Irina Parshikova

"The health and happiness of our children largely depends on the establishment of physical culture in kindergarten and in the family ... "

N. M. Amosov

Dear Colleagues! I work as an instructor in physical education, so I try to introduce elements of novelty into the educational process of physical development and, with the help of bright non-standard equipment, arouse children's interest in physical education. I really like to make various surprises and gifts for children. One of such gifts for the children of our kindergarten was the production of a bright manual "Cheerful Parachute", which helped me give the children a lot of positive emotions.

The “Cheerful Parachute”, which I sewed for the pupils of our kindergarten, has a diameter of 3 meters. Game parachute - consists of several colored sectors of bright fabric, it has handles in a circle. It can be used by any kindergarten specialist (psychologist, music director, educator) to organize classes, games, entertainment, and as a mathematical tool for fixing colors or counting.

The parachute gives shy, insecure children the opportunity to gradually get involved in the game. Indeed, in these games it is not necessary to give a hand to other children, as in a round dance. Parachute games allow you to teach children to interact with each other, follow the rules of the game, wait for their turn in the game, feel the movements of other players, develop coordination, attention, develop imagination.

I want to bring to your attention a few games with "Funny Parachute".

Giants are dwarfs. (3-4 years)

Target: exercise in the ability to alternate walking with a wide and short step at the signal of the teacher; develop attention and endurance.

Game progress: the children walk in a circle, holding the parachute, at the signal of the teacher, the "giants" throw the parachute up and rise on their toes, at the signal of the teacher, the "dwarfs" sit down.

"Ball" (4-5 years old)

Target: develop coordination and coordination of movements.

This game requires a parachute and a light ball.

Game progress:

Children unite, pull on a parachute, read a poem and then, according to the words, begin to smoothly rock the parachute, trying on the one hand to help the ball roll along the parachute along the edge, on the other hand, making sure that the ball does not fall from the parachute. On the last lines, they throw the ball up.

My ball is flying

Flying towards you

Look, don't miss!

Catch it, hold it

And throw me again.

Funny friend, my ball!

Everywhere, everywhere he is with me!

One two three four five,

It's good for me to play with him!

"Day and Night" (6-7 years old)

Target: to form the ability to interact with each other, to follow the rules of the game, to wait for their turn in the game.

Game progress:

Keeps the sun all day long

(Children hold a parachute and slowly move in a circle).

Indefatigably WHITE DAY,

But as soon as he gets tired,

The shadow in the grass will stir.

(They begin to slowly throw the parachute up)

And without anyone's guidance

Sunset colors will bloom.

(Strongly throw the parachute up)

The day is tired. Don't mind sleeping.

Who will replace him? (NIGHT)

(The teacher says: "All Tanya and Maxims., Or" All children whose name begins with a letter. "hiding under a parachute).

The game is repeated.

Children should have time to hide under the parachute at the moment when it is at the top.

In the future, the children themselves must follow the movement of the parachute and run up when it is at the top.

"Dandelions" (4-7 years old)

Target: to form the ability to coordinate movements and words, to develop attention.

Game progress:

From fluffy balls

(Children walk in a circle, holding on to a parachute)

Above the colorful summer meadow

(Stop and throw the parachute up)

Skydivers are flying

Following each other.

(Children easily run on toes)

As soon as they touch the ground -

(slow down and stop)

Fall asleep like on a couch.

(Sit down)

And wake up in the spring.

And there will be dandelions!

(throws parachute up)

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Apple on a saucer
This game requires a parachute and a large light ball.
The team unites, pulls on the parachute, then begins to smoothly rock the parachute, trying on the one hand to help the ball roll along the edge of the parachute, on the other hand, making sure that the ball does not fall from the parachute. This game is designed for older preschoolers and schoolchildren, it requires a lot of teamwork and active interaction.
funny balls
This game requires a lot of small foam balls that can parachute. All players hold the parachute by the edge, stretch it, and then create waves so that the balls jump over the parachute. At the same time, we try not to drop the balls from the parachute, and we ask the children to bring balls that run away and throw them back on the parachute. This game causes great delight even in one and a half year old babies. It is important when playing with toddlers to keep the parachute low enough so that the children can see the bouncing balls.
Cats and mice
This game requires soft carpet or lawn to crawl on and a large parachute. Everyone, except for the two leaders, hold the parachute by the edges. Both presenters take off their shoes, and both agree that they will not walk, but only crawl on their knees. The cat player crawls on top of the parachute, and the mouse player crawls under the parachute in a circle closer to the edge. At this time, all the other players sitting around the parachute create waves, and thus prevent the "cat" from seeing how the "mouse" moves under the parachute. The task of the "cat" is to notice and catch the creeping "mouse" through the fabric. It is impossible to go beyond the edge of the parachute.
Duck - goose
In this game, the parachute acts as an even circle around which all players squat. The driver walks clockwise, and strokes the one next to him on the head, saying:
"Duck! Duck! Duck! Goose!"
Once he has chosen the goose, he must run away from the chosen player around the parachute. The goose must jump up and run after the driver, and try to catch him before the driver runs and sits in the place of the Goose.
If the goose caught up with the driver, he leads again. If the driver managed to run and take the place of the goose, then he becomes the new driver, and now he chooses a goose for himself.

Together holding on to the parachute, the players raise and lower it with quick, sharp movements, creating “waves”. Make sure the players are raising the parachute, not pulling it. Alternate between calm seas and rough waves. Use this exercise to help your students feel confident in the parachute game. Notice any manifestations of irresponsible behavior and stop them in time.

Performed in a sitting position. Pupils pull the parachute back and forth with calm, unhurried movements, similar to swinging on a swing.

Players sit on the floor in a circle, holding the edge of the parachute under their chin and stretching their legs straight out in front of them. When everyone is seated, everyone starts repeating the name of their favorite vegetable. The uproar produced by the players is reminiscent of the noise that is at night in the swamp. One player is chosen as "merman", and he climbs under the parachute. The merman carefully pulls another player by the legs, who disappears under a parachute and becomes a merman himself. The game ends when all participants are under the parachute.


One pupil is chosen as a “shark”, all other players create waves. The shark chases in search of its victims under the surface of the water (parachute).

If a shark grabs someone by the leg, the victim goes under the parachute and becomes a shark too. Players swinging the parachute cannot let go of the parachute until they are caught, nor can they pin the parachute to the ground blocking the way for the sharks. The game ends when there are too many sharks around and too few people left!

Additional equipment - music (optional)
Have each player hold the parachute with one hand, keeping the other hand out to the side for balance. Start running in circles in one direction, then switch arms and direction. It is possible to play with music as a signal to change the direction of the run (i.e. the direction changes every time the music stops).


Additional inventory - Stopwatch
From the players holding the parachute at waist level, one participant is chosen - this is "noon". A mark is made on the ground corresponding to its location. At the leader's signal, everyone runs clockwise, continuing to hold the parachute. How soon will "noon" be able to return to its original place? The task can be repeated so that the group tries to improve the time shown.

At the beginning of the game, everyone is holding on to a parachute laid out on the ground. On a signal from the facilitator, the participants quickly raise the parachute high above their heads, and then hold it as it slowly lowers to the ground. No need to pull the parachute down; just hold him while he glides through the air.

Holding on to the edges of the parachute, fill it with air. Still holding the edge of the parachute, walk under it to the center and then back. You can also gather everyone in the center and let go of the parachute so that it smoothly descends, hiding all the players under it.

Before the start of the game, each participant must take on a sector of a parachute of a certain color (this is only possible if your parachute is multi-colored). In this game, each player will have their own color (for example, green, blue, red, etc.) color. So, if the leader shouts out “red”, everyone who is holding on to the red sector of the parachute must release the parachute and, having run under it, change places with one of the players from the opposite side. It does not matter if the player hits exactly the same place where his partner was standing, the main thing is that he ran under the parachute to the opposite side. While some of the players are under the parachute, the rest slowly pull the parachute down, trying to catch the participants in the game running under the parachute. If you managed to catch someone, help this player get out and let him find a new place for himself by the parachute.

Second option


Grab the edge of the parachute with both hands in an overhand grip and raise the parachute over your head. Take a few steps towards the center, filling the parachute with air. Free one hand. With your other hand, pull the parachute down over your head and behind your back. Sit on the ground, keeping the edge of the parachute close to the ground. Stay inside the parachute until air begins to come out from under it. After a while, raise the parachute, stand up and emerge from under the parachute to the outside.


Grab the edge of the parachute with both hands in an overhand grip and inflate the parachute with air. Pull the edge of the parachute towards the ground, keeping the air inside. This is how champignon is made.

By place throwing bags, jump ropes, balls, etc. under the parachute. Count the participants by numbers. At the beginning of the game, all participants take hold of the parachute with both hands in an overhead grip and raise it high. Then the facilitator calls the number of the participant and any subject. The participant with this number rushes under the parachute, grabs the desired item and returns before the air comes out from under the parachute.


Additional equipment - Big ball

At the beginning of the game, place a large rubber ball on top of the parachute. The ball is the "planet", the parachute is the "solar system", and the center of the parachute is the "Sun". Ask the participants if they can make the planet orbit around the edge of the solar system without flying out of it (falling out of a parachute).


Additional equipment - Big ball

Place a rubber ball in the center of the parachute. By raising and lowering the parachute, you can toss and catch the ball. When the players have mastered the task, try adding a second ball.


Additional equipment - Lots of small balls

After laying the parachute on the ground, pour 100 (or more) small balls on it. Then, at the signal of the leader, all participants must stand at the parachute, raise it and “slam” the parachute (make a quick movement up and down), so that the balls rise into the air. (Warning: Do not let the group pull on the parachute - it could break). Continue "cooking the popcorn" until all the balls have popped out.

In addition to or instead of balls, you can toss a large rubber ball, a few comets, other large (but light) objects, and even a water balloon or two!

Purpose: creation of conditions for the comprehensive physical development and satisfaction of the natural biological need of children in movement


To teach preschoolers to apply motor experience in gaming activities.

Develop dexterity, speed of reaction, eye, coordination of movements, speed, attention, imagination.

To cultivate the ability to work in a team in a coordinated manner; creativity, independence and initiative in motor-game actions, emotional responsiveness.

The didactic manual "Magic Parachute" is intended for preschoolers of middle and older age.

Parachute games are fun team games. Games can be very active, moving, and can be quiet and calm.

A different number of people can participate in the game at the same time, depending on the size of the parachute, the number of sectors.

Parachute games develop imagination when the players "turn" into animals, and the parachute - into a colorful cloud, rainbow, carousel or train.
You can play both indoors (in a sports or music hall) and outdoors.
In groups of younger preschool age, a parachute can also be used. They raise and lower him, walk around with him in a circle, while performing children's songs, rhymes or counting rhymes.
During the participation of children in collective games and game exercises using the Magic Parachute manual, a special environment is created that requires children to be able to coordinately solve motor problems, obey certain rules, use well-known movements in accordance with game situations, and independently find different ways to complete the task, invent new games, game options and rules for them.
As a result of using the didactic manual "Magic Parachute", preschoolers have well-developed coordination of movements, increased motor activity, emotional mood; preschoolers show friendly relations in the game, interest in physical education increases; preschoolers show high results in the main types of movement, fantasy is developed; children are able to apply the acquired motor experience in independent play activities.
Complex of games and game exercises
Game "Empty Place"
(older age)
Purpose: to develop speed of reaction, dexterity, speed, attention.
Description of the game.
Children, standing around the parachute, choose the driver with a rhyme
Counter example:
One two three four five.
We can't count our friends.
And life is hard without a friend
Get out of the circle!
Children, holding a stick on the edges of the parachute with their right hand, move clockwise, and the leader goes in the opposite direction with the words:
I walk around the house
And I look out the window
I will go to one
And I'll knock softly
All children stop. The child, near whom the driver stopped, asks: Who came? The driver calls the name of the child and continues:
You stand with your back to me
Let's run with you.
Which of us is young
Will you hurry home?
The driver and the child run around the parachute in opposite directions. The winner is the one who first takes an empty place near the parachute.
Game "Funny ball"
(older age)
Purpose: to develop dexterity, coordination of movements, attention, emotional responsiveness.
Description of the game.
Option N 1.
The guys stand in a circle, holding a parachute with sticks on the edges with both hands. The physical education instructor throws a medium-sized rubber ball onto the sectors of the parachute (attention: the ball should not be larger than the hole in the center of the parachute).
Children, raising and lowering different sectors of the parachute, try to roll the ball so that it does not fall into the hole, pronounce the words:
You roll, funny ball,
The parachute won't let you fall.
Who has a funny ball -
Try to convey!
Option N 2
The guys stand in a circle, holding a parachute with sticks on the edges with both hands. The physical education instructor throws a medium-sized rubber ball onto the sectors of the parachute (attention: the ball should not be larger than the hole in the center of the parachute). Children, raising and lowering different sectors of the parachute, try to roll the ball so that it falls into the hole. At the beginning of the game, children pronounce the words: One, two, three,
Hit the target!
Game "Carousel"
(middle, older age)
Purpose: to form the ability to navigate in space, move at a different pace; develop an emotional sphere and a sense of belonging to a common cause.
Description of the game.
Preschoolers, together with a physical education instructor, spread a parachute on the floor, stretching it around the entire circumference. Each child takes with one hand the middle of the colored sector (the parachute consists of 10 multi-colored sectors).
Children, together with a physical education instructor, move in a circle and pronounce the words: Barely, barely
The carousels started spinning.
And then, then, then
Everyone run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush
Stop the carousel.
One, two, one, two -
The kid turned around.
Children move slowly at first, then the pace increases and turns into a run. Children gradually stop, make a turn and take the parachute with the other hand. The direction of movement is changing.

After several repetitions (3-4) at the end, the words "That's the end of the game" are pronounced, and the game ends.

Game "Train"

(average age)

Purpose: to learn to combine movements with words and music.

Description of the game.

Children, holding the parachute with their left hand, move in a circle, make circular rotational movements with their right hand and say the words:

The train flies at full speed

Raise and lower the parachute:

Uh-uh, uh-uh!

Repeat the same movements, only in the other direction, changing hands.

The locomotive hummed: “Oooh!

I took the kids home.

“Doo-doo-doo! Doo-doo-doo!"

I'll take you all in no time!"


(older age)

PURPOSE: to develop flexibility, coordination of movements, endurance.


Children lie on their stomachs near the parachute so that each gets a sector of a certain color, and hold the parachute with both hands by the sticks at the ends. Arms extended forward, legs together. The instructor says the words: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three - swim goldfish!” Preschoolers simultaneously raise their straight arms and legs, performing wave-like movements with a parachute. Then a few seconds of rest and the exercise is repeated.

Game "Salute"

(middle, older age)

Purpose: to develop the speed of reaction, the activation of motor skills, to cultivate the ability to act in a team in a coordinated manner.

Description of the game.

The children collect as many balloons as they can from the dry pool and place them on the parachute. Then they take the sticks on the edges of the parachute with both hands and slowly raise it, saying the words “one, two, three!”. After the word "three!" throw balls up. Then they run and collect the balls, put them on the parachute again, and the game is repeated again.

Game "Rainbow"

(older age)

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of color, the ability to respond to a signal; develop attention, imagination, speed.

Description of the game.

Children hold the parachute with sticks with both hands, standing around the parachute in such a way that each gets a sector of a certain color. Raising and lowering the parachute, say the words:

One two Three,

Rainbow fly!

The physical education instructor selects two colors that are not adjacent and names them. The guys, throwing up their hands sharply, raise the parachute up, forming a dome, and the children who were standing near the sector of the named color quickly run under it. So the physical education instructor calls all the colors. The main thing is to listen carefully and respond quickly!

Before the start of the game, each participant must take on a sector of a parachute of a certain color (this is only possible if your parachute is multi-colored). In this game, each player will have their own color (for example, green, blue, red, etc.) color. So, if the leader shouts out “red”, everyone who is holding on to the red sector of the parachute must release the parachute and, having run under it, change places with one of the players from the opposite side. It does not matter if the player hits exactly the same place where his partner was standing, the main thing is that he ran under the parachute to the opposite side. While some of the players are under the parachute, the rest slowly pull the parachute down, trying to catch the participants in the game running under the parachute. If you managed to catch someone, help this player get out and let him find a new place for himself by the parachute.

Instead of color names, the presenter loudly calls the months of the year. The participants of the game, born in the named month, let go of the parachute and change places, running under the parachute. This game can also be played by counting in order from 1 to 8 or by naming the colors of the clothes worn by the participants in the game.

The children swing the parachute strongly, and one player crawls along the top and catches the ball.

Shunina Ludmila Anatolyevna
Job title:
Educational institution: JV "Kindergarten Alyonushka" GBOU secondary school No. 3
Locality: Pokhvistnevo, Samara region
Material name: Methodological guide for children with disabilities
Subject:"Gaming Parachute"
Publication date: 24.04.2017
Chapter: preschool education

play parachute

Methodological guide for children with disabilities

Compiled by:

teacher-defectologist, pedagogue-psychologist Shunina L.A.

Email: [email protected] phone +7 9277246209

teacher speech therapist Ovchinnikova M.A.

phone +7 9372098099

Pokhvistnevo, 2017

Structural unit "Kindergarten Alyonushka"

state budgetary educational institution of secondary school No. 3

Pokhvistnevo, Samara region.

The manual is intended for defectologists, psychologists, speech therapists and educators of preschool institutions, as well as







using parachute games and activities will help change the child's view of the world and attitudes towards

surrounding, awareness and control of his emotional manifestations.

Relevance of the topic………………………………….……….... 3

Making a parachute ……………………….……………….. 9

Card file of games:

Games and exercises aimed at relieving emotional

voltage …………………………………………………………. 10

Team Building Games ……………………………….. 18

Breathing games with an explanatory note…………………. 21

Games for the development of the lexical and grammatical structure ………… .. 28

Games for the development of phonemic hearing ……………………. 34

Conclusion……………………………………………………. 36

Literature…………………………………………………….. 37

Relevance of the topic

The relevance of the chosen topic is explained by the fact that in modern preschool education

the view on the essence of the processes of upbringing and development of a preschool child has changed. Values

healthy lifestyle, development of social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual,

physical qualities, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities in accordance with their

age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of abilities and

the creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with himself, others

children, adults and the world are reflected in the state educational standard

preschool education and training.

Where great importance is given to the proper organization of children's activities, taking into account

psychophysiological characteristics and different pace of development of each child of a certain

age group. In connection with this problem, we began to look for methods, forms and means,

which would help to make a classic lesson, as well as a joint lesson with children and

parents, more interesting, exciting, fun and uniting all the children of the group,

regardless of their individual characteristics. This tool was a game parachute.

The relevance of the chosen topic is explained by the fact that in the context of the introduction of federal

state educational standards, the teacher himself can choose such methods, forms

and means that will allow any activity to be made not only useful, but also exciting,

fun and uniting all the children of the group.

Therefore, such a tool has become a game parachute.

Relevance of the topic

One of the main tasks of education is the use of various forms of work with children, in

including those that contribute to the functional improvement of the body,

increase efficiency, make the child persistent and hardy, possessing

high protective abilities to adverse environmental influences.

These forms of work are not aimed at honing the technique of performing certain

exercises, but on the development of positive emotions, high physical activity,

free and easy communication of children.

The "Game Parachute" manual, to bring a range of new sensations to the organization of games with children.

The game parachute is a bright fabric, consisting of several colored sectors, which has

handles are located around the circle. The diameter of the parachute is 3 meters. Parachute can be played with

gym or in a group, but the parachute is also suitable for outdoor games. games in

parachute - not competitive: they teach coordination of actions and the ability to feel

movements of other players. It is very important for children to feel that it is in the movements that they can

feel like part of a team. In parachute games, even the most

little players! It is important for a child of any age to learn to coordinate their actions with

commands of the host and the actions of other players. In parachute games, this is achieved by itself.

yourself without much effort. The parachute gives the child a rich range of new sensations: it is also a bright

visual image, and a strong wind, and the sound of a stretched parachute, and the feeling of soft tissue,

hugging a child sitting under a parachute.

Relevance of the topic

The parachute is so attractive in itself that children usually do not have long

to persuade - they themselves rush to him with all their might. Even very shy children who

with difficulty they join common games, they like to play with a parachute. For the quiet and the shy

children parachute gives a lot of opportunities to gradually join the company of children.

Indeed, in these games, no one requires you to immediately give a hand to other children, as in a round dance, or immediately

enter the circle. Each child can choose their own speed and level of activity.

A parachute is very useful for both quiet and slow children, and active ones, including

hyperactive children, since parachute games provide an opportunity to “stir up” quiet

children and calm down especially nimble ones. The parachute gives a lot of opportunities to play with the rules,

border games. In addition, parachute games develop imagination, the ability to imitate and

show pantomime some characteristic movements. Can you imagine that

a parachute is a house, or the sea, or a mushroom cap ... Children under a parachute then depict

sparrows, then they go to bed, then they knock on the tower. As in other mobile games,

children learn to follow the rules of the game, wait their turn, interact with each other


One of the factors influencing the success of children's adaptation to preschool education is

is to master their gaming and communication skills.

In cooperation with a teacher - a defectologist, a teacher-psychologist and

other narrow specialists, teachers of our kindergarten create

opportunities for successful adaptation of children of different age groups through

participation in various forms and types of activity, thus, we are together

we ensure the health of pupils in the unity of the psychological and

physical aspects.

For this purpose, we use a game parachute. It is made from bright

fabric (3 or 5 meters in diameter) and consists of several colored

sectors, around which the handles are located.

Playing with a parachute is a tool for educators to

observation of children during the period of adaptation to the preschool educational institution, correction of visible

violations of communicative, emotional-volitional and cognitive


For shy children, parachute games provide an opportunity

gradual merger with the company. In these games no one requires

immediately give a hand to other people, as in a round dance, or immediately enter the circle.

Active children, playing with a parachute, will learn to follow the rules of the game,

wait their turn, interact with each other.

The main structural unit of parachute training is

composition, that is, fused in terms of execution technique and continuous in terms of


Relevance of the topic

On the surface of the parachute, you can let soft, quiet ripples, or you can

noisy and stormy waves, depending on what goal we are

persecuted. Games with him teach coordination of actions, the ability to

feel the movements of other players, listen to instructions

adult, contribute to the development of attention, coordination. Playing with

parachute strengthens the muscles of the shoulders, forearms and hands, which

has a positive effect on the development of children. Creating with

using a parachute giant waves, children improve their

motor perception skills and develop a sense of rhythm. This game

relieves neuropsychic stress, liberates the child,

creates the prerequisites for establishing contact with other children,

promotes the development of the imagination.

From the practice of working with this manual, we can say that a parachute

provides incomparable assistance in the "contact" of the child with

society and helps him independently penetrate into it.

Together with teachers of kindergarten groups, we have developed and

tested some interesting parachute games that you

you can use in your work with children.

Relevance of the topic

Parachute manufacturing.

“In order to sew a parachute, you need 4 pieces of lining fabric 1.5 meters wide (parachute diameter 3

meters). The cut length is calculated by the formula: cut length (2 x 3; 14 x 1.5)/8. It turns out 1.17 m. Necessary

one meter of fabric in four colors (yellow, red, blue, green). The finished parachute is

a "flat umbrella" with eight sectors. The cut is folded in half across. Like this: stitching

according to the scheme (it turns out a pipe). Then we cut it diagonally and get two wedges: one is whole, one is with a seam

in the middle. Thus, all wedges are cut. After that, we begin to collect the parachute.

For beauty, we sew a whole wedge and a wedge with a seam. After all, there are two of each color (whole and sewn wedge). In the middle

sew a circle to hide inaccuracies when joining wedges. From an oblique inlay or ribbon, we sew handles on

joints of wedges and in the middle of the wedge (total 16 pieces).

Now you can enjoy the game!

Withdrawal games

"Waves" or / "Flames".

Age: 2-7 years.

Purpose: to liberate children, develop

coordination of movements, attention,

develop a sense of rhythm, relieve nervous

mental stress.

This game is suitable for any age. She

helps to both activate the group and

calm down. We start with small waves / sparks,

then we swing the parachute more and more,

make a storm/fire. Then gradually

we reduce the waves / fire, saying that

wind/fire became weaker, waves/sparks

subside / go out, and the sea is calm.

You can replace words with music. loud or

fast music - strong waves / fire.

Quiet or slow music - weak


"Three steps, jump!"

Age: 4-7 years.

Purpose: to develop the arbitrariness of mental processes, the ability

listen to adult instructions, develop coordination

movements, teaches to navigate in space, promotes

relieving mental stress,


We take three steps to the right, jump, the parachute inflates.

Withdrawal games

neuropsychic stress.

Withdrawal games

neuropsychic stress.

"Left, right!"

Age: 4-6 years old.

Purpose: to develop arbitrariness

mental processes, development

spatial representations.

- We raise the parachute with the left hand, with the right


-Let's put our right foot on red


Withdrawal games

neuropsychic stress.

"A breeze for ... (child's name)."

Age: 2-7 years.

Target: liberate children,

work out coherence

movements, attention, development

sense of rhythm, relieve nervous

mental stress.

The host calls the name of the child,

which is located in the center

parachute, sitting, lying down, as he

like. Children blow on him

make waves.

"Magic Bubble"

Age: 3-7 years.

Purpose: emotional release.

Parachute canopy ("bubble")

inflate as much as possible (hands

lift up), with the word "

bang! (screaming loudly)

blown away.

Withdrawal games

neuropsychic stress.


Age: 2-7 years.

Target: relaxation, psychological study.

Adults 3-4 people inflate a parachute, children lie down at this time

"chamomile". The parachute rises. At the time of the landing of the dome, the children

"Insects" randomly move their legs and arms.

Withdrawal games

neuropsychic stress.

"Good Animal"

Age: 5-7 years.

Target: contribute to the unity of children

team, to teach children to understand feelings

others, accept each other, give

support and empathize.

"Stand in a circle and hold hands

parachute. We are one big good

animal. Let's hear how it breathes!

Now let's breathe together! Take a step on the breath

forward, exhale - back (3 times)

This is not only how an animal breathes, this is how it beats.

heart. Let's hear how it beats! (without

inhalation and exhalation), while strong blows

feet. Knock - step forward, knock - back (3 times).

We all take the breath and beat of this heart

big good animal to yourself.

Withdrawal games

neuropsychic stress

"Space trip".

Age: 3-7 years.

Target: liberate children, rally the group,

develop coordination of movements,

attention, develop a sense of rhythm, remove

neuropsychic stress.

The facilitator introduces the children to two characters,

which you need to launch a rocket in

The parachute is lowered, the children are waiting for the command of an adult.

"3-2-1-start!" (loudly, all together pronounce

command). We raise the dome sharply upwards -

the hero flies into space! This game calls

violent outburst of emotions in children.


Age: 2 -7 years.

Target: removal of psycho-emotional stress.

Adults 3-4 people inflate a parachute and say: “Terem-terem-

teremok, someone who lives in a teremochka ... ”The dozhik went: drip-drip-drip.

The children hide in the house.

Withdrawal games

neuropsychic stress.

Solidarity games.


Age: 3-7 years.

Target: teaches children to interact

with each other, develop

movement coordination,


Lead throws on raised

parachute somewhat soft

("apples"). The children's task is not

let them fall on

Solidarity games.

" Circle". Age: 5-7 years.

Target: developing the ability to cooperate

mutual understanding and trust between children,


Guys, grab the parachute handles, pull

smooth circle. The circle is a symbol of unity, strength,

friendship. Now I suggest that you do row

assignments to be completed

at the same time and so that the integrity of the circle is not


Before completing the task, you have several

seconds to try to negotiate without words.

Everyone sit down and then stand up. Drop one hand and

make a circle clockwise.Make

undulating movements.

Questions: On whom and what did the result depend on?

doing tasks?


Age: 4 -7 years.

Target: development of dexterity, attention,

movement coordination,

ingenuity, interaction.

The facilitator chooses 3 players (they

located near the parachute).

Other children maximum

inflate the dome, task 3

players run so far

the parachute descends. If the dome

they are touched, the participant is eliminated

from the game. The child who won

the game receives a prize.

Solidarity games.

Parachute Dance.

Age: 5 -7 years.

Purpose: development of arbitrariness.

Approximate dance drawing: took up the pen

parachute, 3 jumps to the right, put a parachute,

made claps "Ti-ta-ta-ta", circled, took

dome, etc. You can come up with your own drawing

Breath games

Explanatory note.

Proper speech breathing provides sound and voice production,

The task of the educator, speech therapist is to help children overcome age

shortcomings of their speech breathing, to teach the correct diaphragmatic


The manual systematizes games, exercises for the development of speech

breath of children of preschool age taking into account age features.

These games and exercises can be used in conducting both

individual, as well as preparatory and frontal work with children.

For games and exercises for the development of speech breathing

observation of children in daily life in order to study in children

the level of development of speech breathing;

correctly identify tasks depending on age and impairments

speech breathing;

choose games and exercises taking into account age and disorders;

We conduct classes:

- with small groups (no more than 10 children);

- with subgroups (no more than 4-6 children);

- individually.

conduct classes 2-3 times a week, in the morning (before breakfast), or

in the evening after a daytime sleep;

the duration of breathing games and exercises is limited to 1-2 minutes during

avoid dizziness;

breathing exercises are repeated 2-3 times;

the duration of the exhalation should correspond to the age of the child (younger - up to 3 words per 1

exhale, senior - 5-6 words);

the posture in children should be correct so that tension and fatigue do not occur;

it is necessary to monitor the gradual complication of games and exercises;

in order to obtain the best results, joint activities are needed with


monitor the sanitary condition of the premises where classes are held;

The purpose of this work is to help educators and speech therapists in their work on the formation

correct speech breathing in preschool children, introduce them to the forms

organization of this work, its methodology, to give practical material.

Breath games


Purpose: to improve the function of external respiration, to master the primary

breathing exercises.

Children who are in the prone position on a parachute put their palm on

diaphragm area. The teacher pronounces the rhyme:

The hippos were lying, the hippos were breathing.

The exercise can be performed in a sitting position and be accompanied


The hippos sat down, touched their tummies.

Then the tummy rises (inhale),

Then the tummy drops (exhale).

Breath games

Breath games

"Picture an animal"

Purpose: to develop speech breathing

through exhalation


Children stand around the parachute, and

keep it on top.

The teacher pronounces a rhyme, and the children

quietly shaking the parachute:

I love to tease pigs, lambs

and frogs.

I follow them all day and keep saying

I say:

(Children rhythmically raise and

lowering the parachute

animal sounds)

Kar-kar, woof-woof, ju-ju,

Be-be, me-me, qua-qua.

Purpose: to develop a continuous air jet, with

the need to change direction.

Each child stands in front of his sector, and the fleece lies on


The players take a certain position: lips in a smile,

wide tongue rises to the upper lip. Further, as if

pronouncing the sound [f], the child tries to blow out the cotton wool in the colored

speech organs: swelling of the cheeks, exhalation only on the lips,

pronouncing the sound [f] instead of [x].

Breath games

Breath games

"We cook porridge"

Target: develop phonation (voiced) exhalation, the ability

work in a team using a parachute.

Children and the teacher agree to cook porridge and distribute

"roles": milk, sugar, cereals, salt. To the words:

One two Three,

Pot, cook!

(“Products” alternately enter the circle of the parachute).

The porridge is being cooked.

(Children, sticking out their stomachs and taking in air into their chests, take a breath

raising the parachute, lowering the chest and drawing in the stomach - exhale

lower the parachute, shake it and say: “Sh-Sh-Sh”).

Fire is added.

(Children say: "Sh-Sh-Sh" at an accelerated pace and shake


One two Three,

Pot, don't boil!

"Singing Sounds"

Target: the development of a smooth exhalation with the pronunciation of vowel sounds.

Children stand around the parachute and hold it in their hands; on command, the children raise their breath

parachute and smoothly lower it, pronouncing a given vowel sound.

Game "Friendly guys"

Purpose of the game: to develop the strength and mobility of the voice in children.

Children stand in a circle with an adult. reciting a poem,

simultaneously performing appropriate movements and gradually accelerating the pace

We are going in a circle, (go in a circle slowly and just as slowly read


Let's sing a song together.

We jumped along the path, (run, raising your knees high, speed up the pace of speech)

lifting legs.

We jump, we jump: lope yes lope (talk very quickly).

And then they got up and shut up! (get up and shut up

Breath games

Games for the development of vocabulary

grammatical structure of speech

"Magic Rainbow"

Target: consolidate the skill

agree adjective

and noun.

Children sit on a parachute.

The colors of the parachute are being specified.

Children receive subject


Children name the colors of objects:

red tomato, orange

orange, lemon yellow,

the sun is yellow, the leaf is green,

the grass is green, the sky is blue,

blue forget-me-nots, cornflower

Games for the development of vocabulary

grammatical structure of speech

The game "Call me a sweet word"

Purpose of the game: to consolidate the ability to form

nouns in diminutive

pet form, enrich vocabulary

reserve, develop dexterity and speed of reaction.

The teacher names any noun and

name who is responsible. Baby, call it

word in a diminutive form

and raises the parachute sector.

For example:

ball - ball; table - table; key - key;

ball - ball; doll - chrysalis; braid - pigtail;

fork - fork; head - head; apple -

apple, etc.

Fruit or vegetable game

Target: Consolidate generalizing concepts in speech, expand vocabulary.

Children stand around the parachute, in the center of the parachute is the ball, if the teacher calls

fruit, children hide under a parachute, if a vegetable makes waves on a parachute.

(similar to other generalizing concepts)

Games for the development of vocabulary

grammatical structure of speech

Game "Edible non-edible"

Target: Enrich vocabulary, develop

auditory attention, memory, thinking.

Children stand around the parachute, in the center

parachute ball if the teacher calls

edible, children toss the ball if

inedible lower the parachute.

Games for the development of vocabulary

grammatical structure of speech

The game "Alive-non-living"

Target: To consolidate in children the concept of animate

and inanimate objects, enrich

vocabulary, develop memory, attention.

Children stand around the parachute, in the center of the parachute

ball, if the teacher calls a living thing, children

toss the ball and call the question who? , If

inanimate lowered parachute called the question who?

Games for the development of vocabulary

grammatical structure of speech

Game "He-she"

Target: Enrich vocabulary teach children

distinguish between masculine and feminine nouns

Children are given pictures, and they go to the music

around the parachute. The teacher gives the command pictures

which are feminine put on red

sector, and put pictures of the masculine gender on

blue sector.

Game "Seasons"

Target: Enrich vocabulary, develop

logical thinking, memory, attention,

teach you how to place pictures on a parachute,

based on signs.

Children holding on to a parachute remember

signs of all seasons using

parachute if the children say rain children,

The teacher offers to hide under

parachute, if the wind - waving a parachute,

if the heat falls on the parachute.

The teacher distributes pictures with the seasons

if the picture is winter, then put it on blue

sector, if summer is green sector, spring

light green sector, autumn yellow sector.

Game "Related words"

Target: To consolidate ideas about related words that are formed from

one source word, develop memory, attention, thinking.

Children hold on to the parachute and go, listening to the teacher,

who calls related words, if the teacher calls another word, children


Games for the development of vocabulary

grammatical structure of speech

The game "Floats, flies, runs"

Target: Teach children to invent objects that fit this or that

action, expand vocabulary.

Children stand around the parachute, the teacher gives the command to swim, the children lie down on

parachute imitate that they are swimming, the children fly to the team raise the parachute and

they imitate flying, the children run for the team. After all the actions, the children

select items for action.

Development games

phonemic hearing.

Game "First sound"

Target games: teach a child to highlight in a word

initial sound (first a vowel, and then

consonant), develop phonemic hearing,

attention, memory.

The teacher calls the children simple sounds

intonation the first sound. Moreover, if the word

starts with a vowel sound, then it should be

under stress, children stand on the red sector

parachute. If the first sound is a consonant, children

stand on the yellow sector.

For example: stork - sound [a], duck - sound [y], fly -

sound [m], Olya - sound [o], nose - sound [n], etc.

At first, the naming of the whole syllable is allowed -

mu-, but-, of which then with the help of an adult

a short sound [m], [n] stands out.

Game "Pick it up"

Target: to teach children to distinguish similar

sounds, develop phonemic skills

analysis, memory, attention.

Children stand around the parachute if the teacher

names words that start with

vowel sound, then the children raise the parachute,

if a parachute is lowered on a consonant

(hard and soft, voiced and deaf)

Development games

phonemic hearing.

Game "Find the right words"

Target games: teach the child to highlight in

words given sound, expand

vocabulary, develop

phonemic awareness, memory, attention.

The teacher lays out on a parachute

pictures, names them and then offers

children combine pictures into several

bunches for a given sound.

For example:

[M] - car, food, poppy, gnome, etc.; on

blue sector.

[A] - stork, pineapple, moon, fork, scarf, carriage

etc.; to the red sector.

[M] sword, ball, bear, etc. on green

Game "Add a syllable"

Goal: Development of phonemic hearing.

Children stand around the parachute if the teacher adds

BA: ver ..., from ..., gu ..., labor ..., arrow ..., fight ...;, then children

raise a parachute, if the syllable would be: labor ..., gu ..., klum ...,

tum..., out of..., then lower the parachute.


In conclusion, I would like to note that the games we proposed with a parachute,

contribute to the favorable adaptation of children, help preschool teachers to adjust

emotional disturbances in the child. They develop the ability to feel and understand

others, show interest in peers, help create a friendly

atmosphere, mutual assistance, trust, cohesion, friendly and open communication

with each other and with adults, facilitating the process of joint learning.

Card file outdoor games and fun

with play parachute.


The parachute is made of 8 wedges of multicolored bologna fabric.


This manual makes it possible to effectively organize the pedagogical process:

-allows you to successfully solve problems of a didactic, health-improving and developmental nature;

- contributes to the formation of motor skills in the main types of movements and the development of physical qualities;

- prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

Education of positive, moral and volitional personality traits: activity, independence and organization;

Creation of favorable conditions for outdoor activities, joyful meaningful activities in collective games, entertainment, and classes.

AND gra "Entertainers"

Goals: development of auditory and visual attention; activation of motor skills; formation to maintain a beautiful static pose.

Game Description . The "entertainer" is selected.

Children walk in a circle, hold a parachute (first with their right, then with their left hand) and say the words:

In an even circle one after another

We go step by step.

Stand still, stay together

Let's do it like this!

At the end of the words, the children stop, copy the movement shown by the "entertainer", and try to "keep" it.

Fun ball game

Goals: develop dexterity; cultivate emotional responsiveness.

Game Description .

The guys stand in a circle and hold a parachute in their hands, on which lies a rubber ball, and, rolling the ball from one to another in an arbitrary direction, say:

You roll, funny ball,

The parachute won't let you fall

Who has a funny ball

Will give us desire!

The one on whom the poem ends performs the task that the players will choose.

Game "Empty Place"

Target: develop speed of reaction, dexterity, speed, attention.

Game Description .

Children, holding the parachute with their right hand, move clockwise, and the leader goes in the opposite direction with the words:

I walk around the house

And I look out the window

I will go to one

And I'll knock softly


All children stop. The pupil, near whom the leader stopped, asks: “Who came?” The facilitator calls the name of the child and continues:

You stand with your back to me

Let's run with you.

Which of us is young

Will you hurry home?

The leader and the child run in opposite directions. The winner is the one who first takes an empty place near the parachute.

Game "Seal"

Target : Develop speed of reaction, dexterity.

Game Description :

Children sit on the floor, stretching their legs and hiding them under the "parachute". Under the "parachute" a child crawls - "seal", trying to touch the legs of the children. They don't let him do it by squeezing their legs

The game "Change of places"

Target: develop orientation in space and coordination abilities, develop the ability to respond to a given task without errors; develop speed-strength abilities of children.

Description of the game.

Children stand in a circle, facing the parachute, hands holding the color sector. Children pronounce the words:

Bored, bored we stand

Isn't it time to run

And change places.

The teacher continues and calls any color sector - “Red, run!” Children under this color run under the parachute and switch places with other children.

Game "Artist"

Target :

Description of the game.

The driver is selected - the artist, the rest of the players stand in a circle, choosing the color sector of the parachute. The players, holding on to the parachute, walk in a circle and pronounce the words:

Paints and pencils,

How good are they!

yellow, red, blue,

Choose any one!

After these words, the players stop, and the driver - the artist calls any color. To the music, the players standing under the named color, together with the driver, begin to run around the parachute. As soon as the music is turned off, the children try to take empty seats. Who was left without a place - to become a driver - an artist.

Game "Sparrows"

Target : Develop speed and coordination abilities, the ability to navigate in space. Develop the ability to quickly and accurately respond to a signal.

Game description:

The leader is chosen. The rest of the sparrow players, holding on to the edges of the parachute, walk in a circle and pronounce the words:

Nimble sparrows galloped along the branches.

Nimble sparrows flew high.

One sparrow lost in the field

Without a nest - left!

Near whom the driver stopped, he is a “homeless sparrow”. Players run in different directions trying to take the empty nest first.

Game "Be careful"

Target: develop motor activity, thinking, speed of reaction to a verbal signal.

Description of the game.

Children stand in a circle, holding onto a parachute. The instructor shows the color red - the children lower the parachute down. The instructor shows a blue color - raise the parachute up. Yellow color - sit down; green color - walking in a side step in a circle, etc. Tasks can be changed, complicated and supplemented with new motor actions.

The game "Magic Parachute"

Target: develop attention and memory, the ability to quickly respond to a verbal signal.

Description of the game.

Children stand in a circle, holding onto a parachute. At the signal, all players close their eyes. The instructor, passing in a circle, quietly selects one player. On a signal, the children, without opening their eyes, make a big wave with a parachute and press it to the floor. The player chosen by the instructor tries to hide under the parachute unnoticed. Children open their eyes and try to guess who is hiding under the parachute.

Game "Rainbow"

Target: consolidate knowledge of color, the ability to respond to a signal; develop attention, imagination, speed.

Description of the game.

Participants hold the parachute with both hands, standing around the parachute in such a way that each gets a sector of a certain color. Raising and lowering the parachute, say the words:

One two Three,

Rainbow fly!

The instructor chooses two colors that are not adjacent and names them. The participants, throwing up their hands sharply, raise the parachute up, forming a dome, and those standing near the sector of the named color quickly run under it. So the instructor calls all the colors. The main thing is to listen carefully and respond quickly!

The game "Carousel" to the music.

Target: to form the ability to navigate in space, to move at a different pace; develop an emotional sphere and a sense of belonging to a common cause.

Description of the game.

Each participant takes with one hand the middle of the colored sector. And together with the psychologist they move in a circle to the music: The direction of movement changes.

After several repetitions (3-4) at the end, the words "That's the end of the game" are pronounced, and the game ends.

Game "Salute"

Target: to develop the speed of reaction, the activation of motor skills, to cultivate the ability to act in a team in a coordinated manner.

Game Description .

Collect as many balloons as possible from the dry pool and place them on the parachute. Then they take the edges of the parachute with both hands and slowly raise it, saying the words “one, two, three! ". After the word "three! » Throw balls up. Then they run and collect the balls, put them on the parachute again, and the game is repeated again.

Game "Orbit"

Target: for team cohesion.

Additional equipment - a large ball.

Description of the game.

At the beginning of the game, place a large rubber ball on top of the parachute. The ball is the "planet", the parachute is the "solar system", and the center of the parachute is the "Sun". Ask the participants if they can make the planet orbit around the edge of the solar system without flying out of it (falling out of a parachute).

Game "Train"

Target: learn to combine movements with words and music.

Description of the game.

The train is flying at full speed! Children, holding on to the parachute with their left hand,

on their knees move in a circle,

make circles with the right hand

rotational movements.

Uh-uh, uh-uh! Raise the parachute up

then lowered.

Locomotive buzzed: "woo!" Repeat movements.

Took the kids home. The same movements, only in the other direction.

“Doo-doo-doo! Doo-doo-doo!

I'll take you all in no time

"Parachute of Health"

A play parachute is a bright fabric consisting of several colored sectors, with handles arranged in a circle. The diameter of the parachute is 3 meters. Parachute can be played in the gym or in a group, but a larger parachute is more suitable for outdoor play. Parachute games are not competitive: they teach coordination of actions and the ability to feel the movements of other players. It is very important for children to feel that it is in the movements that they can feel like part of a team. In parachute games, even the smallest players can feel it! A parachute is a bright and memorable figure that is great for holidays and for getting to know each other, for bringing children into a team.

It is important for a child of any age to learn to coordinate their actions with the commands of the leader and the actions of other players. In games with a parachute, this is achieved by itself, without much effort. The parachute gives the child a rich range of new sensations: it is a bright visual image, and a strong wind, and the ringing of a stretched parachute, and the feeling of a soft fabric hugging a child sitting under a parachute. The parachute is so attractive in itself that usually children do not have to be persuaded for a long time - they themselves rush to it with all their might. Even very shy children who have difficulty joining common games love to play with a parachute. For quiet and shy children, the parachute provides plenty of opportunities to gradually join the children's company. Indeed, in these games, no one requires you to immediately give a hand to other children, as in a round dance, or immediately enter the circle. Each child can choose their own speed and level of activity.

A parachute is very useful for both quiet and slow children, and active, including hyperactive children, since playing with a parachute makes it possible to "stir up" quiet children and calm down especially nimble ones. The parachute gives a lot of opportunities for games with rules, games with boundaries. In addition, games with a parachute develop imagination, the ability to imitate and show some characteristic movements with pantomime. You can imagine that a parachute is a house, or the sea, or a mushroom cap ... Children under a parachute sometimes portray sparrows, then go to bed, then knock on the tower. As in other outdoor games, children learn to follow the rules of the game, wait their turn, and interact with each other.


In order to sew a parachute, you need 4 pieces of lining fabric 1.5 meters wide (parachute diameter 3 meters). The cut length is calculated by the formula: cut length (2×3; 14×1.5)/8. It turns out 1.17 m. You need a meter of fabric in four colors (yellow, red, blue, green). In finished form, the parachute is a "flat umbrella" with eight sectors. The cut is folded in half across. Like this:

Cutting line

We sew according to the scheme (it turns out a pipe). Then we cut diagonally and get two wedges: one whole, one with a seam in the middle. Thus, all wedges are cut. After that, we begin to collect the parachute.

For beauty, we sew a whole wedge and a wedge with a seam. After all, there are two of each color (whole and sewn wedge). In the middle we sew a circle to hide inaccuracies when joining the wedges. From an oblique inlay or ribbon, we sew handles at the junctions of the wedges and in the middle of the wedge (16 pieces in total).

Now you can enjoy the game!

(Master class: "Health parachute": the use of non-standard equipment in the implementation of health-saving technologies.

educator NDOU No. 181 "Fairy Tale" Nikolaychuk O. V.)