• Environmental education as an integrated activity organization
  • Scientific and Practical Local Lore Conference "My Malaya Motherland"
  • Implementation of GEF in an educational institution: theory and practice
  • Information and educational environment as a means and condition for improving the quality of education during the implementation of GEF
  • Professional pedagog standard. Formation of a new pedagogical culture.
  • The use of multimedia techniques and information and communication technologies in extracurricular work at various school events.
  • Design methodology and achieving educational results at the modern lesson
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    "Active learning methods used when working with preschoolers in the implementation of the implementation of Gos Dow"

    Publication date: 02/19/17

    When working with preschoolers in the implementation of the implementation of GEF DOU "

    The changes occurring in the world caused the need to develop new approaches in the training system and education. Before teachers, DOW set new goals: the formation of universal training actions and learning motivation. The content of education does not change much, the role of teachers will significantly change, who will need to build the learning process and education not only as a system of learning knowledge, skills and skills, but also as a personality development process. The teacher should understand how to organize the process of learning and education so that the children are asked by the questions "What do I need to learn?", "How can I learn this?". Education and education should be built as the process of "discovery" by each child of a particular knowledge. From the passive listener, the child should turn into an independent, critical thinking personality. Today it is important to ensure the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of the child. The content of education is enriched with new procedural skills, the development of abilities, operating information, creative solving problems of science and practice with an emphasis on the individualization of educational programs.

    The main task of each teacher is not only to give students a certain amount of knowledge, but also to develop interest in their teaching, teach learning. Without well-thought-out learning methods, it is difficult to organize the absorption of software.The teacher needs not only access to everything and show everything, but also to teach the student to think, instill in his skills of practical action. In my opinion, these may contribute to the active forms and methods of learning.

    Relevance: Interest in active learning methods is caused by an acute need to improve the modern didactic system and do it with the smallest risk, i.e. Due to the skill of the teacher, not the overload of preschoolers. Education will be able to fulfill its role only when accessing the innermost interests of the personality, the deep parties to public existence, it is for this that a parity (equal) communication is necessary.

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    Alena Rumyantseva
    Using active learning methods in working with preschoolers

    Using active learning methods in working with preschoolers.

    At the present stage of the development of Russia, changes occur in the system education: The introduction of federal state educational standards, which in turn contributes to the content of the educational program, focusing the attention of teachers preschool education on the development of socio-communicative, artistic and aesthetic, cognitive, speech abilities of children, as well as the physical sphere; On the change of traditional methods come active learning and education methodsaiming activation Cognitive development of the child. In these changing conditions, teacher preschool Education should be able to navigate the diversity of integrative approaches to the development of children, in a wide range of modern technologies.

    New educational situation requires use methodsproviding gradual increasing in educational activities activity, independence and creativity of children. Meet new approaches education actively learning methods.

    By definition of the Russian Encyclopedia active learning methods(АМО) - methodsallowing activate the educational processWatch trainee To creative participation in it. Task active learning methods is to ensure the development and self-development of the individual trainee Based on the identification of its individual characteristics and abilities, and the development of theoretical thinking is occupied by a special place, which involves an understanding of the internal contradictions of the models studied.

    Essence active learning methodsDepending on the formation of skills and skills, it is to ensure the execution of those tasks in the process of which they independently master the skills and skills. Active learning methods are one of the most effective means of involving children in educational and educational activities.

    Active methods ensure the solution of educational tasks in different aspects:

    Formation of positive learning motivation;

    Enhance cognitive children's activity;

    active involvement of children in the educational process;

    Stimulating independent activity;

    Development of cognitive processes - speech, memory, thinking;

    Effective absorption of a large amount of information;

    Development of creative abilities and nonstandarity of thinking;

    Development of the communicative and emotional sector of the child's personality;

    Disclosure of the individual and individual opportunities of each child;

    Development of independent mental skills;

    Development of universal skills.

    Theoretical I. the practical foundations of the problem of using active learning methods are set out in the work.: L. S. Vygotsky, A. A. Verbitsky, V. V. Davydova, A. N. Leontieva, I. Ya. Lerner, M. A. Danilova, V. P. Esipova, M. V. Karina, M . Crunelchta, S. L. Rubenstein, A. M. Smallkina, and others. Among the initial positions of the theory active learning methods Concept was laid "Subject of activity", developed by academician A.. N. Leontiev, in which knowledge is activities aimed at mastering the objective world. Entering into contact with the subjects of the outside world, a person knows them and enriched practical experience as knowledge of the world ( training and self-studyand impact on it.

    In this way, active learning methods are training in activities.. L. S. Vygotsky formulated the law for which training entails development, as the personality develops in the process of activity, which fully applies to children preschool age.

    IN preschool the age of the usual form of activity is the game, therefore, more efficiently use Its in the educational process. The natural gaming environment in which there is no coercion is there and there is an opportunity for each child to find its place, managing the initiative and independence, freely realize its abilities and educational needs, is optimal to achieve these goals. Turning on active learning methods The educational process allows you to create such an environment both in joint adulthood and in the independent activities of children.

    If the usual and welcome form of activity for a child is a game, then it is necessary use this form of organization of activities for learningBy combining the game and educational process, more precisely, applying the playing form of organization of activities teaching To achieve educational purposes. Thus, the motivational potential of the game will be directed to a more efficient development of the educational program.

    Active learning methods

    Game methods give the search for solutions in dynamic unstable conditions and can give more than experiment: They allow worker And compare several possible options. Emotional mood, adversarity and due motivation, excitability remove the effects of artificiality. Pedagogy of cooperation, joint search for the best decisions allow us to work out and systematically improve the best options for collective action. From the domination of universal slogan "SIS - Sit and Listen" to active: "Did - Think and do!".

    Method projects is one of training methodscontributing to the development of independence of thinking, helping the child to form confidence in its own opportunities. He provides such a system learningwhen children get knowledge and master the skills in the process of executing the planned system practical tasks. it training through activities.

    Relaxation - the purpose of this method - increase the energy level in the group and reset excessive tensions arising during the class. As a rule, it can be a physical attack, a moving game.

    Another active method -"Brain attack". Brainstorm (Brain Attack, Brainsstorming) - a widely used method for producing new ideas for solving scientific and practical problems. His goal is to organize collective mental activity on finding non-traditional ways to solve problems.

    In this way, using active learning methods in educational process preschool The educational institution contributes to the successful development of the educational program, which is based on the requirements of GEF, creating in educational activities with educational Favorable atmosphere for work, development of motivation for cognitive and research activities; accumulating your own experience work and the study of the experience of colleagues, systematic, complex work and competence of teachers.


    1. Verasaks N. E., Verasx A. N. Project activities preschool children. Manual for teachers preschool institutions. - M.: Mosaic Synthesis, 2008 - 112 pp.

    2. Vygotsky L. S. Game and its role in the mental development of the child // Questions of psychology. -1966.-№6. - P. 13-15.

    3. Leontiev A. N. Discussion about the problems of activity // Activity approach in psychology: problems and prospects. - M., 1990

    4. Lerner I. Ya. Problem training. - M., 1974.

    5. Novoselova S. L., Zoborina E. V. Game and issues of comprehensive education of children // Pre-school education. -1983. - № 10. - P. 38-46.

    6. Russian Encyclopedia for Protection labor: In 3 tons - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Publishing house NC ENAS, 2007. T. 1 : A-K. - 440 p.

    7. Smallkin A. M. Methods of active learning: Scientific - method. benefit. - M.: Higher. Shk., 1991.-176 p.

    Today we continue to talk about the qualitatively new interaction of pre-school organizations based on specially organized joint activities, as a result of which a single point of view is formed on the essence of the problem of continuity and the solution of it.

    The task of the administration of our DOO and elementary school was tasked: to organize work to ensure interaction without disrupting successive relations for the purposes and objectives, content and methods, forms of organization of training and education, taking into account the development of preschoolers based on pedagogical technologies of the DOO.

    The question arises: what pedagogical technologies are continuous (pre-school and primary) Education is a relevant means of ensuring continuity?

    In accordance with GEF among the chosen technologies, priority, both in kindergarten and school, should be given to technologies based on the principles of educational education.

    "It is not the fact that
    the student uses new technologies,
    and how this use contributes
    enhance its education. "

    S. Ermann

    Many of the presented technologies are familiar to us and are often applicable to work, but as experience shows not enough effective:

    • heating technology
    • project Technology
    • technology of research activities
    • information and Communication Technologies
    • personal-oriented technologies
    • portfolio technology
    • gaming technology

    For a long time, being in the search for new technologies and forms of work, we still found ...

    As they say: while the princes were looking for everything ... And we found the king!

    Namely, the modern technology of AMO-focused on the standard of pre-school and primary general education, allowing to effectively manage the educational process.

    Have you heard about IMO technology?

    After examining the IMO technology in detail, you can manage actively mobile, what do you think than? Of course the educational process!

    Active learning methods are a system of methods that ensure the activity and diversity of the mental and practical activity of pupils in the process of developing the developing material.

    What are the advantages of IMO?

    First of all, AMO is built on a practical orientation, the game act and the creative nature of learning, interactivity, various communications, dialogue and polylogging, the use of knowledge and experience of educatons, the group form of organizing their work, involvement in the process of all senses, an activity approach to learning, movement and Reflection, which is demanded from us GEF to and noo.

    Active learning methods have their own distinctive features, you see them on the slide:

    • group form of organization of work of participants in the educational process;
    • the use of an activity approach to learning;
    • the practical focus of the activities of the participants of the educational process;
    • game and creative nature of training;
    • interactivity of the educational process;
    • inclusion in the work of a variety of communications, dialogue and polylog;
    • the use of knowledge and experience of students;
    • involvement in the process of learning all senses;
    • reflection of the learning process by its participants.

    The technology of AMOs allocate two main components - structure and content.

    By structure, in accordance with technology, all educational activities are divided into logically related phases and stages, you see them on the slide:

    Phase 1. The beginning of the educational event


    • Initiation (greeting, acquaintance)
    • Entry or immersion in the topic (Definition of occupation purposes)
    • Determining expectations, fears of students (Planning the personal sense of classes and the formation of a safe educational environment)

    Phase 2. Work on the topic


    • Fixing the material studied (Repetitions passed, homework discussion)
    • Interactive lecture (Transfer and explanation by the teacher of new information)
    • Thread content study (group work of students on the topic of classes)

    Phase 3. Completion of the educational event


    • Emotional discharge (warm up)
    • Summarizing (Reflection, analysis and estimation of the lesson)

    Each stage is a full-fledged section of the educational event. The volume and content of the stage is determined by the theme and objectives of the educational event. Each stage carries its functional load, has its own goals and objectives, and in addition it contributes to the achievement of the general objectives of the educational event. Being logically connected and mutually complementary each other, the phases and stages of the educational event ensure the integrity and systemality of the entire educational process, give a complete type of occupation.

    At each stage of the educational event, their active methods are used to solve specific tasks of this stage.

    Thus, for example, the teachers of our DOU in the practice of applying the project method are used by AMO as means of activation, diversity, interaction of cognitive activities of children. With the help of active learning methods, the ability to work in a team develops, carry out joint project and research activities, to defend their positions, justify their own opinion and tolerance to others, adopt responsibility for themselves and the team.

    In order to obtain better educational effects of the group's teachers, a plan for phased implementation of active methods in classes was drawn up.

    Each educational event, our pupils are happy with greetings, at the expense of which a positive atmosphere is created in the group, a mood for educational activities. For this we use methods "Circle of greetings" , "Smile, smile!" , "Wishes" and etc.

    Smooth transition to direct content occupation occurs at the stage of determining the objectives of the classes. For our pupils, this is a very important point, since the definition of goals allows you to understand every child, what results it can reach the end of the classes and focus on the activity that leads to planned results. With the help of active methods "Guess-ka!" , "Putanka" The stage of goal setting, quite difficult for preschoolers, is easily and easy.

    The clarification of the expectations and concerns in the success of their own activities in pupils helps us, celebrate children with low self-esteem for subsequent individual work. In this case, we use methods "Tree expectations" , "Film" , "Backpack and a portfolio" and etc.

    Work on the topic is happening differently. It depends on the educational area being implemented, a specific classes, its goals and objectives. The active methods used at this stage allow us to keep the attention of children, intensify their mental activity, involve in command work on the practical development of the material studied.

    In the process of correctional and educational activities, we take into account the psychophysical and individual features of our pupils and do not forget about the rebuilding of relaxation, fizminutok. Mental work shift with fun (Fisminutka) Allows you to remove psychological stress and charge energy and positive emotions to continue learning.

    Active methods used by us at the stage of summing up, such as "Film" , "A circle" Allow all participants once again to miss through themselves everything has passed on occupation. Our children appear awareness of their actions, a clear understanding of how embedded efforts contributed to personal achievements and success in class. This strengthens the motivation and confidence guys in their own power.

    In the process of introducing something new, difficulties always arise. For us, difficulties make up the selection of active learning methods for each stage of occupation, since very few prepared methods developed for children of preschool age. Considering that each method must comply with the objectives of the stage, the goals of all classes and the subject of classes, often we develop our author's active methods or adapt the existing AMO to the goals, the tasks of the classes and the features of our pupils.

    Our experience shows that when interacting with families of pupils, AMO technology is a good assistant in organizing and conducting events. By organizing various events for parents (Parental meetings, consultations, living rooms)We use this technology in order to activate parents, involve them in the process of escorting the child.

    When conducting integrated classes, AMO technology is an indispensable didactic tool. These methods allow developing thinking of preschoolers, contribute to the involvement of them in solving problems in accordance with the age capabilities, develop practical skills and skills, encourage practical and mental activities.

    With the help of AMO technology, we effectively correct the disadvantages and form a psychological basis for the full development of the identity of the child. In the organization of integrated and systemic learning, children assimilate the forms of communication, master educational and social skills. This gives children relative independence and the maximum possible independence in the world around them.

    Thus, the use of teachers of the Group of Technology AMO creates optimal conditions for the successful preparation of preschoolers for school learning.


    1. Dmitry Medvedev. Text of the Message of the President of the Russian Federation (Extraction), 12. 11. 2009.
    2. Pakhomova N.Yu. Project training - what is it? From the experience method. Work. Magazine digest "Methodist". / Sost Pakhomova. Scientific Ed. EM. Nikishin. - M.: AMK and Pro, 2004.
    3. Polit E.S. New pedagogical and information technology in the education system. - M., 1999.
    • proper definition of the subject of classes, careful selection of software content and tasks;
    • the inclusion of the previous experience of children in the educational process (use of the Apperception method);
    • thoughtful combination of individual and group forms of working with children, changing the activities of preschoolers;
    • the use of interactive learning methods, the activation of the mental activity of children at all stages of classes;
    • the presence of high professional qualities of the educator, which will ensure creative cooperation and interaction;
    • the presence of a meaningful gaming object-developing medium, a rich didactic material;
    • mandatory accounting for the age and individual characteristics of children, their creative abilities.

    Interactive technologies in teacher education

    Interactive technologies - means to interact, communicate with someone; This is a special form of organizing cognitive and communicative activities, in which all participants (each fluently interacts with each, participates in an equal discussion of the problem).

    Interactivity produces responsibility, self-criticism, develops creative, teaches his strength correctly and adequately, to see "white spots" in their knowledge. The main element of interactive occupation is a dialogue.

    During interactive learning, children actively communicate, argue, do not agree with the interlocutor, prove their opinion.

    One of the main conditions for holding the work in the Dow is the use of interactive learning methods, the activation of the mental activity of children at all stages of classes.

    Interactive learning and interaction techniques with children

    Interactive learning methods are methods for focused adult interaction with children who provide optimal conditions for their development.

    Interactive training of preschoolers is a specific form of organizing educational activities, the purpose of which is to ensure comfortable conditions for interaction in which each child feels its successes and, performing a certain intellectual work, reaches high performance.

    Interactive teaching methods provide such training that allows children to work in pairs, microgroups or small groups to work out the training material, chatting, arguing and discussing different points of view.

    Interactive methods of teaching and developing preschool speech

    Microphone- The work method, during which children together with the educator form a circle and, passing to each other, a mimic or toy microphone, express their thoughts on a given topic.

    For example, a child takes a microphone, tells in several sentences about herself, and transmits a microphone to another child.

    All statements of children are accepted, approved, but are not discussed.

    Debate - Working method, during which children stand in a circle, express their thoughts on a given topic, transmitting a microphone to each other, but the statements are discussed: children ask each other questions, respond to them, looking for a way to solve the problem.

    (For example, Serge has a bad mood, so children offer ways to raise a mood or eliminate the problem that influenced the mood of the boy).

    Together - Working method, during which children form working pairs and execute the proposed task, for example, in turn describe the picture.

    Chain - Working method, during which children discuss tasks and make their proposals in a simulated chain. For example, you constitute a fairy tale in which the future fairy tale is presented in drawings or in the conditional marks.

    Another option to use this method: The first child calls the object, the second is its property, the third is an object with the same properties.

    For example, carrots - Sweet carrots - Sweet is sugar - white sugar - white is snow ... etc.

    Snowball - Working method, during which children are combined into small groups and discuss the problematic issue or fulfill the overall task, having agreed on a clear sequence of actions of each member of the Group.

    For example, a house is built, where they agree in advance about the priority of the actions of each team member and about the color, with which one or another child will work.

    Synthesis of thoughts - Working method, during which children are combined into small groups by performing a specific task, for example, a drawing on a sheet of paper.

    When one group draws, it transmits a picture to another group, the participants of which are modified by the task. Upon completion of the work, the general story is about drawing and why.

    Circle of ideas - interactive learning methods, when every child or each group perform one task, for example, make up a tale in a new way, discuss it, then offer offers or ideas (for example, as you can finish a fairy tale, so that the bunker remains alive; how to help a bang etc).

    General project - Working method, during which children are combined into several groups (3-4).

    Groups receive different tasks, each of which is aimed at solving a certain aspect of one problem, for example, draw their favorite winter entertainment and tell about them.

    Each group presents its "project" - the collective work "Winter entertainment" and jointly discuss it.

    Associative flower - Working method, during which children are combined into several groups to solve the overall task: the "middle" of the flower depicting a certain concept, for example, "Toys", "Flowers", "Fruits", "Animals" are fixed on the board.

    Each group selects the words-Associations or pictures-associations that glue around this concept. The team that will create the largest flower (with the highest number of selected pictures-associations or words-associations).

    "Tree solutions" - The method of work that includes several stages:

    1. Selection of a problem that does not have an unambiguous solution, for example, "What does a tree need for happiness?".
    2. The viewing of the scheme in which the rectangle is the "trunk" (which means this problem), straight lines - "branches" (ways to solve it), and circles - "leaves" (solving the problem).
    3. Solving the problem: children are negotiated by subgroups, discuss and draw, for example, a butterfly, a bird and the like, placing them on the "Decision Tree" and explain their choice.

    Method of multichannel activities - The method of working with children, during which various analyzers are necessarily involved: vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell.

    For example, when viewed by the picture, it is advisable to use such a sequence: the selection of objects depicted in the picture; Representation of objects through perception by various analyzers.

    After considering all the objects depicted in the picture, it is worth putting creative tasks to children:

    • "Listen" the sounds of the picture through the "headphones";
    • conduct virtual dialogues on behalf of the characters depicted;
    • feel the "aroma" of colors shown in the picture;
    • "Go beyond the limits of the depicted";
    • to mentally touch the picture, determine what its surface (warm, cold), what the weather (windy, rainy, sunny, hot, frosty) and the like.

    For example, when considering the picture "Walk in the Forest" is worth setting the following questions: What do you think about girls talking about? Consider the bark of trees, what is she?

    Listen to the sounds, how the foliage rustle, shrinking forty, etc.

    Discussion - This is a method of collective discussion of a difficult issue. All participants in the educational process are being prepared for discussion. All children are actively involved.

    "Discussion" from English is what is subject to discussion, a dispute.

    At the end of the discussion, a single collective solution of the problem, problems or recommendations is formulated. Questions (tasks) must be offered no more than five.

    It should be formulated so that it is possible to express different views relative to the problem.

    Children learn to express their own opinion: "I think ...", "I think ...", "in my opinion ...", "I agree, but ...", "I do not agree, because ..."

    "Brain attack (brainstorming)" - One of the methods that contributes to the development of creativity and child, and an adult. This method is convenient to use when discussing complex problems or questions.

    It is given time for individual reflection on the problem (even it can be up to 10 minutes), and after a while there is additional information about the decision-making.

    Children - participants of the "Brain Attack" must express all possible (and impossible from the position of logic) options for solving the problem that you need to listen and adopt the only correct decision.

    Quiz - Method-cognitive game, which consists of speech tasks and responses on topics from various branches of knowledge. It expands the general and cognitive and speech development of children. Questions are selected taking into account age, program requirements and level of knowledge of children.

    Dialog conversation - Method aimed at the complicity of children with those who speak. During the classes from filing knowledge, consolidation of the material, the teacher puts accompanying questions to children in order to verify the understanding of the information provided by them.

    Modeling - The method of interaction of adult and children to solve the problem. The situation is modeled by the educator specifically.

    "What? Where? When?" - Active method, during the use of which cooperation prevails, creative solving problems, mutual exchange of views, own knowledge and skills, and the like.

    "Pros and cons" - The method of working with children, during which children are invited to solve the problem from two sides: for and against. For example, the task is to tell why the winter like it (the argument is "for") and why not like winter (argument - "against").

    Foresight - The method of working with children, during which it is proposed to "predict" possible solutions to the problem.

    For example, to offer children to call all the autumn months, talk about what they expect from every month. Later, imagine yourself on the site of one of the months and tell about your predictions: "I am the first month of autumn - September. I am a very warm month. All children love me because they start going to school ... "

    The next child continues to tell about this month (work in pairs).

    "And what would happen if ...?" - The method of work, during which the children are offered to think and express their assumptions, for example: "What would be if all the trees disappeared on Earth?", "What would happen if the predatory animals in fairy tales became vegetarians?" etc.

    Imaginary picture - The method of work, during which the children are offered to get in a circle and each child in turn to describe an imaginary picture (the first child gives a blank sheet of paper with a painted picture, then he transfers a sheet with a mental picture of another participant of the game, and he continues a mental description).

    "What can I do ...?" - Working method, during which children learn to realize the polyfunctional properties of objects. For example: "Imagine how else can you use a pencil? (as a pointer, conductor wand, thermometer, rod, and the like).

    Example: "Grandfather and Baba lived. And they had a dog bug. And brought them a beetle bone, not a simple, but sugar. Baba cooked her, cooked, and did not weld. Grandfather was brewed and did not cook. The cat jumped, the bowler turned over, the bone took and suffered. The grandfather laughs, Baba laughs, and the beetle is having fun: "I'll bring you another bone, but not sugar, and a simple to cook quickly."

    Other Interactive Training Methods

    In addition to the above-mentioned interactive methods of teaching preschoolers in practice, the following are actively used: creative tasks, work in small groups, training games (role and business, imitation games, competition games (senior preschool age), intellectual workouts, work with visual video and audio materials, thematic dialogues, analysis of life situations and the like.

    Thus, interactive learning in classes (including integrated) occurs: in pairs (2 children), in microhyrroups (3-4 children), in small groups (5-6 children) together with the educator.

    When evaluating the statements of children should not use the word "right", and say: "interesting", "unusual", "well", "fine", "original", which stimulates children to further statements.

    It is worth remembering! When a child of preschool age is politely sits on a chair, looks at you and just listens - he does not study.

    Insufficient use of interactive methods

    Unfortunately, interactive learning methods are not yet sufficiently used in working with preschoolers. There are some reasons for this (by A. Kononko):

    • the habit of many educators to use explanatory-illustrative, monological methods in the work, to show conformism, is unquestioned to obey the requirements and principles of others;
    • distrust of a certain part of teachers to innovative dialogs, concerns them;
    • deficiency of experience of their effective use, active self-determination, making responsible decisions, providing advantage of someone (something);
    • fear look in the eyes of others "White Vorona", funny, helpless, ineptless;
    • understated self-esteem, excessive anxiety of teachers;
    • tendency to excessive criticism;
    • inability to quickly switch, adapt to new conditions and requirements;
    • the non-formation of pedagogical reflection, the ability to objectively assess themselves, relate their capabilities, desires with the requirements of time.

    The need to introduce into the educational process of interactive methods is obvious, since:

    • today, more than ever, the requirements for pupils increase;
    • differentiation and individualization of the formation of preschoolers;
    • requirements for the quality of preschool education, its assessment is not only for the level of valued preparedness, but also the elementary life competence of graduates of the DOU, their ability to apply knowledge in their own life, constantly update them and enrich them.
    • 10 Votes, Average:

      Active teaching methods as a condition for the formation of preparedness of teachers to an effective organization of cognitive development of children of preschool age (from experience).

      In modern conditions, the status of a teacher, its educational functions changes radically changes, respectively, the requirements for its professional-pedagogical competence are changed, to the level of his professionalism.

      Today, the teacher is in demand, a creative, competent, capable of developing skills to mobilize his personal potential in the modern system of education and development of the preschooler. Modern children need a modern teacher. In accordance with the requirements of new regulatory documents in the field of pre-school education, the specialist must have theoretical psychological and pedagogical knowledge, the ability to organize and implement the educational process by implementing the principle of integration, as well as systematically increase its professional level.

      According to many authors (M. M. Birstein, A. I. Vasilyeva, P.I. Tretyakova et al.) Improving the professional mastery of the teacher is a continuous, complex and creative process. L. I. Falushina considers methodological work as a function of controlling the quality of educational and educational work in pedagogical systems.

      All researchers are united that the methodological work is the main way to increase professional mastery of the teacher and its competence.

      The problem of raising the level of professional competence of each teacher of the preschool institution still remains one of the most difficult. It's no secret that sometimes a lot of strength is spent on the organization of methodical measures, and the return is negligible. This is due to a number of shortcomings in the formulation and organization of methodical work:

      • the forms of the organization of methodological work suffer from monotony, weakly take into account the specific features of various teachers, weakly activate the creativity and initiative of each teacher;
      • the practical direction of methodical work is insufficient, the focus on the provision of actual assistance to educators and educators;
      • the possibilities of teachers are not sufficient;
      • insufficient implementation of pedagogical analysis, often the identification of it with control.

      Therefore, the need to create conditions for increasing the level of professional competence of teachers in the process of organizing methodical work in the DWA is put forward to the fore. So, for example, the Distance Training Center "ABC Center" organizes and conducts training on various, most demanded programs and directions.

      Today it is necessary to involve teachers in active educational and educational activities with the use of techniques and methods that have received the generalized name "active learning methods". Scientists and practitioners have close attention to these methods in the 60s of the 20th century, which was associated with the search for ways to enhance students in the educational process. The cognitive activity of the student is expressed in a sustainable interest in knowledge, a variety of independent learning actions.

      Traditional learning technology is weakly developing cognitive activity, because It is aimed at listening to, remembered, reproduced said. Psychologists also proven to the existence of addiction of the material from the method of its message. When reading a lecture, students assimilate only the fifth of the information, when using visual material, TSO and discussion - up to half, and with the analysis of specific situations - almost all information. In addition, if the listeners perceive not ready-made material, but participate in the development of a single opinion, "open a new one", then it becomes their own position, which they support and implement in pedagogical practice.

      Objectives of active learning methods:

      • development of information competence;
      • development of attention, speech, creative abilities, reflection;
      • development of the ability to find the optimal or simplest solutions, predict the result;
      • manifestation of activity and independence;
      • development of a sense of command unity.

      Classification of active learning methods.

      Active learning methods, depending on the focus on the formation of a knowledge system or mastering skills and skills are classified on:

      Nonitative methods

      Imitation methods

      • problem lecture;
      • heuristic conversation;
      • discussion;
      • research method;
      • consultation - dialogue;
      • consultation of the paradox or consultation with the planned errors;
      • express survey;
      • pedagogical quiz;
      • pedagogical crossword;
      • and etc.

      Purpose:training to professional skills and skills through professional activity modeling.

      • solution of situational problems;
      • business game;
      • role-playing game;
      • game command diagnostics;
      • the relay of best practices;
      • and etc.

      To form the readiness of teachers to the organization of cognitive and research activities of preschool children, the following work forms were used:

      • traditional: consultations, workshop workshop;
      • methodical activities using active learning methods: Method of game modeling (organizational and activity "Pedagogical Mileage" (Attachment 1), pedagogical KVN);
      • pedagogical quiz;
      • master Class;
      • looking - Competition .

      Attachment 1

      Organizational and activity game "Pedagogical Mileage"

      "Organization of cognitive and research activities of preschool children"

      Purpose:improve the effectiveness of the process of organizing the cognitive and research activities of children of preschool age.


      • promote the formation of preparedness in teachers to an effective organization of cognitive development of children of preschool age;
      • enrich and systematize knowledge in the field of organizing cognitive development of preschoolers;
      • develop the ability to discuss, act, defend your point of view.

      Plan of preparation of the game.

      1. Definition of the goal and tasks of the game.

      2. Development of the game script - the definition of "stations".

      4. Thundering the methodological support of the game: specific recommendations for the passage of the groups of each "station", the criteria for evaluating the results, the development of estimated sheets, etc.

      5. Development of rules of the game.

      6. Definition of role set: "Group leader", "Group Analyst", "Experts"

      7. Registration of clarity.

      8. Selection of pedagogical and methodological literature on the topic.

      Game traffic:

      1. Speech head. Deputy. According to the VMR, "informative-research activities as the direction of the development of the personality of a preschooler in the conditions of introducing FGT to the educational process of the DOW".

      2. Discussion of rules, movement of the game, regulations.

      3. Work in "Station" groups:

      • "Methodical"

      a) List the structural components of cognitive-research activities.

      b) List the types of cognitive research activities.

      c) Give the characteristics of cognitive-research activities (formulate the concepts).

      • "Diagnostic"- For what indicators and criteria can be judged about the level of formation of cognitive and research activities of preschool children?
      • "Analytical"- How can it be possible to determine its focus on solving the tasks of the formation of educational research activities of preschoolers to determine the objective and spatial development environment?

      4. Speech by Experts with analysis and evaluation of the performance of all participants and the game as a whole.

      5. Summing up the game.

      6. Reflection - filling in the questionnaire of a member of a methodological event. Purpose: Determination of the effectiveness of the event.


      1. Volobueva, L. Work of the Senior Educator Dow with teachers / L. Volobuev. - M.: Sphere, 2003.

      2. Golitsyn, N. The use of active learning methods in working with frames / N. Golitsyn // A child in kindergarten. - 2003. - №№ 2.3.

      3. Savenkov, A.I. Theory and practice of applying research methods of training in preschool education / A.I. Savenkov // Dow Management. - 2004. - №2.