Recipes for preserving cucumbers for the winter

Love pickled cucumbers and homemade tomato juice? Have you tried them together? For a variety of winter preparations, I suggest trying this recipe ...

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Love pickled cucumbers and homemade tomato juice? Have you tried them together? For a variety of winter preparations, I offer this recipe, which combines the taste of cucumbers and tomatoes.

For the recipe:

Preparing Food for Preservation

Before we start cooking, let's do a little preparation. Cucumbers need to be soaked for 2.5-3 hours in cool water. If you skip this step, the cucumbers may ferment and all the preservation will have to be thrown away. I choose pickling cucumbers of the same size, not too large. I put mine in water. After three hours, they should be thoroughly washed under the tap.

While the cucumbers are soaking, there is time for can preparation. I think every craftswoman knows how to sterilize them. The jars should be thoroughly washed with baking soda, rinsed with boiling water, the lids for seaming should also be sterilized in boiling water. In our recipe, we will consider the amount of products needed to spin a liter jar.

How to cook pickled cucumbers in tomato juice

Cucumbers can be added to salads, eaten with meat and potatoes, as an independent dish. Drink juice with crackers.

1. For canning, fresh green, freshly picked cucumbers of small size and the same elongated shape are selected. Pour the selected cucumbers with cold water for several hours. F-1

2. In the meantime, we prepare the jars, rinse them thoroughly, there is no need to sterilize. We wash all the spices, that is, dill, parsley, horseradish leaves, cherry leaves, black currant leaves, chilli peppers, bay leaves, peel the garlic (if desired, cut large slices in half).

3.Now we are preparing for the preparation of tomato juice. We wash the tomatoes, divide them into parts and pass through a meat grinder, pour the prepared juice into a saucepan and put it on a slow fire, let it languish (I usually take meaty tomatoes to make the juice thick, but this is optional).

All this preparation will take some time. And just this time will be enough for cucumbers that settle in the water. You ask why keep cucumbers in water for pickling for the winter? And in order for them to be saturated with moisture, this will not lead to fermentation of already rolled cucumbers in tomato juice.

Then, pulling them out of the water, rinse thoroughly with running, cold water.

4. At the bottom of the jar we put 1/3 of the spices (that is, two or three sprigs of dill and parsley, 2-3 peas of black pepper, 1 allspice, chop the horseradish leaves into large pieces, part we throw at the bottom of the jar, one currant leaf, bay leaf , one leaf of cherries, chopped garlic, two or three circles of chopped hot peppers, add it as desired, who likes what kind of spiciness), and then fill the jar with cucumbers to half, I stack all the cucumbers standing up, close to each other, cut off the buttocks, then again the above layer of all the spices, then again the cucumbers and so on until the jar is full. Spices in the amount in which I indicated, it is better to put only three layers in jars so that there is no bust with spices.

5. Then fill the cucumbers with boiling water, this should be done very slowly, in small portions, so that the jar does not burst, and to warm the bottom and walls of the jar, cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes.

At this time, add salt and sugar to taste to the tomato juice, I add 1 tablespoon of salt and 3 tablespoons of sugar to 1 liter of juice, let it boil slowly.

6. Drain the water from the cucumbers and put it on the fire again, and after boiling, pour the cucumbers again and leave for 10 minutes, covered with a lid. Drain the water very carefully so as not to burn yourself. Now the most important thing is that our preservation does not ferment, we add 1 aspirin tablet to a liter jar of preservation. acetylsalicylic acid (it must be crushed), which, in addition, makes our pickled cucumbers in tomato juice crunchy. And 100% preserves your conservation, without any sterilization. There will be no smell and taste from one tablet, believe me.

If you do not want to use aspirin tablets, you can add half a teaspoon of citric acid per 1 liter of preservation.

7. Then we pour cucumbers with tomato juice, in which sugar and salt have already dissolved. I advise you to make tomato juice yourself, you will be sure of the naturalness of your preservation.

We roll up jars with pickled cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter. Turn them upside down and let them cool. To cool them down more slowly, wrap them in a blanket and leave them overnight. Store jars in a cool place (pantry, basement).

Photo recipe for harvesting for the winter was prepared by Raime Kurbidinova

When you want something special, you can simply combine the incongruous. For example, mix tomatoes and cucumbers. And not just mix, but marinate them in each other? How to do it, we will teach you today.

We offer several ways to pickle cucumbers in tomato juice at once. It turns out very tasty! And with spices, you can experiment almost endlessly. The preparation can be sweet, and spicy, and spicy - as you like.

General principles of preparation

Although the preparations seem complicated, they can be prepared in traditional ways: using sterilization or preservatives. At the same time, a minimum of skills is required, only fresh vegetables and tasty juice are needed.

Banks must be sterilized, except for a prescription with aspirin. This will keep the cucumbers from fermenting. Any lids can be used for seaming, it is important to just check then how tightly they fit.

How to cook pickled cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter

Ingredients Quantity
cucumbers - 0.5 kg
Sahara - 45 g
laurel leaves - 3 pcs
tomato juice - 0.5 l
salt - 15 g
hot pepper - 1 PC
cherry leaves - 4 things
carnations - 3 pcs
black currant leaves - 4 things
garlic - 1 head
peppercorns - 10 pieces
aspirin - 1 tablet

Time for preparing

calories per 100 grams

This recipe combines tradition and know-how: the ingredients are familiar, but the result is completely different!

How to cook:

Tip: if aspirin is not available, it can be replaced with 2 g of citric acid. This is to avoid sterilizing the jars and preventing the cucumbers from fermenting.

Whole cucumbers with tomato marinade

Crispy, dense and spicy cucumbers. Many people like them much more than traditional pickled fruits.

How much time - 1 hour 20 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 20 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Soak clean cucumbers in cold water for an hour, then pull out and cut off the ends;
  2. Wash the dill, do not cut it;
  3. Arrange the packaging with spices, more precisely, with leaves in jars;
  4. Put the whole hot pepper in one of the jars;
  5. Put a sprig of dill in each container;
  6. It is possible to lay cucumbers tightly, both horizontally and vertically, and in combination;
  7. Pour the tomato juice into a saucepan and boil it for five minutes. It is desirable that the juice was natural, homemade. To do this, you need one and a half kilograms of tomatoes;
  8. Then add salt with sugar, stir so that the grains dissolve;
  9. Cook for another five minutes, removing a thin layer of foam from a spoon;
  10. At the end, pour in the vinegar, stir and immediately pour the mass into jars of cucumbers;
  11. Cover with lids, send to sterilize in a large saucepan for fifteen minutes;
  12. Pull out with tongs, twist, immediately send under the covers to cool. Then store in the pantry.

Tip: to make the taste of the juice as saturated as possible, you can add a tablespoon of tomato paste along with sugar and salt, stir.

Pieces of cucumbers in a juicy dressing

This appetizer smells so good that you want to eat it right away, and not leave it for the winter.

How long - 40 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 62 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Put the jars to be sterilized;
  2. Wash cucumbers and cut into slices. The thickness of one circle should not exceed a centimeter. Throw away the ponytails;
  3. Mix tomato juice (preferably natural) and water in a large saucepan, salt, sugar, pour in oil. You can add any spices;
  4. Then put the mass on the fire and boil it;
  5. As soon as the tomato-oil sauce boils, you immediately need to put all the cucumbers in it and stir;
  6. Cook over low heat for about twenty minutes;
  7. At the very end, add the peeled garlic cloves and pour in the vinegar, mix;
  8. Pour into jars with a ladle and close them immediately, let cool under a blanket;
  9. Store in a cool place.

Tip: cucumbers can be cut very thinly, this does not affect the taste in any way.

How to pickle cucumbers with ketchup

Ketchup is an unusual and simple alternative to both fresh tomatoes and juice. In addition, it immediately contains spices.

How much time - 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 19 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash cucumbers;
  2. In a saucepan, mix vinegar, water, dilute ketchup, add sugar and a little salt. This will be the brine;
  3. Put it on fire and let it boil;
  4. Put cucumbers in small jars. It is desirable that they have a small size;
  5. Put the pan with a towel at the bottom, where the jars will be sterilized. Pour the water;
  6. Carefully pour the hot brine into the cucumbers, cover with lids;
  7. Sterilize for at least ten minutes, and if the jar is large, then all twenty-five;
  8. Pull out the jars, immediately roll them up and cool in a warm place. You can store it in a closet.

Tip: if you don’t like a spicy marinade, you can take “tomato” ketchup.

Garlic tomato preparation

Fragrant garlic brine is ideal for both cucumbers and tomatoes.

How much time - 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 58 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash and blanch the tomatoes. You just need to pour boiling water over them, and then remove the skin with a knife. It is necessary to take large and fleshy fruits;
  2. Using a blender or meat grinder, turn the tomatoes into gruel, pour it into a saucepan;
  3. Add sugar, butter, salt here, various herbs can be added;
  4. Put on fire and boil for ten minutes;
  5. Washed cucumbers without tails must be cut into washers, not too thin;
  6. Remove the husk from the garlic and finely chop it;
  7. Send them to the pan with tomato sauce;
  8. Boil for another twenty minutes, and then add garlic and vinegar here, mix thoroughly;
  9. Arrange the cucumbers together with the filling in sterilized jars;
  10. Roll up immediately, and after cooling, store in a cool place.

Tip: The amount of garlic can be adjusted depending on the desired spiciness.

If there is no tomato juice, you can dilute millet with 150 g of tomato paste in a liter of water. Boil, add spices, cook according to the recipe. The taste is no better.

Both tomatoes and cucumbers go well with herbs. Therefore, you can add a little basil, rosemary or thyme directly to the jar. It is advisable to take fresh stems.

Such an unusual snack, like cucumbers in tomato juice, cannot go unnoticed. This guests have tried! It is important to give enough time for the cucumbers to soak, change color, and after opening the jar, store in the refrigerator. This is delicious!

Cucumbers in tomato juice recipe has different cooking options. However, they all turn out delicious and original. Let's look at them in more detail.

Canned cucumbers in tomato juice


Garlic clove - 5 pieces
- vinegar - a tablespoon
- sugar, salt
- cucumbers - 1.5 kg
- tomatoes - 1.5 kg


Boil the tomatoes for two minutes, pass through a juicer or grind through a sieve by hand. Repeat the last procedure several times to get rid of seeds and skin. Boil the juice until it stops foaming. Rinse the cucumbers under cold water, cut off the ends, place in jars, pre-sterilized and washed with cool water, leave a little space for the tomato juice. Pour cucumbers with boiled tomato, roll up with sterile lids. Before pouring, bring the juice to taste with vinegar, sugar and salt, add garlic. Turn the jars upside down and let cool.

It turns out very tasty and

Cucumbers marinated in tomato juice

Required products:

Cucumbers - 1.5 kg
- dried dill - 15 g
- grated horseradish - a tablespoon
- allspice - 20 pcs.
- a head of garlic - 3 pcs.
- salt - a tablespoon
- tomatoes - 1 kg
- bay leaf - 2 pieces
- Bell pepper

Cooking steps:

Prepare juice from tomatoes, add salt, pepper, garlic, grated horseradish, dried dill, bay leaf to it. Rinse the cucumbers, cut the pepper, place in sterile containers, pour hot tomato. Cover the jars with lids, put in a water bath, maintaining a temperature of about 70 degrees. Preservation should steam for about 20 minutes, and then roll up the banks.

How about you?

Pickled cucumbers in tomato juice

You will need:

Salt - 80 g
- garlic clove - 3 pieces
- grated horseradish root - a teaspoon
- fresh dill - 155 g
- cucumber fruits - 5 kg
- currant leaves - 100 g
- parsnips
- marjoram - a teaspoon
- ready tomato - 1.5 liters

Cooking steps:

Distribute all spices and herbs in clean, sterilized containers, put the washed cucumbers. Warm the tomato to 90 degrees, salt, pour into the container, sterilize the preservation for 15 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees, roll up the lids. Banks turn over, wrap, cool in the same state.

Try and .

Preservation of cucumbers in tomato juice


Sugar, salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
- garlic
- cucumber fruit
- black peppercorns
- Bay leaf
- horseradish
- tomato juice
- vinegar essence teaspoon


1. Rinse the cucumbers, put them in clean jars along with spices. Choose fruits of the same size.
2. Pour boiling water over the vegetables, cover with a lid, leave for 10 minutes.
3. Put the tomato on low heat, boil.
4. Drain the water, put it on the stove again, after boiling, drain the water again, leave for 10 minutes, covered with a lid.
5. Pour out the water, pour a tomato instead, add granulated sugar, salt, vinegar.
6. Roll up the container, leave it to cool. Jars can not be sterilized, they are perfectly stored and so.

Canning cucumbers in tomato juice


Tomato - ? liters
- fresh cucumbers - 1\2 kg
- fine table salt - a tablespoon
- granulated sugar - 3 tbsp.
- horseradish leaves
- parsley
- dill
- capsicum bitter pepper
- head of garlic
- cherry leaves - 3 pieces
- blackcurrant leaves - 3 pieces
- bay leaf - 2 pcs.
- allspice peas - 4 pcs.
- black peppercorns - 8 pcs.


For canning, select only small fruits of the same, elongated shape. Pour the selected vegetables with cool water. You can do without sterilization. Rinse the leaves of cherries, horseradish, parsley and dill, capsicum, garlic and bay leaf. Now you can proceed to the preparation of the tomato. Wash the tomatoes, divide into parts. Pass through a meat grinder. Put the prepared juice on a slow fire so that it sweats. Preparation will take you a small amount of time. Pull the cucumbers out of the water, which have already managed to get enough moisture. Rinse them with running, cool water. Place 1/3 of the spices on the bottom of the jar, fill the jar halfway with cucumbers. Lay them standing up, pressing tightly against each other. Lay out a layer of the rest of the spices, again the cucumbers and again the spices. Fill with cool water. Do this very slowly, in small portions, so that the glass container does not crack. Cover with lids, leave for 10 minutes. Add granulated sugar and salt to the tomato juice, let it boil slowly. Drain water from vegetables, put on fire. After boiling, pour over the vegetables, leave for 10 minutes, covered with a lid. Drain the water carefully so that the preservation does not ferment, put an aspirin tablet. Can you add it instead of a tablet? a teaspoon of citric acid. Pour cucumbers with tomato juice, roll up, turn upside down, let cool in this form.

And here is another option for preparing a delicious dish.

Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, cut the cucumbers into small pieces. Chop the garlic. Put the grated tomatoes on the stove, boil, add vegetable oil, granulated sugar, vinegar, salt, garlic to the boiling mass. Bring the marinade to a boil, dip the cucumbers in it for 5 minutes. Remove them from the heat, put them in clean jars, roll them up immediately.

Prepare and.

Pickled cucumbers in tomato juice.


Tarragon - 10 g
- salt - 3 tablespoons
- garlic cloves - 5 pcs.
- tomato - 1.5 liters
- cucumbers - 1.5 kg

Cooking steps:

Boil the tomato, cool, put greens, garlic and salt. Pour vegetables, cover with lids, leave in a cool place.

Cucumbers with peppers in tomato.


small cucumbers
- bell pepper
- salt
- granulated sugar


Cut off the cap from the peppers, clean the middle, put in a small cucumber. Put 5 pieces in a liter jar. Prepare tomato juice from tomatoes, boil it, put salt and granulated sugar to taste. Pour cucumbers with tomato 2 times: the first time for 10 minutes, then drain it, boil again, pour juice a second time, roll up, cover the jars with a warm blanket.

If you still have a tomato, prepare such a blank.

Tomatoes in tomato juice.


Small tomatoes - 1 kg
- salt - a tablespoon
- sugar - 2/3 tbsp. spoons
- ripe red tomatoes for juicing

Cooking steps:

Rinse the tomatoes, chop with a toothpick or a pointed wooden stick, put in 1 liter glass jars. Pour the boiling juice over the tomatoes, cover with lids, sterilize for 10 minutes, cork, leave to cool upside down.

Sweet pepper in tomato.

Peppercorns of the correct form and medium size wash. Cut off the upper part, remove the seeds, put in a liter jar, pour boiling tomato juice, pre-salt it and add sugar. Cover with sterile lids, sterilize at 100 degrees for 45 minutes. Roll up, turn upside down, let cool, transfer to a cool place.

It turns out very tasty and

Cucumber salad with onions in tomato sauce.


Cucumbers - 2.5 kg
- garlic - 100 g
- tomatoes - 1.5 kilograms
- medium bulb - 2 pieces
- sugar - 120 g
- vinegar - a tablespoon
- coarse salt - 1.5 tablespoons

Cooking steps:

Cut cucumber fruits into rings. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, strain to get rid of the seeds. Chop the garlic, chop the onion into thin rings. Add tomato juice, pour cucumbers with onions, salt, add sugar, boil for about 5 minutes. Spread the hot salad hot in sterile jars, cork, hide upside down under the covers.

And here are a few more options for preparing this delicious preparation.

Option number 1.


Fresh cucumber fruits - 3.3 kg
- dill - 70 g
- horseradish leaves - 50 g
- salt - 120 g
- Bay leaf
- tomato - 2 liters
- sweet capsicum - 50 g
- garlic - 30 g


Put spices in dry and clean jars. Pour cucumbers with hot brine, salted tomato. Cover the filled jars with boiled lacquered lids, place in a saucepan with water, heat to a temperature of 70 degrees for sterilization. After sterilizing the container, twist it, turn it upside down, and refrigerate.

Option number 2.

Put 1 g of capsicum, a clove of garlic, a leaf of celery, 10 g of dill, 300 g of fresh cucumbers on the bottom of the containers. Wash cucumber fruits, soak for a couple of hours in cool water. Divide the number of spices into two parts, alternate layers with vegetables. Fill the jars with hot tomato, seal with boiled lids, tie with gauze and place in the sun. After three days, the workpiece can be eaten.

If you want to cook cucumbers without using tomatoes, try these options.

Recipe number 1.

Pickles in Polish.


Water - 1 liter
- table vinegar - 0.1 liters
- salt, granulated sugar - 100 g each
- bay leaf - 6 pcs.
- grains of black pepper - 5 pcs.

Cooking steps:

Peel large fruits, cut into 6 parts, remove the seeds with a spoon. Cut each piece of cucumber in half, dip in boiling water, cool in cool water. Dip the pepper in boiling water for a few minutes. Cool immediately and peel off the skin. Cut into two parts, remove the seeds, cut into strips. Place the vegetables tightly in containers, add mustard seeds, pour hot marinade over, pasteurize at a temperature of 90 degrees for 20 minutes.

Pickled sterilized cucumbers.


Garlic - 3 cloves
- dill - 30 g
- cucumber fruits - 2 kg


Wash the fruits, soak for 6 hours in low temperature water, rinse with running water. Fill the filled container with brine, cover with boiled lids, keep at a temperature until fermentation of day 3. Drain the brine, boil for 5 minutes. Rinse vegetables, put in jars, fill with brine, cork, sterilize.