Under the technique of wrestling in armwrestling is understood the composition (arsenal) of the method of conducting a competitive duel of armwrestlers.

Picture 1.

Armwrestling technique is developed on the basis of the analysis of the content of the competitive activity of armwrestlers. This provision provides for taking into account the basic requirements for rational options for technology. They determine the position of the armwrestler's body links in space, their trajectories and the main points of coordination in close connection with the position and distribution of the opponent's efforts. Despite the availability of armwrestling, its technique is quite conservative, as it is limited by the small area of ​​armwrestlers' interactions. Increasing the level of general and special physical training, developing the individual characteristics of an armwrestler - all this can affect the technique, its elements; but the basic mechanism of movements is preserved, since it corresponds to the greatest extent to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of a person.

The formation and development of the technique of each armwrestler, as a rule, takes into account his height and weight indicators and the development of the strength of the main muscle groups. A correct understanding of the armwrestling technique allows the armwrestler to more accurately evaluate and better use the main and auxiliary exercises in the training process.

The improvement of the technical actions of an armwrestler must be permanent and continuous as his level of preparedness increases.

In armwrestling combat technique, it is customary to distinguish the following positions: stances (left-handed, right-handed), starting position, attack phase, realization of an advantage. Below is a description of the techniques, techniques and some features of the performance of techniques.

Racks(Fig. 1). Before the start of the fight, armwrestlers can take the following stances: the legs of the opponents are under the table and stand parallel or lean on the side bases of the table (Fig. 1, a).

If the opponents are wrestling with the left (right) hand (Fig. 1, b, c), then the left (right) leg moves forward under the table, the right (left) slightly behind.

Armwrestlers can lean with one foot on the opposite side of the table (Fig. 1, d), and also lean on the near side of the rack (Fig. 1, e). In any of the above positions, one leg should not come off the floor.

starting position. The correct starting position of an armwrestler should contribute to his speedy transfer to such an optimal position, in which not only the strength of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, the main muscle groups of the trunk and lower limbs, but also the athlete’s own weight would be used with the greatest efficiency. Since the position of the arms and shoulders is limited by the rules of the competition, such conditions can be created by the position of the torso and legs, which in turn are determined by the anthropometric characteristics of the armwrestler.

In any case, without violating the rules, in the starting position, the armwrestler should strive to bring the shoulder and forearm as close as possible in order to maximize the use of the "golden rule" of mechanics: losing in distance, gaining in strength. In this case, such a "loss" creates additional advantages for the armwrestler for a successful duel. Due to the fact that the starting position of an armwrestler is stable, since he has a four-legged position, an important point in creating optimal conditions for a duel is the correct position of the general center of gravity of the body (BCG).

Figure 2.

The most stable position of the armwrestler's body in this situation will be in the case when the projection of the common center of gravity will be exactly in the middle of the support area (SP). However, in order to maximize the use of the starting position (Fig. 2), the armwrestler must take such a position that the projection of the common center of gravity of the "struggling" arm is perpendicular and located in the center of the table. At the starting position, the hands of the opponents clasp each other in such a way that the phalanx of the thumbs is visible (Fig. 2, a). The gripping hand of the armwrestler must be perpendicular to the shoulder, and the angle between the forearm and shoulder must be 90° (Fig. 2, b, c, d). The second hand of the armwrestler must hold on to the pin. This is largely achieved by the location of the legs, which, as a rule, have support on the floor. In some cases, in order to use their anatomical features, armwrestlers use one or another vertical stance as a support, but only for one leg of the armwrestler, if he stands on the left side.

Attack phase. The goal of the attack phase is to gain an advantage over the opponent by bringing his arm to a 45° angle with respect to the table area. There are three main methods of attack.

Figure 3 Attack through the top (a, b, c) and hook (d, e) in armwrestling.

First way - overhead attack(Fig. 3, a, b, c). By the beginning of the fight, the attacking armwrestler instantly starts sliding his fingers along the opponent's index finger and covers him with his palm. At the same time, force pressure occurs on the opponent's fingers in order to sharply "supinate" his hand to the position of a common center of gravity. The attacker seeks to put the squeeze on the opponent's hand. Armwrestlers with strong muscles of the fingers and hand have an advantage with this method of attack.

The second way - hook attack(Fig. 3, d, e). From the starting position, the attacker begins to sharply rotate his hand with his little finger inward towards himself, and with his thumb up outward, thus breaking the opponent's hand below. At the same time, the armwrestler's center of gravity shifts to the left of the original one.

The third way - push attack. The attacking armwrestler pushes his hand forward, arching it at the wrist (Fig. 4, a), and continues to move from the shoulder until victory is achieved (Fig. 4.3).

Figure 4

Achieving advantage it is considered when one of the armwrestlers, having carried out one or another technique, performs a movement with his hand, ahead of the opponent, as a result of which he achieves victory.

Figure 5

The actions of the armwrestler in this phase of the fight are aimed at exerting pressure on the opponent's hand in the direction of the resulting force that was set in the attack phase, until a winning result is achieved. This phase of the fight is considered very responsible, as many armwrestlers, having had an excellent starting phase, believe that victory is assured, but they lose control and at the same time find themselves in a losing position.

Denis Cyplenkov, who is a repeated champion not only of Russia, but also of the world, a famous armfighter, visited the All Inclusive program. In the issue dedicated to arm wrestling, the athlete talked about what exercises he prefers, how he eats and what he does in general to successfully prove himself in the field of arm wrestling. The host of the TV show "All Inclusive" - ​​Sergey Badyuk, who himself leads an active sports life, has the title of master of sports.

Let us dwell in more detail on the exercises that were demonstrated by Denis Tsyplenkov.

The first is for the hand and forearm. It is necessary to intensively bend the arm in the upper block. Cyplenkov strongly recommends that everyone perform this exercise, because it perfectly trains the forearm. Do not immediately take a lot of weight, start with minor loads, gradually increase the weight with each approach (one approach - no more than 3).

Before you start training your forearm and hand, warm them up well with preliminary exercises. Otherwise, you risk earning damage to the ligaments. This remark is especially true for beginners who are faced with such a load for the first time.

Second exercise

The second stage of the exercises is the flexion of the neck. One end of the neck should rest against something, the other end should be taken in the hand and begin to bend it. To begin with, the weight of the bar itself is also suitable, gradually increase the weight with each approach.

Third exercise

The third exercise is suitable for anyone who wants to develop strength for arm wrestling. For him, you will need hammers and dumbbells. The exercise is performed while standing, during its execution the load falls on the brachioradialis muscle of the forearms and on the brachialis muscle of the shoulder (or brachialis). This exercise will make the biceps more prominent and expressive. Do not allow the dumbbell to drop below 90 degrees. Take a dumbbell (its weight can be increased 15 times after a certain number of workouts), take the starting position and begin to bend your arm. Do two or three sets, one set - 15 times. You can use not only dumbbells, but also weights, so as not to leave brushes idle. The best option is to alternate dumbbells and kettlebells during workouts in the gym.

In order to learn more about the exercises and look at them, so to speak, in action, we offer you a video in which Denis Tsyplenkov, Sergey Badyuk and Alexander Filimonov will show you how to do this or that exercise. Denis Tsyplenkov will also tell the audience about what kind of diet he follows in order to always be in great shape.

Armwrestling — Video

Arm wrestling can be safely called one of the oldest sports that is not included in the program of the Olympic tournaments. However, there is a huge number of fans and athletes who are not indifferent to this sport. There are separate tournaments and projects where athletes can compete in arm wrestling: Nemiroff World Cup, Zloty Tur Cup, etc.

With all this, this sport is quite rich in injuries, and therefore the audience often sees how athletes literally fight on the verge of their health. But still, this is a very spectacular, very healthy and bright type of sports program.

arm wrestling rules

  1. You can participate in official arm wrestling tournaments only in sports shoes and sportswear. Up to the middle of the shoulder, the hands and arms should be bare. The rules prohibit the use of supporting bandages on the wrist, and it is also forbidden to wear rings and rings during the fight.
  2. The hands of the athletes must form a grip over the middle of the table. Armrests are installed on the table, which are a support for the elbow of the working hand. There is also a pin on the table, which the athlete grabs with his free hand.
  3. The course of the match is monitored by the referee, who gives the command to start the match, and also ends it. The victory is credited to the athlete if the athlete's shoulder, hand or fingers come into contact with the roller. If the referee announces a warning or breaks off the attack, then the opponents have an additional 30 seconds to rest. After that, the fight resumes.

Armwrestling rules include the main block of sports laws that relate directly to this sport. Tournaments, in turn, refer to the original rules, but add some of their points.

arm wrestling technique

The vast majority of people assume that arm wrestling is quite simple in tactical terms and there is nothing extraordinary here. Like, victory lies only in the strength of your hands. It is a fairly common mistake that in arm wrestling, technique plays the last role. Ideally, one of the leading roles is given to technology, because a few moments and the right technique will make your victory real.

Let's talk about the wrestling technique and the techniques that are practiced in modern arm wrestling:

  • "Pull" - The athlete in the grip supinates his own arm and with a bent arm pulls the opponent's hand.
  • "Horseback" - The capture is carried out with a standard carpal movement with pronation.
  • Top Hook - The athlete works as in the "top" position, but with no obvious stretch in contact. From the first seconds of the fight, the attacker needs to go to the side, penetrating the opponent's hand.
  • "Triceps" - From the start, the attacker needs to move his shoulder towards the other athlete, pulling his hand at that moment. Further, directly with the triceps, the attacker presses the enemy to the pillow and snatches the victory.

If you wish, you can study other techniques by studying them in the thematic literature.

Arm wrestling exercises

Choosing arm wrestling, you make a choice in favor of the sport of real men. However, the lyrics should be left for later, but for now you should correctly paint your workouts. A professional athlete will need a good reaction, sufficient endurance and strong wrist and forearm muscles.

Exercises for arm wrestling must be written in your own training schedule. Start your day with dumbbell strength exercises. Endurance needs to be reinforced with long runs in a regular manner. As for the reaction, sports games or simple exercises with a sports ball are suitable here.

In general, it is impossible to suggest certain exercises or the correct methodology here, since each athlete needs to select his own unique program. But the main thing is to train and go to a verified goal.

Arm wrestling- this is, first of all, a type of martial arts, and, as a result, training here should consist not only of working with weights, but also of practicing techniques.

And here the task is not just to master the technique of fighting “on horseback” or in the “hook”, but to learn how to correctly apply these techniques in various situations. It is necessary to be able to attack "on horseback" not only from the "correct" start, but also from the "deep" "hook".

The more you train in arm wrestling, the better

In any kind of martial arts, the speed and correctness of your technical actions rests into quantitative work them during the training process. In order for your movement to be worked out to automatism, you need to do it more than one hundred times. And this applies not only to the development of the movement itself, but also to technical actions, such as attack, defense, counterattack.

Therefore, training sparring should stop being a “battle for Moscow” for you, when the only setting for a fight is “not a step back”. Learn to set yourself microtasks for practicing some of the technical actions for each workout.

Let's say your opponent attacks "on horseback", and you have to drag him into a "hook" or vice versa. In this mode, you have to work out for yourself all possible options for fighting: an attack with a lateral movement, an attack or defense in a "hook", an attack through the "top", etc.

If possible, you should do this with different sparring partners, because the individual geometry of the wrestler's hand also affects the technique of performing attacking and defensive actions.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel here, it is enough just to use the rich experience of our wrestling brothers. You must set yourself a task: for example, today you are fighting only in the “hook”, or working as “second number”, and clearly follow this setting. Here your goal is not the final place, but the improvement of skills.

On video:
Tsyplenkov - Pushkar 2012

Arm wrestling and competitions

During "real combat" even the most developed processes interfere with the emotional aspect.

It happens like this: you come to the table, realizing that you need to fight with this opponent in a “hook”, you take a hold, but then you feel the opponent’s power - and that’s it, you are already all in your “crown” “top”. And why? Because there is no confidence, no tournament practice.

In addition to global starts (champions of the region, countries, etc.), an armwrestler should also have small competitions, where the level of opponents will not be so high, and most importantly, you will not be pressured by the burden of responsibility for the final result.

These competitions should become a training ground for working out in "combat conditions" the skills acquired in training. You must set yourself a task: for example, today you are fighting only in the “hook”, or working as “second number”, and clearly follow this setting.

Here your goal is not the final place, but the improvement of skills. And the referee, who prevents you from taking a comfortable grip, and the competitive jitters act as an “extra weight” that will allow you to become even stronger and more experienced. Experience should play into your hands in the truest sense of the word.

The principle of microtasks is the basis of success in armwrestling

Usage the principle of microtasks will allow you to achieve another important goal: you, like a good chess player, will learn to correctly and quickly analyze what is happening at the table in order to be able to make the right adjustments to the course of the duel.

And in order for these processes to take place at lightning speed in the “combat operations” mode, all possible combinations must be sorted out and analyzed in training.

A case from one's life: championship in Las Vegas, the first fight between Farid Usmanov and John Brzenk. John is torn”, the wrestlers are tied with a belt, and the American confidently, “on horseback”, puts Farid's hand on the table. It seems to be, here - the opponent's weak spot has been found! But John is not that person, it is important for him to know that his victory is not an accident, that he is truly the strongest.

In the second fight, John is already adopting Farid's style, and fights in a "hook". The initiative passes from one to another, but in the end luck is on the side of Usmanov.

Between them there must be decisive, third, duel. Logically, in this situation, John should go “on top”, because in this movement he was clearly stronger than his opponent at that time, but John approaches Farid and offers him to fight in the “hooks” again! As we know, John won that duel.

“The difference in prize money was not very big, and I wanted to understand if I could beat Farid in the“ hooks ”- this is how the American armwrestler explained his behavior.

John used the fight with one of the best heavyweights on the planet as a training ground, having analyzed his loss, he made changes to the fight pattern and as a result became not only richer, but also a little wiser...

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Armwrestling is a technically complex sport. It develops strength, endurance, reaction speed and, like sports in general, willpower and passion for victories. You can start doing it at the age of 13, and at 40, there were cases of both very young and very old champions. Everyone's path to victory in arm wrestling competitions is individual. But here are a few success secrets that will help you quickly get to a certain level:

  • To begin with, you need to understand that arm wrestling is a martial art, and not just a competition with an abstract opponent. At the table you will find yourself face to face with the opponent, and experience, well-chosen tactics and psychology are of great importance here. Therefore, sparring is indispensable. Starting from a certain stage, when you overcome the general lack of training, you will need to constantly spar with someone. This is a very important point, just like in boxing, you won’t become a champion on some simulators. Therefore, the best option is a specialized club.
  • Constant workouts. Nothing happens without effort, especially in sports.
  • Engage in specific technical exercises. Armwrestling exercises are divided into basic ones, which involve many joints and muscles, for example, bench press, pulling the handle to the side on the block, and isolating ones, including bending the arm with dumbbells. It is necessary to start with basic, multi-joint, and only then improve the technique. Without it, there is nothing to do in this sport, no matter how powerful you are physically.
  • Except strength sharpness is very important in arm wrestling. You can lose the fight in an instant, "overslept" the start. Therefore, exercises for the development of reaction, explosive strength are of great importance. Adding a snatch element to your regular workouts helps a lot to train the body in the right reaction speed.
  • Try yourself in competitions. There are tournaments of different levels, the sooner you start participating in fights where points and titles are at stake, the more excitement there will be in training. On the other hand, you cannot go to a tournament without preparation, you will be broken in the first round, and after that it is difficult to find the desire to continue in yourself.

Armwrestling exercises at home:

If you just want to measure strength with a friend, you can do it on any horizontal surface. But professional training requires special equipment. Depending on your tastes and abilities, you can make a table yourself, or purchase a professional one.

The professional armwrestling league has adopted a single standard for tables for competitions. These are tables for men, women and the disabled. There are also tables for wrestling in a sitting and standing position.

The table must fit into a rigid standard in all dimensions. The height of the armrest is 5 centimeters, the height of the pillow is 10. The diameter of the pin should be 3 centimeters, its height is 15. The general dimensions of the table: 66 - width, 90 - long. Height - 105 centimeters to the upper edge of the armrest.

Many companies are engaged in the production of tables, so there is a choice. The cost starts from 10 thousand rubles. and can be quite high. Tables are varied, prefabricated and solid, they can be included in the design of the seat. Specify the category of athletes for which the table is made, do not make a mistake with the choice!

Also, when buying, special attention should be paid to the material from which the armrests and pillows are made. These parts of the structure are very quickly erased if they are made of low-quality material, and then pulling it over is a rather troublesome task. So it is better to spend a little more time choosing, then the table will last a long time.

The projectile can be made with your own hands, there is nothing particularly complicated in its design. Actually, an arm wrestling table is just a table of a certain size, stable and heavy enough to withstand the loads during a duel. It will be unpleasant if the table collapses under you during the battle. In addition to the horizontal surface, which must be well processed, there are pins on the table for gripping with the free hand, armrests so that it is convenient to position the working hand, and pillows on which the opponent's hand fits. The pillow should be soft enough, but at the same time not exceed 15 centimeters in height. In addition, it is better to clearly mark the dividing line in the middle of the table in order to make it easier to fight. The design sometimes provides for additional stops, footrests. It is easy to find ready-made table drawings on the Internet. You can draw a drawing yourself, the main thing is that it clearly meets the standards. Materials, design - already at your discretion.

Despite its apparent simplicity, arm wrestling is a technically complex sport. Beginners often do not pay attention to the technique and get injured, or inflict them on the opponent. Very often there is damage to the joints, sprains, sometimes fractures occur, the matter is complicated by the fact that usually these are twisted fractures with many fragments. In this case, an injury can permanently close the opportunity to engage in arm wrestling.

Most injuries happen at the initial stage, when muscle strength exceeds the strength of the joints and ligaments. The problem of arm wrestling is in the unnaturalness of movements, this can only be “fighted” with the help of precise technique. So pay close attention to her. It is very significant that in serious competitions you rarely see serious injuries, and fractures - almost never. What can not be said about the "yard" armwrestling.

There are two main techniques, the choice should be made based on your physical data and personal experience. The first technique is the hook. From the very start, instead of fighting with a straight arm, you should try to turn your arm so that the inside of the hand is facing you. You get a "hook" on which you need to catch the opponent's wrist. Next, you need to pull the opponent's hand to the side, pressing it to the table. It is believed that this technique is most suitable for athletes with short forearms and fingers, due to which the leverage will be more effective.

  • Without daily performance, you will not be able to perform high-quality strength exercises without the risk of tearing ligaments or other injuries to muscles and tendons.
  • When exercising in the gym for strength or mass, subcutaneous fat inevitably grows, if you want to get relief muscle contours, an elliptical trainer will help you, read how to choose it.
  • A strong trapezoid is very important in armwrestling, along with other back muscles, read how to pump it correctly here:.

The second option is wrestling through the brush. At the start, you need to try to get higher than the opponent, so that later you can straighten his wrist. Thus, your hand will be above the opponent’s hand, it will be easier to press it to the table. This is a more complex technique, the upward movement from the grip is less natural and requires more reaction speed. The choice of technique depends on personal convenience, at the initial stage, try both.

Armwrestling is a well developed sport with clear rules. We will not give a complete list of them, but here are the main stages of the fight:

  • Preparation. Opponents take their starting position. The shoulders must be parallel to the table, the working hands form a grip, clasping the palms into a “lock”, while the phalanges of the thumbs should be on top. The free hand is located on the pin for emphasis. This is often the longest part of the fight. The referee makes sure that the grip is set correctly.
  • Start. After the hold is set, the referee gives the command “Don't move! Attention! March!" (or their English counterparts). After that, you can start the fight.
  • The fight itself. It may be long, or it may be almost instantaneous. It is necessary to press the opponent's hand with the outer side of the "lock" to the table until the first touch. This is achieved by a combination of jerky efforts and constant pressure on the opponent's arm.

A little advice: if you feel that you are losing the fight, you should not let go of your hand abruptly, there is a high risk of injury. It is better to gradually loosen the grip. There is nothing wrong with losing: everyone goes through it. But the damage received will close the opportunity for you to take revenge for a long time.

But if you are faster, stronger and smarter, the judge fixes the victory, you get a well-deserved reward. In order to reach this sweet moment, you need to invest a lot of effort, you will need unbending willpower and a huge amount of training. But even if you don't reach the professional heights and big cups, the result of a strong and well-built body is worth it to quit the computer and go to the gym.

Available arm wrestling exercise videos