The variety of juices and sweet drinks in stores is great, but so far nothing has been invented better than ordinary homemade compote. Making a preparation in the form of apple compote for the winter, we are at least sure that there are no preservatives and flavors in our compote, only natural products. Even the simplest apple compote for the winter is much healthier than any expensive drink from the store.

Apples allow you to cook any assorted compote according to your own taste, since apples go well with other fruits and berries. Compote of cherries and apples for the winter, compote of plums and apples for the winter, compote of apples and currants for the winter have proven themselves remarkably. A classic combination is considered to be a combination of apples and pears. Compote of apples and pears for the winter is valuable for its bright taste and fruity aroma, it quenches thirst well. And the amount of sugar in such compotes is determined depending on the degree of acidity of the fruit: the more acidic the apples, or the berries and fruits present in it, the more sugar should be provided.

Apple compote for the winter is prepared both with sterilization and without sterilization or pasteurization. In the second case, the jars must be sterilized, dried before packing the fruit, and after capping, turn upside down and wrap in a blanket. It is also recommended to slightly increase the amount of sugar, which plays the role of a preservative.

It is advisable to cut large apples into slices, but if you have smaller apples, make compote from whole apples for the winter. Such a compote is more appetizing, looks better, although the taste of slicing fruit does not fundamentally change. Be sure to cook this simple, delicious and useful compote from apples. The recipe for the winter is on our website, use it.

A number of our tips will help you better understand how to make apple compote for the winter:

Compote needs large apples without visible damage;

It is advisable to sort the apples into varieties so that each jar contains apples of the same variety;

Apples are thoroughly washed, the skin is removed from them, the core is removed, the fruit is cut into slices;

Place peeled and chopped apples in cold, slightly salted water. But do not keep them in water for more than half an hour, as useful substances pass from apples into water;

After that, do not drain the water, it can be used to make syrup;

If you are preparing combined assorted compotes, remember that compotes with stone fruits (cherries, plums, apricots) cannot be stored for more than a year, and you can get poisoned. For long-term storage, make pitted fruit compote;

Compote apples can simply be eaten as a dessert, or can be used as a filling for pies or apple pie.

Apple compote for the winter is one of the simplest, most useful, reliable and delicious homemade preparations. Compote quenches thirst well, increases vitality and improves mood. It can be safely given to young children, since the drink rarely provokes allergic reactions. If you are on a diet, apple compote will come in handy. Before proceeding with the recipes, it is worth remembering the basic steps of preparation, following which you can get an almost perfect drink.

General postulates of cooking

Food preparation
. The first stage of the cooking process is the selection of apples. The fruits should not be overripe or too hard. It is important that each jar is filled with apples of the same variety.

Fruits of sweet and sour varieties are best suited for compote from fresh apples.

More often than others, such varieties as White filling, Grushevka, Quinti and Mantet are used.

If you need to cut slices, do not do it too finely, otherwise the compote may turn into gruel. A similar effect will be obtained when using overripe fruits.

Sugar can be replaced with fructose or molasses. Fans of culinary experiments can diversify the taste with seasonings. Anise, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, vanilla, lemon balm, cardamom, or nutmeg are often added to canned compotes.

Preparing dishes and additional tools. From the dishes you will need:

  • banks;
  • cutting board;
  • large saucepan;
  • sieve (can be replaced with clean gauze).

When thinking about how to cook apple compote in a saucepan, remember that the syrup container must be made of stainless steel. An apple cutter will also be useful, with which you can cut the fruit into several parts and remove the core with just one movement. It is important to properly prepare jars and lids. They must be thoroughly washed and be sure to scald with boiling water.

Before you cook apple compote, you should purchase two simple but very useful tools. We are talking about the disc for sterilization and tongs. The first tool is placed on a pot of water. When the liquid boils, a jar is placed on the disc and they wait until it is sterilized. And with the help of tongs it is easy to get the jar without risking getting burned.

Cooking technique. Experienced chefs recommend blanching apples for 5-7 minutes before laying. Blanching will help to avoid browning and loss of volume, in addition, the remaining water can be used for syrup. But after blanching, the fruit must be cooled in cold water.

Blanching is needed if you are preparing compote with sterilization.

According to classic recipe jars filled with apples are poured with hot syrup (200-300 g of sugar per 1 liter of water). It is important that the syrup completely covers the fruit. After filling with syrup, you can proceed to sterilization. It is very important to determine how much to cook apple compote. The following guidelines can be taken as a guide:

  • 0.5-liter jars - from 15 to 20 minutes;
  • 1-liter - up to 25 minutes;
  • 2- and 3-liter - up to 35 min.

Sterilization itself should take place at a temperature of 85 °. Banks are sterilized unrolled. Then they are corked with lids, turned over and left to cool.

Not all recipes require sterilization, below are a few of these options. But if sterilization is indicated in the recipe, this cannot be ignored. Otherwise, the shelf life of compote can be significantly reduced. Recall that during fermentation, the fruit floats, and the lid swells slightly.

Apple compote

Below are 5 cooking recipes apple compote. Apples are the main ingredient. Despite the simplicity of this recipe, it is better not to deviate from it. If you cook correctly, you can pamper yourself and your loved ones with not only a very tasty, but also a healthy drink.

Apple compote for the winter without sterilization


  • apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • water - 1 l.

Step 1. Rinse the fruits (large fruits can be cut into slices). Fill the prepared container so that there is a little free space in its upper part.

Step2. Cooking syrup. To do this, pour sugar into boiling water. Boil the syrup for 2 minutes. Then remove the fire syrup and pour over it so that the apples are completely covered with syrup.

Step 3. After 5 minutes. waiting, the syrup is poured back into the pan and put on fire. After boiling, the liquid is again poured into jars. After 5 min. the procedure is repeated.

Step 4. After the 2nd pouring of the syrup, jars of apple compote are rolled up for the winter. Then they should be turned over. Under the necks, you can put a cloth or newspaper. In this position, the banks remain until the final cooling.

Make sure the closure of the jars is tight enough. Otherwise, microbes can enter the drink, which will provoke undesirable processes. If aluminum caps have been used, the sign of a good seal is their depression.

Insufficient deflection can be caused by overfilling the jar with fruit or improper cooling of the compote. To avoid damage to the product, it is worth changing the lid and sterilizing the compote again.

Whole apple compote (with sterilization)


  • fresh half-ripe apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 270 g;
  • dried mint - 2 sprigs;
  • water - 1 l.

Step 1. For harvesting, we select ripe fruits without noticeable flaws, preferably white filling. We cut off the stalks (it is enough to leave ⅓ of the length) and thoroughly wash the apples. Then pour them into a colander to make the water glass. We put the fruits in clean jars up to half the volume. At the end we put sprigs of mint. Mint can be replaced with cloves, vanilla or cinnamon sticks.

To prevent the apple skin from bursting during sterilization, pierce the fruit in several places with a toothpick or a thick needle. Whole apples are best preserved.

Step 2. Boil liquid sugar syrup.

Step 3 Pour apples with hot syrup and proceed to sterilization. Cover filled jars with lids. At the bottom of the pan intended for sterilization, place a special wooden grate or towel. Make sure that the jars do not burst due to temperature changes. This can happen if you put the jars in boiling water.

Step 4 Rolling should be done immediately. Turn the rolled jars upside down and refrigerate.

Dried apple compote


  • dried apples - 100 g;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp (can be replaced with lemon juice).

Step 1: Sort and Rinse dried apples. Then put them in a bowl.

Step 2. Pour dried fruits hot water. Then add sugar and cook over low heat for at least 25 minutes. Sugar can be replaced with honey. But it should be dissolved in ready-made apple compote. A daily recipe calls for a heavy-bottomed pot. The main thing is not to overdo it with the cooking time. Readiness is determined by softness. It is better to brew a drink from dried fruits with a closed lid, because useful substances are lost during the evaporation process.

Dried apples should be pre-steamed for 10 minutes. in boiling water. To diversify the taste of the drink, add other dried fruits to it. You can also use seasonings such as lemon balm and cloves.

Step 3. It is recommended to wrap the pan with freshly prepared compote with a towel or blanket and insist for several hours. Then the taste of the drink will become brighter and richer. After the compote has cooled, add citric acid.

Compote from apples in a slow cooker


  • apples - one and a half kilograms;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • water - one and a half liters;
  • cloves - 3-4 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Step 1. We wash the fruits. Then we remove the skin from them. We collect the peel in a special dish, since it will still be used. Next, cut the apples into 4 parts, removing the seeds. Squeeze the juice of one lemon over the chopped apples. This will help keep the apples from browning.

Step 2. To prepare compote, you will need the “Multi-Cook” program (you can also use the “Extinguishing” option). The temperature should reach 160°. Set the time for 15 minutes. Put the apple peel into the multicooker bowl. Fill everything with hot water, you need one and a half liters. When the water boils, add sugar and cook for the rest of the time. We filter the finished syrup through a sieve or gauze.

Step 3. We put the prepared apple slices in jars. Pour syrup over them, cover and leave to cool. When the compote is infused, pour the syrup into the multicooker bowl, add cloves and use the Multicook program again. Bring the liquid to a boil. Pour hot syrup into jars.

There should be free space between the lid and compote, but not more than 2 cm.

Step 4. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize them. This can also be done in a slow cooker. Fill the appliance bowl with warm water. Cover the bottom of the bowl with gauze folded in several layers. And only then put a jar of compote there. For sterilization, the options "Frying" or "Baking" are suitable. After boiling, switch the slow cooker to "Extinguishing", for 20 minutes. This is all that needs to be done before closing the apple compote for the winter.

The slow cooker is also suitable for cooking apple compote from dried fruits. For this, washed dried apples (400 g) are placed in a multicooker bowl, poured with liquid and, if desired, sugar is added. For cooking, the option "Extinguishing" is suitable. With such a program, the compote will languish, which, unlike boiling, allows you to save more useful substances. Set the timer to 50 minutes.

Apples in apple juice


  • apples - 2.5 kg;
  • freshly squeezed Apple juice- 1 l;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • citric acid - 10 g.

Step 1 Prepared sterile jars are filled with washed apples to the top. The fruits should be whole, preferably small. After completing the arrangement, pour the fruit with boiling water. Then we cover the jars with lids, wrap them with a towel and leave for a while.

Step 2. Pour freshly squeezed juice into a saucepan and add water, sugar and citric acid. After boiling, remove the foam, and when the juice is completely cleared, turn off the fire.

The amount of sugar can be adjusted depending on the variety of apples.

Step 3. Drain the water from the cans of apples and pour the finished syrup. After that, you can proceed to rolling.

Why is it worth preparing apple compote for the winter?

First, home-cooked apple compotes, simple recipes which are given above are much healthier than juices industrial production. You will be protected from dyes, flavors and various preservatives. Note that average level the calorie content of this compote is 93 kcal per 100 g of drink.

Secondly, apple compote is a great addition to biscuits, cookies, strudel and other baked goods. Ready compote can be served with a slice or an orange. According to etiquette, such a drink should be poured into special wide cups ("compotes"). However, they can be replaced with bowls, bowls or wide cups.

Thirdly, compote fruits in themselves are useful and delicious dessert. For the smallest, you can prepare compote with pulp, for this it is enough to beat the contents with a blender. Compote fruits can be safely used as a filling for muffins, pancakes or an open pie. Also, with their help, you can cook an excellent oatmeal gingerbread.

Fourthly, compotes from fresh apples, recipes with photos of which were indicated, are good to drink for a general strengthening of the body. They help you recover from physical activity. Also, apple drinks should be consumed with anemia and low acidity. Apple compote contains a lot of potassium and magnesium, which improve heart function, while phosphorus, iron and calcium activate metabolism. In addition to trace elements, it is worth mentioning vitamins A, B6, B2, B1, C, as well as folic and pantothenic acid.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

If you have grown a successful crop of apples and do not know where to apply them, then roll up a compote of whole apples for the winter. Apples of any variety can be used for compote, the main thing is that they are not crushed and not wormy.

- apples;
- jars with a volume of 3 l;
- sugar;
- a special cover for draining boiling water;
- key for twisting caps;
- metal covers;
- a blanket for wrapping cans of compote;
- water passed through a filter or water from a spring.

We also recommend

Recipe with photo step by step:

Whole apple compote for the winter, recipe with photo:

To spin the compote, it is necessary to use selected apples, i.e. not wrinkled and not wormy. To prepare compote from whole apples for the winter, the fruits are thoroughly washed with water.

In order for the compote to be saturated with apple flavor, in each apple we make punctures with a fork in two or three places.

Let's start preparing jars for compote. I usually roll compotes in three-liter jars. For compotes, I think this is the most suitable option. But if this is a lot for you, you can roll compote in two-liter jars. Banks choose without cracks. AND Special attention look at the neck of the jar. It should be smooth and without splinters. If something suspicious is found on the jar, put it aside and do not use it in spins at all. Such a jar may swell in the best option, in the worst case, it can explode right in the cellar. Before sterilization, wash the jars with baking soda and rinse thoroughly with cold water.
We sterilize jars in a proven way. Someone sterilizes on a special metal stand, someone manages to sterilize on tiers from a pressure cooker. By the way, a stand for sterilization can be bought in special stores for household goods. I adapted to sterilize any jars in the microwave. It is fast and does not create much heat or evaporation. At 3 liter jar pour water and lay it on its side directly in the microwave. Turn on the microwave oven for 7 minutes at maximum power. Drain the rest of the water from the jar. Boil the lids in water for 3-4 minutes.

Pour boiling water gradually, with a small interval, so that the jar does not suddenly burst from the hot. After 10 minutes, put a lid with holes on the jar.

Drain the water from the jar into a saucepan and prepare the syrup. To do this, add sugar - 0.5 l.

We wait until the syrup boils and pour it back into the jar of apples.

We roll up a jar of compote using a seaming key.

After spinning the compote, be sure to check if the syrup flows out from under the lid. If yes, then change the cover. Wrap jars of hot compote in a blanket until completely cool.

Store apple compote for the winter in the cellar.

See others

Apple compote is perhaps the most popular and beloved by many types of blanks for the winter. Each housewife has her own recipe for preserving apples, which is often passed down from mother to daughter, while acquiring new tricks and secrets.

The popularity of self-brewed apple compote is quite understandable. It is much tastier and healthier than store-bought, does not contain any artificial preservatives or flavors, and is completely customized to your tastes.

We offer you several recipes for apple compote for the winter, as well as some tricks on how to make this type of preparation even tastier and healthier.

How to choose apples for compote?

In order for the compote to be tasty and beautiful, you need to choose the right apples for it. Here are a few recommendations that have been tried and tested over the years:

Ripe, but not overripe apples, without wormholes and damage are best suited for compote. Do not use carrion apples, take only those that you picked from the tree.
Do not take sour, not juicy fruits - compote from such fruits will get tasteless. Apples of sweet and sour, juicy, fragrant varieties are perfect.
If the apples are small, for example, the Ranet variety, then they can be put in the whole compote. It is better to cut large apples into slices, after removing the core and seeds, and for fruits with a hard peel, it is also.
Another important secret of delicious apple compote is that you should not mix several varieties of apples in one jar. It is better to immediately distribute the fruits into varieties and arrange them in jars.

Preparatory work

The first step is to prepare the banks. They should be thoroughly washed and sterilized. Some hostesses prefer to sterilize jars in the oven, heating it to 150-170 degrees. Time for such sterilization requires at least 7-10 minutes. Others put a container of water on the gas, cover it with a special lid with a hole in the middle, where the can is placed. When the water boils, you need to put the jar and keep it under steam for about 5 minutes.

The lids are then sterilized. They can simply be boiled over. But it is better to put them in an enameled container and fill it with water so that the lids are completely under water. Let the lids boil and turn off the gas after 2-3 minutes. The lids should be immediately removed from the water and covered with sterilized jars.

You need to cook not only jars and lids, but also the apples themselves. Cut into slices, the fruits should be poured with cold water combined with citric acid. The proportions of the solution are half a teaspoon per liter of water. After 20 minutes, apples can be taken out and put into jars. Now you can start preparing the compote itself.

How to close apple compote for the winter without sterilization?

To prepare apple compote without sterilization, you will need:

Liter of water;
- 1 kg of peeled and chopped apples;
- 300 g of sugar.

Arrange the apples in jars by about two-thirds and pour boiling water over them to the edge of the neck of the jar. After 7 minutes, drain the water back into the pan, add sugar and let it boil. The resulting syrup is again poured into jars and rolled up. Turn the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and leave it like that for about a day.

How to close apple compote for the winter with sterilization?

To prepare apple compote for the winter with sterilization, you will need the following composition of ingredients:

1 kg of chopped apples;
- liter of water;
- a full glass of sugar.

Sliced ​​apples are placed in jars approximately shoulder-length. We cook the syrup, and as soon as it boils, immediately pour it into jars and cover with lids. We let the compote stand for several hours, preferably at least 5. Then we place the jars in a large saucepan or an enameled bucket. So that during pasteurization the jar does not crack from hitting the bottom of the pan, we recommend placing a cotton rag folded 2-4 times or a kitchen towel under the jar. We fill the pan with cold water so that it covers the jars approximately up to the shoulders, and light the fire.

When the water in the pan heats up to about 80-85 degrees, reduce the heat as much as possible to prevent the water from boiling, and leave to pasteurize. The procedure time depends on the volume of cans used: three-liter jars are sterilized for about half an hour, two-liter ones - 20 minutes, liter ones - 15 minutes.

After sterilization is completed, we take out the jars from the pan and roll them up. Apple compote should gradually cool down, so we wrap the jars with a blanket and leave for a day.

Variants of apple compote with other berries or fruits

Apples are a unique fruit, as their taste harmonizes with almost many other fruits. Therefore, the recipe for apple compote provides a huge scope for culinary experiments and fantasies. Assorted compote can be cooked either with or without sterilization.

Apple-cherry compote is very pleasant to taste. Fruits should be taken in the proportion of 1 part of cherries and 3 parts of apples. Since cherries are sour, it will take a little more sugar than indicated above in the recipes - about 400 grams.

Apples go well with black currants. For 1 kg of apples, 400 grams of berries and about 600 grams of sugar will be required.

Will significantly increase beneficial features apple compote, adding rose hips to its composition. We take 1 part of wild rose and 3 parts of apples, a liter of water and half a kilogram of sugar and make a delicious drink from all this.

Apple compote cooked at home is delicious and healthy drink. It must be harvested in the winter, not only to pamper your family delicious drink, but also to cold period provide the body with essential vitamins.

Posted on July 11, 2017

Apple compote is just a godsend for the body on a hot summer day. It quenches thirst well and replenishes strength in the body. But not only in summer, apple compote is useful in winter, it also benefits by saturating us with its vitamins and microelements.

Compotes are prepared for the winter, but they are also prepared for every day. To have time to enjoy the tastes and aromas of apples and other fruits before winter.

As you know, there is nothing easier to cook fruit compote. It is enough to pour fruit with water, add sugar and boil everything together for several minutes. But before you start making compotes, let me give you a few recipes for making apple compote so that your culinary creation is the best and most delicious.

In order for the compote to turn out beautiful, and the apples not to turn into applesauce, choose dense ripe apples without spoiled traces.


  • Apples 1.5-2 kg.
  • Sugar 200 grams.
  • Water 3 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Wash the apples. If the fruits are large, cut them into several parts, and if they are small, then it is enough for two halves.

2. Put apples in a saucepan, fill them with water and put on the stove.

3. Bring water to a boil and add sugar. Stir and cook for 10-15 minutes.

5. That's the whole recipe for making apple compote for every day.

Whole apple compote for the winter

Of course, almost every housewife prepares great amount compotes for the winter. Since home-made compotes cannot be compared with store-bought juices and nectars, which are cooked in an incomprehensible way.


  • Apples 1 kg.
  • Water.
  • Sugar 200 grams of sugar per 3 liter jar.

Cooking process:

1. Before preparing the compote, the jars must be sterilized.

2. Sort the apples, wash them a little, let the water drain.

3. Put in apples in each jar to the very top.

4. Fill the jars with boiling water and cover with sterilized lids. Pour water up to the neck. Or with a slide :).

5. Leave the jars for 15-20 minutes. Hot water warm apples. The apples will absorb some of the water as they should.

6. Drain the water from the cans into the pan. It will be necessary to add a little water, usually I add no more than 0.5 liters of water.

7. Add sugar to the drained water, 200-250 grams per 1 balloon of apples.

8. We put the syrup on the stove, boil it and pour it into jars. Now you can screw the lids tightly using a special key to tighten the lids.

Little recommendation for the recipe. Citric acid can be added to each jar if desired. This is an optional ingredient. But this way the syrup turns out to be a slightly different color and taste, respectively. For a 3-liter jar, acid on the tip of a knife will be enough.

Also, if desired, you can put a couple of mint leaves or a sprig of tarragon in each jar. Which will also give your apple compote an extra flavor. But of course you can from without any additions. You can cook just a natural product without additives, which is also very good.

9. After the syrup was in the jars and the lids were screwed on. Banks need to turn the lids down, wrap the balloons and hold them in this position until they cool completely.

10. Then you can transfer to the pantry. The compote is ready to bon appetit.

Compote of apples and pears for the winter

Apples and pears almost always go in a bunch, whether it's jam or jam. And of course, why not prepare some compote from these tasty and fragrant fruits for the winter.


  • Apples 500 grams.
  • Pears 200-250 grams.
  • Sugar 200.
  • Water 2-2.5 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Sort apples and pears, wash, cut into slices.

2. Cut out partitions with seeds from the slices.

3. Arrange the slices in banks. Carefully pour boiling water over. Cover with clean lids.

4. Let the fruit brew for 20 minutes, then drain the water back into the pan.

5. Add a glass of water. Add sugar and stir. Put the syrup on the stove to boil.

6. Pour the syrup back into the jar, cover with a lid and screw it on.

7. Turn over the jar, wrap it up. Keep until completely cool.

8.Then can be transferred to a place for long-term storage.

Compote of apples and pears is ready to bon appetit.

Apple and quince compote

Quince is not a very popular product; it is rarely found on sale. But for some reason, many summer residents still plant it in their plots just in case.

And here is the case for you to cook quince compote with apples. The taste is very original and aromatic.


  • Apples 1-1.5 kg.
  • Quince 500-700 grams.
  • Citric acid on the tip of a knife.
  • Water 2-2.5 liters.
  • Sugar 200-250 grams.

Cooking process:

1. Sort and cut fruit. Ivy needs more attention. Since worms often settle in it. Therefore, we will make compote from pieces of quince.

2. We will also cut the apples into pieces. Embed ponytails and partitions with seeds from pieces.

3. Put the fruit in a jar, pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for 20 minutes.

4. Drain the water into a saucepan and add sugar there. Stir and put on the stove.

5. Boil, pour into a jar and cover with a lid. Screw on the lid. Turn the jar over and wrap it up. Leave until completely cool. Then it can be transferred to a place for long-term storage.

Compote from ranetki

It is very rare to find compote from these small apples. But it turns out no worse than all the other compotes prepared from their apples..


  • Apples 500-700 grams.
  • Sugar 350-500 grams.
  • Water.

Cooking process:

1. We select the strongest, ripest and only whole apples.

2. Before putting the apples into the jar, each apple must be pierced with a fork or a toothpick. This is done so that the thin skin does not burst and the apples absorb more syrup.

3. And so ranetki in the bank. Fill them with boiling water and wait 15-20 minutes.

4. Then drain the water and add sugar to it. Put the pot on the fire, bring to a boil.

5. Pour the boiling syrup into jars and screw on the lids.

Compote of apples and apricots

Great combination. Such a mix of products will perfectly quench your thirst and fill your body with vitamins.


  • Apples.
  • Apricots.
  • Water.
  • Sugar.

Cooking process:

1. The proportions are not written because for the preparation of summer compote, I rarely measure how much to add to the compote. Everything comes from the heart and of course from experience.

2. There are apples, there are apricots, we throw them into the pan and cook.

3. Sort the apples into slices.

4. Remove the pits from the apricots and wash everything well.

5. We put everything in a saucepan, fill it with water.

6. Bring sugar to a boil, add 5-6 tablespoons to a 3-liter saucepan.

7.Let the compote boil and boil for a few minutes.

8. Compote is ready, you need to cool it and help yourself.

If you want to prepare this yummy for the winter, just pour it into sterilized jars and screw on the lids.