μετοχή ) - an independent part of speech, or (depending on the point of view) a special form of the verb, which has the properties of both a verb and an adjective. Indicates a sign of an object by action and answers questions what?, what?, what does he do?, what did he do?, what did he do? The verb signs of the participle are the category of aspect, pledge, as well as a special predicative form of time. The adjectival (associated with the adjective) signs of the participle are the categories of gender, number and case, the possibility of forming short forms in passive participles, the syntactic function of an agreed definition. In addition, participles tend to turn into adjectives: brilliant fire - brilliant performance.

The participle is used in many Indo-European languages, Arabic, Hungarian, and also in many Eskimo languages ​​(for example, in Sireniki). In other languages, together with the gerund, it forms a special part of speech - English. Participle, German Partizip.

In russian language

The question of the status of participles has been and is being resolved ambiguously in Russian studies, however, linguists agree that participles are formed from a verb. The formation of participles is closely related to the category of aspect and transitivity. For example, present and past participles can be formed from imperfective verbs, and only past participles can be formed from perfective verbs. In addition, passive participles can only be formed from transitive verbs. The present participles are formed from the stem of the present tense. Active voice forms are formed using suffixes -usch- growing) And -ash- holding). Passive forms of the present tense are formed with the help of suffixes -om- , -eat- for verbs of the first conjugation ( slave) And -them- - for verbs of the second conjugation ( persecuted).

Past participles are formed from the stem of the infinitive. Active participles are formed with the suffix -vsh- for verbs whose stem ends in a vowel ( holding). With a suffix -sh- such participles are formed from verbs with a stem into a consonant ( growing up).

Some verbs have specificity in the formation of participles, such verbs include verbs in -st , during the formation of which the original basis is truncated ( shrunken). From verbs with suffix -Well- it is possible to form two forms of participles, for example, extinguished - extinguished.

Passive past participles are formed using suffixes -nn- (from verbs in -at : read, Lost), -enn- (from verbs in -it And -whose : baked), -T- (from monosyllabic verbs: crumpled).

Passive participles, as a rule, have full ( verified) and short ( verified) forms. Short forms vary by gender and number. However, not all passive participles of the present tense have a short form. Since the passive participles of the present tense ( slave, readable) refer mainly to book speech, there are some stylistic restrictions on the formation of such forms. Therefore, from colloquial and some neutral verbs (for example, beat, cover, feed and so on) passive participles of the present tense are often not formed. Also, not all verbs form passive past participles in Russian.


Adjectivation the transition of various parts of speech into an adjective is called, but it is participles that undergo adjectivation to a greater extent. When adjectivized, participles lose their verbal categories and begin to designate a permanent, static, unchanging sign, thus, participles are rethought. Allocate:

  • participles that have turned into adjectives with a figurative meaning ( brilliant career);
  • participles that have turned into adjectives with new, additional meanings ( thinking being);
  • participles that have turned into adjectives with a designation of purpose for performing some action ( typewriter);
  • participles that have turned into adjectives with the meaning of the ability to be exposed to any effect ( inflected nouns);
  • participles that have turned into adjectives with the meaning of a state caused as a result of some action ( condensed milk).

Grammar signs

The participle changes according to the features of the adjective. It changes by numbers, by cases, by gender in the singular. The participle can be perfective and imperfective, past and present; these signs do not change; for the sacrament they are constant.

Examples of a valid participle

  • Rain, watering earth.
  • Horror, flying on the wings of the night.
  • Human, having read book.
  • Fallen leaves from the tree.
  • Birch, declining over wet bushes.

Examples of the passive participle

  • Earth, watered rain.
  • Plant, cultivated in the garden.
  • Book, read everyone.


The short form of the passive past participle of perfective verbs is used in Russian to form the passive forms of the perfect: book read(present perfect) the house was built(past perfect) the road will be laid(perfect future tense).

Subjunctive participle

The question of the existence in the Russian language of the participle of the subjunctive mood, formed by adding a particle to the real participle of the past tense would, is debatable. However, similar forms are sometimes found in the works of N.V. Gogol, and in the form of a stable turnover would do honor- many other authors.


The participle with dependent words is called participle turnover. In the sentence, participial turnover and participle are a separate or non-separate agreed definition.

In Russian, the participial turnover is often separated by commas. If the participial turnover is after the word being defined, it is separated by commas on both sides. When the participial turnover is in front of the word being defined, commas are not put, except when the word being defined is expressed by a personal pronoun.

  • Program, hastily written, performed an invalid operation.
  • Hastily written The program performed an illegal operation.

Complex sentences can be overloaded with participial phrases:

  • Woodpecker, gouging tree, growing In the woods, bombarded snow, falling from the branches, very frozen.

The Russian language is rich in a large number of different parts of speech, which help to build a competent and logical text. But it is impossible to imagine our native speech without participles, forms of the verb, which contain both its features, and adjectives. Participles are a synthesized part of speech that has a large number of expressive possibilities and can perform different functions in a sentence. It must be studied in the course of the school curriculum.

in participles

First of all, it is necessary to give a definition. The participle is called a verb form that combines the features of an adjective and a verb and answers the questions what? which? The participle characterizes the action and its attribute at the same time. So briefly you can explain what the words related to this part of speech are - this is leading, screaming, knowing, becoming, living, readable and many others.

Since the participle is inseparable from the adjective, they have some common features. So, participles can change in numbers, gender and cases. It is important to note that both short and full participles have these features. Examples of words that have these features, bringing them closer to adjectives: dreaming - dreaming (change by gender), recognizing - recognizing (singular and plural), composed - composed - composed (change by cases: nominative, genitive and dative, respectively).

Signs of a verb in a participle

Since the participle is one of the forms of the verb, these two parts of speech are closely related and have a set of common features. Among them, one should note the appearance (perfect - said, imperfect - speaking), recurrence and irrevocability (laughing, removed), pledge (passive - prepared, real - aging). Transitivity and intransitivity is another sign that characterizes the sacrament. Examples of words that are transitive are cleaning (room), reading (newspaper), intransitive - downtrodden, inspired.

A special point is the presence of participles of time. It must be remembered that this part of speech has only the past and present tenses. Participles do not have a future tense form.

Valid participles

This group of participles names the action that the object itself performs. But what is it in practice? Examples of words of this category - frightening, whispering, lived, screaming, flying, etc.

In a sentence, the real participle describes an action that develops simultaneously with the one that names the predicate (for example: Mother is watching a child play).

Special situation with real past participles. What action describes a particular participle can be judged after determining from which it is formed. So, if the real participle is formed with the help of the corresponding suffixes from the verb of the perfect form, then the action occurred before the other, called the verb. For example, there is a student in the class who has solved a test. The participle is formed from the verb "decide" (what to do?) - the perfect form. There is a student in the class doing a test. In this case, the sentence uses the imperfect participle.

Passive participles

Another variation of this part of speech is the passive participle. Examples of words that fall into this category might be: created, purchased, dressed, built in, driven, etc.

This type of participle describes an action that is performed on an object. In turn, the process that calls the participle can occur both simultaneously with what the predicate is talking about, and end earlier, nevertheless have a connection with the present moment.

Very often, both in speech and in literature, one can find a passive participle with a dependent word. Examples of such phrases: a work written by a composer, a music track listened to by a music lover, etc.

Connection with other parts of speech

The participle can be transformed into other parts of speech under the influence of various processes that contribute to the development of the Russian language. So, the participle can be substantiated into a noun (it is necessary to pay attention to such words as commander, future, which answer questions Who? And What?).

Another important concept is the adjectivized participle. Examples of words that have been affected by this process are fried, mature, intimate, innate, etc. A completely logical question arises: how to distinguish a participle from an adjective in each specific case? One of the main signs that will help separate these parts of speech is to find a participle with a dependent word. Examples of such words: potatoes fried in a pan, an act of resentment, etc.

Parsing participles in the topic "Morphology"

In the course of studying each part of speech, both in the school curriculum and in the curriculum of any philological faculty, there are tasks for parsing a particular word in a sentence. To do this, it is necessary to determine the part of speech to which this lexical unit belongs, and correctly perform the analysis. So, let's try to parse the sacrament. How to determine that the word is a representative of this particular part of speech? You just need to know the typical participle suffixes. Examples of words containing suffixes -usch-, -yushch (participating, thirsty), -ash-, -yash- (hurrying, sleeping), -vsh- (becoming), -t- (deceived), -enn-, -nn - (built-in, recognized), -om-, -em- (adored, led), - all these are participles, real and passive, past or present tense.

So, parsing the participle consists of substituting a question for it (most often which one?), identifying it as a participle, indicating the initial form of the masculine gender, the singular in the nominative case, defining the verb and the suffix with which it is formed from it. It is also obligatory to indicate the type, the presence of recurrence and transitivity, pledge, tense, form (short or full), gender, number, case and declension, in this particular sentence.

Participle is the part of speech that means object sign by action and answer questions Which? which? which? which? (what does he do? what did he do? what did he do?)

initial form participle is the nominative singular masculine form ( Im.p., unit, m.p. ). denoting attribute of an object by action, the participle combines signs and.

Participles are formed from verb and have some of its permanent features. There are participles perfect (read, excited ) And imperfect kind ( reading, excited ). The form of the participle coincides with the form of the verb from which it is formed ( excited - from a perfective verb excite,worried - from an imperfective verb excite ).

Like verb, participles have a sign of time, but for participle this sign is constant. There are participles past (listened ) And present time ( listening ). There are no future participles!

Participles from reflexive verbs have the same suffixes as from non-reflexive verbs, but the ending is added -sya (stretching ).

Like adjective , the participle agrees with the noun in gender, number and case (these are its inconstant signs): child playing, girl playing, children playing . Some participles, like adjectives, can form a short form: built - built, born - born .

Some participles deviate from the general rule for their formation: grow - growing, go - walking, row - row - rower, scrape - scraper - scraper .

Syntactic role

In a sentence, participles perform the following function:

  • definitions (full form). Sorva nn th as a girl, the flower soon withered.
  • nominal part compound predicate (full and short form). Flower disruption n girl today. (Why are we writing one H here - read in the abstract).

Communion can be carried dependent words. Together they form participial, which is a single member of the sentence - definition . Man has desires respectable and there are desires not deserving of it (M. Gorky).

Plan of morphological analysis.

I. Part of speech, general grammatical meaning; verb. from which this participle is formed.

II. Morphological features:
1. Initial form ( Im.p., unit, m.p.)
2. Permanent signs: a) real or passive; b) time; c) view; d) return.
3. Non-permanent signs: a) full or short form (for passive participles); b) case, c) number; d) kind.

III. syntactic role.

ATTENTION. You have to differentiate!

adjectives And communion answer the same question, indicate the sign of the subject. To distinguish between them, you need to remember the following: adjectives designate a sign by color, shape, smell, place, time, etc. These signs are constantly characteristic of this subject. And the participle denotes a sign by action, this sign flows in time, it is not always characteristic of the subject.

Compare: reading room - adjective, sign by purpose, and reading person - participle, sign by action; bold - emboldened, dark - darkening, troublesome - bustling . Participles are also formed using suffixes peculiar only to them: –usch- (-yusch-), -ash- (-box-), -vsh-(-sh-), -em-, -im-, -om-, -t-, -enn–(the latter occurs with adjectives).

◊◊◊ Sometimes the participle is considered not as an independent part of speech, but as a special form of the verb ( This topic is not covered in this abstract.).

The participle is an independent part of speech that has both the features of a verb: tense, reflexivity, and aspect, and the features of an adjective: gender, number, and case. We can say that it is a verbal adjective or a special form of the verb, as few linguists claim. Participles are also divided into active and passive.

Participles together with dependent words form participle phrases.

participle conjugation

The participle changes according to the signs of both the verb and the noun. It changes by species, by tenses, by numbers, by cases, by gender in the singular.


  • verb "to paint" - participle "painted"
  • verb "go" - participle "walking"
  • verb "to exist" - participle "existing"
  • verb "to live" - ​​participle "living"

see also


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    This term has other meanings, see Part of speech (meanings). This article needs to be completely rewritten. There may be explanations on the talk page ... Wikipedia

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    Participle is an independent part of speech or a special form of a verb. There are participles, for example, in Russian and Hungarian, as well as in many of the Eskimo languages ​​( Sirenixia). Communion is an independent part of speech that has both signs ... Wikipedia

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  • Practical grammar in the lessons of the Russian language. 4-7 cells Toolkit. At 4 o'clock. Part 2, Zikeev Anatoly Georgievich. The four editions of the manual included exercises aimed at developing the lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic, phraseological and stylistic aspects of students' speech. ...
  • Practical grammar in the lessons of the Russian language: a teaching aid for working with students in grades 4-7 of special (correctional) educational institutions. In 4 parts. Part. 2. Verb, A. G. Zikeev. The manual includes exercises aimed at developing the lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic, phraseological and stylistic aspects of students' speech. In the second…

The part of speech that combines the properties of an adjective and a verb is called a participle. This article describes the characteristic features of the participle, its morphological features, types, main differences from the adjective. Examples are also given for better assimilation of the material.

Participle- a special form of a verb that combines the grammatical properties of a verb and an adjective. Indicates a sign of an object by action and answers questions - Which? Which? Which? Which? Doing what? What did you do? What has done?

Examples of participles: lying, washed, paid off, collected, written, hugging, wishing.

The concept of participle as a grammatical unit

The grammatical description of the participle includes morphological features of verbs and adjectives.

Permanent grammatical signs of participles (signs of the verb):

  • Type(real or passive);
  • View(perfect or imperfect);
  • Time(present or past).

Non-permanent signs of participles (signs of adjectives):

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  • Form(full or short);
  • Number(singular or plural);
  • Genus(male, female, middle);
  • case.

The initial form of participles is the full form of the singular, nominative case, masculine (seeking, replaceable, sorted out).

What are the sacraments?

Distinguish between active and passive participles. Each of the types has two subtypes - groups of words of the present and past tense.

Types Valid participles (denoting a sign of an object by the action that the object itself performs) Passive participles (denoting the sign of the object by the action that is carried out on the object)
Present tense -usch-/-yusch-;


living, playing, trembling -om-/-em-; discussed, directed, persecuted
past tense -vsh-/-sh- knowing, dancing, frozen -nn-/-enn-/-t- carried away, described, brought down

Participle as a member of a sentence

Participle in full form is usually used as a definition in sentences and agrees with nouns or pronouns. Participles in short form are the nominal part of the compound predicate.

Examples: Snow-covered fields were visible from the window (fields (what?) covered - definition). The fields were covered with snow (the fields (what did they do?) were covered - part of the compound predicate).

Adjectives and participles

Adjectives are often confused with the corresponding participles. To determine which word is used in a sentence, it is enough to replace it with a synonymous word or phrase:

  • The participle can be replaced by a verb denoting the same action as the participle (seeds scattered by the wind - seeds scattered by the wind);
  • An adjective can be replaced by another adjective (a distracted person is a forgetful, inattentive person).

Briefly, the differences between adjectives and participles are studied in grade 7.

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