Scorzonera Spanish refers to a species of herbaceous plants from the genus Kozelets (Scorzonera). This plant is also known as Spanish kozelets, Black Carrot and Black or Sweet Root. Due to its beneficial properties, scorzonera is cultivated in many countries as a root vegetable.

The birthplace of scorzonera is Southwest Asia and Southern Europe. The plant grows on the steppe and rocky slopes of Europe, and is also found in Georgia and Azerbaijan.

As a vegetable crop, scorzonera began to be cultivated at the end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th centuries in the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium and France. Prior to that, it was used as a medicine - an antidote for viper bites. Because of this, the people sometimes call the scorzonera "snake". During the time of Alexander the Great, Spanish goats were served at the royal table as a delicacy.

The height of the stem of scorzonera usually varies from 25 to 70 cm. Scorzonera blooms in May with a few baskets. The fruits are marginal achene, ripen in early summer.

Scorzonera is a biennial plant, which in the first year of life forms a cylindrical rough root crop of black or dark brown color and basal leaves. Root crops, as a rule, are harvested at the end of September, when their mass reaches 100-150 g. Since scorzonera is a cold-resistant plant, sometimes root crops are left to winter in the soil.

The pulp of the root crops of Spanish goat is white and juicy and has high taste qualities. Scorzonera is called winter asparagus, because in winter it is more accessible, and when cooked, it is practically not inferior to it in taste.

Composition and useful properties of scorzonera

Useful properties of scorzonera are due to its biologically active substances. So, the roots of the plant contain:

  • Saccharides (about 20%);
  • Pectin substances (up to 2%);
  • Vitamins C, B1, B2, E and PP;
  • Salts of copper, potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, calcium.

However, the main medicinal properties of scorzonera include a high content (about 10%) of inulin, as well as asparagine and levulin in them, which makes this root vegetable a medicine for diabetics.

Asparagine, contained in root crops, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, and also enhances the activity of the kidneys.

The calorie content of scorzonera is 17 kcal per 100 g of root crops.

Application of scorzonera

In folk medicine, scorzonera is widely used:

  • In the treatment of heart diseases;
  • As an anesthetic;
  • With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Spanish goat roots are very useful for beriberi, obesity, atherosclerosis, anemia, and they also inhibit the development of rheumatism, gout and polyarthritis. Scorzonera is well absorbed by the body, and therefore is often recommended by nutritionists for dietary nutrition. Also, this root crop will be useful in the diet of the elderly, with diabetes, hypertension and liver diseases.

In cooking, scorzonera is used to make soups, vinaigrettes, salads and second courses.

When raw, scorzonera root vegetables are not very tasty and resemble a cabbage stalk. Before eating raw, it is recommended to soak them in salt water, then grate them on a fine grater. Scorzonera goes well with other root crops. So, it can be used raw for making salads with carrots, seasoned with lemon juice, vegetable oil or mayonnaise.

Scorzonera is boiled like asparagus or cauliflower in salted water and then added to soups. It can also be eaten fried and stewed. Sauces for vegetable and meat dishes made from scorzonera are considered delicious.

Scorzonera root crops are ideal for freezing and canning, because in both forms they fully retain their nutritional properties. The young leaves of the plant can be used to make salads, as well as in pickling and pickling cucumbers, which gives them a crunch.


There are no contraindications for the use of scorzonera root crops, except for individual intolerance.

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Scorzonera is fairly easily absorbed by the body. In addition, root crops are useful for beriberi and atherosclerosis.

You can, of course, dig up burdock roots on the side of the road or force yourself to eat bitter dandelion roots. But it's better, I think, to grow on your site beautiful and very useful vegetable plant - Kozelets Spanish, or Scorzonera Spanish, which I want to talk about.

Two years ago, at a local market, I bought the seeds of this amazing plant from a woman. I sowed them at a distance of 20 cm from each other to a depth of 1-1.5 cm between the trees in the garden. In the first year rose rosette of lanceolate elongated leaves. I forgot to cover them for the winter, and the plants overwintered in very harsh conditions, since in early December it was cold to minus 15 ° C for two weeks without snow. I thought that my “scorzoners” would disappear, but everything worked out.

In summer, rosettes grew and released flower arrows up to 1 m high. And since the garden is large, and there are not enough hands for everything, I didn’t go up to them right away, but only when the first flowers opened. A tuft of blooming scorzonera seemed to illuminate the area. Tall, bright yellow, like dandelions, they attracted the eye. And when I approached them, I realized that they also smell very good. It was hot, and the smell of chocolates was in the air. In clear weather, the flowers bloomed, and before the rain and at night they closed. I am not indifferent to fragrant flowers, so I wanted to learn as much as possible about this plant. But it was not there! I was able to obtain additional information about scorzonera only from a vegetable growing guide for 1982.

As it turns out, it has several other names - black root, sweet root, goat. His spine is indeed black on the outside and white on the inside, tasting sweet. Previously, it was grown as a vegetable root crop, now this culture has been undeservedly forgotten, but in vain. It turns out that the root is rich in vitamins of group B, C, contains salts of calcium, iron, phosphorus. It contains absolutely no fiber, starch and sucrose, but almost all dry matter consists of inulin polysaccharide, which explains the sweetish taste. The energy value of 100 g of roots is zero. That is, in fact, scorzonera is a dietary product, consisting entirely of digestible minerals, inulin and vitamins. There is no need to talk about how important such a product is in the nutrition of diabetics.

Inulin, unlike sugar and starch, is absorbed completely without raising blood sugar levels. In healthy people, such a product will simply increase immunity.

Scorzonera roots can be eaten fresh or made into a healthy diet meal.

The recipe is very simple: the root, peeled from the black shell, is boiled in salted water and fried in breadcrumbs.

Roots should be dug in autumn or spring after the first year of vegetation. Dry seasoning is easy to make. The roots must be washed clean, peeled, finely chopped or chopped on a grater. Put the crushed product in a thin layer on a baking sheet and leave in a warm place. Dry until flowability and complete disappearance of moisture. Then grind in a coffee grinder and use as needed.

It grows wild in southern Europe and Siberia. Scorzonera is cultivated as a vegetable plant in Europe and America. It is highly valued for the taste of root vegetables and is considered a delicacy.

Scorzonera roots can be boiled, stewed and eaten raw. Can also be dried - a good addition to soups. The roots boiled in salted water, poured with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs are especially tasty (the skin must be peeled). The raw, peeled and washed root tastes like young walnuts (when they have not yet been freed from green pericarp).

Scorzonera is a cold-resistant and drought-resistant plant. Roots in the ground with deep snow cover endure frosts of more than 30 degrees, and shoots - a long cold snap and spring frosts. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 4-5 degrees. In the first year, a rosette of lanceolate leaves and long rough fleshy roots of black or dark brown color are formed, in the second year - a stem up to 1 m high, flowers and seeds. The root of the scorzonera is taproot, cylindrical, about 3-4 cm thick, the flesh is white, it secretes milky juice on the cuts.

The main beneficial properties of scorzonera include the fact that it contains a lot of inulin, which is the main medicine for people with diabetes. This plant also contains asparagine, a substance that has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and kidneys.

It is worth noting the rather low calorie content of these root crops, which makes it possible to use them during diets and in the diet of sick people. In addition, it is recommended to add this vegetable to your diet for people with obesity. In addition, scorzonera is quite easily absorbed by the body. In addition, root crops useful in beriberi and atherosclerosis. It is recommended to regularly eat this vegetable for people with anemia. This root has the ability to resist the development of rheumatism, gout and polyarthritis.

Use in cooking

It is used for making soups, salads, vinaigrettes, second courses, raw, fried and stewed. The root is boiled in salted water and cooked like cauliflower. Sauces for meat and vegetable dishes are very tasty. Young leaves are used for salads (and from autumn to spring), in pickling and canning cucumbers to give them a crunch.

In its raw form, scorzonera is not very tasty and resembles a cabbage stalk. To use the plant in this form, the roots should first be soaked in salt water and grated on a fine grater. Boiled scorzonera is an exquisite delicacy, like asparagus, for which it is called "winter asparagus". Add it and instead of chicory in coffee. Roots are very good after frost grabs them.

In addition to the root crops themselves, young leaves of the plant can be used as food, which perfectly complement the taste of various salads and pickles. You can dry the scorzonera, grind it and use it as a condiment.

Scorzonera benefits and treatment

The benefits of scorzonera are due to the large number of biologically active substances. Root crops are widely used in folk medicine. For example, this plant is an excellent pain reliever, as well as its recommended for use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of the root improves metabolism and heals the body. Recently, information has appeared that scorzonera contributes to the removal of radioactive elements from the body.


Scorzonera is a plant that is not demanding on agricultural technology. Very cold-resistant, can winter in the soil. In the spring, its roots are suitable for food and for seed purposes.

Scorzonera seeds are large, 15-20 mm long, about 1.5 mm thick, ribbed, grayish. The mass of 1000 seeds is 15-20 g. It is better to sow with fresh seeds (germination capacity lasts 1-2 years). It is better to germinate them for 5-7 days at a temperature of 250C. After 10 days, the sprouted ones are selected and sown, the rest are washed and germinated for another 5-7 days, then sown. Sowing scheme 20x8-10 cm, seeding depth 2-3 cm.

Sowing can be carried out in three terms:

  • spring (April to May) for harvesting in autumn;
  • summer (late July);
  • before winter (in October) for harvesting in the spring and for obtaining seeds.

Root crops can be harvested after two months of growth, but they are usually harvested for storage in the middle - the end of September when they reach a mass of 100-150 g. Moreover, root crops cannot be overexposed, otherwise they will flake.

When harvesting, root crops must be dug up, freed from the soil with their hands, so as not to damage. Only non-injured, healthy root crops are placed in boxes with sand. The sand is kept moist during the entire storage period.

If the roots of scorzonera are left in the ground for the winter, then in early spring shoots will begin to grow from them, which can be successfully used as food. In autumn, the old leaves are cut short, at a distance of 1-3 cm from the soil surface. Then the rows are sprinkled with a 15 cm layer of earth. Therefore, the shoots that begin to grow in the spring without access to light will be bleached (etiolated).

In April - May, the earth is raked from plants in rows, exposing young shoots. By this time, their length is 10-15 cm. When forcing, you can do without hilling (and, consequently, bleaching). Shoots in this case turn green and lose their taste. In June, overwintered plants throw out flower stalks. With the onset of shooting, the taste of root crops deteriorates sharply. Scorzonera is a good honey plant. It blooms in the second year after planting, the flowers are yellow, with the smell of vanilla.

Inflorescence - basket. As soon as the inflorescences become like a “fluffy” dandelion, they are plucked and laid out in a ventilated room for drying and ripening, and then ground. Well-ripened seeds usually have a germination rate of 80-90% in the first year, and only 30-40% in the second.

A few plants are enough to grow seeds. Do not leave on the seeds "early" plants that gave the arrow in the first year.


Peel the root vegetables, cut into pieces and cook until soft in salted water or broth. Remove half of them, rub through a sieve and put back into the pan. Add parsley, yolk and a little sour cream. Drizzle with oil before serving.


Wash the roots of scorzonera and carrots (1: 1), grate on a coarse grater with “straws”, sprinkle with lemon juice, salt, add herbs, season with vegetable oil, sour cream or mayonnaise if desired.


700 g scorzonera, 250 ml vegetable broth, 3 tbsp. spoons of orange juice, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, 2 teaspoons of curry seasoning, a bunch of green onions, freshly ground white pepper.

Rinse the scorzonera thoroughly, place in salted water in a large saucepan and bring to a boil. If the individual roots are too long for the pan, they can be cut in half. Choose roots that are as uniform in thickness as possible so that they are equally soft when cooked. After the scorzonera has boiled, then it must be cooked over low heat until tender. Depending on the thickness of the roots, this may take 5 to 10 minutes. Then drain the water, cool with cold water and remove the peel. Put on a dish.

Add citrus juice, curry powder and olive oil to the vegetable broth. Pour this marinade over the scorzonera on a platter and leave to infuse, covered, for three hours.

To serve, remove the scorzonera from the marinade, season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with green onions. As a side dish, we recommend baked potatoes. published

This root crop is often called winter asparagus, due to the fact that outwardly its peeled roots look like bleached asparagus sprouts. Delicate sweet pulp is a storehouse of nutrients.

root vegetable

Scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica), otherwise Spanish goat, is a biennial plant. To obtain root crops, it is cultivated as an annual. Despite its specific name - Spanish - the plant is not afraid of the cold, and its underground parts can winter in the soil. Scorzonera roots contain milky juice. It is delicate and pleasant in taste, easy to digest and extremely beneficial to health.

In terms of nutritional value, it is surpassed only by legumes.


In order to get even, beautiful root crops, the soil is dug up on a spade bayonet before sowing and enriched with rotted humus. Sandy, loamy soils enriched with organic matter are best suited for this crop. Do not sow scorzonera after carrots, celery, tomatoes, spinach and all types of cabbage.

Beds that previously grew leeks, turnips, cucumbers, legumes, and head lettuce are best suited. Seeds of scorzonera goat germinate well only in the first year after they are harvested. This must be taken into account when buying seeds.

Do not purchase seeds in reserve. Every year you need to have fresh ones. 1.5-2 g of seeds are sown per 1 m2. Grooves are made on the ridge and one grain is sown every 2-3 cm, to a depth of 2-3 cm. Depending on the weather, 2-3 weeks pass from sowing to germination. The soil at this time should be evenly moistened. You can not overdry or, conversely, flood the crops. In order not to “lose” the crops, you can sow early radishes together with the goat, which sprouts much faster and is also quickly ready for use. After the appearance of 2-3 leaves, the scorzonera is thinned out, leaving at least 6-8 cm between plants in rows.

Leaves from plants removed during thinning can be used to make salads.

Scorzonera Care

When the marking crops of radish sprout, the soil surface is gently loosened. Due to the fact that the goat grows slowly in the first days after germination, its crops must be carefully weeded. So that the soil crust does not interfere with the growth of root crops, the bed with scorzonera is loosened or mulched with organic matter. Plants are watered from mid-July to September at least 4-5 times a month at 20-25 l / m2 (if heavy rainfall does not fall at this time). After watering or heavy rains, the rows of goats are loosened so that the root crops are even.

Cleaning and storage of scorzonera

The goat is harvested, depending on the variety, 100-120 days after its sowing. In autumn, while the weather is warm, scorzonera roots are dug up as needed. i Start storing them before the onset of permanent frosts. L It is important that harvesting takes place in dry weather and dry soil. The safety of mm scorzonera roots depends on conscientious harvesting and on their proper storage.

It is necessary to carefully remove the roots from the soil. In the root crops selected for storage, the rosette of leaves is unscrewed. Then the root crops are placed vertically (so that they do not touch each other) in a box, sprinkled with wet, clean sand.

Useful properties of scorzonera (goat)

Scorzonera root crops contain from 16 to 30 mg% of vitamin C, vitamins B1 and B2, calcium, iron, phosphorus and trace elements. They are rich in inulin and asparagine, therefore they are useful for dietary nutrition. Root vegetables are used as food in the same way as cauliflower or asparagus.

Scorzonera root crops overwinter well on the ridges. Under the influence of low temperatures, they acquire a delicate texture and a pleasant taste.

The thick black rind is easily removed from the roots of the gooseberry if they are boiled in salted water.

If you leave a few plants before winter, covering them with a layer of straw, 15 cm thick, then in spring bleached leaves sprout through the shelter. When they reach 20 cm in length, they are cut off. Used in food in the same way as leafy salads.

Medicinal (2006) - roots are long, conical, dark brown, weighing 60-80 g. The pulp is white, tender. Productivity is 1.5-1.8 kg/m2. The period from germination to economic suitability is 100-120 days.

Sunny premiere (2003) - dark brown roots, 28-31 cm long, weighing 60-80 g. The pulp is white, tender. Productivity is 1.5-1.8 kg/m. The period from germination to economic suitability is 101-120 days.

When to dig scorzonera out of the ground

Scorzonera root crops are harvested late in autumn, in November, and for winter storage - just before the soil freezes. But when the ground is already frozen, the scorzonera should not be removed: it is well preserved in the soil.
When harvesting, it is important to properly dig up the root crops without breaking them. This is sometimes not easy to do, as they are very long (30-35 cm), so first dig a ditch along the row to the full depth of the roots. Then, on the other side of the roots, pry the root crop with a fork or shovel, pushing it into the prepared ditch.
Thus, the root crops will remain intact. Then cut off the tops, and place the roots vertically in a box and sprinkle with wet sand.

Scorzonera: benefits and cultivation - readers share their experience

Scorzonera heals and protects

Recently, the rarest medicinal plants, which not only contain a lot of useful substances, but also have wonderful taste properties, have increasingly begun to appear in summer cottages and household plots, and it is relatively easy to grow them. One of these crops is scorzonera, which is often called goat, black carrot or sweet root among the people.

This plant is extremely useful, so it is desirable to use it throughout the year, especially in the autumn-winter period. True, it should be warned: planting material for scorzonera should be bought only from reliable sellers. The fact is that inexperienced vegetable growers can confuse the scorzonera root with the black root, a poisonous plant from the borage family.

From the time of the Macedonian

Scorzonera has been known to people for a long time, in particular, even in the time of Alexander the Great, it was considered a delicacy and was served at the royal table. But some varieties of this plant, in particular the variety Strelnyan-ekaya, were bred in Ukraine specifically for the treatment of participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

The subtleties of growing scorzonera

Growing scorzonera is not difficult. The main conditions are a sunny place and fertile soil, which must first be prepared by digging to a depth of at least 35 cm. Only in such conditions can long, good quality roots be obtained.

Scorzonera is sown in mid-April-early May, although I sowed until August 1. Seeds are laid in moist soil to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, the distance in a row is up to 10 cm.

Shoots appear after about 2 weeks, they look like garlic leaves. After the formation of 2-3 leaves, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving 8-10 cm between plants.

In the first year, scorzonera forms a rosette of foliage and a spindle-shaped cylindrical root crop 3-4 cm in diameter and up to 30 cm long. Its external color is dark brown, the flesh is white. In the second year, the plants form flowering shoots up to 120 cm high and bloom in late May or June with yellow fragrant flowers.

Dig up the roots gradually, as needed, but before the onset of frost. They do this very carefully so as not to damage the root crops, otherwise they will have a bad lying-bone.

Root crops are stored in the cellar, tied in bundles. However, usually some of the roots are left to winter in the ground, and in the spring they are used to prepare vitamin dishes, which are so necessary for our body, which has weakened over the winter.

Medicinal properties of scorzonera

Scorzonera roots are sweet in taste, contain over 100 biologically active substances, vitamin C, protein, phosphorus, calcium, etc. The plant is very useful in diabetes mellitus, the leaves and roots of scorzonera are widely used in folk medicine as an expectorant and analgesic, they remove radionuclides from the body, increase immunity.

Scorzonera is easily absorbed by the body. By its taste, it resembles carrots, and by the method of preparation - asparagus or cauliflower. It is boiled in water, fried in sunflower oil in breadcrumbs. Cooked dishes have a pleasant smell of vanilla. However, in order to get rid of bitterness, before cooking, root crops are advised to soak in cold water for 2-3 hours, removing the peel from them.

  • Scorzonera salad. 250 g of root crops are finely rubbed, sprinkling with lemon juice so that the mass does not darken. Then mix it with chopped onions (1-2 pcs.). fill 2-3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise or sour cream and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.
  • Scorzonera soup. 1-2 root crops are peeled, cut into pieces and boiled until soft in salted water (0.5 l). Then they take them out. rub through a sieve and put back into the pan. Add parsley, 1 yolk and 30 g of butter. Served with sour cream.
  • Scorzonera with egg. 500 g of scorzonera roots are peeled and boiled in acidified water. When they become soft, cut into circles and fry in butter. Pour 3 eggs, pepper and. stirring, bring to readiness. Spread on a plate, sprinkle with grated cheese and chives.

A. Didichenko, Berislav, Kherson region

This is one of the valuable root crops. Scorzonera contains a large set of vitamins, proteins, biologically active substances, enzymes.

Its roots are used as cauliflower, added to vegetable soups and sauces, salad is prepared from young leaves. Peeled and chopped roots can be preserved like asparagus.

The healing properties of scorzonera have been known for a long time. It was believed that it acts as an antidote and is able to remove toxic substances from the body. It is used for diabetes, rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases, general malaise.

Scorzonera (lat. Scorzonera hispanica L.) is also called black root, sweet root, serpentine, black carrot or winter asparagus.

It is a perennial plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. Comes from Central and Southern Europe. The black root was especially popular in the Middle Ages. Since the 16th century, scorzonera has been cultivated as a vegetable in Italy, France, the Netherlands and Belgium. In our country, it is grown mainly by lovers of rare plants and herbalists.


It is a perennial plant cultivated as an annual for food or as a biennial for seed. In the first year it forms a rosette of basal leaves and a thickened root, in the second year it blooms. Scorzonera root is taproot, 3-4 cm thick and 35-40 cm long. Outside - black; the pulp is white, dense, milky juice appears on the sections, which gives it a peculiar pleasant taste.

The plant is frost- (can overwinter in the soil) and drought-resistant, undemanding to the soil, however, to obtain good root crops, the soil must be deeply dug up. The best soils are loose chernozems or fertile loams.

It grows well on deeply cultivated and fertilized soils. Before sowing, it is useful to add 6-8 kg per 1 sq. m humus. Fresh manure is not recommended, as it promotes branching of root crops.

Of the varieties worth noting such as Russian giant and Vulkan. But often it is sold without a varietal name.


Seeds are sown early in spring (simultaneously with carrots) in grooves, to a depth of 1-1.5 cm with row spacing of 30-45 cm and the distance between plants in a row is 10-15 cm. After 2-3 rows, a wider passage should be made up to 60 cm to make it easier to approach the plants.

It is also promising to plant scorzonera in early August (before winter) to a depth of 2.5-3 cm. August sowing scorzonera remains in the ground for the winter (does not require shelter), and by the next autumn grown plants form especially large and long roots. You can sow its seeds in late autumn and even in winter - during thaws.

When spring sowing, seedlings appear on the 8-20th day. They must be thinned out: first at a distance of 3-5 cm, and after the formation of 2-3 leaves - by 8-10 or 10-15 cm. After thinning, they are fed from a solution of mullein or mineral fertilizers: 10-12 g per 1 sq. m of ammonium nitrate, 10-15 g - superphosphate, 5-7 g of potassium salt per 1 sq. m.

During the summer, good watering is needed. Then the plants form fleshy and juicy roots. Mulching inhibits the growth of weeds and helps retain soil moisture, and in dry and hot weather reduces the likelihood of plants shooting.

Scorzonera can be attributed to perennial plants that can grow in one place for 5-6 years, but at the same time it is necessary to dig out the roots from it every year, leaving a small part of them to renew the plant. Also forms self-seeding

For direct consumption, the roots can be harvested from the beginning of October, and for winter storage - just before frost. Root crops are dug up, prying them with a pitchfork. If long and fragile roots are damaged, milky juice flows out of them and they become fibrous, poorly stored, and lose their taste. After digging the root crops on them, carefully, so as not to damage the skin and prevent the milky juice from flowing out, cut the tops 4 cm from the root crop. The roots are stored in the cellar, usually sprinkled with sand.


There is an opinion that scorzonera can replace an entire pharmacy and compete even with ginseng!

The black root contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus. The plant contains inulin, fructose. Therefore, scorzonera is recognized as useful for diabetics. The main vitamins that are in the root and leaves: - C, E, B, Br. PP, beta-carotene, amino acids, minerals, calcium, iron, phosphorus salts. Lots of protein and micronutrients. In general, more than 100 biologically active substances were found in scorzonera.

The black root is used to normalize metabolism and dietary nutrition in diseases of the digestive system, strengthen the immune system and quickly recuperate after illnesses and operations. There is evidence that scorzonera improves the well-being of cancer patients, has anti-radiation activity.


Due to its high calorie content and high content of nutrients, scorzonera is a valuable vegetable product for winter consumption. In its raw form, the black root is tasteless and resembles a cabbage stalk. Boiled scorzonera is an exquisite delicacy, reminiscent of asparagus in taste, for which it is called “winter asparagus”.

To remove the peel, root crops are poured over with boiling water. It is enough to soak in water for about 2 hours so that the milky juice ceases to stand out. Suitable fresh in salads, added to soups, marinades for vinaigrettes, second courses, as well as pickling cucumbers, from which they become stronger and crispier. They can be cooked in the same way as asparagus, or baked in dough.

Scorzonera is also added instead of chicory in coffee, and young leaves are used for salads - from autumn to spring. Roots are very good after frost has taken them.

skortionera - medicinal vegetable

Scorzonera, black root, goat, sweet root are the names of the same plant.

Up to 170 species are known, the most common is the Spanish scorzonera, a biennial with an edible root, which is grown as a vegetable and medicinal plant. The roots are rich in proteins, fats, sugars, salts of potassium, magnesium, iron, as well as vitamins A, B 1 and B 2 "Due to the content of inulin and asparagine, scorzonera is useful in diabetes mellitus. In folk medicine, it is used for gastrointestinal diseases, as well as as an analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsant.

Scorzonera- cold-resistant and drought-resistant plant. Roots in the ground with deep snow cover tolerate frosts of more than 30 degrees, and seedlings - a long cold snap and spring frosts. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 4-5 degrees. In the first year, a rosette of lanceolate leaves and long rough fleshy roots of black or dark brown color are formed, in the second year - a stem up to 1 m high, flowers and seeds. The root of the scorzonera is taproot, cylindrical, about 3-4 cm thick, the flesh is white, it secretes milky juice on the cuts.

Growing season in the first year- 100-120 days. Grows well in well-drained, humus-rich soils.

The best predecessors- cucumbers, peas, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, that is, crops under which organic fertilizers were applied.

In autumn, I dig up the soil to a depth of at least 25-30 cm. I sow in early spring, sowing in two-line (25-30 cm distance between lines, 50-60 cm between ribbons) or single-line method (45-50 cm distance between rows), planting seeds to a depth of 2.5-3 cm. In the phase of 2-3 true leaves of the plant, I thin out, leaving first 5-6 cm between them, then 10-12 cm.

I remove scorzonera in late autumn very carefully, as the roots break off easily, as a result of which they are poorly stored: Scorzonera winters well in the soil, it is stored worse in the cellar, so I remove some of the plants for winter use and cut their leaves, and leave the rest in the soil. I do not dig up plants intended for seed production. Their flowering begins in the first half of June and lasts more than a month. Seeds ripen unevenly, so I collect them many times.

V. Brizhan , Krasnodar region


This culture has a lot of names - scorzonera, scorzonera, goat, goat, black root (not to be confused with the weed - black root officinalis), black carrot, sweet Spanish root, etc.

The homeland of the scorzonera is the Mediterranean coast, from where it penetrated into Central Europe in ancient times. This vegetable was especially popular in the Middle Ages both as a medicinal and as an edible plant. Wild-growing forms of scorzonera are widespread in the Caucasus.

For its outstanding nutritional and medicinal qualities, this plant is especially popular in Western Europe and the USA, while Russian producers and consumers know little about it and do not like it. Therefore, scorzonera is rarely found in collective gardens.

It is usually cultivated in an annual or biennial culture. In the first year it forms a rosette of leaves and a root crop, in the second year it produces seeds.

Scorzonera belongs to the Astroflower family. It is a cold-resistant and frost-resistant plant. She loves moisture and does not tolerate shading, including dense plantings and heavy weed contamination of the soil. The vegetation period in the first year of life is 120-140 days, and in the second year - 120 days.

The varietal composition of scorzonera is exceptionally poor. More often than others, samples of local folk selection are found in gardens. Of the varieties, there are such varieties of scorzonera as Ordinary, Russian giant, Volcano, Gigantic.

In the first year of life, the scorzonera forms a rather powerful rosette of leaves. Its leaves are light green, lanceolate, oblong, pointed, with whole, slightly wavy edges. At the end of the growing season, scorzonera forms a taproot, cylindrical, fleshy root, covered with corky black or dark brown skin. It is because of this that the plant got the name "black root". On loose, deeply cultivated soils, the root length reaches 35 cm or more, and the thickness is up to 3-4 cm. The pulp of this root is white, dense, tender, and milky juice is plentifully released from it when cut.

In the second year, new basal leaves and a strongly leafy branched flowering stem up to 100 cm or more are formed. Individual plants may flower in the first year after sowing, but must be removed as they produce coarse root crops.

Scorzonera flowers are yellow, with a pleasant smell, collected in inflorescences, which are open from early morning until noon, then close. The general appearance of a ripe flower basket resembles a large dandelion inflorescence. Scorzonera seeds are yellowish-white, with "flyers", remain viable for no more than two years, but germinate well only in the first year, then their germination is greatly reduced.

Scorzonera is a storehouse of useful substances for humans. This plant contains up to 20% dry matter and up to 10% sugars, proteins, fats, carotene, vitamins C, B 1, B 2 and others. It has the richest mineral composition: potassium - 320 mg /%, magnesium - 23 mg /%, calcium - 53 mg /%, phosphorus - 75 mg /%, iron - 3 mg /%, etc.

The high healing properties of this plant are due to the presence in the scorzonera of a large amount of inulin, which almost entirely consists of fructose. Scorzonera has the ability to regulate metabolism. That is why it is especially useful in diabetes mellitus, surpassing all other garden vegetables in this respect.

It is interesting that in Russia this crop was first grown as a fodder and partly medicinal. But, unfortunately, scorzonera has not yet received wide distribution. Even the most inquisitive gardeners are almost unfamiliar with this most interesting plant and acquire it very reluctantly, despite the high taste and nutritional, and most importantly, medicinal qualities of the root crop.

Scorzonera eats a fleshy root vegetable rich in milky juice. It is very easily absorbed by the body, extremely useful and valued as a high-calorie, dietary, tasty product. Thanks to milky juice, root crops are tender and pleasant in taste, and in winter they are considered a real delicacy.

Scorzonera stewed in oil resembles asparagus, so it can replace this even rarer curiosity. A root vegetable boiled in salt water and fried in butter is an excellent side dish for second courses. Dried scorzonera will enrich the soup mixture. A delicious salad is prepared from its young bleached leaves.

When cooking scorzonera, it is advisable to add lemon juice to it or put a lemon peel.

Growing skortionera

Scorzonera is a rather cold-resistant and drought-resistant plant. Its seedlings tolerate long cold snaps and small spring frosts. And the seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 5 ... 6 ° C.

Open flat areas with light or medium loamy soils with a deep humus layer, low groundwater levels and a neutral soil reaction are most suitable for growing scorzonera. But since the scorzonera does not tolerate liming, the soil is limed for the previous crop. Only on such soil can long and thick root crops be obtained. Scorzonera also grows well on developed peat bogs. And on compacted soils, her roots form curves and are very branched.

Scorzonera does not like fresh manure, but grows well in the second year after it is introduced into the soil. Therefore, it is optimal to cultivate it after those plants under which a lot of organic matter was introduced. The best predecessors for scorzonera are cucumbers, pumpkin, potatoes, beans, head lettuce, onions, etc. You can not grow it after carrots, celery, tomatoes, spinach and various types of cabbage, because. they share common diseases and pests.

The soil for growing scorzonera begins to be prepared in the fall, immediately after harvesting the predecessor. It is dug up to the maximum possible depth (up to 35-40 cm).

For autumn digging, 0.5 buckets of rotted compost are first added per 1 m2, 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and potash fertilizers and, if necessary, lime materials.

Potash fertilizers containing chlorine should be applied only in autumn, so that chlorine is washed into the deep layers of the soil before spring. In the spring, the soil is again dug up to a depth of 20 cm, adding 2-3 kg of humus and 0.5 tsp per 1 m2. urea. Then the surface of the soil is leveled. Scorzonera grows especially well after crops under which organic fertilizers have been abundantly applied.

Fertilizing scorzonera with fresh manure should not be done, because after that the root crops will become ugly.

Scorzonera is sown in early spring or late July. Winter sowing is also practiced when persistent frosts occur. But the experience of amateurs growing this crop shows that it is possible to obtain large root crops only with early sowing of seeds as soon as the earth dries out, then covering the bed with a film on wire arcs. When sown in summer, the roots are small, but they winter well in the soil with good shelter and reach the largest mass next year.

Scorzonera seeds have an extremely dense shell that swells very poorly. To speed up their germination, the seeds are pre-soaked in rainwater.

Attention! For sowing scorzonera, it is necessary to use only fresh seeds, as they quickly lose their germination capacity.

In an amateur garden, scorzonera seeds are sown in rows with a width between them of 40-45 cm or a two-line tape with a distance between lines of 25 cm and between ribbons of 50 cm. Seeds are laid out in grooves every 3-4 cm to a depth of 2-3 cm. conditions appear in 15-18 days. Therefore, it is very advisable to sow such lighthouse crops as salad mustard, watercress, etc. to them.

The first 2-3 weeks of scorzonera grows very slowly, so weeds at this time can drown out its seedlings. They must be thinned out immediately, leaving 5-6 cm between plants, and after the appearance of 2-3 leaves, thin out another 10-12 cm, otherwise the roots will be small.

Further care for the scorzonera consists of regular and abundant watering, weeding, and loosening of row spacing. As soon as the plants reach a height of about 7-8 cm, it is advisable to water the soil well before loosening it and immediately mulch it with peat chips.

During the growing season, it is necessary to feed the plants at least three times with complete mineral fertilizer - after emergence, then in the first decade of July and in mid-August. The complex fertilizer Kemira is best suited for top dressing - a station wagon. Fertilizers should preferably be applied in liquid form. Scorzonera during the period of root crops filling (July-September) requires abundant watering with wetting the soil to a depth of 35-40 cm. Therefore, watering should be done in 2-3 doses so that water penetrates to such a depth.

Scorzonera is cold-resistant, therefore, for winter consumption, root crops are dug out of the soil before it freezes. For harvesting, it is necessary to choose dry weather so that the soil is not too wet. Root vegetables should be dug out of the ground very carefully, as they break very easily. At the slightest damage to the skin, milky juice flows out of the root crops, and then they are poorly stored in winter.

To prevent this from happening during harvesting, on one side of the row it is necessary to dig a groove one and a half spade bayonet deep. Then, on the other side of the row, carefully dig up the root crop with a pitchfork and push it into the groove safe and sound.

It is necessary to immediately cut the leaves and dry the root crops, since they do not store well when wet. Then they are tightly installed in boxes in a vertical position and sprinkled with wet sand. Damaged roots that lose their milky juice are not suitable for storage at all, they must first be used as food. Root crops are stored in the basement at a temperature of 0 ... 1 ° C and a relative humidity of 95%.

Scorzonera is also perfectly stored in the soil, if the bed is well insulated from above with foliage. In the spring, as soon as the earth dries up, it can be dug up, otherwise the plants will shoot themselves (do not forget that it is a biennial plant). The use of scorzonera in early spring, when the table is not very rich in vegetables, doubles the usefulness of this crop.

V. Shafransky

(Gardener No. 3, 2010)

Scorzonera - black root

Or sweet root, goat, black carrot, winter asparagus. Europe is the birthplace of scorzonera. Its wild forms are found in thickets on sandy soils in the southern countries of the continent in Ukraine, the Baltic countries, the Caucasus and Siberia. In culture, as a vegetable plant, scorzonera was widely used relatively recently - 250 years ago. Initially (in the Middle Ages) scorzonera was used for medicinal purposes.

Our gardeners still grow little scorzonera.

Scorzonera- The plant is very valuable for its nutritional, taste and medicinal properties. Its roots contain from 9.1 to 31% of dry matter, from 3 to 10- sums of sugars, 1.04-2- nitrogenous substances, 14.79- nitrogen-free extractives, 0.5- fat, 2.27- fiber and 1% ash.

Its value lies in the high content of minerals, especially calcium and iron, as well as vitamins. The content of mineral salts in 100 g of scorzonera is in mg: sodium- 5, potassium- 320, magnesium- 23, calcium- 53, iron- 3.3, phosphorus- 75.5. Vitamins in 100 g of root crops are available in mg: carotene- 0.02 E- 6, B ,- 0.11, B6- 0.035, PP- 0.35, С- 2.1-8.2, and dehydroascorbic acid- 1 0.2-1 0.4. The root crop of scorzonera contains inulin and a special enzyme inulase, as well as asparagine, glutamine. Due to the content of tannins, glucosides and some aldehydes in the milky juice, its root crop in boiled and stewed forms is very tender and pleasant in taste, and surpasses many vegetables in dietary properties and is considered a delicacy in winter.

This is a high calorie product. According to the method of preparation, it resembles asparagus and cauliflower, but in its taste it differs significantly from them and is one of the most valuable root crops.

The roots and leaves are used. Root crops are brushed under running water, removing the skin, then they are boiled and stewed. They are put in soups, but they are especially tasty, boiled until soft, poured with oil and sprinkled with small breadcrumbs. Add to sauce, scrambled eggs, dough and soufflé. Cooked dishes have a pleasant smell of vanilla. In dry form, root crops are used for the manufacture of coffee substitutes and in the confectionery industry.

Young bleached leaves are used to make delicious salads.


It has long been observed that scorzonera acts as an antidote for snake bites and has been used to treat the plague. The use of scorzonera improves metabolism and heals the body. It is easily absorbed by the body, it is recommended for gastrointestinal diet. Scorzonera is rich in inulin, which is very useful for patients suffering from diabetes and rheumatism.

In the first year of life, it forms a rosette of leaves and a root crop, and in the second, when planting seed plants, flower-bearing stems and seeds appear.

The root is taproot, forms an almost cylindrical or fusiform root crop with a rough surface, 30-40 cm long, 3-4 cm in diameter, weighing 60-70 g. Its skin is black or dark brown, and the flesh is white, rich in milky juice. There are few lateral branches at the roots.

The stem is branched, ends in yellow inflorescences, up to 1 m high. The flowers are yellow, smell pleasantly of vanilla, attract many bees, are collected in basket inflorescences with a diameter of 2.5-4.5 cm. Shelf life is 1 year. Seeds quickly lose their germination. The growing season in the first year of life is 100-120 days, in the second- 110-130. The plant is cold and frost-resistant, winters in the soil, if the ridge is covered with leaves from above. Sprinkled with leaves, and then with snow, they tolerate winter frosts well. Scorzonera is a plant that is quite demanding on soil moisture. Needs abundant watering. Requires loose, deeply cultivated soil. It grows well on loamy and carbonate soils. Does not respond well to fresh manure.


Scorzonera is placed in areas that are inconvenient for other plants or on a ridge with perennial vegetable plants. Good predecessors for it are plants under which fresh manure or humus was applied - cucumber, tomato, onion and potato. Instead of mineral fertilizers, you can apply 1-1.5 kg per 10 m2 of wood ash.


Scorzonera is grown as an annual and biennial plant by sowing seeds in open ground. Seeds are sown in early spring, summer and before winter. Spring crops are preferable, giving root crops in the first year. At the same time, the soaked seeds of scorzonera are sown early (at the end of April), as soon as the soil dries out. Film covers are used. With a delay in sowing, the root crops are thin, with low nutritional qualities.

If scorzonera is grown as a biennial plant, the seeds are sown in July- early August (freshly harvested). Young plants take root well until autumn, overwinter, and in the second year they form large roots and seeds at the end of summer.

With winter sowing, the seeds germinate the next year, and the root crop is formed earlier than with spring sowing. If necessary, seeds can be obtained. When sowing in the summer-autumn and sub-winter periods to obtain marketable products, there is a great danger of plant stalking. Seedlings under favorable conditions appear after 12-15 days, and with winter sowing- after 7 days. When the plants reach a height of 6-7 m, the soil is mulched with peat. Before mulching, it is loosened and watered abundantly. In this case, there is no need for frequent loosening. In the phase of 2-3 leaves, the crops in the rows are thinned out, leaving a gap between plants of 15-25 cm. With thickened crops and on heavy soils, in the first year of life, the plants form flower-bearing stems, which are removed. In the future, the plants are regularly and abundantly watered and loosen the soil. They are also fed with a complete mineral fertilizer, but with a moderate nitrogen content. By autumn, large root crops grow 30 cm long and 3-4 cm thick. They are harvested 100-120 days after germination. For storage, late harvesting is preferable, but before the soil freezes in autumn, when cold weather sets in, the roots are carefully dug up so as not to injure them. They are very brittle. For digging, a groove is made from the edge of the first row, into which root crops are dumped with a straight shovel along with the ground and then selected. Root crops can overwinter in open ground for early spring consumption. Early in the spring, when the soil dries out, the left root crops are dug up as needed. This is a good help when the table is not yet rich in vegetables. If necessary, leave 2-3 roots for seeds, the most developed and characteristic of the variety. The yield of root crops ranges from 10 to 25 kg per 10 m2.


Scorzonera is best stored in vaults or cellars sprinkled with wet sand. The storage mode is the same as for other table root crops. Healthy root crops keep well; damaged, losing milky juice are unsuitable for storage - they are removed.

We grow scorzonera. Maybe someone is looking for scorzonera seeds, since seeds are not sold in stores.

Write and send a signed envelope with your address. Seeds are available, we can send.

Grigorieva Roza Mavlievna. 452467, Republic of Bashkortostan, Birsky district, village of Staroburnovo, st. Mira, 14, apt. 1.