Vesyolka ordinary, other names - Immodest Phallus, Smelly Morel, Gouty Morel (in Latin Phallus impudicus) - a fungus-gasteromycete of the order and family Vesyolkovye, or Fallus (Phallales).

(Note Gasteromycetes are characterized by a closed (angiocarp) structure of fruiting bodies, which can open or remain completely closed when ripe in various ways. This feature was the basis for distinguishing a taxon, but was subsequently abandoned, and the term "gasteromycete" now refers only to morphology fruit bodies).

Popular names of the fungus common veselka:
- upstart
- witch's egg
- damn egg
- samotnik
- stinkhorn - smelly horn - in English-speaking countries.
The appearance of the mushroom determined the etymology of Russian, Latin and English names.

Description of fungus fungus

Vesyolka common is a cap mushroom up to 35 cm high.
The young fruiting body has an ovoid shape, up to 7-8 cm in diameter, a white mycelial thread is noticeable at the base.

The peridium (shell) of the egg is leathery, smooth, white or cream in color, the inner pulp is gelatinous, jelly-like (the so-called earth oil), with the smell of radish. When ripe, the shell breaks into two or three lobes and looks like a membranous wrapper or flaps in the lower part of the mushroom leg.
The sprouted (mature) fruiting body consists of a cylindrical, hollow, spongy-walled receptacle, white or yellowish in color, 12–25 cm in size and 2–5 cm in diameter. surface, covered with mucous dark olive liquid. At the top of the cap there is a dense disc with a hole. Mature mushroom has a very strong specific smell.
The peculiar shape of the fungus and the change in smell during growth have long been of interest to people. witch egg was considered the best way to evoke a feeling of love, and a mature mushroom was considered poisonous.

There is evidence in the literature that the growth rate of the common oar is one of the highest in nature and can reach 5 mm per minute. This figure even exceeds the growth rate of bamboo, which is often cited as a textbook example of the absolute achievement of the growth rate in the plant world (up to 0.8 mm per minute).
The spore powder of the immodest phallus has a yellowish tint, the spores are 3.5-5 x 1.5-2 microns in size, ellipsoid-cylindrical, smooth.
The Phallus immodest species is considered rare in some regions and is listed in the Red Book (for example, the Sverdlovsk Region).

Where the fungus grows

It can be a saprophyte (decomposers, saprotrophs - organisms (bacteria and fungi) that destroy the dead remains of living beings) or form mycorrhiza with oak, beech, and various shrubs. The spores are spread by flies, beetles, and other insects attracted by the smell of the fungus. Vesyolka can often be found in broad-leaved forests, prefers soils rich in humus. Distributed in Europe, Siberia, the Caucasus, the Far East.
Fruiting bodies appear singly, but most often in groups.
The fruiting season is from May to October.

Similar species

Adrian's Veselka is similar to the common Veselka, but differs from it in the pink-purple color of the peridium (egg shell), and also, unlike P. impudicus, has a rather pleasant yeasty smell when ripe. It is edible both in the egg stage and after it has been opened.

Nutritional value of the fungus

Mushroom is edible both in prenatal age (in the form of an egg) and in a freshly sprouted form, in some countries it is even considered a delicacy. In France, it is consumed raw, like a radish. In ancient times, raw young mushrooms were eaten with sour cream and salt. After full germination after some time (several hours), this fungus is not recommended for use, since the processes of decay and natural decomposition are already running in it.

Medicinal properties of Veselka vulgaris

In folk medicine, both water and alcohol (vodka, moonshine) tinctures from fresh or dried fruit bodies of the veselka have been used and are being used. Vodka tincture was used for pain in the stomach, wounds were washed, gout and kidney diseases were treated with the help of fun.
Called "earth oil" Morel smelly It is used for gout, rheumatism, certain diseases of the stomach, gastritis, problems with the liver, kidneys, and joints.

Veselka ordinary is a rare and unusual member of the mushroom family, which belongs to Gasteromycetes (raincoats). It is found mainly in coniferous and deciduous forests on moist and fertile soils. Veselka mushroom has a peculiar structure of the fruiting body, which differs significantly from other mushrooms. In shape, it resembles an egg, which has a leathery shell of white or light beige.

The diameter of the mushroom sphere can reach 8 centimeters or more. In an unripe form (in the egg stage), the veselka is eaten. This mushroom has high taste and nutritional qualities. In some countries, Veselka is served raw instead of vegetables (France, Poland, Czech Republic).

After germination of the leg with an umbrella, the fungus becomes inedible, as the process of decay rapidly starts in its body. This mysterious “raincoat” goes through three stages of magical transformation in just 2 days: “egg”, from the “egg” a “leg with a hat” sprouts up to 30 centimeters in height. After that, the mushroom “before our eyes” turns into a “puddle of mucus” with a very unpleasant odor.

Veselka ordinary has a wide range of medicinal properties that have been used in folk medicine for many hundreds of years. Today, this unique mushroom has added to the list of endangered species of wildlife in the Red Book. Veselka has many different folk names: "witch's egg", "scoundrel", "upstart", "stinker", "morel". Let's take a closer look at this amazing mushroom.

Composition and medicinal properties

Veselka ordinary stands out among other mushrooms not only in appearance, but also in its rich chemical composition. The unique biologically active substances included in this gasteromycete endowed it with extraordinary healing qualities. The mushroom contains: B vitamins, macro- and microelements, carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fatty acids, polysaccharides, phytoncides. In addition, it contains: peptides, melanins, hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde and other components.

Thanks to phytosterols, Veselka mushroom has long been used in the treatment of impotence and to increase male libido. Also, in the course of scientific research, this type of mushroom has been proven to have anti-cancer properties. It stops the development of malignant cells in the body and actively destroys them. This is due to the polysaccharides that make up the fungus, which, as you know, activate the production of perforins and lymphocytes - the main elements of immune defense. Positive results have been achieved in the treatment of such formidable diseases as melanoma, sarcoma, carcinoma, lymphoma and leukemia.

Biologically active substances in Veselka fungus have a positive effect on the skin, activate the healing of ulcers and wounds, and regulate biochemical processes in the body. Antioxidants reduce the formation of free radicals and prevent their damaging effects on healthy cells in the body. Veselka mushroom also exhibits antihistamine properties, namely: it prevents and treats various allergic reactions, relieves swelling, tearing, suffocation, itching, redness and peeling of the skin.

Recent scientific studies of the chemical and physical properties of this miracle of nature have given encouraging results in the treatment of AIDS. Veselka mushroom preparations significantly reduce sensitivity to various pathogenic stimuli. The powerful antiviral property of Gasteromycete reduces the body's susceptibility to infections and helps to increase the life span of patients.

The mushroom is able to reduce bad cholesterol, normalize blood pressure. Preparations from it dissolve seals, cysts, polyps, treat erosion in the digestive tract, improve kidney function, and relieve abdominal pain. Veselka mushroom oil is used in the treatment of gout and arthritis.

Ways to use the mushroom in traditional medicine

In healing, veselka is used both dry and fresh. For treatment, only the young (egg stage) fruiting body of the fungus is taken. Alcohol tinctures, decoctions, aqueous solutions are prepared from it. Tinctures for internal and external use. Veselka alcohol tinctures treat literally all diseases.

  1. For the treatment of hypertension, such a remedy is prepared. For 25 g of fresh (or 2.5 g of dry) chopped mushrooms, take 100-120 ml of home-made moonshine or alcohol diluted to 70 °. Insist composition for at least 10 days. To reduce pressure, take only 1 teaspoon of tincture three times a day. Course of treatment: six months.
  2. For the treatment of skin cancer (melanoma), psoriasis, pressure sores and long non-healing ulcers prepare a more concentrated tincture. For 100 g of fresh or 8 - 10 g of dried and powdered mushrooms, take a glass of alcohol or good homemade moonshine. Insist 15 -20 days. Used for lotions and skin treatment.
  3. This tincture treats malignant and benign tumors. Doctors note excellent results in the treatment of fibroids, adenomyosis, fibroids, ovarian cystomas with this remedy. Six "eggs" of the veselka fungus are placed in a three-liter jar. Pour in vodka and let it brew in the dark for at least a week. Take the drug 15 milliliters three times a day. After each dose of the remedy, healers advise drinking 1 chicken (homemade) egg.
  4. This tincture can cure a lot of diseases. It is especially effective in atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, diseases of internal organs. In addition, the tincture significantly activates the body's defenses, stops the growth of tumors, removes bad cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, promotes the healing of ulcers and the destruction of viruses. The tool is used for impotence, infertility, hormonal imbalance and other diseases. Take 100 grams of fresh "young" oars. They are crushed and poured with 500 milliliters of alcohol diluted to 40-50 °. The product is kept in the cold, in a dark place for 1 month.
Scheme of taking the medicine inside (not filtered):

The first 10 days - 1 teaspoon before meals. Jam tincture with honey or drink 1 raw chicken (homemade) egg.
Break - 2 days.
The second 10 days are the same as above.
Break - 2 days.
The third 10 days - 1 tablespoon. Also, each time they seize with honey or an egg.
Break - 1 week and repetition of the course.

External use of the product:
  • With skin cancer, trophic ulcers, thrombophlebitis, bedsores, boils, herpes - lubricate the sore spots with the above tincture every hour.
  • With a severe runny nose or sinusitis, it is useful to make lotions on the area of ​​​​the maxillary sinuses.
  • Cervical erosion is treated as follows: the tincture of the fungus is diluted with warm boiled water or chamomile decoction 1: 2. Moisten as part of a tampon and insert it into the vagina for 7-8 hours. The course of treatment is 8-10 days. A week later, the treatment is repeated.

Veselka water infusion

This remedy helps to regulate the level of cholesterol in the body, reduce blood pressure in hypertension, improve the functioning of the digestive system, normalize the functions of the liver and kidneys, and cure stomach ulcers and goiter.

In the evening, take one teaspoon of powdered mushrooms (or 50 g of fresh), pour 180 milliliters of boiling water and insist all night. In the morning, the product is filtered and divided into three equal portions. Drink throughout the day 30 minutes before meals. Course of treatment: 6 months with two-week breaks every month.

Healers recommend drinking an aqueous infusion of the fungus for bronchitis and pneumonia. Take 5 grams of crushed dried "egg" in a glass of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for 2 hours. Drink three times a day throughout the disease. It is useful to rub the chest and back with alcohol tincture before going to bed. This will speed up your recovery.


Such medical procedures are carried out with hemorrhoids and prostate adenoma. To do this, the tincture of the fungus is diluted with warm boiled water 1:20. Course of treatment: from 10 days. After a 20-day break, the treatment is repeated if necessary. Water can be replaced with a decoction of a mountaineer.

Ground oil (jelly, slime)

  • This miraculous substance is found in the middle of the veselka mushroom (in the egg). Earth oil has healing properties. Mushroom mucus is soaked in tampons and inserted into the vagina to treat cervical erosion. Oil is useful for lubricating diseased joints with rheumatoid arthritis, long-term non-healing wounds, skin rashes, psoriasis, boils, allergic rashes.
  • It is noticed that mushroom jelly applied to the face effectively smoothes wrinkles. These masks are made every other day. For dry skin, mucus is mixed with a small amount of peach or almond oil.
  • Veselka mucus helps to remove toxins from the body in case of poisoning. To do this, it is eaten with black (stale) bread.

Fresh raw veselka mushrooms are used in the preparation of vegetable salads. Such diet food serves as a prevention of intestinal diseases, tumors of the colon and rectum, gastritis, diseases of the lymphatic system, inflammation of the joints, high cholesterol.

During a flu epidemic, you need to eat a teaspoon of chopped dried mushroom once a day. This will help protect against viruses.


For various diseases of the female and male genital area, such vaginal and rectal suppositories are made.

Melt 25 grams of cocoa butter. This must be done in a water bath. In a slightly cooled mass, add 5 ml of veselka tincture and 5 g of melted beeswax. Everyone mixes and pours this composition into special ready-made molds (or make them yourself from foil). Next, place the candles in the cold.

Women use the finished product for infertility, adnexitis, colpitis, inflammation of the uterus, cyst, myoma, cervical erosion. In addition, they slow down the growth of cancer cells in malignant tumors of the reproductive system. Candles are used vaginally 1-2 times a day. After inserting them into the vagina, it is necessary to lie down for 1.5-2 hours.

Men with prostate disease and erection problems use suppositories rectally. In addition, suppositories based on Veselka mushroom help get rid of hemorrhoids, fistulas, polyps and erosions in the intestines, urolithiasis, and dysbacteriosis. Treatment is carried out within 7-14 days.

Treatment of various diseases

Veselka fungus treatment of varicose veins and cardiovascular diseases. This wonderful representative of raincoats helps to clean blood vessels from cholesterol, lowers high blood pressure, relieves atherosclerosis, treats varicose veins, prevents heart attack and stroke. To do this, it is recommended to take a tincture of Veselka: 2 times a day, one teaspoon. You can use the mushroom (if desired) in other forms. On diseased veins with varicose veins, lotions are made from water infusions or tinctures, and they are also lubricated with mushroom jelly.

Liver treatment. Taking a tincture of Veselka mushroom helps restore liver cells, helps in the treatment of hepatitis, fatty hepatosis and cirrhosis, relieves pain and inflammation. The therapeutic effect occurs after 3 months. Take the remedy for one dessert (or tablespoon) spoon.

Treatment of oncological tumors. As mentioned above, dosage forms from the veselka fungus are powerful antitumor agents that have been proven by practice. This "miracle" cures many types of cancer. In malignant neoplasms, alcohol tincture of veselka is most often taken. Treatment with a fungus is carried out after a mandatory consultation with an oncologist.

In any case, the tincture for oncological diseases is used carefully, the doses are increased gradually. Start taking the remedy with 1 teaspoon and bring it up to 1 tablespoon - three times a day (for malignant tumors) and twice a day (for benign ones). The course of treatment is at least 1 month. Then they take a two-week break and again begin a 30-day course.

After each course, the break is increased by a week. To achieve a therapeutic effect, healers recommend going through 3 to 5 courses of treatment. Tincture should be washed down with chicken or quail eggs. In their absence, honey is also suitable.

When losing weight. In addition to a wide range of medicinal properties, Veselka is also used to reduce excess weight. This low-calorie product can be consumed raw, either with or without food. Mushrooms effectively remove cholesterol from blood vessels, cleanse the liver.

For weight loss, you can also use dried young veselka in the form of a crushed powder. The usual dose of mushrooms to achieve the desired result is 20 grams per day. It is divided into 3-4 doses. The duration of the use of mushrooms is up to 7-8 months.

Polysaccharides activate the function of the liver to break down glucose, proteins and fats. The mushroom restores metabolism and intestinal microflora. The active components of Veselka accelerate the process of losing extra pounds.

As a means of home cosmetology. Veselka mushrooms are used not only as a medicine for the treatment of various diseases. Even the ancient Romans used mushroom extracts to improve the condition of the skin and hair. Nowadays, the powder from the young fruiting body of the veselka is added to anti-aging masks. Practice has proven that extracts, juice and ground oil (jelly) of the fungus are effective in restoring the regeneration of skin cells, eliminating rashes, peeling and wrinkles.

Today, on the basis of biologically active polysaccharides, Veselki produce various cosmetics that give positive results in improving the skin and hair structure. Mushroom extract is the basis of creams, lotions, tonics, masks, anti-aging products of well-known cosmetics manufacturers. You can stop skin aging with the help of a fun at home. For this, the following beauty recipes are offered:

  1. Fresh young mushroom is crushed into gruel. Mixed with sour cream (cream) 1:1. Apply to a clean face. After 20-30 minutes, the mask is washed off or removed with a damp cloth. Procedures are carried out 3 times a week. Course: 6 - 10 masks. The skin will noticeably improve and tighten, "crow's feet" under the eyes will disappear.
  2. Nourishes and rejuvenates the skin mask of the "earth oil" of a young mushroom. Mucus from the middle of the veselka is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, after which it is removed. The tool significantly improves skin turgor, relieves peeling, eliminates allergic rashes.
  3. You can make masks from alcohol tincture of the mushroom. To do this, the face is preliminarily liberally lubricated with almond, olive or rose oil. Gauze with slits for the eyes is moistened in tincture and applied to the skin. Wash your face after 15 minutes.

Contraindications and possible harm

According to fungotherapists, side effects when using veselka mushroom can be observed only with individual intolerance to any element that is part of the chemical composition. Scientific studies indicate that Gasteromycete polysaccharides sometimes exacerbate certain autoimmune diseases.

In rare cases, taking dosage forms of Veselka is accompanied by drowsiness, weakness and diarrhea. If these and other similar symptoms occur, it is recommended to reduce the dosage. When side effects pass, the amount of the drug can be gradually increased and brought to the required level. You should also know that Veselka mushroom is absolutely contraindicated for women during pregnancy and lactation. Any preparations with it and children under twelve years of age are not recommended.

Precautions, collection, storage. Veselka mushrooms need to be collected in the summer. They usually appear in mid-June and grow until autumn. Young fruiting bodies are carefully cut with a knife. Dosage forms are prepared from fresh or dried "eggs". For drying mushrooms, a warm, ventilated room with an ambient temperature of no more than + 32 ° Celsius is required.

Well-dried veselki are stored in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid, in a dry place, protected from light. From them, you can prepare a medicinal powder by grinding raw materials in a coffee grinder. When properly stored, mushrooms retain their beneficial properties for 2 years.

Today it is possible to grow veselka at home. To do this, get a mycelium. Mushrooms are grown indoors all year round. The mycelium lives for several years, then it needs to be replaced with a new one. Veselka also takes root well in home gardens. She is not afraid of the most severe frosts. Fallen leaves and fruits of trees, manure or humus are used as fertilizers for the mycelium.

Hello, dear visitors of the site, and today I will tell you what diseases it treats vesyolka mushroom.
As mentioned earlier, the mushroom sounds in Latin as Phallus impudicus, and as Wikipedia suggests, it has quite a few other names and nicknames - stink, stink mushroom, shameless (shameless) phallus, shameless, upstart, witch mushroom, stinky morel, stinky horn , English stinkhorn, devil's eggs, earthen oil, green oil.
(Pictures are clickable - click to enlarge)

Strictly speaking, ground oil is not the fungus itself, but the jelly that is contained inside the mushroom and, according to some, is the most healing part of it. But we go further.
Why or thanks to what the fungus Veselka has such a wide spectrum of action and cures many, many, sometimes considered incurable diseases.
Obviously, due to its composition, the substances contained in this mushroom.
BUT chemical composition of the fungus represented by the following substances or components:

- fats;
- carbohydrates;
- phytoncides;
- polysaccharides;
- phytosteroids;
- antioxidants;
- minerals;
- vitamins;
- amino acids.

You should know that fungus fungus phytoncides kill herpes, influenza, hepatitis and even the HIV virus, the human immunodeficiency virus, in severe cases it manifests itself as AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). AIDS virus by definition no and cannot be!
Veselka polysaccharides cause the production in the human body of protein perforin, which destroys cancer cells, preventing them from dividing and forming into a cancerous tumor.

Phytoncides, polysaccharides and perforins

Phytoncides are biologically active substances secreted by plants that kill or inhibit the growth and development of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms.

Now about perforins. According to the Japanese professor Toki Mori, in any organism, cells can degenerate into cancer cells due to various factors, in fact, we can say that any person cancer cells are present.

But our body produces special enzymes - cytotoxic proteins perforins, which track and destroy tumor and virus-infected cells, destroying their nucleus. At a young age, perforin is produced well, but with age, the strength of perforin production weakens, and when it practically ceases to be produced, malignant cells begin to divide intensively, a malignant tumor develops in a person.
Scientists conducted a series of experiments and proved that the polysaccharides of the fungus Veselka increase the production of perforin in the body several times! Accordingly, as you may have guessed, if you make a tincture (or infusion) from Veselka and take at least 1 course a year for prevention, then you will significantly strengthen your immunity, health and reduce the likelihood of illness, including cancer!

What heals vesyolka

Thanks to the unique combination of ingredients gathered in this miracle of nature, fungus veselka heals the following diseases:
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), liver and kidneys;
- diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
- atherosclerosis and hypertension;
- relieves inflammation and pain in the joints;
- rheumatism and gout;
- dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
- diseases of the blood and lymph;
- diabetes;
- varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
- male impotence and female pathologies: inflammation, fibroids, mastopathy, infertility.

Viral hepatitis, herpes, influenza, allergies and its symptoms, hypertension are also treated with the help of veselka - thanks to the ability of the active substances of veselka to reduce the level of bad cholesterol, lower blood pressure
Vesyolka common effective for skin diseases (psoriasis, trophic ulcers, bedsores, fistulas, skin tumors, bites, non-healing wounds), resolves benign and even malignant tumors, treats AIDS.


It is not recommended to take Vesyolka for children under the age of ten, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation.
Take with caution to persons with chronic pathologies of the heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas; persons with autoimmune diseases, since the biologically active substances (BAS) of the veselka fungus raise immunity quite sharply, which can provoke an exacerbation of diseases of this kind.

Veselka for treatment

For the treatment and prevention of diseases, vodka tincture of the fungus Veselka is usually used (tincture of vodka, alcohol diluted to 38-40 degrees, good moonshine of the same strength). Inside, it is used to treat all of the above diseases, in addition, it is used in the form of compresses for the treatment of skin diseases, psoriasis, trophic ulcers, bedsores.
Other forms of harvesting the mushroom are dried halves (quarters) of the mushroom, as an option - dried veselka in the form of a powder (grind in a coffee grinder). It is also used for the preparation of tinctures, as well as infusions (not decoctions, without boiling)!

In this form, the veselka retains its medicinal properties for several years, but it should not be frozen in any case - the frozen veselka loses its medicinal properties.

There are also some rather rare cooking options for Veselka mushroom used for the treatment and prevention of diseases, such as lotion, balm, various ointments, and candles for external use.
They also make fermented (sour) juice (it is used to treat the liver, cleanse the blood in diabetes) and oil tincture. Tincture is used externally for the treatment of burns, bedsores, fistulas, trophic ulcers; inside - for the treatment of diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, but for problems with the liver, it is undesirable to use oil.

To prepare an oil tincture, pour a teaspoon of mushroom powder into 500 ml of warm olive or linseed oil. Stir and infuse for a day at room temperature, then another week in the refrigerator, do not strain. Shake the bottle of veselka oil well before each use.
That seems to be all, now you know what diseases it treats fungus common veselka, and next time I will tell you how to properly prepare Vesyolka vodka tincture.

Under a thin layer of fallen leaves and needles, you can find a small white grain, like a speck, which, as it grows, turns into a mushroom the size of a chicken egg. This is a veselka, or a witch's egg - they call it differently. Mushroom pickers, going on a quiet hunt, rarely pay attention to him. This is due to the fact that the taste qualities of Veselka cannot be called outstanding. Its features are contained in other properties, thanks to which the veselka has become so popular in traditional medicine.

Veselka vulgaris is one of the mushrooms well known to Russians. After all, you can find it in deciduous forests, and in mixed ones. It is found in temperate latitudes, but sometimes it is found in Siberia and the Far East. Veselka is well known to the inhabitants of the European part of Russia. Sometimes whole mushroom families grow right next to dying trees, but more often the veselka grows with single mushrooms.

Near spruce or oak stumps there are groups consisting of 8-10 mushrooms. Sometimes such a company can be seen in a park or square during a period when the level of humidity rises sharply. Hot, dry weather is detrimental to Veselka, and it does not tolerate frost either. That is why the collection time falls on August-October. Veselka grows in Russia in mixed forests, where it is quite humid and warm, near rotted stumps or among deadwood. This is one of those mushrooms that, as if hiding from the human eye, are able to change the place of growth.

Once in a mixed forest, you can feel an unpleasant aroma nearby, reminiscent of the smell of rotten meat. This means that this amazing mushroom is growing somewhere nearby, attracting many insects. The mucus that covers the cap of the mushroom exudes such an aroma. This mucus, or earthen oil, becomes a bait for insects that carry on their paws the spores of the fungus stored inside the cap itself. Veselka eggs quickly turn into adult mushrooms even at low temperatures, and due to the lack of mucus, they practically do not smell.

Veselka appears at the very beginning of May and continues to grow actively until the very beginning of November. You can find it in central Russia, the Far East and Siberia. Here, in a humid cold environment, it exudes its real aroma, which many mushroom pickers call floral, it is so similar to the smell of a wide variety of flowers, or rather, the aroma of a whole bouquet.

Distinctive features

The main difference between veselka and other mushrooms is its appearance. It really does look like an egg. Veselka mushroom hatches out of it, the beneficial properties of which make many mushroom pickers collect it. Usually they take only those specimens that have reached a size of 6-7 cm, but they also collect the youngest mushrooms, famous for their healing properties.

The largest specimens, hatched from their eggs, grow up to 12-15 cm. A small dark head covered with foul-smelling mucus flaunts on a large elastic leg. The life of the veselka is two or three days, after which it decomposes rather quickly. In order to have time to pick a mushroom at the right time, you need to look under the trunks of trees lying on the ground. If they are not cut off on time, then after 2-3 days the fungus, the medicinal mushroom, will simply begin to decompose.

Features and useful properties

But it’s not at all because of the taste that people are looking for a mushroom. Veselka ordinary is recognized as one of the most useful mushrooms, which can be compared with shiitake in terms of the number of positive qualities and healing properties. The treatment carried out with the help of these mushrooms was developed many centuries ago, but even today biologists and physicians, conducting joint research, are working to study the many useful properties of these peculiar representatives of the mushroom world.

Everything that concerns the use of the fungus for medicinal purposes has long been known. It has gained wide popularity and won the trust of many knowledgeable and novice mushroom pickers, because it is used in the treatment of various (very complex and not so) ailments:

  • herpesvirus infection,
  • hepatitis A,
  • flu,
  • allergies,
  • puffiness.

The unusually healing mushroom is famous for its ability to have a destructive effect on bacteria and viruses. Once in the human body, it contributes to:

  • restoration of the immune system;
  • activation of the production of lymphocytes;
  • getting rid of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • getting rid of malignant diseases;
  • a noticeable reduction in sensitivity to pathogenic microflora.

The medicinal properties of veselka have not yet been fully studied, but doctors are already firmly convinced that it is with the help of taking medicines based on the veselka fungus that it will be possible to significantly reduce the level of susceptibility of patients to various infections that enter the body from the environment. Its protective properties help to successfully fight even AIDS, not to mention colds and viral diseases familiar to all of us.

Veselka has found its application in folk medicine. Here it is used as a means to fight cancer cells. To destroy them, there is a recipe, according to which you need to put six veselka eggs in a three-liter jar and pour alcohol or moonshine. Mushrooms are infused for ten days, keeping the jar in a cool dark place. It can be a cellar or pantry. When the right time has passed, they begin to take the infusion, washed down with a raw egg. The course of such treatment lasts at least a month.

  1. Prepare a water infusion that is effective for hypertension. With its help, you can not only lower blood pressure, but also remove excess cholesterol from the body.
  2. Boil the mushrooms and drink a tablespoon of the decoction before meals in the morning in order to get rid of stomach pains.
  3. Dry the veselka, chop and brew 1/2 tsp. in a glass of water. This will help in the treatment of diseases of the blood and lymph.
  4. Insist fresh mushrooms on alcohol to use the resulting infusion as a rub for pain in the joints and muscles.

Water infusion will help men forget about problems in the genital area, but since Veselka is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs, you can use the infusion only on the advice of a specialist, for fear of an overdose. This mushroom is not dangerous, and taking 1/2 dried mushroom daily for a week will strengthen the immune system and help avoid infection during a seasonal flu epidemic. However, it is strictly forbidden to take Veselka in any form for pregnant women and babies under the age of 5 years.

By preparing an infusion of vodka and wiping the skin with it daily, you can get rid of psoriasis or irritation. Purulent wounds are washed with this infusion, used as a healing agent for stomach ulcers. Doctors note the high effectiveness of fresh veselka mushrooms, if they are used as a means for the prevention of cancer. In this case, they are not boiled, not processed in any other way, but simply finely cut, mixed with sour cream and eaten in small portions.

No matter how useful and safe the mushroom is, it is better to prepare decoctions and infusions from it that must be taken on the advice of an experienced specialist. And do not try to replace the fresh mushroom with pills bought from a commercial pharmacy.

A growing medicine is the name of Veselka mushroom. Find out how to take, what medicinal properties and contraindications the veselka mushroom has. Chemical composition and medicinal properties in oncology and other diseases!

mushroom properties

An amazing feature of Veselka is that it has extensive possibilities for the treatment of various diseases:

  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • removal of toxins and other harmful substances;
  • prevention of viral diseases;
  • healing of skin wounds;
  • joint treatment;
  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • stabilization of the heart rate;
  • restoration of liver cells;
  • fight against oncology;
  • allergy relief.

Eyewitnesses say that during the war, a giant mushroom was applied to wounds, and this helped the soldiers get rid of suppuration: this led to their rapid healing.

mushroom use in complex therapy it has a rehabilitating effect, i.e. it helps a person to restore lost reserves of adaptation and vitality, to help with long-term, severe pathologies. In such cases, mushrooms are an auxiliary material.

Chemical composition

Scientific medicine has accumulated a lot of hard evidence about the healing properties of the fungus Veselka. Thanks to modern devices, scientists were able to establish that it contains chemical compounds and substances that have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • phytoncides- having high activity, they kill known viruses and bacteria;
  • polysaccharides- polymers that prevent the development of cancer, produce protective cells, which also helps fight AIDS;
  • antihistamines- organic compounds that relieve side effects with itching, colic, heart rhythm disturbances and other allergic reactions;
  • antioxidants- block chemical processes that destroy the body;
  • phytosteroids- substances of high biological activity stabilize the production of male hormones;
  • minerals, vitamins, amino acids- have a positive effect on the structure of the skin, which contributes to its rejuvenation.

The Chinese shiitake mushroom - recognized throughout the world as a healer of many diseases, is considered the king among others, but the veselka has surpassed it in its extensive effects. President Lukashenko considers the unique wonder of nature a national treasure of the Republic of Belarus.

How to use the mushroom

No matter how wonderful properties the veselka mushroom possesses, before starting therapy, especially in case of serious illnesses, it is necessary to ask the doctor how expedient it is to introduce mushroom supplements into complex therapy.

Alcohol tincture

One of the most effective forms is considered an alcoholic infusion. Mushrooms insist on vodka, medical alcohol (diluted to 40%). The extract retains its beneficial properties for several years. For cooking:

  • fresh mushrooms -50 g;
  • vodka or diluted alcohol - 250 ml.

Crushed caps are poured and infused for 15-20 days in the refrigerator. Accepted by tsp. before meals 2 times a day. Connoisseurs recommend replacing alcohol with an aqueous solution, who are immune to alcohol.

mushroom powder

The fruits are dried at not too high a temperature to prevent loss of medicinal properties. The finished raw material is ground, and ointments and candles are made on its basis.

On a note! During the period of seasonal viral diseases, 20 g of dried puffball mushrooms are eaten every day. Systemic use increases the body's resistance, helps to avoid infection.

Veselka juice

Mushrooms are cleaned of dirt, cut, poured into a glass jar, left in the cold. After the formation of juice, it is drained and the skin is treated with it.

mushroom oil

Two st. spoons of veselka powder pour 500 ml of vegetable oil (olive, linseed). Insist 14-15 days. A precipitate forms during the process: do not strain it! Compresses are made when a person has ulcers, burns, bedsores and other symptoms.

  • For cardiac pathologies, the infusion is drunk with teaspoons no more than twice a day before meals, combining it with the herb lungwort.
  • With varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, compresses are made from infusion, juice or oil. Massage the painful areas until dry.
  • Severe pains in case of disorders of the musculoskeletal system recede if the parts of the body are rubbed 3 times with juice, tincture or oil, and then wrapped with a woolen cloth.

The role of the fungus Veselka in oncology

People eat many varieties of mushrooms, use them as dietary supplements, make tinctures, extracts, and ointments. For scientific research, the direction in the field of oncology is one of the most important studies. Scientists are trying to understand how effective preparations based on mushrooms and other natural raw materials affect cancer cells. Veselka mushroom, among others, enjoys great fame and trust among the population. Traditional medicine offers many recipes with mushroom against cancer.

Veselka in cosmetology

The rejuvenating property of the mushroom gruel contained in the "egg" of the veselka, when used, smoothes wrinkles, improves skin color. Jelly is applied to the face, neck and do not remove the mask for 15 minutes. The fungus has proven to be effective fresh when young fruits are harvested.

A lotion made from Veselka mushroom has a refreshing and tonic effect on the skin. In a glass of mineral water, add 2 tablespoons of alcohol infusion. They wipe the face, hands, neck in the morning and evening. Easily penetrating inside, the product perfectly cleanses the skin. Add a few drops of the solution or oil to shampoos, body and face creams.

For weight loss

It has been proven that Veselka mushroom stimulates metabolic processes, normalizes the digestive organs, and its valuable quality promotes fat burning. Veselka is combined with any recommended diet and exercise. In an effort to find a slender figure, instead of the usual dinner, they eat half a mushroom and drink a glass of green tea without sugar. This allows you to get rid of excess savings in 10 days.


Personal intolerance to veselka fungus is the main limitation when using it. Enough research has been done in the field of fungotherapy, and it has been found that certain chemical compounds of the fungus can cause allergies in autoimmune human pathologies.

During pregnancy and lactation, doctors recommend refraining from taking saturated and heavy foods for the body, including mushrooms.

Veselka occasionally causes diarrhea, drowsiness. With the advent of such signs, limit or exclude any form of mushroom remedy. But side effects often appear only in the first days, and after reducing the dosage, body functions are restored.

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