If you intend to buy an apartment or any other real estate on credit, it would be useful to calculate the monthly mortgage payment in advance. Knowing the possible amount of monthly payments, a potential borrower can easily calculate the maximum mortgage amount, overpayment and loan term.

To accurately calculate mortgage payments, it is very convenient to use a special program available to everyone - a mortgage calculator. This program, which contains a set of mathematical formulas, is used to calculate all significant credit ratios. The most important function of the program is the online mortgage calculation. Using the calculator, the borrower can easily calculate all the key mortgage terms: payments, mortgage amount, overpayment, terms, and others.

In order for the result of the calculation of the mortgage made on the calculator to be accurate, it is necessary to take into account such parameters as the interest rate, various fees and commissions that may occur, as well as the amount of the down payment available to the borrower. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to clarify information with the bank about the size of the interest rate and commissions for the selected loan program.

You can easily find a mortgage calculator online. Today, most banks place a similar program on their official websites. These services on the websites of banks help to calculate the mortgage and the loan conditions that are relevant for each particular borrower - an individual interest rate, payments, etc. Such services usually already take into account the category of the borrower, the type of housing being purchased, the possibility of connecting an insurance program or abandoning it, the right loan program.
There are online calculators that calculate the size of the mortgage, posted not only on the websites of banks, but also on other Internet portals specializing in such services. Such calculators will also easily calculate the terms of the loan according to the parameters set by the user. Online calculators give borrowers an excellent opportunity to pre-calculate all the parameters they are interested in without visiting the bank.

However, do not forget that the result of the calculation obtained on the services that are located on third-party sites will not be final. For professional advice and an accurate calculation of the mortgage on real estate, you can contact the manager directly at the bank. Mortgage Calculator is a convenient service that allows those who plan to purchase a home on credit to preliminarily assess their capabilities in order to understand the degree of long-term credit burden.

Interest rate

The interest rate is a very important parameter when calculating a mortgage. Measured in percentage per annum. This parameter shows how much interest is charged on your debt per year. For clarity, let's take a specific value of the interest rate - 12%. This means that another 12% of the debt amount is added to your debt annually, BUT: with mortgage lending, the bank charges you interest not once a year, but daily on the remaining amount of the debt. It is not difficult to calculate how much interest is charged every day: 12% / 12 months / 30 days = 0.033%.

If you have already used our mortgage calculator and made the calculation, you probably noticed that the monthly payment consists of two parts: principal and interest. Since your debt decreases every month, less interest is charged. That is why the first part of the payment (principal debt) increases, and the second (interest) decreases, and the total amount of the payment remains unchanged throughout the entire period.

Different banks offer different interest rates, they depend on various conditions, for example, on the size of the down payment, on the type of housing purchased, etc. Obviously, you need to look for the option with the lowest rate, because even a difference of half a percent will affect the amount of the monthly payment and the total overpayment on the loan:

Table 1. Demonstration of the influence of the interest rate on the parameters of the loan.

Fixed and floating interest rate

Fixed interest rate- This is the rate on the loan, which is set for the entire term of the loan. It is written in the loan agreement and cannot be changed.

floating interest rate- this is the rate on the loan, which is not a constant value, but is calculated according to a formula that is defined in the contract. The rate consists of two parts: The first component is floating, tied to some market indicator (for example, Mosprime3m or the Central Bank refinancing rate) and changes with the frequency specified in the loan agreement (for example, monthly, quarterly or every six months). The second component, fixed, is the percentage that the bank takes. This part remains always constant.

Annuity and differentiated payment

  • Annuity payment - a variant of the monthly loan payment, when the amount of the monthly payment remains constant throughout the loan period.
  • Differentiated payment - a variant of the monthly loan payment, when the amount of the monthly payment to repay the loan is gradually reduced towards the end of the loan period.

Currently, the most common annuity payment.

Choosing and evaluating mortgage loans involves knowing the value of real estate, the size of the down payment, the loan term and the loan rate. The interest rates of mortgage banks in their comparison are decisive when choosing an investing bank. The country's economy is in crisis; this has affected both the construction industry and the banking sector.

Housing prices have fallen, but mortgage rates of banks have not. This is due to the increasing risks in the construction industry, banks are forced to play it safe and therefore lay rather high interest rates on lending for the purchase and construction of housing.

Mortgage lending in Russia

The current state of mortgage lending can be assessed as negative. In 2020, the decline in mortgage lending continues in the vast majority of Russian banks (http://rusipoteka.ru/).

The reasons lie in the deterioration of the country's economy, caused by falling oil prices and sanctions imposed by Western countries against Russia. The incomes of Russian citizens are declining, many are not able to repay the mortgage, taken earlier in more fat years.

The construction industry is in stagnation, banks do not give loans to construction organizations, housing construction is stopped. Large players with a fairly strong material base remain on the market, but they also experience difficulties in continuing to finance the construction projects that have begun.

Banks offer mortgage lending, but very carefully check both the borrower and the construction organization for solvency and reliability.

The state is actively involved in the process of mortgage lending, providing some banks with subsidized loans to be issued to borrowers at reduced lending rates. Currently there is a program of mortgage lending with state support for the category of borrowers with average incomes, a constant interest rate is set for them for the entire loan term (Government Decree of March 13, 2015 No. 220 “On the Rules for Providing Subsidies to Russian Credit Institutions and the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending to Compensate for Lost Income on Issued Housing (Mortgage) ) loans".).

Interest rates on mortgages in Russian banks

Mortgage interest rates in different Russian banks do not differ too much from each other, today they range from 11 to 15%. At this level of rates, the spread of 1-3% is not so significant. It is much more significant to participate in government-sponsored mortgage programs, such as government-supported mortgages. In this case, borrowing banks can receive a government subsidy and can reduce rates to 7-8% and not exceed 13%, and if we bear in mind that the inflation rate in the country is above 13%, this can turn into a good profitable investment.

Of course, the mortgage loan repayment term does not allow us to assert that this level of inflation will continue all the time, and the state support program is still limited to 2020, although the Government is considering proposals for its extension.

But it must be borne in mind that the number of banks with state support for such a mortgage is very limited and it applies to housing construction projects with the participation of the state. The category of citizens who have the opportunity to receive such lending is also limited, not every borrower can collect an initial payment of 20% of the value of the loaned object. In addition, linking the borrower to objects with the participation of state co-financing of construction and construction organizations that have agreements with the borrowing bank also narrows the choice of the borrower of real estate. In some banks (Sberbank of the Russian Federation and others), mortgages under the state support program include, in addition to new buildings, apartments in a house under construction, houses or cottages with land and townhouses.

Second home mortgages show higher interest rates from lender banks, on average 2-3% higher than for primary housing. For example, VTB 24 offers lending for such a mortgage at a rate of 14%, but with a down payment of 30% and a loan limit of 2.8 million rubles. Sberbank offers a more profitable option: an interest rate of 13.5%, an initial payment of 20%.

Rate Comparison

If we compare the interest rates of banks on mortgages that do not participate in the state mortgage support program, then the average interest rate ranges from 11 to 15%. The reduction of rates against 2013 occurred in them for many reasons, including due to competition with banks that received state support to subsidize the interest rate. Below is a comparison of interest rates for banks with and without state support.

Banks with state support Interest rates Banks without government support Interest rates
Sberbank 11,4 MTS Bank 17
VTB 24 11,5 Bank Rosgosstrah 16,5
Opening 12 Raiffeisenbank 15,25
Gazprombank 12,5 Bank Soviet 16
Bank of Moscow 13,35 OTP Bank 15,5
Rosselkhozbank 13,5 LOKO-Bank 15
Promsvyazbank 13,8 Sobinbank 15,5
Absolut Bank 11,25
Bank "Revival 12,5
AK Bars Bank 11,8

The leaders in issuing mortgage loans for 2020 are:

  1. Sberbank
  2. VTB 24
  3. Deltacredit
  4. Bank of Moscow
  5. Rosselkhozbank
  6. Gazprombank
  7. Saint Petersburg
  8. housing finance
  9. rebirth
  10. Absolut Bank


Judging by the economic situation in Russia, despite the attention of the Government to the problems of providing housing for Russian citizens and the existence of various programs to improve housing conditions, the lowest interest rates on mortgages during its existence, and housing that has sharply fallen in price, one should not expect an increase in housing construction.

Choose to build housing today in major cities better mortgages with state support in new buildings and construction of individual housing (houses, cottages with plots of land) with the help of reliable banks with a high rating. This will provide you with the stability of the interest rate for the entire term of the loan, the possibility of early repayment of the loan without penalties, and the restructuring of possible debt on acceptable terms for all parties to the mortgage agreement.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that the cost of an apartment or house on a mortgage, even at an interest rate of 10%, increases at least twice against their original price.

Video: Roundtable discussion on low interest rates on mortgages

When there is not enough money to buy housing, the only option to solve the housing problem is a mortgage in banks. Current loan programs allow you to buy real estate in a short time, so you do not have to save personal funds for such an expensive purchase for many years.

What loans do banks offer to buy housing in Moscow?

To date, they provide a loan for the purchase of the following types of real estate:

  • in a new building or in the secondary market;
  • with a plot, dacha, cottage, townhouse;
  • apartments;
  • , parking place.

A variety of mortgage programs allows you to take a mortgage in Moscow, taking into account your financial capabilities and needs:

  • with a minimum down payment;
  • secured by existing real estate;
  • at a reduced rate as part of a preferential lending program.

In addition, banks offer mortgage refinancing services. To choose a profitable offer, we offer to calculate the rate and payment amount on our website. Enter the required parameters into the loan calculator and get a list of banks ready to provide you with a loan according to your requests.

Conditions for obtaining a mortgage in 2020

A mortgage is a long-term loan, therefore, before concluding an agreement, banks carefully analyze the financial condition of the client and assess its stability. To confirm your solvency, you will need to provide:

  • income statement;
  • documents confirming the availability of money for the first installment (bank statement or maternity capital certificate);
  • work book;
  • passport.

Mortgages are issued to persons from 21 to 65 years of age who have a sufficient level of income. If the salary does not meet the requirements of the bank, then the borrower can involve additional participants in the transaction - close relatives or spouse - in the execution of the contract.

Mortgage rates in Moscow depend on the loan term and category of the borrower:

  • The average interest rate is 10-13% per annum.
  • Beneficial categories of persons can count on the minimum percentage (8-9%): employees of budgetary organizations, as well as those who are ready to make a large down payment.
  • Many large banks offer reduced rates for their customers who receive a salary on the card.

The contract is drawn up for a period of up to 30 years. Some banks offer a loan without a down payment, with the possibility of paying a down payment or funds received from the state as a subsidy for the purchase of housing.

Which bank is better to take a mortgage in 2018? The choice of a mortgage bank should be made based on the analysis of many factors. Which ones? Here are our recommendations.

Which bank is better to take a mortgage in 2018:

Today we'll talk about Which bank is better to get a mortgage . Today you will receive: list banks giving mortgage , information on what to look for when choosing a bank, in which banks give mortgages for special programs how to choose a mortgage bank step by step, as well as the main trends in the mortgage market in 2018.

Features and development trends in the market

mortgage loans in 2018

In the conditions of a protracted economic crisis, no one can guarantee that the work of the enterprise will remain as easy and stable, or that wages will remain at the current level. As in 2016, there are potential risks associated with an increase in inflation, which means a decrease in purchasing power, when, with the same amount of income, a person will buy much less than now.

Experts do not see a decrease in the manifestations of the negative consequences of the economic crisis in the next decade. There are several points that will affect the state of the mortgage lending market:

  • stagnation of the construction industry and "freezing" of unfinished projects;
  • state support, artificial containment of the increase in mortgage lending rates - under the influence of a number of economic factors;
  • social projects may be reduced due to insufficient funding.

The following development of the situation regarding the offer of banks is possible:

  • lower interest on mortgage loans;
  • increasing requirements for applicants, especially for financial solvency.

When resolving the issue, Where is the best place to get a mortgage? , the credit rate is not the main thing. Trading conditions in 2016 led developers to add additional costs for materials and components to the cost of square meters. Will it be profitable take a mortgage in an unstable economic situation?

Do not rely too much on reviews and pay attention to ratings, looking for where better take out a mortgage And what is the best mortgage bank . When making a decision, be guided not only by what I take borrowed funds for. To avoid an unpleasant incident, consider the situation in the future.

The beginning of the year was marked by an important event - the abolition of the state mortgage. This indicates that the government is looking positively into the future. The market has digested this change of situation. At first, banks returned rates to a fairly high level, but after up to 10.9%, all other market participants rapidly began to improve their offers.

At the moment, the supply market for standard customers has stopped at 10%. But this is not the limit.

Mortgage 6 percent in 2018 becomes a reality. On November 25, 2017, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, at a meeting of the coordinating council for the development of a national strategy for the state's actions in the interests of children, said that from 2018, in addition to other options for helping families with children, a special mortgage program "Mortgage 6%" will be developed.

And so: the leading banks of Russia recently announced the start of issuing preferential mortgage loans for families with children at a rate of 6% per annum.

You can learn the most at the moment from another article.

How to choose

Choosing a Mortgage Bank should be done based on the analysis of several factors:

  • bank stability. Look at the Central Bank website to see if the bank has a license, what place it occupies in terms of capital.
  • Favorable mortgage program. Conduct a preliminary comparative analysis of several offers from different banks. Pay attention to additional commissions, fees, insurance, etc.
  • Serviceability. Look, first of all, at the offers of your payroll bank. It’s not so interesting to go to the office every time, but here all the write-offs will occur from the card. Find out how many branches the bank has and if there is a bank branch near you. Pay attention to the possibility of online service. Is it possible to make early repayment online without going to the bank.
  • Which bank has the most loyal policy? Look at the list of banking institutions that give mortgages and read reviews about banks. Find out if you qualify for this bank.

You can find a list mortgage banks , but the rating of banks does not always reflect the real state of affairs. The low rates offered may be advertising hiding other payments.

Let's take the TOP-30 mortgage banks in the country

This table shows offers in the secondary market:

Bank Bid, % PV, % Experience, months Age, years Note
Sberbank 10 15 6 21-75 9.5% young family, salary discounts 0.5% and 0.1% if electronic registration
VTB 24 and Bank of Moscow 9,5 15 3 21-65 9.25% if the apartment is more than 65 sq.m., wage earners PV 10%,
Raiffeisenbank 10,99 15 3 21-65
Gazprombank 10 20 6 21-60
Deltacredit 12 15 2 20-65 FB 20% PV, 1.5% discount if 4% commission
Rosselkhozbank 10,25 15 6 21-65 10% PV for finished
for a young family, 0.25 discount if over 3 million, another 0.25 discount if through partners
Absalut bank 11 15 3 21-65 FB +0.5%
Bank "Revival 11,75 15 6 18-65
Bank "Saint-Petersburg 12,25 15 4 18-70
Promsvyazbank 11,75 20 4 21-65
Russian capital 11,75 15 3 21-65
Uralsib 11 10 3 18-65 0.5% higher if bank form and will be 20% PV
AK Bars 12,3 10 3 18-70 0.5% discount from partners
Transcapitalbank 12,25 20 3 21-75 you can reduce the rate by 1.5% for 4.5% commission
Bank Center-Invest 10 10 6 18-65
FC Otkritie 10 15 3 18-65 0.25 plus if FB, 0.25% discount for corporate clients, reduction by 0.3% if you pay a commission of 2.5%, for payroll employees the first installment is 10% for FB 20%
Sviaz-bank 11,5 15 4 21-65
Zapsibkombank 11,75 10 6 21-65 0.5% discount for salary employees
housing finance 11 20 6 21-65
Credit Bank of Moscow 13,4 15 6 18-65
Globex bank 12 20 4 18-65 0.3% discount for salary employees
Metallinvestbank 12,75 10 4 18-65
Bank Zenith 13,75 15 4 21-65
Rosevrobank 11,25 15 4 23-65
Binbank 10,75 20 6 21-65
SMP bank 11,9 15 6 21-65 0.2% discount if the PV is 40% or more, 0.5% discount if the client belongs to the preferential category, discount for a quick exit to the transaction rate 10.9 - 11.4%
AHML 11 20 6 21-65
Eurasian Bank 11,75 15 1 21-65
UniCredit Bank 12,15 20 6 21-65
Alfa Bank 11,75 15 6 20-64 4% commission - 1.5% discount works on delta

primary housing

Bank Bid, % PV, % Experience, years Age, years Note
Sberbank 10 15 6 21-75 9.9 upon electronic registration of the transaction;
-0.5% if the employee is Sberbank;
7.4% -8% if subsidized by the developer
VTB 24 and Bank of Moscow 9,45 15 3 21-65 9.2% if the apartment is more than 65 sq.m., wage earners PV 10%,
Raiffeisenbank 9,99 15 3 21-65 10% PV for salary employees, 0.59-0.49 discount for certain developers
Gazprombank 9,5 20 6 21-65 10% ROI for gas companies, 15% ROI for large partners
Deltacredit 12 15 2 20-65 FB 20% PV, 1.5% discount if 4% commission,
Rosselkhozbank 9,45 20 6 21-65 maternity capital without PV the rate does not change, 0.25 discount if over 3 million, another 0.25 discount if through partners
Absalut bank 10,9 15 3 21-65 FB +0.5%
Bank "Revival 10,9 15 6 18-65
Bank "Saint-Petersburg 12 15 4 18-70 0.5% discount for salary employees and with a closed mortgage in a bank, -1% after entering a house
Promsvyazbank 10,9 15 4 21-65 10% PV for key partners
Russian capital 11,75 15 3 21-65 0.5% discount for clients through bank partners, 0.5% discount for PV from 50%
Uralsib 10,4 10 3 18-65 0.5% higher if the form of the bank and will be 20% RO, 0.41% discount for RO 30% and above
AK Bars 11 10 3 18-70 0.3% discount if PV 20-30%, over 30% 0.6% discount
Transcapitalbank 13,25 20 3 21-75 you can reduce the rate by 1.5% for a 4.5% commission, after entering the house, the rate is reduced by 1%
Bank Center-Invest 10 10 6 18-65 from 5-10 years the rate is 12% further the Mosprime rate index (6M) as of October 1 of the previous year +3.75% per annum
FC Otkritie 10 15 3 18-65 0.25 plus if FB, 0.25% discount for corporate clients, decrease by 0.3% if you pay a commission of 2.5%, 10% DC if a salary employee, 20% DC on FB
Sviaz-bank 10,9 15 4 21-65
Zapsibkombank 10,99 15 6 21-65 0.5% discount for salary employees
housing finance 11 20 6 21-65
Credit Bank of Moscow 12 10 6 18-65
Globex bank 11,8 20 4 18-65 0.3% discount for salary employees
Metallinvestbank 12,75 10 4 18-65
Bank Zenith 14,25 20 4 21-65
Rosevrobank 11,25 20 4 23-65
Binbank 10,75 20 6 21-65
SMP bank 11,9 15 6 21-65 0.2% discount with a PV of 40% or more, 0.5% discount for preferential customers, rate 10.9 - 11.4% for a quick exit to a deal
AHML 10,75 20 6 21-65
Eurasian Bank 11,75 15 1 21-65 4% commission - 1.5% discount works on delta
Yugra 11,5 20 6 21-65
Alfa Bank 11,75 15 6 20-64 4% commission - 1.5% discount works on delta

At what points in cooperation with banks
special attention must be paid to:

  • Let's take the bet calculation method. It can be fixed or floating. In government programs, it promises to be constant throughout the entire period of debt payment. The floating rate depends on the state of the money market. The fixed rate has its drawbacks. Banks often apply an individual approach to each applicant. The final rate for a particular person may differ significantly from the one declared at first.
  • Initial deposit. The smaller it is, the higher the rate.
  • Borrower requirements. Interested in choosing a bank for a mortgage on two documents without proof of income? Get ready for high interest rates.
  • Banking commission. Often, taking a loan at a low interest rate, you have to pay a one-time additional fee for transaction support. Sometimes this is useful.
  • Insurance services. The borrower's life and disability are voluntarily insured. If you refuse voluntary insurance, the rate will increase by 1-1.5 points.
  • Loan maturity. Where is the best place to take it? An ideal mortgage, according to experts, is optimal for a 20-year period. With a shorter term, the regular payment is higher, with a longer term, there will be a tangible overpayment of interest.

Choosing a bank and the most profitable

loan product

  • Before revising the data, V which bank will be profitable to take a mortgage , choose a property. You can buy apartments in new buildings and on the secondary market, private houses, it can be a room, a share in an apartment, an apartment, a cottage, a land plot, a summer house, a townhouse.
  • Pay attention to the conditions of special programs and state support programs. What is the benefit of participating in them? Military mortgage - the possibility of obtaining housing for military personnel, monthly fees and advance payments are paid by the state. Mortgage "Young Family" - an opportunity to obtain preferential loans with low interest and a down payment to persons under 35 years old. The option of purchasing housing with maternity capital is the most profitable mortgage for families with two or more children. Social mortgage - a loyal interest rate policy and advance support for socially significant professions.
  • Assess your own financial situation. You can take out a mortgage without making an advance, with an advance of 5-10%, 15-20% or 30-50%.
  • Find out what the quality of your credit history is. It is advisable to check the borrower's dossier before applying. They don't give mortgages to people with bad credit.
  • Decide on a package of documents. Banks may vary. In some institutions, it is possible to execute a transaction on the basis of a certificate in the form of a bank, while in others it is not.
  • Identify the presence / absence of additional commissions and contributions. Sometimes the cost of insurance, the issuance of a loan are large, the result is a very expensive loan. A more profitable option may be a program with a rather large rate, but with lower costs related to servicing the loan.
  • Calculate the required amount. The approximate value of the property must be compared with the money available. The difference is the borrowed amount.
  • Check yourself for compliance with the minimum requirements of the selected lender to the borrower.
  • Analyze mortgage offers. Find several options where they offer to take with a small rate. First of all, you should contact the bank where the salary is issued. Here they will offer a loyal rate and a discount on the initial payment.
  • Calculate the payment and the required income. Annuity allows you to deposit equal amounts every month and increases the likelihood of a positive decision on the application to the applicant, even with a small income. Differentiated mortgage payments provide an opportunity to save money, but the first payments will be large. A mortgage calculator will help you choose the option.
  • Decide on a deadline. A long term allows you to reduce the amount of the monthly payment, which directly affects the approval of the application. When available funds appear, repay loans in large amounts. The bank will recalculate the interest.
  • Don't overestimate your strength over monthly costs. Important events for the personal budget can significantly affect the financial situation, so you will have to urgently look for where to get money for the next payment.
  • Choose the best way to apply for a loan. You can apply for a mortgage at a bank office. A remote application posted on the website of a credit institution gives a discount on the rate.
  • If you don’t want to figure out on your own which bank has the lowest mortgage percentage, then it’s easier to entrust the task to a mortgage broker.

Nuances of choice

  • When choosing a mortgage, it is better to pay attention to ready-made housing or housing that is nearing the end of construction.
  • Pay attention to the liquidity of the future acquisition. If necessary, it can be sold in order to pay off debt obligations with the money received.
  • If borrowed in the currency of the main part of the income, then it is predicted to remain the same currency for a long time.
  • Loan payments must not exceed 30% of gross income. When planning a mortgage loan, one should assume different developments and agree on possible consequences with co-borrowers and "soulmates" before signing a loan agreement.
  • It is best to get a long-term mortgage so that the monthly payments are affordable for your own budget.
  • Draw up an agreement with the possibility of early repayment without penalties, so that when income increases, you can pay off your debt obligations faster, and loans will be cheaper.
  • Borrowers who make a good advance payment (30-50%) can count on loans that are more democratic in terms of conditions.
  • Not only comparison of conditions is obligatory. Reading a mortgage agreement requires special attention.
  • Experts recommend not to take the bet as the basis of choice. It may just be a gimmick to expand your customer base. On average, 10-13 per annum is offered, if you promise a lower percentage, study other conditions in the rating of banks more carefully.
  • Some clients who receive financial assistance forget about the availability of insurance when choosing a mortgage. Mandatory real estate insurance is legally established, the borrower may refuse all other types of insurance programs. But often it is the consent to voluntary insurance that affects the rate.
  • Often, a fee is charged for processing and issuing a loan (from 1 to 4% of the amount). The higher the commission, the lower the interest. To understand where it is more profitable to take a mortgage, the size of the commission is compared with the full overpayment. Account maintenance fee is charged every month. In this case, the benefit from a rate cut is often small or non-existent.
  • The cheapest mortgage in some regions is obtained through regional loan products.

The best banks with options for special programs

  • Which bank is better to take a military mortgage? Gazprombank - 9.5% per annum, 2,250,000 rubles, initial payment - 20%.
  • Which banks give customers mortgages with mother capital? Sberbank - from 300,000 rubles, from 7.4% per annum, insurance - 1% of the amount (in case of refusal of the service, 1% is added to the rate).
  • In which bank will it be better to take a mortgage for young people? Favorable conditions for a young family from the Russian Agricultural Bank: from 1 to 20 million rubles, from 9.1% per annum, advance payment - from 10% for secondary housing, 10% more - for primary housing Sberbank has a similar program from 10.25%, but only for ready-made housing and for salary workers when registering a transaction electronically. For other people, the base rate is 11.25.
  • In which bank can I get a mortgage for refinancing? Mortgage refinancing at Sberbank is one of the most profitable. Ready to issue from 500,000 rubles at 10.9% per annum, proof of income is required.
  • In which bank would it be better to take a mortgage on two documents? VTB 24 - 10.4% per annum, up to 500,000 rubles.
  • In which bank will it be profitable to take a mortgage on a house and land? Rosselkhoz Bank - 100,000-20,000,000 rubles, advance payment - from 15% (maternity capital can be used), from 9.75% per annum.
  • Which bank lends to foreigners? VTB24 - from 600,000 rubles, 9.4-10.4% per annum, minimum advance payment - from 15%.
  • Without an initial fee lends Metallinvestbank. It is proposed to take a mortgage on an apartment in an apartment building in the primary and secondary markets at 12% per annum.

A potential borrower who is looking for a banking institution to obtain a loan should be clearly aware of what goals he pursues when taking a mortgage program. Serious financial obligations are on the agenda, which are taken on for a long period of time, so you should soberly assess your capabilities. To get a mortgage on favorable terms, you need to compare rates and decide on other factors of the banking program.

What to look for when choosing a lender?

Today, Russia's leading banks offer their clients mortgage programs based on similar conditions. Pay attention to the following factors:

  • The period calculated for loan repayments is from one year to 50 years;
  • The minimum age of the borrower is 21;
  • The maximum mortgage loan amount is up to 85% of the value of the purchased property;
  • Down payment - from 10% to 50%;
  • The interest rate is from 9.1%.

Each bank has the right to develop and present its own requirements for the size and type of collateral, the characteristics of the borrower (length of service, registration, marital status), etc.

We determine the best offer

When you make a choice in favor of a particular lender, remember that all of these factors can affect not only the final interest rate, but also whether you will be given a loan in principle.

To find the best mortgage offer, follows:

  • Explore all mortgage programs from major banks in your area;
  • If the interest rate seems extremely attractive due to the low cost, keep in mind that the bank officially marks the bottom bar. When applying, depending on your characteristics and a variety of aggregate conditions, the interest rate can increase significantly;
  • You can make the final impression and make the right choice only during a personal appeal to the bank branch, after talking with a representative of the organization involved in mortgage loans.

Questions for a Mortgage Specialist

In consultation with a mortgage specialist, try to find out the following points:

  • Is there an option for early repayment of the loan? Is there a penalty for such an action, because some banks provide a fine of 3% of the remaining debt;
  • Does a particular bank allow the issuance of a loan to the borrower if the share of the monthly payment is more than 40% of the total income of the borrower or the total income of his family;
  • What actions will the bank take if the borrower has delayed the deduction of loan payments for one to several months, etc.

The practice of imposing penalties due to systematic violations of mortgage payments is present in most banks. When choosing a lender, you should find out what exactly threatens you for non-payment (intentional or involuntary).

Some banking organizations initiate trial. If the mortgaged apartment is foreclosed, its further sale may follow, and the proceeds are used to pay off the debt.

In this case, the affected borrower has at least one option: he will be offered rent housing in a specialized hotel-type facility or choose the option of settling in a housing reserve fund intended for mortgage clients who are insolvent.

Such conditions do not apply everywhere, so this is practically the first thing you should ask a potential lender.

Additional expenses

Banks try to make the presentation of mortgage programs as transparent as possible so that the borrower does not have any difficulties in choosing one or another lender.

However, in practice, when taking a mortgage, there are almost always additional expenses, which are due to the following factors:

  • If an apartment is taken on a mortgage from the secondary real estate market, an appraisal expertise will be required. It is not free: the price for the procedure varies from three to twenty thousand rubles, depending on the qualifications of the appraiser, the requirements of the bank and the mortgage program itself;
  • After determining the market value of the property, the bank calculates its collateral value. Payments on the resulting difference are borne by the borrower. On average, the difference will be about 15% - 20%. So, for example, if an apartment costs about 2 million, the bank will subtract about 15% of this amount (depreciation of housing, sales costs, etc.), providing the borrower with a loan for 1.6 million. It turns out that the additional payment to the owner will be about 380 thousand rubles . This amount is paid by the borrower;
  • When taking out a mortgage loan, be prepared for additional costs for a mandatory insurance package. Some banks charge an interest rate for a customer's refusal to purchase life and health insurance;
  • Registration of certificates, documents, payment of duties is also an inevitable cost item when taking a mortgage.

The most profitable mortgage programs for 2019

When choosing a lender bank, one cannot start only on whether the lowest mortgage interest rate is offered. The success of obtaining a loan is influenced by many conditions that are described in the programs of banks. At the moment, experts identify five favorites among borrowers.


The leading domestic lender has developed a unique program for borrowers, called "Acquisition of ready-made housing" . Briefly describe its essence in two points:

  • Attractively low interest rate - from 10.5% (if the transaction is registered electronically);
  • Opportunity to buy an apartment on the secondary market.

To become a member of the program, you must accept bank conditions. Their list includes:

  • A loan to the borrower is issued in the amount of 300 thousand to 15 million rubles;
  • The borrower can pay off the mortgage for 30 years;
  • The initial payment will be one fifth of the cost of the residential property;
  • The client must provide collateral.

On formation of an interest rate, according to the Sberbank program, the following factors influence:

  • The amount of the first installment;
  • Willingness of the borrower to purchase health and life insurance;
  • If the applicant is a payroll client of the bank, lower rates apply to him;
  • Loan terms;
  • If the client provides documents confirming the source of income, this is counted positively for his credit reputation;
  • Another factor that determines the size of the interest rate is the liquidity of property provided on security.

Additional advantages of the program include the absence of commission fees and penalties for early repayment. Also on the bank's website there is an online calculator that allows you to determine the approximate costs for the first time.

The name of this Russian bank, unlike its more famous competitors, is hardly heard by most citizens. Nevertheless, the new mortgage program he proposed called "New Building" is really an extremely interesting proposal. If we sum up all the factors, we can assume that this is practically the cheapest mortgage: as an advance, the borrower makes only 10% of the value of the property.

Others program conditions are:

  • Client, this does not affect the formation of the interest rate;
  • The interest rate does not change after registration of property rights;
  • You can take a loan for the first installment from the partners of Promsvyazbank;
  • You can use the maternity capital for the first installment.

When applying for a loan, the bank may request to provide two guarantors.

The bank has one of the most loyal programs for potential borrowers, called "Apartment on the secondary market".

IN conditions for issuing a loan includes:

  • Lending for a period of one to 25 years;
  • As a down payment, 15% of the value of the immovable object is paid;
  • A loan can be issued for up to 26 million;
  • The credit rate is 11.9%.

If the applicant does not agree to purchase personal insurance, the interest rate will increase by 0.5% - 3.2% (depending on the age of the borrower).

A Raiffeisenbank client has the right to choose:

  • Method of loan repayment - depository or transfer to the seller's account;
  • When he can receive the loan amount - after signing a mortgage agreement or completing the registration of property rights.

A specialized mortgage bank offers customers the following conditions:

  • Rate of 10.75%;
  • Advance payment - from 20%;
  • The maximum loan amount is 10 million.

Requirements bank to borrowers and real estate:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • Accommodation in the region where there is a branch of the BZHF;
  • The purchased apartment must be located in a building with a height of at least three floors.

pros jar:

  • Percentage of approved mortgage applications – 82%;
  • When applying for an Express+ mortgage, you can get approval within 24 hours;
  • It is possible to take out a mortgage online and/or with two documents (passport and SNiLS).

Having calculated the possible costs and comparing them with the benefits of the BZHF program, we can assume that this is the most profitable mortgage offered (at least in terms of flexibility).

One of the most famous banks in Russia issues a mortgage on the basis of state support. To take a loan, you must have half the amount to buy real estate. The bank will lend the rest of the money at an interest rate of 10.8%. The loan is issued for a period of 12 months to 7 years.

Other requirements and conditions for borrowers:

  • An increase in the interest rate by 0.5% with a decrease in the amount of the initial contribution and / or extension of the loan period;
  • Loan repayment period - up to 30 years;
  • Loan amounts from 3 to 8 million rubles for residents of the capital / St. Petersburg and regions, respectively.

One of the significant advantages of the program is that if the borrower refuses to insure life and health, the interest rate does not increase.


The choice of the most profitable mortgage depends not only on the reputation and conditions put forward by the lender. You also need to determine some points for yourself personally, namely:

  • Availability of the amount for the down payment;
  • Desired loan amount;
  • Mortgage payment period;
  • Loan repayment method.

Remember that you cannot act when choosing a mortgage, as when applying for a simple loan. That is, you cannot contact several banks at once, hoping to get approval in some way, and then decide as events unfold.

You may get pre-approved, but the further processing steps are expensive and time-consuming, so you need to choose your lender carefully and without a back-up plan.