.

For example, if you spend all your time with children, your husband is offended, if you disappear at work - the children will grow deprived of attention, which will turn into difficult relationships of adolescence, etc. What should women stand in the first place so that life is harmonious?

1. Health The main duty of a woman is to be healthy. Sick wife or mom will not make anyone happy. Only a healthy woman is welcome, loved, gentle and caring. Caring for his health should be the main work: get rid of bad habits; Normalize meals (more than fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products, less meat and flour); Exercise: Dancing, Pilates, Fitness, anywhere, if only brought pleasure; Watch out for emotions, do not be nervous and do not take criticism to heart. Remember! In the end, any criticism is a subjective opinion, and it should not be interested in.

2. Attraction Any woman is beautiful, it is important to prove it to yourself, get rid of the complexes. If a woman is confident, she likes his own reflection in the mirror, she will appeal to both a man. What is needed for this? Not much: attend the beauty salon as necessary; Buy yourself comfortable and beautiful clothes, do not spare money for her; Do not be aggressive - a woman in malice can not be attractive; Smile more, give light and heat around, beauty should be not only external, but also internal.

3. Being a spouse yes, my wife is not the most important thing, it's like one of the roles of a woman. The right, reliable, wise, interesting, understanding, "cozy" and beautiful is the wife that in priority three of the above item.

4. Self-development to learn is never late. Try to sit less in social networks, and in your free time, deal with useful things, because with a woman who is looking for something is looking for, learns, learns, there is always something to talk about. Read as much as possible; See movies with meaning; Reveal the creative potential: Sing, draw, knit.

5. What is important for a woman in life: to be a mother today is considered correct and obligatory to abandon their desires for children. As a result, we received a generation of fragmented egoists. Psychologists have proven that moms who, above all care about themselves and about her husband, children are more obedient and attentive. Remember. Children always and at all times raised on the examples, on what they see, first of all, in the family. As soon as the mother understands it, the grave work on the education of the offspring becomes a pleasant and easy job. Summing up Love yourself, correctly exhibit women's priorities and there will be happiness to you and your family!

The concept of "priority" is used in various spheres of life. It often uses employers in appeal: "Arrange the priorities!" This means that the activities of a specialist in a particular professional field must be permeated by a single idea and serve as a particular purpose.

The meaning of the word "priority"

The word "priority" has Latin roots and in translation means "senior". His availability in life allows a person to separate the main thing from the secondary, choose the right direction in the career, is correct to the definition of major values \u200b\u200bin the personal sphere.

If you look around, then you can make sure that the philosophical meaning of the concept of "priority" is constantly present in everyday life. After all, each event, independence from scale and importance, is due to the preferences of the relevant persons, that is, those people, making decisions that determines the direction of movement of a process.

The main priorities are also in the state policy of each country (the areas of economic development, agriculture, education, etc.) are determined. In relations relating to the mutual activity of people, it is also impossible to do without preferences. It is they who become the reasons for the formation of sympathy and antipathy, cooperation and rivalry, friendship and hatred. Without prioritization it becomes impossible to draw up business plans that determine the direction of the development of entrepreneurial activities.

The ability to arrange priorities is one of the most important characteristics for a separately developing personality and for state policy.

Life priorities

If you apply this word to a separate person, the priority is a set of interrelated life allegations, thinking about which and follows a lot of time. Moreover, the individual on his own initiative prefers the specific type of activity or the move of thoughts, as it is valuable for him and determines its entire life path as a whole.

The priority may be family well-being, material support, a certain kind of hobbies, movement along the career ladder. This kind of preferences determine the character of a person, his lifestyle and behavioral characteristics.

State policy priorities

In legal politics, priority is a complex of priority tasks, the solution of which should be carried out immediately and in the closest perspective.

One of the most important properties of legal policy is its imperative character, due to the fact that it is based on the right and all processes are subordinate to its implementation.

In connection with frequent violations of the basic personal rights today, the chief state priority is the creation and preservation of optimal conditions that allow each citizen to be guaranteed to receive all elementary rights (for life, health, safety and other).

The most important priorities include the development and implementation of measures to induce the order in the structures of power.

Unconditional can be called the task of strict compliance with the norms of law. It should be performed at the level of all organs, institutions, officials and citizens.

An important priority is the development of activities to overcome the phenomena of legal nihilism and idealism. They are equally served by a serious obstacle in the formation of legal culture in the state.