"Black continent" - this is the name of Africa, on the vast territory of which you can find a variety of landscapes. The second largest continent after Eurasia crosses many rivers and is washed by 2 seas and 2 oceans: the Mediterranean in the north, the Red in the northeast, the Atlantic Ocean in the west, and the Indian Ocean in the south and east. Deep rivers flow through Africa, some of them are considered the largest and deepest on the planet.

Rivers and lakes of Africa on the map:

Nile: the longest river in Africa

It is the second longest river on the planet after the Amazon and the first - on the African continent. The great Nile saw the dawn of humanity. Representatives of the most ancient civilization lived on its shores, evidence of their way of life has been preserved. In all ages, nations have worshiped the greatest river.

The source of the Nile - a mystery of millennia

Throughout its entire length, the largest river in Africa has tributaries, so it is difficult to determine where it originates from. Geographers have been dealing with this issue for centuries. The ancient Egyptians - the indigenous inhabitants of the valley - could not give an intelligible answer to the question. Therefore, the ancient Greeks tried to solve it, in particular, the great thinker Herodotus argued that the Nile is born from the bowels of Africa in the south, and then spreads around. But this version was found to be erroneous.

The astronomer Ptolemy Claudius turned out to be closer to the truth, who wrote in his scientific works that the Nile originates in the Mountains of the Moon (the Rwenzori ridge at the present time). But in 1858, the English officer J. Hennig Speke discovered the high-mountain lake Victoria (1184 m above sea level), and scientists received evidence. They were then reinforced by other researchers that the Nile flows from there, more precisely, the Kagera River originates from the Victoria Lakes, which is divided into tributaries. One of them is Rukarara, and its source is the beginning of the great White Nile.

Stream geography

The mighty river carries rough waters to the north of the mainland, tending downward, therefore rapids and waterfalls are often found along its length. The largest is the 40-meter Murchison, it erupts into Lake Albert, and the waters flowing from it are already called the Albert Nile. The further path runs through the territory of Uganda, along the plain, and the seething stream calms down. Upon reaching the state of South Sudan, the artery again changes its name, and for 716 km is called Bahr el-Jabel. In South Sudan, it has a very ramified appearance - many branches and islets between them.

Further, the river merges with Lake Net and carries its waters to the capital of Sudan - Khartoum. Until now, the color of the stream was yellow due to an excess of impurities of light clay, but outside Khartoum, the White Nile merges with the Blue, and further along the continent the great Nile flows majestically. At 300 km from the capital, the Atbar tributary flows into it. Having become even full of water, the Nile enters the Sahara Desert, more precisely, into its eastern part - the Nubian.

Here the Nile makes a sharp turn to the south, then again to the north, and then its path runs through Egypt. On the border of Sudan and Egypt, it turns into Nasser - the largest man-made lake in the world (area 5250 m²). It was created by the Nasuan Dam, which is hidden by the rapids of the Nile and prevented its spill. Further, the stream flows deeply and widely through Egypt, pouring into the Mediterranean Sea not far from the Suez Canal, on its banks are cities, including the capital of Egypt, Cairo. After leaving it, the Nile splits into branches, which create a vast delta 160 km long, in which there are 10 cities, and this is a large-scale ecosystem.

Congo (Zaire): the deepest river on the planet

It is the deepest river in Africa and the second longest. By the area of ​​the basin, it confidently leads the list of African rivers. Most of it passes through the territory of the Republic of the Congo. The pioneer is the navigator from Portugal Diogo Kahn.

River geography

The source of the Congo is in Zambia at an altitude of 1600 m. The mountains are gradually replaced by a plain, where the stream freely spreads in the valley with the formation of branches, channels and natural reservoirs, in some places 20 km wide. When the Congo reaches the South Guinean Uplands, it is trapped in a gorge with a minimum width of only 300 m. Here it acquires its maximum depth (up to 230 m), which puts the Congo on the pedestal of the deepest rivers in the world. In addition, the site is famous for rapids and drops that have a name - Livingstone Falls. At the end of the path, the Congo flows into the Atlantic at the city of Banana.

Congo is strategically important for hydropower throughout the world, due to its high water flow and a large degree of fall in the channel.

Niger: mystical river

The third longest artery of Africa crosses 5 countries. For the state of Mali, Niger is the only source of fresh water, without which the life of the local population would be extremely difficult.

Stream geography

What is mystical about Niger, you ask. This is a unique river, which, contrary to the laws of physics, does not go directly to a salt reservoir, but has a boomerang path. The stream, following a winding route, has confused explorers for centuries. In addition, the people inhabiting the shores of the Niger still believe that ancient spirits live in its waters.

The source of the river falls in the eastern region of the Kong Mountains (Guinea) at an altitude of 850 m above sea level. At first, it flows north, in the opposite direction from the ocean, but in Mali it changes direction to the southeast, and then to the south. The estuary falls on the Gulf of Guinea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. At the meeting point with the Gulf, the Niger forms a huge delta with an area of ​​25 thousand square meters. It starts near the city of Aba in Nigeria, 180 km from the Gulf of Guinea. It mainly contains swamps and mangroves. The Niger has one more, the so-called inner mouth, the Malians call it Masina. This is a 425 km long swampy floodplain, consisting of lakes, branches, rivulets. At the other end, all reservoirs again create a single channel.

The Niger is a flood river, during the monsoon period (from June to October) it is widely overflowing and uplifting. Its waters are home to a variety of fish, the main food source for coastal residents.

Among the tributaries of the Niger, the Benue is the largest, at its widest point it is 3 km, and the waters are the most powerful and turbulent. Navigation in Niger does not go along the entire route, but only in places, but the channel is unusually picturesque and attractive for tourists. Rapids and waterfalls are found in the upper course, and then the river flows through the plains and has a calmer course.

In addition to the three longest, other water streams on the continent deserve attention:

  • Zambezi. The fourth longest river is famous for the most famous waterfall in the world - Victoria. Many travelers wonder who discovered the Zambezi. It was David Livingston, an African explorer, missionary from Scotland, who later discovered the waterfall. Only 5 bridges have been built across the river stream, and two large power plants are fed from it;
  • Limpopo. It exists not only in the tale of Korney Chukovsky, but actually takes place in southern Africa. Another name is Crocodile River, alligators and hippos live on the banks and coastal waters.
  • Orange River. Its origins are in the Drakensberg Mountains of Lesotho in South Africa, and the artery flows westward into the Atlantic Ocean.

Huge Africa is crossed by many waterways. They rush in swift streams from mountain heights, through plains and deserts, dissolving in the salty waters of the seas and oceans. In an extremely arid and hot climate, under the scorching rays of the sun, all rivers in Africa bring prosperity and life to the inhabitants of the continent.

Africa is one of the largest continents on Earth. It is washed from all sides by seas and oceans: in the north - by the Mediterranean Sea, in the northeast - by the Red Sea, in the west - by the Atlantic Ocean, in the east - by the Indian Ocean. In addition to the adjacent waters, its own flows in it. The longest river in Africa is the Nile. Its length is almost 7 thousand km.

The study of the structures of political, economic and state is engaged in a special science called African studies.


The mainland area is 29 million km2. If we take into account the size of the islands, then this figure rises to 30 million km. 55 countries are formed on the territory. They are home to just over one billion people. Also, this continent is considered the birthplace of many of the oldest peoples. The longest river in Africa, as mentioned above, is the Nile. It plays a very important role for the state, helping to irrigate the land in the required amount, transport many materials on ships, and also meet the needs of the people living here.

Africa is located in several and also crosses the equator. Unfortunately, due to the fact that precipitation here is irregular, due to which the irrigation of lands does not reach the required level, the natural regulation of the atmosphere occurs only near the coast.

Africa is the only continent in the world that stretches from the northern to the southern subtropical climatic zone.

The largest rivers in Africa

This country is rich in water streams. Their distribution over the entire area of ​​the mainland depends on the climate and relief of certain regions. You can tell right away that the rivers are unevenly distributed. This is due to the fact that precipitation falls very rarely in some zones, and often in others. In places where it regularly rains, for example, the river network is quite dense. The three largest watercourses in Africa are the Nile, Congo and Niger.

A large number of waterfalls, which are formed due to the corresponding relief, are unsuitable for navigation, however, hydroelectric power stations are actively used to generate hydropower. A large number of water streams are fed by rain, as snow, hail or glaciers are not typical of the local climate. In areas where precipitation falls once every few months, dry ones are found. A more detailed description of the rivers in Africa can be read below.


The greatest river in the world is the Nile. Its name is derived from the Greek nylos. The source of the stream is reported by some sources to be in Lake Victoria; the mouth is the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile is concurrently the longest river in Africa and practically the largest on the planet Earth, ranking 2nd. A watercourse delta is formed at the mouth. The Sahara Desert has no tributaries. For the hottest countries in Africa, the Nile is a salvation. Due to its waters, plantations are irrigated, and it is also used for drinking and meeting other needs of the population. The river bed is full-flowing, which contributes to the development of navigation and allows transporting various types of cargo. Until a hydroelectric power station was built on the watercourse, the Nile River, whose drains were completely regulated, overflowed several hundred kilometers annually.


Congo begins near Mumen. An interesting fact is that Zaire and Lualaba are no less popular names for this river. A distinctive feature of the watercourse is that it crosses the equator twice. Congo is practically the longest river in Africa. Although it is inferior in size to the Nile, it occupies an honorable first place in the mainland in terms of abundance. Most interestingly, it is full of water all year round. The mouth of the watercourse is the Atlantic Ocean.


The Niger closes the three leading rivers along the length. Most of the watercourse is occupied by rapids and gutters. Plays an important role for the state, as it flows through arid territories. Due to the fact that it allows irrigation of the land, many dams and canals have been built on it. Flowing into the Atlantic Ocean, it forms a large delta. It feeds on rains, the predominant amount of which falls in summer. Floods occur at the same time of the year. The river itself is located in such a way that its upper and lower reaches receive sufficient rainfall due to the appropriate climate, while the middle, on the contrary, is constantly exposed to evaporation and incomplete drought.


The Zambezi is ranked fourth among the largest rivers. In addition, it is the longest among the streams flowing into the Indian Ocean. Interesting is what belongs to this river. Its height is almost 120 m. It is also a conditional border between the upper and middle reaches. The Zambezi is one of those rivers that have a huge number of tributaries. The largest of them is Kabompo.

The Atlantic Ocean is the mouth of Africa - Congo. But the longest watercourse, the Nile, flows into the Mediterranean Sea. Thanks to the flow into one of the nearby oceans, namely the Indian. Due to the fact that the bottom of the rivers is stepped, new slopes appear. Victoria is the most beautiful and largest waterfall on the mainland.

For a long time there were disputes, which have not stopped to this day, on the topic "How long is the Nile River?" Until 2013, it was the largest watercourse in the world. Now the Amazon has taken its place. In addition, there remains little controversy between scientists over the hydronyms of water streams. It is only known for certain that the name of the rivers of Africa is closely related to the history of the state.


  2. It flows in Ethiopia and Sudan. The length is 1120 km. Atbara is the right tributary of the Nile.

  4. It flows in Africa. The basin area is 1059 thousand square kilometers. The length is 957 kilometers. WHITE NILE flows into the mouth of the Blue Nile.
  5. BENUE

  6. It flows in Cameroon and Nigeria. The basin area is 441 thousand square kilometers. The length is 1,300 kilometers. Benue is a left tributary of the Niger.
  7. VOLTS

  8. It flows in West Africa. The basin area is 394 thousand square kilometers. The length is 1600 kilometers. It begins with the confluence of the White and Black Volta and flows into the Gulf of Guinea.

  10. It flows in Ethiopia and Sudan. The basin area is 330 thousand square kilometers. The length is 1600 kilometers. The Blue Nile is the right, most abundant tributary of the Nile.
  11. JUBA

  12. It flows in Ethiopia and Somalia. The basin area is 750 thousand square kilometers. The length is 1600 kilometers. Juba flows into the Indian Ocean.

  14. It flows in South Africa. The basin area is 1330 thousand square kilometers. Length 2660 kilometers. The Zambezi flows into the Indian Ocean. Main tributaries: Kafue, Luangwa, Shire.
  15. KAGERA

  16. It flows in Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. Length 420 kilometers (800 km - from the source of the Rukarara River). KATERA, a river in East Africa, (partly along the borders between them). It begins at the confluence of the rivers Nyai-arongo and Ruvuvu and flows into Lake Victoria.
  17. Kasai

  18. It flows in Central Africa. The basin area is 880 thousand square kilometers. The length is 2000 kilometers. Kasai is a left tributary of the Congo River (Zaire).
  19. CONGO

  20. It flows in Central Africa. In terms of basin area (3.7 million km 2) and water content (average water discharge 46 thousand m3), it ranks first in Africa and second in the world after the Amazon. The basin area is 3700 thousand square kilometers. The length is 4320 kilometers. Congo (Zaire) - flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

  22. It flows in South Africa. The basin area is 440 thousand square kilometers. The length is 1600 kilometers. Limpopo rises on the slopes of the Witwatersrand and empties into the Indian Ocean.

  24. LUALABA is the name of the upper reaches of the Congo River (Zaire), from the source to the Boyoma Falls. The length is about 2080 kilometers.
  25. NIGER

  26. It flows in West Africa. The basin area is 2092 thousand square kilometers. The length is 4160 kilometers. Niger - empties into the Atlantic Ocean Gulf of Guinea. A large tributary is the Benue River.
    It flows in Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan, Egypt. The Nile is the longest river in the world. The basin area is 2870 thousand square kilometers. The length is 6671 kilometers. The Nile flows into the Mediterranean Sea, forming a large delta with an area of ​​24 thousand square kilometers. The main tributaries are: Sobat, Blue Nile, Atbara, Bahr el-Ghazal.
  27. Okawango

  28. It flows in South Africa. The basin area is 800 thousand square kilometers. The length is 1600 kilometers. The Okavango originates on the plateau and ends in the area of ​​the internal flow of the Kalahari, forming a delta. The southern branch of the delta flows into Lake Ngami, the northern (periodically) - into the Kwando River (a tributary of the Zambezi); the Botlenle arm feeds the marshes of the Makari-kari depression.
  29. ORANGE

  30. It flows in South Africa. The basin area is 1020 thousand square kilometers. The length is 1860 kilometers. Orange flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
  31. RUVUMA

  32. It flows in East Africa. The basin area is 150 thousand square kilometers. The length is 800 kilometers. Ruvuma flows into the Indian Ocean.
  33. RUFIGI

  34. It flows in Tanzania. The basin area is 178 thousand square kilometers. The length is 1400 kilometers. Rufiji flows into the Indian Ocean.

  36. It flows in West Africa. The basin area is 441 thousand square kilometers. The length is 1430 kilometers. Senegal flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
  37. UBANG

  38. It flows in Central Africa. The basin area is 773 thousand square kilometers. The length is 2300 kilometers. Ubangi is a right tributary of the Congo River (Zaire).
    It flows in Central Africa. The basin area is 700 thousand square kilometers. The length is 1,450 kilometers. SHARI is formed by the confluence of the Uam and Gribinga rivers and flows into Lake Chad.

Given the general aridity of the continent, the rivers of Africa play a huge role for local residents. Not surprisingly, their basin and shores are mostly densely populated. Farming is best developed in the deltas, and fishing is not just an important occupation, but a necessary condition for their survival. In matters of measuring the length of rivers, researchers do not always agree on the data. The primary reasons are inaccessibility, bends and drying out of the channel.

Among the waterways of the African continent, the Nile stands apart - the longest of the rivers. River tourism is an opportunity to see Africa in all its glory. Picturesque green corners, animals rushing to a watering hole, natural attractions - all this is available to travelers in the Congo, Okavango, Jubba, Mary and other rivers.

Largest rivers in Africa

List of longest rivers on the mainland.

1. Neil

The longest river in Africa. Geographically it belongs to Egypt, Uganda, Sudan and South Sudan. There are many legends and controversies associated with the Nile. One of them concerns the location of the source of the river. The coastal area is densely populated, especially in Egypt, where 97% of the country's population lives near the Nile. Any sphere of local life is connected with the river. There are unique species of fauna and flora, for example, the Nile perch, which reaches 140 kg.

The length of the river is 6852 km.

2. Congo

It flows in Central Africa. There are also other names: Zaire, Lualaba. There is a single ramified network of shipping routes. There are many cities on the river, including Kinshasa, the capital of DR Congo. Attractions: Stanley Falls in seven steps and Livingstone Falls, forming a cascade. Lakes Tanganyika and Kivu are part of the Congo water system.

The length of the river is 4374 km.

3. Niger

The source is in Guinea, it is considered sacred by the natives. It flows through a total of 5 countries and carries its waters to the Gulf of Guinea. The riverbed resembles a boomerang in its shape. There are ports, but shipping is possible only in some areas. In the Niger region, there are 3 national parks and a special protected area - river basin management.

The length of the river is 4180 km.

4. Zambezi

A river in the southern part of the black continent. It originates in the swamps of Zambia and crosses five more countries before flowing into the Indian Ocean. The reservoir is important for agriculture. In coastal areas, there are populations of many species of animals: zebras, giraffes, crocodiles. The Zambezi is home to a bull shark, also called a blunt shark. The main attraction is Victoria Falls.

The length of the river is 2574 km.

5. Ubangi

It is a tributary of the Congo, flows in central Africa. Used for crossings, as the rainy season completely erodes many roads in the region. On the river there are large cities, like Bangui, and small villages. The M'Baiki area is considered the main place for pygmies. Main attractions: Elefan waterfall, Azande rapids, Zemongo nature reserve.

The length of the river is 2272 km.

6. Orange

Refers to the territory of three countries at once: Lesotho, Namibia and South Africa. Named after the Dutch Prince William and the Orange dynasty to which he belonged. It flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Brackish water from it periodically enters the river bed. Shallow water does not allow the use of vessels for movement. The pool is mostly desert covered.

The length of the river is 2200 km.

7. Kasai

The second largest tributary of the Congo. Refers to the central part of the continent. Part of the channel runs directly along the border of DR Congo and Angola. There is a dense jungle around the shores. Food is mixed, rain and underground. Partially navigable, there is continuous fishing. Diamonds have been mined in the Kasai Basin for decades. The mines and mines are supplied with energy by 3 hydroelectric power stations.

The length of the river is 2153 km.

8. Blue Nile

Belongs to the territory of Sudan and Ethiopia. Arises from Lake Tana. Slightly less than a third of the river is used to transport people and goods. Part of the Blue Nile in Ethiopia is considered sacred. Water volumes are highly dependent on the rainy season. At the capital of Sudan, it merges with the White Nile. The construction of the Hydase hydroelectric station is underway. It should solve many of the region's problems.

The length of the river is 1783 km.

9. Limpopo

It begins at the mountain range in South Africa, and through Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique runs to the Indian Ocean. It is very winding, along the banks there are different reliefs from desert and savannah to hills. Partially navigable, can dry up in the upper sector. The mouth is full of fish and shellfish, including cod and oysters. The Kruger National Park was founded near Limpopo.

The length of the river is 1750 km.

10. Senegal

It originates in Mali, flows along the border between Mauritania and Senegal. After floods, silt remains, which increases soil fertility. Since the river is actively used, environmental problems appear. Countries have come together to solve them. Several specially protected areas have been established: the Judge Ornithological Reserve, Chat-T-Bul Reserve, Diavaling National Park.

The length of the river is 1610 km.

11. Okavango

It originates in the Angolan mountains and then carries its waters to Namibia and Botswana. One of the attractions is the rapids of the Popa waterfalls. The Okavango does not flow anywhere; it winds through the delta and dissolves into the swamps on the outskirts of the Kalahari. There are especially picturesque areas with acacias, water lilies and reed thickets. The coast is not inhabited, there are no enterprises, so the water remained clean.

The length of the river is 1600 km.

12. Volta

Ghanaian river flowing into the Gulf of Guinea. Appeared at the confluence of the Black and White Volta. It is fed by rain, the water level changes throughout the year. It floods heavily from July to October. Thanks to the construction of the Akosombo hydroelectric power station, the reservoir of the same name was formed. There are several ports. However, shipping is limited, and not all ships and boats can pass here.

The length of the river is 1600 km.

13. Crowbar

Belongs to the territory of the DR Congo. There are rapids and waterfalls along almost all the channel. The rainy season is from September to April. The water level rises and the valley floods. In the vicinity of Lomami, there are monkeys and a flowering plant named after the river. Boats are used to move downstream. Trees reach in some parts of the shore directly to the water.

The length of the river is 1500 km.

14. Benue

It is shared between Cameroon and Nigeria. It is one of the largest tributaries of the Niger. The shores and delta are densely populated, the land is fertile and actively cultivated. Partially navigable, the rainy season increases the area available for ships. The Benue spill in 2012 led to the appearance of a huge number of venomous snakes in the area.

The length of the river is 1400 km.

15. Baal

Located in South Africa, the largest tributary of the Orange. Reservoirs have been built on the river so that people do not depend on the season. The river is useful for agriculture and mining. Denisville is home to a popular and modern aquatic center. Here you can take scuba diving lessons and more. One of the tourist attractions is yachting.

The length of the river is 1250 km.

16. Kunene

It flows in the southwest of the continent. When it flows into the Atlantic Ocean, it forms several bays and diverges into wide arms. Crosses the Namib, without drying out. Sometimes it spills, and the presence of dams and dams also affects the water level. The Kunene Delta has a tourist center, a history museum and protected areas. The main attraction is the Ruacana waterfall.

The length of the river is 1207 km.

17. Avash

River in Ethiopia. It flows into Lake Abbe, and does not reach it during a drought. The national park of the same name was founded in the upper reaches. Here you can observe the populations of antelopes and gazelles. The Avash Valley is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Numerous excavations have been carried out here. Evidence of human evolution and the remains of a female Australopithecus were found.

The length of the river is 1200 km.

18. Draa

The longest river in Morocco, flowing along the border with Algeria. Over time, Draa's origins changed. Now it starts from the reservoir. The coastal area is inhabited, 23 villages and only 2 cities. There are rock carvings and stone figurines in the area. The earliest work of art found here is over 300,000 years old.

The length of the river is 1150 km.

19. Gambia

Belongs to the western lands of Africa. Before flowing into the Atlantic Ocean, it expands greatly. On the river is the city of Banjul. On the shores there are different species of birds, crocodiles, hippos, gibbons. The relief and types of vegetation along the riverbed replace each other. Mangrove forests turn into steep cliffs, and then dense thickets begin on the plains.

The length of the river is 1130 km.

20. Uele

Belongs to the territory of the DR Congo. Upstream is called Kibalu. It originates in the Blue Mountains. It is a tributary of Ubangi, when it flows into it it merges with Mbomu. The rainy season lasts from March to October. The reservoir is partially polluted and looks reddish due to the high content of iron oxide. Nearby attraction is Lake Albert.

The length of the river is 1130 km.

21. Bandama

The longest river in Côte d'Ivoire. In the 70s, a hydroelectric power station was built on it, which still provides the region with electricity. At the same time, due to the dam, Lake Kossu was formed. Rapids and low water levels have limited navigation to a fairly small area. The largest city near the river is Yamoussoukro, the capital of the country. An annual rally is held along the river bed.

The length of the river is 1050 km.

22. Kwanzaa

Angolan river flowing into the Atlantic Ocean. Partially navigable with large boat restrictions. The lower sector of the valley is used for agriculture, including the cultivation of sugar cane. The largest hydroelectric power station in the country, Kapanda, was built on the river. Kwanza is home to about 50 species of fish. Fishing is popular with locals and visitors alike. Attraction - Lady Victoria Church.

The length of the river is 965 km.

23. Oti

It flows in West Africa in 4 countries. It flows into the Volta reservoir. There are large tributaries like the Dudodo and Uke. The floodplains are used by local people for grazing when drought strikes. During the rainy season, the coastal forest is partially submerged. There are hunting grounds and areas for crops. It flows through 2 national parks: Penjari and Oti Keran.

The length of the river is 900 km.

24. Gwando

It can be found in southwest Africa. Belongs to 4 countries, the source is in Angola. It is the right tributary of the Zambezi. During the year, the intensity of the current changes significantly. Some areas around the channel are swampy. It flows or borders on 6 national parks. Reserved and protected areas are designed to restore the populations of various animal species that have suffered from poachers in the past.

The length of the river is 800 km.

25. Luangwa

Refers to Zambia and Mozambique. Throughout the year, the strength of the flow changes, since the food is rain-fed and the climate is arid. In the lower reaches, the population density is high. The main business of local residents is fishing. The catch is impressive even without special devices and tools. Hunting reserves and South Luangwa and North Luangwa national parks are established.

The length of the river is 770 km.

26. Omo

Ethiopian river flowing into Lake Rudolph. It is much narrower in the mountains than in the plain. There are rapids along almost the entire length. In the full-flowing period, it is used for rafting. The construction of a cascade of hydroelectric power plants should resolve the issue of supplying the capital with electricity. The main attraction is the historical monument Omo-Kibish. The remains of the most ancient people were found here.

The length of the river is 760 km.

27. Jah

River Cameroon, one of the largest tributaries of the Congo. It is navigable, but mostly small boats can pass. The Ja Faunal Nature Reserve is located in the delta. Since 1987 it has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Its goal is to preserve the region's tropical forests. Also, the Nki National Park was founded near the river. Poachers got into the habit here for ivory.

The length of the river is 720 km.

28. Fish

River in Namibia. It flows through the driest areas of the country, so part of the year is shallow or dries up altogether. There is a reservoir formed by the construction of the dam. This reservoir of fresh water is a salvation for the region during especially harsh periods. Cities are founded on the shores, although there are few inhabitants. Sightseeing: the eponymous canyon and the Ay-Ice resort.

The length of the river is 650 km.

29. Kuiseb

Namibian river flowing through the desert. Can dry out completely within a year. After heavy rains, it is filled with water again. Despite such volatility, it is important for an extremely arid region. It is the border of two relief zones. On one side lie deep red sand dunes, on the other - wastelands, mostly covered with light sand.

The length of the river is 560 km.


It flows through the territory of Morocco. It flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The stream is heterogeneous, more violent and impetuous in the mountains. In summer it grows shallow, exposing areas of the bottom. It is actively used for agricultural activities. Six dams regulate drainage and water levels from season to season. The main recharge comes from rains and melting mountain snows.

The length of the river is 556 km.

31. Tugela

It originates in the Drakensberg Mountains in South Africa. Numerous tributaries have expanded the basin. It flows into the Indian Ocean. Local residents are engaged in agriculture and forestry. There are endemics among the ichthyofauna. The main attraction is the waterfall of the same name, which is the highest in Africa. Tugela was the border between the land of the farmers and the kingdom of the Zulu.

The length of the river is 502 km.

32. Jubba

The source is on the border with Ethiopia, and the main part of the channel is in Somalia. It flows into the Indian Ocean. The river serves as an important waterway. Used for irrigation of fertile fields. There is a lot of vegetation on its shores due to high humidity and a large amount of precipitation. Hyenas, gazelles, giraffes, hippos gather at the watering hole near the shore.

The length of the river is 497 km.

33. Ruach

River of Tanzania. There are problems with drying out, so several large wildlife protection funds are working on this issue. The national park of the same name was founded in the upper reaches. A hunting reserve functions in the lower reaches. Diverse flora and fauna, about 400 species of birds. Rich potential for fishing, partially realized. The river basin is densely populated.

The length of the river is 480 km.

34. Mara

It flows in Kenya and Tanzania. It flows into Lake Victoria. In the vicinity of the river, the Masai Mara reserve is organized. The ungulates living in it make their migration routes through the Mara. For some of them, this route turns out to be deadly, since there are many crocodiles on the shores. The territory of the Ikorongo reserve stretches a little further. Here the channel makes several turns.

The length of the river is 395 km.

35. Salum

Belongs to the territory of Senegal. It flows into the Atlantic Ocean. In some areas it is very winding. Numerous bends of the channel in a small area create bizarre natural landscapes. Particularly picturesque parts of the coast are overgrown with mangrove forests. The national park of the same name was formed in the Salum delta. Since 1981 it has been a UNESCO protected biosphere reserve.

The length of the river is 250 km.

Sahakyan Narek Apresovich

Armenian State Pedagogical University named after H. Abovyan, (Yerevan)

4th year student, Department of Geography and Teaching Methods

Email: [email protected]

Rivers of Africa

Africa's rivers belong to three basins: Atlantic, Indian oceans and internal drainage basin. The largest area is occupied by the rivers of the Atlantic Ocean basin (about 1/2 of the mainland area). At the same time, 1/3 of the territory belongs to the internal drainage basin. Rivers from 1/5 of Africa's area flow into the Indian Ocean. The watersheds of the basins of the oceans are the highest points of the continent.

The rivers of Africa are different in the nature of the flow. In the upper reaches, they are predominantly mountainous, and in the middle and lower reaches, they have rapids and waterfalls. Therefore, most rivers are not navigable along their entire length.

River basins of Africa

Among African rivers, rivers flow into the Atlantic Ocean: Congo (Zaire) - the deepest and second longest river in Africa, Niger, Senegal, Gambia and Orange. In the Mediterranean Sea - the Nile (the longest river in Africa). The flow into the Indian Ocean is carried out mainly by the Zambezi River.

The steppedness of the surface causes the rapids of many rivers and the formation of waterfalls. The largest and most beautiful waterfall in Africa - Victoria on the Zambezi River (border of Zambia and Zimbabwe).

About one third of Africa's area is an area of ​​internal flow, in the main temporary watercourses. A unique natural phenomenon of internal flow - Okavango Delta(in Botswana).

Almost all rivers in Africa are fed by rain. Only a few rivers starting in the mountains rising above the snow line (Kilimanjaro, Kenya, Ruwenzori) receive snow and glacier food. In the equatorial climate belt, rivers are full-flowing throughout the year. In the subequatorial climate belt, there is a pronounced seasonality of expenditures. The water content of rivers is sharply decreasing, as well as the density of the river network in tropical climatic zones. Rivers there are episodic and, as a rule, have dry channels, which are filled with water only for a short time every few years. Such dry channels in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula of Asia are called wadis or uedas. A significant part of these rivers belongs to the basins of internal flow. And, finally, in subtropical zones, the maximum expenditures occur during the winter rainy season of each hemisphere in the Mediterranean climatic regions and during the summer season on the southeastern monsoon edge of the continent. Due to the climatic features of Africa, four hydrological types of rivers are distinguished: equatorial, monsoon, arid and Mediterranean. The equatorial hydrological type includes the Congo, Ubangi, Kasai, Ogove, etc .; monsoon - Niger, Senegal, Gambia, Shari, Nile, White Nile, Blue Nile, Webe Shabelle, Jubba, Zambezi, etc.; Aridnogo - Orange, Kunene, Okavango, Limpopo, etc.; Mediterranean - Muluya.

The four largest rivers in Africa are the Nile, Congo, Niger and Zambezi. These rivers are transit rivers, cross several climatic zones and have a complex flow regime.


Length / km /

Pool area / thous. km 2 /

Average annual flow / km 3 /

Nile is a river in northern and northeastern Africa, one of the two longest rivers in the world. The length of the Nile (with Kagera) is about 6,700 km (the most commonly used figure is 6,671 km), from Lake Victoria to the Mediterranean Sea - about 5,600 km.
The basin area, according to various sources, is 2.8-3.4 million square kilometers (it fully or partially covers the territories of Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan and Egypt) .m The average discharge at Aswan is 2,600 m3 / s, but in different years fluctuations from 500 m3 / s to 15,000 m3 / s are possible. The river originates in the East African Plateau and flows into the Mediterranean Sea, forming a delta. In the upper reaches, it receives large tributaries - Bahr el-Ghazal (left) and Aswa, Sobat, Blue Nile and Atbara (right). Below the mouth of the right tributary of the Atbara, the Nile flows through a semi-desert, having no tributaries for the last 3000 km.

Congo (Zaire)- a large river in Central Africa, flows out under the name Chambesi between lakes Nyasa and Tanganyika at an altitude of 1590 m above sea level, Lake Bangweolo flows and under the name of Luapuda - Lake Moero, connects with Luadaba and Lukuga; both in the upper and lower reaches, it forms many rapids and waterfalls (Stanley Falls and a number of Livingstone Falls); flows into the Atlantic Ocean in a wide (11 km) and deep channel.
The length of the Congo is 4374 km, it is navigable for 1600 km. The basin area is 3680 thousand sq. Km.
Tributaries on the right: Aruvimi, Rubi, Mongalla, Mobangi (Ouelle), Saaga-Mambere, Likuala Lekoli, Alima, Lefini; left: Lomami, Lulongo, Ikelemba, Ruki, Kassai with Sankuru and Kuango, Lualaba.

Niger is the most important river in West Africa. The length is 4160 km, the basin area is 2092 thousand square kilometers, the third in these parameters in Africa after the Nile and Congo.
The source is in Guinea, then the river flows through Mali, Niger, along the Benin border, then flows through Nigeria and flows into the Gulf of Guinea.
Main tributaries: Milo, Bani (right); Sokoto, Kaduna and Benue (left).

Zambezi- the fourth longest river in Africa. The basin area is 1,570,000 sq km, the length is 2,574 km. The source of the river is in Zambia, the river flows through Angola, along the border of Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe, to Mozambique, where it flows into the Indian Ocean. The name Zambezi was given to the river by its discoverer among Europeans, David Livingstone, and comes from the distorted Kasambo Waisy, a name in one of the local dialects.
One of the most striking features of the Zambezi is Victoria Falls, one of the greatest waterfalls in the world.
There are many other notable waterfalls in the Zambezi: Chavuma on the border of Zambia and Angola and Ngambwe, in Western Zambia. On the entire course of the river across the Zambezi, there are only five bridges in the cities: Chinvingi, Katima Mulilo, Victoria Falls, Chirundu and Tete.
Two large hydroelectric power plants have been built on the river - Kariba HPP, which supplies electricity to Zambia and Zimbabwe, and Kabora-Bassa HPP in Mozambique, which supplies electricity to Zimababwe and South Africa. There is also a small power plant in Victoria Falls.

Orange- a river in southern Africa. It originates in the Drakensberg Mountains on the border of South Africa and Lesotho, flows through the territory of Namibia and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The length is 2,200 km, the basin area is 973,000 sq. Km.
The well-known 146-meter waterfall Augrabis (South Africa) is located on the Orangeraya River.
The name of the river comes from the Orange dynasty.

Senegal is located in West Africa and forms a natural border between the states of Senegal and Mauritania. The length of the river is about 1970 km.
The area of ​​the river basin is 419`575 km2 and the annual discharge of water into the Atlantic Ocean is close to 8 million km2. The main tributaries are Falem, Karakoro and Gorgol.
In 1972, Mali, Senegal and Mauritania founded the Senegal River Rehabilitation Organization to jointly manage the river basin. Guinea joined this organization in 2005.

Limpopo- a river in South Africa, flows south of Pretoria from the Witwatersrand Mountains (1800 m), in its upper reaches, crosses the Mogali Mountains and, connects with Mariko. After passing 1600 km and taking in many tributaries, it flows into the Indian Ocean north of the Gulf of Delagoa.
Limpopo is navigable from the point where it at 32 ° E joins Nuanetsi.

Gambia- a river in West Africa (Guinea, Senegal and Gambia). The length is about 1200 km. It flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Floods from July to October. It is navigable at 467 km from the estuary, where the city of Banjul is located.