Scenario of an autumn themed evening for schoolchildren in grades 3-6.

Author: Victoria Aleksandrovna Lutkovskaya, head of the branch, MUK "TsSDB Yaroslavl", children's library-branch No. 5, leisure center "Zhuravlik".

The material will be useful to class teachers, librarians.
An event for students in grades 3-6.
It is aimed at updating knowledge about the holiday - the Day of Accord and Reconciliation, about the Great October Socialist Revolution, about the history of our country, and attraction to reading.

The scenario of the autumn themed evening for schoolchildren of grades 3-6 “Day of consent and reconciliation. One Hundred Years of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

Target: To arouse the interest of schoolchildren in literature on the history of the Fatherland, modern and classic art and children's works, telling about the events that preceded the October Revolution, describing it, about the civil war, about the personality of Lenin. Development of a sense of patriotism.
Demo material: portrait of V.I. Lenin, an illustration or the flag of the USSR, if possible, a photo from family archives.
Decor: book exhibition "100 years of the Great October Socialist Revolution".
We welcome the children, divide into two teams. The facilitator's story is accompanied by a display of photo materials from books, questions and tasks that are evaluated by the facilitator. According to the results of the points scored, the participants from the teams will receive a reward.
We show a portrait of Lenin and the flag of the USSR.

Leading. We see the flag and the portrait.
The first question for one point for teams: who is this person, the flag of which state is in front of you? (Children: Lenin, USSR.)
Leading. The second question is: as a result of what events did this person lead our homeland, and the Russian Empire was renamed? (October Revolution, October Revolution, Great October Socialist Revolution).
Leading. Today we will talk about the events that took place in our country 100 years ago. Do you think it was a very long time ago? In fact, I and many people in your families have been in contact with survivors. There were many children among the eyewitnesses of the revolution. What they experienced will be the subject of our conversation.
Diary entries of children of those years have been preserved. You will hear some of them.
And the prehistory of the revolution is connected with one of the bloodiest wars, Russia was never able to win it.
Third question: What was the name of this war? (Children. World War I.)
Showing books from a book fair.
Leading. You can understand how children lived during these years if you read the following books: Brodskaya D. “Marikino Childhood”, Brook M. “Family from Sosnovka”, Vodovozova E. “The Story of a Childhood”, Gorbovtsev M. “Mishkino Childhood” , Gorky M. "In people", Grinchenko B. "Without bread", Kassil L. "Conduit and Shvambrania", Sapronova N. "When grandfathers were grandchildren", Serafimovich A. "Black three", Stanyukovich K. "Antoshka" .
We read aloud one or two pages from a book of the leader's choice.

Leading. But in February 1917, when most Russians got tired of the war after many defeats, life began to change rapidly and even children noticed it.
Here is what the unknown child eyewitnesses wrote.
We read out quotes from diary entries (with the spelling of the authors).
“The Russian people did not like Tsar Nicholas II and decided to remove him. The king fulfilled the desire of the people and abdicated. Having gained freedom, the people began to rob and kill each other.
“During the war, turmoil began in Moscow, one day, when I was walking with my grandmother and came home, I found out that the sovereign had been driven from the throne. When I sat down to drink tea, then suddenly we heard a noise outside our windows, I saw a large crowd of workers.
“As soon as the revolution began, I could not sit at home. And I was drawn to the street. All the people went to Red Square, where students made speeches near the Duma. Everyone was in a happy mood. Trucks were driving through the streets with soldiers carrying guns.”
“Soon a manifestation appeared, it was very large and grandiose. They carried red banners trimmed with gold lace. Every man or woman had a red bow. At that time, I was seized by a joyful feeling of love for everyone.
Leading. The fourth question: the records talk about the revolution, but we have already mentioned about the Great
The October Revolution, so what's the matter, why do children write about February, your versions ...
(Children. The February bourgeois-democratic revolution or the February coup.)
Leading. Its result was the coming to power of a provisional government instead of the king-emperor.
Children wrote about this: “On March 1, under the leadership of students, tsarism was overthrown, in whose place a provisional government took over. But it soon brought Russia to the point of being impossible.”
“The people were divided into many parties, there were Mensheviks and Bolsheviks. The Mensheviks were the landlords and rich people, and the Bolsheviks were the people, the workers, and the artisans, and the peasants.
“Under the tsar, there was little bread, and now even less. In September they began to give out a quarter of a pound, and where they won’t give it at all.
Leading. Fifth question: how many grams are in one pound? (Children. About 456 gr.)
Leading. Calculate how much bread the boy got? (456 gr.: 4=114 gr.)
Leading. The people were seething with discontent, and the October Revolution took place.
They wrote in the diaries: “Once I was walking along Sukharev Square and saw barricades, I didn’t know what they were. When I got home, I asked my mother, but she didn't know either. In the evening, when I was sitting at home and doing my homework, we heard shots and then I learned that this was a revolution.
“I watched from the window through binoculars as they fired from a machine gun. All these days it was dangerous to leave the house, and we could not get bread, for four days we ate potatoes. At night, we slept without undressing, and dad and other men who live in our house were on duty with revolvers in turn in the yard.
“On Monday they continue to shoot, my mother stood at the window and looked at her stocking, and as soon as she moved away, the bullet hit our window, but did not fly into the room, but broke through the first glass and remained on the windowsill.”
“When a truce was announced, I ran to the center with two comrades to see what the Bolsheviks and the Junkers had won. We saw a lot of houses upholstered with large windows shattered to smithereens, and several houses were all burned down. Everywhere the people went safely and everyone talked about how the Moscow war was going on.
“The Bolshevik victims were not buried, but speeches were made and music was played, and the people marched with red banners and ribbons. I used to go to Red Square to watch how the grave was dug up and laid with boards. The people everywhere were arguing among themselves and some were cursing.
Leading. You can read more about the revolutionary events in the books from our exhibition. For example, Blyakhin P. “Red Devils”, Voskresenskaya Z. “Red Bow”, Gaidar A. “School”, Gaidar A. “The Tale of the Kibalchish Boy”.
If possible, read a couple of pages.
Leading. Thus: on November 7, 1917, the first socialist revolution in history took place - the Great October Revolution under the leadership of the Bolshevik Workers' Party. As a result, the Provisional Government of Russia was overthrown, and state power passed into the hands of the Soviets of Workers' Deputies. The dictatorship of the proletariat was established and the Soviet socialist state was created. The first Soviet government was headed by Lenin. The new government immediately adopted several very important laws. Then they were called decrees.
Exercise. Try to formulate the three main ones, knowing what people dreamed about at that time, and given that there was a war at that time, and drawings and photos from encyclopedias from our book exhibition will help those who are attentive. (Answer: Peace to the people, land to the peasants, power to the soviets.)
Leading. You see that when they came to power, the Bolsheviks announced laws-decrees: the Decree on Peace proclaimed Russia's withdrawal from the world war. All warring countries were asked to stop hostilities and conclude peace treaties. The second important decree of the Soviet government was the Decree on Land. Finally, the Russian peasants received the land taken from the landowners. Russia has always been a peasant country, so this decision of the new government aroused sympathy for it and support from a huge number of rural workers.
Other decrees provided for the transfer of power throughout Russia to the Soviets.
All peoples living on the lands of the former Russian Empire were granted equal rights and freedoms.
The rights of women and men were equalized.
The overwork of children in factories and factories was forbidden.
Instead of the Provisional Government from representatives of different parties, the Bolshevik government came to power - the first Soviet government, headed by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov - ...
The sixth question: name the second part of the leader's surname-pseudonym. (Answer: Lenin, if the children are prepared, then you can ask about the real name - Ulyanov).
Leading. Many books for Soviet children were written about him.
Books about Lenin's childhood were supposed to give children a model - an energetic, diligent boy, Volodya, who never forgot about his duty to the people. The adult Ilyich was the personification of the authorities in the form of a smiling kind man who saved Russia and loved children.
Such books were supposed to be raised from the children of Soviet citizens, and sympathy for Lenin was supposed to turn into devotion to the Soviet regime. Grandfather Lenin represented an ideal on the basis of which children could evaluate themselves and their parents, and if the result was not in favor of the family, then there was a counterbalance to their harmful influence.
Let's listen to one of the stories about Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (we read one of the stories of Z. Voskresenskaya).
We invite children to independently familiarize themselves with the literature from the exhibition. Summing up the results of the quiz and tasks, we reward the participants.
Leading. What did we talk about today? (Children. About the Great October Socialist Revolution.)
Let me remind you that in memory of the victims of all views, the Day of Consent and Reconciliation was established, we celebrate it on November 7th. This is the day of consent and reconciliation of people of different political views. Keep peace around you and in the country.
It's time to say goodbye, see you again in the library.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia

State Autonomous Vocational Educational Institution

Republic of Buryatia "Republican intersectoral technical school"

Scenario of an open extracurricular event

Topic: "100 years of the Revolution of 1917"


- give a general idea of ​​the history of the holiday and the events associated with 1917;

Raise interest in the study of the history of their country.


1) to acquaint with the heroic and tragic pages of the history of the Fatherland;

2) educate young people to respect veterans, the exploits of military personnel, defenders of the Fatherland, awareness of the need to perpetuate the memory of fallen heroes;

3) to promote the formation of readiness among young people to defend the Motherland.

Members: technical school students

Teacher: Urbanova Nina Vladimirovna

Decoration and equipment:

- presentation "Revolution of 1917"

Musical accompaniment;

Projector, computer

Expected Result: increasing interest in studying the history of their country, positive emotions, team building, the desire of students to participate in other activities of the college.

Event progress

Introductory speech of the teacher: Hello! Today we are holding an event dedicated to the centenary of the 1917 Revolution. I invite everyone present to try to comprehend the picture of those days, to understand the causes and consequences of what is happening. Within the framework of human life, this event took place a long time ago, and within the historical framework - recently. An interesting fact is that the calendar of 1917 and 2017 are completely the same. (Slide 1 and 2).

First host:The October Revolution of 1917 took place on October 25 according to the old or November 7 according to the new style. The initiator, ideologist and protagonist of the revolution was the Bolshevik Party (Russian Social Democratic Bolshevik Party), led by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (party pseudonym Lenin) and Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Trotsky). As a result, power has changed in Russia. Instead of a bourgeois country, a proletarian government headed. ( slide 3).

Second host: The goals of the October Revolution of 1917 (Slide 4).

    Building a more just society than capitalist

    Ending the exploitation of man by man

    Equality of people in rights and duties

    Fight against wars

    world socialist revolution

Students come out to the musical accompaniment and shout slogans revolutions:

    "Power to the Soviets"

    "Peace to the nations"

    "Land - to the peasants"

    "Factories - to workers"

First host: The October Revolution began as a result of a number of facts: (Slide 5).

    in 1914-1918 Russia was involved in, the situation at the front was not the best, there was no sensible leader, the army suffered heavy losses. In industry, the growth of military products prevailed over consumer products, which led to an increase in prices and caused discontent among the masses. The soldiers and peasants wanted peace, and the bourgeoisie, who profited from the supply of military equipment, longed for the continuation of hostilities;

    national conflicts;

    heat of the class struggle. The peasants, who for centuries dreamed of getting rid of the oppression of the landowners and kulaks and taking possession of the land, were ready for decisive action;

    the prevalence of socialist ideas in society.

Second host: The party has achieved enormous influence on the masses. (Slide 6).

In October, there were already 400,000 people on their side. On October 16, 1917, the Military Revolutionary Committee was created, which began preparations for an armed uprising. During the October 25, 1917 revolution, all the key points in the city were occupied by the Bolsheviks under the leadership of V.I. Lenin. They captured the Winter Palace and arrested the Provisional Government.

On the evening of October 25, at the 2nd All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, it was announced that power was transferred to the 2nd Congress of Soviets, and in the localities - to the Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies.

On October 26, decrees on peace and land were adopted. At the congress, a Soviet government was formed, called the Council of People's Commissars, which included Lenin (chairman), L.D. Trotsky (People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs), (People's Commissar for National Affairs). The Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia was introduced, which stated that all people have equal rights to freedom and development, there is no longer a nation of masters and a nation of oppressed.

As a result of the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks won, and the dictatorship of the proletariat was established. Class society was liquidated, the landlords' land was transferred into the hands of the peasants, and industrial facilities: factories, plants, mines - into the hands of the workers.

First host: The results of the October Revolution of 1917 (Slide 7).

    In Russia, the elite has completely changed. The one that ruled the state for 1000 years, set the tone in politics, economics, public life, was an example to follow and an object of envy and hatred, gave way to others who really “was nothing” before

    The Russian Empire fell, but its place was taken by the Soviet Empire, which for several decades became one of the two countries (together with the United States) that led the world community

    The tsar was replaced by Stalin, who acquired much more powers than any Russian emperor.

    The ideology of Orthodoxy was replaced by communist

    Russia (more precisely, the Soviet Union) within a few years has turned from an agrarian into a powerful industrial power

    Literacy has become universal

    The Soviet Union achieved the withdrawal of education and medical care from the system of commodity-money relations

    There was no unemployment in the USSR

    In recent decades, the leadership of the USSR has achieved almost complete equality of the population in income and opportunities.

    In the Soviet Union there was no division of people into poor and rich

    In the numerous wars waged by Russia during the years of Soviet power, as a result of terror, from various economic experiments, tens of millions of people died, the fates of probably the same number of people were broken, distorted, millions left the country, becoming emigrants

    The country's gene pool has changed catastrophically

    The lack of incentives to work, the absolute centralization of the economy, huge military spending led Russia (USSR) to a significant technological, technical lag behind the developed countries of the world.

    In Russia (USSR), in practice, democratic freedoms - speech, conscience, demonstrations, rallies, and the press - were completely absent (although they were declared in the Constitution).

    The proletariat of Russia lived materially much worse than the workers of Europe and America.

Teacher: For most of the twentieth century, millions of our fellow citizens in three generations celebrated November 7 - the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution. For more than 70 years, this "red day of the calendar" has been the main holiday of the country.

The holiday, officially called the Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, was first celebrated in 1918, and has been a day off since 1927. For the first time, the state celebration was not held on November 7, 1991, but November 7 itself remained a day off until 2005.

In 1996, by Yeltsin's decree, it was simply renamed and became known as the Day of Reconciliation and Accord. At the end of 2004, the State Duma passed a law according to which this holiday was canceled, and instead a new holiday was introduced with a day off - November 4, which was called National Unity Day.

According to scientists, the Great October Revolution is a very controversial phenomenon. There is still no unequivocal assessment, because some consider it the greatest tragedy in the history of Russia, while others are sure that the revolution put our country on the leading positions in the world. Most likely, these disputes will not subside for a long time. The main thing is to learn the right lessons.

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the victory of the Great October Revolution.

Smartly dressed children enter the festively decorated hall to the sound of a march in their hands with flags.
In front are the children of the preparatory group, behind them are the children of the older group.
Walking around the hall, the children take their places.
Leading.(congratulates everyone present on the holiday).
Children also want to congratulate everyone on the October holiday.
We are very happy today.
We dance and sing.
All my guests, guys,
Congratulations on October.
Guys, on this October day, exactly one hundred years ago, there was a turning point,
who went down in the history of our country, Russia! The leader has changed in the country and completely
changed the life of Russia!
Happy holiday!
musical accent.
We have stood the test of time!
We have created the foundation for a better life for today's and tomorrow's generations!
We decorate our villages year after year,
We build roads and sidewalks
We improve parks and squares!
We love our Motherland!
We are proud of our Motherland!
We are talented and honest
We are hardworking and free
We will make our city and district the pride of the Smolensk region!
And there is no reason to stop there ...
Everything will be as we planned!
One child:
Russia - glory!
Motherland - glory!
All children:
Glory! Glory!
Children get up and sing a song. (Festive)

In order for our Motherland to become even better, even richer, you children should try to do well all the tasks that the educators give you,
then to study well at school, to become scientists, astronauts, to explore the expanses of the universe, or maybe fly to
Mars or some other planet, to be the defenders of your homeland!
And now the children will tell you about everything.
One child:
We live in a mighty country
The brightest, the best.
How can we not love her!
Second child:
How many skilled people are there!
The strongest, the most courageous!
Everyone is busy with important business,
To be useful to the country!
And in order to work and help the Motherland, one must be strong, dexterous, strong.
To become such, our children, like adults, are engaged in physical education.
They will show you now how fast and agile they are.
Sports game (relay with hoops)
After the game, the children sit down.
Children in our kindergarten study well and also dream of becoming astronauts and discovering other planets.
One child:
We equip the rocket
to a distant planet.
And the toys are right there -
They carry suitcases.
Coats must be worn
Caps mittens.
So as not to sneeze in a rocket
And don't get cold.
Dissatisfied with Pinocchio,
What a small cabin for him.
Trying to get into it
And the nose doesn't fit.
The hare wants to fly
but cowardice rises in a hare.
"You first tell me
Is there a wolf on the moon?"
The mice laughed in unison.
"We flew, we were not afraid.
There is no cat or cat!"
Can't keep the cubs
Everyone is in a hurry to sit in the cockpit.
Im with the big dipper
We really need to meet!
Six nesting dolls hardly stood up.
Plant say.
Cheerful astronauts you take on a flight, for sure you will not be bored on a flight to the moon.
Do you guys want to become pilots or astronauts?
Children: (positive answer).
In our country, any work is beautiful,
Farmers harvest from the fields in autumn.
They all did a great job
and rich harvests were born in the fields.
The song "We carry baskets" sounds (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko)
Hey friends, hey friends
Come all out here.
Stop working for you
Let's have fun.
They dance the polka.
May all your dreams come true, Happy Holidays!

Extra-curricular event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the February Revolution

The anthem "God save the Tsar!"

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear colleagues, students, guests! We are pleased to welcome you to our event dedicated to a memorable date in Russian history - the 100th anniversary of the February Revolution. 1917 was a turning point in the fate of Russia. Driven to despair, the people took up arms and put an end to autocracy.

The reader comes out: Poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Prediction" (excerpt)

A year will come, a black year for Russia,
When kings crown will fall;
The mob will forget their former love for them,
And the food of many will be death and blood...

Waltz "Amur Waves" (3 couples)

Dancing couples freeze in farewell (remain on stage)

Leaders come out.

Leading 1st: Brilliant balls, a measured way of life of the elite of Russian society were interrupted by the First World War, which turned into an unprecedented disaster for our country.

The couples leave.

Leading 2nd: At the beginning of the war in 1914, the air was saturated with inspired, patriotic thoughts, a sense of unity between the government and the people. The soldiers went on the attack with the words "For the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland!".

On the slides there are photos of the first days of the war.

Performance of Sophia Gorchakova's romance (clip from the film "Hero")

Reader 1

The Petrograd sky was cloudy with rain,

The train left for the war.

Without end - platoon after platoon and bayonet after bayonet

Filled the car after the car.

In this train, a thousand lives bloomed

The pain of separation, the anxieties of love,

Strength, youth, hope... In the sunset distance

There were smoky clouds in the blood.

Reader 2.

And, sitting down, they sang the Varyag alone,

And others - out of tune - Ermak,

And they shouted hurray, and they joked,

And the hand crossed itself quietly.

Reader 3

Suddenly, a falling leaf flew up under the wind,

Swinging, the lantern blinked,

And under a black cloud a cheerful bugler

Played a signal to send.

And the horn wept with military glory,

Filling hearts with anxiety.

Reader 4

Don't save me, dear
In the fatal fight
You keep without leaving
my homeland.
Give her glory, give her power -
Here is my prayer.
I'm without grumbling in the grave
I'll lie down, if fate.

Watch video (5:49)

Photos 1916 - early 1917

Leading 1st: At the beginning of 1917, the situation in the country becomes explosive. Defeats at the fronts, rising prices, miscalculations by the government, criticism of the tsar led Russia to the inevitable - the thought of overthrowing the monarchy.


A. Blok

Born in deaf years

The paths do not remember their own.

We are the children of the terrible years of Russia -

Nothing can be forgotten.

Burning years!

Is there madness in you, is there any hope?

From the days of war, from the days of freedom -

There is a bloody glow in the faces.

There is dumbness - then the hum of the tocsin

Made me stop my mouth.

In the hearts that were once enthusiastic,

There is a fatal void.

And let over our deathbed

Ravens will rise with a cry, -

Those who are more worthy, God, God,

May your kingdom be seen!

Leading 1st: Petrograd was booming. There was not enough food, the inhabitants of the city smashed shops and shops. On February 18, a strike began at the Putilov factory, the workers demanded higher wages. The administration refused, more than 30 thousand workers were fired. This became the occasion for mass demonstrations.

Demonstrations with slogans: "Bread!", "Return the husbands!"

Leading 2nd : On February 23, a column of demonstrators was led by women demanding bread and the return of men from the front.

Demonstrations with slogans: "Down with the monarchy!", "Down with the war!"

Leading 1st: On February 25, economic strikes developed into a general political strike, held under the slogans "Down with tsarism!", "Down with the war!". More than 300 thousand people took part in it.

The demonstrators leave

Leading 2nd: Emperor NicholasIIsent a telegram from Headquarters in Mogilev: “I command you to stop the unrest in the capital tomorrow!”.

scene . Nicholas II sits at a desk and reads (thoughtfulness on his face, his voice is slow, bewildered) a telegram from the Chairman of the State Duma M.V. Rodzianko

“The situation is serious. Anarchy in the capital. The government is paralyzed. (pause) Shooting indiscriminately in the streets. A person who enjoys the confidence of the country must be instructed to form a new government. You can’t delay ... I pray to God that at this hour the responsibility does not fall on the crowned bearer ”... Answer (writes):“ I command the State Duma to be dissolved!

The anthem "Working Marseillaise" sounds (0:53)

Leading 1st: February 27. The rebels seized the Arsenal, railway stations, the most important government institutions, and released political and criminal prisoners from prisons. They took over the Winter Palace.

Leading 2nd: 28th of February. Palo Admiralty. The tsarist ministers are arrested.

Reader 1.

Revolution is the roar of the streetsit is the clatter of crowds, read aloud.Only in a revolution you can become under the bullets,blowing them off with your chest, like fluff.

Reader 2.

The revolution is the soul wide open! The heart knocked down all the locks of insults, and into empty ribs, no matter how you freeze your eyes, the sky fills blue lumps.

Reader 3.

Revolution is the holiday of the idle, those who were out of work - far hello: only in the revolution for the cause of execution, there are no executions for idleness!

Leading 1st: February 28 NikolaiIIleft headquarters for Tsarskoye Selo, on the night of March 1 he was informed that the railway lines were occupied by insurgent troops.

Leading 2nd: “The situation, apparently, does not allow for a different solution,” the high military command answered the question about the abdication of NicholasII. The emperor was shocked. On March 2, he signed an act of abdication in favor of his brother Michael.

On the slide, the distribution of newspapers with the news about the abdication of Nicholas II

Wide open, wide open
Royal Doors!
The blackness faded away.
pure heat
The altar is on fire.
- Christ is Risen,
Yesterday's king!

Fell without glory
The eagle is double-headed.
- Tsar! - You were wrong.
Will remember the offspring
More than once -
Byzantine perfidy
Your clear eyes.

Your judges are
Thunderstorm and shaft!
Tsar! Not people -
God has called you.

Leading 1st : On March 3, Mikhail abdicated the throne and declared that the fate of the country should be decided by the Constituent Assembly.

Leading 2nd: The monarchy has fallen. NicholasIIand his family were initially under arrest in Tsarskoye Selo, in August 1917 they were sent into exile in Tobolsk. Dual power was established in the country: the Provisional Government headed by Prince Lvov and the Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies.

Reader .

Mighty power, boundless ocean!Glory to the fighters for freedom, who dispelled the fog!Long live Russia, a free country!The free element of the great is destined!Forests, fields, and fields, and steppes, and seas,We are free and happy, the dawn burns for all of us!Long live Russia, a free country!The free element of the great is destined!

Leading 1st: However, the end of the February Revolution and the abdication of the tsar did not end the tragic events in Russia.

Leading 2nd. New shocks awaited Russia - the October Revolution, a bloody civil war.

Song "Prayer of the Royal Family"

9th grade students stand on stage with candles.

Lead 1. Our event was honored by the presence of the rector of the Intercession Church in the village of Atyurievo, Archpriest Father Sergius. We give him the floor.

Speech by Father Sergius

Lead 2 . Our event has come to an end. Thank you for your attention!

Mironova Valentina Borisovna
Job title:
Educational institution: MKOO "Prosek basic school"
Locality: Kostroma region, Antropovsky district, village Prosek
Material name: methodical development
Subject:"Roads of the October Revolution"
Publication date: 25.04.2017
Chapter: secondary education

Municipal state educational organization

"Prosek Basic School"

Antropovsky municipal district of the Kostroma region

Methodological development of extracurricular activities,

dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great Russian Revolution.

"Roads of the October Revolution"

teacher of history and social studies

Prosek 2017

Target: to acquaint students with the history of the Great October Revolution of 1917


fostering interest in the historical past of Russia;

to cultivate understanding and respect for the historical events of our



being executed



revolution. The hundred-year history of this event is connected with heroic pages




states. The year of the centenary of the revolution is a good occasion to remember that this

the event turned out to be a turning point not only for Russian, but also for world history.

The president

Vladimir Putin

bloody events, but this is what we have been through and what we must know.”

And scarlet banners, and orchestras,

And military power at the walls of the Kremlin,

And festive columns native songs.

(L.P. Maslovsky)




will remain

the most important

events of the 20th century. The October Revolution decisively changed

the path of the historical development of Russia and had a huge impact on the development of peoples

the entire planet.

Today we turn over the pages of the Great October Revolution and find out

how it was.




At the Finland Station, soldiers surrounded Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in a tight ring,

who simply and clearly spoke about what worried in those days every worker and

peasant - about land and freedom, about how to end the war.

A history teacher.

N.K. Krupskaya recalled: “The soldiers stood on the benches in order to better see

and hear someone who spoke so clearly about pressing issues. And with every minute

their attention grew, their faces became more tense.

From the memoirs of N.I. Podvoisky: “The wind rushing into the square from the Neva

picks up



covered in purple flames. Going down to the first step of the car, Lenin





Indescribable enthusiasm embraces those who meet. A storm rumbles all over the platform

applause, salutatory slogans. When V.I. Lenin said the word "Comrades!", Then

everyone felt in him the depth and strength of his love for the people.


A grandiose night procession to Petrogradskaya began from the Finland Station.

side. During this V.I. Lenin spoke several more times with the workers, eagerly catching

his every word.

A history teacher.

A.A. Andreev wrote: “Lenin is brilliant, with extraordinary conviction, which

was felt in his every word and gesture about the revolution that was supposed to win

after a few months".






report, where he outlined his famous April theses. So, just back on

Motherland, Vladimir Ilyich became at the helm of the revolution.

May 1917 arrived. The working people of Russia for the first time openly and freely celebrated

May Day. In July, demonstrations took place in Petrograd. Workers, soldiers and sailors

walked with slogans, they were greeted by V.I. Lenin.

preparation for the Great October Revolution. Lenin was not in Petrograd, he was not far from





V.I. Lenin gave instructions and advice.

whom he called on to create Red Guard detachments and train crews of ships.

apartment in the Vyborgsky district. The next day, Lenin wrote articles in which

the leader once again emphasized that everyone should prepare for an armed uprising.

The decisive days of the revolution have arrived. Signals were sounded at the plants and factories

Red Guards.










events, sent instructions to Smolny on how to proceed. revolutionary headquarters in

Smolny prepared the speech with the greatest energy and determination.

forces. On the same day, the Red Guards occupied the Finland Station.




directly at the storm of the uprising.

History will forever preserve the unique picture that this

night the great Russian city on the Neva. A damp cold wind blew. Flashing in the fog

rare lanterns. In the darkness of the night, Smolny sparkled with lights - the headquarters of the uprising, the center





suffering workers and soldiers who longed for peace, land, justice and freedom.

A history teacher.

An exhausted worker in torn clothes stopped in front of the Smolny,



mingled with the crowd. It was one of the delegates of the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets,

who came from all over the country to Smolny to tell about the birth

new Russia.


Smolny hummed like a disturbed beehive. Everything that night moved or




Petrograd was in the hands of the rebels. In factories and factories, in the barracks and on

in the streets, jubilant workers and soldiers read the first document, which contained the words:

"Long live the revolution!" Deputies gathered in Smolny. emergency meeting

The council opened at 2:35 p.m.

A history teacher.

N.I. Podvoisky recalled: “When on the podium after a four-month break




burst into thunderous applause. Everyone got up. Lenin was never like this

solemn and excited, as at this moment. Inspiring and simply sounded

his words: “Comrades! Workers' and peasants' revolution, about the necessity of which everything

the time was said, it had come to pass.


To complete the revolution, it remained to take the Winter Palace. Not far from the palace,

Nicholas bridge, there was a cruiser "Aurora". At 9:45 p.m. there was a




the historical volley of the Aurora, which announced to the world the beginning of a new era.

A history teacher.

N. And Podvoisky spoke about this historical moment in the following way: “In the darkness

night, illuminated by pale, foggy smoke, light, from all adjacent streets

and chains of Red Guards, sailors and soldiers rushed from behind the nearest corners. In the air

there was a continuous victorious "Hurrah!", exciting, uniting.



The II All-Russian Congress of Soviets opened. He represented the entire labor

Russia. There were delegates from provinces and national districts. At the congress Lenin

talked about the world, about the earth.

A history teacher.

Delegate II


S.A. Aralov


speech by V.I. Lenin with a report on the world: “The hearts of suffering people rushed to

the world. “Well, my brother, will there be reconciliation or not?” delegates often asked.

Finally, the moment came when Lenin got up and spoke about it. First

words captured everyone at once: “The question of peace is a burning question, a painful question

modernity. A lot has been said and written about him, and you all probably discussed a lot

his". Someone exclaimed: “We only think and talk about the world. The truth is yours, comrade

Lenin! And when V.I. Lenin announced the decree on peace, there was such silence, as if people

even stopped breathing. And then, as if the whole hall breathed a sigh of relief - and after

this whirlwind and thunder of applause, joyful cries.


The II All-Russian Congress of Soviets fulfilled the will of the people - it adopted a historic



determined the foreign policy of the new state. The decision was of great importance

land question.

I want to end our event with these words:

“Once upon a time it was like this:

It was a red day on the calendar

But for some reason everything was forgotten

Over the years, and probably in vain!

After all, it was a wonderful holiday.

Both for the people and for the country.

I think that a lot of time will pass, and everything will fall into place, and day 7

November, as before, will become one of the main holidays of the country.

Vladimir Putin said: "Russia has a great history and no less great future." So

let's not forget the lessons of the past.