In the Philippine Islands, there is a tree that has long been known in the oil industry. And its name is appropriate - oil tree. The locals call it hanga and use the oil of its fruit instead of kerosene.

This miracle tree grows in the Philippines, especially in the undeveloped area located near the Mayon volcano, which is located in the southeast of the main island of Luzon near the city of Legazpi.

The oil tree got its name due to the fact that its fruits smell like kerosene and in addition to this, they easily ignite from a lit match. Therefore, local residents use these nuts to light their houses in the form of torches or candles.

Burning Oil Tree Fruit

Such unusual properties for a plant are caused by the high content of hydrocarbons in its essential oil, especially heptane. The advantages of such a "biofuel" is that it does not require distillation and in automobile engines this oil emits less toxic emissions than gasoline.

Now local authorities are seriously thinking about making the oil tree one of the main sources of combustible materials that were previously obtained from oil. In the Philippines, a plan has already been developed to create extensive plantations of this tree, where it is supposed to receive the necessary biofuel already on an industrial scale. Thus, it is planned to reduce oil production from the bowels of the earth, where there is very little of it left anyway.

This tree comes from the genus of resin seeds, which includes about 200 species.

Philippine canarium (Canarium ovatum) - one of the types of canarium. It is an evergreen tree reaching up to 20 m in height.

The leaves are pinnately compound, smooth, shiny, entire, composed of 5-9 small oval leaves with a pointed apex.

The flowers are yellowish or light brown, collected in dense panicles. Grow from the axils of the leaves and on the top of the shoots.

Canarium fruits

The fruit of the canarium is an oval or cone-shaped drupe up to 8 cm long, weighing up to 50 g. It is covered with a thin, smooth skin of a black-red hue.

The pulp is dense, fibrous, with astringent taste. Inside contains a brown spindle-shaped bone, covered with a hard shell. The stone contains a white dense core with a nutty taste.

Some individuals have bitter, fibrous kernels with an unpleasant odor.

Cultivation of the Philippine Canarium

The Philippine canarium is cultivated in the countries of Southeast Asia and the Philippine Islands, for which the plant got its name. The crop is grown commercially for seeds with edible kernels called "pili nuts".

Application of the canarium

The kernels of the fruits of this plant are eaten. Raw, they resemble roasted pumpkin seeds, but when roasted, they taste like nuts or almonds. Fried canarium is added to various dishes, pastries, chocolate. Oil is obtained from raw kernels.

Young shoots and fruit pulp are also edible. The shoots find use in salads, and the fiber is used after cooking and drying. Boiled fruit fiber has an oily texture, which is reminiscent of sweet potato. The nutritional value is superior to that of avocado.

The shell of the nut burns well, therefore it serves as fuel. Resin is extracted from the bark of the tree, which is used for economic purposes.

The wood of this tree has a beautiful pinkish hue, has no defects, is easy to dry and process. It is used to make packaging boxes, sheathing, flooring and other products.

What is the name of the tree sprouting in the Philippines, the nut of which (cm)?

A tree native to the Philippines whose nuts contain a substance similar to oil is called Hanga. It is also called the oil tree. It is said that the locals use the oil of these very nuts instead of fuel. Answer - Hanga.

There is a tree that grows in the Philippines, and so its nut contains an analogue of oil. The locals call this tree H A N G A, just like the name of the famous black TV presenter - Elena Hanga.

This tree is called HANGA. That's what the locals call it. Another name is oil tree.

It grows in the Philippine Islands and has long been known in the oil industry.

It is known for the fact that its fruits smell like kerosene and the locals use the nuts of this tree in their dwellings instead of candles.

The tree belongs to the genus of resinous plants.

Local authorities have long thought about expanding the plantations of these trees in order to reduce oil production in the country.

A tree native to the Philippines whose nut contains an analogue of oil is called HANGA or oil tree, and scientifically - resinous pittosporum. Oil tree nut oil is used by locals instead of kerosene. The fruit is easily ignited by a lit match and is why Filipinos use it instead of torches or candles to light their home.

Such a miracle tree is called HANGA, it is also called an oil tree, it belongs to evergreens.

HANGA - this name was invented by local residents, in a scientific way it will sound like resinous pittosporum.

The tree is really amazing. The oil of its fruit can be used instead of kerosene.

The oil tree grows in the Philippine Islands and contains almost pure oil in its fruits. If you bring a match to the fruit, the juice of the fruit flares up. The country is even developing technology that will help to use the fruits of the tree of internal combustion engines as fuel. The tree was discovered by the expedition of the American scientist Andy Siemens.

The oil tree also grows in Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Asia and Polynesia.

This tree is called hanga.

It is strange that I have not heard anything about this tree until now. It's great that there are such substitutes for oil. It would be necessary to breed more of these trees, because the oil reserves on Earth are exhaustible. This tree is called Hanga(namesake of Elena).

The tree in the question:

called HANGA.

This tree was nicknamed Oil Treequot ;.

It is surprising that the locals use the nuts of these trees instead of kerosene.

Such special properties of the fruits of Hangi were obtained due to the high content of hydrocarbons in them. Perhaps the tree is saturated with such hydrocarbons due to the nearby Mayon volcano.

Pittosporum resinous, or hanga tree, also an oil tree, is a genus of evergreen plants of the Pittosporaceae family, it has glossy leathery leaves. These are very low trees or shrubs in general, which are common in tropical and subtropical regions of the African continent, as well as in Asia, New Zealand, Australia and even Polynesia.

To the question What is the name of a tree that grows in the Philippines, the nut of which contains an analogue of oil? correct answer - Hanga.

The fruits of the tree contain juice resembling real oil in composition and therefore it is called the oil tree.

Oil tree or hanga tree (lat. Pittosporum resiniferum) - Interesting animals

In the Philippine Islands, there is a tree that has long been known in the oil industry. And its name is appropriate - oil tree. The locals call it hanga and use the oil of its fruit instead of kerosene.

Oil tree or hanga tree (Latin Pittosporum resiniferum) (English Petroleum nut Tree)

This miracle tree grows in the Philippines, especially in the undeveloped area located near the Mayon volcano, which is located in the southeast of the main island of Luzon near the city of Legazpi.

Volcano Mayon

The oil tree got its name due to the fact that its fruits smell like kerosene and in addition to this, they easily ignite from a lit match. Therefore, local residents use these nuts to light their houses in the form of torches or candles.

Burning Oil Tree Fruit

Such unusual properties for a plant are caused by the high content of hydrocarbons in its essential oil, especially heptane. The advantages of such a "biofuel" is that it does not require distillation and in automobile engines this oil emits less toxic emissions than gasoline.

Now local authorities are seriously thinking about making the oil tree one of the main sources of combustible materials that were previously obtained from oil. In the Philippines, a plan has already been developed to create extensive plantations of this tree, where it is supposed to receive the necessary biofuel already on an industrial scale. Thus, it is planned to reduce oil production from the bowels of the earth, where there is very little of it left anyway.

This tree comes from the genus of resin seeds, which includes about 200 species.

Some sources claim that during World War II, oil from the oil tree was used by Japanese soldiers as fuel for their tanks.

What is the name of the tree sprouting in the Philippines, the nut of which (cm)?

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        what is the name of the tree that grows in the philippines

        Answer from 2 answers[guru]

        Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What tree is called oil?

        Answer from Eurovision[guru]
        An oil tree that grows in the Philippines.
        Its fruits contain almost pure oil! Now they are trying to find a way to extract it in large quantities.
        "gas stations" were also found in the tropics of South America, in the Philippines.
        Some varieties of vines and tropical trees (hanga) contain oily
        a liquid that does not even need to be distilled. She burns beautifully
        automobile engines, giving less toxic exhaust than gasoline. Suitable for
        these purposes and palm oil, from which it is relatively easy to obtain
        "solar oil".

        I was told about the most interesting representatives of the Brazilian tropics, but most of all I was struck by the description of the "oil" tree. In a floristic reserve near the town of Manaus, our scientists were shown a thick specimen, at the base of the trunk of which there was a hole plugged with a wooden plug; the grass beneath him was covered in brown streaks. When the cork was knocked out, an oily liquid poured into the substituted container. Brazilian colleagues explained that it is an excellent substitute for diesel fuel, and it can be safely poured into a car (15 - 20 liters from one hole at a time). Like this - instead of a gas station, drive up to a tree and refuel!
        It belonged to the genus Copaifer, some species of which are widely used to obtain the world-famous Copay balm, used in the lacquer industry and medicine. Soon, after digging around on the Internet, I found out the full name of the plant - Langsdorf's copaifer. Back in the 80s, chemists became interested in this "oil-bearing" species. The world-famous scientist, Nobel laureate Melvin Calvin did as the Brazilians suggested: he drove the car, poured tree sap into the tank and drove on without any problems. Then they analyzed the juice of the Langsdorf copaifera and found that its chemical composition really did not differ much from the composition of the fuel used in some types of internal combustion engines.
        "Oil" tree, locally called "hanga", and scientifically - resinous pittosporum, the fruits of which contain an oil-like combustible substance. Now they are trying to solve two problems: how to extract it in greater quantities and how to process it into fuel for engines.
        PITTOSPORUM (Pittosporum)
        Evergreen shrubs of the resinous family (Pitto-sporaceae). The genus unites about 150 species that originate from the subtropical regions of both hemispheres. In nature, shrubs belonging to this genus reach 6 m in height. A distinctive feature is a flat crown formed by branched shoots, on which dense, leathery, shiny leaves on short petioles are alternately located. Small fragrant flowers with a light orange corolla are collected in 8 pieces. into shields.

        Where eucalyptus grows - the birthplace of the island of Mindanao in the Philippines

        In the nature that surrounds us, quite often there are breathtaking unique phenomena. Miracles happen almost everywhere, and for many phenomena, a person still does not have any reasonable explanations.

        But most of the amazing phenomena we have the opportunity to observe only in certain places - where there are special conditions created by nature.

        Eucalyptus is native to Mindanao

        Take, for example, the Philippine Islands. This is one of those places where nature has not stinted on miracles, and a person can enjoy incredible phenomena everywhere.

        The Philippines gave the world whole forests of colorful bright trees, when you look at them you understand that you are in a fairy tale. These trees are called, this miracle of nature is the rainbow eucalyptus.

        Since childhood, we all believe that Australia is the birthplace of such a tree as eucalyptus. But this is not entirely true.

        If you take the rainbow eucalyptus, then its homeland is a Philippine island called Mindanao. In these places, it may seem that the magician took a huge brush and walked through all the trees with colorful paints!

        Eucalyptus bark

        The rainbow eucalyptus got its name from its bark. It actually resembles a rainbow and shimmers with all rainbow colors: red, orange, yellow, brown, blue, purple, purple and green.

        For this very reason, the word rainbow has become the most appropriate name for these amazing trees.

        It fully characterizes this rich spectrum of colors and shades of bark. The tree can reach a height of 75 meters, and the diameter of the trunk is more than two meters.

        Eucalyptus and its coloring

        If any of you manage to see this tree up close, you immediately get the feeling that its bark is as if painted with multi-colored paints. As if an abstract artist did his best here.

        But the thing is that only mother nature worked here - she created all these unthinkable spots and stripes.

        All these multi-colored overflows are intended by nature in order to show the age of a given tree.

        The thing is that in these trees the bark tends to peel off often, but not in a completely whole plate, but only in small strips.

        At the place where the piece exfoliated, a bright greenish spot instantly forms, some time passes, and the bright green spot becomes darker, changes its original color first to purple, then yellow, brown, blue, and last but not least this the area becomes bright orange or brown-crimson.

        Where does eucalyptus grow

        The rainbow eucalyptus is the only species of this tree that grows in the northern hemisphere and was discovered over a hundred years ago. Time passed, and the seeds from this plant were brought to South America, China, Malaysia, and even to many points of the globe with a temperate climate.

        There they took root well, due to the fact that this tree perfectly tolerates the local climate, which cannot be said about its other species.

        Despite the ability to exist in a temperate climate in its homeland, the Philippine Islands, the rainbow eucalyptus grows in the humid tropics and is an evergreen tree.

        Today this wonderful tree can be seen in New Britain, the forests of New Guinea, Sulawesi, Seram.

        Eucalyptus height

        But not only the coloring, unique in every sense of the word, brought fame to this tree. He has another uniqueness - this is height.

        A large number of rainbow eucalyptus trees reach a height of seventy meters, but such growth is not the limit for this tree.

        You may not believe it, but individual specimens can reach ninety meters in height. And one more fact is truly amazing - in a year such a tree grows no less than ten meters. This is a real record in the plant world.

        By all appearances, it turns out that we live in a phenomenal world, the mysteries of which have not yet been even half solved, and new wonders are being revealed to people again and again.

        Nut pili

        Popular in the countries of Southeast Asia, the Philippine Canarium nut remains an exotic product for us. Although, by all indications, this nut is ready to occupy a worthy niche among the nuts sold by us. And, of course, sweet lovers will not disregard chocolate with canarium.

        The birthplace of the Canarium nut is the island of Luzon. The Canarium tree belongs to the Burseraceae family, which has 600 varieties. Trees grow tall, with a very beautiful symmetrical crown. Both female and male flowers bloom on the same tree, and hermaphroditic flowers may also be present.

        After flowering, a drupe fruit is formed.

        Freshly picked Canarium nuts are never used. The drupe is covered with blue pulp on top, under which there is a strong shell, and inside the shell is the pulp of the nut itself. The blue flesh (endocarp) can be separated from the shell only after a long drying time. And you need to dry them for several months. The Philippines and surrounding areas are the most favorable conditions for the growth of Canarium nuts in abundance.

        Composition of the Philippine Canarium nut

        The Canarium tree is widely cultivated commercially in the Philippines and nearby areas. The reason for this is the greenish-yellow seed kernels, the most important product of this plant. They are also called drank nuts.

        The core contains 74% fat, 11.5% protein and 7% carbohydrates, a large amount of calcium, phosphorus and potassium.

        The oil extracted from the kernels of the pili nut (pili oil) contains palmitic acids and oleic acid glycerides.

        Benefits of pili nuts

        In addition to good taste, pili nuts are valued due to their high oil content. The palmitic and oleic acids found in pili oil are classified as monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), which are referred to in the industry as Omega-7 and Omega-9.

        Monounsaturated fatty acids lower the level of bad cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol), while the level of good, on the contrary, increases.

        So all oils with a high content of MUFAs are preventive against cardiovascular diseases.

        In addition, omega-9 fatty acids strengthen the immune system.

        They also increase glucose tolerance (fight insulin resistance), which reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

        Regular consumption of pili nuts (as well as many other nuts rich in oleic acid) helps prevent breast cancer in women by blocking a certain gene that causes particularly malignant tumors.

        Brazilian (American) walnut - castaneiro Brazilian walnut, castaneiro, American walnut (lat. Bertholletia excelsa) is a South American tree of the Lecitis family, as well as the name of the fruits of this tree (nuts), collected for commercial purposes. Cream nut is another of several historical names for the Brazil nut used in the Americas. The Brazil nut is the only member of the Bertholletia genus. Its homeland is in Guyana, Venezuela, Brazil, eastern Colombia, eastern Peru and eastern Bolivia. Solitary trees are scattered on the shallows of the Amazon, Rio Negro and Orinoco. The genus of trees is named after the French chemist Claude Louis Berthollet. The Brazil nut is one of the largest trees in the Amazon rainforest. It reaches 30-45 m in height, the diameter of the trunk is 1-2 m. The Brazil nut lives 500 years or more, and, according to some experts, its age often reaches 1000 years. The fruit is a large capsule 10-15 cm in diameter, similar in size to the inner fruit of a coconut and weighing up to 2 kg. The shell is hard, tree-like, 8-12 mm thick and contains inside 8-24 triangular grains 4-5 cm long (“Brazil nuts”), filled with orange slices. The "Brazil Nut" is not a real nut in the botanical sense. While it is classified as a nut by culinary experts, botanists refer to it as a grain, not a nut, because in nuts the shell is divided into halves, and the flesh is separated from the shell. There is a small hole on one side of the Brazil nut. Large rodents such as the agouti use it to get to the flesh of the fruit. Animals eat nuts from the inside, and some are buried in the ground in reserve; some of these fruits germinate and sprout new Brazil nut trees. Most agouti seeds are planted in shady areas, and young shoots can hibernate for years. Nuts serve as food for other inhabitants of the forest. Capuchin monkeys can open Brazil nuts with stones. Despite its name, the biggest exporter of Brazil nuts is not Brazil, but Bolivia, where they are called almendras. In Brazil, these nuts are called castanhas-do-Para (chestnut from Para), but the Acreans call them castanhas-do-Acre (chestnuts from Acre) instead. About 20,000 tons of Brazil nuts are harvested annually, of which Bolivia's share is estimated at 50%, Brazil's 40% and Peru's 10%. Distribution of "Brazil nuts" Brazil nuts grow wild in the forests of Brazil, Venezuela, eastern Colombia, eastern Peru, eastern Bolivia. On a limited scale, the nut is cultivated in Trinidad and Sri Lanka. Composition of Castaneiro nuts Brazil nuts contain: - 18% proteins - 13% carbohydrates - 69% fats. The proportion by type of fat is: - 25% saturated fat, - 41% monounsaturated fat, - 24% polyunsaturated fat. The content of these fats in nuts gives them a slightly earthy taste. The saturated fat content of Brazil nuts is one of the highest of all nuts, surpassing even macadamia nuts. Since Brazil nuts are superior in taste and nutritional qualities even to coconuts and macadamia nuts, they often replace them in cooking. The brazil nut shell quickly becomes bitter when stored. Nuts are also used to extract oils from them. In terms of biological value, Brazil nuts are perhaps the richest source of selenium, the content of which is the highest possible, although the amount of selenium varies widely. Also, these nuts are a good source of magnesium and thiamine. A number of studies indicate that a dose of selenium reduces the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer. This has led to recommendations for the consumption of Brazil nuts as a protective measure.

        Cashews are also called brazil nuts.

        The Brazil nut is one of the largest trees in the Amazon rainforest. It reaches 30-45 m in height, the diameter of the trunk is 1-2 m. The Brazil nut lives up to 500 years or more, and, according to some experts, its age often reaches 1000 years. The trunk is straight and usually does not branch above the second half of the tree's height, with an unexpectedly large canopy of long branches that is higher than the canopy of other surrounding trees. The bark is grayish and smooth. Leaves falling during the dry season, altered, simple, entire or serrated, elongated, 20-35 cm long and 10-15 cm wide. The flowers are small, greenish-white, in a panicle up to 5-10 cm long; each flower has two-part drooping calyces, 6 different cream-colored petals and numerous stamens combined into a broad, hooded mass.

        Brazil nuts The most delicious of all known "non-nuts" is considered by many to be the fruits of Bertholletia, a tall, powerful, up to 50 m tall, beautiful tree with large oblong leaves and yellow flowers collected in dense brushes. In appearance, its fruits, most often called Brazil nuts, look like round or oval boxes with a lid. The diameter of the box is about 15 cm, weight - up to 1.5 kg. Inside each - from 12 to 24 seeds-lobules with a thin, but very strong shell. Brazil nut kernels, reminiscent of pine nuts in taste, contain up to 70% fat; they are served to the table as a light snack, sometimes sprinkled with sugar or salt. The Brazil nut contains an incredibly high amount of nutrients - protein, fiber, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus and thiamine. It also has a significant supply of niacin, vitamin E, B 6, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc and copper. The brazil nut is also a good source of arginine (an amino acid that promotes blood clotting) and flavonoids, an important antioxidant and preventive element against cardiovascular disease and cancer. The brazil nut contains fat, which is an unsaturated fat that helps lower cholesterol. This large crescent-shaped nut contains alpha-linolenic acid, which is converted in the human body into omega-3, a fatty acid that reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. But Brazil nuts are used not only for food, the oil obtained from it is considered the best oil for lubricating watches.

Philippines (Republic of the Philippines)

Territory - 299.7 thousand km 2. Population - 43.7 million people (1977 estimate). The climate is subequatorial, oceanic, in some places monsoonal. The average annual temperature is 25-26°. The amount of precipitation is 1000-4000 mm per year, in the inner valleys - 800-1000 mm. Devastating typhoons are frequent.

The forest fund is represented by tropical rainforests, which occupy 46% of the country's territory. There are more than 3 thousand tree species in them, of which 60 species are of commercial value.

The forests of the Philippines are divided into several categories. In terms of area (up to 75% of the forest fund of all the islands) and in terms of timber stock, the most significant are tropical rainforests located in the lower mountain belt up to a height of 500-800 m. They consist of complex multi-tiered forest stands with an upper layer height of 40-50 m. many large evergreen trees, palms and lianas of economic importance. Valuable species are harvested in them, giving solid wood of various shades - from light yellow to dark brown. The most common species are representatives of the dipterocarp family of the Shorea genus (they make up almost 50% of the stock of these forests): tanhile, or many-seeded Shorea (Shorea polysperma), Mayapis, or Palosapis Shoreya (Sh. palosapis), red luan, or Negro Shoreya (Sh. negrosensis), guijo, or guizo shoreya (Sh. guiso), almon, or almon shoreya (Sh. almon), as well as pentacme - white luan (Pentacme contorta), giving almost 20% of the stock of dipterocarp forests; from the genus dipterocarpus - apitong, or large-flowered dipterocarpus (D. grandiflorus), with hardwood, widely used in the construction of buildings; from the Khopei family - yakal with a very hard and durable wood used in the construction of bridges. Of the legumes, there are large narra trees, or Indian pterocarpus (Pterocarpus indicus), as well as erythrophleum, or Philippine redwood (Erythrophleum densiflorum).

In drier places, mainly on limestone soils, sparse tropical vitex forests of small-flowered prune, or molave ​​(Vitex parviflora), are common; other valuable breeds are also found there: pterocarpus, pahudia (Rahudia rhomboidea), intsia (Intsia bijuga), albizia akle (Albizzia acle), etc.

Above 800 - 900 m, tropical mountain forests stretch, dominated by evergreen oaks (Quercus luzoniensis, etc.), myrtle, maple, ancient coniferous stems (Podocarpus glaucus and P. pilgerii), Wallich yew, tree ferns (Cyathea contaminans, etc.). ); in the undergrowth - evergreen shrubs, in the ground cover - numerous stemless ferns, mosses, lichens. The belt of mountain moss forests is closed by low-growing oaks, eugenia (Eugenia acrophila), thorny evergreen shrubs, including individual trees and groves of yew (Taxus wallichiana), podocarpus, maples (Acer niveum). Tree branches are covered with mosses and lichens.

In some places, especially in the northern part of the island of Luzon, at an altitude of 1000 to 2000 m, pure pine forests grow, consisting of island pine (Pinus insularis) and mercus (P. mercusi), the wood of which is widely used for logging (props) ) used in gold mines. In the mountains, there is a coniferous almasiga, or white agathis (Agathis alba), which gives valuable copal resin for the manufacture of drying oil, varnishes, linoleum coatings, and is also used in the production of parchment paper, sealing wax, soap, etc.

The mouths of rivers and sea gently sloping shores in the tidal zone are characterized by mangrove forests and thickets of Avicennia officinalis (Avicennia officinalis), pointed rhizophora (Rhisophora mucronata), small-flowered brugiera (Bruguiera parviflora) and soneratia (Sonneratia spp.). Along the edge of the mangrove forests, the nipa palm is often found. The wood of the mangrove trees is used for fuel, and the bark is used to produce tanning extracts. Along the sandbanks behind the tidal strip, in many places, coastal forests have been preserved, consisting of terminalia catappa (Terminalia catappa), variegated erythrina (Erythrina variegata), barringtonia (Barr ington ia asiatica), calophyllum (Calophyllum inophyllum), horsetail casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia ), as well as roofing pandanus (Pandanus tectorius).

A significant area is occupied by coconut palm plantations, the total number of which has reached more than 170 million trees. The collection of copra from them amounted to 1.7-1.8 million tons.

Since 1768, the textile banana (Musa textilis) has been bred in the Philippines. From its leaves, a strong fiber is obtained - "Manila hemp", or abaca (collection in 1975 - 125 thousand tons), which is exported in significant quantities. Rubber plants, coffee tree, edible bananas (collection - 1.2 million tons), pineapples, sugar cane, rice are also bred.

The forest fund of the country is 15.9 million hectares, including forest area - 13.8 million hectares, of which 12.7 million hectares are occupied by closed forests. Most of the forests (96%) belong to the state, the rest (4%) belong to private owners. The forests are dominated by mixed deciduous stands: they occupy 98.5% of closed forests. The share of mangroves accounts for 450 thousand hectares, or about 3%, conifers - 205 thousand, or 1.5%.

The total stock of wood (with a tree diameter exceeding 15 cm at chest height) is 1990 million m 3 . The average stock of timber per 1 ha is 124 m 3 , of which 70 m 3 in coniferous forests and 124 m 3 in deciduous forests. Wood harvesting is carried out both for domestic needs of the country and for export. The total volume of logging in 1973 amounted to 34.9 million m 3 , timber, including commercial timber - 13.8 million m 3 (for export - 7.7 million m 3 ). From it produce lumber, plywood, wood boards, cardboard, paper. In addition to wood, the country's forests provide a variety of forest products: tannin extract of catechu, resins, rosin, gutta-percha, rubber, oils, rattan, fibers, wax, medicinal raw materials (in particular, for the treatment of leprosy, rheumatism, for neutralizing poisons, exterminating harmful insects, etc.). d.).

Forest management is carried out by the Bureau of Forestry (Forestry Development Bureau). The territory of the country is divided into forest districts with departments in administrative centers, which are subordinate to forest stations and forest nurseries. Protective forests are allocated on the tops of the mountains. Forest cultures occupy more than 175 thousand hectares, including pine cultures - 40 thousand hectares. Plantings are carried out annually (1972-1974) on an area of ​​12-13 thousand hectares.

In order to protect natural resources, on the basis of a 1953 law, the Philippines organized the Committee for the Development of National Parks, under which 42 national parks (235 thousand hectares) and several reserves were created. The largest is the Apo National Park (77 thousand hectares) on the island of Mindanao. It is protected by tropical forests with a large number of orchids. Selected parks on the country's largest island - Luzon. These are Banahao-San Cristobal, Bikol, Bulusan, Data, Isarog and others. The area of ​​each park is 5-10 thousand hectares. They protect tropical evergreen, dipterocarp, pine, palm, humid mountain coniferous forests with tree ferns, volcanic mountains with active volcanoes, etc.

In the nature that surrounds us, quite often there are breathtaking unique phenomena. Miracles happen almost everywhere, and for many phenomena, a person still does not have any reasonable explanations.

But most of the amazing phenomena we have the opportunity to observe only in certain places - where there are special conditions created by nature.

Eucalyptus is native to Mindanao.

Take, for example, the Philippine Islands. This is one of those places where nature has not stinted on miracles, and a person can enjoy incredible phenomena everywhere.

The Philippines gave the world whole forests of colorful bright trees, when you look at them you understand that you are in a fairy tale. These trees are called, this miracle of nature is the rainbow eucalyptus.

Since childhood, we all believe that Australia is the birthplace of such a tree as eucalyptus. But this is not entirely true.

If you take the rainbow eucalyptus, then its homeland is a Philippine island called Mindanao. In these places, it may seem that the magician took a huge brush and walked through all the trees with colorful paints!

Eucalyptus bark

The rainbow eucalyptus got its name from its bark. It actually resembles a rainbow and shimmers with all rainbow colors: red, orange, yellow, brown, blue, purple, purple and green.

For this very reason, the word rainbow has become the most appropriate name for these amazing trees.

It fully characterizes this rich spectrum of colors and shades of bark. The tree can reach a height of 75 meters, and the diameter of the trunk is more than two meters.

Eucalyptus and its coloring

If any of you manage to see this tree up close, you immediately get the feeling that its bark is as if painted with multi-colored paints. As if an abstract artist did his best here.

But the thing is that only mother nature worked here - she created all these unthinkable spots and stripes.

All these multi-colored overflows are intended by nature in order to show the age of a given tree.

The thing is that in these trees the bark tends to peel off often, but not in a completely whole plate, but only in small strips.

At the place where the piece exfoliated, a bright greenish spot instantly forms, some time passes, and the bright green spot becomes darker, changes its original color first to purple, then yellow, brown, blue, and last but not least this the area becomes bright orange or brown-crimson.

Where does eucalyptus grow

The rainbow eucalyptus is the only species of this tree that grows in the northern hemisphere and was discovered over a hundred years ago. Time passed, and the seeds from this plant were brought to South America, China, Malaysia, and even to many points of the globe with a temperate climate.

There they took root well, due to the fact that this tree perfectly tolerates the local climate, which cannot be said about its other species.

Despite the ability to exist in a temperate climate in its homeland, the Philippine Islands, the rainbow eucalyptus grows in the humid tropics and is an evergreen tree.

Today this wonderful tree can be seen in New Britain, the forests of New Guinea, Sulawesi, Seram.

Eucalyptus height

But not only the coloring, unique in every sense of the word, brought fame to this tree. He has another uniqueness - this is height.

A large number of rainbow eucalyptus trees reach a height of seventy meters, but such growth is not the limit for this tree.

You may not believe it, but individual specimens can reach ninety meters in height. And one more fact is truly amazing - in a year such a tree grows no less than ten meters. This is a real record in the plant world.

By all appearances, it turns out that we live in a phenomenal world, the mysteries of which have not yet been even half solved, and new wonders are being revealed to people again and again.