Shanghai is the second most populous city in the world. Located in East Asia in the central part of the Chinese coast of the East China Sea. It is one of the four cities under the central jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China.

The map of Shanghai in Russian clearly shows that the city has an extensive coastline. Thanks to this, it is the largest sea transport route not only in the region, but also in the world. In addition, Shanghai is considered the industrial and economic center of China.

Shanghai on the map of China: geography, nature and climate

Shanghai on the map of China stretches from west to east in the region of the 30th parallel of northern latitude for 100 km, and from north to south - for almost 120 km. The city is bordered by two provinces of the country: from the north-west - with the province of Jiangsu, and from the south-west - with the province of Zhejiang. Due to its coastal location, it has several island territories in its composition. They mainly lie at the mouth of the Yangtze River. The largest of them - Chongmindao Island - covers an area of ​​about 1225 km 2 and is the second largest island in the PRC, not counting Taiwan.

The street map of Shanghai demonstrates that the city's layout is mostly rectangular and chessboard, but also has radial features. However, there is no city center, in the traditional sense, in Shanghai - the city's population density is approximately the same. Due to the fact that the city is located on the territory formed by river sediments, its average height above sea level does not exceed 4-6 meters. Therefore, the structure of the city is formed by another component of the relief - rivers and canals. Shanghai is located at the mouth of the Yangtze River - the third longest and deepest river in the world. The width of its channel in the area of ​​the city reaches 15 km. From the south, the city is bounded by the large estuary of the Fuchunjiang River. An important waterway in the life of the city is the Huangpu River. Although its length does not exceed 100 km, it divides the city into two parts and unites numerous city canals and smaller rivers. The largest lake in the city is located in the westernmost part. Lake Dianshan is over 75 km 2 in area. However, another body of water is more remarkable. But in the east of Shanghai is Dishui - a lake of ideally round shape and an area of ​​about 22 km 2. It is the largest artificial lake in China.


Shanghai has a typical subtropical climate with some monsoon features. The summer season is hot and humid. The average July temperature is around 26-28 ° C. Winter in Shanghai is quite cold. The thermometer in January fluctuates between 2-5 ° C, although subzero temperatures are not uncommon. The average amount of precipitation per year does not exceed 1200-1300 mm. About half of them occur in the summer months, but there are no frankly dry periods. Due to its coastal position, the city can be prone to typhoons during the summer and autumn months.

The most efficient way to get around in Shanghai is by metro. In the 25 years since its opening, the Shanghai Metro has become the world's largest in terms of track length (660 km). At the moment, the Shanghai metro has 16 operating and 4 lines under construction, as well as 393 stations. Due to the rapid growth of the city's population, as well as the increasing tourist flow, the local metro ranks third in the world in terms of passenger traffic.

We bring to your attention the Shanghai attractions in the Pudong area. There are about two dozen of them. If you want to, getting to know this pair of dozen will not take very much time. If your stay in Shanghai is very limited in time, then it is recommended to start acquaintance with the sights of Shanghai from this very area.

Before proceeding with the description of the rest of the objects that may interest the guests of the city, one should, perhaps, tell about which of them is included in the list of its symbols. One of the buildings symbolizing Shanghai is the famous Oriental Pearl TV Tower. Its height reaches half a kilometer, making it the fifth largest building on the planet. The tower is also notable for the revolving restaurant in its spherical room. In the evening hours, it becomes beautiful and memorable even from the outside: the lighting turns on, and because of this, the building seems to be covered with garlands of hundreds of iridescent light bulbs. Few can resist such beauty.

  • The TV tower is open every day from eight in the morning until half past nine in the evening.
  • Ticket prices: the price depends on the observation deck, and is in the range of 130-220 yuan.

Shanghai World Financial Center

This skyscraper is among the most famous on the planet. It is located in the Pudong area. Moreover, this imposing building is beautiful not only from the ground, but also from the viewing platforms, which are located in the building itself. Well, in the evening, the Shanghai World Financial Center is illuminated with lights, so photographers will also like it.

  • Working hours: the center is open from half past eight in the morning until ten in the evening.
  • Ticket prices: depending on the observation deck, prices range from 100-150 RMB.

Shanghai Oceanarium

Shanghai Oceanarium, the largest on the continent, is very popular - thousands of visitors annually. More than 10 thousand sea inhabitants from the most diverse climatic zones of the whole Earth are exhibited here.

Working hours: visitors are accepted from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, ticket offices close half an hour before the aquarium closes.

Ticket prices: adult 160 yuan, child 110 yuan, retirement 90 yuan.

Shanghai History Museum

The Shanghai Historical Museum is probably the most interesting of them all and provides the most information for general development. The local staff very diligently and extremely qualitatively restored the events of bygone years and eras.

The museum is open daily 9: 00-17: 30.

You have to pay 35 yuan for a ticket.

Jinmao skyscraper

Not a bad place if you like to admire the surroundings. The Jinmao Skyscraper is one of the city's most important landmarks, not inferior to the World Financial Center. And from the panoramic platform, which is located on the eighty-eighth floor, an amazing picture opens up - views of Shanghai, especially beautiful in the evening.

Business hours: open daily from half past nine in the morning until ten in the evening.

Ticket prices: an adult costs 120 yuan and a child's 60.

Lujiazui Pedestrian Bridge

This bridge is a great creation of Shanghai architecture, despite the fact that it was barely six years old from its construction. And his photograph may turn out to be a good memory of his visit to Shanghai.

All of the above places can be reached by metro: Lujiazui station (line 2).

Bund Bund

Naturally, this promenade is one of the most well-known tourist attractions in Shanghai. It is located on the opposite side of the river from Pudong. On it, in addition to many crowds of guests of the city, there are also examples of local luxurious ancient architecture. The city government avoids spoiling the site with modern buildings, and that's why you can still find small pieces of the local historical monuments here. It is recommended to walk here not only during the day, but also at night: at night this place is decorated with a whole bunch of lights.

How to get there: take the metro to the station. East Nanjing Rd (intersection of lines 2 and 10)

Museum of Jewish Refugees

One of their tasks, the Nazis set the complete physical extermination of Jews. Therefore, during the Second World War, many Jews were forced to flee their homes, from their native countries, and even from Europe in general, moving to other countries and continents. Thousands of Jewish internally displaced persons have found refuge in Shanghai. And you can learn more about those difficult years by examining the exhibits of the Shanghai Museum of Jewish Refugees.

You can get there by metro to the station. Tilanqiao (Line 12).

The museum is open daily 9: 00-17: 00.

The ticket will cost 50 yuan.

Shanghai Postal Museum

This museum also makes sense to visit. Here you can find out what methods the Chinese used for communication, when there was still no modern transport or the Internet.

You can get there by metro, reaching the station. Tiantong Road at the intersection of lines 10 and 12.

Working days: open Wednesday, Thursday and weekends.

Yu Yuan Garden

This wonderful garden was laid out almost five centuries ago, but to this day it attracts both local residents and numerous tourists. There are seven themed zones here, and it's also a good idea to take a walk for relaxation. When visiting Shanghai, it is best to take a walk in this wonderful garden too.

How to get there: by metro to the station. Yuyuan Garden (Line 10).

Working hours: every day 8: 30-17: 00.

You will have to pay 40 yuan to enter.

Shanghai old city

Here, in the historical part of Shanghai, there are ancient gardens, various architectural monuments, markets, architectural monuments. Here you can have a great time exploring the local streets. The old city in Shanghai is located near the Yu Yuan Garden.

Find: take the metro to the station. Yuyuan Garden (Line 10)

Temple of Confucius

For supporters of Confucian teachings, and for those who are simply curious about monuments of religious history and architecture, it will be interesting to look at the Shanghai Temple of Confucius. Moreover, to anyone who wants it, the priests are always ready to show the classic tea-drinking ceremony.

How to get there: take the metro to the station. Laoximen at the intersection of 10 and 8 lines.

Working hours: open daily 9: 00-16: 30.

The visit will cost RMB 10 per person.

Nanjing street

This is where every shopping lover can come off! There are many hundreds of the most varied boutiques here. Trendy things at the same high price, numerous food outlets with restaurants, and just the feeling that you are an inhabitant of a colossal metropolis - all this includes Nanjing Street. It is just as pleasant here in the evening, when it is completely transformed, thanks to street musicians and neon lighting of residential buildings.

People's Square

Where the hippodrome used to be located, now, at the behest of the city authorities, there is a People's Square, where crowds of guests from Shanghai also go. This square is most beautiful in the spring and autumn seasons - at this time, while walking in the local parks, you can get the most out of the peaceful nature.

Both Nanjing Street and People's Square are actually in the same area, which can be reached by metro, reaching the station. People's Square, located at the intersection of lines 1, 2, 8.

French Quarter

This place will surely appeal to all fans of the culture of beautiful France. There are still buildings that have survived to this day, in which French settlers lived at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Find: Take the Metro to South Shaanxi Road Station (Line 10).

Temple of the Jade Buddha

This temple was built in the nineteenth century, and many may find it very interesting to see. The sculptures of the Buddha that were once brought from Burma, well, a number of internal halls - this is what you can use to gain more knowledge about the Asian past.

How to get there: take the metro to the station. Changshou Road at the intersection of lines 7 and 13.

Open daily from 8 am to 8 pm.

You will have to pay 20 yuan to visit the temple.

Long Hua Pagoda

Alas, since the city authorities are afraid that the pagoda could simply collapse at any moment, it is strictly forbidden to enter the building. But still, you can easily admire the appearance of this wonderful building by going to the temple complex.

You can get there by metro to the station. Longhua, located at the intersection of lines 11 and 12.

Business hours: open every day 7: 00-16: 30.

The visit will cost RMB 10.

Shanghai Zoo

This zoo is a very unusual establishment of this kind. Here animals are kept not in cages, where they are shown to visitors, but in equipped pavilions, where the most comfortable conditions are created for them. Also, it is here that everyone can admire a panda - an animal that has become the pride and symbol of the whole country.

How to get there: take the metro to the station. Shanghai Zoo (Line 10).

Opening hours: From December to February, open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, and the rest of the months from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Ticket price: RMB 130 for an adult. For a child over six years old, 65 yuan. Children under six can visit the zoo for free, accompanied by adults, for whom it is compulsory to buy a ticket.

Mount She

In the southwest of the city, those who want to take a break from its hustle and bustle will find it useful to visit Mount She. There are a small number of parks here, designed for a good rest, as well as so that you can really focus on business. If you want, you can move between some of the parks using a cable car.

How to get there: st. Sheshan subway (Line 9).

Working hours: every day, round the clock.

Ticket prices: admission is free.

Zhujiajiao city canals

For Shanghai, this is not such an ordinary place, and it is located quite far from the city center. The place is more than one thousand seven hundred years old, and it is still saturated with the spirit of history. The ingenious interweaving of bridges and canals is both a source of good food for thought and a suitable area for photography.

How to get there: take the metro to the station. Shanghai Swimming Center (Line 1, Exit 3). Then follow the signs to the Tourist Center. From it you can get to Zhujiajiao by special small buses. To see everything that more or less deserves attention, it is better to come there as early as possible.

Ticket prices: If the price has not changed since the warm season of 2016, it will cost 85 yuan to visit the channels, excluding the cost of bus travel.

Automobile Museum

This city has, if not all, then very, very much. The colossal automobile museum, which displays the rarest and most valuable cars, is also located in Shanghai. Anyone who is fond of cars, the history of their appearance and development, appreciates the quality of cars, will find this place a real paradise!

How to get there: take the metro to the station. Shanghai Automobile City (Line 11)

Business hours: open every day 9: 30-16: 30.

You will have to pay 60 yuan for an adult and 30 yuan for a child.

Here is a map of Shanghai with streets ➤ China. We study a detailed map of Shanghai with houses and streets in Russian. Real-time search, coordinates

More about the streets of Shanghai on the map

A detailed map of the city of Shanghai and its suburbs, with the names of streets and villages, will be able to show all routes and roads, how to get to the street, where the main or central one is, which country, the vicinity of the nearest settlement, the type of terrain. Located close to

For a detailed view of the territory of the entire region, it is enough to change the scale of the online scheme +/-. On the page is an interactive map-plan of the city of Shanghai (China) with its suburbs, with addresses and routes of the region, with traffic directions and bypass roads. Move its center to find your home on the street now

The ability to plot a route through the country, measure and calculate the distance - the "Ruler" tool, find out the length of the city and the way to the center, determine your location, addresses of attractions in the region, transport stops and hospitals (type of the "Hybrid" scheme), see nearby cars and railway train stations, provincial boundaries

You will find all the necessary detailed information about the location of the city infrastructure. Search for places nearby, search nearby bus stations and shops, squares and banks, highways and highways

The exact satellite map of Shanghai (Shanghai) in Russian with Google search is in its own heading. Use Google search to show the desired house on a map of the city in China / world, in real time, full screen

Coordinates - 31.231087,121.47589

Shanghai (Shanghai) on the map of China has a special place - it is the largest port metropolis in the world and a key cultural and historical center of the entire Middle Kingdom. Every year the Chinese capital is visited by tourists from all over the world, armed with various schemes of the city. The latter help to navigate among the variety of streets, hotels and attractions.

Shanghai Maps

If you look at the map of the world, it becomes clear why the capital of China got an advantageous geographical position. The Huangpu River divides the city into two parts of different sizes. The western part is home to the majority of the population (90%), while the eastern Pudong business district is booming. Access to the sea makes Shanghai one of the key players in the export market. Almost every tourist who comes to the capital cannot do without special cards.

Tourist maps

Finding your way around Shanghai will be easier if you use Google apps. Lovers of paper media should check out the print kiosk. Special icons will indicate the location of attractions. In addition to the busiest shopping street, Nanjing Road, it makes sense to visit the following places:

  • Pudong business district;
  • the Bund of the Bund;
  • Basilica of the Virgin Mary;
  • French Quarter;
  • TV Tower "Oriental Pearl";
  • Saint Joseph Church in Huangpu District.

To decide where to stop, you need to understand what kind of objects you want to see. According to special layouts of hotels and inns, as well as with the help of Internet services, you can choose a convenient and cost-effective accommodation option.

Transport cards

An appropriate diagram is useful for moving around the metro. You can buy it almost at every turn. But finding a similar version in Russian in China is unlikely to work.

Advice! "It is better to worry about this issue at home in advance, by searching the network for ready-made metro maps from experienced tourists."

Shanghai's bus schemes are much richer, since there are about 1,000 lines here. In total, 9 categories of buses are distinguished, including regular, night buses, intended for traffic during rush hours, suburban and others.


Shanghai maps in Russian will be useful for tourists of our country who wish to go to China. You can use standard Google Maps applications, diagrams provided on various travel sites, or paper-based information that can be easily purchased in the city itself.