Preparing fish of noble varieties is not difficult at all. Sprinkled salmon with salt - and after 48 hours you have a delicious snack. Drizzled with cream and put in the oven, get an exquisite delicacy for lunch. But experienced housewives know how to serve even the simplest fish in such a way that saliva will flow. Today we are learning to pickle crucian carp so that it is really tasty.

Note to housewives

Of course, the fish is bony. This is especially true for small individuals. If your husband brought a net of small things from fishing, do not rush to scold him. By learning how to pickle crucian carp, you will get an excellent dish. What is the meaning of the marinade? Carp meat is slightly sweet, not everyone likes it. And it also gives off mud, which is no good at all. It is to remove this natural shade, as well as to make the meat juicy and tender, and this procedure is performed.

The best option

You can pickle crucian carp in different ways. Today we will try to kill several birds with one stone. Get rid of small bones, make the fish spicy and juicy and prepare it for future use. This requires fresh fish. Try to negotiate with a familiar fisherman. If the crucian lies down in the air for a day, the taste will not be the same at all. You will need:

  • Crucian - 1 kg.
  • Lemon - half.
  • Adjika - 2 tablespoons.
  • Dried basil and suneli hops - 1 teaspoon each.
  • Oregano - half a teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil and soy sauce - 20 g each.
  • Parsley and dill - 20 g each

Getting down to business

You need to marinate crucian carp after the initial preparation of the carcass. If the fish is still alive, then put it in the freezer for a couple of hours so as not to catch fluttering carp all over the bathroom. Clean it with a knife and gut it. The fish should be washed well and dried with a napkin. Now for the final preparations. It is advisable to marinate crucian carp, after getting rid of the bones. Your family will be very pleased that the fish turns out practically without them.

Notches on the carcass

The crucian carp has many small bones along the back and tail. You can get rid of them in the following way. You need to put the fish on a cutting board and with a sharp knife make cuts along the carcass. The distance between them is 5-7 mm. But the smaller it is, the better. So you need to chop the whole carcass on both sides. In the process of frying, baking or stewing, the cut bones soften and are almost not felt.

How to pickle carp

Now you need to prepare the mixture for pickling. Greens need to be chopped, mixed with adjika and soy sauce, spices and vegetable oil. Finely chop the lemon along with the peel. It turns out a fragrant composition, which will turn our fish into a surprisingly tasty dish. The resulting mixture must be grated on each carcass. If you are not ready to heat it now, then feel free to put it in the freezer. Spicy and very tasty fish will be ready now at any time.

Quick marinade

Let's look at another recipe. Marinated crucian carp will fall in love with your family, because it is really very good. But not always at hand there is a large amount of spices. Let's make do with what we have at home. For the marinade, it is enough to take dry mint and balsamic vinegar. Mint crumble on the carcass, add salt and a few tablespoons of vinegar. After an hour, you can roll in flour and fry in hot oil.

Grilled fish

It is very tasty when cooked on the grill. If possible, be sure to try this option. Home-marinated crucian carp will remind you of fishing and a fire on the river bank. You will need to perform a number of simple steps:

  • Fish need to be gutted, cleaned and washed.
  • For the marinade, you need to take onion rings and bay leaf. Add pepper and cloves, oil and some salt, squeeze half a lemon.
  • Put the fish in a saucepan, lay out the listed ingredients and mix well. You can add some water.

In the meantime, you need to build a fire and cook coals. The fish is fried for 15 minutes on each side. It turns out wonderful, smelling of smoke and very tasty.

Carp baked in sour cream

This recipe uses black pepper, salt, and onion as the marinade. You can add balsamic vinegar. Carcasses must be kept in the marinade for about an hour, then roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil. Filling is prepared separately. To do this, fry a teaspoon of flour in a pan, add 200 g of sour cream, salt and pepper.

Take a baking dish and put some sauce in it, fish on top, and potato tubers along the edge. Top everything with the rest of the sauce. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and grated cheese. Lay the pieces of butter on top. Bake until golden brown in the oven.

Instead of a conclusion

If you don’t like crucian carp, then most likely you just don’t know how to cook them. Therefore, take on board the listed recipes and go to the kitchen. They allow you to get a simple and tasty dish and at the same time manage with a minimal budget. If there is an opportunity to catch carp in the summer, do not neglect it. A bony and unsightly fish just needs to be cooked properly.

The other day I was visiting a friend whose father is an avid Volga fisherman. And she treated me to marinated crucian carp cooked by her father. According to this recipe, Karas was taught to cook by his grandfather. Carp prepared in this way, to be honest, I tried it for the first time, the Snack is amazingly tasty, I didn’t even expect that it could turn out so cool.

The crucian meat turns out so tender and juicy that I immediately asked for the recipe. The family of a friend has been preparing carp in this way for decades.

Cooking any dish, of course, is best in a cozy and equipped kitchen. Why should you purchase a built-in set of appliances for a premium kitchen at the most optimal cost. High-quality kitchen appliances will last for decades. And the unique taste and aroma of crucians, according to the recipe below, is given by cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and other seasonings.


  • Carp - 4 - 5 medium-sized things;
  • Onion - 200 gr;
  • Sugar - a teaspoon;
  • Salt - a tablespoon;
  • Vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons;
  • Table vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons;
  • Cinnamon, ground nutmeg, cloves - a pinch each;
  • Bay leaf - 2 - 3 things.

Small carp can be marinated whole


  1. Carp must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of scales and internal offal. Then each fish should be cut into portioned pieces, depending on the size of the crucian - into 5 - 6 pieces. If the crucians are small, then you can leave them whole.
  2. Next, you need to shift the pieces of fish into a saucepan (a glass jar is not very suitable for this purpose).
  3. Pieces of carp should be sprinkled with salt.
  4. Then all the other spices must be mixed in a separate cap and sprinkle the fish with the resulting mixture. Then carefully mix the crucian carp so that each piece is sprinkled with a mixture of seasonings.
  5. Next, the onion should be cut into rings or half rings, and then it should be added to the fish.
  6. Now it remains to add vinegar and vegetable oil to the fish.
  7. We cover with a plate or lid, with a diameter smaller than the size of the pan and you need to put a not very heavy press (for example, a 3-liter jar of water).
  8. It remains to remove the pan in a cool place for a day. During this time, the crucian carp marinate, absorbing the aroma of spices and seasonings.

After a day - pickled crucian is ready! You can serve to the table! Bon appetit!

Dried crucian carp is considered a real delicacy, especially this appetizer is good with cool beer. At home, salting and drying this oily fish is very simple. The main thing is to follow the correct sequence of actions and know some of the nuances of this process. Next, consider a few recipes for dried crucian carp.

The benefits of dried fish

Dried carp meat is rich in proteins, vitamins and a number of minerals. Fish contains a sufficient amount of essential Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help the body bind and remove cholesterol, heavy metals, and toxins. This reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms, strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves immunity, strengthens the nervous system, and minimizes depression.

If you use properly dried crucian carp, you can replenish calcium by carefully eating small fragile bones.

We want to immediately reassure everyone who monitors their weight, because crucian carp is a lean fish. Therefore, such a low-calorie snack will not affect the figure in any way.

Energy value

If you love fish but are afraid to get fat, put aside your fears. The calorie content of dried crucian carp is only 87 kcal per 100 g. In addition, these 100 g contain 17.7 easily digestible protein, and only 1.8 g of fat.

How to dry fish

For drying, small and medium-sized individuals are best suited. They can be salted and dried along with offal. Then the meat will turn out more juicy and fatty. However, such a delicacy can be slightly bitter, and it cannot be stored for a long time. Although many lovers like this spicy bitter note on the palate.

Large individuals must be gutted before salting, additionally making a longitudinal incision along the ridge.

Gut or not, the scales should always be left, because. it protects the product from oversalting and drying out.

It is also necessary to take into account that the best time to dry crucian carp is autumn and winter. At this time, the fish is gaining a lot of fat, so it turns out very tasty and juicy.

Preparing fish for salting

Before salting crucian carp, you need to properly prepare. We thoroughly wash the fish under running water to wash off all the mucus as much as possible. We rip open the belly of large individuals, remove all the insides, thoroughly rinse inside. Leave small carcasses whole.

Salt carp for drying should be carefully, paying special attention to the gills and mouth, because. there are most microorganisms that can cause spoilage of the finished product.

If there are a lot of fish, then the carcasses can be laid in layers in a suitable container or box, generously sprinkling the fish with salt.

If caviar comes across when cutting fish, you do not need to throw it away. You can pickle crucian caviar using 0.5 tbsp per 100 g of product. l. salt and 0.75 tsp. table vinegar. First, we wash the caviar, mix with salt and vinegar, leave it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Then we take it out, beat with a mixer with odorless vegetable oil (40 ml) until a light emulsion is obtained.

Delicious snack sandwiches are obtained with crucian caviar

Methods for salting crucian carp

To figure out how to salt crucian for drying, let's talk about the three main methods for properly salting fish before drying and drying.

Dry salting

This is a very simple way to pickle crucian carp at home.

  1. We take a wooden box, cover the bottom with a piece of canvas. The size of the box should correspond to the number of salted fish, but it is better to use containers with a wide bottom.
  2. Prepared fish is tightly laid in layers head to tail. Sprinkle each layer generously with salt. For 10 kg of fish you will need 1.5 kg of table salt.
  3. When the layers of salted carp are laid, we lay a board with oppression on top. The load will remove excess air, which will slow down the development of harmful microorganisms.
  4. We leave the box for a week in a dark, cool place.

You need to put some kind of container under the box, because. already on the second day, fish juice will begin to flow through the cracks in the bottom.

Wet salting

This method of salting in fish juice brine is more popular., because makes the finished product very soft and elastic

  1. Salting is carried out in an enameled pan, in which the prepared fish is folded up in layers with the bellies up.
  2. Sprinkle each layer of crucian carp with a mixture of salt and sugar. For 10 kg of fish, 1 kg of salt and 1 tbsp will go. granulated sugar.
  3. We cover the container with the workpiece with a lid of a smaller diameter than the pan. And on top we set the load (a can of water is perfect).
  4. We put the structure in a cool dark place for 7 days. After a couple of days, you can notice that the fish with salt will release juice, which will completely cover the crucians.

Wet salting in brine

According to this method, fish placed in an enameled container is poured with strong brine.

For cooking you will need:

  • 3 kg of prepared crucians;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 300 g of kitchen salt;
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar;
  • 2 tsp granulated garlic;
  • 3 tsp dry dill.

For more uniform salting, it is better to use carcasses of the same size.

The fish is tightly laid back down, the saline solution is poured, and oppression is established.

After a week in a cool place, crucians are ready for further cooking steps.

No matter how you salt the fish, after a week you can dry it. In the same way, you can pickle fish for smoking.

Preparing fish for drying

Before drying crucian carp, it must be prepared for this process. To do this, we take out salted raw materials and thoroughly wash each carcass from mucus and excess salt.

After that, we put the fish in clean water for several hours, then to begin the drying process.

Usually they soak for as many hours as the fish has been salted for days. If the ambassador lasted a week, then we soak for exactly 7 hours.

We drain the excess water, and place the fish in a colander, filtering out the excess liquid. Then carefully dry each carcass with a towel or napkin.
To protect against annoying insects, we treat each carcass with a weak vinegar solution or vegetable oil.

Drying fish

To put the carcasses on a fishing line or twine, making holes in the lip, eye or tail. You can also put each carcass on a separate hook, then it is convenient to remove and fold it.

To speed up the drying process, toothpicks are inserted into the abdomens.

It is very important to choose the right place for drying. It should be windy and well warmed up by the sun. If it is not possible to dry the fish on the street, then you need to choose a spacious room with drafts.

Drying fish outdoors

A separate problem is flies and other insects. Sitting on carcasses, they lay eggs, from which worms hatch after a while. Unfortunately, such a product will be hopelessly damaged.

To avoid contact with insects, the dried product is wrapped in gauze., placed in special multi-tiered dryers or rubbed with vegetable oil and vinegar.

Craftsmen themselves make boxes for drying, fitting them with a mosquito net or gauze

Under favorable weather conditions, we dry the fish from 3 days to 2 weeks.

  • Dried fish is dried for 5-7 days;
  • It will take 1-2 weeks to make a ram.

We check the readiness of the fish by pressing on the back: it should be elastic and dense.

How to store a wyalka

The easiest short-term storage method is to place the product in a wooden box or basket and store it in a dry place for up to 14 days.

Sun-dried crucian carp can be stored in the refrigerator or basement for up to two months. So that they do not dry out, they are wrapped in food paper or foil.

If you want to keep the fish longer, then you need to dry it better. Then put in a canvas bag and store in a dark place for up to a year. For long-term storage, only gutted fish are left.

So that over time, dried crucians do not dry out, they are periodically lubricated with vegetable oil.

Every fisherman should know the whole process of salting and drying carp. Over time, skills and dexterity will appear in this delicate matter. And on the table for beer there will always be fragrant, deliciously withered fish.

It is difficult to meet a person who would not eat fried crucian carp. Most people are used to cooking it in the traditional way: frying, baking or boiling. But it turns out that with a skillful approach, you can make a very tasty snack if you salt the crucian. There are even recipes for cooking fish, which taste will not differ much from pickled herring. On average, such a product is prepared in 13-17 hours, but some methods require more time. But the result will be the same - delicious, tender and fragrant pickled crucian carp.

You can cook pickled crucian carp in various ways.

Classic recipe

First, let's choose the right fish. Considering that we will salt it, it is recommended to take large specimens. There will be a lot of bones in small fish and such an appetizer will not bring much pleasure.

Marinated crucian carp is prepared only from fresh fish! This is the only way to prepare a tasty and healthy dish.

In order to pickle crucian carp, we need:

  • fresh fish - weight more than 600 g;
  • one large onion;
  • vegetable oil - 5-6 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - a tablespoon;
  • sugar - a teaspoon;
  • vinegar - a tablespoon (a tablespoon is used 9%);
  • carnation - 3-4 inflorescences;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • nutmeg - on the tip of a knife;
  • pepper (peas) - 5-6 peas.

For marinating crucian carp, you should choose a larger fish

Almost all recipes call for preparing fish in the same way. Therefore, we will consider it only once. In order for the fish to turn out tasty at home, it should be thoroughly washed and cleaned of all unnecessary parts. Cut off the head, all fins. After removing the scales, the crucian will be gutted. It is especially important to remove the dark film that is located on the inner surface of the abdomen. After that, the carcass should be thoroughly washed in water and dried.

Prepared meat should be divided into portions. Sufficiently wide up to two centimeters. The pieces are stacked in a deep bowl. Sprinkle the fish with salt and mix thoroughly. After that, sprinkle with vinegar and add sugar. Just add the oil last.

After adding each ingredient, it is important to mix the fish thoroughly so that it is completely saturated with the marinade.

It remains to cut the onion into rings and add to the fish along with the spices. Of course, you can use ready-made spices “for fish”, but it’s still easier to choose exactly the spices that you like on your own.

It is better to marinate crucian carp in pieces

After the crucian is prepared, you need to put oppression on it. To do this, a plate is placed on top, and a jar of water is placed on it. We leave to marinate for two days, but be sure to mix our dish twice a day. After the specified time, you can serve the fish on the table.

Crucian "quick"

If you really want marinated fish, but there is little time, you can use the express method. It is not much different from the above, but takes no more than 12 hours of preparation. We will need:

  • large carp;
  • salt - a tablespoon;
  • vinegar - a tablespoon;
  • sugar - a teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - 250 ml;
  • spices (whatever you like)

The fish must be cleaned and cut into large pieces. Sprinkle them with salt and leave for 4 hours. After this, the crucian must be washed. We take two half-liter jars. At the bottom you can put a leaf of laurel. Lay out a layer of salted fish. Next, sprinkle with spices. Again a layer of fish and so on to the neck of the jar. After that, pour vinegar and oil. The liquid should cover the fish halfway. Close the lid tightly and let it sit for a couple of hours. After that, turn it over and again let it stand for two hours. After that, the jars should be removed in a cold place for the night. In the morning it will be possible to serve a fresh and fragrant snack.

You can quickly marinate carp in jars

"Herring" from crucian carp

There are recipes that allow you to create an appetizer that will not differ in taste from the usual herring. The meat is tender, aromatic and soft. In order to make crucian carp for herring, you need to prepare the following products:

  • carp (large) - 2-2.5 kg;
  • salt - a glass;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • vinegar - a glass (9%);
  • spices;
  • bulb;
  • vegetable oil - 120 gr.

To prepare the fish, you can use the tips that contain previous recipes. After the carp is cut into pieces, it should be marinated. To do this, all the meat, sugar and salt are laid out in the bowl. After thorough mixing, the fish is sent to a cool place (but not in the refrigerator) for 12 hours.

In the event that very large crucian is used, it is recommended to increase the volume of sugar and salt.

When marinating crucian carp, you can add onions

After the time has elapsed, you can continue cooking crucian carp. Pieces must be kept in vinegar. To do this, add vinegar, water, spices to the bowl where the fish was marinated. We clean in a cold place for 7-8 hours. Then it remains to put the already marinated fish in jars, alternating with onion rings, and sprinkle with oil. After a few hours, crucian carp can be eaten.

Crucian with roots

All previous recipes differed more in the cooking process, the time required to create an appetizer. The ingredients were almost the same. But there are still recipes where not only spices are used, but also roots. For such a dish you will need:

  • large crucian;
  • one large carrot;
  • the bulb is large;
  • bay leaf - a couple of pieces;
  • water 0.5 liters;
  • vinegar 0.7% - 150 g;
  • salt, sugar;
  • spices.

The fish needs to be gutted and cleaned of scales. The skin should not be removed, as well as the bones. Roots and spices are boiled in water for 10-12 minutes. After cooling, add salt, oil, vinegar to the broth. The fish is placed in a dish, preferably high, such as a jar, alternating with onion rings. Then it is completely filled with the cooled marinade. Now it is necessary to withstand the snack for 13-15 hours in the cold. After that, the crucian is ready for use.

For pickling, boil onions with carrots

Pickling Secrets

Regardless of which recipes you use, there are secrets that will help you create a very tasty snack:

  • If oppression is used, then it is better to use metal dishes, glassware may simply not withstand the pressure and the entire snack will be on the floor.
  • In addition to the listed spices, experienced chefs recommend adding turmeric and cinnamon. Then you will get not only a very pleasant aroma, but also an appetizing golden color.
  • Another secret to creating a very beautiful appetizer is to use red instead of white onions. It is spicier and more aromatic, so other spices can be completely abandoned.
  • After the fish is marinated, it must be transferred to a glass container and stored only in it.

By alternating spices, experimenting with the amount of salt and sugar, you can find your best recipe and spoil your guests with an amazing snack.

The recipe for pickled crucian carp can be found in the video:

We often indulge ourselves with crucian carp fried in a pan or baked in the oven in sour cream. However, what else can be prepared from this tasty and inexpensive fish? Of course - salt, and prepare an excellent snack for beer! It turns out that if you know how to pickle carp correctly, then you can cook this simple and inexpensive dish at home.

How to pickle crucian carp at home - useful tips

  1. Fish treated with salt has a special taste. There are several ways of salting: wet and dry, cold and hot. The taste of the product will differ depending on the salt content. Carp can be medium-salted, hard-salted, slightly salted.
  2. Crucians over 600 grams are layered before salting: each is cut along the back, all the insides are removed through the cut in the back. Longitudinal incisions are made in the fleshy parts of the back. The head is cut to the middle of the upper lip. The carcass is washed, sprinkled with salt on the surface of the cuts and laid flat with the backs up. Sprinkle the rest of the salt on each laid row. Such crucian is salted from five to ten days.

How to pickle crucian carp at home in brine - recipe

  1. Put on fire one liter of cold clean water. Add 5 onions, a couple of tablespoons of salt, pepper, bay leaf. Bring the resulting brine to a boil, leave on fire for another five minutes, then cool.
  2. In the cooled brine, add 2 tablespoons of table 3% vinegar, a few tablespoons of vegetable oil and 1 cup of milk.
  3. Prepare crucian carp, rinse and clean the fish well.
  4. Put the crucian carp in a large saucepan and pour the prepared brine. Place the bowl in the refrigerator for 8 hours. Ready salted crucians are stored no more than 3 days in the refrigerator.
  5. There is a secret that will help you keep carp a little longer. To do this, clean and freeze the fish, and pour the already frozen fish with brine.

How to salt crucian carp at home - a recipe for dry salting

  1. The dry salting option is great for sea and river crucians. Peel the crucian, rub the fish with salt, put it compactly in a suitable vessel.
  2. Sprinkle salt on top, add pepper to taste, bay leaf, garlic. Cover with a lid and put oppression.
  3. The container during salting should be in a cool place. After 3 days, salted carp will be ready.
  4. Rinse excess salt under cold water, dry the carcasses. Ready salted fish can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.