The holiday season in Greece starts in early May and ends in October. Most tourists prefer to come in July-August, although the most comfortable holidays are June and September.

May is the climax of the Greek spring. The most suitable period if you are planning a purely sightseeing holiday. You can enjoy the flowering of local nature, which is especially beautiful in March - April. The swimming season opens from mid-May, but even in Crete the water is still invigorating (+19…20º).

For a holiday at the beginning of the season, it is better to choose the islands:

  • Corfu

The weather in Greece is great for a beach holiday. The water is already warm (+22), there is no summer heat yet, and high daytime temperatures are easily tolerated due to the constant wind from the sea.

In the second half of July and early August in the southern resorts, the air temperature reaches +35°, although +30° is considered the norm. Hundreds of thousands of tourists rest at the resorts with all the ensuing shortcomings (inflated prices, long queues and crowded taverns). The Greeks themselves prefer to relax in Halkidiki or Corfu. It is better to plan a trip for the first half of July or the end of August, when there is less risk of catching extreme temperatures.

In September and October, the "velvet" season begins throughout Greece. The summer heat is receding, but prices for tours do not show a fall, since Greece is very popular in Europe. Pensioners, romantics and people who know how to save money wisely rush to the local resorts.

It is better to fly to rest on the islands. In Crete, the season lasts until mid-October. On Kos and Corfu, the beach infrastructure is usually curtailed at the beginning of the month.

The peak tourist season is in August and September. The optimal ratio of price and quality of rest is better to focus on the third decade of September. At this time, there are no problems with last-minute tours due to special offers from hotels.

Dynamics of changes in the cost of tours

Although the weather stabilizes closer to summer, the cost of tours has several peaks, which are supported by demand.

  1. The first rise in prices falls on the May holidays. But at this time, the entire infrastructure has not yet been deployed. Even water parks open after May 10th.
  2. After the holidays, a slight decline follows, when you can buy a tour at a bargain price and relax in comfortable conditions.
  3. In early June, prices rise due to the start of the holiday season and holidays in Russia (June 12)
  4. Until the first days of July there is a slight decline in demand - and this is the best time to travel to Greece with children if you cannot fly in September-October
  5. In September, there is a slight seasonal decrease in the cost of vouchers.
  6. The collapse in prices falls on the beginning of October. A great time to go to Greece if you are on a budget.

Greece is attractive to visit at any time of the year. Not only beach holidays are well developed here, but also sightseeing, skiing, etc. When deciding when it is better to relax in Greece, you should rely on what type of holiday is planned. Depending on this, you should choose a direction.

When to go to Greece for a beach holiday?

Beach holidays in Greece are especially attractive. It is always warm here, and the clear sea simply beckons. The season begins in Greece in early May and lasts until the end of October. However, if the vacation is planned for May, then it is better to go to the southern part of the country. It will be warmer here and you can have a good rest. In the northern part at this time it can be cool. The average air temperature in May will be around +26-28 degrees. If it’s cold to swim, you can take time for a cultural program.

June is considered the best month for relaxing on the beach in Greece. At this time it is already warm, but not too hot. On average, the temperature will be +30 degrees, and the water in the sea will warm up to +24. In June, you can go to almost any beach in Greece. Vacationers can safely soak up the sun. Rest at this time is also suitable for couples with children. You don't have to worry about them getting too hot.

Temperatures rise much higher in July and August. It can reach up to +40 degrees. At this time, the peak of the beach season comes, because the water warms up to +26 degrees. If the heat is too exhausting, you should go on vacation to the northern part of the country. Ideal, as sea breezes will lower the temperature.

In September-October, the velvet season begins. This is a very good time for relaxation. It is not so hot anymore and there are much fewer tourists. In addition, it is easier to breathe, because the air is permeated with sea monsoons. Only at the end of October the temperature drops to +20 degrees and it starts to rain.

When to go to Greece to get to the carnival?

In addition to summer beach holidays, it is interesting to get to Greece during carnivals. They usually take place after the celebration of the New Year and last January to February. Carnivals are noisy entertainment and events. To look at the fun show and take part in it, you can go to Kastoria in January after Christmas. For three days, the inhabitants of this city act on the streets. They dance and sing, dressing up as fairy-tale characters. All tourists can take part in such an event, as well as participate in a traditional ritual to exorcise evil.

If the vacation falls in mid-January, then you can go to Patras. Another interesting carnival will take place here, which will last for about a month. In addition to dancing and masquerade, this holiday is interesting with exciting games in which everyone can take part. First of all, the game attracts in a treasure hunt quest. Similar celebrations are also held in Athens, Naousa and Thessaloniki. The carnival season ends in February.

Carnival in Patras

When to go to Greece for a ski resort?

In addition to beautiful beaches and attractive nature, Greece also has ski resorts. They operate in the winter months, so if you manage to take a vacation at work at this particular time, you should not be upset.

All ski resorts are well equipped and equipped for vacationers. There are only high-quality slopes with lifts. Instructors will teach beginners to ride. If you don’t have your own equipment for this, you can rent it at rental points that always work on the territory of the resort. In winter, you should especially pay attention to the choice of a hotel. You can not save and choose comfortable accommodation to have a good rest and relax. During the winter months, the spa treatments offered by most hotels are especially attractive. After a day spent in the fresh mountain air, they will be especially in demand, because you really want to relax.

The purpose of visiting Greece in winter can also be shopping. At this time, many stores hold grandiose sales. At the same time, the prices for many things and goods are so low that you can buy branded products for a very modest amount. The beginning of such sales happens on January 6 and lasts for two weeks.

When to go to Greece for excursions?

Greece is also interesting for its sights, nature and local traditions. Despite the fact that you can go on an excursion regardless of the season, it is better to go here in the spring. At this time, there will be no too tiring heat, in which you will not want to watch anything. Thanks to the climate, there won't be too much rain here. Even in March, which in many countries is considered a cold and rainy month, it will be pleasant here.

Acropolis in Athens

Spring nature in Greece is very beautiful. Trees and shrubs bloom here, and the air is saturated with the scents of flowers. It is very pleasant to walk in the sun, so you can see many interesting places. In addition, in the spring you can get to interesting celebrations. Thus, Independence Day is celebrated in Greece in March. Once here at this time, you can see colorful parades and plunge into their fun.

In March and April, you can go to see historical shrines. By contacting the tour desk, you can book a more suitable tour. In general, there are a lot of such routes, so you can spend the weekend with benefit and learn a lot about a foreign country.

When is the cheapest time to visit Greece?

A trip to Greece may not be as expensive as it might seem. You can save a lot if you know at what time the tickets will cost less. As in any country, prices for tours here depend on seasonality. Of course, the most expensive months will be when you can relax on the sea. The peak of the beach season is in July and August. If you want to save money, you should exclude these months from your choice and consider options for an earlier or later vacation. Since you can swim already at the end of May, it is quite possible to purchase vouchers for this time. In addition, the best time for swimming is September or early October.

As for ski resorts, the highest prices for tours will be during the New Year holidays. Therefore, do not try to get here at this particular time. You can wait until Christmas is over in Greece and go skiing at the end of January or February. If you plan to go on excursions to Greece to see the country, then it is better to purchase a ticket for the spring months. At this time, its cost will be minimal.

You can save on a tour ticket if you buy it in advance. So, for example, to get to a beach resort in the summer months and not overpay for it, you need to buy a ticket before the end of April. In this case, they will cost 20 - 30% cheaper. This is the most successful option, however, it is not suitable for everyone. You can also try to purchase a burning tour. However, this is only possible if a Schengen visa is open.

Thus, everyone will be able to choose what suits him, depending on his interests and finances. Everyone has different preferences and goals, so many tourists come to Greece all year round.

Regardless of the season, there is no time to be bored in Greece. In summer, this country is considered the most popular Mediterranean destination for a beach holiday.

In winter, tourists are attracted by sightseeing holidays in Greece, as well as the opportunity to ride one of the many ski resorts. Each month has its own advantages, which are worth dwelling on in more detail. But first, let's give a brief description of the country.

The territory of this beautiful country is washed by the Ionian, Mediterranean, Libyan, Aegean seas. The total length of the coastline is 15,000 kilometers. The islands cover a total area of ​​24,800 km 2 . The hottest region of Greece is the island of Crete, located in the south of Greece.

The palm-fringed beach of Vai with its unique white sand and banana groves attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world every year.

The western part of the country has a mild and humid climate. The driest regions are located in the south of the country.

It is difficult to imagine Greece without olive groves. The olive branch has long been a symbol of local culture.

Most of the country's income comes from tourism. It is approximately 15% of the country's gross external product.

The most popular and famous tourist centers in Greece are:

    the island of Corfu;

  • peninsula of Chalkidiki;

  • Mount Athos

Fans of Byzantine monuments tend to visit the Basilica of Hagia Sophia and Saint Demetrius, which are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

In addition to the unique landscapes, Greece is gifted with numerous healing springs. The resorts of Greece are its national wealth. When is the best time to plan a vacation in this hospitable Mediterranean country?


It is in May that numerous hotels begin to operate in the country. In Crete, the water temperature warms up to+21 °C, air - up to +25°C. From the middle of the month it is quite possible to sunbathe, enjoying the rays of the hospitable Greek sun.

It is better to come to Halkidiki by the end of May, taking warm clothes with you for evening walks. The real season opens in this region of Greece only in June.

May is a great time to explore local attractions, tours of ancient ruins.


An excellent month for a holiday in Greece. There are few tourists on the coast, and the air warms up to +27°C in the northern part, and up to +30°C on the islands. The average water temperature is +23°C. There are many places to travel. A good solution would be a trip to Rhodes - a resort that is preferred by fans of active club recreation and connoisseurs of historical monuments.

July August

These summer months are considered the hottest in Greece, not only in terms of air temperature, but also in terms of saturation with cultural events. Festivals are held in almost all regions of the country. You can go on vacation to the capital to become a member of the Athens Festival. The sea during these months warms up to+25°C, and the air temperature reaches +35°C.

The most comfortable for a beach holiday during this period are the northern regions of Greece: Halkidiki, Thassos. The absence of strong winds, rains, warm sea, impeccable coastline - a real paradise for fans of beach holidays.


This is a great time for a comfortable holiday in Greece. In the daytime, the thermometer rises to +27°C in the northern regions, up to +29°C in the southern part of the country. The water in September is quite warm, it cools down only by the end of the month. A slight wind makes it easy to endure the heat, enjoy evening walks along the sea coast.

In Halkidiki, in September, the amount of rain increases, showers are possible. At this time, you can explore local attractions. Inclement weather is replaced by sunny days, and you can again go to the beach, enjoy the seascapes, lie on the warm sand, listen to the sound of the surf. The month is suitable for hiking, archaeological excavations, beach holidays, windsurfing.

In Crete, precipitation falls only at the end of September, so fans of a beach holiday flock here.

While in Russia the trees are losing their leaves and the first snow will fall in the north of the Russian Federation, in Greece the minimum daily temperature is +24°C.

Among the most popular resorts in September are Crete, Kos, Santorini, Rhodes.

In the evening, you can enjoy a slight breeze here, and during the day you can do solar and water procedures.

Outdoor enthusiasts in September can go to the west coast of Corfu or the Peloponnesian Peninsula.


Officially in Greece, this month is called the last month of the tourist season. In the northern regions of the country, hotels close at the beginning of the month, but in Crete and Rhodes it is quite possible to enjoy warm weather until the very end of October. In the daytime, in these regions of Greece, the air temperature ranges from +22 to +26°C.

For evening walks, warm clothes are needed, as the wind intensifies. In addition to a beach holiday, in October you can go to Greece to explore the sights, as well as to restore health.

Holidays in Greece are useful for those who plan to improve their condition:

    nervous system;

  • musculoskeletal system

Hydrotherapy is used to treat rheumatic diseases: arthritis. Fans of spa treatments seek in October on about. Crete. It is here that there are two thalassotherapy centers, marked with the sign of the Greek National Tourism Organization for the quality of the services provided.

In autumn it will be especially pleasant to enjoy Charcot's shower, hydromassage, algae treatment, mud baths, walk along the sea coast. Such procedures will help restore the body, set it up for the winter period.

Regardless of the season, you can safely plan a vacation in Greece, as in this country in May and September you can choose the best region for a full vacation.

To make your vacation a success, you should not only choose a good travel company, but also the right time for the trip. The holiday season in Greece is quite long, but each type of holiday has its own period. If you want to go for swimming or sunbathing, excursions or visit the carnivals, you should find out in advance about the different periods of the holiday season in Greece.

Tourist season in Greece

Conventionally, three main periods can be distinguished: beach, ski and period. The time when the swimming season begins in Greece falls at the beginning of May. The water is completely warmed up, and the air temperature is kept at 25°C. It is from the beginning of May to the beginning of September that you can safely plan your vacation if you want to swim and bask in the sun.

When the swimming season in Greece ends, the water temperature begins to gradually drop and the time for winds comes. The wind season in Greece most often begins in August, but by September it is no longer so noticeable. The temperature is gradually decreasing, the heat subsides.

Velvet season in Greece

When autumn comes and we start to take out umbrellas, the most chic period begins there. It is in September that the time to relax with children and family is the most favorable. This is a period of warm sea without sweltering heat. You can safely lie on the beach without a crowd of tourists and plunge into the warm, but not overheated sea.

There are noticeably fewer vacationers, but there are more fruits and various walks in historical places! Winds gradually begin to subside towards the end of the month. In October, the weather is still mild and the velvety swimming season in Greece continues. The water temperature remains at 20-25°C, so you can safely take your swimwear with you.

The rainy season in Greece starts around November. The temperature is still at 25°C, but the precipitation is noticeably more. From about the second half of November, the rains begin to pour constantly and you will no longer be able to swim or walk around the sights.

Beach season in Greece

The period from the beginning of May to the first half of June is the most favorable swimming season in Greece. There is no strong influx of tourists yet, the water has time to warm up, and the heat has not yet arrived. If your vacation falls in the middle of summer and you are afraid of intense heat, feel free to go to the islands of Crete or. At the height of the swimming season in Greece, these areas are noticeably cooler than the rest of the coast.

By the way, if your vacation falls in the spring, then you can go to Crete. There, the beach season starts earlier than in other parts of Greece, and already in April you can plunge into the warm water.

High season in Greece

Between June and September, the time begins when the influx of tourists is very large. That is why the prices here are much higher than in the rest of the time. But for people to whom the heat is not easy, this period is even contraindicated. The temperature can reach as much as 40°C, and water does not save at all, since its temperature rarely drops below 25°C.

Holiday season in Greece: time for active tourists

If lying idle in the sun isn't a vacation for you, then choose the time for excursions, skiing or carnivals. Acropolises, monasteries and temples you can see in late spring or early autumn. Around the beginning of May or the end of April, there are already very warm and you can safely walk around all the historical places.

The ski season starts here in December. It lasts until mid-spring. There are about 20 centers in Greece, where you will be offered decent quality slopes, equipment for rent and comfortable rooms. The winter period is also the time of great sales, so six weeks of big discounts is another reason to go on vacation.

You can get to the carnivals from January during Lent. The festivities there are really colorful, a lot of spectacular shows and traditional rituals. You can also get to fairs and fun celebrations in March and February.

If you decide to visit a beautiful corner of the world called Greece, you should definitely study the weather conditions. We will tell you about the temperature of water and air in different months and answer the question, when is it better to go?

A flourishing country with endless sandy or pebble beaches and an emerald sea, located in the south of Europe. Its climate is subtropical, which means that the summers are dry and hot, and the winters are more rainy than snowy, as the snow simply melts before reaching the ground due to the positive temperature. Nevertheless, many tourists visit this country with pleasure throughout the year and find something to their liking. Not many people know, but in addition to a comfortable beach holiday, Greece can offer a decent skiing and sightseeing vacation option.

Greece is an Orthodox country, and therefore some of its national holidays are close and understandable to us. The most important national holidays are:

  • Christmas. Due December 25th. At this time, the streets of the cities are transformed - they are decorated with figures of ships and the holy family and elegant fir trees. On this day, godparents lead their godchildren to churches, and only after that it is customary to give gifts and sit down at the festive table. Also, children walk the streets and sing the festive songs of Kalanda, and all passers-by present them with coins and sweets;
  • New Year. Like us, January 1st is celebrated. Only among the Greeks, the symbol of the New Year is not Santa Claus or Santa Claus, I am St. Basil. The celebration is accompanied by the festival of the same name, which is very colorful throughout the country;
  • Epiphany. The rite of consecration of water falls on January 6th. On this day, there is a custom to throw a cross into the water. All willing men can dive into the water in search of a shrine. The finder becomes the hero of the day and good luck promises him;
  • Immediately after the Epiphany, the January carnivals begin, which continue until the end of March. The most colorful and spectacular is the carnival in the city of Patras, which begins on January 17th. On the eve of the celebration, heralds walk the streets of the city and inform residents and guests of the country about the upcoming event. After that, something incredible begins - laser and light shows, theatrical and musical performances, children's performances are arranged on the streets, funny puppets entertain passers-by. During the festival, it is customary to collect donations for the poor part of the population. The end of the carnival traditionally ends with the burning of a large effigy of the King of the Festival;
  • Apokries. Or, in our opinion, Maslenitsa. Celebrated February 12th. Locals dress up in masquerade costumes and organize fairs and festivities. It is at such fairs that there is a chance to buy a memorable souvenir at a nice price;
  • Independence Day. Celebrate March 25th. The day before, all Greeks hang white and blue flags on their balconies, and schoolchildren hold parades. The solemn parade ends with the laying of flowers at the foot of the memorial monuments. It is mandatory to hold a parade of military equipment;
  • Easter. This is the most important national holiday. It arrives at the end of April. For example, in 2019, Easter in Greece is celebrated on April 21st. Different cities have their own special traditions on this day. For example, in the village of Pigros, which is located on the island of Santorini, it is customary to set a large table right on the street and cook fried octopuses. On the island of Corfu, locals throw clay pots out of the windows, which allegedly helps to get rid of troubles and diseases. On the island of Irda, accompanied by songs and dances, as well as interesting performances, an effigy of Judas is burned. We advise you to book hotel rooms in advance, as prices increase significantly during this period. And even tickets for travel in public transport, since on Easter all residents go to visit their relatives, and you may simply not have enough space;
  • Feast of Pyrovassia. Celebrated May 21-23. The name of the holiday is translated as "firewalking" and fully reflects its essence. On the first day, locals read prayers, dance and cry. With the onset of night, bonfires are kindled everywhere, which should burn out on their own and leave behind only smoldering, red-hot coals. It is on them that the most daring fire walkers will go. The procession is accompanied by the reading of a prayer. It's hard to believe, but many, after passing the hot path, demonstrate their feet to those around them, on which there is not the slightest trace of burns;
  • Athens Festival. Runs from June 1st to August 31st. The main scene is the odeon of Herodes Atticus, located under the Acropolis. Many other halls again gather many visitors directly under the open sky. Numerous performances, performances, musical, singing and dancing numbers take place within the framework of the festival;
  • Hellenic Festival in Epidaurus. It lasts from June 29 to July 7 and is the main event in the theater world. The plays are staged exclusively in Greek and Ancient Greek, but this does not in the least reduce the number of people who want to visit the real temple of Melpomene.

Seas of Greece

If you look at the map, you can see that Greece is located in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula and consists of many islands. The country is washed by three seas, and before choosing which sea beach you want to spend your vacation on, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with their features:

  • ionian sea washes such islands as Corfu, Ithaca, Kefalonia, Lefkada, Zakynthos. June-October is considered the most comfortable time for rest in this area. And, although the official holiday season opens in Greece in May, the water can still be cool. In summer, the average water temperature does not exceed +26°С, and in winter it does not fall below +14°С;
  • Mediterranean Sea washes the southern part of the country and is considered the warmest. The average water temperature in summer is +22-26°C and remains warm until October. In addition, the Mediterranean Sea is considered one of the most beautiful and salty. Tourists will love the long and wide sandy and pebbly beaches;
  • Aegean Sea in the waters of which the Halkidiki peninsula and the islands of Lesbos, Chios, Mykonos, Kom, Santorini and the famous Rhodes are also quite warm. The water temperature in summer reaches +25°С and only in October the temperature begins to drop to +23°С. The waters of the Aegean Sea are incredibly clean, because as many as 42 beaches on the Halkidiki peninsula have been awarded the Blue Flag. Also, the shores of the Aegean Sea are a great place for diving and for active sports such as surfing.

beach season

Many tourists open the beach season in April. It should be noted right away that such a vacation is not suitable for everyone, because the water in the sea is still invigorating, you won’t be able to swim enough. But the prices at this time are much lower than in the high season.

  • Officially, local authorities declare the holiday season open only in May. At the end of the month, the water really warms up to an acceptable temperature - + 22 ° C, while the air temperature does not exceed + 25 ° C. There are also no sharp differences between day and night temperatures, which is +21°C. The absence of exhausting heat and a large difference between the temperature of water and air make the rest quite comfortable. A tan is gentle.;
  • For those who are accustomed to higher temperatures, it is better to go on vacation in early June. The daytime temperature at this time does not exceed +30°С, and the water temperature reaches +22-23°С;
  • The velvet season in Greece falls on autumn. Already in the first days of September, the temperature begins to drop to a pleasant mark of +30°C. During the summer, the water manages to warm up to + 24 ° C and is conducive to long bathing;
  • In October, the daily air temperature drops to +25°С, and the water gradually begins to cool down and by the end of the month drops to +20°С, and on the southern shores to +23°С. Rainfall is also less likely in the south, so many tourists recommend choosing this particular part of the country. The holiday season at this time is very similar to May and is suitable for those who cannot stand the heat.

excursion season

In addition to gorgeous beaches and crystal clear waters, Greece is also interesting for its cultural heritage. Many tourists visit this country with the aim of visiting as many historical places as possible and visiting as many islands as possible. The best and most comfortable time for outdoor activities will be the following months:

  • April. At this time, the temperature during the day already reaches + 20-23 ° С. Local vegetation actively blooms and strikes with a riot of colors. You will have something to admire, and where to take a lot of impressive photos;
  • December and January are also a good time to visit local attractions. The weather during the day is cooler than in April - + 12-15 ° С. At the end of January, short-term increases to +20°С are possible. But at this time there are quite a lot of clear and sunny days and there are no heavy rains.

ski season

Greece can offer you no less comfortable conditions for a ski holiday. Some of the most famous resorts are:

  • Parnassus;
  • sat down.

Each of them has at least 20 slopes of different difficulty levels and at least 8 lifts. Snow in the resorts falls at the end of December and lies until the beginning of April. However, much depends on unpredictable weather. Therefore, before planning an active holiday in the mountains, be sure to contact the hotel you like and find out about the condition of the slopes.

When and where is the best time to relax with children

The best destinations for tourists with small children are considered to be:

  • Rhodes. You will have an unforgettable experience from visiting the only in all of Europe and truly unique Butterfly Valley. Here, against the background of bright greenery and lush flowers, there is an opportunity to admire many different types of these creatures. Tourists call Kolymbia, Lindos and Faliraki the best place for a family holiday. That part of the island, which is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, is distinguished by sandy beaches with good entry into the water, the absence of wind and waves;
  • Crete. In its eastern part there is a huge park, on the territory of which there are many waterfalls, water slides and other entertainment attractions. Walking through this park will be interesting for adults as well. And do not forget to visit the majestic palace of Knossos, which is considered the hallmark of the island. The palace is over 4,000 years old and belonged to Minos himself. With children, it is better to visit the beaches of Schism, Damnoni, Elafonisi or Keratokampos;
  • Chalkidiki. This peninsula boasts gently sloping sandy beaches and excellent family-style hotels. And if Kassandra is more suitable for active youth recreation, then Sithonia is considered an ideal place for children's recreation;
  • Corfu. If you want a cozy holiday in a closed bay with stable weather, choose hotels located near the beach of Agios Gordios. The beach is distinguished by the purest fine sand, gentle entry into the water and the absence of waves;
  • Peloponnese. The best beaches for families with children are the sandy shores of Loutraki and Xylokastro.

It is best to plan a trip with children at the end of May or during the velvet season - September-first half of October.