1. A a a
  2. B b ba
  3. in in ve
  4. G G G G
  5. D d de
  6. E e e
  7. Yo yo yo
  8. Well
  9. Z z ze
  10. And and and
  11. th and short
  12. K to ka
  13. L l el
  14. M m um
  15. N n en
  16. Ooo
  17. P p p p
  18. R r er
  19. S s es
  20. T t te
  21. u u u
  22. f f ef
  23. x x ha
  24. C c c tse
  25. h h th
  26. Sh sh sha
  27. shh shcha
  28. ъ solid sign
  29. s s s
  30. b soft sign
  31. uh uh
  32. yu yu yu
  33. I am I

42 sounds
6 vowels36 consonants
[a] [and] [o] [y] [s] [e]PairedUnpaired
Drums Unstressed Voiced Deaf Voiced Deaf
[b] [b "]
[in] [in"]
[g] [g"]
[d] [d "]
[h] [h "]
[n] [n"]
[f] [f"]
[to] [to "]
[t] [t"]
[s] [s"]
[l] [l"]
[n] [n"]
[r] [r "]
[x] [x"]
Solid Soft Solid Soft
[h "]

How are letters different from sounds?

Sound is elastic vibrations in a medium. We hear sounds and can create them, among other things, with the help of the speech apparatus (lips, tongue, etc.).

A letter is a symbol of the alphabet. It has an uppercase (excl., ь and ъ) and a lowercase version. Often a letter is a graphic representation of the corresponding speech sound. We see and write letters. So that the pronunciation features do not affect the letter, spelling rules have been developed that determine which letters should be used in the word in question. The exact pronunciation of a word can be found in the phonetic transcription of the word, which is shown in square brackets in dictionaries.

Vowels and sounds

Vowel sounds (“voice” is the Old Slavonic “voice”) are the sounds [a], [i], [o], [u], [s], [e], in the creation of which the vocal cords are involved, and on the way exhaled air is not blocked. These sounds are sung: [aaaaaaa], [iiiiii] ...

Vowels are denoted by the letters a, e, e, and, o, u, s, e, u, i. The letters e, e, u, i are called iotized. They denote two sounds, the first of which is [th "], when

  1. stand first in the phonetic word e le [y "e ́ l" e] (3 letters, 4 sounds) e sche [y" and sch "oʹ] (3 letters, 4 sounds) , 3 sounds) Yu la [y "u l" a] (3 letters, 4 sounds) i block [y" a blaka] (6 letters, 7 sounds) i ichko [y" and ich "ka] (5 letters, 6 sounds)
  2. follow after the vowels bird d [pt "itsy" e ́ t] (7 letters, 8 sounds) her [yy" o ́] (2 letters, 4 sounds) kayu ta [kai" u ta] (5 letters, 6 sounds) blue [with "in" y "a] (5 letters, 6 sounds)
  3. follow after b and ъ entry zd [vy "e st] (5 letters, 5 sounds) rise m [fall" o m] (6 letters, 6 sounds) lew [l" y ́] (3 letters, 3 sounds ) wings [wing "th" a] (6 letters, 6 sounds)

The letter and also denotes two sounds, the first of which is [th "], when

  1. follows after nightingales [salav "th" and ́] (7 letters, 7 sounds)

In a word, vowels highlighted during pronunciation are called stressed, and not highlighted are unstressed. Stressed sounds are most often both heard and written. To check what kind of letter you need to put in a word, you should choose a single-root word in which the desired unstressed sound will be stressed.

Running [b "igush" y"] - running g [b" e k] mountain ra [gara] - mountains [mountains]

Two words united by a single stress make one phonetic word.

To the garden [fsat]

There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels. The division of a word into syllables may not correspond to the division during transfer.

e -e (2 syllables) then -chka (2 syllables) o -de -va -tsya (4 syllables)

Consonants and sounds

Consonant sounds are sounds, during the creation of which a barrier is erected in the way of the exhaled air.

Voiced consonants are pronounced with the participation of the voice, and deaf consonants without it. The difference is easy to hear in paired consonants, for example, [n] - [b], when pronouncing which the lips and tongue are in the same position.

Soft consonants are pronounced with the participation of the middle part of the tongue and are indicated in transcription by an apostrophe " what happens when consonants

  1. are always soft [th "] , [h"] , [u"] ah [ah"] (2 letters, 2 sounds) beam [beam"] (3 letters, 3 sounds) bream [l" esch "] (3 letters, 3 sounds)
  2. follow before the letters e, e, and, u, i, b (excl., always solid [g], [c], [w] and in borrowed words) stranded [m "el"] (4 letters, 3 sounds) aunt [t "ot" a] (4 letters, 4 sounds) people [l "oud" and] (4 letters, 4 sounds) life [zh yz "n"] (5 letters, 4 sounds) circus [ts yrk] (4 letters, 4 sounds) neck [sh eya] (3 letters, 4 sounds) tempo [t emp] (4 letters, 4 sounds)
  3. followed by soft consonants (some cases) pancake [bl "in" h "ik]

The rest of the consonants will mostly be solid.

Hissing consonants include sounds [g], [w], [h "], [u"]. Speech therapists rule their pronunciation penultimately: the tongue must be strong and flexible in order to resist exhaled air and be held against the palate in the shape of a cup. Vibrating [p] and [p"] are always the last in line.

Do students need phonetics?

Without division into vowels, consonants, stressed, unstressed, of course, it is impossible. But transcription is a clear overkill.

Speech therapists are required to know the phonetic parsing of words, and probably it can be useful to foreigners.

For students (from grade 1!), who have not yet mastered the rules of spelling, a rather in-depth study of phonetics only hinders, confuses and contributes to incorrect memorization of the spelling of words. It is “back” that the child will associate with the pronounced “run”.

Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy said that there is nothing sedimentary or crystalline in the Russian language; everything excites, breathes, lives. Such "liveness" of our native language is the merit of its constituent words. But before you learn how to use them, you need to learn the letters and sounds. They will be discussed in this article.

When studying a language with a child, you need to clearly let him understand the differences between oral and written speech. To do this, it is important to give him the concept of what a sound is, and what is a letter.

Sounds are what we perceive with our ears. Our brain easily separates what is related to speech from other sounds and interprets them into images. We can write the sounds of speech in letters, forming words from them.

A letter is a graphic symbol of the alphabet, thanks to which we can display on paper what we hear by ear. But, here for the child lies a very big difficulty. After all, the number of sounds and letters that reproduce them on paper in different words can differ both in one direction and in the other.

How many letters and sounds in the Russian language and alphabet and their ratio

IMPORTANT: We hear sounds and can produce them with our speech apparatus. We can see and write letters! There are sounds in all languages. Even in those where there is no writing.

In a word like "chair" letters correspond to sounds. But, in the word "sun", the letter "L" not pronounced. Letters are also not pronounced. "b" And "b". They only slightly change the pronunciation of the words in which they are used.

There is also such a "school" word as "Compass". In which instead of sound [AND] pronounced sound [S].

There are still a lot of words in Russian that are not pronounced the way they are written in letters. Therefore, it is very important for a child to learn to correctly understand this difference.


Language is the main invention of mankind. Moreover, for each people who created their own language, it differs in features characteristic of this people. At a certain stage in the development of a community that uses a particular people, there is a need to record speech sounds combined into words and sentences. This is how writing appeared, and at the same time the alphabet. That is, a set of all letters used in writing, standing in strict order.

The alphabet of the Russian language has 33 letters and looks like this:

The alphabet is the base of any language that everyone who learns it needs to know. Is it possible to learn to speak without knowing the alphabet? Certainly. But, in addition to being able to express your thoughts, you need to learn how to write and read. And this can not be done without knowing the alphabet.

Today, children have a lot of different aids for learning the alphabet. You can buy special flash cards, magnets, a small primer that the child can take with him on walks or trips.

In our computerized age, electronic gadgets can also be called upon to help you learn the alphabet. Type letters in text apps and name the sounds that teach them. You can connect your imagination and use graphic editors, change fonts and add fills. Create your own alphabet that will be of interest to the child. Then the training will go faster and more efficiently.

INTERESTING: Teachers came up with a very interesting and fun way to learn the alphabet. Dedicate each new day in your family to one of the letters of the alphabet. Of course, we should not forget about the rest. Bake buns in the shape of letters, make letters from plasticine with your child, draw them, collect them from counting sticks. Be sure to talk about the letter that the day is dedicated to and give examples of its use.

Vowel sounds and letters

Introducing the alphabet to a child is a very exciting activity. But, this is only one of the first steps in mastering the language. To continue the study of its elementary units, you need to learn how to divide them according to their characteristics.

Those letters that are pronounced lingeringly are called vowels.

  • There are 10 vowels in Russian "A", "E", "E", "I", "O", "U", "S", "E", "Yu", "I"
  • 6 vowels [a], [o], [y], [e], [and], [s]. Usually vowel sounds in the school curriculum should be highlighted in red.

We have already found out the difference between the elementary particles of the language.

Letters I, Yo, Yu, E - iotated. They mean one or two sounds.

From this table - this difference can be seen again:

INTERESTING: By the way, about the letter "Yo". Today it is mistakenly considered that it was introduced into our alphabet by Karamzin. But, it's not. This was done by the director of the St. Petersburg Academy, Princess Ekaterina Dashkova, on November 18, 1783, at a meeting on the occasion of the creation of the first explanatory dictionary in Russia. She suggested changing the letters "IO" to one "Yo".

Stressed and unstressed vowels

  • Stressed vowel pronounced with great force and does not change.

For example: sn e g, st ý l, sh A f

  • unstressed vowel sound pronounced with little force and undergoes changes.

For example: To ABOUT rzina (heard instead of ABOUT, sound A), m E two d (In the first unstressed vowel instead of E, is heard AND), pl E cho (vowel AND heard instead E).

IMPORTANT: The stress is not put in words with one syllable and in words with a letter Yo.

Vowels Iotated letters I, Yu, E, Yo make the consonant sound in front of them soft and create one sound: e → [e] or [i], ё → [o], yu → [y], i → [a ].

For example:

  • At the beginning of a word: hedgehog [y'ozhik]
  • In the middle of a word: shelter [at y'ut]
  • At the end of a word: gun [rouge y'o]

Hard and soft vowels directly affect consonants. For example, a consonant "P", maybe as solid (in a word "plastic bag"), and soft (in the word "cookie").

Consonants and letters

Consonants are called such because of the inclusion of consonants in their composition. There are 36 consonants in Russian:

Soft sounds are marked with an apostrophe.
And 21 consonants:

Consonants and sounds soft and hard: table

Consonants, like vowels, can be either hard or soft. For example, in the word "River", beech "R" soft, but "Hand"- solid. In general, several factors influence the softness and hardness of sounds in a word. For example, the location of a sound in a word. Soften the sounds of iot vowels ( "E", "Yo", "YU" And "I") and diphthongs that come after consonants. For example:

  • "White"
  • "Love"
  • "Friday"

Also softens the sounds of the letter "AND", and its antipode "Y", on the contrary, makes the sound hard. An important role is played by the presence of a soft sign at the end of the word:

  • "Linen" And "laziness"

A soft sign can soften the sound, even if it is inside a word:

  • "Skates"

Voiceless and voiced consonants in Russian: table

Consonants can be voiced or voiceless. Voiced are obtained with the participation of the voice in the formation of sound. Whereas in the formation of a deaf sound, the voice practically does not play its creative role.

Voiced consonants

are formed during the passage of an air stream through the passage of the oral cavity and vibration of the vocal cords. This results in consonants such as:

In the formation of deaf consonants

To make it easy to remember deaf consonants, remember the expression: STEPKA DO YOU WANT A PIECE? - FI! All consonants in these words are deaf.

If you delete all vowels from this expression, only deaf consonants remain.

Paired and unpaired hard and soft consonants: table

By hardness-softness, most sounds form pairs:

Paired and unpaired voiced and deaf consonants: table

In Russian, it is customary to distinguish pairs of deaf-voiced consonants:

The remaining consonants are unpaired:

Sometimes there is a "forced" deafness or sonority of a consonant sound. This is due to the position of the sound in the word. A common example of such a forced state is the words: pond [rod] And booth [butka].

Sonorant- voiced unpaired consonants. There are only 9 of them: [th’], [l], [l’], [m], [m’], [n], [n’], [r], [r’]

Noisy consonants - there are voiced and deaf:

  1. Noisy voiceless consonants(16): [k], [k'], [p], [n'], [s], [s'], [t], [t'], [f], [f'], [ x], [x'], [c], [h'], [w], [w'];
  2. Noisy voiced consonants(11): [b], [b'], [c], [c'], [d], [g'], [e], [e'], [g], [h], [h '].

Summary table of commonly used soft and hard letters and sounds in Russian:

Hissing consonants

Consonants "AND", "SH", "H" And "SCH" are called hissing. These letters bring some zest to our language. At the same time, they make it very difficult. While studying these letters, the child should know the rules:

  • "ZhI""SHI" write with "AND"
  • "CHA""ShA" with a letter "A"
  • "CHU""SHU" with a letter "U"

Letter "AND" voiced, and the other three ( "H", "SH" And "SCH") are deaf. An important feature of these sounds is that it is impossible to pronounce from without opening the mouth. Compare their pronunciation with the pronunciation "M" or "N". To pronounce hissing consonants, there must be a gap between the lips through which air will escape, creating an acoustic accompaniment of these sounds.

The letter "and short" denotes the consonant sound th

Letter "Y" or "And short" found in almost all Slavic alphabets, as well as in those non-Slavic alphabets where the Cyrillic alphabet is used. In the Russian alphabet, this letter occupies the 11th place. It was formed from the vowel "AND" and voiced consonant J.

It is interesting that in the 18th century, when the civil type was introduced (as opposed to the church type), all superscript characters disappeared from it. And the letter "Y" missing an important part. At the same time, the sound that was designated by this letter “did not suffer” from such reforms. Return "Y" in the letter succeeded under Peter I. But, at the same time, it was not returned to the alphabet. This was done only in the 20th century.

Today, more and more philologists attribute sound "Y" to sonorant consonants. That is, to such sounds that are located between vowels and consonants, but still refers to a consonant. In addition, it is always considered soft.

Which letters have multiple sounds?

Ribbon of letters and sounds for elementary school

Very good help in learning the Russian language in various manuals. One of these benefits is "Summer of Letters". It helps to understand the difference between letters, develop reading skills in children faster and facilitate the phonetic analysis of a word.

Even at first glance "Tape of Letters" carries a minimum of information, this is far from the case. This manual can be used not only at school, but also at home. Parents can self-teach their child literacy with this tool.

"Tape of letters" You can buy it at a stationery store or make your own. For example, you can use this diagram.

Video. Native language lessons Grade 1

All consonants in the Russian language are divided according to several criteria, including the principle of voiced-deafness. This pronunciation characteristic affects whether the voice is used when pronouncing the sound or not. The study of this topic is very important for understanding the basic principles of the phonetic system, because voiceless consonants are a very important part of it.

What is a voiceless consonant

Deaf consonants are produced only by noise, without the participation of the voice. When they are pronounced, the vocal cords are completely relaxed, the larynx does not vibrate.

Paired and unpaired voiceless consonants

Most of the sounds that fall into this category have a voiced pair. What these sounds can be found in the table “Deaf consonant sounds in Russian”.

Thus, in Russian there are 11 deaf consonants that have a voiced pair. But there are also unpaired ones - these are sounds such as [x], [x '], [h '] and [u '].

They cannot become voiced, regardless of position.

To remember all the deaf consonants that are in the Russian language, a special mnemonic phrase helps: “Stepka, do you want a cabbage? - Ugh!". But it will not help to remember their pairing in terms of hardness-softness, since deaf consonants that have a pair are presented in it in only one variety - either hard or soft.

Consonant Stunning Rule

In Russian, there are cases when a voiced consonant is written in writing, and in speech it turns into a deaf consonant. This happens, for example, when a voiced letter appears at the very end of a word, as in the word mushroom, the transcription of which will look like [flu].

Due to the fact that voiced consonants are stunned at the end, it is often difficult to reproduce such words in writing. However, there is an easy way to check which letter to use: you need to change the word so that the consonant is before the vowel, for example, mushroom - mushroom. Then it will immediately become clear what needs to be written. The same applies to cases where there is a deaf consonant at the end, and in writing it is voiced "according to the general rule." You can check which letter is written in the same way: cry - cry, lot - lot.

Voiced consonants located in positions at the beginning and in the middle of a word can also be stunned if they are followed by a deaf consonant. This is easy to understand with an example: booth [butka].

What have we learned?

Deaf consonant sounds are such sounds, during the formation of which the larynx does not vibrate, that is, the voice does not participate. They consist only of noise. Most deaf consonants have a voiced pair, but there are four unpaired sounds of this type - these are [x], [x '], [h '] and [u ']. Due to the rule of stunning consonants during pronunciation, those consonants that are voiced in writing go into their deaf pair. This happens if they are at the end of a word, and also when they are preceded by another deaf consonant.

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Consonant sounds are sounds, during the pronunciation of which obstacles arise in the path of the air flow. There are 36 consonants in Russian. Consonants are letters that represent consonant sounds in writing. There are 21 of them in Russian. All consonants of the Russian alphabet: B, C, G, D, F, Z, Y, K, L, M, N, P, R, C, T, F, X, C, H, Sh, Sh.

Consonants can be hard or soft, voiceless or voiced. Consonants can be deaf or voiced, they do not have a hardness / softness sign.

Most consonants are paired on the basis of hardness / softness. The same letter can represent the corresponding hard or soft sound in different words. For example, the letter B denotes a soft sound in the word bandage and a hard sound in the word bull. The softness of a consonant during transcription is indicated by a comma (apostrophe) to the right above the consonant icon: bʼ.

Soft consonant sounds in Russian become if they are followed by second-row vowels (E, E, Yu, Ya, I) and b. Compare: sleep [spʼat] and sleep [spatʼ].

Paired consonant sounds on the basis of hardness / softness

Sometimes students forget whether Y, Shchi Ch are soft or hard consonants. Determining the softness / hardness of unpaired consonants often causes difficulties, since there is nothing to compare them with.

The classification of paired and unpaired consonants, soft and hard consonants, voiced and deaf consonants in the table is presented below:

Y, Щ and Ch are always soft consonants.

Shch and Ch are always pronounced softly, no matter what letter comes after. These are soft unpaired hissing consonants. They become the cause of spelling errors in the spelling of words with combinations CHU, SCHU, CHA, SCHA (miracle [chʼu], pike [shʼu], thicket [hʼashchʼa]).

Y is a special letter. It represents a consonant voiced soft sound, in transcription denoted by the icon [j] (yot).

[Ж] and [ш] are unpaired solid hissing consonants. C is also an unpaired solid sound. Because of their hardness, schoolchildren have a common mistake in combinations ZhI, SHI (wide [shy], life [shy]), TSY-QI (chicken - circus).

Voiceless and voiced consonants

Consonants are composed of noise (voiceless) or noise and voice (voiced). Consonants that sound similar form pairs.

Voiced consonants, in which the proportion of noise is minimal, are called sonorants (from the Latin sonorus, which means “sonorous”). This is [m] - [mʼ], [n] - [nʼ], [l] - [lʼ], [r] - [rʼ] and. They do not have a pair of deafness / sonority.

Consonants and sounds can be deaf and voiced. Does this mean that there is always a voiced sound behind a voiced consonant letter, and a voiceless sound behind a voiceless letter? Not at all. For example: cat [cat] and code [cat].

Paired and unpaired consonants behave differently in a word. For sounds that are paired in deafness / sonority, a strong position (that is, one in which the sound is clearly, clearly manifested) is the position before a vowel or sonorant sound. Before a consonant and at the end of a word, a consonant can change the sound.

Voiceless consonants can represent voiced consonants when they come before a voiced consonant. For example: station - in [gz] al, knock down - [zbʼ] it, mowing - ko [zʼb] a. This process is called voicing.

Voiced consonants represent a voiceless consonant at the end of a word or before a voiceless consonant. For example: tooth - zu [p], jump - burp [tp], eye - eye [s]. This process is called stunning.

Often children have a question: is c a voiced or deaf consonant? Let us explain the nature of this sound. [c] is an affricate, that is, it comes from the merger of two sounds: [t] and [s]. Both components are deaf, and the resulting [ts] is also deaf.

Table of deaf and voiced consonant pairs:

Consonants unpaired by deafness of voicedness:

Memorize deaf letters will help mnemonics. In the phrase “Styopka, do you want a cabbage? Fi!" contains all unvoiced consonants and none of the voiced ones.

The modern Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters. The phonetics of the modern Russian number defines 42 sounds. Sounds are vowels and consonants. The letters ь (soft sign) and ъ (hard sign) do not form sounds.

Vowel sounds

There are 10 vowels and 6 vowels in Russian.

  • Vowels: a, i, e, e, o, u, s, e, u, i.
  • Vowel sounds: [a], [o], [y], [e], [i], [s].

For memorization, vowels are often written in pairs according to a similar sound: a-z, o-e, ee, u-s, u-yu.

percussion and unstressed

The number of syllables in a word is equal to the number of vowels in a word: forest - 1 syllable, water - 2 syllables, road - 3 syllables, etc. A syllable that is pronounced with more intonation is stressed. The vowel forming such a syllable is stressed, the rest of the vowels in the word are unstressed. The position under stress is called a strong position, without stress - a weak position.

Iotated vowels

A significant place is occupied by iotated vowels - the letters e, e, u, i, which mean two sounds: e → [y'] [e], e → [y'] [o], yu → [y'] [y], i → [d'][a]. Vowels are iotated if:

  1. stand at the beginning of the word (spruce, tree, spinning top, anchor),
  2. stand after a vowel (what, sings, hare, cabin),
  3. stand after b or b (stream, stream, stream, stream).

In other cases, the letters e, e, u, i mean one sound, but there is no one-to-one correspondence, since different positions in the word and various combinations with the consonants of these letters give rise to different sounds.


There are 21 consonants and 36 consonants in total. The discrepancy in number means that some letters can mean different sounds in different words - soft and hard sounds.

Consonants: b, c, d, e, g, s, d, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, u.
Consonants: [b], [b '], [c], [c '], [g], [g '], [d], [d '], [g], [h], [h ' ], [d'], [k], [k'], [l], [l'], [m], [m'], [n], [n'], [n], [n' ], [p], [p'], [s], [s'], [t], [t'], [f], [f'], [x], [x'], [c] , [h'], [w], [w'].

The ‘ sign means a soft sound, that is, the letter is pronounced softly. The absence of a sign indicates that the sound is solid. So, [b] is hard, [b ’] is soft.

Voiced and voiceless consonants

There is a difference in how we pronounce consonants. Voiced consonants are formed in a combination of voice and noise, deaf consonants are formed due to noise (the vocal cords do not vibrate). There are 20 voiced consonants and 16 voiceless consonants.

Voiced consonantsvoiceless consonants
th → [th"]b → [b], [b "]n → [n], [n"]h → [h"]
l → [l], [l"]in → [in], [in"]f → [f], [f"]u → [u"]
m → [m], [m"]g → [g], [g"]to → [to], [to "]ts → [ts]
n → [n], [n "]d → [d], [d "]t → [t], [t"]x → [x], [x"]
p → [p], [p "]f → [f]w → [w]
s → [s], [s "]s → [s], [s"]
9 unpaired11 doubles11 doubles5 unpaired
20 voiced sounds16 deaf sounds

According to pairing-unpairness, voiced and deaf consonants are divided into:
b-p, v-f, g-k, d-t, w-w, s-s- paired by sonority-deafness.
d, l, m, n, p - always voiced (unpaired).
x, c, h, u - always deaf (unpaired).

Unpaired voiced consonants are called sonorants.

Among the consonants, according to the level of "noisiness", there are also groups:
f, w, h, u - hissing.
b, c, d, e, g, h, k, p, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, u- noisy.

Hard and soft consonants

hard consonantsSoft consonants
[h][h "]
3 unpaired15 doubles15 doubles3 unpaired
18 solid sounds18 soft sounds