Many Eastern religions and local cults support the idea that the soul is reborn in more and more people throughout the existence of the world. This idea is called Reincarnation. It allows a person to explain to himself why he cannot live as he would like to.

In primitive and ancient times, a person, seeing a family resemblance between a grandmother (aunt, grandfather) and a newborn, could explain this to himself as the transmigration of a dead soul. Also, people endowed animals with the Soul, firmly believing that if they lead a sinful life, they can be reborn into some unpleasant entity.

How many times do we live and for what purpose?

The most interesting and mystical question of reincarnation is: “Into whom can the soul be reborn and how many times?”. According to some judgments of theosophy, a person must visit both the male role and the female one. A new life can be better or worse than the previous one, depending on the deeds committed by a person in the past.

Sequential reincarnation (Buddhism) means the gradual development of man - evolution. Starting a new life, a person always finds himself at the point where his past reality stopped. Thanks to reincarnation, the soul can correct the mistakes of the past and raise the level of development of spiritual abilities. Many psychics admit that they remember their previous lives and it is only because of their rich history that they are given such unusual abilities (psychic).

Eastern spiritual practice implies that the goal of reincarnation is understanding by a person of his nature and liberation from bodily desires.

How does reincarnation happen?

The human soul has two forms:

  1. Rough body. This is the material body in which a person lives on earth. After death, the soul leaves the gross shell.
  2. Thin body. In subtle matter, the soul resides in the interval between death and a new birth. She has the ability to think and desire, and therefore during this period she herself can determine the further incarnation.

The soul has a choice of more than 8 million forms of life, but only once having been a person, it can no longer choose the steps of the animal and plant world. Buddhists believe that such a conscious choice of “who will I be in my next life?” you have to go for a thousand years, constantly practicing and doing meditation. And only having managed to come to an inner understanding of life, a person is able to interrupt the cycle of his suffering and choose the best option for reincarnation.

Is death the beginning of a new life?

"The soul of man does not die" - this is the main postulate of Christianity and Islam. And in what form does the life path of the soul continue?

From the stories of eyewitnesses who survived clinical death, we know that the soul resembles a light bundle of energy that can move in space, regardless of obstacles. The famous “light at the end of the tunnel” story also means that death is just a transitional stage during which a person’s memory is preserved. Also, for a certain time after death, a person continues to think clearly, feel and hear others. That is why the development of spiritual life should begin now, and not regret it in the last minutes of life, when the veil between the worlds opens slightly.

The most popular beliefs about the afterlife are:

  1. Resurrection of the dead during the end of the world;
  2. Relocation of souls to hell or heaven;
  3. Reincarnation.

Scientific facts about reincarnation

Usually scientific confirmation for mystical and religious phenomena and laws is difficult to determine. Scientists have been doing research in this area for a long time, because if the transmigration of souls occurs, then there must be some signs of a past life. In addition, if people can remember their past incarnations, then they can increase the life experience of all mankind.

The American psychotherapist Stevenson has been studying cases of reincarnation for a long time, involving eminent psychics in his work, whose abilities were explained by knowledge from past lives. Together they discovered three objective signs of soul transmigration:

  1. Ability for a foreign language, often ancient (much higher than the abilities of ordinary people);
  2. The presence of congenital marks (birthmarks, defects).Some people confirmed their occurrence with stories from the past: for example, injuries could leave their mark in the form of birthmarks.
  3. Historical confirmation(more often remembered by a child under five years old). However, this study does not take into account known historical events. The truth is those facts that can be proved only during long-term studies of files inaccessible to the public.
  4. Having similarities with a person from the past. When collecting evidence about reincarnation, people pay attention to the presence of common diseases (allergies, predispositions) and psychological characteristics (phobias, abilities, talents) in people.

There is a known case when Stevenson, by the shape of a birthmark on the boy's head and the story of his death in a past life from an ax, managed to find a family in which the child died in this way. As it turned out later according to forensic documents, the wounds of the deceased baby coincided with the spot of the observed boy.

The question of reincarnation worries theologians and philosophers throughout the history of mankind. Is death forever, or is it to be continued? If yes, then what?

In this article

Can lives be counted or remembered

A single incarnation or seven hundred exponentially? Or maybe nine of them, like a cat? ? Some believe that it is possible to be reborn at least fifteen times, others insist that seven attempts are enough to realize the destination.


Nobody knows the correct answer. Only strange or terrible events make you think about the eternal.

Most laymen are interested in the outside; perceive everything as a joke, a computer game or fun fun.

  1. What is the shape of the previous body and gender?
  2. What part of the world or country did I live in?

Knowledge about rebirths will help correct the present and the future. The past has great power, so work on mistakes is needed.

Special meditations or deep hypnosis will help refresh your memory. Having tuned in to the right wave, we plunge into a trance and go on a journey through the places of memory.

Meditation as one way to remember your rebirth

In dreams we see distant worlds and past lives

Dreamers say that they find themselves in places that are not in real life, but they clearly recognize them. In wanderings on the astral plane, we meet acquaintances, but, upon waking up, we understand that these are strange faces. Perhaps a feeling in the subconscious of the extraneous presence of thoughts, emotions, desires. What other signs indicate reincarnation?

  1. Constant nightmares with similar plots.
  2. Bright, colorful pictures of foreign countries.
  3. Own transformations or amazing metamorphoses of familiar things.
  4. Fantastic dream stories.
  5. The extraordinary reality of what is happening in the world of illusions.

All these phenomena indicate that the soul is painfully trying to remember the previous place of residence.

strange memories

The older the Mind, the less likely it is to remember the past, according to parapsychologists and occultists. Unconscious visions come to children, but parents usually write them off as a wild fantasy. Sometimes they are afraid of revelations and forbid the child to talk about the illusory vision of reality. Non-existent interlocutors or friends are not the fruit of a sick imagination and are not a reason to take a child to a psychiatrist. Try to talk in an interesting and friendly way. Suddenly, the child will be able to remember and realize himself in previous incarnations.

There is a legend that the cry of a baby at birth symbolizes knowledge. But the guardian angel at this moment puts his hand on his head and makes him forget what happened before. Erases memory to keep the secret.

Intuition as a reminder of a previous life

From the point of view of official science, intuition is a projection of the subconscious into reality. Scientists believe that there is nothing mystical or irrational: the brain constantly captures and processes information, and at the right time suggests the right decision. It seems to us that it came from outside, but in fact they themselves generated it.

It happens to everyone: you are walking down the street, thinking about a friend whom you have not met for a long time. After a few steps you see a familiar face in the crowd. Esotericists will call this a premonition. Fundamentalists will shrug their shoulders and say: you first saw a friend in the crowd out of the corner of your eye, and then you thought about him. And not vice versa.

Occultists believe that the higher the level of consciousness and the more rebirths, the more powerful the intuitive flow.

In this video, a powerful mantra that reveals intuition:

Trusting your inner voice saves lives. The media describes many examples of how, feeling discomfort and danger, passengers handed over tickets for a plane or train before a disaster. They did not get into a car that had an accident a few hours later. They went a different way instead of the usual route and avoided the attack of terrorists.

deja vu

Moments that elude understanding appear under the influence of stress, an unusual or unpleasant situation. Smells, sounds, surroundings - you never know when you will feel an amazing feeling.

Scientists studying quantum theories suggest that deja vu directly indicates the multivariance of the Universe and the presence of parallel spaces. Parapsychologists say that these are echoes of experienced memories. The more and more often the effect is observed, the older the age of consciousness.

Empathy as a sign of rebirth and a highly developed soul

Who are empaths? These are people who are able to physically feel the experiences of others. And not only spiritual, but also physical. The degree of involvement in other people's problems is so high that the empath feels them as his own. They perceive the general grief as part of themselves.

Depending on their religious affiliation, they are called Saints, Righteous, or Prophets. In the secular tradition, they are awarded with epithets: “a doctor from God”, “a teacher by vocation”. Such lamps of Light burn brightly and go out early. Often their fate is tragic. Example: Elizaveta Glinka (Doctor Liza).

gift of foresight

Strong seers come to Earth once a century, and sometimes more. Knowledge obtained from mysterious images cannot always be fully deciphered or openly passed on to descendants. The famous quatrains of Nostradamus are an example of foresight. Due to the peculiarities of the time, the Master could not clearly state the information.

Mikhail Lermontov's poem "I go out on the road alone" is considered by occultists as direct evidence of his involvement in the assembly of Mature Souls. The verse contains these lines:

In heaven solemnly and wonderfully!

The earth sleeps in the radiance of blue ...

At the time of Lermontov, space exploration was far away. But how could he know that the planet looked exactly like this from orbit: surrounded by a bluish halo?

This is what Earth looks like from space

Lermontov's works indicate that his spirit went through dozens of reincarnations. The tragic death of the poet confirms the fact. He lived exactly as long as required.

A look into the past

Information from the past comes in the form of fragmentary memories, unrelated chaotic visions. People are able to remember historical events that happened hundreds of years ago. A tourist from America, visiting Rome for the first time, impressed the guides with the accuracy of describing places that she had not seen before.

Maybe the Jerusalem syndrome, which doctors consider a mental disorder, is a memory?

Jerusalem syndrome is a short-term insanity in especially sensitive natures. Men imagine themselves as Jesus wandering to Golgotha, women experience the suffering of the Mother of God, who lost her only Son.

mental and biological age

It's not about how a person looks on the outside, but how young they feel. It happens that children are serious and concentrated, and adults feel like teenagers to gray hair. Parapsychologists associate the phenomenon with the true age of the soul.

The fewer incarnations there were, the brighter and more emotionally the Spirit manifests itself. Everything seems new, unusual and attractive to him. He never ceases to be surprised and discover the facets of being. Travelers and tireless wanderers most often have young hearts. Examples: Jacques Cousteau, Fedor Konyukhov.

From this video you will find out how old your soul is:

Inexplicable attraction to foreign culture, language, customs

Someone is interested in the philosophy of the East or is thirsty for knowledge of the culture of ancient civilizations. The desire to learn a foreign language or dress in costumes of a certain era can be explained by the theory of life reincarnations.

A striking example is cosplay, a popular phenomenon among young people. Boys and girls choose a real or fictional image that is close in spirit and recreate it with the help of makeup, hair or clothing.

Unexplained fears, phobias and fears

Psychologists believe that we get all the complexes and fears in childhood. Fear of heights, falls or water indicates a violent death in the past. Having unraveled the tangle of phobias, you can get closer to unraveling the origin and purpose of the soul.

Phobias are a product of fears from the past

The feeling that the Earth is not your home

Causeless anxiety, chronic fatigue, anxiety, a feeling of unreality of what is happening. Such emotions arise as a result of the aging of the Consciousness. It gets tired of endless reincarnations and strives to leave earthly limits as quickly as possible. Loneliness, lack of friends, alienation and hostility of relatives are indirect signs pointing to a soul that is ready to leave for the Cosmos.

The premonitions of the old people are based on the feeling, accurately naming the date of departure. Those who are tired clearly know the duration of their stay on Earth and do not regret the imminent death.

They passionately desire to return to their roots, to the boundless space of the Universe and take a break from the difficult path.

Movies and books about the reincarnation of the soul

Popular science and fiction are devoted to issues of life and death.

  1. At the top of this list is Raymond Moody's Life After Life. The author has collected the experience of patients who have undergone clinical death and realized that going beyond the physical shell is real.
  2. Denise Lynn, Past Lives, Present Dreams. In the book, the author gives simple and accessible methods for realizing one's "I".
  3. Sam Parnia What Happens When We Die. In a scientific work, a professor of medicine talks about research conducted with patients who survived coma and short-term care.
  4. The book and film of the same name, The Secret, will interest those who care about the cause-and-effect relationships between our actions and the reaction of the universe.

Memories, reincarnation and the expansion of the boundaries of consciousness have always been of interest to directors.

  1. The cult American film Flatliners was released in 1990. A remake was filmed in 2017. The picture tells about the posthumous visions of a group of young doctors who decided on a risky experiment.
  2. "Narcosis" is not recommended for viewing in anticipation of major surgical interventions. But with full confidence it can be attributed to films that expand the boundaries of consciousness.
  3. The historical picture "The Mummy" will allow you to look at the problem of incarnation from a different point of view.
  4. From domestic series, we advise you to watch the recently released tape "On the Other Side of Death."
  5. The serial mystical drama "Premonition" will tell how, as a result of an accident, a woman acquires the gift of clairvoyance.

Soul is immortal

There are more questions than answers. Are post-mortem sensations real, or are they the last bursts of brain activity before complete extinction? Visions, premonitions, intuition - what is behind these concepts? World experience of numerous reincarnations or blind Faith. Everyone is free to choose a point of view corresponding to religious or other beliefs. Or maybe just follow the advice of Vysotsky:

Wouldn't it be better to be a decent person in life?

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

In the "Secret Doctrine" of H.P. Blavatsky it is said that from a certain period of development of monads, which, ascending the spiral of evolution, pass from one kingdom to another, and finally from the animal to the human, the door to the human kingdom closes, and on the planet only a certain limited number of monads is embodied in a dense physical body. These monads (read, human souls) have been embodied for many millions of years in leather suits, which we call bodies. Considering that the door to the human kingdom has been closed since the middle of the Atlantean period, then the youngest souls who began their incarnations in the period of the middle of the fourth root race (Atlanteans) are about 1 million 600 thousand years old. Whereas the oldest spirits who began the first incarnations on the physical plane during the 3rd sub-race of the third root race (Lemurians) are about 18 million years old. This explains the large cultural, intellectual, spiritual gap between people, nations, races, because older souls who incarnated on Earth many times in dense bodies had more opportunities to accumulate life experience compared to those souls who began incarnating much later than the first ones.

When the body grows old, the soul leaves it, stays for some time in the subtle world (astral) in its subtle (astral) body, and then again descends to the surface of the earth's crust, putting on a tight physical suit in the form of a physical body. The body grows, lives, and the spirit that animates it gains new emotions, impressions, it accumulates life experience, learns to do good, and sometimes evil, in order to understand the difference between them. In the course of this struggle of choosing the soul between the light and dark paths, a person grows spiritually, and thus, spiritually evolves. This road is endless - from an illiterate clumsy to the ruler of the galaxy, and further, to other worlds and planes of existence, the end of which has no end. In order to follow this path, the human spirit must experience the dense world. To do this, the soul must periodically incarnate into dense physical shells. In between incarnations, the soul rests and gains strength in the subtle world. What is the period between two incarnations for today, for example, of the Russian people? This article will answer this question.

Of course, we know from Theosophy that the period between incarnations can be either very short (several years) or very long (several thousand years). Also, the life of one person can be a few days, or it can exceed a hundred years. This is if we talk about one person, about one soul. But if we consider a large mass of people, souls, then in this case the laws of statistics are valid, which operates with average values. Here we will take statistical data and process it using elementary mathematical operations. For the convenience of calculations, we will use Excel.

So, in order to know how many years the period from birth to birth of the average soul of the Russian people takes, we need to know:

A) the total number of souls periodically incarnated in the Russian state egregore;
B) the total number of incarnated souls living in Russia;
C) average life expectancy.

The formula for calculating the period of incarnations "P" is simple: P \u003d A / B * C

A small note to point "A". According to the law of development of monads, they can pass from one nation to another. But if we take a relatively short period of time, say 200-300 years, then the migration of the souls of one nation to another will be minimal, and it can be neglected. It is these small historical time intervals that will be used in our calculation. In one case, it will be 307 years (from 1700 to 2007) - when calculating the percentage of the population of the peoples of the world from the total population of the planet. And in the second case, we will talk about 50 years (from 1900 to 1950), when the percentage ratio of the peoples of Europe, which includes the Russian people, to the total population of Europe will be calculated.

According to the same law of the development of monads, souls that have reached the highest spiritual level, which is only possible for an average monad at this stage of the evolution of planet Earth, and who have freed themselves from earthly karma, can “fly away” to other planets that are higher in their capabilities for spiritual monad development. Since the number of such souls is immeasurably small in relation to the total number of monads incarnating on Earth, we will neglect this loss of souls in our calculations.

There is no direct data on how many souls are spinning in the Russian circle "birth-death-astral-birth" in any source. But there is information about how many souls incarnate on our entire planet. In dubious esoteric circles (Alice Bailey and others) there was talk of 60 billion monads. In verified theosophical and agni yogic sources this figure is neither refuted nor supported. In the series of books "Signs of Light" published by K. Ustinov, in the book called "Roses of Light" in paragraph 140 there is the following phrase: "20 billion souls revolve in the circulation of Samsara." As calculations and indirect facts show, this figure is more true than 60 billion. (The reader can open the file "reincarnation.xlsx", where all calculations are given, and change the figure 20 billion to 60 billion in the "O2" field, and see how all the charts of the reincarnation period change).

To isolate from these 20 billion souls only those souls that are embodied in the Russian state egregore, it will be necessary to make a number of calculations, which are due to the availability of statistical information. Based on the data on the population of the peoples of Europe in relation to the total number of inhabitants of the Earth, we calculate the percentage of the population of Europe in relation to the whole world, and we will impose these percentages on the number of all souls. Thus, we will know the number of incarnating souls in Europe. Knowing this figure, we will take statistical data on the population of the peoples of Europe, and isolate from it the percentage of the Russian people in relation to the whole of Europe, multiply the percentage by the number of souls in Europe, and so we will find out the number of souls of the Russian egregor.

Here it is worth noting that not all groups of souls participate directly in the cycle of incarnations at this stage. Some part of the souls has already reached the level of the next root race (the sixth), and is waiting for its incarnation on Earth, when suitable conditions are created that correspond to the level of the sixth root race. These conditions must be created by the representatives of the fighting vanguard of the sixth race, voluntarily incarnating at the end of the fifth root race, which consists mainly of the white-faced peoples plus the Hindus. New conditions - this means a new social and political system, with a new scale of values, which differs in relation to the current scale of values ​​in increased spirituality, culture, and friendliness. Therefore, the representatives of the vanguard of the sixth race are distinguished by high culture and developed spirituality. Their goal of the present incarnation at the end of our (fifth) race is to build a new society based on high spiritual values. Only in a new, culturally progressive society will the bulk of the souls of the sixth race be able to incarnate. The world is waiting for a cultural revolution, and according to esoteric sources, this will happen in Russia. Our calculations will help to establish the approximate date of this new revolutionary epoch. More on this below.

The vanguard of the sixth race is scattered all over the world today, mainly in the white races. But their number is negligibly small compared to the total population, so they are not taken into account in our calculations. But the number of souls waiting in the astral world for their incarnation in the sixth race must be quite large. For our calculations, this share of souls is estimated at approximately 3% (600,000). This share must be subtracted from the total number of souls (20 billion), and we will get the number of all souls participating in the circle of samsara at this stage - 19 billion 400 thousand souls.

In terms of population and average life expectancy, let's take the exact numbers from Wikipedia. Under the link "History of the population of the Earth" we will take data starting from 1700, because. Since that time, all regions of the planet are taken into account: Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, South America, Oceania. Let's put this data in table number 1 of the "reincarnation.xlsx" file. In the link "Life Expectancy" we will pay attention to the chapter "Evolution of Life Expectancy", where the average life expectancy for historical epochs is roughly indicated. We are interested in the period starting from 1700. We will enter these data in Table 3, stretching them over the years. Now let's calculate the percentage of the population for the indicated regions by creating table number 2. We will draw the obtained data in graphical form by creating a graph called "Percentage of the population of the regions to the total population of the planet."

From this graph, it can be seen that the percentage of the world's population by region was not the same. This is due to the different timing of incarnations. Representatives of some peoples, for example, European ones, were embodied more often than peoples of, say, Africa. For greater clarity, it is worth considering the population growth chart made in 1998 by the United Nations Population Division (see chart "Growth of the world's population from 1750 to 2150."). From this graph it can be seen that the main increase in population occurred at the expense of developing countries. This means that the souls of these egregors were in the astral world and were waiting for their turn to incarnate. And when the time for reducing the period of reincarnation came, these souls en masse received the opportunity to live on Earth. Therefore, the percentage of European peoples has been decreasing all the time. This figure is extremely important for calculations, because. the number of souls spinning in the circle of samsara of one or another region of the planet is calculated from it. We are interested in the European region, which includes the Russian people.

If we consider another chart made in 1998 by the UN Demographic Division, which shows the world distribution of the population by years - 1800, 1900, 2000, then we can see that it gives approximately the same figures that were obtained in our calculation in Excel file "reincarnation.xlsx". To calculate the number of souls by region, we took the percentage for 2007, namely: Europe - 11%, Africa - 14%, Asia - 60%, North. America - 5.0%, South. America - 8%, Oceania - 0.53%.

Taking from table number 2 the percentage of the population by region for 2007, you can calculate the total number of souls incarnating by region of the world. These data are shown in Table 4. Now you can calculate the period of reincarnation for the average soul of planet Earth, broken down by region. To do this, you need to take the number of all souls in one region, divide this figure by the number of incarnated, and multiply by the average life expectancy. These data are presented in Table 5. Presenting the data obtained in graphical form, we will get a general picture of the development of the terms of reincarnation for the population of the whole world, broken down by region.

The general trend for the whole world is marked by a yellow dotted line, which smoothly goes towards a decrease in the terms of reincarnation. This suggests that the scrolls of karma over the past three centuries are being rolled up very quickly, i.e. people incarnate much more often in order to have more opportunities to distribute their karmic debts. This mathematical calculation is consistent with esoteric information, in particular with the content of paragraph 263 from the book by K. Ustinov "Lilies of Light": "Verily, everything is accelerated to unknown speeds. Karma rolls up the scrolls. There is no time for the slow elimination of karma. The bird's path remains. Travel time the ant has passed." In another book by the same author, namely in the book "Faces of Light", in paragraph 171 it is said: "Many souls recognize each other in a new guise. The memory of previous incarnations is still fresh, for the periods between existences have shortened."

Why does the time between existences in dense bodies decrease? The answer is clear to those who know that our humanity is on the verge of a change of root races, when the Earth is preparing for a global continental reorganization, during which some masses of souls (the rearguard and gray middles of humanity) will be deprived of the opportunity to incarnate in their usual places, and other clusters of souls ( spiritual and cultural avant-garde of mankind) will have the opportunity to incarnate on new lands, free from the harmful influence of past (read, current) civilizations. In addition, when the root races change in the astral world, there will be a division of souls into different planets in accordance with karmic merits. The most evil souls will go to Saturn, which will soon leave our solar system. The gray mass of people, unsuitable for further spiritual evolution on Earth, will go to Mars, where in the future conditions suitable for the new Martian humanity will be organized, which will make it possible to make heroes of the spirit out of the gray mass of people. Well, the avant-garde of our humanity (of which there are much fewer than just indicated) will continue to evolve on planet Earth. It is clear that the paths of these human groups will diverge for a long time, if not forever. Therefore, there should be no karmic connections between them. In order to untie the karmic ties connected over the past millions of years of incarnations, on the threshold of a change of races, there is a sharp increase in the incarnations of all groups of the population - from the natives of the lower third root race to the last seventh sub-race of the fifth root race.

Considering the graph for table number 5, which shows the curves of changes in the period of reincarnation for various regions of our planet, we can say that representatives of Europe and Asia had relatively the same incarnation tendencies compared to the global ones. And this is understandable, because. these two groups of monads make up the advanced root races of mankind (the higher subraces of the fourth root race and the fifth root race), therefore uniform and stable periods of reincarnation reign in their midst, which cannot be said about the African, North and South American, Pacific egregores, which are lagging behind sub-races (the remnants of the third root race and the lower sub-races of the fourth root race). The terms of incarnations in these sub-races were enormous, so the inhabitants of these regions did not have time to accumulate rich life experience. But on the threshold of a change of races, the curves of all regions of the world converge at one point in order to ensure frequent meetings of souls in physical bodies and the distribution of mutual karmic debts. Surprisingly, in our calculations, the reincarnation period turned out to be equal for all regions - 195 years. This mathematical miracle suggests that on the verge of a change of races, everyone is given an equal chance to correct their karma.

Now the task is to isolate the share of the Russian people from the total mass of the European peoples. You can take statistical data on the number of European peoples in the 20th century from the Wikipedia website from the article "List of population censuses of the countries of the world", and calculate, based on these data, the percentage of the Russian people and the proportion of Russian souls from the total number of those incarnated in the European region. For a unified population count, three years were taken - 1900, 1925, 1950. If there were no population censuses in these years in some countries, then the average indicator for these years was calculated from the two nearest (previous and past) periods. According to calculations, the percentage of the Russian people from the population of all of Europe amounted to 18.6%, which in terms of specific number will be expressed in 397 million 75 thousand 325 souls (see table number 6, fields K101 and L101) - this is exactly how many human souls for the present moment of evolution are periodically embodied in the egregore of the Russian Federation.

Now we need to find statistical figures for the population within the current borders of the Russian Federation for the 20th century. On Wikipedia, from the same article "List of population censuses of the countries of the world" you can take data on the size of the Russian population in the 20th century. Data on the average life expectancy for the Russian people for the 20th century can be found on the website of the Institute for Demographic Research in the article "The Demographic Situation in Modern Russia". Now, using these figures, using the above formula, it is possible to calculate the period of reincarnation (from birth to the birth of two successive incarnations of one soul) for the Russian people in the 20th century. The data obtained are collected in table number 7(a) and presented in graphical form on the graph "The period of reincarnation for the population of the Russian Federation in the 20th century."

From this graph it can be seen that the period of reincarnation in the Russian Federation was constantly decreasing, as well as on a global scale. The reasons for this decrease are discussed above in the paragraph where it was said about all peoples in general. The difference between the Russian people and the average inhabitant of European nations is that the period of reincarnation of Russian souls lagged behind the average European level, and only at the end of the 20th century caught up with this level, and at the beginning of the 21st century even surpassed it. This suggests that the Russian people, due to the difficult life in the 20th century (World War I, October Revolution, Stalinist repressions, World War II, Perestroika), did not have favorable demographic conditions for population reproduction. Such conditions appeared in the Russian Federation only at the end of the century, along with political, economic and social stability. This trend of population growth in the Russian Federation, which provides for a reduction in the period of reincarnation, will continue into the 21st century. According to the forecasts presented in Table 7(b), in 2050 the number of Russian citizens will reach 183.5 million people, and by 2100 - 213.6 million people.

It should be said about what the forecast presented in Table 7(b) was based on. The linear function of the reincarnation graph (Table 7(a)) will be as follows: y = -0.723x + 1628, where "y" is the period of reincarnation in years, and "x" is historical years. If we take this function as the direction for the further development of the reincarnation period chart, then we can build a forecast for the 21st century. But it is necessary to smooth this curve in the direction of decreasing the period of reincarnation, because if this is not done, then by the end of the century this period will become negative, which cannot be. As logic suggests, the time between incarnations cannot be reduced to a minimum, because the souls of the dead need time for posthumous rest (devachan), receiving karmic rewards and retributions (purgatory), birth and maturation in a new subtle body, getting used to the new subtle world, communication with deceased relatives, creative development, preparation for a new incarnation in the physical body, receiving and considering a task for a new incarnation, etc. and so on. - all this takes a lot of time. Only developed and strong spirits fulfilling the task of Shambhala can fit into two or three decades. But ordinary people who follow the paths of samsara at the behest of karma need at least twice as much time for the posthumous path. Therefore, reducing the period between incarnations from 113 years in 2002 to 73 years in 2100 (see Table 7, column "E") is critical, after which this period should stabilize or even increase. But a further fall is unlikely to be allowed by the Lords of the planet, who control the periods of birth with the help of the lunar elements.

On the graph to table 7(b) "Forecast of the period of reincarnation of the population of the Russian Federation in the XXI century" the curve of the period of reincarnation is gradually approaching a horizontal straight line, which mathematically means that the period of reincarnation is stabilizing around 158 years. With an average life expectancy in the year 2100 of about 85 years, the soul has about 73 years left for posthumous existence, which is rather short if we take into account that in the recent past these periods were several centuries. Such critical periods, as mentioned above, are due to a special period of evolution, which is on the verge of a change in the indigenous races of mankind.

An interesting calculation is the calculation of the year of death of the last incarnation for people born in the calculated historical year, given in column "A" and therefore called A-years. It is very easy to calculate this figure - you need to subtract from which historical year (column "A") the incarnation period valid in this historical year (column "E"). These figures are presented in column "F" of Table 7. Graphically, these calculations are shown on the graph "The year of birth of incarnates and the year of death of their past life in the Russian Federation in the A-year." If we analyze this graph, we can make a social forecast for the Russian Federation for the 21st century. Let's show this with an example.

There is an expression: "Everything is decided by cadres." It is true not only for an economic or political group of people, but also throughout the country in historical and karmic terms. Karma binds groups of people who create some kind of historical action. Groups of people die and incarnate again, carrying group karmic ties with them. Historians often talk about a spiral of historical events, thereby confirming the doctrine of the reincarnation of the soul, because the spiral of history is generated by the periodicity of the reincarnation of human groups, which in each subsequent life fall into the same situations due to the karmic ties of previous incarnations.

In the book "The Message of Infinity" by K. Ustinov there are the following lines: "Events in the Caucasus are not easy.* ... Chechnya is experiencing the return of the degenerates of the era of Alexander II and the first Caucasian war.** And from one side and the other, the fallen soldiers returned."

For reference:
* We are talking about the Russian-Chechen wars. The First Chechen War (officially the conflict was called "measures to maintain constitutional order") lasted from 1994 to 1996. The second Chechen war (officially called the "counter-terrorist operation") lasted from September 30, 1999 (the date of the introduction of federal troops into Chechnya) to April 16, 2009, when the regime of the counter-terrorist operation was canceled in the Republic of Chechnya.
** The first Caucasian war - the so-called. Ermolovsky period (1816-1827), when Alexander II appointed General A.P. Yermolov (1777-1861).

From this information, you can calculate how many years have passed between the First Caucasian War of the era of Alexander II and the modern First Chechen War - we will get the following figure: 1994 - 1816 = 178 (years). It is this figure that will be the period of reincarnation in the Russian Federation at the time of the start of the First Chechen War, i.e. in 1994, when the old enemies of the Caucasian wars of the times of the Russian Empire were embodied in both Russia and Chechnya. If you look at our calculations of the reincarnation period, given in table number 7 of the "reincarnation.xlsx" file, you can see approximately the same numbers. For 1989, the reincarnation period was 186 years, and for 2002 - 178 years. The year 1994, which is in the middle, will give a figure of the reincarnation period of approximately 182 years, which is quite close to the figure of 178 calculated above from the books of K. Ustinov as the interval between the First Caucasian War of the era of Alexander II and the modern First Chechen War.

Just as history repeated itself in the form of the round of the Chechen wars, other events can also happen when other groups of souls who wrote the history of Russia in past centuries incarnate in the Russian Federation. Based on the knowledge of past history and the period of reincarnation, it is possible to make a forecast of social relations in Russia in the 21st century. If we take the masses of people aged 25 to 45 years as the leading force of the era, then when forecasting, it is worth relying on the incarnations of 35 years of age. If from table number 7 we add 35 years to the years of death of past incarnations, then we get the year in which these incarnations acted as the engines of the era. So you get a column of numbers with the years of the engines of the era of past history (see column "H" of table number 8). Now we need to take the year in which this leading group of souls will incarnate in our time, and add to this figure also 35 years, when this group of souls will again occupy leading positions in society. This is how table number 8 "Historical parallels with the present time" was obtained, which is graphically presented on the corresponding graph.

If you look at position number 3, then the top line will show the year of modern history - 1994, and the bottom line - the year of past history - 1835. Some epochal events took place next to these years, which will have a similar character. In position number 3, apparently, there is a similarity between the Caucasian wars of the past and the Chechen wars of the present. The Caucasian wars of tsarist Russia, in which Ichkeria was directly affected, lasted 42 years: from 1817 (the beginning of the Yermolovsky period) to 1859 (the capture of Shamil and the declaration of Ichkeria's obedience). The middle of this period of the war between the soldiers of the Russian army and the Chechen highlanders is precisely the year 1835. When these people reincarnated, then, sealed by a karmic bond (hate binds as strongly as love), they again took up arms. Thus began the first Chechen war in 1994.

Today's time - positions number 4 and 5 - is characterized by the growth of the bourgeoisie of the second half of the 19th century, when swindlers of all stripes came into the world with one goal - to get rich. Society worships the bourgeois element as an idol. Money is the measure of success and social prosperity. The Church breeds demagogy, but she herself is not averse to stuffing money. Peasants drink too much or migrate to the cities, where they replenish the army of slaves of the bourgeoisie. The working people are mercilessly exploited and receive a pittance for their work. Culture is placed at the service of the petty-bourgeois morality of profit. Such are the historical parallels between the last quarter of the 19th century and the first quarter of the 21st century.

Position number 6 of the graph "Historical parallels with the present time" to table number 8 of the file "reincarnation.xlsx" corresponds to the famous "Bloody Sunday" and the First Russian Revolution of 1905-1907. It must be assumed that, starting from 2024, the first dissatisfaction with the state policy of the tsar-president will begin in the Russian Federation. The people will be under the heel of the neo-capitalists, who treat the people with paper sausage, pesticide vegetables, burned vodka, while fooling the people with laughter panoramas and pop TV parties. A public order that puts the green dollar at the forefront of public morality will be called into question by a large part of the youth. The first social cells, Internet communities, will begin to emerge, aiming to change the capitalist system of Russian society in favor of socialist ideas. "The idea of ​​communism will make a turn of the spiral in order to return anew," these are lines from the books of the same K. Ustinov. The country will look for new forms of social life in which material goods will be of secondary importance in relation to the cultural and spiritual life of the people. Young social scientists will appear who will evaluate society not by the level of the country's gross industrial product, but by the index of happiness of its inhabitants.

In addition, the struggle between wage workers and the new Russian neo-capitalists will take on a sharp character. Industry and transport may be covered by strikes of workers and employees who will be dissatisfied with low wages, the lack of environmentally friendly working and living conditions, the flourishing of obscene mass culture, endemic bribery and embezzlement, the inability to achieve justice in the courts, etc.

It is possible that some of the revolutionary incarnations will find an outlet for their insurrectionary nature in the environmental movement, which by then will have a global, planetary character. The irreconcilability, courage and ingenuity of Russian eco-activists will make the mass media of the whole world talk about them as the most desperate fighters for the preservation of the planet's natural resources. In addition, the Russian "greens" will bring new living blood into the global Greenpeace movement, putting forward on the agenda of this movement a completely new ideology of communal order, in which man and nature live in friendly symbiosis.

Probably, the revolution of the 2030s will not have such a cruel and bloody character that took place in Russia during the civil war of 1918-1920. In the 2030s, the clashes between supporters of Russian neo-capitalism and a new world free from the dictates of capital will more likely bear the character of ideological, bloodless wars. This will be the karmic task of the new incarnations, who took up arms in a past life and started a fratricidal war. Whites and reds in a past life will converge again in the 2030s in an uncompromising struggle with each other. In this incarnation, they will need to learn how to resolve their disputes peacefully - without weapons in their hands. It will be difficult, and therefore hot times await Russia.

If we recall the letter of the Mahatmas to the Russian government, which speaks of the achievements of the Great October Revolution, then we can predict the achievements of the future revolution of the 2030s. Let us make the assumption that it will be more spiritual, cultural, and ideological than material, political, and economic, as in 1917. Based on the letter of the Mahatmas, handed over in 1924 by the Roerichs in Moscow to People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs G.V. Checherin, the future cultural and ideological Russian revolution of the 21st century will probably have the following points in its achievements:

All these and other events cannot be carried out without the support and guidance of the International Invisible Government - the White Brotherhood of Shambhala. This time, the Mahatmas will not just observe the course of the revolution, or send their ambassadors to offer cooperation with the government, but one of the Mahatmas himself will lead the Russian cultural revolution. The Reverend White Brother himself, one of the seven Great Kumars, Saint Germain has already incarnated in Russia to lead the movement of revolutionary souls that are born in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century. This joyful and bright news is proclaimed in the books of the same K. Ustinov: "A new Savior has been born. This is one of the incarnations of S.-Zh." (Mountain Abode, p. 141.) These lines were adopted by Ustinov at the end of 2000. This means that Saint-Germain is already at least about 10 years old, and he probably goes to a Russian school, in a Russian city, and speaks Russian language. The following lines, adopted by K. Ustinov in 2007, shed light on the mission of the new incarnation of the Great Saint Germain:

"Destined people belong to the law of timing. Meetings are inalienable, but both the shadow side and forces that do not want change can interfere. The movement of hearts has begun. The spiral will unfold into a great community where the pure forces of My country will be gathered. Under the leadership of the Reverend, the path of spiritual growth will begin "It is the spirit that will indicate to wealth the best use of the application. The resonance will be throughout the planet. Like a meteorite impact, a wave will go around the globe more than once." (Voice of the Heart, p. 333.)

Indeed, the movement of revolutionary hearts has already begun! The spiral of reincarnations will bring to Russia the spirits that fought for a better future for the country in 1917. These recalcitrant spirits will gather around Saint Germain and make a new revolution in Russia - a communal revolution, a cultural revolution, a revolution of the spirit triumphing over the deadness of the neo-capitalist swamp! Great Zvenigorod will shoot up the spiers of its glory into the blue sky of the blessed Altai. The city-community will achieve, under the leadership of Saint-Germain, unimaginable achievements in the field of culture and science, hitherto unknown simple and cordial relations between its inhabitants-communities. The resonance from the created great community will have a worldwide scale. Delegations from all countries will visit the Altai community of Saint-Germain, be surprised and amazed at the simplicity, happiness and wisdom of the inhabitants of the Altai Zvenigorod. There will be many imitators around the world. The movement of communal settlements will be especially successful in Russia, where it will take on a nationwide character. The community of Saint-Germain will become the prototype of the world community... Great Russia, Ivans of the Hundred Thousands, will once again direct the world in the right direction of evolution.

Today's demography takes into account only the birth, movement and death of embodied spirits. In the future, the science of reincarnography will be created, which will deal with the full cycle of reincarnation of human souls. This article only briefly shows one of the possibilities of this science, based on only one, but the key figure, which speaks of the number of souls spinning in the circle of reincarnation on our planet. We do not yet know many of the laws that govern the afterlife of the soul. This is due to the fact that the vast majority of humanity does not accept the doctrine of reincarnation at all. When this barrier is broken, and every inhabitant of the Earth accepts this theory (as is the case in today's India), then the science of reincarnation will be accepted by the scientific world, making it possible to collectively brainstorm this area of ​​​​human knowledge. And if humanity reaches that moral and spiritual level of development, after which the abuse of esoteric knowledge becomes impossible, then our Teachers - the Mahatmas of Shambhala - will help humanity on the way to mastering the secrets of reincarnation, which in its power can easily overshadow any technocratic achievements of modern sciences.

- This is a rather sensitive topic.

Someone believes in reincarnation and rejoices that there are many more lives ahead, while someone considers this nonsense.

Take our joke quiz and find out what time you are on Earth?

After the test, you can read some interesting facts about soul reincarnation.

1. Jews and Eskimos believe that the soul passes from one person to another only within his family.

© Julbee/Getty Images

2. Hindus say that after the death of a person, the soul finds a new body for itself, but only depending on who the deceased was and what lifestyle he led.

© Leung Cho Pan

If a person was good, then in the next life his soul will go to the righteous and with each new life he will improve the conditions of his life.

If a person was a sinner, then in the next life his soul will not be sweet at all. She, for example, can move into the body of a mother with many children who does not have a livelihood.

3. How a person's previous life ended can be judged by his present life. If in this life a person is afraid of water, then in the past he drowned. Or if he is afraid of fire, then in a past life he burned down in a fire.

© Lara111 / Getty Images

4. Today, over four million people in India and Nepal are being prepared for reincarnation. That is, they departed from worldly life and began to prepare their bodies. Becoming hermits and yogis, they began to eat little, take ice baths, be silent and stand on one leg for many hours.

© Andrey Khrobostov

5. In Nepal, in the Hindu temple of Pashupatinath, everyone will be happy to teach how to prepare for the transmigration of the soul. The temple has a house of the dead. Old people are settled there, ready for rebirth, and the priests predict to them in whom and when their soul will move.

© YURY_TARANIK / Getty Images

6. According to the Nepalese priests, Hitler's soul must be sought among crocodiles or among other ugly and aggressive animals, and billionaires can become exclusively hyenas or scavengers in their next life.

© wizgeoffrey / Getty Images

7. There is no guarantee that a good person in the next life will also become a good person, since his soul can be reborn in the body of a sacred animal - an elephant or a monkey. For an Indian, such a rebirth is pride, while for a European it is a shock.

Incredible Facts

Have you ever felt like you've lived before? Have you ever experienced deja vu? Or maybe you once, when meeting a new person, thought that you had known him all his life? These are the general characteristics of the reincarnation process.

If you find yourself irresistibly drawn to a certain country or culture, or even more extreme, you dream in another language, it means that reincarnation has left an indelible imprint on your mind.

People in all corners of the world and at all times believed and still believe in reincarnation. It was spoken about in ancient Egypt, in Eastern religions (Buddhism and Hinduism), and now it is also spoken in the Western world, where past lives are regularly examined by specialists and psychologists.

It seems that the spiritual journey that many people are familiar with is not only about the development of the soul, accumulated over a lifetime, but also covers a whole series of lives, sometimes hundreds or more. So, let's talk in more detail.


What is reincarnation?

Reincarnation is the process by which a soul is born into a physical body, dies, and returns to a spiritual form to be born again in a new body. The cycle continues for thousands of years, and the soul gradually gains wisdom and experience in its journey. Thus, reincarnation is a path that allows the human soul to constantly develop.

Think of reincarnation like the waves coming to shore time after time. The wave has a very short "life". Once ashore, she mixes with sand, gets a short respite on land, before leaving again for open waters. This endless "back and forth" is how the sea lives, the body and soul of a person. Reincarnation represents this cycle of life.

How does reincarnation work?

There is a creative process in human awareness that divides omniscience into an unlimited number of copies of itself. This happens at all levels of life, from spiritual beginnings to physical manifestations. The closest possible comparison is to cell biology, a form of spiritual mitosis in which the cell divides, thus multiplying the possibilities for growth and expansion of consciousness.

There is another way of explaining it, but on a grander scale: the entity separates from itself an identical version of itself that is made up of the same spiritual DNA. The main difference is that only the essence is endowed with the gift of the collective spirit, and the spiritual DNA is specially coded in such a way as to respond only to those who have this gift.

The collective body of the entity remains on the astral plane, but its purer forms, its subpersonalities (as they are sometimes called), incarnate into physical bodies on earth. The new soul is essentially another version of the entity, although the duplicated spiritual DNA allows the new personality to access previously acquired skills, latent talents, and other features of the entity's previous lifetimes.

past lives

After the death of the incarnating fragment, the soul returns to the astral plane. When viewed as a family, the entity resonates as a parent with a child (fragment), the connection between which is strong and convincing. Eventually, the fragment returns to the entity.

Absorption is one of the terms used to describe the process, but the entity is not the one who "digests" the fragment and absorbs its nutrients (in this case experience). A better term would be splicing. The fragment is merged with the essence, which means the union of two energies, creating a sense of unity, but allowing the individualization of the spirit.

Essence is not a bloated mass of personalities, but a collective spirit, united by a great consciousness of disparate souls, which are interconnected, but at the same time freely leading their own existence.

Separate souls (or fragments of essence) do not reincarnate, but they are deeply aware of other incarnations and are energetically part of them. Souls, children of essence, continue to evolve through their union with essence and in their own striving for personal growth.

After an entity recombines with its essence, its evolving soul fragments are re-arranged into a new cycle and are gifted the ability to spiritually replicate so that it can then create Life as collective spirits in the reincarnation cycle. This gives endless possibilities for the constant expansion of consciousness.

But wouldn't the steady increase in offspring be too heavy a burden? How does this multiplication process work?

This process only looks like a heavy burden when viewed through the limited focus of 3D thinking. The soul's ability to create is far beyond the linear framework of the human mind, and utterly astonishes those who hold to more traditional interpretations.

Soul Reincarnation

To encapsulate the process, each spark from the Tao generates new expressions of consciousness. These expressions work both in alliance with the entity and on their own. What is important is not the multiplication of offspring, but creative expression in the act.

This should not be taken lightly. The act of instilling self-awareness into a new form of consciousness is in some respects just as weighty and awe-inspiring as the act of creating a whole new universe.

Since the reincarnation selves exist under the umbrella of the entity, but function independently, a huge number of conscious identities (or fragments of the entity) will never become unmanageable. The number of cells in the human body, for example, is in the trillions. They do not need conscious control, and there is no need for overthinking. They are independent but still function within the system.

The fact that a fragment of an entity (which has now become a full blown entity) can repeat itself is an extension of an evolutionary impulse that affects all conscious life. With each inhalation and exhalation, the fragments gather and work in new, meaningful ways.

If this act of creative expression were somehow excluded from what is happening, then the spiritual impulses of the soul would still find means. This exploration of greater self-awareness cannot be denied.

The distinctions between the entities and her personalities are somewhat confusing to the layman. Let's take a closer look at them.

Many do not understand how the essence differs from its fragments, which are embodied physically. In short, there are no differences. The essence is the essence. It does not matter whether you mean the entity in the collective sense or those parts of it that incarnate on Earth.

Reincarnation of souls

The spiritual composition of these multiple forms is the same. These subpersonalities are simply extensions of the same being. These are not unruly children. Upon returning to the astral plane, the fragment soon realizes that they are part of something larger, and often only one thought brings them back to their original self.

However, once a personality is created, it continues to develop along its own path while remaining part of a larger organism known as an entity. In a sense, a created personality is similar to an entity, but on a much smaller scale and in a simpler configuration.

Confusion occurs when people try to reconcile differences, for example: "Why are personalities transferred from other lives if they don't reincarnate, or do they still reside in essence"?

Again, these subpersonalities are part of the essence. When an entity creates new personalities, it separates from itself (the process of spiritual mitosis mentioned above) a cell, but a large number of separated cells are still part of the same organism. When, for example, another lived life enters the treasury of the essence, the whole essence experiences it as a whole, because it is a single whole with all its parts.

What is spiritual DNA? Is it different from physical DNA?

The problem with spiritual DNA versus physical DNA is that, for obvious reasons, an exact ratio cannot be made at the biochemical level.

Spiritual DNA performs a similar function in transferring the identifying elements of an entity from one individual to another, but it does not include the genetic code that evolves and the entity is distilled to absorb the experience of life without contamination from other sources.

About reincarnation

Does this mean that a new personality can inherit the DNA of previous personalities?

Encoding from entity to personality is a process that conveys the relevant material, always the same. If the question implies whether the process of inheritance is empirical, then the answer in this case is yes. Unresolved experiences are often brought to the surface of consciousness for lifelong processing. However, this phenomenon is not universal, and only the experience of a particular life can suggest the answer.

Why do we choose reincarnation?

The choice to reincarnate, the choice to go through hundreds of lifetimes with difficult experiences, comes from a deep longing within the entity (our higher self) to experience the unpredictable but very exhilarating greatness (or pain) of physical existence.

This choice comes from the desire to truly understand something, to truly make something your own, and for this you need to look at the world through the eyes of different people with different points of view. From the point of view of the essence, this means reincarnation.

Life cannot be written in one paragraph, just as it is impossible to have an experience based on the point of view of only one person. The picture in this case will be incomplete and unsatisfactory. Reincarnation adds the necessary dimensions through the collective experience.

Imagine, for example, that your essence is the master playwright William Shakespeare. Now imagine a scene with a lot of characteristic characters who are the embodiment of his creative mind, but they could just as well be the embodiment of the essence (his higher self).

Each character on the stage perceives what is happening from their unique position. Someone may look at the scene with unbridled optimism, while another will perceive everything from a position of complete cynicism. What initially appears to be a conflict is in fact a whole web of interactions between the participants - the characters, which gives rise to an understanding of the human condition, impossible to understand without multiple points of view.

Soul life

Reincarnation works the same way. Several lifetimes provide more opportunities for life experiences that govern the whole gamut of human emotions. Unlimited avenues for learning lead to experiential engagement with all aspects of the human condition, both light and dark. In many cases, the dark side of a person can be his greatest teacher. Here he can learn compassion.

How many times do we reincarnate?

On average, most people reincarnate about a hundred times during a great cycle. However, the number of incarnations does not matter and does not imply the presence of something negative or positive in relation to a person. Figuratively speaking, some souls draw with pencils inside the outlined lines, while others go far beyond the lines.

It does not matter. For example, one person will always buy the same flavor of ice cream, while another will always be looking for something new. The number of lives is more a matter of personal preference than anything else. The only requirement is that the soul has passed through all five experiential stages of soul age, and has also passed through the inner monads accompanying each stage.

Some souls believe that the Earth is the wild west of the universe, and quickly move through their incarnations. Others enjoy the possibility of adventure and prefer the deeper experience that can only be gained with more lifetimes. The law of the earth is an individual choice.

How much time passes between lives?

The amount of time that has elapsed between lives is often based on several things: analysis of the previous life, lessons learned and goals achieved, and necessary preparation for the next phase. In the process of preparation, there is an awareness of the life task, the choice of a set of obstacles, the conclusion of "contracts" with people (including potential parents), and much more.

The time spent on the astral plane also goes well. It is a place where souls between lives recharge, heal the emotional wounds left from a previous life.

As a rule, if the soul lingers on the astral for too long, this is not good. In this case, the soul loses its connection with cultural achievements, risks becoming an anachronism, and the emotional bonds between all the fragments that are still involved in the reincarnation cycle may lose their strength.

Births in a past life

Some souls, often due to inexperience or a desire for more spontaneous experiences, can reincarnate very quickly. In this case, all options are available. No experience is wrong because there is something to learn from every experience.

Why don't we remember our past lives?

In fact, past lives can be remembered, we see some moments in a dream, we feel them when we experience deja vu, when we meet people whom we may have known in a past life, because it seems to us that we have known them all our lives. Also, a past life can manifest itself with the help of various interests, hobbies and talents.

However, there is a fundamental reason why past lives are not an obvious element of our conscious memory: the newly incarnating soul is an intact copy of the essence. That is, the new personality is a purer aspect of the entity that does not bring the remnants of the collective memory to the waking consciousness.

These memories lie on the surface of consciousness, and some will remain completely inaccessible. Small children, however, sometimes retain memories of their last past life, but these memories also sink beyond consciousness, since new life is a priority.

Since access to these memories is very indirect, they are usually caused by something, for example, deja vu. Past life regressions also work as a trigger. Calling up past life information can be similar to how taste buds work.

When eating, some foods trigger a stronger reaction than others, and may also evoke associations with forgotten culinary favorites, revealing deeper layers of past life memories.

This analogy does not suggest that past lives are consumed and assimilated, it suggests that the memories an association evokes can help recall a favorite food from a past life or accept a significant person from the past.

Does the soul have a basic consciousness that does not depend on the vocation, the role of a person, his interests and hobbies?

The core consciousness idea is correct. The vibrational energy of any spark from an entity tends over time to attract the experience that defines its core. Certain life experiences go in favor of some personality, and at the right moment the spark becomes a magnet for the kinds of experiences it wants to focus on.

soul, journey

If such experiences do not naturally come to the soul, they will deliberately seek it. This creates a consciousness that focuses attention on a set of experiences corresponding to desired intentions and ideals.

Becoming aware of core consciousness is as simple as following the natural impulses that come to the surface many times a day. They are very noticeable when a person is observant and self-conscious enough.

Are we always reborn as human beings?

To answer this question, it is important to understand how the great cycles work.

Technically speaking, reincarnation ends when the soul completes an incremental series of lives on the planet. All lifetimes are designed to expand the range of the soul's life experience and strengthen its spiritual development, progressing through the perspectives colored by its age stages (infant, child, young, mature and old).

However, the journey of the soul does not end at this stage. From the physical world, the soul moves into higher dimensions, sometimes called planes of existence (astral, causal, mental, messianic, and buddhaic). At the end of this cycle there is a reunion with God. Then you can start a new cycle on another planetary system.

The decision to start a new grand cycle is not easy and requires significant effort. As soon as the incarnation cycle begins, the soul can no longer jump to another galaxy in the middle of the path and incarnate in the body of an alien, since in this case its settings for another system will not be correct.

Gradual adjustment occurs over time as the new soul, usually in girl form, adapts to the demands of the new system. Most souls who are just starting a cycle take a new planet for a test drive, so to speak, but once the desired state is reached, it is rare for a soul to back out. Life on another planet can always be explored in the next great cycle.