The first trimester of the fetus development is a very important period of intrauterine development. At this time, the future baby, who already actively lives in the maternal womb, is beginning to develop internal organs and systems. This article tells about how much the ultrasound of the fetus is performed at the 5th week of pregnancy.

Specify the first day of the last menstruation

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What is done?

Conducting an ultrasound in the early stages of intrauterine development is used mainly to establish pregnancy. To calculate the term of the intrauterine development of the child, gynecologists enjoy the definition of the obstetric period. It is usually less than 14 days than a gestational period of pregnancy.

4-5 week of intrauterine development is a very important period for the embryo. At this time, the fetal begins the most important process - organogenesis. This period is characterized by differentiation and development of many internal organs and systems of its body.

In most situations, the ultrasound is not carried out at such an early pregnancy. An exception is cases when a pregnant woman independently insists on holding this method.

Such a limitation of the implementation of ultrasound research in the early stages of the fetal tool is very important. The fact is that ultrasound, especially used in focal mode, in the early period of pregnancy can harm the future kid.

Doctors gynecologists allocate certain medical testimony. If they are presented, they can send a future mother into an ultrasound diagnostic office to perform such a study.

Conducting an ultrasound at such an early term is required, as a rule, in the event that when doctors want to set the exact location of the fetal egg. Such a situation arises, as a rule, with the exclusion of ectopic pregnancy. This pathological condition is usually very clearly visible on the ultrasound.

If, despite the clinical examination of a woman and the laboratory tests performed by it, the doctors are difficult with the establishment of pregnancy, then in this case the ultrasound is also coming to the help. During such a study, you can also make the first snapshot of the embryo. As a rule, it can already determine the size of the embryo.

Some pathological conditions that can manifest themselves in the very first period of pregnancy can also be identified with ultrasound. Usually, future mothers are directed to such a study with suspected spontaneous abortion or spontaneous miscarriage.

If a woman suffered before pregnancy with any pathologies of the genital organs, it can also be directed to the ultrasound authorities of a small pelvis. Such studies help to establish the degree of available reproductive violations, as well as eliminate the exacerbation of chronic diseases of the urogenital system in the future mother.

Many future mothers are interested in whether it is worth passing an ultrasound in such early time. Most doctors in this case will say that without a strong need or in the absence of medical testimony to carry out ultrasound in the early period of intrauterine development of the fetus to perform such a survey. do not.

Currently, there are other methods to establish a pregnancy.

What will the study show?

Ultrasound, performed in this period of development of the future kid, does not have even high accuracy. This is not due to the conduct of research on poor-quality equipment or the lack of clinical experience at a specialist conducting this check. As a rule, in the early period of the development of the embryo, most of the clinical indicators doctors will simply be able to interpret.

During the procedure, ultrasonic diagnostic specialist evaluates only the basic parameters of the intrauterine development of the fetus. It should be noted that such values \u200b\u200bin the early periods of the embryo existence exists much less than during 3 trimesters of pregnancy.

In each period of intrauterine development of the future child, doctors call it various medical terms. On 5 weeks it is called the embryo. The dimensions of such an embryo, as a rule, do not exceed 3 mm. Such a crumb will not be able to "consider" on the ultrasound.

Doctors detect not embryo, but The presence of a fetal egg. This education is like a "protective shell" in which the future kid develops. In the future, various fenal shells will be formed from the shells of gestational eggs, which will also protect the organism of the fetus from the effects of different adverse factors.

By completion of 5 weeks, two very important anatomical formations of pregnancy begin to be formed. They are called amnion and the yolk bag. In the amniotic bubble and placed embryo. This education is also well visualized using an ultrasound sensor.

In essence, the yolyral bag is a fundamental body, responsible for the development and formation of all elements of the cardiovascular system at the future kid. From it, with the development of the embryo, the heart will be formed. The heartbeat's heartbeat will appear slightly later.

Gradually, small blood vessels begin to form a small blood vessels in microscopic chorion. During the pregnancy, they will develop and increase in size. This type of blood supply is very important for the embryo developing in the maternal womb.

The chorion of the fetal chorion is directly contacted with maternity blood vessels. Through them, the baby receives nutrients for its growth and development, as well as dissolved oxygen in the blood.

Some experienced specialists already on 5 week can distinguish many anatomical embryo structures. Usually it also requires not only the sufficient experience of an ultrasound diagnostic doctor, but also the use of modern high-precision devices.

The focus of the ultrasonic sensor allows a specialist to conduct a study, quite well to distinguish the fetal egg itself. It looks like an oblong formation, which is attached to the endometry - the inner epithelial pulverity of the uterus.

The internal element of this formation is amnion. Also, this formation doctors is called the camera, which is inside the amniotic bubble. It contains a liquid component.

The outer shell is also quite well visualized using an ultrasonic sensor. She surrounds Amnion outside and is, in fact, the fruit shells of the embryo.

A fruit or gestational egg in this case looks like an echonegative element filled with a liquid from the inside. On the rear surface of such anatomical formation there is a dorsal strengthening of ultrasound. In their form, a gestational egg can be both oval and round.

With a more careful inspection around this formation, an echo-spawn is determined.

Norms of the main studied parameters

Doctors conducted by the study of the fetus in the early stages, use various obstetric concepts and terms. They are usually used throughout the baby tooling.

The size of the gestational egg for the 5th week of pregnancy in most cases is ½ cm. To measure this indicator, doctors use special medical criteria. The usual diameter of the gestational egg is determined only when one measurement is carried out.

There is another, more accurate criterion. It is called an average diameter. To measure it, the ultrasound specialist should carry out at least three measurements carried out in different planes. This parameter in the complex with others can become a criterion for evaluating the first weeks of intrauterine development of the embryo.

There are situations where the size of the fruit egg obtained during the study is substantially less than ½ cm. In this case, doctors tend to repeat the examination after 6-8 days. Sometimes it testifies to "Measured" or "suspended" pregnancy. To eliminate this pathological condition and re-study is carried out.

During the ultrasound examination in the early pregnancy, not only the development of the fetus is estimated. The state of the internal genital organs of the future mothers is also very important for the prediction of the baby tooling.

Ultrasound helps to identify various neoplasms of ovaries, cysts, as well as fibromomy. Quite often, pathology data lead to miscarriage or spontaneous interruption of pregnancy at the earlier period.


Ultrasound in early pregnancy can be carried out at once in several ways. The choice of technique depends on the set of starting reasons. Typically, a way to conduct such a survey determines the observing woman-gynecologist.

Explore the small pelvis organs can transabdominal method (through the front abdominal wall), as well as transvaginally (through the vagina). In most cases, gynecologists prefer to use Transvaginalresearch method, as it allows you to get more accurate results on this period of pregnancy.

If the patient has signs of exacerbation of chronic collision or vaginite, accompanied by various vaginal discharge, then doctors can recommend a study by a transabdominal method. In this case, no pain or discomfort during the survey will arise.

In order to get a bright picture on the monitor of the apparatus, a doctor conducting research uses Special gel.It is applied directly to the skin. This gel in its composition is very hypoallergenic. It can be safely used even at young children, as well as pregnant women without the risk of developing allergies or other unpleasant consequences.

Many women who are guided by the ultrasound at the 5th week of pregnancy are interested in whether a certain preparation is required before conducting research. It must be said that this is a fairly early term. In this case, no special preparation is required. However, there is a number of exceptions.

In some situations, the doctor may ask a pregnant woman to come to ultrasound with a complete urinary bubble. This is required in certain cases in order to better view the inner wall of the uterus and a fruit egg. The filled bladder gives pressure on the uterus, making it more accessible to visualization.

Absolutely to all future mothers such preparation is required.

In a couple of days before studying, doctors recommend women not to eat products that can provoke strong gas formation. Bean, various types of cabbage, carbonated drinks, fruits and vegetables 2 days before the ultrasound should still be limited. This is especially necessary to make women who have an increased tendency to gas formation against the background of their accompanying diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

During the procedure of research, the woman is on the couch. Source position - on the back.During the study, the doctor may ask the pregnant woman to turn on the left or right side. It is usually necessary if there is any pathological changes or anomalies of the development of internal organs in the future motley.

If the study is carried out transvaginally, then in this case the ultrasonic sensor is introduced into the vagina. During the study, the doctor constantly controls the general condition of the patient. If during the procedure it has some strong pain, then the survey may even be discontinued. In this case, a transabdominal ultrasound study is carried out.

If a pregnant woman is supposed to be a twins or single twins, ultrasound will have a number of features. In this case, one or more fruit eggs is determined. Of particular importance is how conception occurred is a physiological way or with the help of Eco.

If the pregnancy occurs due to extracorporeal fertilization, then in this case the day of the embryos is also taken into account in the uterus. This is necessary to establish an obstetric period of pregnancy.

After the procedure for studying on the hands of the patient is given a special medical form with the conclusion. In it, the doctor who conducted an ultrasound indicates all detected deviations, and also fixes the basic sizes and the diameters of the fetal egg and its anatomical components.

Futive mommies should be remembered that the conclusion of ultrasound is not yet diagnosed.With this form, a pregnant woman goes to a gynecologist. The doctor summarizes all the results obtained and only after that can establish any diagnoses. In some cases, a re-study may be required if the doctor doubts the accuracy of the survey.

  • What's happening

5 week passes unnoticed to others. However, mom begins to feel some changes in its body. This applies to both physiological changes in the body and the emotional attitude. The kid at this point completes to form as an embryo. On the study of ultrasound, he looks like a small speck. However, inside the interesting processes already begin to occur. 5 obstetric weeks are equal to 3 embryonic weeks in the womb. Prerequisites for the formation of all systems, organs and tissues. And let the exact contours are visible no earlier than after 4 weeks. All the same, a pregnant girl begins to subconsciously feel the development of his baby.

Pregnancy 5 weeks: What changes are happening with mom

The menstrual cycle announced changes in the body. The test showed a positive result. And the gynecologist confirmed the fact of pregnancy. What changes in the body have already occurred before starting 5 weeks at the future mother? And what can happen over the coming days?

  1. Mammary gland. The chest will sign that the body entered the "pregnant woman" mode. Sensitivity occurs, swelling, changing the color palette of nipples.
  2. Weight set. The weight gain is not observed if the girl behaves a familiar lifestyle. Food techniques are ordinary. In general, the diet is balanced. Soon she will have to eat for two. In the meantime, the weight remains in the usual borders. So it should be: the mass of the body during this period does not change, because the fruit is still very tiny.
  3. What kind of uterus? There are no significant changes in the size of the uterus. This is due to the tiny parameters of the fetus itself. However, after a few weeks, the uterus can not know. It changes not only size, but also the form. On the 7th week, pregnant women are often concerned about the feeling of lung tingling in the pelvic space. As if this is the uterus makes itself felt. Easy pain appears in the hip joint themselves. In fact, 5 obstetrics can remind themselves a bowel, and not the uterus.
  4. How does the uterus behave? At week 5, an increase in the tone of the uterus may occur. Such a phenomenon is accompanied by pulling pain not only in the stomach, but also in the zone area. With the tone of the uterus, the pregnancy breaks. In any case, when specified symptoms need to contact the gynecologist to avoid problems.
  5. The tummy at the future mother on the fifth week does not have any visual changes. But the feeling of drawing pain in the bottom of the abdomen can occur internally, with shoots in the side. If the pain is short-term and is not accompanied by bloody discharge - it is not necessary to worry. In other cases, it is necessary to come to inspected a specialist.
  6. General state. Pregnant girls are difficult to understand what is happening. Toli picked up viral infection, it is ailment from an interesting position. Weakness, sleepy condition, lethargy, sometimes no appetite. At such a period, the future mother may even be more weighing.
  7. Of the ailments, in addition to the overall fatigue, there is a nasal congestion, simply snot. The mucous membranes of the nasal sinuses are inflamed due to general hormonal disorders in the body. With the discharge from the nose, you should pay attention to whether there are no other signs of the usual cold (for example, it hurts the throat). If they are not, it means that this nasal congestion and mucus from the cold is only a temporary phenomenon as the reaction to the changes occurring.
  8. Heartburn. In the early period of pregnancy, when the uterus begins to put pressure on other organs, such a phenomenon as heartburn is frequent and not accidental. Under the attack of the uterus, the tract is hung, which means that the gastric juice literally "frustrate" in the esophagus. In this case, heartburns are not exactly avoided. Specifically, on the 5th week, the uterus is not so active. There is another reason for the suffering of a future mother, heartburn - hormonal changes. When heartburn, it is necessary to wait toxicosis if it has not yet begun. It is important to adhere to the rules of balanced nutrition.
  9. Psychological condition. Sharp mood swings. Low stress resistance. Unreasonable fears and unexpected merry attacks appear. This is the standard characteristic of pregnancy in the early stages.

5 week of pregnancy

Fruit at 5 week of pregnancy: parameters and development

The first large brick in the construction of a new life occurs at exactly 5 week of pregnancy. Authorities, systems, fabrics - a small step advanced to their formation. The child parameters during this period are very small. Weighs the fruit of up to 3 grams, length up to 7 mm. The location of the child resembles a tube. The tail is visible, the head is clearly drawn, there are backs of the remaining parts of the body. However, it will have to wait for some time, a few weeks or months to fully distinguish all the components of the human body.

The child is in the mother's womb 5 obstetric weeks, and the nervous system is already beginning to break through, forming the root of all its components, including the head and spinal cord. Power kid will pass from the placenta. The octoplodic liquid surrounds the embryo. Even the genital system makes itself felt in the form of laying eggs and spermatozoa. The development of the fetus passes according to the established laws of nature: gradually a week for a week, a system for the system, a cell per cell.

Ultrasound, 5 weeks of pregnancy: decoding

At week 5, an ultrasound study is a future mother can make the first time. Often the need is justified by the need to confirm pregnancy. Also, screening is done to learn about the correctness of the location and development of the child. Data on the field of the baby and how much exactly it weighs, mom, it is unlikely to receive. However, the photo on which the baby is already visible, like a small pea, parents can pick up from a specialist after the screening.

An important in ultrasound examination is considered to identify ectopic pregnancy, fetal fetal or development, noticeable at this stage, pathological disorders. Also when screening for 5 week, the doctor can give parents twins. Deciphering the study gives such a result: two heartbeats, two trunks - twins. Children look at the ultrasonic technique screen with tiny, but are divided into two little people. It is important to learn about twin on early, so that in the future to fully consider and respond to changes in the body occurring.

Screening research with the help of an ultrasound apparatus and a specialist who adequately and competently monitors the state of one child or twins, tells parents about the processes in the womb. If there are problems, they will be found on an early term, if everything is good, then mom and dad will go away with the happy owners of the first photo of their baby or twins.

Hurt belly at 5 week of pregnancy: reasons

If during 5 weeks the pregnant woman has pain in his stomach, then it should be understood in the nature of the pain itself and the accompanying symptoms.

  1. When, during pulling pain, there are allocations, different colors, from brown, to red, without a gynecologist can not do.
  2. If blood is visible in the discharge - this is a sign of the discontinuation of the placenta. Usually such a situation happens at low placenta of pregnancy.
  3. Bacterial internal infections are visible when the selection there is a smell and color yellow or green

The only correct option in any of the situations, in the discharge and pain in the abdomen - to seek advice and help to the doctor.

Non-early diagnoses: 5 weeks of pregnancy No movements

All pregnant women are afraid that their child will not get to move. What will be fetal fetal or miscarriage. 5 week of pregnancy No movements, what to do? In fact, at such an early mechanical period should not appear. The fruit is still too small. Its bone and nervous system is not formed to create movement. Therefore, moms can not feel the movement of his baby. When a pregnant girl on a period of 5 weeks reports a doctor, which feels like a child moves, it is most likely an emotional hormonal background causes such body reactions. The future mother is experiencing for his baby and constantly thinking about him. Hence the thoughts about the movement.

Such a problem as a prelationship of placenta or low placentating can be detected when screening at different times of pregnancy. For 5 week, the problem is found quite often. What is called placentating or placenta preview? This is a phenomenon when the placenta or chorion (in the early period of pregnancy) is attached and develops below the set level. Usually this situation is corrected until the end of pregnancy is corrected, but the doctor needs to be observed with such violations. Since placentating is a harbinger of bleeding and serious problems not only for the fetus, but also for the life of the most pregnant girl. The first screening study can show whether there are disorders in the location of the placenta or not. What are the sensations for placentating? Special manifestations are not observed. All the same pain at the bottom of the abdomen and in the lower back, accompanied by the discharge, can also be precursors in the prelationship of the placenta.

The lack of accumulating waters, nameable, is known, meets with many girls who are carrying a child. Malotion during pregnancy is 5 weeks. The violation has a number of consequences, so you need to take it seriously. Malovodia is characterized by the following main feature: the bottom of the uterus does not match the desired size, according to pregnancy terms. Such violations in the development of pregnancy can find a specialist in the next examination. The very future mother itself is not able to feel any changes in the body. Therefore, it is important to come to a planned inspection and control the processes occurring.

Having read information about problems and pathologies during pregnancy, the girls begin to panic. Looking for manifestations of symptoms in their condition. We attribute to yourself the ailments that are not or even can not be on a certain period. With any pain you need to contact the gynecologist - this is the most right solution. There should be no independent formulation of the diagnosis and even more treatment.

Abortion of pregnancy for 5 weeks

An early pregnancy can be taken in different ways. On the 5th week, the most accessible and relatively safe method of abortion is medication. It is also possible to intervene the pregnancy with the help of surgical intervention, but not so safe. Abortions in the early deadlines are held up to 22 weeks. Artificially interrupt pregnancy became fashionable with a vacuum. It is just used on the 4-5 week of the situation. Vacuum abortion is made by suction. Its safety is associated with the lack of damage to the internal organs of a woman, in contrast to the surgical interruption of pregnancy.

Before deciding to the abortion, even early, should be remembered for possible consequences for their health. Combination of pregnancy accompany complications. For example, blood loss or a number of diseases of the internal organs. Abortion can be harmful by leaving psychological and physical injury for life. Of course, there are cases when abortions cannot be avoided if the pregnancy threatens the health of the woman itself.

Pregnancy 5 weeks: well-being, food, sport

A pregnant girl at the 5th week of an interesting position should actively take care of his health. Now she responds not only for their lives, but also for the existence of a baby. During this period, it is especially important to monitor your well-mindedness and, with any ailments, consult with a gynecologist. Everything that can harm the baby should be excluded from the municipality of the mother.

In the diet, you should begin to stick to the rational and balanced menu. It is important to get used to such a regime as early as possible so that later, on the more late periods there was no problems in the development of the fetus. Food must be satisfying, but without a large amount of fat. All products that provoke heartburn and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract should be excluded from the diet. Feelings after meals should be benevolent. No overeating, night burns should not be. Often, future mothers in early pregnancy are gusty and absorb food in large quantities, mixing the taste palette in one meal. It should not be done. It is better to eat small portions, but often. In this case, you can try different products and get different sensations.

With low weight, for its set, the future mother should be consulted with a specialist, which diet is suitable for her. It is necessary to eat not only balanced, but also tasty. After all, nobody canceled hormones during pregnancy.

For the physical development of the future baby and excellent self-election Mom, it is important not to throw out motor activity. From each week, the load will change, but the exercises must be necessary. Preferably daily, in the extreme case several times a week. Over time, the baby will be felt by the baby, while at 5 week, classes will benefit mom. Short gymnastics can be made every morning and throughout the day. Adequate physical activity helps with pains in the lower back and brings only the benefit of a child who will appear in time.

For the normal development of the fetus, the outdoor walks are useful. Without them, it is impossible to do, whatever month or week of pregnancy. The more often walks, the better. The cleaner will be the air, the exaggeration will be the well-being of the future mother.

The feeling of happiness comes in the complex when mom harmoniously develops. Her day is saturated with events. Regardless of the week of pregnancy, she gladly perceives all changes in his body. Adequately reacts to emerging situations in life, taking care of his health and the development of the child.

See the video in which the gynecologist responds to the strangest questions:

In 5 weeks, the pregnancy is not yet noticeable to others, but the tiny heart of the baby is already divided into the cameras and will soon begin to pump the blood on his taurus. As a rule, on this time, the woman learns about his position, and it is beginning to disturb doubts, whether everything is in order with the child, how to adjust their habits, food, lifestyle to create a baby as comfortable conditions for its growth and development. Often 5 week of pregnancy becomes a sign for the future mother: ahead of the long week waiting, but for now the fetus begins to grow and develop.

How to calculate the time of pregnancy

First of all, it should be understood in the terms of pregnancy, because many women confuse obstetric period and embryonic. The second is always less than the first for 2 weeks. The fact is that the obstetric period of doctors is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. In this case, the first 2 weeks of the cycle are considered to be considered pregnancy, while the uterus is only prepared for the implantation of a fertilized egg. Fertilization is most likely occurs during the period of ovulation, i.e. About 2 weeks after the last period of the woman. From this point, the embryonic development of the fetus is calculated (provided that the conception occurred). That is why 5 obstetric week of pregnancy and 3 embryonic meant the same time. A long-term pregnancy lasts 40 weeks from the first day of the last month, which is 10 months for an obstetric period, a gradual pregnancy lasts 38 weeks, which is 9 months.

What happens to the fruit at the 5th week of pregnancy

Gradually, day after day, the child turns out of a beam of cells organized into a s-shaped shape into a small organism. In 5 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus size is about a quarter or half centimeter in length and externally resembles a tasty. Its average weight is now only 3-4 grams, but it is already possible to assert with confidence that this is a full body. The fetus at the 5th week of pregnancy has the checkers nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and other organism systems and will now grow and develop. It is now that the future kid will have a maximum surgery of growth. All its main organs, including intestines, kidneys and liver, are actively growing and developing. The nervous tube that connects the fetal brain with the dorsal, this week closes. All internal changes proceed simultaneously with the external: Mouth, eye deposits, tiny kidneys appear on the hands and feet of the future kid - fingers. Heart, brain, spine - everything develops in a very rapid pace.

For a period of 5 weeks, a woman should start receiving vitamins, and especially folic acid necessary for correctly the formation of the central nervous system, the head and spinal cord. The exchange of substances in the fetus is carried out through the amniotic fluid, which it is surrounded. In addition, it participates in the formation of the process of nutrition of the embryo, its psycho-emotional state, which is transmitted to him from the mother.

Features of the fetal heart rate in 5 weeks

When 5 weeks of pregnancy goes, the child's heart consists of two tiny channels, which are referred to as cardiac tubes. They are now actively working, but at the end of the week, continuing to form, the tubes will be connected together and form a full-fledged functioning heart. The frequency of heart abbreviations during this period is large and chaotic. 5 week of pregnancy is final at the stage of the fetal embryonic development. A few days later the child will fight the heart. If the doctor prescribes an ultrasound for 5 weeks of pregnancy, then a rhythmic flicker will be seen on the monitor.

What happens in the body of a woman

With the occurrence of pregnancy, the woman's body undergo many changes is subjected to hormonal perestroins, which can be somewhat negatively affecting well-being. When there are 5 weeks of pregnancy, the feeling of the future mother is still different than its usual state. However, some features can already take place, and they make themselves felt already on such a little longer. It is precisely what the woman's elevated interest causes what features for its body is 5 week of pregnancy, which is happening in the very organism of the mother, and how the baby develops. All this concerns future mom.

Changes in hormonal background

In 5 weeks of pregnancy, it is not yet very pronounced. Early symptoms include the absence of another menstruation in a woman and changing its psycho-emotional state. In the body of the future mother there is a number of changes already in 5 weeks of pregnancy. The signs of it still do not appear externally, therefore women with an irregular cycle may not even guess about it. The blood hormone concentration is constantly increasing in the blood - chorionic gonadotropin. During this period, everything that happens to the body of a woman is accompanied by a change in the hormonal background. It is this "strong cocktail" from chemicals will be responsible for the well-being, mood, sensations and other restructuring in the woman's body in the next few months. Chorionic gonadotropin suppresses the immune system of the mother to reduce the likelihood of rejection of the fetus by its organism. Some hormones are less active, others on the contrary, but together they constitute the basis of the causes of morning ailment when 5 week of pregnancy goes. What happens to a woman at this time? In the mornings, the attacks of nausea, vomiting, during the day there may be a sudden change of mood during the day, drowsiness, increased fatigue and sensitivity to smells, as well as a change in taste (however, it may not be). These symptoms may continue until 12 weeks, after which they disappear as suddenly, as appeared.

Changes in the uterus and chest

5 The obstetric week of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of some transformations in the body of a woman. The placenta and the communal bag continue to form, which causes a feeling of complete uterus. The belly at the 5th week of pregnancy is still impaired, but a woman can feel some pain, which prevents him free to lie on him. This is due to an increase in the blood supply to the uterus, which has already managed to increase to such sizes that an experienced doctor in examination will be able to diagnose pregnancy. The chest becomes more sensitive than usual, and slightly increases in size. All this prevents the woman to sleep on the stomach from the first week of pregnancy.

Psycho-emotional restructuring in a woman

In addition to the foregoing, women on this period may have some psycho-emotional breakdowns. Already there is a disgust for some food, drinks, smells, which are accompanied by the attacks of nausea and vomiting. Some women note a change in taste, an increase or decline in appetite.

During the day, a pregnant woman can change the mood several times, sometimes, even with minor loads, a woman feels broken, tired. Headaches take place, as well as high tear. The future mother should not be upset due to the manifestation of all these symptoms and remember that all this will not last forever, but only before that time until the female body gets used to its new state.

Painfulness during pregnancy in 5 weeks

When there are 5 weeks of pregnancy, the sensation of a woman can wear and painful. The pain in the abdomen is associated with a disorder of intestinal peristals, which arises due to the restructuring of the hormonal background of the whole organism. A constantly growing uterus puts pressure on the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, which causes an unpleasant feeling of a woman.

There is another unpleasant moment in the period when there are 5 weeks of pregnancy. True belly is usually when the uterus hypertonus occurs, and the threat of miscarriage appears. In this case, the woman is recommended: peace, rejection of sex, bedding. If the painful sensations are accompanied by bloody secretions, you should immediately apply for help in the hospital. Also at this time, the doctor will recommend to abandon the heels and go to a more comfortable soft shoe on a low heel.

Lumbar pains for 5 weeks can be confused with the harbingers of menstruation, at this time there may be insignificant highlighting of brownish color. If a woman suspects the offensive of pregnancy, then such discharge should alert it and also become a reason for the visit to the gynecologist.

If suspicion of possible pregnancy appeared, the tests should be passed to dispel all doubts. One of the first is the test for determination in the blood of the hormone of the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). If there is a need, you can hand over blood for analysis after a half weeks from the date of the alleged conception. By 5 week, the concentration of this hormone rises in the urine, which allows you to make a home test for the definition of pregnancy. Tests can be purchased in any pharmacy.

After the pregnancy is confirmed, you should go to women's consultation and get directions for blood and urine tests, on the definition of the rees-factor, blood group, its coagulation and a whole list of necessary tests when setting a woman. All this will determine the state of the health of the future mother. Hormone Analysis of pregnancy can take again, if there is a threat to interrupt.

When to account

The threat of miscarriage is highest in 5 weeks of pregnancy, the signs of which are still small enough to appreciate the seriousness of the situation. As a rule, uterine bleeding on this date it perceives as another menstruation. The reason for premature abortion of pregnancy in 5 weeks is associated with a high content in the female body of men's sex hormones (especially in a woman with large physique, overweight, body vegetation). That is why it is very important to begin to be observed in the district gynecologist as early as possible. The norm of registration is considered to be a period of 2 months, however, women with the above problems already in a period of 5 weeks should be thought about to seek as soon as possible for help from doctors. Before the first visit to the gynecologist, it is important to interview relatives about hereditary and chronic diseases.

The need for ultrasound research on the 5th week of pregnancy

Despite the fact that 5 weeks of pregnancy can be determined at the gynecologist, it is recommended to go through an ultrasound study. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible not only to confirm the presence of pregnancy, but also determine the amount of fruit eggs, the exact dimensions of the uterus, the place of attachment of the fetus to the walls of the uterus and other important parameters. Moreover, an experienced doctor will be able to analyze the life of the fetus on its heart rhythm and motor activity and give the future mother useful recommendations regarding the regime, labor and recreation.

The future child (5 weeks of pregnancy) requires compliance with the mother of some recommendations. From how much disciplined will be a pregnant woman, the health of the kid himself depends.

First of all, you should take care of proper nutrition. The diet should be selected in such a way that the child gets all the nutrients they need, vitamins and trace elements for normal development and formation. If you learn how to eat regularly small portions and proper food, you can prevent not only intestinal or gastric disorders, but also nausea. At this stage of the development of the kid, vitamins C, E, D, folic acid are useful for it. The source of these vitamins are oranges, kiwi, red pepper, black currant, marine fish, meat, eggs. Use products should be careful not to become a culprit of allergies in a child. Nutrition needs to be adjusted taking into account well-being and preferences, as well as the usefulness of certain products. It should be immediately abandoned by simple carbohydrates, which will only give an increase in weight, and it can not be bad for the course of all pregnancy, and in the state of the child's health.

As already mentioned, the first weeks of pregnancy are characterized by a decrease in immunity, so at this time there is an increased risk to infect viral infection or just cold. It is important to remember that for 5 weeks the child is laid vital organs and systems. The use of drugs for treating even a banal runny nose must be coordinated with the doctor. At the first symptoms of ailments, the nasal moves should be flushed with salt or soda solution to rinse the infection from mucous membranes, rinse the throat, more drinking warm clean water and be sure to seek help in a medical institution.

It is very important if the mother will strengthen the body with accurate physical exertion if there is no contraindications for this. You can sign up for yoga courses or medical physical education for pregnant women. The main thing is not to be overworked and not worried.

Refusal of bad habits should be one of the first solutions of a pregnant woman, because now she is responsible for the favorable development and formation of his baby. In addition, it is important to avoid smoking places, since passive smokers get the same dose of nicotine as active.

5 week of pregnancy can pass almost without changes in the life of a woman. Many sensations and obvious signs of pregnancy so far in front. Or, on the contrary, begin to show themselves. But the embryo is developing with unprecedented speed. There is a time when the future mother and kid will especially need care.

Methods of counting time

In medical practice, the obstetric method of calculation is adopted, from the first day of the last menstruation. The alternative method, the embryonic "delays" in determining the term for two weeks, because it is considered from the middle of the cycle.

Some future mothers determine the period from the delay of menstruation. But it is rather awareness. Therefore, we consider weeks on a par with physicians - it will be more convenient.

If there is a 5-week week from conception, then this is the 7th obstetric week. The fifth week of delay is equal to the 9th from a medical point of view.

We read: .

5th week: how to find out what happens?

Something important can happen on the fifth midwife. It is now that a woman can learn about his new state. There is a delay of menstruation, and the most impatient listen to themselves and arrange various checks.

Pregnancy test

Finally, you can use the pharmacy test! Some of them are designed to use even the eve of the menstruation delay, but the result is not always accurate. But now everything will be according to the instructions. There are several nuances.

  • The most complete result will give morning check.
  • Not "hypnotize" test, settling in the toilet. Remove the "wand" in the box and wait a while. There were cases when the second strip appeared far from immediately.
  • Even modern tests can be wrong. For complete confidence, it is recommended to repeat the test 1-2 times with an interval of 1-2 days.


This study is desirable to make shortly after "two strips" in three cases:

  • in the previous pregnancy there was a miscarriage;
  • the woman had previously diagnosed ectopic pregnancy;
  • the future mother feels sharp abdominal pain or noticed bloody or brown allocations.

What does a specialist doctor see?

Scanning will show the presence / lack of a woman of inflammatory processes, the overall readiness of the uterus and the place of attachment of the embryo (after all, the pregnancy can be ecticated). At the end of the fifth, it is possible to even hear the blows of the originated heart. The embryo itself in most cases will look like a light point. And if the pregnancy is multiple? Most likely, it will become clear too!

Blood test to the level of hgch

This study will fully confirm the coming pregnancy. However, if the level of hCG in the blood first increases, and then decreases again, it signals an ectopic fastening of the embryo.

Explicit sign of pregnancy or? ..

Rumors, gossip and internet are rich sources of all information, sometimes fantastic. For example, there is such a "check": you need to lie down the stomach on the table. If at the same time in the abdomen will be "pulse" means pregnancy has come.

Let's notify immediately: on solid periods of pregnancy, the ripple on the surface of the tummy is really felt. It coincides with the patient's heartbeat and is explained by strong, powerful blood flow.

However, from the items of furniture in an early determination of pregnancy, except for the gynecological chair or a cusht of a specialist in an ultrasound. Low on the home table does not relate to the types of diagnosis.

What does the future mother feel?

Feelings of a pregnant woman on the 5th obstetric post can be described like this: a lot or nothing. Now everything is profitably individually.


Typical emotional sensations may be such:

  • for anyone, irritability comes, as if all around them were agreed to deliver trouble;
  • any trifle can cause tears (joy or sadness): a film, baby in a wheelchair and so on;
  • mood is constantly and unpredictably changes.

Body of woman

And the physical sensations sometimes do not lag behind:

  • i always want to sleep;
  • it is difficult to focus;
  • that and then rolling fatigue;
  • the chest seems to be poured;
  • the first signs of toxicosis appear (they are detailed in detail below).

There may be such a phenomenon as a runny nose of pregnant women or elevated salivation. This indicates the change in the state of some mucous membranes. When nasya is running, it is necessary to check whether there is no cold. If there are no alarming symptoms, then the increased secretion of the mucous membranes will have to simply endure.

If the future mother planned the conception, these signs will help you understand: everything turned out! In other cases, a woman still may not think about their new state. Especially often it happens with an unstable or elongated menstrual cycle.

As for the "pregnant tummy", then on a period of five weeks before him is far away. But a slight increase in weight or its small loss is quite possible.

Objective symptoms

At the end of the fifth week, an experienced gynecologist when examining a woman will already be able to confirm pregnancy. Now the main symptoms for a specialist are the delay in the monthly and noticeable increase in the uterus. Of course, if there are no ultrasound data, pregnancy test or analysis to the level of hCG.

The woman herself can mark two interesting phenomena. Their reason is the hormonal restructuring of the body. First, she may have a slightly darkened nipples. Secondly, a slight strip on the stomach, which passes from the navel to the pubis. However, on the tanned skin of this "thread" can not be noticed.

How is the development of the fetus?

If the term of pregnancy is 5 weeks, then we are talking about the embryo. He has already passed some stages of its development:

  • zygotes (the only cell that is quickly divided);
  • morula (embryo is similar to a lump of cells);
  • blastocysts (microscopic semblance of bubble).

Your baby is like

The rapid division of cells continues. By the end of the fifth of the week, the size of the future fetus can reach 1.5 mm, and its weight will be about 1 g.

The fetal egg contains a real miracle within itself. This is a tiny taurus, on which the tubercles are already visible on the site of the head, limbs and even fingers. On the place of the ears there are pits, the mouth slot is planned as well as the eyes. Now the formation and development of blood vessels continues in full swing. The future baby already has its own blood group!

Since last week the baby already "decided" with the floor, on the 5th obstetric post there is a laying of special genital cells - future spermatozoa and eggs. What else is formed by the embryo?

  • The skin is thickened and becomes two-layer.
  • The respiratory tract and the food tube are separated.
  • The formation of the thyroid gland begins.
  • The nervous tube is preparing to become the tissues of the spine and spinal cord.
  • "Starts" the formation of urinary and intestinal systems.

And another most important process takes his start on the fifth week: this is the formation of the placenta. Through the child's place and the umbilical cord, the future child will be up to the birth of the mother's nutrients through the blood and get rid of the decay products.

At the end of the fifth week, the heart of the future kid begins to beat. At first, his blows are uneven, it seems to check forces. But very soon this tiny body will work in full force.

We look at the video about the development of the fetus for 5-6 weeks:

Toxicosis of pregnant women

Even in small time, many future mothers face toxicosis of pregnant women. This is not a disease, but a special state. It shows that the body is trying to enter the new mode.

Nausea is the most frequent sign. Often it leads to vomiting. On the one hand, for some time it becomes easier. On the other hand, the future mother at this time can be at work or in public transport.

In the morning it is advisable to have breakfast to the lift from bed. If for some reason to serve a breakfast with no one, you can put a bottle with water (moss, juice) or a thermos with tea, as well as an apple, banana or other fruits or vegetables. After eating, you should not jump right away, it is better to afford a few minutes of rest.

In the case of trouble in public transport, it is useful to carry a drink or a product to combat nausea. It can be a favorite fruit, a piece of cheese or cookies. And at the most extreme case - paper or plastic bag, as well as napkins. After all, you can not always jump out from the metro car, buse or minibus.

The question of food with toxicosis is also a special phenomenon. Future mom can suddenly eliminate the favorite salad, but the best meal in the world will be salty fish. But this is still Polbie. And if the woman wakes up at night and understands that without the handstone of strawberries, life does not make any sense? Well, if there is a trained and self-deduction husband and a 24-hour supermarket. If not, the output is only one - distracted. You can engage in some hobby, "climb" on social networks and on different Internet forums or examine a refrigerator for a substitute for food passion.

No less misfortune often becomes smelling. At this time, it is better to give up hikes to perfume boutiques and bypass the household departments and showcases with finished products in supermarkets. It is impossible to predict which fragrance will make the future mother.

Regardless of the type of toxicosis there are several basic recommendations.

  • Remember that this is not forever. There will be several weeks, and the current problems will go;
  • Explain to her husband / partner, children and other households, what toxicosis of pregnant women;
  • Deliver yourself joy. Buy new earrings or other decoration, blouse (because the tummy will not appear tomorrow), book.

We also read: Toxicosis in pregnant women - how to live with him

Reason for anxiety

Are there menstruation during pregnancy? Not. After fertilization of the egg and consolidation of zygota in the uterine cavity, menstrual bleeding ceases. Therefore, any traces of blood on underwear or daily gaskets should alert. It does not matter, the brown highlights will appear or bright red. The most dangerous sign is real bleeding similar to menstruation. All symptoms may indicate a threat to miscarriage. An option in all cases is one - urgent appeal to the doctor.

You need to visit the specialist in another case, if the discharge from the vagina does not contain traces of blood, but at the same time they are:

  • abundant;
  • similar to cottage cheese;
  • bright yellow;
  • have an unpleasant smell.

Is pregnancy accompanied by pregnancy? Minor discomfort is allowed. Like many other sensations, it arises due to hormonal perestroika. But if the belly hurts truly, you need a doctor. Sometimes pain as it seems to be no, but it seems that the belly pulls. If this obsessive feeling lasts long and borders with pain, the doctor will need here.

Do not independently analyze your condition and engage in self-medication. The future mother and baby needs real medical care.

Before birth, it is still so far away, and a tiny creature inside the mother already lies many dangers. Unfortunately, pregnancy complications are possible in 5 weeks.

Measuring pregnancy

It happens that the development of the embryo stops. In some cases, the uterus does not spin the fruit egg. This condition is called a fading of pregnancy. It can pass without symptoms or with insignificant brown discharge from the vagina. Measures to confirm the frozen pregnancy and the removal of a fetal egg receive only a doctor.


Doctors gynecologists call the fifth obstetric week among the most dangerous in terms of spontaneous abortion. In miscarriage may have several reasons that do not depend on the woman:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • genetic flavors of the embryo;
  • hyperreactration of immunity;
  • infections (rubella, cortex, influenza, herpes);
  • chronic diseases of internal organs.

No matter how sad it sounds, in some cases the abortion of pregnancy is a blessing. If the body's body was not protected in a similar way, some pathologies would lead to the birth of non-visual children or full disabilities.

However, there are other negative factors that could be avoided:

  • stressful states;
  • lifting and carrying gravity;
  • strong overheating as a result of visiting a bath, sauna, beach;
  • abuse of medicinal and vitamin preparations;
  • rough, aggressive sex;
  • early abortions made.

The future mom is important to be responsible. Otherwise, the little man will not be born.


Interruption of pregnancy can be arbitrary. If the pregnancy is completely unacceptable, there must be high-quality and reliable contraception. Unfortunately, many adolescents and often even adult people approach the issue of preventive measures very carelessly. There are those who believe that abortion is nonsense, a shroud operation, after which the woman very soon "stands up and goes on."

Intervention in the nature and human body, especially women, nothing can happen. The most likely abortion consequences:

  • guilt;
  • emotional instability;
  • stress - from insignificant to heavy;
  • discomfort and abdominal pain;
  • various impairment of well-being.

Any woman decides itself - to give birth or not. But this decision is accepted for two. It must be objective and responsible in all respects.

What else is important



  1. It's time to quit smoking. Sometimes it is difficult to do immediately. Nevertheless, the rejection of cigarettes should happen as quickly as possible. Passive smoking is also dangerous.
  2. If at home there is a cat or a dog, you need to charge the care of any of the households. The most beloved "beast" can be a carrier of toxoplasmosis. This disease is very dangerous for the future kid.
  3. You can not lift gravity.
  4. After confirming pregnancy, the test need to visit the doctor and take directions for blood and urine tests. For its condition, it is now necessary to especially follow. In addition, the doctor will appoint special preparations: vitamin and folic acid.


  • No need to start repairing an apartment or actively participate in country agricultural workers. Excessive loads can lead to pregnancy complications.
  • If the future mother works in heavy working conditions, the doctor must give a certificate of pregnancy. The employer is obliged to provide a pregnant employee workplace without harmful factors.
  • Now a good dream is especially important and, if possible, rest during the day.
  • If there is no threat of miscarriage or some unpleasant sensations, intimate life can remain at the same level. However, it is worth avoiding coarse sex. If during sexual intercourse, fear or discomfort arises, it is necessary to warn a partner. A rare couple is able to fully avoid changes in the intimate sphere throughout the pregnancy. The frankness between future parents will avoid complications: misunderstandings, quarrels and mutual offensive.

The future mother needs to know much and have time. Then the fifth week of pregnancy will pass "on excellent."

Video Guide: 5 week of pregnancy: highlighting, sensations, symptoms, what happens, abdominal pain

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