The trend of abandoning school education is gaining popularity every year. The child is homeschooled and then takes exams externally. In order for a student to study at home, the state must provide certain grounds.

Reasons for transferring a child to home schooling

The term individual learning refers to different types of learning without going to school. They differ from each other depending on the reasons:

  • Family - the organization of studies by parents who act as teachers.
  • Home study with partial school attendance for medical reasons.
  • Individual schooling for health reasons - teachers come to the house by prior agreement. Designed for children with disabilities.
  • External study. Suitable for students with a high level of knowledge.
  • Distance learning. Convenient for those who want to receive knowledge from more qualified teachers. Communication with them takes place remotely via the Internet.

How to switch to homeschooling

Transferring a child to homeschooling in Russia is possible with permission from the education authority. They will make a positive decision in the following situations:

  • the student is mentally ahead of his peers;
  • the work of parents is associated with constant moving;
  • the child is engaged in some business that will later become his profession (artist, athlete, musician, etc.);
  • ideological or moral principles of parents;
  • due to serious health problems, the student does not keep up with the school curriculum (oncology, epilepsy, and others).

For health

In this case, the basis for home study is medical reasons. Among them, the presence of chronic diseases in the student, long-term outpatient treatment or the protracted nature of the disease. Steps for parents to transition to homeschooling:

  1. A medical certificate must be issued through the KEC (control and expert commission). You need to contact your doctor for written recommendations. After their submission to the KEC, a conclusion will be made. In the medical certificate, the diagnosis and the duration of the recommended study at home (from 1 month to 1 year) are recorded, the signatures of the doctors and the round seal of the clinic are put.
  2. In the name of the head of the educational institution in which the child studied, it is necessary to draw up a written application with a request to transfer the student to an individual curriculum. It is accompanied by a certificate of KEC.
  3. Based on the documents received, the school administration has no right to refuse the parents' request. The management is obliged to organize an individual lesson schedule and intermediate testing.

For family education

If the individual form of education at school is expensive for parents, then they have the right to teach the child on their own. According to the Law on Education of the Russian Federation, this can be done at any time of the academic year. Steps for parents to take:

  1. In the name of the director, write a statement with a request to expel your child from school, indicate the reason.
  2. Write a notice of your decision to the Department of Education.
  3. Also, in the name of the director, write another application with a request to enroll a student in this educational institution for external certification.

Distance education

Important! An educational institution must have a license for the right to conduct distance learning.

Selected as desired or as needed. To transfer a student, you must:

  1. In the name of the director of the school where the child studied, write an application for expulsion.
  2. Take his personal file.
  3. Notify the municipal education committee (by phone or in writing).
  4. Choose an institution that will teach remotely.

There are several reasons why students are switching to distance learning. Among them:

  • education for a disabled child;
  • individual interaction between the student and the teacher;
  • education during illness;
  • gifted student;
  • additional education for students of art, sports and other professional schools.


Homeschooling is an alternative to school. Is it productive and how to organize it properly?

In order to successfully organize the education of the child at home, it is necessary

  • Select the school to which the student will be assigned and in which the assessment will subsequently take place.

Since the beginning of the 90s, according to the law, any person who is a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to study at home, but certification in a state educational institution of a suitable level is required to obtain the necessary documents on education.

Legally, parents have the right to assign their child to any educational institution of their choice, but in practice, fewer questions and problems arise when choosing a school that already has a "staff" of students at home.

  • Write an application to the principal of the school with a request to transfer the child to home schooling.

In fact, this is the only document (except, of course, copies of parents' passports, birth certificates and photographs) that is required from parents who have decided that their child will be educated at home. In an oral conversation with the director, special family circumstances, such as frequent business trips or a love of travel, should be cited as the reason for this choice. The application must indicate that the parents take full responsibility for the quality of the child's knowledge due to the fact that this is their independent decision without any special objective reasons (such as the state of the child's health).

After the child is officially assigned to the school, it will be necessary to decide how often and according to what scheme he will be assessed. He can take exams, practical and laboratory work just once a week, or once every six months, again in agreement with the school administration.

  • If necessary, a medical certificate of the child's health should be provided.

For home-based learning, when school teachers come to the student's home to conduct a lesson, a special medical certificate issued by the clinical expert commission (CEC) of the medical institution is required. If a child suffers from diseases that prevent him from studying in a regular school, then, according to the conclusion of the EEC, he can count on free education on an equal basis with all citizens of Russia.

  • Receive a program and recommendations on the required volume and quality of knowledge that a child should have at the end of the reporting period.

It is important to remember that when choosing homeschooling, parents should be seriously concerned about the quality of knowledge that their child will receive. At the end of the reporting period - a week, a month, a quarter or half a year, depending on the agreement with the school - the child will have to successfully pass the required tests and exams in order to be certified. Otherwise, it will be considered that home schooling is not effective for him and is not possible.

In order not to get into trouble, to decide who and how will educate the child at home, it makes sense for parents to get a training program in advance, discuss with the director or head teacher difficult points, points to which special attention should be paid, etc.

  • Decide on a form of home schooling.

With the advent of the legally enshrined right of a citizen to choose for himself, and the corresponding documents on education, not only networks of private schools began to spread, but home schooling also developed. Currently, there are three forms of organization of education at home.

Forms of home schooling


Home-based education is organized by the school to which a student is assigned who, due to health reasons, is unable to study on a general basis. For those who have chosen homeschooling for no apparent reason, homeschooling may not be available.

Having provided the necessary medical certificates, the student has the right to have the teachers of the school to which he is assigned conduct individual lessons with him at his home. These lessons completely duplicate the school curriculum, and their quality depends entirely on how conscientiously they relate to extracurricular work.


Family education is also organized after the acceptance of an application from the parents for homeschooling the child in one of the schools and agreeing on the procedure for attesting the student.

Family-type classes are created with the full initiative of and who themselves act as primary school teachers, and later subject teachers. Taking responsibility for the quality of education of children, parents have the right to draw up their own program, supplement the disciplines they consider necessary, say, elementary school, change the approach to studying a subject at their discretion. But they must remember that at the end of a quarter or half a year, depending on the agreement with the school, the child will have to pass an exam to confirm that he has received the same knowledge as his peers who have been at the school desk all this time. Otherwise, parents have the right to show imagination and creativity, inventing new forms and approaches to make their children more fun and more interesting to learn.

external student

External studies are the best-known form of individual learning and are often associated with gifted children such as Michael Kevin Kearney, who graduated from high school as an external student at age 6 and entered the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest university graduate at the age of ten.

For education and obtaining a certificate in the form of an external student, it is advisable to find a school with experience in such work, where there is a person responsible (usually one of the head teachers) for organizing an external student in this educational institution. As a rule, in such a school there is already a group of children with whom work is being carried out on this form.

After filling in the relevant documents, parents receive a record book in their hands, and then 2 times a year the child takes exams in subjects in order to move from class to class.

If a student has the opportunity and ability to learn knowledge faster than it is written in the plan, he can move to the next class every six months, and not once a year, like all other children. This is the essence of the external.

As a rule, parents aimed at external study immediately hire tutors so that they can quickly and efficiently teach the child a subject.

According to official statistics available for 2007, out of 100,000 children who received education at home, 19,500 children studied externally, almost 4,000 children were educated at home, and the rest received home education for health reasons.

Parents in homeschooling

Leaving the child at home schooling, a mentor and educator, which the teacher is called upon to carry in society. Parents need a certain set of skills to successfully manage such important responsibilities.

  • Basic knowledge and erudition, willingness to answer questions.

It is necessary to resurrect one's own knowledge acquired at school and throughout life in order to be able to answer the questions of one's child, satisfying the curiosity of a newly minted student.

  • Organization.

Parents should be able to effectively manage their own time and properly plan the time of the child.

  • To kindle and maintain the cognitive interest of the child.

You need to be able to present new information in a non-trivial way and with pleasure, then the child will be interested in gaining knowledge.

  • Help develop independence.

Starting with the joint study of the material, over time, you need to increase the share of the child. So, by the end of the seventh grade, the student is able to get the necessary information himself, choose the right one and cut off the excess, study and be able to talk about what he has read, and then pass the exam.

  • Development of goal-setting skills.

Parents should be able to clearly and clearly explain to the child why they chose this form of education for him, what bonuses it brings for him and how he should use them. Otherwise, the child will not see the point in developing independence and gaining knowledge in general, without being daily under the supervision of a teacher.

Pros and cons of the method

As in any situation, when choosing homeschooling, you need to soberly evaluate the positive and negative aspects of your choice.

Weaknesses of homeschooling:

  • Lack of communication in a peer group or insufficient amount of it.
  • Parents need to stop being just mom and dad and become teachers as well, and that can be painful for all family members.
  • The need for remote work of one of the parents or at all.
  • High costs for manuals and other educational materials, as well as for tutors, if parents are not competent enough in a particular subject.

Strengths of homeschooling:

  • Comfortable atmosphere and mode, familiar environment and the absence of unpleasant people in the environment.
  • The individual pace and form of studying the subject, and not designed for the average student.
  • Possibility of in-depth study indeed and familiarization with other subjects within the framework required for writing the test.
  • Deeper and closer relationships with parents through daily contact, learning and discussion.

Opinion of experts on the feasibility, advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling (video)

Thus, it is not difficult to transfer your child to home schooling - it is enough to find a suitable school with experience in such work and write an appropriate application addressed to the director. Next, you need to agree on a plan for attesting the child and get your hands on a program that he will have to master in a certain period of time. After that, you need to decide on the form of homeschooling in which the child will receive knowledge. By balancing all the positive and negative aspects of homeschooling, parents will be able to decide what their child really needs.

Recently, more and more parents prefer family education to a regular school. Everyone has their own reasons, but Algorithm Home Education Center offers a comprehensive solution for each child. We develop a plan for you and help you make the transition from school to homeschooling, organize the learning process and provide methodological support for the learning process. And the specialists of our psychological service will not only help solve all the problems with socialization, but also conduct classes on a comprehensive development program.

you live abroad

Do you live or leave for another country, but do you want to continue your child's education in the Russian program? The first thing to do is to understand how often you plan or be able to return to Russia, it depends on how your child will be assessed when moving from class to class. It is also important to decide whether the child will study at a local or international school, because. the load will double and you need to properly organize the training mode. Nevertheless, it is possible, we have already helped many families living in 60 countries of the world.

The child has a serious and interesting hobby or is unable to attend school regularly for other reasons

80% of families, in addition to school, send their child to classes in various circles and sections. It can be sports or music schools, pop arts or arts and crafts. Many parents enroll their children in language and programming courses. One thing unites them - a catastrophic lack of time, which often leads to a decrease in academic performance. Combining school and other activities is quite difficult, and for many it is simply impossible. Transferring a child to homeschooling will help solve several problems at once, while the child can still attend classes, but significantly reducing their number.

Not satisfied with the education system, the child is ahead of the school curriculum

Increasingly, parents are faced with the fact that the level and effectiveness of education in schools not only does not suit them, but also causes concern for the future of the child.

Basic situations:

  • The child is motivated to learn, but he is not interested in the lessons. At home, you study the program faster and more interestingly, you have run significantly ahead of the program, but you no longer know what to give him.
  • Everything seems to be in order with academic performance, but the real level of the child's preparation causes serious concern.
  • I do not like the way the educational process is built at school. You already have your own idea of ​​what kind of education you want to give your child.
  • Conflicts with teachers affect academic performance, the child's motivation to learn disappears.

The child has problems with the assimilation of the school curriculum

The reasons for poor performance at school can be both external problems (lack of motivated teachers, overcrowding in classes), family circumstances (frequent moves, inability to attend classes regularly, lack of control), and personal characteristics of the child (inattention, forgetfulness, hyperactivity, etc.). Is it necessary to switch to home schooling in such a situation? How not to "miss" a child? In any case, we will help you make the right decision, but first we will conduct a detailed diagnosis of the level of preparation of the child.

Since many readers of the women's site "Beautiful and Successful" are progressive mothers who strive to provide their children with the conditions necessary for versatile development, today's article is devoted to the question of how to transfer to a schoolchild in our country.

If parents have firmly decided that their child will not attend a regular comprehensive school, they need to specifically decide on the type of education outside of it.

Homeschooling: Existing Forms

In general, there are several types of distance learning, the most common of which are:

  1. Home education. With this form of organization of education, school teachers work individually with the child at home. The entire educational process is undertaken by the school in which the child is enrolled. Home education was designed specifically for children with disabilities who cannot attend regular school. In the absence of medical indications, it will not be possible to transfer the child to this form of education.
  2. Partial home schooling. It is also possible to transfer a child to home schooling with free attendance at school lessons only if there is a medical certificate indicating the special needs of the child.
  3. Distance education. Education in a modern Internet school is most convenient for children who live very far from the nearest external school or who are abroad. Students of the online school can communicate with the teacher and among themselves via Skype and on forums. Monitoring the progress of students in this form is also carried out via the Internet, therefore, when studying in it, the need for contact with a full-time school is minimized. The main advantage of distance learning compared to full home schooling is the ability to get advice from professional teachers at any time.
  4. External study. This is the name of the family form of education, in which one of the parents teaches children. In order to switch to home schooling, the family needs to find an external school and conclude an agreement with it. Theoretically, there is nothing complicated in the design of this type of training.
  5. Unschooling. This freest form of education, completely denying the school and the school curriculum, is banned in almost all countries of the world. However, this system can be used as an addition to school education.

How to transfer to home schooling

The law states that the transfer of a child to an external school can be carried out at any stage of his education and it is carried out on the basis of an application from the parents. If you wish to homeschool your child, please follow the steps below.

  • Find a suitable educational institution. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that there are external schools both on the basis of ordinary schools and schools with in-depth study of subjects. External studies will follow the same curriculum as regular school students. External students receive the same certificate as other graduates of this educational institution.
  • Write a statement addressed to the director of the educational institution indicating the reason why the parents decided to transfer the child to home schooling. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the chosen form of family education: distance learning, partial home schooling or external study.
  • Conclude an appropriate agreement with the school. The contract must contain information about the intermediate certification of the external.
  • Take all the necessary textbooks and teaching aids from the school library.

Parents who take documents from a regular school to transfer to an external study based on another educational institution do not need to provide the administration with any certificates. It is enough to inform the director about the new place of education of the child orally.

When transferring a child to home schooling, parents should remember that they take on all the responsibilities for preparing him for tests, tests and exams. However, in case of any problems, they can contact the teachers of the school, who are obliged to provide them with methodological assistance. If the parents fail to ensure that the child learns the school curriculum, the school will have the right to terminate the concluded agreement, and the student will return to the classroom.

How to arrange homeschooling

In order for a child to be able to comprehend all the wisdom of general educational sciences, he must study with one of the adults every day for literally 2-3 hours a day. Therefore, those mothers and fathers who are just thinking about the question of how to organize a child’s education at home should decide who will be the baby’s home teacher.

It doesn't have to be the parents themselves. The role of a teacher can be played by a competent and competent grandmother. Families with a sufficient level of income can invite a tutor to their home.

As for the methods of teaching at home, each family has its own. In our country, there are already parents who have some experience in terms of self-education of their children. They willingly share this experience in various forums.

The site site believes that organizing homeschooling does not require any particularly complex methods and techniques. The main thing is to take into account his inclinations and needs when exercising with a baby, to properly motivate him.

Parents should understand that children are by nature very inquisitive. They listen with pleasure to all the stories of adults and, as a rule, easily remember everything. This is what needs to be used. Cognition can take place imperceptibly for the baby himself, in the form of an ordinary conversation. You can, for example, during a walk in the park, answer the questions of a little why-do-it-yourself as detailed as possible, pushing him to pay attention to certain points.

It is very important that an adult is well prepared for any of these walks or excursions. The erudition of the parent who will educate the child is one of the main requirements for organizing individual learning at home.

But an even more significant factor in successful family education is the choice of the style of communication with the child and the methods of education.

They should be based on respect for the personality of the little person, love for him and unconditional faith in his talent and success. Even if he fails to learn to read fluently or learn the multiplication table for a long time, you should not bully him with long studies, force him to reread the same sentence twice or memorize what he has not yet been able to understand. After all, the main point of the transition to home schooling is precisely to protect the delicate psyche of the child from the negative impact of the imperfect educational system in schools.

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Not all schoolchildren will go to school with a bouquet of flowers and a beautiful portfolio on the first of September. There are some kids for whom the bell for the lesson will never ring. Formally, they will also be considered schoolchildren, but they will not go to school. They will study without leaving home.

Education at home can be carried out both if necessary (for medical reasons) and at the request of the parents. And depending on what caused the decision to switch to home-based education, the learning process itself and the technology for processing all the necessary documents will differ. Consider all possible options.

Option 1. Home education

Home education is designed for children who, for health reasons, cannot attend educational institutions. According to the Russian Ministry of Health, there are more than 620,000 disabled children under the age of 18 in our country. Most of them cannot get secondary education. According to official statistics, in the 2002/2003 academic year, less than 150,000 of them studied in general education and secondary specialized educational institutions. The rest of the children either do not receive an education at all, or study at home, but do not have any documents confirming their education. For such children, home schooling is the only way to get a matriculation certificate.

There are two options for homeschooling for children with disabilities: under the auxiliary or under the general program. Children who study under the general program take the same subjects, write the same tests and take the same exams as their peers studying at school. But the lesson schedule for home-schooling is not as rigid as at school. Lessons can be either shorter (20-25 minutes) or longer (up to 1.5-2 hours). It all depends on the health of the child. It is, of course, more convenient for teachers to take several lessons at a time, so in most cases a child has no more than 3 subjects per day. As a rule, home-based education according to the general program looks like this:

  • for grades 1-4 - 8 lessons per week;
  • for grades 5-8 - 10 lessons per week;
  • for 9 classes - 11 lessons per week;
  • for grades 10-11 - 12 lessons per week.

At the end of the general program, the child is issued a general school leaving certificate, the same as his classmates who study at school.

The support program is developed individually based on the child's health status. When studying under an auxiliary program, a child is issued a certificate of a special form at the end of school, indicating the program in which the child was trained.

Process technology

  • First of all, it is necessary to collect all medical certificates for registration of study at home for medical reasons. Parents or legal representatives of the child must provide the school administration with a medical certificate from the children's clinic with the conclusion of the medical commission for homeschooling.
  • At the same time, parents (or persons replacing them) must write an application addressed to the director of the educational institution.
  • If the child is not able to study under the general program, parents, together with representatives of the educational institution, draw up an auxiliary program that describes in detail the list of subjects studied and the number of hours per week allotted for the study of each subject.
  • Based on the submitted certificates and application, an order is issued for the educational institution on the appointment of teachers for home schooling and the frequency of attestation of the child during the year.
  • Parents are given a journal of classes, in which all teachers note the topics covered and the number of hours, as well as the child's progress. At the end of the school year, parents return this magazine to the school.

Legal support

All the nuances of home education for disabled children are spelled out in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 1996 N 861 "On approval of the procedure for educating and educating disabled children at home." Here are the most basic ones:

  • The basis for organizing homeschooling for a disabled child is the conclusion of a medical institution. The list of diseases, the presence of which gives the right to study at home, is approved by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation.
  • Education at home for children with disabilities is carried out by an educational institution, as a rule, closest to their place of residence.
  • An educational institution for disabled children studying at home: provides free textbooks, educational, reference and other literature available in the library of an educational institution for the period of study; provides specialists from among the teaching staff, provides methodological and advisory assistance necessary for the development of general educational programs; carries out intermediate and final certification; issues a state-recognized document on the corresponding education to those who have passed the final certification.
  • When teaching a disabled child at home, parents (legal representatives) may additionally invite teachers from other educational institutions. Such pedagogical workers, by agreement with the educational institution, may participate together with the pedagogical workers of this educational institution in the conduct of intermediate and final certification of a disabled child.
  • Parents (legal representatives) who have children with disabilities, who bring them up and educate them at home on their own, are compensated by the educational authorities in the amount determined by state and local standards for financing the costs of training and upbringing in a state or municipal educational institution of the appropriate type and kind.

Option 2. Family education

You can study at home not only by force (due to health reasons), but also at your own request (at the request of your parents). The form when a child is educated at home at his own request (at the request of his parents) is called family education. With family education, the child receives all the knowledge at home from parents, invited teachers or independently, and comes to school only to pass the final certification.

Here are some of the main reasons why it is better not to force a child to go to school every day, but to transfer him to home schooling:

  • The child is significantly ahead of peers in mental development. Often you can observe a picture when a child has studied the entire program before his peers and he is not interested in sitting in class. The kid spins, interferes with classmates, and as a result, he may lose all interest in learning. You can, of course, "jump" after a year (and sometimes after several years) and study with older guys. But in this case, the child will lag behind classmates in physical, mental and social development.
  • The child has serious hobbies (professional sports, music, etc.). Combining school with professional sports (music) is quite difficult.
  • The work of parents is connected with constant moving from one place to another. When a child has to move from one school to another every year, and sometimes several times a year, this is very traumatic for the baby. First, there may be difficulties with academic performance. And secondly, it is psychologically difficult for a child to get used to new teachers, new friends and new surroundings every time.
  • Parents do not want to send their child to a comprehensive school for ideological or religious reasons.

Family form of education: process technology

  • To arrange home-based education of their own free will, parents must write an appropriate application to the Department of Education. To consider this application, as a rule, a commission is formed, which includes representatives of the department of education, the school to which the child is attached, parents (or persons replacing them) and other interested persons (coaches or teachers of the child). Sometimes the child himself is invited to the meeting of the commission. If the commission recognizes the expediency of teaching this child at home, an order is issued to attach him to a specific educational institution where the child will undergo final assessments.
  • You can go the other way and write an application directly to the director of the educational institution closest to the child's place of residence. But due to the fact that family education is not yet very common in our country, school principals rarely take the responsibility to make a decision. As a rule, they send the parents' application to the Department of Education.
  • In the educational institution to which the child was attached, an order is issued indicating the mandatory program corresponding to the age of the child, as well as the deadlines for passing the final and intermediate certification.
  • Then, an agreement is concluded between the school and the parents of the child, which specifies all the rights and obligations of both parties (school administration, parents and the student himself). The contract should describe in detail what role is assigned to the child's education in school, what role - to the family; when and how many times will be carried out, attestations, as well as at what laboratory and practical classes the child must be present.
  • When registering home-based education of their own free will, teachers from the school to which the child is attached are not required to come to his home. In this case, the child must independently, with the help of parents, go through the established program. Although sometimes parents agree with teachers for a fee on additional lessons. But this issue is resolved solely by personal agreement.
  • For the final certification, the child must come to the school to which he is attached on the set days. Depending on the circumstances and the age of the child, they may be required to take final and intermediate assessments at the same time as their peers. In this case, the child should come to school only on the days of the final control and testing. But for the child and for the parents, a more convenient option is when an individual schedule for the final and intermediate certification is assigned.

Legal support

The right of parents themselves to give their child a general primary, basic general and secondary full education in the family is guaranteed by paragraph 3 of article 52 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and paragraph 2 of the "Regulations on obtaining education in the family." Here are the main provisions of this law:

  • You can switch to the family form of education at any level of general education at the request of the parents. And at any stage of education, by decision of the parents, the child can continue education at school (clause 2.2 of the "Regulations"). In the application of parents to a general education institution (school, lyceum, gymnasium), it is necessary to indicate the choice of the family form of education and the reason for such a decision. This is also noted in the order for the transfer of the child.
  • An agreement is concluded between the school and parents on the organization of family education (clause 2.3 of the "Regulations"). The main thing in the contract is the procedure, scope and timing of the interim certification. The general education institution, in accordance with the contract (clause 2.3 of the "Regulations"), provides textbooks, curricula for training courses and other literature available in the school library; methodological, provides advisory assistance and carries out intermediate certification.
  • A general education institution has the right to terminate the contract if the student does not master the curriculum, which can be identified during the interim assessment. Transfer to the next class is made according to the results of the intermediate certification (clause 3.2 of the "Regulations").
  • Parents have the right to teach the child themselves, or invite a teacher on their own, or seek help from a general education institution (clause 2.4 of the Regulations).
  • Parents who have chosen the family form of education for a minor child are paid additional funds in the amount of the cost of educating each child in a state, municipal general education school (clause 8, article 40 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"). Currently, this amount is about 500 rubles per month, although in some regions it is somewhat higher due to compensations from the local administration.

Option 3. Distance learning

All over the world, distance learning is widespread among children who, for one reason or another, cannot attend general education institutions. A distance form of education is the receipt of educational services without attending a school (lyceum, gymnasium, university) with the help of modern information and educational technologies and telecommunication systems, such as e-mail, TV and the Internet. The basis of the educational process in distance learning is the purposeful and controlled intensive independent work of the student, who can study in a place convenient for himself, according to an individual schedule, having a set of special teaching aids and an agreed opportunity to contact the teacher by phone, e-mail and regular mail, and also face to face. In our country, the remote form of secondary education is being introduced only in some schools as an experiment. Check with your local education department to find out if these "experimental" schools exist in your area.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2003 N 11-FZ On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" provides for the possibility of obtaining education remotely. But it takes time to implement the system in schools. Firstly, an educational institution must pass state accreditation, confirming the right of this institution to provide distance education services. Secondly, unified distance education programs and specialized literature have not yet been developed. And thirdly, many schools in our country lack the necessary equipment and specialists to implement these programs. But getting a higher or secondary specialized education remotely is already quite realistic. Practically in all major educational institutions (universities, colleges, technical schools, etc.) there is a faculty of distance education.

It must be remembered that you always have the right to choose. Regardless of which of the options for homeschooling you choose, the child can switch from homeschooling to the usual form at any time (that is, like his peers, go to school). To do this, he only needs to pass certification for the next reporting period (academic year, half year, quarter).

Advantages of home schooling:

  • The ability to stretch the learning process or vice versa to complete the program of several classes in one year.
  • The child learns to rely only on himself and only on his knowledge.
  • Possibility of more in-depth study of subjects of interest.
  • The child is for some time protected from harmful influences (although many psychologists consider this a disadvantage).
  • Parents can correct the shortcomings of the school curriculum.

Disadvantages of homeschooling:

  • The absence of a team. The child does not know how to work in a team.
  • There is no experience of speaking in public and defending one's opinion in front of peers.
  • The child has no incentive to do homework every day.


Can someone please tell me whether it is necessary to go to a university, with distance learning, to receive a diploma ??? And if I live 5000 km from the university and I don’t have financial opportunities, and I don’t have the opportunity to come to the university due to my health, and there is no one to come to the university with me to defend my diploma, then what should I do after I finish the last year? ??

The problem of school_ is a huge number of LESSONS! There are six lessons every day in fifth grade. Hence the strong fatigue, if you remove this technology from art and music, then it will be fine. Personally, Yanev is able to homeschool his son in high school. But after studying for two years at the beginning, I understand that we can’t physically and psychologically endure 6-7 lessons every day and a huge amount of homework! Despite the fact that I myself am an educated person and at school I was an excellent student. Dear legislators, if you don’t deal with education and specifically with the huge number of lessons for children starting from the first grade, then the sip of children from school will be very large, since it’s terribly hard to insert there! Extracurriculars, special courses, extra subjects_ this is music and work, as they do not dilute complex subjects, but add the number of study hours to children! And remove, for God's sake, the third hour of English from high school and computer science from elementary! At the same time, the quality of education is poor, teachers are boors and cannot teach everyone, there is no point in going to school! Primary school programs are terrible, division with a remainder in mathematics_ is some kind of idiocy. Personally, I do not know how to teach a child in high school. Such a school as it is, does not suit us in any way _ has been suffering for the third year, what should I do?

03/02/2018 11:15:04 AM, valeria

Nowadays, most children go to tutors because most teachers in schools cannot give them all the information. At least my child will be much calmer learning at home. Will not waste time listening to undeserved insults. In Moscow, at least they follow the learning process more than in the Moscow region. Here in schools there are teachers who spoil the psyche of children, and the educational process leaves much to be desired. And complaints mean only one thing - that your child will only be treated worse. They won't do it anyway. This means a reduction in the staff of teachers. They will simply be left without work. And not all students can apply training VIRTUALLY. Some people go to school to gain knowledge, others just for fun.

The article is full of errors in the part about family education (for the other two - I don’t know).
Both the technology of the process and the references to the legislative part do not correspond to reality. Starting from writing a statement (it is purely notification in nature, there is no need to indicate any reasons, the commission is not going to), continuing with attestations (only final ones are required, all intermediate ones - according to a mutual agreement and schedule; laboratory, etc. the author is generally from part-time took training, apparently) and ending with the abolition of compensation payments to parents with CO from 2013.

"Lack of a team. The child does not know how to work in a team.
There is no experience of speaking in public and defending one's opinion in front of peers "- the same thing) well, where do you get it from, but. Does the team exist only at school? Is it possible to speak in public only at school? Is it really possible to express your opinion only at school This is some kind of narrowness of thinking that occurs over and over again.

06/20/2016 13:45:45, EvaS

And I applied for CO in the 2nd grade in a paid school, in Moscow (4500 rubles per month), because. with 3 budget schools I was tired of "butting" - negotiating, not a single budget school gave me a clear answer on the form of education and certification of my child. And I said that we want to pass the 1st class as an external student. Why I chose CO for my child: 1. my wife does not work and can devote time to the child, 2. the child is taught to study independently at home every day, for two hours. 3. he attends 7 sections, where he has friends-colleagues in his favorite pastime. 4. He has no vaccinations and I'm tired of proving and explaining to everyone that the child is healthy, although according to the law, vaccinations are voluntary. 5. got acquainted with the program "School of Russia" - shocked.6. Was at open lessons in elementary school. Children in the 4th grade in mathematics "swim" in the multiplication table. Impressions: children do not have a clear base, no interest in learning and severe fatigue. Decided to try CO for my kid before middle school, we'll see...

25.05.2016 17:31:46, Yurf

Hello! My child has a severe allergy to dust mites and mold fungi, and at school there is always dust up to the ceiling and flowers, this same mold also develops there. What to do? They do not give a certificate of home education, they only tell people with disabilities, they also do not give a disability with an allergy. Some kind of dead end.

01/21/2016 11:52:56, Zhanna78

This year, the Center for Children's Culture "Academy Timei" starts an interesting project for preschoolers and schoolchildren in family education. In essence, this is a heuristic environment, organized in such a way that cognition occurs as a result of a fascinating and endless process of discovering the unknown.
The prototype of heuristic learning is the method of Socrates, who mastered the art of leading students to discover their own knowledge through special questions and reasoning.
Born from within, in an atmosphere of co-creation, knowledge becomes “native”, that is, loved, that is, truly acquired forever.
The Academy "N" creates an environment that helps each "academician" (child, adult) find a unique way of understanding the world and master the tools of interaction with it. This allows you to turn on the mechanisms of self-realization and realize that the whole World is such a heuristic environment. Read more [link-1]

Please help with education!