A hearty, tasty and nutritious dish - buckwheat porridge with stew is prepared incredibly simply and quickly, and it contains only a few available ingredients. There are many variations of the recipe - buckwheat porridge with stew can be boiled in water in an ordinary saucepan, cooked in a cauldron in a field kitchen or in the usual conditions.

About the dish

Such porridge is called field or soldier porridge, because it is easy to cook it on a campaign. Canned food in cans is stored without a refrigerator, other products do not take up much space among things. Buckwheat itself also does not require special conditions for cooking.

Buckwheat helps to increase immunity and lower blood cholesterol levels. It is easily digestible, contains vitamins A and H, as well as boron, silicon and many other substances useful for the body. Buckwheat porridge with high-quality army stew is rich in iodine, calcium, magnesium and manganese, phosphorus and vitamins. Canned beef is less fatty than pork product.

To reduce the calorie content of the dish, it is necessary to remove excess fat from the surface of the product after opening the can of stew. This fat can be used for cooking other dishes. Stew in a tin contains salt, so the finished dish needs only a little salt, but before that you should try.

Be sure to sort out buckwheat, remove black grains and impurities, rinse under running water. Below is a simple and delicious recipe for step-by-step preparation of buckwheat porridge with stew.


Servings: - +

  • buckwheat 300 gr
  • water 650 ml
  • carrot 1 PC
  • onion 2 pcs
  • canned beef stew1 can
  • salt, black pepper taste

Calories: 228.66 kcal

Proteins: 9.67 g

Fats: 7.93 g

Carbohydrates: 30.86 g

45 min. Video recipe Print

    Prepare everything you need.

    Clean vegetables and wash. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrot on a coarse grater.

    Salt the boiling broth, add bay leaf and seasonings. Pour buckwheat from the second pan. Simmer under a lid over low heat until the buckwheat swells and excess water evaporates.

Buckwheat porridge with stew in a saucepan is cooked for about 35-40 minutes. Served as an independent dish with a salad of fresh vegetables or homemade pickles - cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage. Delicious buckwheat porridge with stew is a hearty and nutritious lunch for a large family or a company of hungry bachelors.

Buckwheat is great not only for a side dish, but also for cooking second courses. Buckwheat is cooked with turkey, mushrooms, pork, chicken or beef on the stove, in a slow cooker or oven. Such dishes are supplemented with vegetables, cream, sour cream or tomato paste.

Fragrant, satisfying and quick, buckwheat with stew in a pan is obtained. Stewed beef will add a special taste to the dish. From vegetables, onions, carrots and garlic are excellent.

Buckwheat with stew in a pan: a step by step recipe

Ingredients for 5 servings:

  • Beef stew - 1 can (330-350 g);
  • Buckwheat - 1 cup (volume 250 ml);
  • Onions (larger than average) - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots (medium) - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Ground pepper;
  • Salt.

Cooking time for buckwheat with stew is 40 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat with beef stew in a pan

1. We clean the vegetables. Coarsely chop the carrots, chop the onion finely.

2. Put the prepared chopped onion into the hot oil and fry at medium temperature, stirring until lightly browned.

3. Add the grated carrot, pour in water (2-3 tablespoons), cover and simmer first, then open and fry, stirring, until reduced in volume and soft.

4. Finely chop the garlic cloves, send them to the fried vegetables and heat while stirring for a couple of minutes.

5. Open the beef stew, put it on a plate and divide it into small pieces with a knife. We wash the buckwheat 3-4 times. If the remains of a dark shell are visible in the dry cereal, then we sort it out and remove it.

6. Put the prepared pieces of stewed beef into the fragrant vegetable mixture. We also add the fat that is in the jar, it will make the dish saturated in taste and fat. If there is little fat, then increase the amount of oil to 4 tablespoons.

7. Heat at high temperature for 2-3 minutes. Stir constantly, the liquid should evaporate a little.

8. We send the washed buckwheat to the pan.

9. Pour in water (2 cups), salt, pepper and mix. Buckwheat can be put a little more or less. Grains and water are added on the basis of a ratio of 1: 2.

10. Cover the buckwheat with meat and vegetables with a lid, simmer at a low temperature for 25-30 minutes. As soon as the liquid evaporates, and the cereal becomes soft and crumbly, fragrant buckwheat with beef is ready.

11. Put a delicious juicy dish on plates and serve immediately with fresh bread, a light vegetable salad or your favorite pickles.

Tips for cooking buckwheat with beef in a pan:

  • To add a wonderful taste to the dish, like in a Russian oven, cook it in the oven in a large clay pot or in small portioned pots.
  • Buckwheat will become even more fragrant if it is supplemented with several types of chopped greens 5-7 minutes before cooking. Green onions, cilantro and dill are great.
  • In this way, you can cook cereals with pork or chicken stew.
  • To diversify the dish, add it with mushrooms. Mushrooms or oyster mushrooms are great, forest mushrooms (porcini mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles or honey agarics) will give a unique aroma. We fry them separately from vegetables and lay them together with buckwheat.

Buckwheat porridge with stew is a hearty, very fragrant and appetizing, tasty dish. The process of preparing this dish is so simple that even a schoolboy can handle it. This buckwheat is great for lunch or a family dinner. If you do not have a lot of free time to cook something exquisite, original, buckwheat stew is the best choice. It is important to note that buckwheat porridge is a hearty dish that can satisfy hunger for a long time. To cook delicious, juicy buckwheat porridge with stewed meat, it is important to follow a good recipe, the right proportions and cooking time.

Buckwheat porridge with stew is considered an ideal dish for field conditions. This idea is suitable for a picnic and fishing, hiking in the forest or other mass events.

To make this dish original, you can add other ingredients to it, thanks to which you get a real masterpiece. Such buckwheat porridge is also attractive in that it can be introduced into the diet.

100 grams of the finished dish contains 141 calories.

home canned food

Given that many do not trust canneries, stew can be prepared at home. This will require an autoclave. Homemade canned food is much tastier and healthier. Basically, meat and fish stew, as well as a variety of cereals with meat products are cooked in an autoclave.

The process of cooking buckwheat porridge with stew in an autoclave is extremely simple. To make the porridge juicy and rich, just add fried vegetables and herbs to the original recipe. This sterilizer is great for making homemade canned food.

Buckwheat porridge in an autoclave cooks quickly. To do this, wash, cut the meat into pieces. Sort the buckwheat groats thoroughly, rinse in running water. Fry carrots and onions, mix all the ingredients.

After that, it is necessary to prepare jars with a volume of 0.5 liters. Place one bay leaf at the bottom of each jar, fill ½ jar with the prepared mixture, and put 1/3 teaspoon of salt, 3 black peppercorns on top. Pour boiling water into jars, leaving two centimeters to the top. Close the lids, place in the sterilizer. After that, everything is filled with water 2 cm above the level of the cans. Warm up the device to 115 degrees, hold for one hour, constantly turning the heat on and off.

If you need to cook a quick dinner, buckwheat porridge with stewed meat is a good option. This dish is prepared incredibly quickly, but it turns out hearty, fragrant and juicy.


meat stew 1 jar
Buckwheat ½ cup
Bulb onions 1 head
Garlic 2-3 cloves
Dill about 10 grams
Salt, pepper mixture taste
Khmeli-suneli taste
Vegetable oil 20 ml
Water 1 glass


1. Measure the right amount of cereal, rinse it thoroughly under running water. Send it to the pan, put it on the stove and warm it up a little, fry it. This trick allows you to make the finished porridge more juicy and crumbly.

2. Pour water into buckwheat, add salt. Boil the cereal over low heat for fifteen minutes. This time should be enough for the water to evaporate. Remove the finished porridge from the stove and wrap in a towel.

3. While the cereal is being cooked, you can do the vegetables.

4. Peel the onion and finely chop it. Fry the onion in a hot frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil. Continue frying until golden and translucent.

5. Then chop the garlic or pass it through a press, add to the fried onions.

6. At the same time, you should add a seasoning such as Khmeli-Suneli, which will give the dish an amazing flavor. Continue frying for three minutes.

7. In the meantime, put the stew on a plate and mash it with a fork. This manipulation is necessary so that there are no huge pieces and lumps of meat in the finished dish. Add stew to onion with garlic. If there is gravy in the stew, you can use half. Fry the meat for no more than seven minutes, so that the fat, jelly can melt, and the meat becomes tender, soft.

8. Put boiled buckwheat to the stew, mix thoroughly. Continue to fry for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally.

9. Finely chop the greens, add to the finished dish and mix. After that, you can turn off the fire, cover the pan with a lid. Leave the finished porridge for fifteen minutes, then you can serve in portioned plates.

Video recipe

The finished dish goes well with a fresh salad. Such buckwheat turns out to be very juicy, nutritious and fragrant.

Buckwheat with stew is a quick budget family-type dish suitable for busy housewives. It saves when you need to quickly cook dinner and make it satisfying. You can cook it in different ways. Mandatory ingredients: cereals, stew, onion, vegetable oil and spices. You can supplement with vegetables, mushrooms, sauces, herbs.

The five most commonly used ingredients in buckwheat stew recipes are:

In a slow cooker, the easiest way to cook a dish is by choosing the “stewing” mode. The traditional method consists of three steps. First - buckwheat is cooked. The second is frying with onions and stew. Third - both masses are mixed with each other. There is juice in the stew, which will add juiciness to the dish. If there is too much juice, it can be evaporated during the frying process.

A more satisfying option is this:

  1. Boil buckwheat until tender.
  2. While cooking, chop the onion, grate the carrots.
  3. Fry the vegetables in the fat from the stew.
  4. Add meat and mash with a fork.
  5. Add a spoonful of sour cream and tomato paste, mix.
  6. Salt to taste, pepper. Dilute with water if needed.
    Stir in buckwheat, cover with a lid and let the flavors soak in.

The five most nutritious recipes for buckwheat with stew:

  • fried raw buckwheat when cooked will turn out tastier
  • buy stew of the highest grade, it has more meat and less juice
  • you can add a tablespoon of flour to thicken the fry
  • a suitable spice for this type of dish is bay leaf
  • cut is also suitable for such a dish

This dish was a revelation for me! Simple, fast, tasty and very satisfying, but (where without “but”) and very fat! This is despite the fact that I took beef stew as the main ingredient, which, unlike the pork alternative, is not as high in calories. However, all these facts cannot stop the representatives of the stronger sex from eating such an appetizing dish! Therefore, once a year, for example on February 23, you can cook such a not very healthy meal as a gift! I found this idea very interesting.

The choice of the main ingredient should be given special attention. It's good if you know a proven product and can use it in your dish without a doubt. For those who buy stew for the first time, I advise you not to take the cheapest option, but continue to trust conscientious producers and their correct composition, or rely on intuition, as I did. However, my jar still contained a lot of fat and offal.

Further, in the preparation of buckwheat with stew in a pan, everything is simple. We take buckwheat, favorite carrots, onions and garlic, sunflower oil, water for cereals, fresh herbs, and spices: salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf and thyme (you can try other variations). In addition, you will need butter to make porridge, albeit more nutritious, but more tender and tastier. However, the last ingredient can be completely dispensed with. This is the simplest and at the same time a sufficient set of ingredients for such a delicious dish! Let's start cooking!

First of all, let's prepare the vegetables. We clean the onion and cut it randomly.

We repeat the same with carrots.

And garlic.

We shift the vegetables into a pan heated with vegetable oil.

Simmer until soft under a closed lid over low heat for about 10 minutes.

Open the jar of stew and mix the contents a little. As you can see, it turned out to be quite a lot of fat, I decided to use it too. In principle, you can only pick out the meat, but then, I think, the dish will not turn out to be complete.

We shift the stew to the vegetables.

We mix.

Keep on fire for about 5 minutes.

Pour buckwheat into the pan, as well as spices: ground black pepper, thyme and bay leaf. We put salt carefully and to taste, since the stew is initially quite salty.

Mix and add water. Simmer until the buckwheat is cooked and the liquid boils away.

At the end of cooking, add fresh dill (or other herbs) to the dish, as well as butter.

Stir and leave the buckwheat with stew in a frying pan under the lid to brew for 15 minutes.

Buckwheat with stew is ready! Bon appetit!