The granddaughter of the first and only President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev, Ksenia Virganskaya-Gorbacheva, is getting married to Kirill Solod. The wedding promises to be quiet: only 140 guests are invited. Among the invited German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Vladimir Putin. At a meeting with journalists, commenting on this event at their request, Gorbachev noted that he welcomed the choice of Xenia. "A good family. It has something to do with the Russian Old Believer way of life, and good people come out of such a family," Gorbachev said. In turn, the press service of the Gorbachev Fund reported that Solod's father is engaged in small and medium-sized businesses. According to the ex-president, all participants in the celebration have their own roles, including him. “I have to take Ksanka out and hand her over,” Gorbachev said, adding that it would be hard for him to do this, and tears would surely come to his eyes.

Ksenia Gorbachev is the eldest granddaughter of Mikhail Gorbachev. She studies at the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO, specializing in public relations. Fluent in English and Spanish. Her fiancé also studies there. Rumor has it that her grandfather did not let her go to study abroad. Together with her family, Ksenia often rests abroad. So, she stayed with the Bush family in the United States and with the Kohl family in Germany. Her fiancé was born in Severomorsk, where his father served. After perestroika, their family went to Moscow and decided to settle there. Kirill grew up and entered the faculty of international journalism at MGIMO. In the same place, only two courses higher, Ksenia also studied. By the way, she had a friend with whom she was going to connect her life. But things turned out differently.

Ksenia and Kirill got engaged back in January of this year, according to, they lived together before the wedding - their parents gave him an apartment. Ksenia Virganskaya-Gorbacheva, or Ksyusha, as both Cyril and his mother called her in conversation, made an extremely favorable impression on her fiancé's relatives. “She is very intelligent, pleasant, not spoiled and not capricious,” says mother Elena Yuryevna. “Absolutely without pretensions, without ambitions, like her mother Irina. It is a pleasure to communicate with them.”

And this year, in March, Gorbachev's granddaughter shone on the catwalk at Milan Fashion Week. She made a splash by appearing on the catwalk in the fashion show of the famous fashion house Laura Biagiotti as part of the Fashion Week in Milan. Milan's "Teatro Piccolo", where Laura Biagiotti traditionally shows her collections, turned this evening into Russian chambers. The motifs of Biagiotti's new collection were inspired by Russia, and the 23-year-old girl, whose resemblance to her famous grandmother Raisa Gorbacheva is emphasized by all experts, walked the podium in dresses made of gilded leather and in a stylized matryoshka attire.

Ksenia came to the attention of the world beau monde in December last year, when she took part in the famous annual social debutante ball at the Crillon Hotel in Paris in a Christian Dior dress. Ksenia received an invitation to the ball from Christian Dior Fashion House. At this event, each of the participants presents an outfit from famous fashion designers. Representatives of Dior commented on their choice: "Each year we choose one young woman and give her a dress from our collection, created especially for this ball. Ksenia Gorbacheva is the best combination of divine beauty and great fame of her family."

At the debutante ball, which takes place before Christmas, only blue-blooded persons or girls from very wealthy families are invited. Usually there are no more than 30 participants. So, in past years, the daughter of Italian Prime Minister Barbara Berlusconi, the daughter of Polish President Alexander Kwasniewska, the Bourbon heirs, George W. Bush's niece Lauren Bush shone here.

The novel of Mikhail Gorbachev's granddaughter Xenia Virganskaya, who excited the entire musical party, with composer Viktor Drobysh ended as quickly as it began. According to the newspaper "Life", the other day, Victor told the girl that they should leave, and she had no choice but to make his decision.

Ksenia met Victor at the production center of Valeria's husband, Joseph Prigogine, where she got a job as a PR manager after breaking up. Soon a romance arose between the 25-year-old granddaughter of Gorbachev and the 38-year-old composer. Relationships of lovers. At all secular parties they were seen together, they went to the best restaurants in Moscow. When Drobysh flew to Finland, Ksyusha was waiting for the next weekend to follow her beloved literally to the ends of the world.

A couple of months later, a girl. A suitable opportunity presented itself at a concert by pianist Andrei Gavrilov, which was organized by Mikhail Sergeevich himself. At a concert held at the Moscow Conservatory, the couple sat with Gorbachev in the presidential box. During the intermission, the lovers went out into the street, where the composer suddenly lit a nervous cigarette. It was noticeable how difficult it was for him to communicate with the ex-president of the USSR.

However, the girl's hopes for a serious relationship were not destined to come true. Drobysh seems to have had very different plans for the future. Soon in the relationship of lovers there was a noticeable cooling. At a party to mark the release of Zhenya Malakhova's new album, Virganskaya's cavalier literally did not notice her for half an evening, flirting with other girls. In the end, he left the club in the company of Tanya Ovsienko, leaving Ksyusha alone. A few more days passed, and the composer told the girl that he would prefer to communicate with her only on work issues.

Despite emotional experiences, Ksyusha is doing well and trying not to completely lose heart. Despite everything, she hopes that their relationship with Drobysh can still improve. But the musician himself looks at their future differently. "Let everything be as it is," he says. The affair with Gorbachev's granddaughter is a thing of the past for him, and now he is much more concerned that due to bad weather in the Maldives, where he planned to spend his vacation, he will have to stay in Moscow for the time being.

Katya Mukhina met with Ksenia Gorbacheva, editor-in-chief of L'Officiel magazine, granddaughter of Mikhail Gorbachev and mother of Sasha's adorable 5-year-old daughter, to ask her about life between Berlin and Moscow, views on parenting and family traditions.

What is your first childhood memory?

I do not have any one specific memory, there are many and they are very different. I remember our family trips to the sea in the Crimea and Yalta. As a child, I loved to go to the sea and I remember my first impressions very well. I remember very clearly how my mother took me to the first grade and she took me after the solemn line already in the 11th grade.

Why did you decide to give birth in Germany?

It was safer for me to give birth here. I did not choose a specific maternity hospital, I went to a specific doctor who was recommended to me and I was very pleased with the birth. In any case, the second time I would give birth here again. When my mother told me about her experience of pregnancy and childbirth, naturally, in a Soviet maternity hospital, I understood that if I were in her place, I would have died without giving birth, right at the very beginning of the process (laughs).

I have been living in Berlin for quite a long time, my daughter went to kindergarten here, and this year she will go to school. I have been and lived a lot - a little bit in Spain, a little bit in London, but it turned out that Germany is the perfect balance of all the most important life components for me. I live very close to the center of Berlin and at the same time our house is located in the forest, and the road to school takes 10 minutes.

Do you remember your first feelings when you found out you were pregnant?

My pregnancy was not planned and was a complete surprise for me, though very pleasant. I remember the feeling of internal panic when I found out that I was pregnant - What should I do? How to live on? What will happen to my work? - but it was some kind of "good panic".

When did you first see Sasha?

I had a caesarean, I heard Sasha crying for the first time, and while they were sewing me up, they took some readings from the sensors - pulse, pressure, they put her on my chest and then I sobbed. The doctors had to calm me down to get stitches.

Sasha: Galliano jumpsuit (Daniel); shirt H glasses, Oliver Peoples

What was her first sentence?

Give! Give me!

How did you get back into shape so quickly?

The strangest thing is that now I weigh 6 kg less than before pregnancy. But I did not return to form at all quickly, it took about 2 years. During pregnancy, I gained 26 kg - an incredible amount. A year later, I managed to throw off 15 of them, and the rest "hung on me" and froze. I managed to throw them off with a titanic effort. Everyone loses weight differently, but for me there is only one option - not to eat. As Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya said: “If you want to lose weight, don’t eat it,” - this is definitely about me. I used supplements, some kind of drains, teas - everything. When for 2 years you cannot get out of the “plus” state, you are ready to gobble up and drink anything you like, just to get the weight off the ground. I did massages and went in for sports, the real effect appeared when I stopped eating.

How many children would you like to have?

A maximum of two and you know I absolutely do not care who it will be - a boy or a girl.

Sasha: Galliano jumpsuit (Daniel); shirt H cap Scervino (Daniel Boutique); Fendi bag (Daniel Boutique) Jacadi sneakers; Xenia: pants H shirt Abercrombie & Fitch;

What kind of relationship did you have with your sister as a child?

When Nastya was born I was 7 years old and as soon as she grew up to a more or less conscious age, we started to fight. And we became friends at a much older age. Now she and her husband also live in Berlin and, thanks to this, we communicate quite a lot.

Does your mother also live in Germany?

Yes, but not in Berlin, but in Munich.

What languages ​​does Sasha speak?

Now she speaks excellent Russian, and a little worse German, but they say that in time everything will be the other way around. German will get better, and Russian, on the contrary, will be forgotten. Therefore, in the future we will definitely additionally study Russian with a teacher. In Berlin, this is not a problem, here you can easily find Russian-speaking teachers.

What languages ​​do you speak yourself?

A few years ago I had to learn German and now I "live" in it, I communicate a lot in English and correspond at work. Once at the institute, I studied Spanish, even passed the state exam in political translation in it, but since then I have not uttered a single word in Spanish.

Sasha: Wheat shirt (Daniel Boutique); skirt H sneakers Jacadi; Xenia: Citizens of Humanity skirt; H shirt

Will Sasha do any sports?

I want her to take up dancing - ballroom or even classical ballet. Of course, not professional, amateur. Yes, she herself loves to dance very much, she begins to move to any music. We are now resting with her in Sardinia, 50 km from Corsica, and the day before yesterday we went to some small, local disco and suddenly, yesterday she tells me: “Mom, you know, I am so drawn to dancing!” I say: “Well, if it’s pulling, then let’s go today.”

In September, Sasha goes to first grade - it will be a rather difficult period, because she is not yet 6 years old, so at first we will get used to the school and the new rhythm of life, and then we will definitely enroll in some dance school.

Why does she go to school so early?

Well, this is a German practice.

Does Sasha know what family she is from, and who is her great-grandfather?

We didn't pay much attention to it. They said something, of course. She loves to look at photos, she can sort through family photo albums for hours. My mother, who is more of a teacher than me, looks at all this with her and answers her questions, so Sasha knows a lot about the history of the family. But since she is still small enough for her grandfather, first of all, grandfather Misha.

Do they see each other often?

Unfortunately no. Usually once a year, on New Year's holidays. I rarely take her to Moscow so that she does not miss classes. Now for her it is very important because of the language and preparation for school. It’s also hard for my grandfather to fly, he practically doesn’t fly anywhere. So they always see each other on New Year's holidays when we are in Moscow.

If Sasha grows up and wants to live in Russia, will you mind?

I don't want to think about it in advance, but I don't think she will want to - after all, she grew up in Germany and German will be her main language, I'm not sure if she will write in Russian. Don't know. I try not to think about it.

Sasha: Wheat shirt (Daniel Boutique); skirt H jacket Quis Quis (Daniel Boutique); Jacadi sneakers; Xenia: Citizens of Humanity skirt; Louis Vuitton jacket; Jimmy Choo Boat H Shirt;

What traditions do you have in your large family?

When we all lived in Moscow, we always tried to meet on weekends for lunch or dinner. Now this, unfortunately, is not easy. But I, my sister, and my parents always gather in Moscow for the New Year holidays, and spend the winter holidays there together. First we celebrate the new year, and then - on January 6 - we celebrate my mother's birthday.

Has your mother changed a lot since becoming a grandmother?

Yes. She always devoted a lot of time to us and was ready to explain and tell something for hours, but loyalty and connivance - they, of course, are incomparable. Sasha can do almost everything. With us, my mother was much stricter. But they say that this is a normal situation for a grandmother.

Is there something that you did not get in your childhood, and now you would like to give Sasha?

In view of my childish obstinacy, I did not compare my desires with my abilities and health, and for 10 years I professionally studied ballet at the Bolshoi Theater School. Now I really regret it, because I didn’t have a childhood at all, and the ballerina didn’t work out of me either. My joints are not made for ballet, I had constant injuries, problems with my knees. I had to chronically diet, exercise more. And all this instead of playing, living the life of a normal child. Therefore, any professional sport and ballet are taboo for me. And for your own pleasure and figure, let him do as much as he likes.

What is the most important thing for you in raising a child?

Mom's attention. For example, during the Easter holidays we went to Europa-Park - this is such an analogue of Disneyland, the second largest after it in Europe, it is located in Germany. A real city of attractions. Sasha and I spent 4 days there and I have never seen my daughter so happy in my life!

Interaction, attention ... Even if the mother is tired, if she does not have the strength, mood, we must look for ways to pay attention to the child.

What do you think about the degree of freedom of the child? For example, I was terribly arguing with my mother when she wouldn’t let me go somewhere, and now my Masha asks to let her go to the cinema alone and I can’t ...

We live in Germany. It is an absolutely normal practice here when children leave with kindergarten teachers for a week in the mountains. My child has never traveled with them. I can't imagine how you can send a 5-year-old child without parents anywhere. I can't trust teachers to that extent. I think that she will not go to the cinema alone in the summer until she is 20.

And who does Sasha want to become?

At first she wanted to become a hairdresser, and now she wants to be a teacher.

You are the chief editor of the magazine, the position is very responsible, how do you manage to combine family and work. Does one interfere with the other?

It interferes a lot! It's not easy at all. The trips are getting harder and harder, and I'm thinking about what to do next. I'll probably have to change something, I'll think.

The first and last president of the USSR admitted in all interviews that he loved only one woman all his life - his wife Raisa Maksimovna. They met in their student years, and since then they have never parted. The children of Mikhail Gorbachev are the only daughter Irina. In his book Mikhail Gorbachev. Everything has its time. My life ”, the former president revealed many details about his personal life, including how many children he and Raisa Maksimovna could have and why she did not terminate her first pregnancy. This happened when their young family was just beginning to exist, and the news that Mikhail Gorbachev's wife was expecting a child came as a surprise to them, but despite the fact that they had long dreamed of children, Raisa had to have an abortion. The doctors insisted on this, because a year before that she had been ill with severe polymyalgia rheumatica and childbirth could have ended tragically for Raisa Maksimovna.

In the photo - Mikhail Gorbachev's daughter Irina Virganskaya

The decision to have an abortion was not easy for them, but Mikhail Sergeevich tried to reassure his young wife, saying that they could still give birth to children, and her health and even life could be irretrievably lost. Only moving to Gorbachev's homeland in Stavropol helped Raisa regain her health, and two years after they settled in a new place, she gave birth to a daughter, Irina. All her childhood and youth were spent in the Stavropol Territory, where she graduated from high school with a gold medal, and then entered a medical institute.

When Gorbachev was transferred to Moscow, Irina transferred to the Second Medical Institute. N.I. Pirogova, graduating from which in 1981, became a general practitioner. She was never a practicing doctor - at first she was engaged in scientific work, and later she completely retrained, graduating from the international business school on the basis of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation and became an employee of the International Public Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Research (Gorbachev Foundation).

In the photo - Gorbachev's granddaughters - Ksenia and Anastasia

The personal life of the daughter of Mikhail Sergeevich did not develop immediately. She divorced her husband, Anatoly Virgansky, and raised her two daughters Xenia and Anastasia alone. The eldest daughter of Irina Virganskaya in 2003 married Kirill Solod, the son of a famous businessman, but this marriage was short-lived, and in 2009 she again started a family - with the former concert director of Abraham Russo Dmitry Pyrchenkov and gave birth to a daughter, Alexandra, the great-granddaughter of Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev.

Anastasia, the youngest granddaughter of the former president of the USSR, graduated from MGIMO and works as an editor-in-chief at the website. She is married to Dmitry Zangiev, a graduate of the Eastern University under the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation. Irina Mikhailovna herself, who after the divorce gave herself the word never to marry again, married a second time - to Andrei Trukhachev, and since then has been happily married to him.

We met in the elite metropolitan cafe "Vog", which went down in history thanks to the book by Sergei MINAEV "Duhless. A story about a fake person. Ksenia GORBACHEVA did not come alone, but accompanied by her director Dmitry. Despite the high-profile surname, I did not feel a single gram of snobbery in this beautiful girl, the eldest granddaughter of the first and only President of the USSR Mikhail GORBACHEV was friendly and friendly. Calmly and frankly, Ksenia answered all my questions: about family, work, personal.


Ksenia, you studied at the Moscow Academic Choreographic School, even, as they wrote, you danced twice at the Bolshoi. Why did you change your mind about becoming a ballerina?

I devoted ten years to the school at the Bolshoi Theater, but did not finish it. Health problems began, my back and legs hurt. And I abandoned ballet, moved to another school. I had to go to the 9th grade for the second time, because there were big gaps in many subjects, because in the previous school we devoted 90 percent of the time to ballet. I studied with four tutors for three years and graduated from a very good language lyceum.

- Did you independently choose the most pretentious university in the country - MGIMO or did your parents advise you?

This is one of our best educational institutions. Yes, it is true that there are many young people at MGIMO who do not burden themselves with studies. For them, this is a kind of hangout. But you can engage in nonsense in any university. I honestly passed the exams, and people who had neither ties nor money studied with me, they acted on a common basis and studied brilliantly. - Do you consider yourself a "golden youth"?- No, they include people like Paris Hilton, who are not working party-goers anywhere. - Does the title "socialite" apply to you?- I can't even decipher this term. Probably some kind of social hyperactivity. No, I'm not a lioness. Rather, like all my girlfriends, I am a workhorse. - Do you believe in female friendship? Don't your friends envy you? Beautiful, smart, successfully born, as they say now ...

I believe in friendship, but there is no one to envy. My girlfriends are also beautiful and smart and also born well. - Could you get close to guys from a different social environment?- In terms of leisure - hardly. Since there are different opportunities, it is unlikely that interests would coincide.

got married

- They wrote a lot at first about your wedding, then about divorce. Did your husband live up to your expectations?

I was too young, one might say, just got married. For many girls at the age of 20, the only motive for marriage is to show off in a white dress. Of course, I hoped that the marriage would be strong. After all, Kirill and I are from the same environment, studied together at the university, we had many common interests. Alas, this was not enough. There must be something else that holds people together. We lived for two years, but turned out, if you remember Kurt Vonnegut, to be people from “different races”. The only pleasant memories of marriage are a beautiful wedding. - Are you an amorous person in life?- Not. I look closely at a person for a long time, I try to get to know him. When I got married, I also thought for a long time, but we did not sign two days after we met. Now Cyril and I do not communicate. What for? - Have you thought about having a baby?- Honestly, no. However, even if he had been born, we still would not have been able to save the marriage. The divorce did not become a tragedy for me, we parted quietly and peacefully.

- Now you live alone?- My sister Nastya and I live outside the city with our parents. After the divorce, I did not want to be alone. - Do you invite friends home?- No, it is customary for us to meet on neutral territory. - Are you currently in love with someone?- Yes, very much, but I won't talk about it. Until I think about marriage, I already had a white dress. I want to live freely, because now, as my mother says, I have the best age.

- What qualities should a man have who a girl like Ksenia Gorbacheva will fall in love with?

I don't write them down. Feelings arise at the level of chemistry, as they say in the West. - Has it ever happened that somewhere in the club a guy came up to you with the intention of getting to know you?- As a rule, not quite sober men come up. I immediately answer: look around, how many people around want to communicate, contact us at other addresses. - Newspapers have been circulating rumors about your affair with Viktor Drobysh for a long time ...- In fact, we did not even have a hint of romance. We were often seen side by side, because we work together. One magazine put on the cover Viktor's words that "Gorbacheva and I have a relationship," taken out of context, where he talks about our friendly relations. And off we go...

Grandfather is monogamous, sister is a child prodigy

- Your grandfather Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev is one of the most famous people in the world. Do you feel it?

I am very proud of him, I am aware of what kind of person he is, but for me he is just a grandfather, I adore him.

- At school, did you get indulgences as the president's granddaughter?

When I was in high school, he was no longer the head of state. I had a lot of bad marks in geometry, physics, chemistry, I, with all my desire, was unable to get a mark above a "three" or "four". Yeah, those things didn't work for me. Abroad, I studied in summer schools for foreigners who study English. - Your grandmother was the first real lady in the post-Soviet space. The wives of all the previous leaders of the country are "aunts of Klava". What did you call Raisa Maksimovna? - I called her "Granny", she was good about it. Grandmother left very quickly, she fell ill in July 1999, and in September she died. The disease was launched and the doctors could not do anything. - Is Mikhail Sergeevich alone now? Can it happen that he will have a second half?- No, he's single. A woman who can take the place of a grandmother will never appear next to him. - Do you all live together? Our houses are next to each other. - What is your sister Anastasia doing now? She is married?- She is a child prodigy, she graduated from school with a silver medal, almost reached the gold medal, she has “four” in physics. Now she is studying at MGIMO, doing an internship at the Grace magazine, and I think she will continue to work there. Nastya is not yet married, and I do not give her advice in this regard, since it is useless.

Family matters

- Why did you change your surname Virganskaya to Gorbachev?

I received my father's surname at birth, but circumstances so developed that I got sick of wearing it. Now I am Gorbachev. Sister Nastya remained Virganskaya. She, too, has nothing to do with her father, but she did not want to change her last name, maybe she will change after marriage.

- You do not communicate at all with Anatoly Olegovich, your father?

No, we don't communicate. And he was not invited to the wedding. Parents divorced a long time ago, in 1993. - Probably, he was offended that his daughter did not invite him to the wedding?- Perhaps so, but his absence did not upset me. - In my opinion, it's a little cruel, you don't choose your parents, do you?- I do not deny that he is my father. But I don't want to be in a relationship with him. The fact that we do not communicate is his personal “merit”. But I do not want to go into details, this is our family business. - What is your relationship with your mother's second husband?- The most wonderful, I call him "you" and dad. He deserved it. She and her mother got married recently, I was already quite an adult, but they have been talking for a long time, about six years. The stepfather is a businessman, engaged in transportation. (Irina Gorbacheva married a second time 16 years after her divorce from Anatoly Virgansky. Her current husband, Andrey Ivanovich Tukhachev, graduated from Moscow Institute of Strategic Studies, postgraduate studies. He has two children from his first marriage. - I. L.)

- Now you are working in the production center of Viktor Drobysh, doing PR. But what about Grace magazine?- In "Grace" I work as a freelance correspondent. And I work with Drobysh on a permanent basis, there is my work book. The editor-in-chief of "Grace" Daria Veledeeva is my close friend. As she says, for an interview with Gwyneth Paltrow, it is easier for her to send Ksenia Gorbachev, and not Masha Ivanova, because it is easier for a journalist with a name to get consent. - Do you earn a lot?- I have enough for life. But to buy, say, a house or a heaped up car, she herself would not be able to. - Do you like to receive and give gifts for the holidays?- I love surprises and always get lost when they ask what to give me. I myself choose gifts for loved ones very carefully so that they are really needed: jewelry, hats. And then, I remember, they gave me a bronze horse for the wedding. I just didn't know what to do with it. Absolutely meaningless gift, I still can not find a use for it. But the one who gave it, tried to do something nice.

Can leave Russia

- Do you communicate with Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova?

No, I don't understand their relationship. Of course, now they talk a lot about this, Roman is a very famous person. - Some other girl could have been in Dasha's place. Why do you think she became the companion of the most successful businessman in Russia?

There are more beautiful girls than Dasha, and smarter and more talented, but for some reason he chose her. It is clear to him alone, I already talked about this - chemistry ... Such things cannot be explained. - Among your acquaintances there are very rich men?- There are rich and very smart people, but they are not as famous as Roman Abramovich. To become so rich, you need to have certain qualities of character, abilities and, of course, luck. - Probably, you could not work, but just enjoy life?- It's not just about money, it all depends on self-satisfaction. I would not be able to sit at home and watch Listerman's programs. I like to feel busy. - Are you familiar with Peter Listerman?- My God, no, of course not, and it is unlikely that such an acquaintance will ever take place. Have you ever been offered to appear in a commercial?- Yes, but I didn't like the product itself. - And if they offer a lot of money for advertising beautiful underwear?- I'm not a hypocrite, but nevertheless I can not undress to such a limit. Surname does not allow. - But Ksyusha Sobchak allows. By the way, have you been offered to host any program on TV?- So far there have been no such proposals. Everyone has their own talents. We do not communicate with Ksenia, we just say hello. I don’t watch her show, and in general I don’t watch much TV. - Do you drive?- Yes, of course, I got used to driving very quickly. I have a Jeep "Pajero", it was given to me by my parents. My mother has been driving the Pajero for a very long time. - Have you ever taken the subway?- Of course. The metro makes life very easy, because now in Moscow you can sit in a traffic jam for two hours and be late for an important meeting. - Do you have security?- No, it was during my grandfather's presidency, when I was little. Now I don't need it. What is your favorite country you would like to live in...

- ... Italy. I would hardly be able to live there permanently, but I would just like to come more often, I would very much like to relax. Where could I live? Yes, anywhere in Western Europe. - Have you ever thought about leaving Russia?- I thought and now I think, everything can be ...