If the child is healthy, then, starting from 1.5 months, each mother can include massage for babies in her baby's daily routine. In addition to the fact that massage for babies is important for a child for harmonious physical development, at an early age it is one of the ways a baby communicates with his mother. Physical contact during this procedure contributes to the development of touch, with the help of which the child learns the world at an early age, in addition, an atmosphere of mutual understanding and emotional communication is created between mother and baby. The smooth movements of the mother's hands during a massage for babies give the child a sense of security, love and psychological satisfaction. This, in turn, reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, helps the baby calm down and relax.

Massage for infants is also important for the timely harmonious motor development of the child, as it has a general strengthening effect on the muscular system, normalizing its tone and muscle contractility.

Massage of the tummy helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and helps to eliminate colic, which is one of the main causes of anxiety in the first months of life.

The local effect of massage is expressed in improving the metabolism and nutrition of the skin by expanding its capillaries and accelerating blood circulation.

Possible contraindications to massage for babies

There are a number of simple massage techniques for babies that a mother can perform on her own every day, providing her baby with harmonious physical and neuropsychic development. Such a restorative massage can be started for a child from 1.5 months after consulting a pediatrician and a neurologist in the absence of contraindications.

The main contraindications for massage for a child are:

  • Acute febrile conditions accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Massage promotes blood flow, which can cause an even higher fever.
  • Pustular, infectious-inflammatory or fungal diseases of the skin are a strict contraindication to massage, since open areas of purulent areas, as well as bubble elements (rashes) in some infectious diseases, can be injured during massage, and the infectious agent will be spread over the skin.
  • Dermatitis, allergic skin reactions, which are often accompanied by the formation of oozing, which is an open wound surface. Massage, as a rule, requires the use of creams and oils, which is unacceptable in areas of affected skin. In addition, additional friction of such zones during massage can cause pain in the child and contribute to the deterioration of the local condition of the skin.
  • Severe congenital heart defects with insufficient blood supply, which is manifested by shortness of breath, swelling, cough. With these diseases, signs of circulatory disorders occur in a child even at rest, and since massage is, albeit small, but still a burden on the body, it will contribute to the deterioration of the general condition of the baby.
  • Blood diseases(hemophilia, hemorrhagic diathesis), bleeding tendency. Pressure on the skin during massage can cause internal subcutaneous hemorrhages.
  • Convulsive syndrome, epilepsy. In these conditions, massage is contraindicated, as it can provoke new attacks.
  • Rickets during an exacerbation. At this stage of the disease, children are especially restless and excitable; massage, as an additional stressful effect, is not recommended, since a sparing regimen is necessary.
  • Large hernias when internal organs (umbilical, inguinal, etc.) fall into the hernial protrusion. Massage can cause a strangulated hernia, causing severe pain and may require immediate surgery.

Prematurity and malnutrition (low body weight) are not a contraindication to massage, but classes with such babies should be delayed and must be agreed with the doctor.

Therapeutic children's massage is prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of a particular disease and can only be performed by a qualified specialist.

Where and how to learn massage for babies?

During patronage visits by a nurse and a pediatrician from a children's clinic, a mother may ask to show her the basic massage techniques for babies, which she will do to the baby. Also, a nurse in the room of a healthy child can advise parents about massage and gymnastics at the first visit to a tiny children's clinic at 1 month.

It is desirable that the first massage session, conducted by the mother on her own, takes place under the supervision of a pediatrician or nurse.

General rules for massage for babies

In order for the massage to give the baby pleasure and be as effective as possible, certain conditions must be created. The temperature in the room where the massage is performed should be comfortable for the child and be 20-22 ° C.

It is advisable to ventilate the room in advance, which will introduce an element of hardening into this procedure. In the warm season, massage can be carried out with an open window, in the absence of drafts.

Massage should be done on a hard, warm and non-slip surface. To do this, you can use a changing table or a regular table. It must be covered with a clean diaper, under which it is recommended to put an oilcloth and a flannel blanket folded in 2 times. Massage on the bed will be ineffective, since on a soft surface it will not be possible to create the necessary emphasis and elasticity. Too hard surface will be uncomfortable for the baby.

It is important to choose the right time for a massage. First of all, the child should be in a good mood, well-rested and not hungry. It is recommended to start the procedure 30 minutes before feeding and not earlier than 30-45 minutes after eating, so as not to provoke regurgitation.

Before starting the massage, the mother should remove rings, watches and bracelets from her hands so as not to accidentally injure the baby's skin. Her hands should be clean, dry and warm.

The duration of one massage session can be from 5 to 20 minutes a day, depending on the age of the child and his reaction to the procedure.

It is important to remember that children's massage should not give the child unpleasant, painful sensations. Therefore, during the session, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the crumbs, the expression of his face, the reaction of his body. The main criterion for the correctness of actions is the positive emotional mood of the child. If the baby is naughty, it is better to postpone the massage for a while or transfer it to the next day.

It is important to know a few basic rules of massage:

  • When performing a massage, it is recommended to follow the order of massaged zones. First, the legs are massaged, then the arms, tummy, chest and back.
  • All movements should be carried out from the periphery to the center in the direction of blood circulation in the veins and the flow of lymph in the body.
  • You can not massage the inner surface of the thighs, as many nerve endings are concentrated there and it is very sensitive.
  • Due to the risk of injury, shock effects on the knee joints are limited.
  • It is not recommended to massage the front surface of the lower leg, because there is practically no muscle tissue in this place and the skin is very thin.
  • When massaging the abdomen, it is undesirable to affect the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe liver (right hypochondrium). This limitation is due to the fact that this organ is located close enough to the surface of the body and a direct impact on it can harm the health of the baby.
  • When massaging the back, the area of ​​the spinous processes of the spine should be avoided, since exposure to them in young children can be painful.
  • Massage should not affect the child's genitals and nipples.

Basic massage techniques for babies

It is enough for mom to use 1-2 massages, but at the same time try to perform them regularly. It is not recommended to use complex massage techniques so as not to accidentally harm the child.


The main massage technique that a mother should learn is stroking. It activates blood circulation, and thereby improves blood supply to tissues and organs. In addition, stroking movements help to relax the muscles and have a calming effect. This technique is carried out with the palmar surface of the hand. The movements should be very smooth and gentle. The hand should not move the skin of the child, it seems to slide over it.


The next technique that parents can use is rubbing, which can be started when the child is 3-4 months old.

Rubbing is a more intense and deep stroking, it also helps to relax muscles and reduces the excitability of the central nervous system. Rubbing is performed with two or three fingers of the brush in circular or spiral movements, while the massaging hand should move, displace the skin, and not slide over it.

Foot massage

  • Foot massage is carried out from the bottom up, starting with stroking the back, lateral and plantar surfaces of the feet, and then each toe on the child's feet.
  • After the feet, the entire leg is massaged. In order to achieve the greatest relaxation of the muscles, the child's limbs must be given a position of slight flexion at the knee and hip joints. With the palm of the same hand, it is necessary to clasp the ankle joint from below, and with the palm of the other, superficial stroking is carried out in the direction from the foot to the inguinal region along the outer and back surfaces of the lower leg and thigh.
  • Rubbing is carried out in the same order and direction as stroking with a slight displacement of the skin.

Hand massage

  • Hand massage is carried out from the hand to the shoulder, while the baby's limb should be in a position of slight flexion in the elbow joint.
  • Stroking the brush is carried out first along the back, and then along the palmar surface in the direction from the fingers to the wrist joint.
  • When massaging the hand, the child's hand is held in such a way that the baby covers the mother's thumb. Stroking movements are carried out along the inner, and then the outer surface of the forearm and shoulder.
  • Next, with the fingertips, light rubbing of the palmar surface of the hand is carried out, then each finger is activated in turn, and then the muscles of the forearm and shoulder of the baby are massaged.

belly massage

  • Superficial stroking is carried out around the navel in a clockwise direction. This technique causes relaxation of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and reflexively stimulates intestinal motility.
  • Stroking the oblique muscles of the abdomen is carried out with the palms of both hands from the posterolateral surface of the chest and then obliquely down to the junction of the hands above the child's navel.
  • Massage of the rectus abdominis muscles consists in the oncoming sliding of the hands. To do this, the mother should place the palms of her hands parallel to the midline of the abdomen: the right hand at the costal edge, the left hand in the inguinal region above the pubic joint. Then the right hand goes from top to bottom, and the left - from bottom to top.

chest massage

  • Chest massage is performed with light stroking movements along the intercostal spaces from the sternum to the armpit.

Back massage

  • It consists in stroking the back of the child with the back of the palms on both sides of the spine from the buttocks to the head. Then they turn their hands and with the palmar surface stroke the back from the head to the buttocks.

The main signal to stop the procedure is the restless behavior of the child, when he starts to whimper or cry. Some babies may initially be negative about massage, so they need to be accustomed to this procedure gradually. To do this, you can break the lesson into several parts and perform them throughout the day. When the baby gets used, the mother will be able to do the entire massage complex at a time.

It is important to remember that a child needs not only passive, but also active movements for harmonious physical development. Therefore, massage is recommended to be supplemented with special gymnastics. A pediatrician or nurse can show mom some easy baby exercises that she can do on her own.

The child spends a long nine months in the cramped space of his mother's womb. There he (especially in the late stages of pregnancy) has no opportunity to straighten his limbs, stretch, straighten up. That is why all babies from birth have physiological problems with muscle tone. Massage is designed to help parents cope with it faster, as well as contribute to a more harmonious physical development of the crumbs. We will talk about how to make it for babies on their own in this article.


Some people think that massage is only prescribed for babies who have certain health problems. This is, of course, true. But general massage is shown to all children, even completely healthy ones. Considering that sessions performed by a professional massage therapist are quite expensive, the question of how to do a massage on your own does not lose relevance.

During the first year of his life, a baby develops by leaps and bounds. It took humanity several millennia to get back on its feet and walk on two limbs. Nature gives a child no more than a year to do this. From a helpless lump, he quickly turns into a Homo erectus. Each of the stages of this "evolution" needs the support of adults. Learning to hold your head, roll over on your side, sit, crawl and walk are the primary tasks of the baby. Parents can help him with this.

At a very early stage of development, massage helps to eliminate the physiological tone, the baby gets the opportunity to grow and develop more freely. Starting from 3 months, the procedure is designed to strengthen the muscular frame so that the baby’s first turns and attempts to crawl are as good as possible. At any age, massage improves blood circulation, and also has a beneficial effect on the baby’s nervous system: it allows you to “cheer up” an inactive child and has a calming effect on a hyperactive baby.

A massage session is also a great way to communicate between mother and child. Have you ever wondered why babies cry so often when they are touched by a stranger with a massage therapist diploma? The answer is obvious: the child needs tactile contact, but not with just anyone, namely with his mother, whom he learned to feel during his existence in the womb.

Only a mother can turn an ordinary treatment and preventive procedure into a fun and exciting game that will bring not only benefits to the body, but also joy. Only a mother can feel her baby, the slightest nuances and shades of his mood, and therefore only she can choose the most suitable time for a massage session.

Professional massage is indispensable, but only in cases where the child has congenital pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, birth injuries, paralysis and paresis, and other diseases that require specialized procedures aimed at certain muscle groups. A healthy baby needs a general, classic massage, which any mother can master without much difficulty. A properly conducted session improves sleep, increases appetite, has a positive effect on the mood and well-being of an infant, and also helps to strengthen its immunity along with bathing, walking, hardening, and vitamin therapy. It is the strengthening of the baby's immunity that is the most important task of every mother.


With all the obvious benefits, massage can also harm the baby, therefore, it is not recommended for certain conditions and diseases.

  • Fever. If the child has a temperature (has a cold, teeth are cut, etc.), then increased blood circulation during a massage session can lead to an even greater increase in temperature.
  • Infectious diseases. Any ailments that are associated with the appearance of blisters, pustules, rashes of fungal, viral or bacterial origin on the skin are a strict and direct contraindication. The movements of the massage therapist can disrupt the integrity of the rashes, infection of neighboring skin areas may occur.
  • Non-infectious skin diseases. The development of prickly heat, skin allergies, diaper rash, as well as scratches and abrasions, burns are also a contraindication for massage, so the procedure can be performed only after the skin has naturally restored its integrity.
  • Heart defects. Circulatory disorders in a child born with heart defects can occur even at complete rest. Massage, on the other hand, is a certain load on the body, and no one can predict how a small heart will perceive it. For children with heart defects, massage procedures are performed exclusively by specialists under the vigilant supervision of a cardiologist.

  • Diseases of the blood and blood vessels. Some blood disorders and fragility of the blood vessels create a risk of internal bleeding during massage. This procedure is prohibited in hemophilia, hemorrhage, in some congenital diseases associated with impaired hemostasis.
  • Tendency to convulsions, epilepsy. Massage is contraindicated for such babies because of the risk of provoking a new convulsive attack.
  • Big hernias. We are talking about umbilical and inguinal hernia common at an early age. If it is quite large and parts of organs, veins go into the hernial sac, massaging can lead to muscle contraction, which can, in turn, lead to infringement of the hernia.

In addition, the issue of massage for a premature baby should be addressed with great care. Such sessions are not contraindicated for him, but the procedure can be postponed for a while (until the child reaches a certain body weight). For such children, the question of when to start the massage is decided exclusively by the pediatrician.

Age restrictions

Regarding the age at which you can start doing massage, there is no consensus among pediatricians. Some doctors recommend healthy children to start such sessions from a month and a half, others say that you can start doing massage immediately after the umbilical wound has healed.

Modern pediatricians are more inclined towards the second option: a child who does not have the above contraindications can and should start doing general classical massage literally from 2-3 weeks of age, provided that the umbilical wound is completely healed. For a two-month-old and three-month-old child, massage should be an important and integral part of the daily exercise along with washing, bathing, walking, feeding. You should not refuse massage for a seven-month-old or eight-month-old child, because at this age the child develops new motor skills, which require a strong and developed muscular system.

In any case, before starting a massage, a child of any age up to a year should definitely ask the opinion of the attending physician on this matter. So it will be calmer for both mom and doctor.

Types of massage

Massage for babies can be restorative, relaxing, relaxing, and also tonic. All these types of massage belong to the group of classical massage. It can be done in the clinic if you are ready to visit it daily with your child, since it is undesirable to interrupt the course. It is much more convenient to do massage at home. A specialist who comes to your house for a fee is quite expensive. If a completely specific type of therapeutic massage is not assigned, then there is no need for such expenses.

Classical massage techniques are based on the impact in three successive stages. At the first stage, stroking is performed, adapting the skin of the child and his nervous system to subsequent manipulations. At the second stage, rubbing occurs, then kneading occurs. The session is completed again with gentle and delicate strokes.

There are also quite simple and very useful highly specialized types of massage: vibration (children's percussion) - a massage that facilitates the removal of sputum in bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract; there is dacryomassage, which helps babies suffering from dactriocystitis (inflammation of the lacrimal sac).


It is not difficult to master the technique of massage for the baby. This can be done even during pregnancy at special courses for expectant mothers who work in every antenatal clinic. After the birth of a child, you can seek advice from a pediatrician or a nurse in the children's office, who will show the basic techniques and techniques. In the end, in the 21st century it is quite possible to use video tutorials, which are available in large numbers on the Internet. Let us describe in more detail the basic technique of some types of massage at home.


Massage should begin in the supine position. After gentle stroking of the tummy, you should proceed to the massage of the limbs. First, the hands are massaged, for this, the mother fixes one hand in her own, and with the other hand gently rubs the baby's hand from all sides. Then the second handle is massaged in the same way. One leg is lifted and fixed with a hand by the ankle, with the second hand stroking movements are carried out, and then gentle rubbing, after which the same is repeated with the second leg.

The tummy is massaged with light movements in a circle. The second part of the session is performed in the supine position. The back muscles are massaged, but the spinal column is not affected, then stroking and light rubbing of the lateral muscles are performed.


A distinctive feature of the tonic and firming massage is the use of inborn children's reflexes. In the position on the side, fingers are drawn along the spine so that the baby unbends the back, and in the position lying on the tummy, the legs are brought in and support is created under the feet with the palm of your hand. After a slight forward movement with the palm of the hand, the baby will reflexively make a crawling movement.

If the child is more than four months old, you can add a light massage of the collar zone and shoulder girdle. It should be done very carefully and limited to stroking and light rubbing.

It is forbidden to knead the area adjacent to the vertebrae at home.


Relaxing massage is based on soothing and gentle strokes, intensive kneading of the muscles is not carried out. The order of massaging is the same as above: limbs, abdomen and chest, back, lateral muscles. You can complete the massage with circular strokes of the scalp and feet. Massage for relaxation is carried out before bathing, while it is important to ensure that the child is not overexcited during the complex. You should never combine a relaxing massage with gymnastic exercises or exercise therapy exercises, as the effect will be the opposite.

With bronchitis

Vibration (percussion) massage helps the child quickly cope with a wet cough, accompanied by the formation and discharge of sputum. The child should be placed on the stomach over the adult's knee. With the fingertips, the chest and costal parts are tapped both from the back and from the sides. After this, the baby is turned to an upright position and lightly tapped on the back so that he coughs.

Such a massage is very useful at the final stage of viral and other diseases, when the cough becomes wet and you need to quickly remove the remnants of bronchial secretions. The procedure time is about 10 minutes.

With colic

If the baby is tormented by colic, you need to massage the stomach. Lay the child on the back, with the thumb of the adult's hand, make light circular movements around the navel in a clockwise direction. Then the child is laid out on the tummy for 10-15 minutes. Such a session contributes to the removal of intestinal gases, which are the cause of colic, and alleviates the condition of the child. For greater effectiveness, combine massage with other methods: applying a warm diaper, ironed, or a heating pad, as well as taking products based on simethicone.

With dacryocystitis

Children with dacryocystitis are massaged to free the nasolacrimal ducts from pus and fluid. To do this, with clean thumbs, the mother draws from the corner of the baby's eyes towards the bridge of the nose 8-10 times with a slight pressure. This allows you to restore the patency of the nasolacrimal tract and facilitate the removal of tear fluid. Massage products are not used for the procedure.

General rules

In order for the massage procedure to benefit, follow the general rules for its implementation:

  • it is best to massage the child in the morning, as massage before bedtime can cause excitation of the nervous system and sleep disturbances;
  • do not massage in a too hot room, the air temperature should not exceed 22 degrees;
  • also pay attention to air humidity - humidity of 50-70% is considered normal;
  • all massage products that the mother is going to use for massage must be hypoallergenic and approved for use in infancy, while avoiding products with a strong aroma or pronounced color - perfumes and dyes will not benefit the child;
  • do the procedure on a hard and even surface, a changing table or a regular table is best suited for these purposes;

  • prepare in advance and place everything you need during the massage at arm's length so that you don't turn away from the child even for a second and leave him alone on the table (otherwise, a soothing or tonic massage can result in a fall and serious injury);
  • massage with clean and warm hands, as the touch of cold hands is unpleasant for children;
  • try to massage 45 minutes after feeding or an hour before the upcoming feeding (this way you can avoid spitting up during the session or a hungry cry);
  • increase the time of the procedure gradually and consistently (start with 3-4 minutes, gradually increase the time and bring the session up to 15 minutes);
  • do not waste precious time, use it sensibly and to the maximum benefit - turn on music for the child during manipulations, sing a song to him, read poems or counting rhymes; in parallel with the muscles, the baby will develop hearing, vision and speech perception;
  • if the child cries during the session, is naughty, there is no point in continuing the impact, since there will be no benefit from such a massage (you should stop manipulations and conduct a session at another time when the child is healthy, cheerful, cheerful and happy with everything).

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The well-known pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky strongly recommends that mothers master the firming and soothing massage on their own and only in extreme cases seek help from professional massage therapists. Such situations include medical manipulations, especially if it is not possible to carry them out at home (for example, a massage is prescribed in combination with electrophoresis). To achieve the maximum benefit, Evgeny Olegovich advises not to be limited to one massage, but to comprehensively strengthen children's immunity: combine massage with hardening, cool baths and mandatory outdoor walks in any weather.

Massage should be done 40 minutes before or after feeding

In our article, we will consider in detail the main techniques of this type of manipulation, note the contraindications and find the answer to the question: “How to properly massage a newborn baby?”.

Massage procedure from an early age is an effective method of normalizing the proper development of the child's body. Having found out from a specialist how to properly massage for newborns at home, a mother can successfully improve her child. For professional advice, you should contact a specialist if the procedure was prescribed by a pediatrician or neurologist.

Let's answer the question, why and how to massage a newborn baby? This procedure for the baby consists in gentle kneading, rubbing and stroking the child's arms, legs, neck, back and tummy.

A properly conducted course of procedures can effectively overcome many problems with a child's health, for example:

  1. Improves the digestion process and relieves colic
  2. Sleep becomes stronger and longer
  3. The functioning of the nervous system is normalized
  4. Muscles are toned, coordination develops
  5. Improves metabolism
  6. Stimulates the immune system

As for the manipulation itself, it is necessary to touch the child with the lightest and most gentle movements. Hands should be warm, without a long and sharp manicure, so as not to accidentally cause damage to the delicate skin of the baby. For sliding it is recommended to use natural baby oil.

The rules for massaging a baby or a child weighing up to 5 kilograms are universal: you need to stroke the baby's body with light movements, repeating them on each part of the body at least three to four times. Stroke the baby's tummy only in a clockwise direction. Be sure to do the “bike” exercise with your legs, which is very effective for colic.

When to start massaging a newborn?

One of the most frequently asked questions by parents is when to start massaging a newborn, at what age? The answer depends on when the umbilical wound is completely healed and the newborn person adapts to the new environment for him. Based on this, the first session can be carried out at 4-5 weeks of life of the crumbs - this is the answer to the question, when can a newborn baby be massaged?

The first massage for a child can be started at 4-5 weeks.

For manipulation behavior, the first half of the day or morning is best suited. But it is important to consider that it is not recommended to carry out the procedure immediately after feeding, the child during this period is busy with the responsible work of digesting food and must rest. The best option is when there is a 40-minute difference between the next feeding and massage.

The first massage procedure in the life of a baby should not exceed 15 minutes. Places prohibited for massaging should be avoided, these are the armpits, nipples, groin, fontanel and navel. Carrying out the manipulation at home, you should not massage the lower back and joints. Only a specialist will qualitatively work these zones, or, in extreme cases, consult in detail how to properly massage yourself.

From how many months can a newborn be massaged? Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that it can be done to a child after the first month of life.

Massage of the tummy with colic in a newborn

Contrary to the misconception of most parents, massage for colic in newborns should not be done during an attack, but when the child does not hurt anything and is actively awake. Such a complex of manipulations can be carried out 3-4 times a day. It is most convenient to carry it out during a diaper change.

a) stroking in the form of a house with the edge of the palm; b) light contractions

How to massage the tummy of a newborn with colic? Starting the procedure, gently stroke the baby's tummy. Embrace the baby's belly with your open palm and stroke from top to bottom. To facilitate the removal of gas, repeat the movement about 6 times. Next, press the baby's knees to the tummy, connecting them and gently pressing. Fix this position for 15 seconds. Then straighten the legs and rock them to completely relax the baby's muscles.

It is important to massage the tummy with colic in a newborn in the right direction, clockwise. The reason lies in the certain location of the intestines in the baby, and the correct position of the hands contributes to the promotion of gases and their removal from the body.

Massage for umbilical hernia in newborns: video

During the manipulation, the umbilical protrusion is held by the hand or it must be adjusted by sealing it with a plaster. The baby should not be fed before the session. Massage, as in other cases, is done with gentle light movements so as not to cause discomfort to the child.

The main goal of this type of procedure is to improve the muscle tone of the child's abdominal region. They start it with a light stroking of the abdomen in a clockwise direction, then you need to lightly pinch the area near the navel and go back to stroking. When the child reaches the age of one month, you can begin to gently rub his stomach.

One of the effective techniques for massaging an umbilical hernia is pressure on points near the umbilical protrusion. Such pressure is carried out quickly, but the main thing is not deep. This method can only be used after prior consultation with a pediatrician. The procedure helps to tighten the muscles, as a result of which the hernia is reduced.

Massage for umbilical hernia in newborns, the video clearly illustrates and will help to understand the reduction procedure in more detail.

How to do massage with dacryocystitis in newborns?

This paragraph of the article will answer an important question - how to properly massage with dacryocystitis in newborns. The solution to the problem of canal blockage is important to start as early as possible.

Before conducting a session at home, it is important to consult with a specialist in order to fully master the technique, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the desired results.

To carry out the procedure, follow these steps:

  1. Gently squeeze fluid and lacrimal sac
  2. Drop the eye with a warm solution of furacilin and remove the pus with a sterile cotton swab
  3. The procedure is carried out as follows: make vibrating movements with your fingers, applying light pressure from top to bottom. You need to start from the inner corner at the top of the eye. 10 movements are made from top to bottom, one - in the opposite direction
  4. Apply disinfectant drops
  5. Repeat the procedure up to 5 times a day
  6. The duration of the course for babies is at least 2 weeks

Massage technique for dacryocystitis

It is important to remember that only a specialist can carry out this procedure as efficiently as possible and without the risk of causing complications to the child.

How not to harm the baby during the massage?

So, what are the features of the procedure that parents need to know so as not to inadvertently harm the child? Manipulation can be carried out no earlier than 20 days after the birth of the baby.

Massage the body of the baby, you need to start from the neck and move to the feet. In this case, the maximum effect of the procedure will be achieved. Do not make clapping and pressing movements so that the child does not experience stressful sensations.

Also, you do not need to force the baby to lie still, over time he will adapt and will behave more calmly. And, of course, the parents themselves should have the right idea about the technique of the procedure and about the age at which they massage the newborn.

After consulting with a massage therapist and studying special literature, parents will be able to establish contact with the baby, heal, calm him down and give him pleasure.

Contraindications for massage

Contraindications for the procedure for a newborn may be the following reasons:

  • Acute febrile illnesses
  • Atrophy
  • Purulent and other acute inflammatory lesions of the skin, lymphatic system, muscles and bones
  • Fragility and soreness of the bones
  • Acute rickets, hyperesthesia
  • congenital heart defects
  • Various forms of hemorrhagic diathesis, hemophilia
  • Acute nephritis
  • Acute hepatitis
  • With large hernias, with significant organ prolapse or with a high risk of strangulation.

Summing up, we note that if you follow the recommendations of specialists and a family doctor, as well as properly carry out a massage procedure, it will become the key to your baby's health. A tactile contact with the mother will bring the child only positive emotions and play an important role in the communication between parents and their children.

The touch of mother's hands can work real miracles!

When the baby is just waiting for its birth, and the mother lovingly strokes her belly, the child, feeling these touches, calms down.

From the first days of a child's life, mother's hands are able to relieve pain, lull, caress. A massage made by mother's hands has healing properties.

  1. Improvement of blood circulation
  2. Normalization of metabolism
  3. Increase general immunity
  4. Improve appetite and sleep quality
  5. Beneficial effect on mood and overall body tone

Even non-professional massage has these positive properties, which every mother can independently do to her baby at home. It is important to simply follow a few simple rules and listen carefully to the reaction of the baby during the procedure.

Often, young parents are faced with an incomprehensible problem for them, such as muscle hypertonicity. It will help in this, it will bring the muscle tone of the baby back to normal and help the natural development.

At what age can you start?

Please note that massage can only be started after the umbilical wound has healed.

It is desirable that the first session takes place under the supervision of a specialist who can show and tell you how to correctly and safely perform certain movements.

Features of massage at home

At home, this is a very comfortable procedure. With the right preparation and possession of the necessary knowledge, the procedure will not be difficult.


When you come for a massage session, the master tries to do everything for your comfort - in a special room it smells pleasantly of aromatic candles, soft towels are prepared especially for you.

When you are going to massage your baby, you also need to prepare for this important process.

  • Ventilate the room in advance, but make sure that the room is very warm. Remember that massage for babies, unlike adults, does not have a warming effect. The air temperature should not be lower than 18-23 degrees.
  • Prepare a changing table or any other comfortable surface. It must be spacious enough to make it more convenient for you and your baby to work. Cover your table with a clean diaper or blanket.
  • Try to massage your baby only in a calm, good mood. The child feels your mood well and will worry and act up if you are upset or annoyed by something.
  • Make sure your hands are warm. Fingernails should be neat and short so as not to injure the child.. Be sure to remove all jewelry from your fingers and wrists.
  • It is advisable to carry out the procedure at about the same time every day, for example, in the morning or in the evening before going to bed. Best done 1.5-2 hours after feeding.
  • Experts recommend not using massage cream or oil, as these cosmetic products can cause an allergic reaction. But if necessary, you can use a hypoallergenic oil or baby body milk.

Did you know that dacryocystitis is an obstruction of the lacrimal canal that causes inflammation and conjunctivitis. All about, this problem can affect any baby.

Massage technique. A set of exercises

We stretch the handles

We start hand massage with fingers. With gentle movements, massage each boy, and then the baby's palm.

Massaging the fingers further helps the baby develop fine motor skills faster, which means it has a good effect on brain function and speech activity.

We repeat the massage movement on each hand 3-5 times.

After the fingers, we move on to the wrists, forearm. With one hand we hold the palm of the baby.

With your free hand, with soft and smooth smoothing movements, massage the child's arm from the bottom up - from the palm to the armpit.

Then, with the same soft movements, we stroke the outer side of the hand - from top to bottom.. When you massage the outside of the arm, you can turn the baby on his stomach.

We massage the legs

Take the baby's foot with both hands. Also gently and gently stroke her, paying attention to each toe.

Then, with massaging movements, stroke the child's legs - from the foot towards the inguinal region. Avoid the area of ​​the knee joint, also do not massage the area of ​​the knees from the inside.

Repeat the massage of each leg 3-5 times.

After the end of the procedure, reduce and spread the child's legs several times.

When performing this exercise, the baby should lie on his back, legs should be bent at the knees and pressed to the stomach. This simple exercise will help to avoid dysplasia.


This type of massage will improve digestion, relieve colic and help calm the baby.

Gently massage your belly in a clockwise direction. Avoid the navel area.

Then, with lightly stroking movements, massage the sides and chest - from the center to the shoulders, then also from the center to the sides.

If the baby is worried about colic, in the process of massaging the abdomen, lift the legs up, hold them in this state for several seconds, while massaging the abdomen.

Then bend your knees and gently press them to your stomach. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Below, an informative and visual video is presented to your attention on how to massage a newborn baby at home. Look, it contains a lot of useful information.

Back work

Turn the baby over on his stomach. Gently massage your baby's back from the neck to the buttocks. Try not to touch the spine.

Then, with the same smooth movements, massage your back from the spine to the right and left sides. Lightly massage your shoulders.

Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

head and face

Lay the child on his back. Literally with your fingertips, massage the baby's face - from the eyebrow area, through the forehead to the temples.

Stroke your cheeks - from the wings of the nose towards the ears. Then also lightly stroke the chin, cheekbones. You can also massage the baby's ears - this is an unusually pleasant and useful procedure.

Massage is of great importance for the health of the child. Oh Doctor, where he talks about his own, original point of view.

How not to harm the baby during the massage?

There are a few simple rules that you need to follow when massaging a newborn.

  • Carefully examine the condition of the baby. If the child has a temperature, skin rashes, umbilical hernia, then it is better to refuse the procedure.
  • The first massage session is best done under the supervision of a specialist who will help you place your hands correctly and advise special exercises specifically for your baby.
  • All movements should be very gentle and smooth. Avoid pressure, tapping and rubbing.
  • Try not to touch the joints, the area around the navel, the genitals, the area of ​​the fontanelle.
  • Always listen to your child's reactions to your movements. If the baby began to act up, cry, stop the procedure.


For a newborn child, the touch of parents is especially important. Only in this way does he feel safe, at the level of tactile sensations he understands that mom and dad protect and protect him.

Even if you hire a professional massage therapist for your baby, try to touch the baby as often as possible, stroke and caress him.

Each of us needs touch, and especially babies under one year old. Relaxing massage for babies allows not only to establish tactile contact between the child and his mother, but also to relieve muscle tone, and also contributes to the overall development of the baby. Enriched with movements set of exercises will prepare the baby for crawling, sitting and walking. Below we will tell you how to massage a baby at different stages of its development up to a year so that there is only benefit from the sessions.

Massages for babies are therapeutic and preventive, and if the first type should be done only by a specialist, then the second is quite feasible for mothers. You can do daily exercises to strengthen your baby's muscles at home if your pediatrician allows you. The pediatrician will show you the basic movements with which you will do a relaxing massage for a newborn and an infant up to a year old.

Preventive sessions will help your baby improve blood circulation in tissues and metabolism. During the massage of infants, receptors located on the surface of the skin are stimulated, this will positively affect the functioning of the brain and the entire nervous system: the baby will behave calmer and sleep better.

Massages for babies have a positive effect on the immunity of children, strengthening it and reducing the risk of contracting colds. When the baby gets older, and gymnastic elements are added to the strokes, daily sessions will have a beneficial effect on all the child's systems. Massages for babies will strengthen the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system, eliminate colic and stool disorders in an infant.

When should breast massage not be performed?

You consulted with the local pediatrician, and he allowed you to do a relaxing course for the newborn - but do not rush to immediately get down to business. There are a number of temporary contraindications, in the presence of which it is better to postpone the procedure for a while:

  • it is impossible to carry out the procedure for children under 20 days old;
  • if the baby has digestive disorders, for example, today he vomited or had repeated loose stools, it would be right to postpone the massage of babies;
  • there is no need to massage babies if an infectious disease is diagnosed in children, since the child’s body will be busy fighting the disease;
  • if there is a rash, diaper rash or sweating on the skin, it is better not to disturb children by massaging babies;
  • it is not recommended to massage babies if children have a fever due to a cold, overheating, a reaction to vaccination or teething;
  • if the baby is not in the mood today and is naughty, it would be right to postpone the relaxing massage of babies.

Doing breast massage

A pediatrician can prescribe general strengthening procedures for you by issuing a referral with the inscription “Massage No. 10”. This does not mean that you need a specialist who will conduct a professional and special treatment session for your baby. This direction suggests that your baby needs a general simple massage lasting 10 days.

Such a baby massage for babies does not require special medical knowledge or professional skills from you. Many mothers need only one session with a specialist to understand how to act correctly. Having mastered the manner and algorithm of stroking, you can do massages for babies at home on your own.

If you were assigned not a general, but a therapeutic massage of babies, it would be right to contact a specialist. The benefits of your careless actions when you need professional help may be questionable. The treatment course must be completely entrusted to a specialist.

Preparing for a breast massage

Ventilate the room where you will conduct the session in advance. Cover the place where you plan to work with a child, a blanket, oilcloth and a flannelette diaper. In order not to be distracted and not leave the baby alone, prepare in advance everything you need during and after the baby massage - oils, powder or cream, a diaper and clothes.

In order not to injure the baby when you give him a massage, you should cut your nails and remove jewelry from your hands.

Massage for a newborn

Preventive procedures for newborns can be done only after they are 20 days old. Massage of the baby up to a month should be done with light, stroking movements, moving from the periphery to the center and from the bottom up.

  1. We smooth the arms of the baby, starting with the fingers and moving gradually to the shoulders.
  2. With light massaging movements, stroke the baby's feet, shins and thighs.
  3. We stroke the baby's tummy clockwise.
  4. Avoiding the area of ​​​​the mammary glands, we draw our palms from the tummy to the shoulders, and from the shoulders to the sides. If the baby has a tummy ache, and the child is naughty from your touching him, it is better to move to another place. Massages for babies should bring pleasure, but not discomfort.
  5. We stroke the back from the waist to the shoulders, and from the line of the spine to the sides.
  6. Laying the baby on its side, gently run the palm of your hand along the back from the waist to the shoulders. Then turn the baby over to the other side and repeat the movements.

Such a soothing and light massage for babies should be done to children up to the age of 4 months, until it weakens.

Massage for babies from 4 months

After the muscle tone returns to normal in children under one year old, you can slightly complicate the general strengthening preventive massage for babies. Now rubbing and passive gymnastics for legs and arms are added to stroking. It is not recommended to touch the inner thighs and spine when you are doing a rubbing tonic baby massage.

Each item of the massage algorithm for babies should be repeated at first 4 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions of movements to 10.
The duration of classes with the baby should gradually increase, and if earlier 10 minutes were enough for classes, now about half an hour should be devoted to gymnastics and massage of babies.


  1. Raising the baby's arms, lightly stroke them from the hand to the shoulder.
  2. Begin to gently rub the upper limbs in the same direction, slightly shifting the skin with movements. Such an increase in movements during massages for babies tones up the necessary parts of the muscles and develops them.
  3. Put your thumbs in the baby's palms and, clasping his hands, bend the baby's arms at the elbows, crossing them on the chest, and then spread them apart.


  1. In a circular motion, gently stroke the baby's belly, as usual, in a clockwise direction.
  2. Using light pressure, rub the baby's muscles vertically and horizontally.


You can strengthen the neck muscles of the child, based on the “soaring” reflex: lift the baby lying on his back, holding him under the buttocks and shoulder blades. The baby will instinctively tighten the neck muscles and bend his torso. Such an exercise during a massage for babies makes almost all the muscles of their body work. In order not to overwork the children, it is recommended not to repeat them more than once per session.


  1. Continue massaging babies by stroking the feet from heel to toe.
  2. Stroke and then gently rub the baby's feet in the direction from the little fingers, moving under all the fingers, the back of the baby's leg, until you reach the ankle joint.
  3. Lifting the foot slightly, smooth and rub the outer and back side of the lower leg and thigh in the direction from the bottom up.
  4. Grasping your baby's shins with your palms, bend and unbend his legs in turn, as if your baby is stomping. Such a massage develops the hip and knee joints of the baby, as well as the muscles involved in the movements of the legs.
  5. Grasp the baby's legs just above the knees and bend and unbend only the hip joints.

"Rehearsal" of flipping

Lay the child on his back, hold his straightened legs with one hand, and grasp the baby's left arm with the other. Gently pull the baby so that he begins to roll over to the right and on his stomach. Change the handle of the baby and turn it over on the tummy through the left side. After a while, you will notice that when carrying out such an exercise in a massage for a baby, he tends to roll over on his own.

General strengthening preventive massage for babies up to a year with elements of turning over stimulates the development of children's skills and teaches them to move correctly.

Back and buttocks

  1. Lay the baby on his stomach and stroke the back and bottom of the baby, going from bottom to top and from the spine line to the sides.
  2. Start rubbing your back and tummy, moving in the same directions.
  3. Gently knead your baby's back in a circular motion with your fingertips, avoiding the kidney area.

Neck and back

Place your palms under the baby's belly and chest and lift him off the surface on which he was located. The baby will reflexively arch and raise his head.


  1. Turn the child back on his back and smooth his chest with gentle movements, working from the center to the armpits.
  2. Bending the fingers of both hands gently, almost without pressure, massage the intercostal space with them.
  3. Grasping the baby's chest with both hands and placing your thumbs under the baby's nipples, slowly move the baby's skin upwards with light pressure. Such an exercise during massages for babies helps to increase the volume of the chest and deepens the breathing of children.

sitting down

For the baby lying on his back, spread the arms to the sides, and then pull them towards you a little so that the baby rises slightly. Planting children under six months is not recommended, so at first it is better not to bring such an exercise to its logical end, so as not to harm the posture of the baby and not change the location of its internal organs. Closer to six months, you can seat the baby.

Crawl rehearsal

Lay the baby on his stomach and take his bent arms under his sides, and bend his legs at the knees. When the child is in this position, he will reflexively try to rise.

stepping over

Take the baby under the armpits and, holding him, let him feel the support under his feet. The child will instinctively begin to step over the legs. This exercise will stimulate an innate reflex, which will soon be reborn into conscious motor skills.

  • before giving a relaxing massage to an infant, consult a pediatrician and find out if your baby has any contraindications;
  • follow age recommendations during massage sessions for babies - it is advisable not to plant children under six months old, you do not need to put the baby on a full foot until he is ready for this himself;
  • if during the procedure the child began to act up, for example, when you turned it over on your tummy, return it to its previous position or stop the relaxing massage for babies altogether;
  • during the massage, babies need to gently and naturally talk to the baby so that he feels comfortable and calm, and the session itself evokes positive emotions in him.