Late autumn... Vegetables have already been harvested, preparations for the winter have been made and safely hidden in the cellar. It seems to be too early to open them, but I don’t feel like preparing salads from cucumbers and tomatoes bought in the store. They are very different in taste and smell from vegetables, carefully grown and carefully collected with their own hands from their own garden. But here the eye stumbles upon the cabbage. Here it is, the solution! Elastic, most recently cut heads of cabbage themselves just ask for cabbage salads. Now is the time for them. And useful, and tasty, and a variety of family can be pampered. No desire to cook a salad from the usual white cabbage? Kohlrabi, Brussels, Savoy, cauliflower and broccoli are at your service.

Cabbage in salads goes well with other vegetables and fruits: carrots, apples, horseradish, beets, onions and green onions, celery, dill and parsley, garlic, as well as meat, cheese and other products. Thanks to this excellent quality, cabbage salad recipes are not just a lot, but extremely many - both simpler and more complicated. In a word, for every taste. So, let's go on a prescription journey, where wonderful and varied coleslaws rule the show.

300 g cabbage
2 carrots
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
salt, herbs.

Thinly chop the cabbage, salt and lightly remember with your hands until the juice is released. Add grated carrots and mix with cabbage. Make a dressing from the oil and vinegar by simply mixing them together and pour over the salad. Once again, mix everything thoroughly and let the finished dish brew for 20 minutes in the refrigerator. Serve garnished with greens.

200 g cabbage
1 beet,
1 carrot
1 bunch of green onions
1 tsp wine vinegar,
1 tbsp sesame oil,
1 tsp grainy mustard,
salt - to taste.

Cut the carrots and beets into thin strips or grate for Korean salads, chop the cabbage, salt and lightly remember with your hands. Cut green onions into rings. Mix all the ingredients, dress the salad with a mixture of sesame oil, wine vinegar, mustard and salt.

White cabbage salad "Autumn Tale"

400 g cabbage
200 g tomatoes,
200 g fresh cucumbers,
2 boiled eggs
200 g sour cream
salt, herbs.

Cut the cabbage into thin strips, grind with salt. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into thin slices, eggs into circles. Put all the ingredients, except eggs, in a salad bowl, salt to taste, season with sour cream, mix and decorate with egg slices and herbs.

200 g cabbage
300 g chicken fillet,
100 g cheese
a few cherry tomatoes
croutons, salt, pepper, mayonnaise.

Shred the cabbage. Salt the chicken fillet, pepper and fry in vegetable oil. Cut the cheese into small cubes, the chicken fillet into medium cubes. Put everything in a salad bowl, salt, pepper, season with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with croutons before serving and garnish with cherry tomatoes.

400 g cabbage
1 boiled chicken breast,
200 g pasta (boiled)
1 carrot
2-3 green onion feathers,
2 tbsp sesame seeds,
2 tbsp almond,
3 tbsp table vinegar,
4 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tbsp Sahara,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Chop the cabbage into thin strips and remember a little with your hands. Grate carrots on a coarse grater and mix with cabbage, add green onions there. Cut the chicken breast into cubes. Lightly toast the sesame seeds to enhance the flavor. Chop the almonds and also fry a little. Make a dressing with vinegar, oil, salt, sugar, and pepper. Combine all ingredients, season with prepared sauce and mix. Let the salad stand for 20 minutes before serving.

White cabbage salad with sweet peppers and ham

300 g cabbage
150 g lean ham
2 sweet peppers
1 onion
2 tomatoes
1 fresh cucumber
100 g mayonnaise,

Chop the cabbage, salt, grind with your hands. Cut pepper and ham into strips, tomatoes and cucumbers into slices. Pour boiling water over the onion and chop. Mix all the ingredients, salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise.

500 g cabbage
200 g smoked sausage,
1 carrot
1 apple
250 g mayonnaise,
salt, parsley - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage and rub with salt. Grate carrots and an apple on a coarse grater, cut the smoked sausage into small cubes. Combine all products, mix and season with mayonnaise. Garnish the finished salad with parsley.

200 g cabbage
50 g boiled shrimp,
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tbsp soy sauce,
salt, sugar, green onions - to taste.

Chop the cabbage into thin strips, lightly remember with your hands, season with oil and soy sauce, add salt and sugar to taste and mix. Sprinkle with shrimp and green onions before serving.

White cabbage salad with smoked cheese

500 g cabbage
100-200 g sausage smoked cheese,
1 carrot
garlic, pepper, salt, mayonnaise - to taste.

Chop the cabbage as finely as possible, grate the carrots and cheese on a coarse grater, pass the garlic through a press. Mix, season with salt, pepper, season with mayonnaise.

200 g sauerkraut,
200 g pickled mushrooms,
1 onion
50 g celery stalk
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
cumin, dill, salt - to taste.

Cut the mushrooms into small slices, the celery stalk into circles, chop the onion and dill. Mix products, season with vegetable oil.

400 g cabbage
200 g Korean carrots,
1 sweet pepper
3 tbsp vegetable oil,
green onions, salt, pepper - to taste.

Thinly chop the cabbage, salt and lightly remember with your hands. Then add Korean carrots, chopped peppers, chopped green onions to it, salt, pepper, season with vegetable oil and mix.

300 g cabbage
1 stack prunes,
1 carrot
2 tbsp. l. olive oil,
sugar, cumin, lemon juice - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage, scald it with boiling water, put it in a colander and let it drain. Sprinkle with salt and sugar, add grated carrots. Cut prunes into small pieces. Mix all the ingredients, add cumin, oil and sprinkle with lemon juice, put the salad in a salad bowl and garnish with prunes.

100 g of white cabbage,
100 g red cabbage
150 g ham
2 boiled eggs
2 pickles,
2 tomatoes
dill and parsley,
vegetable oil,
lemon juice,
salt - to taste.

Cut both types of cabbage into thin strips, sprinkle with salt and rub with your hands. Mix together the vegetable oil, lemon juice and pour over the cabbage. Finely chop the ham, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggs, chop the greens. Add everything to the cabbage, salt and mix.

300 g cabbage
100 g apples
50 g green onions,
100 g mayonnaise,
1 tsp table vinegar,
salt - to taste.

Salt the shredded cabbage, sprinkle with vinegar and lightly grind with your hands. Grate the apples on a coarse grater, finely chop the green onions. Combine all ingredients and season with mayonnaise.

500 g cabbage
1 stack white boiled beans,
2 boiled eggs
7 bulbs
3-4 tbsp vegetable oil,
sugar, salt, table vinegar, red wine - to taste.

Shred the cabbage as finely as possible. Put in boiling water and cook for 4 minutes. Then drain in a colander, rinse with cold water, sprinkle with vinegar or red wine, mix with beans and finely chopped onions. Season the mass with sugar, salt, pour vegetable oil. Sprinkle the salad with finely chopped eggs on top.

1 head of cabbage
100 g bacon
100 g hard cheese,
1 bunch of green lettuce
3-4 green onions,
3 tbsp sour cream
3 tbsp mayonnaise,
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
salt, pepper - to taste.

Separate the cauliflower into small florets and boil in salted water for 10 minutes. Cut the bacon into thin strips, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, cut the green onion into small rings. From mayonnaise, sour cream, apple cider vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper, prepare the sauce. Fill them with prepared foods and mix. Arrange lettuce leaves on a serving platter and top with a salad.

1 kg cauliflower,
100 g fried eggplant,
1 onion
1 raw egg
50 g prunes (pitted)
green peas, greens - to taste,
For sauce:
200 g mayonnaise,
100 g sour cream
2 tbsp Chile,
ground black pepper, salt - to taste.

Separate the cauliflower into florets, dip each floret in a beaten egg, then roll in breadcrumbs and fry in oil until browned. Chop the prunes and herbs, chop the onion into rings. Combine the fried cabbage with prepared ingredients, add peas and eggplant.
For dressing, mix all the indicated ingredients, pour dressing over the salad, mix, cool and serve.

400 g Brussels sprouts
100 g tomatoes,
100 g sweet pepper,
100 g green onions,
1 onion
3 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 lemon
sugar, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cut each head of cabbage into small slices, cut the onion into half rings, chop the green onion. Chop the tomatoes and sweet pepper. Combine all vegetables, pour over lemon juice and refrigerate for 2 hours. Then season the salad with sugar, ground black pepper to taste, season with vegetable oil and mix.

1 kohlrabi,
1 radish
1 pickled cucumber
1 onion
4 tbsp vegetable oil,
pepper, salt, herbs - to taste.

Grate kohlrabi and radish on a coarse grater, mix with pickled cucumber, chopped into thin strips, chopped onion, salt and pepper. Season the salad with vegetable oil, mix and garnish with herbs.

250 g broccoli,
12 cherry tomatoes
80 g mozzarella,
1 tbsp chopped red onion,
1 tbsp red wine vinegar,
olive oil,
salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Boil broccoli florets in salted water for 3 minutes. Drain in a colander, rinse with cold water, let dry a little and put in a bowl. Add the onion and halved cherry tomatoes, drizzle the oil and wine vinegar over the vegetables and toss gently. Put the vegetables on a flat dish, put the mozzarella cut into thin slices on top, salt and pepper to taste.

1 fork broccoli
200 g champignons,
100 g walnuts,
2 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tbsp sesame oil,
1 tbsp soy sauce,
1 tbsp chopped ginger,
salt pepper.

Separate the broccoli into florets and steam for 2 minutes, then immediately rinse with cold water to preserve the color. Prepare a marinade from vegetable and sesame oil, soy sauce, minced garlic, ginger, salt and pepper. Cut the mushrooms into pieces and put in the marinade. Then add broccoli to the same place and leave to marinate for 2 hours at room temperature. Fry the walnuts in a dry frying pan, chop some of them, decorate the finished salad with the remaining halves.

Chinese cabbage salad with rice and crab sticks

200 g Beijing cabbage,
4 boiled eggs
200 g crab sticks,
150 g rice
1 onion
1 can of canned corn
salt, pepper, mayonnaise - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage, boil the rice, finely chop the eggs and crab sticks, chop the onion. Mix the prepared ingredients, add corn, salt, pepper, add mayonnaise and mix the finished salad.

It would seem that it could be easier than cabbage salads. An, no, each of them is a unique and inimitable masterpiece of culinary art. Vitamin cabbage salads are especially useful right now, in the off-season, so choose any and cook with pleasure!

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

What kind of fresh cabbage salad can be prepared? First of all, it depends on the type of cabbage, because they prepare cabbage salads, Chinese cabbage salad, cauliflower salad, red cabbage salad, Chinese cabbage salad, Brussels sprout salad, blue cabbage salad or purple cabbage, savoy cabbage salad, broccoli cabbage salad, kohlrabi cabbage salad. Salad with fresh cabbage is of course more healthy, although boiled cabbage salad is also prepared. If you want to make fresh cabbage salad, recipes may contain more than just cabbage. Coleslaw often contains other vegetables and fruits as well. Examples include coleslaw and carrots, cucumber and coleslaw, coleslaw with peppers, coleslaw with corn, coleslaw with apples, coleslaw with tomatoes, coleslaw with beets. Red cabbage salad, among other things, looks very beautiful. We also recommend cauliflower salads. Recipes often use boiled or pickled cabbage, but fresh cauliflower salad is also prepared. Beijing cabbage salads have a delicate texture, there are different recipes with Beijing cabbage, from vegetarian to meat and fish. Broccoli, kohlrabi and other types of cabbage are more unusual for us, but they can make a very original cabbage salad. A salad recipe with cabbage and other fresh vegetables and fruits is also often called vitamin salad with cabbage. Cabbage is the basis, fillers can be almost anything. Sometimes a coleslaw recipe uses a grain, such as coleslaw and rice, and a meat, coleslaw, and chicken. And even sausage, because there is a recipe for cabbage salad with sausage. Finally, you can also use seafood by preparing crab salad with cabbage. All you need to make this salad is crab sticks and cabbage. Now about how to cook cabbage salad. As you know, any woman can do three things in five minutes: a scandal, a haircut and a salad. First of all, this refers to salads made from fresh white cabbage, which is really prepared very quickly and simply. If you want coleslaw with vinegar, add vinegar, if coleslaw with mayonnaise - poured mayonnaise. Cabbage salad with vinegar perfectly warms up the appetite, it is good to eat before the main course, like all salads.

Cabbage salad can be prepared all year round. In the spring, you can make a salad of young cabbage and a spring cabbage salad with seasonal vegetables in the summer. Finally, in winter, sauerkraut salad and canned coleslaw are at your service. To do this, it would be nice to learn how to cook cabbage salad for the winter. Canning cabbage salads is a good way to provide yourself with vitamins for the whole winter. When you want something crispy and sour in winter, cabbage preservation will help you out; salads prepared in this way are stored for several years. Cabbage salad for the winter can be prepared by salting or marinating. For lovers of spicy - Korean recipes, for example, Korean cabbage salad. Winter cabbage salad is rolled up in jars and stored in a cool place. For such a salad, white or cauliflower is suitable. Salad for the winter is also prepared with garlic, sweet pepper, it can be beetroot and cabbage salad. To serve not only delicious, but also beautifully decorated salad to the table, we recommend that you look at the recipes for salads with cabbage with a photo.

Hello! I’ll start my story today with a proverb: “Not a single mouth lives without cabbage.” Such a green-white charm really hurries to please us with its taste and juiciness. Dishes from it turn out to be divine, and, of course, salads can be attributed to these. We will talk about them, but they will be prepared exclusively from the fresh leaves of this vegetable.

In this note, I tried to collect a huge number of different recipes with different combinations of products. So that everyone can find and choose what they have been looking for for a long time. So, do not pass by and you will be shocked and pleasantly surprised. We will also consider options made in the classic version and completely new, about which you may hear for the first time.

The most distinctive feature is that such an appetizer is made quite simply and easily. Plus, such a salad is still very tasty and can be prepared quite quickly if there is very little time, and dinner is already waiting for its guests. And of course, recharge with vitamins, in terms of its composition, cabbage is unheard of rich in them.

So, choose and conjure in the kitchen right now and you will be happy.

Would you like to lose weight? And you can do without diets and eat such a delicacy immediately. There is nothing more accessible in my opinion, how to take white cabbage and combine with vegetable oil. Although there are still some nuances, but you will find out which ones right now.

What else can be added to this dish? The answer is - any greens and even berries, such as cranberries and grapes. An excellent combination would be with horseradish or radish, or with And of course with your favorite summer vegetables, such as cucumbers and tomatoes.

We will need:

  • cabbage - 1 kg
  • carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp


1. Wash the white-headed beauty thoroughly under running water. Remove the upper leaves, if they are terrible. Take a special grater or use a regular chef's knife, chop into ribbons.

2. Peel and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

3. Then mix all the ingredients in a large and deep container. Start kneading with your hands until the juice is released. Salt and lightly squeeze again.

Hands should be thoroughly washed before work and be free of abrasions and wounds.

4. Season with vegetable oil and serve with a good attitude to any second course, for example, to.

A quick way to make kale salad for dinner

Do not know how you can conquer your man today? Make him a vitamin salad of all the freshest and juiciest. In this case, they will come to the rescue, masterpieces and pieces of summer. It will turn out very elegant and elegant.

Moreover, even those who do not like vegetables in principle will not resist, all because the serving will be beautiful and attractive. It is impossible to resist, and why exactly. Take a bigger spoon, open your mouth wider and gobble up for a sweet soul.

Did you know? Any cabbage of absolutely any variety contains a large amount of vitamin C. And the main merit is that its hard fibers are excellent for bowel function.

We will need:

  • white cabbage - 0.5 veil about 350 g
  • tomato - 3 pcs.
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • garlic - a couple of cloves
  • mayonnaise
  • greenery


1. First of all, chop very soft and fresh cabbage leaves into strips. There are varieties with a rigid structure, this is usually used for

2. Cucumbers need to be cut in a similar way to resemble sticks.

3. Chop the tomatoes into slices or feathers.

4. Chop green onions, garlic cloves and dill into small pieces with a knife. Combine everything in one bowl, salt and stir.

5. Dressing in the form of mayonnaise, add immediately and mix. Serve in special bowls or make a special serving using molds.

Cooking with apple and carrot

Dedicated to gourmets of extravagant tastes as well as lovers of the sweeter. Yes, kids will also appreciate this charm, because everyone loves apples. In fact, this is an interesting combination that is very savory and unusually tender.

You can call this culinary creation a recipe for every day. And by the way, you can take any variety, even colored or Beijing.

Interesting! Cole slow. What are these strange words? It turns out that they characterize American cuisine, this is the name of the most famous cabbage salad in America, only raisins are also added to the apple.

We will need:

  • head of cabbage
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • sunflower oil
  • parsley
  • turnip onion - 1 head
  • dill


1. Peel off the peel from the apple, it will obviously only stiffen and interfere. Then chop into square-shaped pieces, such dies.

2. Chop well-washed cabbage into thin feathers. You can use a shredder as an alternative.

3. Put chopped cabbage in a plate, then diced onions. Salt. Add lemon juice, stir with a fork to release fragrant juice.

4. Sprinkle with chopped dill and parsley, decorate as you wish.

Stir the dish exclusively with a fork, so it will look more airy.

Vitamin appetizer from cabbage, as in the dining room

Probably the older generation remembers this same taste. They often had to dine in cafes or canteens. This is something we can't afford in our time. Therefore, especially, for those who have nostalgia for the Soviet Union, I offer this simple version. Do it together with the blogger of this video.

A treat of peppers, carrots and onions with vinegar

Spring vegetable salad, which is like any occasion, be it a holiday or some kind of celebration. Or maybe just today you have a dinner party with your family. It is a vegetarian variety.

This masterpiece will be made with a special marinade, which will give a great and lasting taste.

From this amount of products, approximately 2 liters of ready-made snacks in a jar will be obtained.

We will need:

  • White cabbage - about 1000 g
  • Onion - 1 head
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 90 ml
  • Vinegar 6% - 45 ml
  • Salt - 1 tbsp
  • Sugar - 3-4 tablespoons


1. Refuel. Put sugar, salt, vinegar and vegetable oil in a bowl, mix.

2. On a coarse grater, or rather a vegetable cutter, chop cabbage, carrots and onions in half rings. Put all the vegetables on a baking sheet or in a bowl.

3. Remove the stalk and seeds from the bell pepper, chop into circles and place on top of all products. Pour out the dressing.

4. Stir everything thoroughly with your hands, do it carefully and in this case you do not need to knead. Otherwise, the cabbage will turn out soft and will not crunch.

Leave to lie down in the marinade and heat for 30-40 minutes.

5. Store in the refrigerator in a jar and eat immediately or better the next day. Bon appetit!

Salad with smoked sausage and croutons - a simple recipe

We will need:

  • Any kind of cabbage, even Peking cabbage will do
  • Semi-smoked and boiled sausage - 245 g
  • Boiled eggs - 4-5 pcs.
  • Canned corn in a jar - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp
  • Shop crackers - packaging


1. Chop the cabbage into strips. Then pass the boiled eggs through a vegetable cutter or cut into cubes with a knife.

3. Sprinkle with mayonnaise, stir and sprinkle with croutons on top. Serve immediately so that the croquettes do not soften.

Yes, and preferably take them in the form of sticks, so that there is one style.

Unusual fresh cabbage salad with sour cream and garlic

When there are no more ingredients on hand, except for a head of cabbage. Then, this cooking method will come to the rescue. Just add a couple of cloves of garlic and the vitamin potion is ready. And you can fill it with vegetable or olive oil.

We will need:

  • red cabbage - 300 g
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp
  • salt and pepper
  • parsley


1. Chop the cabbage in any convenient way. But, do it in such a way that it is convenient to put it in your mouth later.

2. Chop the parsley, pass the garlic through the press. Bring two tablespoons of sour cream and make sure that the mass is the same consistency. Take salt and pepper and add as much as you like.

3. Looks nice, crunchy and fragrant in the mouth. Put a leaf on top, you can sprinkle with sesame seeds.

How to cook cabbage salad with crab sticks and corn

We talked about this for a long time already. But, I would like to mention this dish now. After all, crab sticks have entered our lives like seafood. And they have already become not guests, but permanent residents of our stores and, accordingly, holiday preparations.

We will need:

  • crab meat or sticks - about 180 g
  • fresh cucumber - 2 small pcs.
  • fresh white cabbage - 290 g
  • canned corn in a jar - 1 pack
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • mayonnaise
  • dill
  • onion - head


1. Finely chop the chilled crab sticks with a knife into circles. Take them only thawed or chilled.

2. Cut the cucumber into small pieces to make cubes, along with boiled eggs. Pass the fresh queen - cabbage through a vegetable cutter to make feathers, stir in a deep container.

3. Then send the corn, drain the juice from the jar and finely chopped onions. Season with mayonnaise and stir. Get bright and bold. Garnish with a sprig of dill. Bon appetit!

Culinary creation with lemon dressing

In just a couple of minutes, you will create such a miracle from which everyone will simply go crazy. Watch your fingers do not swallow or bite off. A secret sauce called Minutka is used.

This dressing is universal, suitable for any other types of salads.

And you will need nothing at all, there are so few ingredients that you don’t have to write it down. Read everything yourself.

We will need:


1. Take 4-5 tablespoons of vegetable oil and combine with one tablespoon of lemon juice. Plus put granulated sugar and salt. And also be sure to ground pepper, stir.

2. Finely chop the cabbage. Do the same with dill and green onions.

4. Pour in the dressing, immediately the aroma is magical. It would be even better if the bowl with the contents stands and brews for a couple of hours under the lid. Take a test, friends!

Salad, as in the dining room with vinegar and sugar

But we are all already bored with this dish, and now it has finally come, the very time when you can make it with basins). As well as by the way. Ran to create and translate into reality.

We will need:

  • cabbage -250 g
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • vinegar 7% - 1 tbsp
  • olive or vegetable oil - 1 tbsp


1. Chop cabbage and carrots into strips, or use a grater. And chop the onion into cubes. Combine these three ingredients in a bowl. Remember them with your hands.

Vinegar essence can be taken apple, table and even rice.

2. Leave to marinate, and then use as directed. Happy discoveries.

Recipe with peas and mayonnaise for every day

The homemade version that I got from my mother, one day she took and mixed an open jar of peas with cabbage, she liked it so much. This is what he often does now. Try it and check out this innovation.

We will need:

  • white or red cabbage - 200 g
  • onion - 0.5 pcs.
  • canned peas - 1 jar
  • any sausage at the discretion - 190 g
  • sour cream - a couple of tablespoons


1. Take the food and cut it arbitrarily as you like. You can do it in pieces or straws. Drain all liquid from the can of peas.

How will you do, write notes below, we will discuss. Probably, who is used to it.

2. Add sour cream and voila, you're almost done.

3. Stir and garnish with herbs. Do not forget to salt, and you can also pepper so that it is not bland.

Cabbage salad with cucumber

Imagine nothing more. Everything will be juicy, and most importantly useful. These two vegetables are perfect for each other. After all, not only summer snacks are made from them, but salads are also twisted in the winter. So, do not pass by, try.

In fact. Cabbage is a unique fruit of nature, because it goes absolutely perfectly with any vegetable.

We will need:

  • white cabbage - with a pound
  • fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • dill twigs
  • green onions with feathers
  • mayonnaise or vegetable oil


1. Chop young cucumbers into small pieces in the form of cubes. If you use old fruits, then cut off the skin from them, but it will be rude.

2. Chop the greens of dill and onion with feathers with a hatchet or knife. Chop the cabbage into small, as well as thin chips. Mix the ingredients in one bowl and season with vegetable oil or mayonnaise. Salt. Stir and treat to health!

Korean homemade cabbage

I will dedicate a separate post to this topic soon. Because now this dish is gaining momentum with great speed, all because it is incomparably tasty. But, not everyone will appreciate it, those who do not like spicy food will not even try it. But all other fans certainly will not stand aside.

We will need:

As you can see, not so many products are needed, but you will now learn how to cook this miracle correctly if you click on the launch button for this video from the YouTube channel. Enjoy watching, gentlemen.

What a pity, but my story has come to an end. I hope you are not tired of so many ideas. I invite you to visit my page again tomorrow. After all, the site is constantly updated and new interesting dishes appear again and again.

Write, read, leave your opinion. Bye everyone, and as always, have a great day or night!

A woman in a matter of

minutes can do

three things: scandal,hairstyle

and salad.

Surely, the one who said this wonderful phrase obviously meant fresh cabbage salads, because they really cook incredibly quickly. It is simply impossible to spoil fresh cabbage salads, they are so easy to prepare. And how desirable they are at any time of the year and for any reason! They can act as a great addition to meat dishes, as well as a daily vitamin supplement to our diet, and simply bring incredible pleasure from the most delicate and appetizing crunch of fresh and juicy cabbage in a salad.

The leading role in such salads is assigned, of course, to cabbage, but a wide variety of products can play the role of its additional assistants: vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, radishes, carrots, beets, bell peppers), greens, fruits (apples, oranges , lemons) and even berries, such as cranberries, with which cabbage maintains the closest friendly relations. Salads from fresh cabbage can be prepared not only from white cabbage, but also from red or Peking cabbage, and you can season them with vinegar, mayonnaise, sour cream - that's what anyone likes.

Do you want something hearty, but at the same time light and tasty? Then pay close attention to fresh cabbage salads with chicken, beef, sausage or even sprats, which will perfectly cope with the role of an independent dish. "Culinary Eden" offers you a selection of the simplest and most interesting fresh cabbage salads.

Fresh cabbage salad "Simple, but very tasty!"

300 g fresh cabbage,
1 carrot
1 apple
½ bunch of green dill,
green onions - to taste
1 tsp Sahara,
1 st. l. lemon juice
4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
salt, a mixture of peppers - to taste.

Cut the cabbage into thin strips, grate the carrot and apple on a coarse grater, chop the dill and green onion. Mix all the vegetables, rub them lightly with your hands. To prepare the dressing, combine sugar, salt, lemon juice, oil, add a mixture of peppers to taste, mix and season the salad.

Cabbage salad with sour cream, dill, beets and green onions

500 g white cabbage,
300 g boiled beets,
100 g green onions,
50 g dill,
200 g sour cream
1 st. l. mustard,
50 ml olive oil

Finely chop the cabbage and crush it in a bowl with your hands so that the cabbage gives juice, salt, pepper and leave for 30 minutes. Cut the beets into thin strips, chop the green onions and dill. Mix sour cream with olive oil and mustard. Pour this dressing over the salad and toss.

Vegetable salad of fresh cabbage with green cucumber "Spring"

300 g of white cabbage,
1 apple
2 fresh cucumbers
1 onion
2 tbsp. l. sour cream
1 st. l. mayonnaise,
salt, pepper, parsley or dill - to taste.

Chop the cabbage and cucumbers into thin strips, chop the onion and herbs, grate the peeled apple on a coarse grater. Mix all the ingredients, salt, pepper, season with a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise.

Salad of fresh white cabbage, sweet pepper and sunflower seeds

¼ head of cabbage
1 apple
1 red bell pepper,
½ bunch of parsley
½ red onion
1 pinch of coriander seeds,
1 pinch of black allspice,
1 pinch of cumin seeds,
1 pinch of turmeric
1 pinch of salt
1 st. l. sunflower seeds,
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Chop the cabbage into strips, transfer it to a bowl, salt and remember a little with your hands. Then add the onion cut into thin half rings to the cabbage and mix. Peeled pepper cut into thin strips and lay out to the total mass. Grate the apple and, adding it to the salad mass, mix everything well again. Next, add chopped parsley to the salad. In a heated frying pan without adding oil, roast the sunflower seeds, stirring quickly, for 20 seconds. Add them to your salad immediately afterwards. In a pepper grinder, grind the coriander, cumin and allspice seeds (3-4 revolutions will be enough). Put the resulting mixture into the salad, add a little turmeric, season the finished salad with sunflower oil and mix well.

Fresh cabbage salad with vegetables "Monomakh"

300 g of white cabbage,
1-2 fresh cucumbers
1 yellow sweet pepper
1 red bell pepper,
1 tsp Sahara,
½ st. l. vinegar,
parsley, salt, cranberries - to taste,
3-4 st. l. vegetable oil.

Finely chop the cabbage, sprinkle it with salt, rub it lightly with your hands and put it in a bowl. Cut sweet pepper into half rings, cut cucumbers into halves of circles. Chop greens and add to vegetables. In a small bowl, mix sunflower oil, vinegar and sugar. Season the salad with the resulting marinade, mix, put in a salad bowl and garnish with cranberries.

Salad "Colorful mood"

500 g white cabbage,
200 g canned corn,
2-3 fresh tomatoes
1 bunch of greens
mayonnaise and salt - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage, chop the greens, cut the tomatoes into slices, cut the onion into half rings. Put all the ingredients in a salad bowl and season with salt. Season the salad with mayonnaise.

Salad of cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, ham and corn flakes "Rainbow"

250 g white cabbage,
200 g ham
2 cucumbers
2 tomatoes
90 g corn flakes,
150 g mayonnaise.

Cut the ham and cucumbers into strips, finely chop the cabbage and remember with your hands, cut the tomato into circles. In a deep bowl, lay in layers: cereal, ham, a layer of mayonnaise, cucumbers, thinly chopped cabbage, a layer of mayonnaise, spread the top layer with tomato circles.

Cabbage salad with pineapple, croutons and garlic

300 g of white cabbage,
1 sweet pepper
½ carrot,
200 g canned pineapples,
1-2 garlic cloves,
1 can of corn
1 pack of crackers
greens, mayonnaise - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage, grind it with salt to give juice, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the greens. Canned pineapple cut into small pieces, pepper strips, garlic pass through the press. Combine all the ingredients, add corn, croutons to them, season with mayonnaise, mix and serve immediately so that the croutons do not have time to soak.

Salad of cabbage, ginger, nuts and parsley

½ small head of cabbage
1 sweet pepper
½ tsp grated ginger
1 st. l. vegetable oil,
1 st. l. crushed nuts,
1 bunch of parsley
salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Combine shredded cabbage, thinly sliced ​​red peppers, nuts and parsley. In a small bowl, mix vegetable oil, chopped ginger, salt and pepper. Add the resulting mixture to the salad and mix well.

Fresh red cabbage salad with cashews

200 g red cabbage
2 carrots
2 tbsp. l. chopped and roasted cashews
2 tbsp. l. chopped parsley and dill,
1.5 st. l. balsamic vinegar,
1 tsp lemon juice
salt - to taste.

Grate the carrots on a fine grater and squeeze. Finely chop the cabbage. Mix cabbage, carrots and cashews. For dressing, mix vegetable oil with lemon juice and vinegar. Season the salad with the finished mixture, salt to taste and garnish with fresh herbs.

Salad of fresh Beijing cabbage "Chinese"

1 head of Beijing cabbage,
1 can of canned green peas
1 can of corn
1 tomato
3-4 pickles,
6 art. l. sour cream
salt, pepper - to taste.

Shred the cabbage. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into small cubes. Mix vegetables, add peas and corn, salt, pepper, season with sour cream and mix.

Fresh cabbage salad with pomegranate

300 g of white cabbage,
1 stack pomegranate seeds,
1 stack chopped walnuts (or to taste)
190 g pitted raisins,
100 g mayonnaise,
salt - to taste.

Soak raisins in cold water for 1 hour. Finely chop the cabbage, salt and just mix. Mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise and send the finished salad for 2 hours in the refrigerator so that it is well soaked.

Cabbage salad with oranges and herbs

300 g of white cabbage,
2 oranges
1 bunch of basil
1 bunch dill,

3 art. l. apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp. l. olive oil (although any other vegetable oil will do)
salt, pepper - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage and rub it with a pinch of salt. Squeeze juice from one orange (you will need literally 2 tablespoons), peel the second, cut into slices, cut each slice into 4 parts. Coarsely chop the greens. Mix vinegar, orange juice and oil in a separate container, beat the resulting mass with a fork. In a salad bowl, combine cabbage, herbs, oranges and dressing, salt and pepper to taste and serve.

Salad "Experiment"

½ head of red cabbage
150 g boiled chicken breast,
1 onion
100 g canned corn,
1 sweet pepper
1 tomato
greens, salt, ground black pepper, mayonnaise - to taste.

Cut the boiled breast into small pieces. Shred the cabbage and grind it with salt. Cut sweet pepper into cubes, tomatoes into slices, onion into small cubes. Chop up the greens. Put all the ingredients in a salad bowl, salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise to taste.

Salad of fresh cabbage with smoked sausage "Lakomka"

300 g of white cabbage,
120 g smoked sausage,
1 carrot
200 g canned green peas
1 bunch of green onions
mayonnaise, salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage, rub it lightly with salt. Cut the smoked sausage into thin strips, green onions into small rings, grate the carrots on a grater for Korean carrots. Open a jar of green peas and drain the juice. Combine the prepared ingredients in a salad bowl, add salt, pepper to taste and season with mayonnaise.

Warm salad of fresh cabbage with pork and grapes "Pleasure"

300 g of white cabbage,
250 g of pork pulp,
150 g grapes
1 st. l wine vinegar
1 st. l. lemon juice
½ tsp honey,
fresh herbs, salt, pepper - to taste,
4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Rinse the pork, cut into thin slices and fry in hot vegetable oil, add salt and pepper to taste. Finely chop the cabbage, add salt and rub with your hands so that the cabbage absorbs the salt and releases the juice. To prepare the dressing, heat the honey, add vinegar, lemon juice and vegetable oil to it, mix everything well. Put the prepared cabbage in a salad bowl, pour over the dressing, add chopped fresh herbs and mix. Then put the fried pork in the salad and mix everything again. Cut the grapes into circles and sprinkle them over the salad. Serve warm.

Cabbage salad with apples, pickled cucumbers and meat

150 g red cabbage
150 g of white cabbage,
300 g pork or veal,
2 pickled cucumbers,
1 apple
1 onion
vegetable oil, mayonnaise, salt, pepper - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage, lightly knead it with your hands. Cut the apple, peeled from the skin and core, into thin strips. Cut the onion into thin cubes and fry in vegetable oil until transparent, cool and put it to the already prepared ingredients. Boil the meat until cooked and let it cool, cut into thin strips. Pickled cucumbers also cut into thin strips. Combine all the ingredients, salt, add pepper to taste, season with mayonnaise.

Fresh cabbage salad with rice and green peas "Tenderness itself"

½ head of cabbage
3 boiled carrots
4 tbsp. l. cooked rice,
3 boiled eggs
150 g canned green peas
a few green onions,
salt, pepper, dill and mayonnaise - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage, add salt, knead a little with your hands. Add rice, peas, diced eggs and carrots, green onions cut into small rings to the cabbage prepared for the salad, season the salad with black pepper and season with mayonnaise to taste.

Fresh cabbage salad with sprats

½ head of cabbage
1 jar of sprats,
1 onion
1 carrot
2-3 boiled potatoes,
mayonnaise - to taste.

Grate potatoes on a coarse grater, raw carrots on a fine grater. Finely chop the cabbage, rub it lightly with your hands to make it softer, chop the onion, break the sprats into 2-3 parts. Put the prepared ingredients on a dish in layers: sprats, onions, mayonnaise, potatoes, mayonnaise, carrots, cabbage. Let the finished salad stand for a while so that the layers are saturated with mayonnaise.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Let's make a fresh cabbage salad. As everyone knows, cabbage contains many vitamins and nutrients, so we continue to stock up for the coming winter with various useful things to strengthen our immunity.

Salads made from fresh cabbage are mostly very low in calories, and if you add more fresh herbs and season with olive oil, they are also very tasty.

Cabbage is a very versatile vegetable, which only dishes are not prepared from it. In sour, salty, sweet, spicy versions, it invariably has excellent taste qualities.

And let's not even talk about salads - quickly, simply and varied, cut it, added an onion, poured oil, the salad is ready, cut the cucumber, a new salad, seasoned with mayonnaise - a new taste.

Let's start cooking a salad of fresh cabbage. What? You choose

A simple salad of fresh cabbage and carrots with vinegar


  • Fresh cabbage - 300 gr.
  • Carrots of medium size - 1 pc.
  • Onion small head - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 - 2 tsp.
  • Table vinegar 9% - 1.5 tsp. (or to taste)
  • Salt to taste


  1. Finely chop the cabbage, salt to taste and mash well with your hands
  2. Grate carrots on a coarse grater
  3. Add thinly sliced ​​onion
  4. Add sugar, vinegar and oil
  5. Mix everything thoroughly, let stand for a while and mix again.
  6. Before serving, garnish with herbs and cranberries

Blue cabbage salad with smoked sausage



  1. Finely chop the cabbage

2. Cut the sausage into thin strips

3. We mix everything

4. Add sugar, salt to taste

6. Mix everything thoroughly

7. You can add canned peas to the salad if you wish.

Fresh cabbage salad like in a canteen or in a kindergarten


  • Cabbage - 500 gr.
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Pepper - a pinch


  1. Finely chop the cabbage

2. Having previously cut the skin from the cucumbers, cut into half slices

3. Cut the onion into thin half rings

4. Grate carrots on a medium grater

5. We remember everything so that the cabbage gives juice and becomes softer

6. Salt, pepper to taste, add vinegar

7. We mix everything

8. Add sugar, mix

9. Pour in the oil, mix

10. Put in the refrigerator for 2 hours

11. Before serving, you can decorate any desired greens

Young cabbage salad with cucumber and soy sauce

We use young cabbage for salad, it is desirable that the head of cabbage is not yet tight.

Salad of fresh cabbage, carrots and bell peppers


  • 1.5 kg cabbage
  • 300 gr. carrots
  • 300 gr. bell pepper
  • 300 gr. Luke
  • 105 gr. Sahara
  • 1.5 tablespoons of salt
  • 150 ml vegetable oil
  • 150 ml vinegar 9%


  1. Finely chop the cabbage

2. We rub carrots on a coarse grater

3. Pepper cut into thin strips

4. Cut the onion into thin half-slices

5. Pour in oil, add vinegar

7. Pour salt, mix everything thoroughly

8. We lay it out in jars and tamp it down properly so that the cabbage is in brine

Cabbage salad with sausage and cheese



  1. Cut the onion into small cubes, add vinegar and pour hot water
  2. Finely chop the cabbage
  3. Sausage cut into small cubes
  4. Cheese cut into small cubes
  5. Add onions, pre-wash with cold water
  6. Pour crackers, mix
  7. Dressed with mayonnaise, optionally salted
  8. Mix everything thoroughly
  9. The salad is served immediately to the table so that the crackers do not get wet.


  • 1 young cabbage
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 7 radishes
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 bunch green onions
  • 1 bunch dill or parsley
  • Vegetable oil


1. Hard boil eggs, cool, peel, cut into small cubes
2. Finely chop the cabbage
3. Cucumbers cut into thin half rings
4. Cut the radish into thin half rings
5. Finely chop the onion
6. Finely chop the greens
7. Salt, season with oil
8. Move carefully

3 young cabbage salad video recipe

I wish you a good harvest in the dachas so that you can delight your loved ones and friends with tasty and healthy salads. After all, to prepare such salads does not require a lot of time, special culinary skills and special products.