Cognitive and research activity "Harmful and healthy food"


1) to form health-saving competencies: knowledge of food products that are beneficial and which are harmful to the human body; valeological knowledge; knowledge about vitamins and microelements necessary for human life; desire to take care of your body; personal security - through cognitive and research activities

2) improve communicative competencies: possession of various ways of interacting with surrounding children; the ability to respond with detailed sentences; correctly conduct a dialogue; possession of different types of speech activity; the ability to draw conclusions, clearly formulating them

3) to form socio-cultural competencies: possession of knowledge and experience in performing typical social roles familiar to children, the ability to imitate actions in the field of labor relations - through the role-playing game "Shop"

4) consolidate knowledge about primary colors, and combine them to obtain new ones - through research activities

5) consolidate knowledge about different taste sensations - through cognitive research activities

Panel: The teacher informs the children that today we will talk about useful and harmful products.

Next, the teacher says that you need to conduct a control purchase of products in the store. Children (four people) take places in the "Shop" play area. One of them takes the role of "seller", the rest of the "mystery shoppers". Children play the role-playing game "Shop".

After that, the teacher, together with the children, examines all the “purchased goods” and the children tell which products are harmful and which are good for our body. Children specify what vitamins and minerals are contained in healthy foods:

Seaweed contains iodine

Dairy products contain calcium

There are a lot of useful substances in meat (cooked at home), but most of all vitamin B

In carrots and pumpkin - vitamin A and beta-carotene

Pasta contains many vitamins, but the main one is vitamin B

Chicken meat is useful if it is boiled or baked in the oven and contains vitamin B

Sauerkraut contains vitamin C

Citrus fruits also contain vitamin C.

1 touch cross

On the table is a highly carbonated Coca-Cola drink, a basin, and refreshing Mentos sweets. The teacher opens a bottle with a drink and puts a candy in it. a reaction occurs and a fountain of sparkling water “beats” from the bottle.

The teacher asks if this drink is healthy (the children unequivocally answer “no”). Further, the teacher leads the children to the fact that a similar reaction can also occur in their stomach with the simultaneous use of such a drink and mint candy.

2 touch cross

For the next experiment, you will need multi-colored candies.m& ms, flat plate, plain water.

The teacher asks the children to arrange the sweets in a circle in a plate. Next, the teacher pours water into the center of the plate so as to cover the bottom. At this time, the game "Paints" is being held:

Children name the primary colors, and the colors that are obtained by mixing several primary

Basic: -red, yellow, blue, white, black

Mixed: green (blue + yellow)

Orange (Red+yellow)

Pink (White + Red) etc.

While the game is being played, the candy experiment is over. Children see that a whole palette has formed in the plate. The teacher says that the pattern in the plate is very beautiful, but the sweets contain a lot of dyes. Children draw a conclusion about the dangers of this product.

In the preliminary work, the children draw the outline of an asterisk on a piece of paper with a candle. These sheets are on the desktops. Palettes contain primary colors. The teacher suggests that you mix any two paints of your choice to get a new color. The teacher reminds the rule: add dark paint to light paint in small portions. Then it is proposed to make a background for the asterisk. Children paint over a sheet of paper and see that an asterisk “appears”, i.e. the contour that was applied by the candle remained unpainted.

3 touch cross

For the next experiment, you will need chips (preferably Cheetos), wipes according to the number of children, also wet wipes

Children are invited to put 1 chip in a napkin, close it in the palm of their hand, crumple the napkin, crumple it properly. Then the children open the napkin and see that there are yellow oil marks left on the napkin. Children are led to the conclusion about the dangers of the product - a lot of dyes and fat.

Warm up:

I never get discouraged

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, C.

After that, the children return to the panel.

There are 4 cups on the table prepared for the next experiment. Cotton buds are placed on them. In the 1st glass, the sticks are moistened with lemon juice. In the 2nd - saline solution, in the third - sugar syrup, and in the fourth - onion juice.

The teacher asks to name the main tastes: sour, salty, sweet, bitter.

The teacher then asks the children which organs help identify foods. Children answer that eyes, nose, tongue.

For the purity of the experiment, the children do not see which product they will try, they do not smell (they cover the nasal passage with their index finger, but they will only touch different parts of the tongue with cotton swabs and try to determine one of the 4 main tastes. Children practically determine that sweet taste can be taste with the tip of the tongue, salty with the lower side, sour with the upper side, and bitter with the base of the tongue, and in some cases the entire surface of the tongue). Further, the teacher reports that our body is designed in such a way that it defends itself in case of danger. With the help of language, we can identify spoiled or poisonous food. When a bitter substance enters the tongue, the body works and all receptors of the tongue begin to act.

After that, a summary is made. Children put a forbidden sign (red cross) on the products with which the experiment was carried out (Coca-Cola, sweets, chips), while three children recite verses:

To be strong, dexterous

Healthy, cheerful

Don't drink Cola

Merinda and Sprite.

Eat apples, plums,

Lemon, oranges

In fruits and berries

Vitamins are a treasure

ate a lot m& ms I

I got a toothache, my stomach.

They took me to the doctor

Well, I answer silently.

Finding out the reason later.

The doctor, squinting, said

That all junk food

How she dislikes

Does not benefit children

Nothing and never

In life we ​​need

A lot of vitamins

Do not count everyone.

We need to eat more

Meat, vegetables and fruits

Natural products,

But chips, always know -

This is bad food!

Children conclude that they should not eat unhealthy foods.

After that, the children are given treats - roosters on a stick. The teacher says that this caramel is harmless to the body.

Irina Vasilyeva
Summary of the lesson "Useful and harmful products"

Target: To form children's ideas about the benefits and the dangers of food.

Correctional and educational tasks:

Systematize and generalize children's knowledge about food.

Build vocabulary skills.

Correction-developing tasks:

Expand knowledge about healthy eating.

To develop children's understanding of the importance of diversity in the human diet.

Help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition, food should not only be tasty, but also useful.

Develop the ability to clearly and competently answer the questions.

Stimulate the development of children's thought processes (analysis, synthesis, classification).

Clarify children's knowledge about meal times.

Correctional and educational tasks:

-continue educate children about the need to take care of their health.

Instill an interest in learning.

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, a desire to help

Course progress.

There is a knock on the door. The postman brings the parcel.

The teacher receives, signs. Reads the address of D.S. on the parcel.

Tells the children that the parcel is addressed to them. Offers to open and see what's in it.

(in a jam jar package)

Who could send us this message?

Children guess. (If leading questions cannot be asked).

And there is also a letter in the package.

Is reading:

"Hello guys! I watched you on video and I know that you eat well. You eat everything during breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea.

I also eat a lot of jam, sweets, cookies. I can eat sweets as much as I want. But for some reason I can't eat soup or potatoes with a cutlet. I don't feel like eating it at all. Maybe because my teeth and stomach often hurt? Also, porridge makes me sick. Does this happen to you? If not, please explain to me why this is happening to me. I thank you in advance and send you a jar of jam, it is very tasty, if you like it, I will send more! Your friend Carlson.

Guys, do you want to help Carlson?

Then let's figure out why Carlson's teeth and stomach hurt and he can't eat porridge.

Tell me, guys, does Carlson eat right? He eats a lot of sweets… Why not right? (children's answers)

Therefore, Carlson is sick. And in order to grow up healthy, strong and dexterous, how should one eat, what food should one eat?

That's right, to grow up big and healthy, you need to eat useful, various and vitamin products. Let's talk today about how we eat in the kindergarten, teach Carlson to eat right. We will record our entire conversation on a video camera and send it to Carlson. Do you agree?

Carlson loves a lot of sweets, and what are you guys products like?

The game is being played "Magic wand", where the children alternately passing the stick, talk about their food addictions.

Yes, it turns out that most of our children, like Carlson, have a sweet tooth.

Do you know that not all products are useful?

There are many delicious products but very harmful for our body.

But there are a large number useful products.

Where do we take products?

Do you want to go to the supermarket products?

We will be divided into two subgroups. One will buy healthy foods, other harmful.

Children walk between tables, confer and, having chosen the necessary products put them in their bags.

The subgroups then present their sets products, arguing that harmful or beneficial to the product.

Candies and cakes are very sweet, they destroy teeth, so they are considered harmful products. Apples and carrots are rich in vitamins, so they useful. Milk and cheese contain calcium, which is necessary for the growth and strengthening of bones, so all dairy useful products.

So what Carlson eats food?

Rhythmic workout.

Guys, what do you think, in kindergarten cooks cook for you healthy food? (children's answers).

I suggest you go to the kitchen right now and see how the porridge is cooked.

We raise our legs higher, we walk up the stairs (Walking in a circle with high knees) .

Here we go in a group, we won’t knock anything down. (snake walking) .

We walk past the kids, quietly, like mice,

We don't scare kids! (Walking on toes) .

Breath development. The development of speech.

Here we come to the kitchen (sit on chairs). Let's sniff, what smells so delicious? (inhale through nose, exhale through mouth) .

Guys, tell me, what is the name of the meal in the morning? (Breakfast)

What about during the day? When you worked out, played .... (In the afternoon we have lunch)

After a quiet time? (After a quiet hour - afternoon tea)

And in the evening? (And in the evening we have dinner)

And what do chefs usually cook for us for breakfast? And porridge is healthy food?

Kasha is healthy food to help you grow up healthy and strong. And what products needed to make porridge?

Guess the riddles:

The riddle is easy to guess, the cow gives (milk)

White as snow, in honor of everyone, got into his mouth, and disappeared there (sugar)

Born in water, afraid of water (salt)

From milk it is clear to everyone we get (oil)

Guys, have we forgotten anything? For porridge, we still have some product needed?

Children: Groats.

Do you want to help cooks prepare porridge for breakfast?

(stand in a circle, hold hands) .

mobile game

1, 2, 3, Pot, cook porridge for us.


We pour milk.

(Comes out "milk" to the center of the circle).

We will be attentive - we will not forget anything.

(Holding hands, walking in a circle) .

pour salt

(Comes out "salt") .

We will be attentive - we will not forget anything.

(Holding hands, walking in a circle) .

pour sugar

(Comes out "sugar") .

We will be attentive - we will not forget anything.

(Holding hands, walking in a circle) .

We pour cereal

(Comes out "groats") .

We will be attentive - we will not forget anything.

(Holding hands, walking in a circle) .

Porridge is cooked puff-puff, puff-puff,

For friends and family.

(Hands rise and fall in waves) .

So we helped the chefs prepare porridge for breakfast, and what kind of porridge are there?

What, Lisa, is your favorite cereal? What cereal is it made from?

Find this cereal on the table and show us.

(ask several children in turn)

You must say the name of the cereal and what kind of porridge will this cereal make?

Children examine and name cereals in prepared transparent jars (semolina, buckwheat, rice, hercules, peas, millet, oatmeal)

Each child takes one jar of cereal and makes sentences.

Children: There is millet in a jar. Millet porridge can be cooked from millet ...

And what do we eat for lunch? (soup). What are the soups? What are they made from?

If the soup is made from vegetables, what will it be? (vegetable)

From fish? From potatoes? From chicken? From meat? From peas?

And I guys really like to eat coleslaw for lunch. How to call such a salad in one word?

What do you think cabbage salad healthy dish? Why do you think so?

Do you want me to teach you how to cook it?

Then get your hands ready!

finger game,

We chop cabbage, chop, (One palm is horizontal, the other makes chopping movements along it) .

We salt-salt cabbage, (Finger movements) .

We three or three cabbage (palms rub against each other) .

We press cabbage, we press, (Fingers clench and unclench) .

And then, and then

We put cabbage in our mouths! Am! (Hands bring to mouth) .

So that Carlson remembers well what useful products, and which harmful let's remind him again. I'll call products and you listen carefully. If useful product, then get into the hoop if harmful then stay where you are.

Are called products: chupa chups, cottage cheese, nuts, soup, buckwheat porridge, cake, milk, soda, meat, carrots, chips, fruits.

Well done, I think now Carlson remembered exactly which foods to eat and which ones are not desirable.

Today we managed to do a lot, visited our kitchen, went to the store for products. Are you tired? Let's go on a tour of the orchard. We are met by the hostess of the garden, Daria Olegovna, she will lead us through her garden and tell us what fruit trees grow in her garden.

What need to do. If we came to visit? (children greet)

The teacher psychologist conducts relaxation.

Reflection. What do you guys think, were we able to convince Carlson that you only need to eat healthy foods? Did you like our conversation about useful products If so, then do so, if not, then so ....

And we, Yulia Sergeevna and Marina Anatolyevna, will send the video to Carlson.

For an afternoon snack, treat yourself to bread with jam that Carlson sent you.

Target: familiarizing children with useful and unhealthy foods, vitamins, their significance for human health, enriching the vocabulary of children with new words on the topic.

Educational: clarify children's ideas about the variety of products, the names of fruits and vegetables, their benefits for human health and the vitamins that make up them.
Developing: develop coherent speech, the ability to work in a group and answer questions, express their opinion.
Nurturing: nurture respect for your health.


Formation in children of ideas about useful and harmful foods;

Teach children to understand the benefits and harms of certain foods;

To consolidate children's knowledge about vitamins and foods rich in vitamins;

Encourage children to eat healthy foods and lead a healthy lifestyle.
preliminary work: Looking at pictures of food; a conversation on the topic "What food is useful"; quiz "Guess a riddle and guess products", experiments with various carbonated drinks and chips; study of proverbs about health. Reading stories about food.

Learning poetry.


CD, footprints, tape recorder, balloons, 3 baskets, two tapes, food: chips, soft drinks, crackers, chewing gum, milk, vegetables, yogurt, fruits;

For experiments: 3 glasses, funnels with a cotton swab, napkins, a plate of chips, spoons; various juices, straw.

Pictures "Products";

A stand with pictures and photographs of various products (harmful or useful).

Lesson progress:

Children sit in a group on chairs. Guests enter the group: (parents ...)
Educator:- Guys, how many guests we have today, let's say hello to them. (Children say hello)
Educator:-But you didn’t just say hello, but gave each other a piece of health. Russian folk proverb says: "If you don't say hello, you won't get health"
Educator:- today we will talk about useful and not useful for our health products, about vitamins. We will find out what vitamins different foods are rich in and what benefits they bring to our body.
There is a knock on the door.
Educator:- Guys, the postman brought us a letter! This letter was sent to us by guys from the country of Zaboleykino. The inhabitants of this country are constantly sick, because they eat harmful products that are not healthy for health, and they do not know the names of useful products! These names are hidden in riddles that the guys cannot solve, they ask us to help them. Can we help the guys?
Children's answers.
The teacher reads the letter with riddles and shows the answer picture after the children's answers.
- I was born to fame - my head is white, curly
Who loves cabbage soup - look for me in them. (Cabbage)
- Under the ground, the bird made a nest, laid eggs. (Potatoes)
-Before it was eaten, everyone had time to cry. (bow)
-It is green and odorous, it is crispy and prickly. (Cucumber)
-The girl is sitting in a dungeon, and the scythe is on the street. (Carrot)
Educator: what is the name of these products?
Children's answers
- He has orange skin that looks like the sun
And under the skin of the lobules, let's count how many?
We will give a slice to everyone, and we will eat everything by slice. (Orange)
-Although it is very sour, we will put it in tea ... (lemon)
Golden, liquid, on the branches they weigh
They eat them with appetite. (Apples)
Slightly curved in appearance, covered with yellow skin.
Monkey treat, we call it...(banana)
- This fruit is oblong. RICH IN VITAMINS.
It is boiled, it is dried - it is called ... (PEAR)
-Educator: - what is the name of these products in one word?
Children's answers.
Educator:- send a letter with answers to the guys in the country "Zaboleykino"
Educator" Guys, in front of you are leaflets with the image of fruits and vegetables. Connect fruits with a painted vase, and vegetables with a painted basket. (children perform)
Educator:- Well done, you worked hard, you need to relax. (Physical education is held)
Physical education: deep - not shallow ... ships in plates (raising and lowering their hands)
onion head, red carrot, parsley, potatoes and cereals a little (they bend their fingers on their hands)
here the boat is sailing (showing waves with hands), swims directly into the mouth. Am! (children sit down)
Educator: -guys, can all the products that get into our mouths be called useful, what do you think? (children's answers)
- what are the names of the substances that make our products useful? (vitamins - children's answer)
Each vitamin, like you and me, has its own name. Educator: Let's listen to the verses that our guys know about vitamins.
1. Remember the simple truth - only he sees better
Who chews raw carrots or drinks carrot juice.

2. It is very important to eat oatmeal for breakfast early in the morning,
Black bread is good for us, and not only in the morning.
3. Oranges help with colds and sore throats
Well, it’s better to eat a lemon, although it is very sour

All the guys read the verse together:

Never give up and smile on your face
Because we take vitamins A, B, C!
Educator: Now let's play the game "That's right, that's right, that's right..."
I read you poems about products, if they talk about useful products, you say: (correct, correct, absolutely true), and if about harmful ones, just be silent.
Questions: - eat more oranges, drink tasty carrot juice, and then you will definitely be very slim and tall. (Children's answers)
-If you want to be slim, you need to love sweets, eat sweets, chew toffee, become slim like a cypress! (Answers)
- if you want to be healthy - eat right, eat more vitamins, do not know about diseases! (answers)
Surprise moment:
On the field of play there is a knock on the door, a postman comes in with a parcel box in his hands.
Educator:-guys, we received a package from the country of Zaboleykino. The guys thank us for answering the riddles and sent us a whole box of healthy vitamin products so that we don’t get sick too! We will give these products to the kitchen of our chefs and they will prepare healthy dishes from them!

Experience with sweet carbonated drinks.

You have a carbonated drink in one cup, put a cardboard funnel with a cotton swab in the second cup and pour the drink here.

What color did the cotton swab become? (Green, yellow, red). Yes, these drinks were painted with different colors, and this is unhealthy, the stomach, head, liver can get sick, teeth deteriorate.

Chip experience.

Now let's take a closer look at the chips. They are fatty, fried, sprinkled with various seasonings. Take a napkin and press it against the chips that are left on the napkin

(greasy spots). Take a glass of water and put chips in it, stir with a spoon. The water became dirty and greasy. Do you think you can eat chips, why?

Educator: Children, look, the wand caught fire again, we again completed the task.

Reflection:- Guys, what did we talk about today in the group? What products are called useful? What vitamins do you remember? (children's answers)
Educator:- and now I invite all the guys and our guests to lead a cheerful round dance to the "Vitamin Song"

- Children, we have completed all the tasks with you. Well done, children, you were attentive, friendly, coped with all the tasks.

What did you like about the lesson?

Healthy food.

Target: To create conditions for the formation of the right attitude to one's health through the concept of healthy eating.

Tasks: 1) Educational: to form an idea of ​​proper nutrition; - the ability to choose healthy foods;

2) Developing: develop attention, thinking, memory;

3) Educational: to cultivate a positive attitude towards healthy and negative attitude towards unhealthy foods.

Educator: Guys, today I invited Carlson to class. But something is long gone.(The teacher goes to the window, there is a note on the windowsill with the message: “Guys, I’m sorry, I can’t come to you, my stomach hurts badly.”) Children, why do you think Carlson got a stomach ache? (children's answers)

You know, I also think that such a misfortune happened to Carlson due to malnutrition.

(Knock on the door. Vitaminka came.)

Vitaminka: Hello guys, I came to you to find out how you know and follow the rules of nutrition.

Did. yes-no game

1. Should you always wash your hands with soap before eating?

2. You need to eat at any time, even at night. (Always at the same time)

3. Should I eat foods that are good for health?

4. Do you need to eat quickly? Slowly? But as? (Not fast and not very slow)

5. Can food be swallowed without chewing? But as? (Chew food well)

6. Rinse your mouth after eating is harmful. (It's helpful to have even the smallest bits of food pop out, as germs can live on them.)

Educator: You see, Vitaminka, our children coped with your task. They also know how to make menus.(In front of the children there are silhouettes of dishes and pencils cut out of paper.) Please draw on them what you want to eat for dinner.

Vitaminka: (praises the children). Well done. Now my next task"Answer quickly." (the answer is given by the number 1 or 2). Of the two answers, you must choose the correct one.

1. You need to drink: a) in one gulp; b) don't rush.

2. Mouth after eating should be wiped: a) with a sleeve; b) a napkin.

3. You need to eat: a) with your hands; b) spoon and fork.

4. The cutlet should be eaten: a) pierced on a fork as a whole; b) break and put in the mouth small pieces.

Vitaminka: Yes, you have completed this task. Now I want to find out how well you know which foods are good and which are bad.Did. game "Who will correctly fill the basket."

1. Find and put healthy foods in your basket that you can eat every day. (Juices, vegetables, fruits, berries, fish, dairy products)

2. Products are not very useful, they can be eaten, but not every day. (Eggs, rolls, ice cream, pickles, garlic, cheese)

3. Harmful products. (Chips, canned food, sausage, sausages, sweets, Coca-Cola, mayonnaise, ketchup)

Vitaminka: Well done. I will tell you a secret: to be healthy, strong, fight germs and not succumb to disease, you need to eat vitamins. Vitamins as soldiers protect our body from evil harmful microbes and various diseases. Vitamins have names, they are called A, B, C, D, E.
- Do you know where vitamins live?
(Answers of children). Vitamins live in vegetables, fruits, berries and other healthy foods.

And now let's please your body with the vitamins that live in these fruits (showing apple, tangerine, kiwi, banana). I suggest you make a delicious and very healthy fruit skewers. On these wooden sticks (demonstration) we string these sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits (demonstration). But before you start making barbecue and eating, what needs to be done?(Answers of children).
Of course, wash your hands with soap so that germs from our unwashed hands do not get on food, and from there to our bodies.
(Children and teacher go to wash their hands).
In the process of preparation, the educator provides assistance to children experiencing difficulties, asks questions. Which of these fruits is your favorite? Now you are stringing, what kind of fruit? At the end of the work, he wishes everyone a bon appetit.
Vitaminka. You did great today. I see a smile on your faces. This is very good! After all, a joyful, good mood helps our health. A gloomy, angry and irritable person easily succumbs to illness. And a good mood and a smile are like protection against diseases. Let's make each other smile more often. Good health to you all!

Summary of the lesson "Food is useful and harmful."

Target: Encourage children to understand the role of proper nutrition in human life.


Tutorials: Tell children about food and their importance to humans, introduce the concepts of "nutrients", "proper", or "healthy nutrition".

Developing: Develop curiosity, the ability to highlight the rules of healthy eating, the ability to highlight useful and harmful foods.

Educational: Encourage children to take care of their own health and the health of others. Raise the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right.


  • food pictures:
  • fish, meat, sour cream, milk, vegetables, fruits, chips, lollipop, pepsi cola, ice cream, cake, sweets, etc.,
  • single plates and spoons according to the number of children;
  • saucepan, dummies:
  • potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, onions, apples, radishes, cucumbers, grapes;

Dictionary activation:"nutrients", "proper" or "healthy nutrition", harmful and healthy foods, vitamins.

Preliminary work:

Together with parents, the creation of the newspaper "Useful Products - Vegetables and Fruits", "Food without Harm", the game "Find out the taste", "Vitamins from the garden".

The teacher's story about harmful and healthy food.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about tasty and healthy food, and junk food.

Can a person live without food?

Children: No.

Educator: In order for a person to grow and develop well, he needs to eat every day - eat.

What does a person eat?

Children: Meat, fish, milk, vegetables.

Educator: Do animals eat?

Children: Yes.

Educator: That's right guys! People, animals, birds, insects eat. Any organism from the smallest to the adult needs food. As soon as food ceases to arrive in a timely manner for breakfast, lunch and dinner, our body weakens. Why is this happening? Yes, because the products contain nutrients that help grow and develop.

Guys, what nutrients do you know?

Children: Vitamins.

Educator: Foods contain many different vitamins. And each vitamin has its own name and the house where they live.

Educator: Guys, everyone has their own favorite food. Name your favorite food (children's answers).

Educator: Guys, what do you think will happen if we eat only sweets, cakes, pastries, ice cream.

Children: Your teeth will hurt, your stomach will hurt, etc.

Educator: That's right, guys, in order for you to grow up strong and healthy babies, you need to eat a variety of foods, and not just sweet and tasty. This is called "proper" or "healthy eating."

Guys, want to learn more about healthy eating?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then let's go to the country of Zdorovyachkov and get acquainted with the doctor "Healthy food".

Well, are you ready? sit down more conveniently, our train is leaving: (children go out onto the carpet, are built by a train).

Trailers, trailers rumble along the rails,

They are taking a company of guys to the country of Zdorovyachkov.

We clap our hands
Friendly, more fun.
Our feet are knocking
Friendly, more fun.
Let's hit the knees
Hush, hush, hush.
Our pens rise
Higher. Higher, higher
Our hands are spinning
They dropped below.
twirled, twirled
And they stopped.

Educator: Well, here is the country of Zdorovyachkov.

Doctor healthy food appears (doll)

Doctor: Hello guys, nice to see you!

Children: Hello doctor.

Doctor: Why did you complain?

Educator: We want you to tell us about proper nutrition. After all, our children want to be healthy and maintain their health for a long time.

Doctor: I will do it with pleasure. You think why I am so healthy and never get sick. Yes, because I eat right.

Do you want to know what I eat?

Children: Yes.

Doctor: Then guess the riddles:

Must eat both old and young
Vegetable always (salad)

Will be slender and tall
One who drinks fruit (juice)

Know it's not easy for a cow
Do to children(milk)

I will grow, I will become faster
If I will, eat (sour cream).

Knows firmly from childhood Gleb,
On the table is the most important thing (bread).

You do not look for candy -
Eat with fresh cabbage (shchi).

Outside the window, winter or summer,
On the second to us - (cutlet).

Waiting for lunch time
There will be steamed (meat).

We need it in porridge, we need it in soups,
There are dozens of dishes from various (cereals).

Meat, fish, cereals, fruits -
Together they are all (products).

Doctor: Well done boys! All riddles solved. Do you eat these foods?

Children: Yes

Educator: Of course, doctor. In kindergarten, cooks prepare delicious porridge, salads, meatballs and cabbage soup for us.

And our children also know what vegetables borscht is made from, and now we will show you.

The game "Young cook"

Doctor: Well done! What appetizing borsch will you get, let's try?

Children: Come on.

Dr. Healthy food pours "borscht" into single plates

Educator: Guys, borscht is so hot, let's cool it down.

Breathing exercises "Let's cool the borscht"

Take air into the chest - inhale

Exhaling air, stick out the stomach - exhale

When exhaling, a loud pronunciation of the sound "f - f - f"

Repeat 3-4 times.

Educator: Oh, what a delicious borscht.

Doctor: Yes, I have never eaten such delicious food.

Guys, do you like to drink milk?

Children: Yes, we love.

Doctor: Do you know what products can be made from milk?

Educator: Of course, we know, now we will name them to you.

Children: Sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, kefir, curdled milk, cottage cheese curds.

Educator: You see, doctor, how much our children know about products that are made from milk.

Knock on the door (Glutton).


I am a famous glutton

Because it's very full.

I eat a lot, it's hard to breathe,

But I want to tell you

I always eat what I want - Chips, waffles, lollipops.

I don’t need your porridge, it’s better to have a cake with lemonade,

I do not want sour cabbage soup, I do not like vegetables.

So that I don’t mess with dinner and the sausage will do for me.

Dry-dry - so what! Why is my lunch not good?

And my last whim - Give me "Kinder" "Surprise".

I came to visit you to treat you with very useful products, they are in my basket, look.

The teacher takes out “healthy” products from the basket: sweets, chips, Coca-Cola.

Educator: Guys, is this a healthy product?

Children: No.

Educator: Glutton, didn't you know that everything you brought was not useful, but very harmful products.

Glutton: no.

Educator: These are products that are harmful to humans. Chupa - chups, chewing gums, sweets, teeth deteriorate from such products; sweet sparkling water - it spoils the stomach and hurts the tummy. It is very harmful to gnaw on chips and crackers - because they contain a lot of salt and many harmful substances, such as various flavors and dyes. Guys, remember! These products can be eaten quite a bit, and it is better to completely refuse to use them.

Educator: Guys, let's try to figure out what is good for health and what is not.

Game "Right or Wrong".
Listen carefully,
Do it diligently.
If my advice is good

You clap your hands.

On the wrong advice

You sink - no, no!

1. Constantly need to eat,

Important for health:

Fruits, vegetables, scrambled eggs,

Cottage cheese, curdled milk (children clap).

2. Do not gnaw a cabbage leaf,

It's very, very tasteless.

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade (stomp - no, no).

3. You brushed your teeth

And go to sleep.

grab a bun

Sweet in bed (stomp - no, no).

Educator: Well, now, Glutton, I remembered what foods are useful.

Guys, take only healthy products from the plate and give them to the Glutton, and we will throw the rest away.

Educator: Glutton, Doctor, our guys, together with their parents, made the newspaper “Food without Harm” so that we never forget about unhealthy and healthy food.

Doctor: Well, well done guys! You eat right and keep your health for a long time. And it’s time for me to cook dinner for myself, but in parting I’ll tell you the Golden Rules of Nutrition, remember them and you will always be healthy:

  1. The main thing is not to overeat.
  2. Eat freshly prepared food at the same time.
  3. Chew food thoroughly, do not rush to swallow.
  4. Refrain from fatty, salty and spicy foods.
  5. Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods
  6. There are thousands of sweets, but one health.

And here are the guys for you a treat of bulk apples from my garden. Eat for health. Goodbye, I have to go.

Doctor Healthy Food is leaving.

Educator: Guys, what have you learned from Doctor Healthy Food?

Children: You can’t eat a lot of fatty, salty, you can’t overeat a lot, you need to eat more vegetables and fruits. You need to eat at the same time.

Educator: Guys, name what foods are eaten in the country of Zdorovyachkov.

Children: Fish, meat, green salad, vegetables, fruits, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese porridge.

Educator: Well done! In order for you to grow up healthy, strong and dexterous, you need to eat right, do physical education, sports and observe the daily routine, hygiene.

And now it's time for us to go to the group. Take your places in the trailers. Goodbye, gorilla. (Glutton leaves).

“Trailers, trailers rumble along the rails,

they are taking a group of guys back to the group.”