Beginning of the Dormition Fast. It lasts two weeks - from 14 to 27 August inclusive. This is a strict fast: eating fish is allowed only on August 19 - the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord. With this fast, the church calls us to imitate the Mother of God, who, before her resettlement to heaven, was unceasingly in fasting and prayer.

The origin (wearing) of the honest trees of the life-giving Cross of the Lord. This holiday was established in Constantinople. There was a custom to wear out the honest tree of the Cross for the consecration of places because of illnesses that often occur in August. The people dubbed this holiday Honey Savior. The church on this day consecrates honey and flowers. On this day, it is customary to bake honey cakes, gingerbread and drink kvass, and everything is with honey. It is important to treat each other with this beekeeping product and distribute it to the poor on the porch. You should also sanctify water on such a day, medicinal herbs and poppy. Hence, by the way, the second name of the Savior - Makovey.

Blessed Basil, Christ for the Holy Fool, Moscow Wonderworker (1557). Not only the townspeople, but also the kings put up with the words of the truth of this holy fool. The coffin with Vasily, who died that day, was carried by Tsar Ivan the Terrible and Metropolitan Macarius. Two years later, at the place of his burial, the Pokrovsky Cathedral was founded in memory of the conquest of Kazan, now known as St. Basil's Cathedral. This miracle worker is prayed for the insight of the blind, for the improvement of vision in children, it is believed that he protects from fire and from being struck by lightning.

Venerable Anthony the Roman, Wonderworker of Novgorod. He founded a monastery in Novgorod in the name of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos and gave it a cenobitic charter. He is considered the founder of monasticism in Novgorod. He died in 1147.

Transfiguration of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ. Great Twelfth Feast. At the end of the path of earthly life, Jesus
Christ revealed to the disciples that he must suffer for the people, die on the cross and rise again. After that, he was transformed: his face shone, and his clothes became dazzling white. Through the Transfiguration, Jesus Christ showed the disciples the glory of his deity, so that during his coming sufferings and death on the cross, they would not waver in faith in him - the only begotten Son of God. Transformation is the beginning of the renewal of the human soul.
The second saved - Apple. In the temples, the consecration of fruits (vegetables and fruits) takes place, after which they are allowed to be eaten. It was believed that those who eat an apple before the Apple Savior will not receive an apple in the Garden of Eden. With the first fruit eaten, it is supposed to make a wish, which will certainly come true. On this holiday, they usually pray for children.

Transfer of the relics of Saints Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky (1566). In 1429 they founded a monastery on the Solovetsky Island of the White Sea. It was a major spiritual center of Russian Orthodoxy. During the years of Soviet power, the Solovetsky Monastery became a camp for political prisoners. The first of these were bishops and hundreds of Orthodox priests. All clergy and followers of the Orthodox faith were shot at the end of the twenties. In 1991, the Solovetsky archipelago was completely returned to the Church.

Icons of the Mother of God "Tolga" (1314). Before this icon, they pray for deliverance from drought, lack of rain, as well as for leg diseases and demon possession.

August 22
l Apostle Matthias. Initially, Saint Matthias was chosen among the 70 apostles, and after the ascension of the Lord, by lot, he was numbered among the 12 apostles instead of Judas Iscariot. While preaching, he worked many miracles, healed the blind, lame, lepers, cast out evil spirits and resurrected the dead. They pray to him for the patronage of the family hearth.

Saint Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, Wonderworker of Zadonsk. He was a great teacher of the Christian life, having the gift of insight, he predicted a lot of the fate of Russia. He died in 1783, countless healings were given from his relics.

Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. One of the twelve (twelfth) main holidays of the Orthodox Church. The holiday is called Dormition because the Mother of God died quietly, as if falling asleep, but basically it is called so for the short stay of her body in the tomb, since three days later she was resurrected by the Lord and ascended to heaven. The Most Holy Theotokos is the intercessor for the entire human race.

Transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image Not Made by Hands (ubrus) of the Lord Jesus Christ (944). There is a biblical legend about the miraculous healing of the Syrian king Avgar, who was ill with leprosy. The leper was healed by the image not made by hands, which was imprinted on the cloth when Christ wiped his face with it. Hence the name - the Savior not made by hands, the Savior on the canvas, the Canvas Savior. This, the third Savior, was popularly called the Nut or Bread Savior. Nut - because nuts usually ripen by this day. Bread - because the harvest of bread is ending. On this day, pies were baked from the flour of the new harvest. Orthodox people bring bread and nuts to the church for consecration. Sayings are connected with this day: “The Third Savior has stored up bread”, “If the Third Savior is good, there will be kvass in winter.”

Icons of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa". Before the icon "The Tsaritsa" they pray for healing from cancer, for the admonition of people who are fond of magic, the occult, etc.

Don Icon of the Mother of God (in memory of the deliverance from the Tatars in 1591). This miraculous icon helped Russian soldiers many times, for the first time - in the battle on the Kulikovo field. The image, written by Theophanes the Greek, was among the Russian troops on the day of the battle. After the victory, the icon was donated by the Don Cossacks to Prince Dmitry Donskoy. In memory of the victory on the banks of the Don, it received the name Donskoy. In 1591, the Crimean Tatars approached Moscow, and Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich ordered a religious procession around the walls of the Kremlin with the Don Icon. The Tatars, frightened by some invisible force, left the battlefield. In gratitude, the sovereign founded a monastery, called the Donskoy. This icon is revered as the protector of the Russian Land. They pray to her from the invasion of foreigners.

Peter's Icon of the Mother of God, which was painted by Metropolitan Peter of Moscow in 1307. Even during the life of the saint, she marked herself with miracles. In 1325, the Peter's icon was transferred to Moscow and placed in the Assumption Cathedral. In 1613, she was at the election of the young Tsar Mikhail Romanov to the throne.

Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. The icon is celebrated three times a year: June 3, July 6 and September 8. Each of these holidays was established in honor of the solemn religious processions in Moscow with this icon during important events in the history of our country, when the intercession of the Blessed Virgin manifested itself most clearly. She is associated with salvation from the terrible conqueror Tamerlane in 1395, who unexpectedly fled, "persecuted by the power of the Most Holy Theotokos." On the site of the meeting (meeting) of the icon, the Sretensky Monastery was built. Before the "Vladimir" old Russian people took an oath of allegiance to their Fatherland. This icon was also addressed during strong fires.

Finding the relics of St. Job of Pochaevsky (1659). Cathedral of the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Caves, Resting in the Far Caves.

On the same day, the memory of St. Moses Murin. Saint Moses lived in the 4th century in Egypt. In his youth, he was the leader of robbers and committed many sins, including the murder of innocent people. By the great mercy of God, he repented and went to one of the desert monasteries, where he lived a righteous life. Around the year 400, he died at the hands of robbers who attacked the monastery.

The feast in remembrance of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos was established by the Church in ancient times. There is an indication of it already in the 4th century. St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Helen at the beginning of this century, according to ancient tradition, built a temple in Palestine in honor of the Nativity of the Mother of God. Other information can be found in the works of St. John Chrysostom, St. Procla, St. Epiphany and Blessed Augustine.

The stichera and canons for the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos were composed by several church chanters (in the 5th century - Anatoly, Archbishop of Constantinople, in the 6th century - Stefan of Svyatogradsky, in the 7th century - St. Andrew of Crete, in the 8th century - St. John of Damascus and Herman , Patriarch of Constantinople, in the 9th century - Venerable Joseph the Studite). Their hymns are still sung during divine services on this holiday. So since ancient times, "the language of every Orthodox person praises and blesses and glorifies the Most Pure Nativity of the Virgin Mary, the Bride of God."

In honor of the holiday, an all-night vigil is performed.

At the great vespers:

The feast of the Nativity of the Virgin has two groups of stichera, belonging to different authors. The first group of stichera, i.e. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd stichera, inscribed with the name of "Patriarch Sergius", begins the review of the celebrated event from the most inaccessible heavenly heights. The stichera see in the birth of the Most Holy Theotokos, first of all, the appearance of a new throne for the Divinity, the appearance of a new heaven (1st stichera); then, as if descending from heaven closer to earth, they call the one born the chamber of Light, the book of the Word of God, the door of the Great High Priest (2nd stichera); finally, the celebrated event is also sung in its earthly concreteness, as similar to the previous miraculous births, although surpassing their birth from the barren Virgin, Who had to give birth already completely seedless (3rd stichera).

If the first group of stichera considers the celebrated event in terms of its world (cosmic) significance, depicts what this event did to the world as a whole, then the second group of stichera narrows this infinitely broad point of view and dwells on the significance of the event for humanity, describing all the blessings, given through him to "us". Thus, the 4th stichera "Today the barren gates are opened" depicts the blessings received by us through the celebrated event in general terms, as the beginning of the fertility of divine grace and as the union of the earthly with the heavenly. The 5th stichera, "The Day of Universal Joy, is the Annunciation" more closely indicates the significance of the event for mankind in that with the birth of the Mother of God, the barrenness of human nature ended through the fact that it, alien to God's nature, as a creature, was assimilated by it. The 6th stichera "Today barren Anna gives birth to the Mother of God" considers the consequences of the event for humanity in a time perspective, between the two extreme points of time: the beginning of humanity and its infinite end: as a re-creation of humanity, which gave it infinite life instead of deserved corruption.

Three are read. First proverb from the book of Genesis (28, 10-17) - about the ladder seen by the patriarch Jacob and representing the Most Holy Virgin, through whom the Son of God descended to earth and incarnated. Second proverb(Ezek. 44, 2-4) - about the closed gates seen by the prophet Ezekiel, through which no one passed, but the Lord God of Israel will pass through them, and they will be closed. These closed gates are a prototype of the Ever-Virginity of the Theotokos. Third proverb(Prov. 9, 1-11) - about Wisdom, who created a home for herself and clearly points to the Most Holy Virgin Mary, from Whom the Savior of the world was incarnated and born.

Is being done. The stichera on the lithium consider the event mainly from a historical point of view and mainly in terms of its significance for the fallen ancestors (this is in each stichera); especially the stichera dwell on the consequence that the event had in relation to death and life, to hell and paradise; but one stichera (2nd) deals with the significance of the event for the development of virginity and purity on earth, revealingly pointing out the close connection of this feat with the aspiration of eternal life.

Poetry on the verse - .

By Trisagion- three times

In the morning:

Troparion on God Lord- twice, Glory now- the same troparion.

The glorification of the holiday is sung along: We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, and honor Your holy parents, and all-glorious glorify Your Nativity.

Degree -1 antiphon 4 voices From my youth.

Prokimen of the Theotokos, tone 4: I will remember Your Name in every kind and generation. Poem: I will burp out my heart my word good.

Psalm 50 is sung.

The first canon of the feast is St. John of Damascus (VIII century), the second - St. Andrew of Crete (VII century). The second canon in its content is dedicated not only to the Nativity, but also to the Entrance into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos as events close to each other, for the feast of the Entrance refers to the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, as the Presentation of the Lord to the Nativity of Christ.

Katavasia - irmos of the next great holiday - the Exaltation: (according to this principle, katavasia also happens on some other twelfth Mother of God and Lord's holidays: Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos, Transfiguration, Ascension, etc.).

On the 9th song most honest we do not sing, but the refrains of the holiday are sung: Magnify my soul, glorious Nativity of the Mother of God and another chorus: Magnify, my soul, the Virgin Mary born of barrenness.

At the Liturgy:

Antiphons are sung pictorially.

Troparion at the entrance -, Glory now - .

sung Trisagion

Prokeimenon, song of the Theotokos, tone 3: My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior Poem: As if looking at the humility of His servant, from now on, all will please Me.
As the most important song in honor of the Theotokos and at the most important of the services, the liturgical prokeimenon is taken from the song of the Theotokos Herself, and the verse to it from the continuation of this song.

Instead of Worthy the deserving of the holiday is sung - irmos of the 9th song of the canon

The feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos has one day of forefeast (September 7) and four days of afterfeast. It is given on September 12th.

The next day after the holiday (September 9/22) is dedicated to the participants in the celebrated event - the righteous Joachim and Anna.

September 2016 will be rich in various church events and Orthodox holidays that are important for every believer. Our calendar of Orthodox festivities for September will help you keep track of these events.

There is everything 12 most important Orthodox holidays. In September 2016 there will be two important events for the Christian world. Firstly, this is the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, and, secondly, the birth of the Virgin Mary. In September, a new stage begins, which symbolizes the beginning of beginnings - what begins the whole story about the pious girl Mary, who is destined to give birth to a son. It is he who will be called to save the world from everything impure and dark.

The most important holidays of September 2016

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin - September 21. This is the twelfth holiday, which has been celebrated since about the 4th century, so it can be called one of the most ancient. Its meaning is clear and understandable to anyone who is familiar with biblical history and its events. This is a tribute to the day on which Mother Intercessor was born, without which Jesus Christ, the messenger of God, could not have appeared.

The parents of the Virgin Mary, Joachim and Anna, lived in Nazareth. They did not have children, which was considered a bad sign in those days. They had already despaired when angels appeared before them and said that the Lord was expecting a child from them, thanks to which the world would be saved. They heard that it would be a girl who would be called Mary. After 9 months, the Mother of God was born. Joachim and Anna are revered in Orthodoxy and Catholicism, as they are the sources, the parents of the Virgin.

Exaltation of the Holy Cross. This is the twelfth holiday that will be celebrated in 2016 September 27. This date is immutable and permanent. The meaning of the holiday is very simple - a tribute is paid to the most common Christian symbol - the cross. Exaltation means raising this symbol above the head. In all Orthodox churches on this day, priests will raise the cross above themselves, as if illuminating all the parishioners who came to preach with the light of God's love.

Be sure to visit the church on this day or read the prayers "creed", "living help" or "our father". "Symbol of faith"- this is the main prayer on this day, because the cross is a symbolic sign that is associated with the cross on which Jesus Christ, our Savior, was crucified.

Other Holidays September 2016

  • September 1: Memorial Day of the Martyr Andrew Stratilates. This was a Roman soldier who accepted faith in Christ, despite the fact that he was initially on the side of his enemies. He was executed along with his students.
  • September 2: the day of memory of the biblical prophet Samuel, who brought a lot of knowledge about God to the world and did not renounce his ideas, despite many problems.
  • September 3: Memorial Day of the Apostle Thaddeus, as well as the Monk Abraham of Smolensk. The first was a martyr and accepted death, bearing faith in Christ and his teachings. Abraham is a Russian saint, the author of many icons and the witness of many miracles.
  • 6 September: Cathedral of All Moscow Saints. Includes 542 martyrs, preachers. They keep our state and our people from troubles and wars, from hunger and horror.
  • 8 September: Feast of the Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. The icon was sent to our land in 1131. In 1155, it was transferred to Vladimir by Andrey Bogolyubsky.
  • 11 September: the beheading of John the Baptist. John the Baptist is an alternative biblical name for the prophet who baptized Jesus Christ himself in the Jordan. He was cut off the head of Herod's servant because he tried to denounce their master. This is the great feast that ends the church year.
  • September 14: church new year. This is a kind of new year, which marks the beginning of the cycle of church holidays. Visit the church on this day to ask our Lord for happiness and for him to give us strength.
  • September 15th: day of veneration of the Kaluga Icon of the Mother of God.
  • September 17: Memorial Day of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Burning Bush.
  • September 22nd: commemoration of the father and mother of the Most Holy Theotokos - Joachim and Anna.
  • September 29: day of veneration of the icon of the Mother of God "Look at humility."

True believers observe not only multi-day fasts, but also one-day fasts, which many people forget about. One day posts in September 2016: 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23 and 30 September.

We wish you a bright and good start to the new church year. May God hear your prayers and help you find happiness. go to church, read prayers in the morning and for the dream to come, and keep the fasts. Live an active Orthodox life and remember that good is a direct path to light, God and happiness. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

02.09.2016 07:22

One of the main church holidays, called the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, has a rich history and many traditions, ...