Who doesn't know the famous homemade Napoleon cake with custard! Probably, there is not a single woman in our country who has not tried to bake this cake at least once. delicious dessert. Recipes of this very delicious cake a great variety - everyone cooks it in their own way, adding their favorite ingredients to make the cake even tastier. AND leading role here plays a delicate soft and tasty layer between the cakes - this is a cream.

Today we're going to take a look at a few Napoleon cake recipes that I love to make that will work for other cakes as well.

Step-by-step photo recipe for Napoleon cake cream. To prepare it, we need from 10 to 20 minutes of time, depending on how much cream I prepare and how quickly the milk boils.


  • Milk 2.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs 1 pc.
  • Flour 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter 250 g
  • Vanilla 0.5 sachet

Cooking custard

  1. Pour sugar, half a bag of vanillin or 1 bag of vanilla sugar into a plastic or glass bowl, add an egg and rub the mixture until a fluffy mass is obtained. You can beat with a mixer: first at a slow speed, and then increase it.
  2. Add one or two tablespoons of flour with a slide and grind until the flour is saturated with the mixture and there are no dry flour crumbs left.
  3. At this time, put 2 cups of milk in a saucepan to boil.
  4. The remaining half-glass is poured in small portions into a mixture of eggs and flour and rubbed to a uniform mass without lumps.
  5. As soon as the milk boils, pour the mixture in a thin stream, stirring constantly and not allowing the cream to burn. Cook it over low heat until it boils. As soon as the cream has become thick, remove it from the heat and leave to cool slightly.
  6. Add butter to warm cream. Stir until the oil is completely dissolved.
  7. The cream is ready, you can soak the cakes.

I often make this cream for the Napoleon cake with custard, the cakes for which I bake in a pan. I also like to add 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa powder to this cream. Then it acquires a light chocolate shade and taste. Cocoa powder should be added at the very beginning, rubbing the egg with sugar.

You can beat the cooled cream with a mixer to acquire a lush mass, but the taste will not change from this. Therefore, I always skip this procedure. In this video you can see how quickly and easily Napoleon cake custard is prepared. The only difference is the amount of products and how they are processed. But the technique remains the same:

Butter cream with condensed milk

This cream, which I love to prepare, is from classic recipe cake Napoleon of the Soviet era with condensed milk.


  • Condensed milk - 1 can.
  • Butter - 250 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - ½ sachet.

It is desirable to beat such a cream with a mixer or blender, then the cream becomes light fluffy. You can also beat it by hand, but it will take a little more time and effort. The preparation of such a cream takes 5-10 minutes.

Preparation of cream from condensed milk

  1. Put the butter out of the refrigerator in advance so that it warms up to room temperature and becomes soft.
  2. Put the diced butter in the mixer, or spread it with a spoon if it has become very soft, and beat for several minutes at low speed.
  3. Pour in the condensed milk in a thin stream and continue beating for a few more minutes.
  4. The cream is considered ready if no traces of condensed milk are visible and the mass has a uniform, fluffy texture.
  5. Use this cream immediately - it is not intended for long-term storage.

You can add 1-2 tablespoons of cognac or liquor to the cream to enhance the flavor.
This cream is suitable for Napoleon cake from ready-made puff pastry, the most tender and very tasty. In the video at the link below you will see how easy and quick it is to make butter cream with condensed milk:

Butter custard

This cream takes 5-10 minutes of time. In this recipe, flour is replaced with potato starch, but it still remains a delicious cream for Napoleon cake.


  • Milk - 0.5 l.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 cup.
  • Potato starch - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Butter - 100 gr.

Cooking method

  1. We combine all products, except oil, in a saucepan.
  2. Beat with a whisk to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  3. Stirring constantly, put on a slow fire. Bring the cream to a boil. As soon as the cream becomes thick, remove it.
  4. Let it cool to room temperature and add butter. Stir until the oil is completely dissolved.
  5. When the oil has dissolved, beat with a mixer until fluffy. Cream for Napoleon cake will turn out lush and light.

I simplified the method of making butter custard, but this did not affect the taste and texture in any way. For those wishing to adhere to all the rules of preparation, I offer a link to the video. This shows in detail how to make buttercream for a Napoleon cake:

Chocolate custard cream

The most delicious custard for Napoleon cake, in my opinion, is chocolate custard. I love chocolate very much and whenever possible I always try to make chocolate cream for any cake. Time for this cream will take up to half an hour. If you do not want to wait for the cream to cool down by itself, you can put it in a bowl with cold water and, stirring, bring to the desired temperature. Time will be halved.


  • Milk - 1 glass.
  • Potato starch or flour - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar or powdered sugar - 1/3 cup.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Chocolate - 100 gr.
  • Vanillin - 2 gr.


  1. We heat the milk to a warm state, we introduce starch or flour. Mix so that there are no lumps.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla in a separate bowl using a whisk or mixer.
  3. Combine both mixtures and mix well.
  4. Add chocolate broken into small pieces.
  5. We put the mixture on a slow fire. Cook the cream until it thickens to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  6. Remove the saucepan from the stove and leave to cool to room temperature.
  7. Beat softened butter, mix with cream and beat a little more.

The light aroma of chocolate fills the kitchen. You immediately imagine a picture with a slight touch of romance and nostalgia: you are by a burning fireplace, in a cozy armchair. In the hands of a cup of hot chocolate. Nearby on the table is a saucer with a favorite delicacy. Warm and calm.

I remember from childhood the amazing taste of homemade cake "Napoleon", which was prepared by my mother. She made it with condensed milk, and with custard, and with puff cakes, and with ordinary ones, and in the oven, and in a frying pan. The cake was the most beloved and revered in our family, which is why it was transferred by itself into our adult life. Then I experimented with all the options, some turned out to be dryish and dense, some tender and melting in the mouth, even the snack "Napoleon" with a spicy filling of cheese, nuts and mushrooms was made - also spicy and tasty!

In general, this cake is a win-win option that your guests and household will always like, you just need to choose the most suitable recipe for you. Or you can experiment, and each time you get a new, interesting taste. Today we will consider several options for making homemade Napoleon cake - with ordinary cakes, with puff pastry old recipe, with custard, with condensed milk and with one more special cream in milk. Dare, and you will succeed!

Cake "Napoleon" classic, with three types of cream

The recipe will offer three types of cream, since one of them is cooked quickly, the second is longer, and the third is more complex. But they are all very tasty with a slight difference, which will take extra time. But do not think that the taste of the cake depends only on the cream. The thickness of the cakes and the proportional component in them also have great importance. It is not for nothing that even the most expensive ready-made cakes that are sold cannot replace the real taste of homemade cakes. So, the Napoleon cake step by step, we cook together. First, let's deal with the cakes, this is the basis of the cake.

Cake layers "Napoleon"

For cakes, we need to prepare:

  1. 0.5 cups of water;
  2. 1 chicken yolk;
  3. 1 spoon of vinegar (9%);
  4. 375 grams of margarine;
  5. 2.5 st. flour.
  1. Let's start by mixing water, yolk and vinegar in a container. Then, in a separate basin or bowl, you need to cut the margarine, add flour, knead it all well with your hands.
  2. From the first container, pour the liquid mixture into the second container. We mix.
  3. The dough should lag behind the hands, but not be very tight. We divide it into equal parts-balls, like large cutlets. We put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, which helps the dough to roll out easier.
  4. Roll out, carefully lay out on a baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes each in an already preheated oven (170 degrees).
  5. You also need to carefully pull out the cakes, since they are quite fragile. Put them in a pile and let cool. By the way, I often bake cakes in a dry frying pan - it also turns out delicious.
  6. The cakes need to be cut off, and the remaining crumbs should be crushed (you can use a blender), we will coat the cake with it. So, the cakes are ready, let them cool, proceed to the preparation of the cream.

Simple cream for Napoleon cake: with condensed milk

For him you need to take:

  1. 1 jar of condensed milk
  2. 0.5 packs of butter
  3. 200 g sour cream

Take condensed milk either already boiled, or put ordinary condensed milk in a saucepan with water on a slow fire and cook it for 1 hour. Then soften the butter, add condensed milk and sour cream to it, mix everything, and the cream is ready.

Cream recipe for Napoleon cake: custard


  1. 600 ml of milk;
  2. 2 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  3. 2 eggs;
  4. 1 st. Sahara;
  5. a sachet of vanillin;
  6. 50 grams butter.
  1. First, boil milk (0.5 l.).
  2. At this time, in 0.1 l. milk dissolve flour, yolks separated from proteins, sugar, vanillin. Whisk well, then add in a thin stream to the boiling milk.
  3. Bring to a boil again, throw in the butter, separately beaten egg whites. Bring everything back to a boil.
  4. Let the mass cool, beat it well with a mixer so that there is a homogeneous mass without lumps, spread on the cakes with a plentiful layer.

The most delicious cream for Napoleon


  1. four yolks (in last resort two eggs);
  2. 1.5 cups of sugar;
  3. two st. spoons of flour with a slide;
  4. 800 ml of milk;
  5. one packet of vanillin;
  6. 200 g butter.
  1. Beat egg yolks well, add 0.5 tbsp. sugar, flour and a little milk to mix it all up, and there were no lumps (about 100 ml.).
  2. Separately boil 700 ml. milk. Pour the prepared mixture into boiling milk, bring to a boil. Next, you need to cool the cream. It should not be liquid, but it does not need to be made very thick either. Add vanillin.
  3. Separately grind 1 cup of sugar with butter. And gradually mix everything into one complex cream. If necessary, bring to desired state mixer. This cream is obtained with mother-of-pearl tints - very tasty and beautiful. We grease them with our cakes. We put them one on top of the other. It is better to put the cake under a light press for a couple of hours so that all the cakes are well saturated with cream, and then we make crumbs from the scraps of the cakes and sprinkle the cake with them.

"Napoleon" according to an old recipe of puff pastry with custard

The Napoleon cake was presented to the judgment of the Russian aristocracy at the anniversary celebration. In Moscow then celebrated the centenary of the victory of the Russian army in Patriotic War 1812. The confectioners made the cake triangular, like the headdress of a French commander. Hence its name. True, this form turned out to be uncomfortable and did not take root, unlike the cake itself. His sweet tooth was appreciated. Delicate dessert and today will not leave anyone indifferent. So, Napoleon cake made of puff pastry with custard, a very tasty recipe.

Puff pastry cakes

  1. Softened butter (not margarine!) is rubbed with a tablespoon of milk and a third teaspoon without a slide of salt. Take 350 g of butter. Add 2 cups of wheat flour to it.
  2. The dough is kneaded until it becomes elastic and homogeneous. Then they are formed in the form of a bar, wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator for an hour.
  3. The chilled dough is placed on a floured table and rolled out with a rolling pin. The result should be a rectangular layer, about one centimeter thick.
  4. It is folded in half twice. The resulting quarter is again rolled out and folded, as for the first time. Puff pastry is ready.
  5. Now a thin plate (4-5 mm) is obtained from it, of course, using a rolling pin. A finished layer is wound onto it in order to carefully unfold it on a sheet.
  6. It is not necessary to smear the baking sheet with oil, it is enough to moisten its edges with water. So the cakes are not deformed during baking, which takes place at a temperature of 200-220 degrees. By the way, the oven should be preheated in advance. And cut the dough plate into two equal parts and prick in several places with a knife.
  7. The cakes will be ready in about 40 minutes or a little earlier. They are transferred from the sheet to the board and covered with a kitchen towel. While the cakes are cooling, prepare the cream for the cake.


  1. In a small saucepan put 4 tablespoons of sugar, a teaspoon of starch, break 3 eggs, pour one glass of drinking cream (milk).
  2. The products are thoroughly mixed. Place the saucepan over low heat and heat until the mixture thickens. It must be constantly stirred so that lumps do not form. Do not boil the mixture!
  3. If desired, the taste of custard can be made vanilla by putting a pinch of vanilla sugar in it. Or chocolate, if during cooking add grated chocolate (70 g) or a couple of tablespoons of cocoa.
  4. Some people like cream with liqueur or cognac (1 tablespoon). Everyone's preferences are different.

Cake decoration

  1. In warm cakes, uneven edges are cut so that they are the same. It is better to do this by placing a plate on top. After that, let it cool completely.
  2. To make the cake beautiful and even, it is better to immediately lay out the cakes in a detachable form, lubricate it there, and then remove the form - and the cake turns out wonderful, the cakes do not move out to the sides - perfect shape guaranteed!
  3. Then one of them is spread with custard and covered with a second cake.
  4. Cream is also smeared on the top and sides of the cake. The samples that were obtained when leveling the cakes are chopped with a knife into small crumbs. She is sprinkled with cake in all directions.

Classic cake "Napoleon" with custard has been a favorite treat since childhood. Many of us just love this cake. Therefore, we decided to tell you a few recipes for making the most delicate custard (can also be used for biscuits, honey cake, and as a filling for eclairs). Let's prepare the highlight of the cake - custard for Napoleon.

Let's remember the recipe for the Napoleon cake

Cake "Napoleon" classic with custard

For puff pastry you need to take:

  • flour (700 grams)
  • butter or margarine (400 grams)
  • eggs (2pcs)
  • vinegar (1 tablespoon)
  • water (cool) 150 ml
  • salt (a pinch)

For cream we take:

  • warm milk (500ml)
  • eggs (chilled yolks) 4pcs
  • sifted flour (50 grams)
  • vanillin (a pinch)
  • sugar (150 grams)

1. First you need to dissolve the vinegar in water. We take a separate bowl and beat the eggs, adding salt (a pinch). Next, slowly pour the prepared water from vinegar into the eggs. Mix well.

3. Build a hill out of flour crumbs, make a small indentation in the center and slowly start pouring in the egg-vinegar mixture. And according to the usual scheme, we begin to knead the dough. Divide into 12 halves, roll into balls, cover with cling film (so as not to weather) and refrigerate for a few hours (1-2).

4. Cream:

  • boil milk over low heat;
  • take a bowl, start beating the yolks with sugar, vanilla and flour. Next, pour warm milk into this mass, stirring constantly. After - we send the prepared yolk-milk mixture to the stove (small fire) and bring to a boil;
  • to make the cream thicker, you can boil it for another 5-7 minutes until it thickens. We leave to cool. All is ready!

5. Turn on the oven to warm up. The dough can be rolled out on a baking sheet or immediately on parchment. The choice is yours. Sprinkle a little baking sheet (parchment) with flour. We take each ball, roll it as thinly as possible and cut out circles with a plate. Leave the trimmings on a baking sheet for decoration.

6. As soon as we rolled out the dough, make a few punctures with a fork (the more, the less the cake will swell) and place in the oven for 7-10 minutes until golden brown. We bake all the cakes in the same way. Lubricate all the cakes with cream, sprinkle with prepared crumbs on top and on the side. Place in the refrigerator overnight to soak. Cake "Napoleon" classic with custard is ready!

Custard for Napoleon(All recipes)

Recipe #1 (Vanilla Custard)
  • flour (4 tbsp)
  • milk (250 ml)
  • butter (180 grams)
  • vanilla sugar (1/2 tsp)
  • powdered sugar (300 grams)

Beat the flour with milk (half) well - preferably with a mixer, so that there are no lumps. Mix the other half of the milk with sugar, put on a small fire. As soon as you see that the milk is boiling, slowly start pouring in the whipped milk-flour mixture, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil (the mass should thicken), remove from heat and cool.

Recipe number 2 (Butter cream)
  • butter (200 grams)
  • flour (two tablespoons)
  • sugar (0.5 cup)
  • eggs (3 yolks)
  • milk (280 ml)

1. Thoroughly rub the egg yolks with sugar, add the sifted flour and mix everything again. Next, pour cold milk into this mixture - 170 ml (stir constantly) and bring to a homogeneous mass.

2. Put the remaining milk on the fire. As soon as it starts to boil, pour in the prepared egg-milk mass. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.

Recipe number 3 ( Custard with nuts)
  • sugar (1 cup)
  • walnuts(3 tablespoons)
  • egg (1pc)
  • milk (1 cup)
  • butter (300 grams)
  • flour (1.5 tablespoons)
  • vanillin (a pinch)

1. Beat eggs with sugar, mix with vanilla, milk and flour. Beat until a homogeneous consistency is formed and put on a small fire (stir constantly). After - remove and cool.

2. We pass the nuts through a blender (if desired, you can fry a little more). Then add softened butter, nuts and beat thoroughly. The cream will turn out very tender and tasty.

Recipe number 4 ( Custard for Napoleon with condensed milk)

  • butter (100 grams)
  • milk (one glass)
  • flour (2 tsp)
  • condensed milk (250 grams)
  • sugar (2 tsp)
  • vanilla (pinch)

In a bowl, add milk, sugar, flour. Mix and put on a small fire. Bring to a boil and cool slightly. After the cream has cooled, add butter (softened), condensed milk and whisk everything quickly. This is how delicious it is.

Recipe #5 (Chocolate Custard) :
  • dark chocolate (50 grams). Instead of chocolate, you can add cocoa with sugar (3 tablespoons)
  • warm milk (250 ml)
  • sifted flour (1 tablespoon)
  • yolks (chilled) 2pcs
  • butter (100 grams)
  • sugar (150 grams)
  • potato starch (1 tablespoon)

1. We take a bowl, pour the chocolate with milk and put it on a small fire so that the chocolate melts.

2. Separately, beat the yolks, sugar until thick, add flour, starch and mix everything. Pour chocolate milk into the prepared mass, stirring constantly, and put on a small fire. We bring to the required density and remove. After - cool and mix with whipped butter.

Recipe number 6 (The easiest recipe for cream on cream)

It is very easy to prepare this cream. Note: In order for the cream to whip well, it must be thick enough and chilled. Instead of sugar, use powdered sugar, it stabilizes the cream better. Vanilla, citrus essence, etc. can be added for additional smell and taste.

  • heavy cream (0.5 l)
  • powdered sugar (1 cup)

Whip cream until fluffy. In the process, slowly begin to add powdered sugar. Stir and the cream is ready!

Recipe number 7 (Curd cream)
  • flour (3 tablespoons)
  • milk (1 l.)
  • sugar (1 cup)
  • eggs (3pcs)
  • mascarpone or other cream cheese (300 grams)

1. Mix the flour with sugar, beat in the eggs and grind until smooth. Add milk and put on a small fire (stir constantly). Cook until thickened. After - cool, add cream cheese and beat well. Custard for Napoleon is ready!

It's no secret that the taste of a cake depends not only on the quality of the cakes, but also on the choice of cream.

Today we offer three cream options for everyone's favorite "Napoleon".

You already have 3 cream recipes for Napoleon. Now it's up to the little things!

1. Classic Napoleon cake cream


1. Butter - 1 pack.

2. Condensed milk - 250 ml.

4. Nuts (preferably walnuts) - 250 gr.

How to make a classic Napoleon cake cream:

Beat soft butter with a mixer until smooth.

Gradually add condensed milk to the resulting soft mass, continuing to beat. This will make the impregnation soft and airy.

Add chopped walnuts and vanilla sugar to the warm mixture to give the cream a delicious taste.

Be sure to beat the contents of the pan again until a homogeneous consistency.

Nut cream for cake Napoleon with condensed milk is ready, it remains only to cool it to use it for soaking the cakes.

In the same way, you can cook a sweet version - cream with boiled condensed milk for Napoleon, replacing the main product with boiled milk.

2. Custard for Napoleon cake


1. Whole milk - 500 ml.

2. Flour - 150 gr.

3. Vanilla sugar - 15-20 gr.

4. Butter - 1 pack.

5. Condensed milk - 250 ml.

How to make custard for Napoleon cake:

Mix milk with flour using a whisk or mixer. To avoid lumps, the bulk component must be added gradually.

Add the sweetener and let the mixture simmer over a fire for five minutes. When the time is up, you need to turn off the gas and leave the mass to cool.

Lay out a piece of soft butter. At this stage, it is important to prevent a strong softening of the added product, otherwise it will not work to beat the mixture to a homogeneous mass.

Custard for Napoleon with condensed milk is almost ready, it remains to add the last element - condensed milk and beat the resulting mass again.

This will change not only the taste, but also the color and consistency of the finished product.

3. Cream with sour cream and condensed milk for Napoleon cake


1. Fatty sour cream - 500 gr.

2. Condensed milk - 300 ml.

3. Lemon juice - 10-15 ml.

4. Vanilla - 15 gr.

5. Cognac or rum - 25 ml.

How to make cream with sour cream and condensed milk for Napoleon cake:

The first thing to do is beat the sour cream until airy with a whisk or mixer.

Without interrupting the whipping procedure, you need to carefully add lemon juice, condensed milk and vanillin to give the cream a unique taste and sweet aroma. Impregnation for dessert is ready.

Bon appetit!

Everyone loves homemade Napoleon cake, but its preparation takes a lot of time and requires considerable physical effort when rolling. a large number thin cakes, so many do not dare to take it on. Although the recipe is quite simple: for the base they use puff pastry, and the cream for "Napoleon" is different.

Some housewives, in order to simplify their task, buy ready-made puff pastry. Of course, it cannot be compared with homemade, but this is quite a good idea on how to bake a Napoleon cake faster and easier. In any case, you will have to make the cream yourself, so we will consider several possible options.


It is believed that such a cream is best suited for this exquisite cake. Exist different recipes butter based. But there are also those in which this ingredient is not included. In addition, the cream can be prepared with or without eggs. Which one to choose to miss the cake "Napoleon"? Classic creamy cream is especially popular with many craftswomen.


Half a kilo of butter, a glass of milk, two glasses of sand, 4 eggs. As you can see, in order to prepare a cream for Napoleon, you need very few products.

Our actions

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance, cut it into cubes so that it softens at room temperature. Crush the eggs with granulated sugar, pour milk, mix and put on a slow fire. Cook, stirring constantly, until boiling, but do not boil. Cool the prepared mixture. When the butter is softened enough, begin to beat it, while adding the boiled mixture in small portions to make a smooth, thick cream for Napoleon. Some custard buttercream recipes include flour but no eggs. Fans of vanilla flavor usually add this spice to the dish.

Other types of cream

This popular cake can be smeared with more than just custard. All housewives have different preferences, so each chooses her own option, which her household loves.

Cream for "Napoleon" with condensed milk

For cooking, you will need a can of condensed milk, 300 grams of butter and vanillin (0.1 g). The first step is to keep the oil out of the refrigerator. When it becomes soft enough, beat it, while adding vanilla. Now continue to beat, gradually putting condensed milk into the cream (take two tablespoons) until it runs out. The result should be a thick lush cream. If desired, chopped nuts, lemon juice, liquor or cognac (a few grams) can be added to it.

Sour cream for "Napoleon"

In order to prepare it, you need to take 400 g of fat sour cream, about two hundred grams of sugar and 0.1 g of vanillin. Beat sour cream with granulated sugar until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained, and then put vanillin. It is recommended to add jam or nuts to such a cream.


Each cream for "Napoleon" is good in its own way. For example, custard has less moisture than sour cream or cream with condensed milk, so it impregnates cakes worse. At the same time, the cake with it turns out tender and crispy.