
parabola is the graph of a quadratic function $y = ax^(2) + bx + c$, where $a \neq 0$.

Graph of the function $y = x^2$.

For a schematic construction of the graph of the function $y = x^2$, we find several points that satisfy this equality. For convenience, we write the coordinates of these points in the form of a table:

Graph of the function $y = ax^2$.

If the coefficient $a > 0$, then the graph $y = ax^2$ is obtained from the graph $y = x^2$ either by vertical expansion (for $a > 1$) or by compression towards the $x$ axis (for $0< a < 1$). Изобразим для примера графики $y = 2x^2$ и $y = \dfrac{x^2}{2}$:

$y = 2x^2$ $y = \dfrac(x^2)(2)$

If $a< 0$, то график функции $y = ax^2$ можно получить из графика $y = |a|x^2$, отразив его симметрично относительно оси $x$. Построим графики функций $y = - x^2$, $y = -2x^2$ и $y = - \dfrac{x^2}{2}$:

$y = - x^2$ $y = -2x^2$ $y = - \dfrac(x^2)(2)$

Graph of a quadratic function.

To construct a graph of the function $y = ax^2 + bx + c$, you need to select a full square from the square trinomial $ax^2 + bx + c$, that is, represent it in the form $a(x - x_0)^2 + y_0$ . The graph of the function $y = a(x - x_0)^2 + y_0$ is obtained from the corresponding graph $y = ax^2$ by shifting $x_0$ along the $x$ axis, and $y_0$ along the $y$ axis. As a result, the point $(0;0)$ will move to the point $(x_0;y_0)$.


pinnacle parabola $y = a(x - x_0)^2 + y_0$ is a point with coordinates $(x_0;y_0)$.

Let's construct a parabola $y = 2x^2 - 4x - 6$. Selecting the full square, we get $y = 2(x - 1)^2 - 8$.

Let's plot $y = 2x^2$ Shift it to the right by 1 And down by 8

The result is a parabola with vertex at the point $(1;-8)$.

The graph of the quadratic function $y = ax^2 + bx + c$ intersects the $y$ axis at the point $(0; c)$ and the $x$ axis at the points $(x_(1,2);0)$, where $ x_(1,2)$ are the roots of the quadratic equation $ax^2 + bx + c = 0$ (moreover, if the equation has no roots, then the corresponding parabola does not intersect the $x$ axis).

For example, the parabola $y = 2x^2 - 4x - 6$ intersects the axes at the points $(0; -6)$, $(-1; 0)$ and $(3; 0)$.

Introductory remarks and simple examples

Example 1. For what values ​​of a does the equation ax 2 + 2x + 1 = 0 have two different roots?


This equation is quadratic with respect to the variable x for a0 and has distinct roots when its discriminant

i.e. for a< 1.

In addition, for a = 0, the equation 2x + 1 = 0 is obtained, which has one root.

Thus, a О (– Ґ ; 0) AND (0; 1).

Rule 1 If the coefficient at x 2 of a polynomial of the second degree contains a parameter, it is necessary to analyze the case when it vanishes.

Example 2. The equation ax 2 + 8x + c = 0 has a single root equal to 1. What are a and c?

Solution. Let's start solving the problem from the special case a = 0, the equation has the form 8x + c = 0. This linear equation has a solution x 0 = 1 for c = - 8.

For a no. 0 a quadratic equation has a single root if

In addition, substituting the root x 0 \u003d 1 into the equation, we get a + 8 + c \u003d 0.

Solving a system of two linear equations, we find a = c = – 4.

Theorem 1.

For a reduced square trinomial y = x 2 + px + q (under the condition p 2і 4q)
the sum of the roots x 1 + x 2 \u003d - p, the product of the roots x 1 x 2 \u003d q, the difference of the roots is
and the sum of the squares of the roots x 1 2 + x 2 2 = p 2 - 2q.

Theorem 2.

For a square trinomial y = ax 2 + bx + c with two roots x 1 and x 2 we have
decomposition ax 2 + bx + c \u003d a (x - x 1) (x - x 2), for a trinomial with one root x 0 - decomposition
ax 2 + bx + c \u003d a (x - x 0) 2.

Comment. Often, a quadratic equation with a discriminant equal to zero and having, respectively, one root, is said to have two coinciding roots (?). This is related to the factorization of the polynomial given in Theorem 2.(In this case, it is necessary to speak and understand correctly “one root of multiplicity two.” - Approx. ed.)

We will pay attention to this subtlety and single out the case of a single root of multiplicity 2.

Example 3. In the equation x 2 + ax + 12 = 0, determine a in such a way that the difference of the roots of the equation is equal to one.

Solution. Root difference
whence a = ± 7.

Example 4. For what a is the sum of the squares of the roots of the equation 2x 2 + 4x + a = 0 equal to 6?

Solution. We write the equation in the form
whence x 1 2 + x 2 2 = 4 - a = 6 and a = - 2.

Example 5. For all a, solve the equation ax 2 - 2x + 4 = 0.

Solution. If a = 0, then x = 2. If a0, then the equation becomes quadratic. Its discriminant
equals D = 4 – 16a. If D< 0, т. е. a > ,
the equation has no solutions. If D = 0, i.e. a = ,
x = 4. If D > 0, i.e. a< ,
the equation has two roots

Location of the roots of a square trinomial

The graph of the quadratic equation is a parabola, and the solutions of the quadratic equation are the abscissas of the points of intersection of this parabola with the Ox axis. The basis for solving all the problems of this section is the study of the location of parabolas with given properties on the coordinate plane.

Example 6. For what a do the roots of the equation x 2 - 2ax + a 2 - a - 6 = 0 have different signs?

Solution (Fig. 1).

A quadratic equation either has no solutions (the graph is a parabola of type D), or has one or two positive roots (parabola C), or has one or two negative roots (parabola A), or has roots of different signs (parabola B).

It is easy to see that the last type of parabolas, unlike the others, is characterized by the fact that f(0)< 0. Таким образом, f(0) = a 2 – a – 6 < 0, откуда 0 < a < .

This solution admits a generalization, which we formulate as the following rule.

Rule 2. In order for the equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0

has two different roots x 1 and x 2 such that x 1< M < x 2 , необходимо и достаточно, чтобы a f(M) < 0.

Example 7. For what a does the equation x 2 - 2ax + a 2 - a - 6 \u003d 0 have two different roots of the same sign?

Solution. We are interested in parabolas of types A and C (see Fig. 1). They are characterized by

whence a О (- 6; - 2) AND (3; + Ґ ).

Example 8. For what a does the equation x 2 - 2ax + a 2 - a - 6 \u003d 0 have two different positive roots?

Solution. We are interested in the parabolas of type C in fig. 1.

For the equation to have roots, we require

Since both roots of the equation must be positive by condition, then the abscissa of the vertex of the parabola, which lies between the roots, is positive: x 0 \u003d a\u003e 0.

Vertex ordinate f(x 0)< 0 в силу того, что мы потребовали существование корней, поэтому если, кроме того, потребовать выполнение условия f(x 0) >0, then, due to the continuity of the function under study, there is a point x 1 ABOUT (0; x 0) such that f(x 1) = 0. Obviously, this is a smaller root of the equation.

So, f(0) = a 2 - a - 6 > 0, and, collecting all the conditions together, we get the system

with solution a 0 (3; + Ґ ).

Example 9. For what a does the equation x 2 - 2ax + a 2 - a - 6 have two different negative roots?

Solution. Having studied the parabolas of type A in fig. 1, we get the system

whence a О (– 6; – 2).

We generalize the solution of the previous problems in the form of the following rule.

Rule 3. In order for the equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0 to have two different roots x 1 and x 2, each of which is greater (less) than M, it is necessary and sufficient that

Example 10. The function f(x) is given by the formula

Find all values ​​of the parameter a for which the equation f(x) = 0 has at least one solution.

Solution. All possible solutions to this equation are obtained as solutions to the quadratic equation

x 2 - (4a + 14)x + 4a 2 + 33a + 59 = 0

with the additional condition that at least one (obviously larger) root x 2 and a.

Naturally, for the equation to have roots, it must be = - 5 (a + 2) і 0,
whence a Ј – 2.

The graph of the left side of the selected equation is a parabola, the abscissa of the vertex of which is equal to x 0 = 2a + 7. Two types of parabolas give the solution to the problem (Fig. 2).

A: x 0 і a, whence a і – 7. In this case, the larger root of the polynomial x 2 i x 0 i a.

B:x0< a, f(a) Ј 0, whence .
In this case also the larger root of the polynomial x 2
and a.

Finally .

Three solutions to one inequality

Example 11. Find all values ​​of the parameter a for which the inequality x 2 - 2ax + a 2 + 2a - 3 > 0


1) for all values ​​of x;
2) for all positive values ​​of x;
3) for all values ​​of x
O [– 1; 1].


First way.

1) Obviously, this inequality holds for all x, when the discriminant is negative, i.e.

\u003d a 2 - (a 2 + 2a - 3) \u003d - 2a + 3< 0,

whence a >.

2) To better understand what is required in the condition of the problem, we apply a simple trick: draw some parabolas on the coordinate plane, and then take and close the half-plane left relative to the Oy axis. The part of the parabola that remains visible must be above the Ox axis.

The condition of the problem is fulfilled in two cases (see Fig. 3):

< 0, откуда a > ;

B: both roots (maybe one, but double) of the equation x 2 - 2ax + a 2 + 2a - 3 = 0 are to the left of the origin. By rule 3, this condition is equivalent to the system of inequalities D i 0, x 0 j 0 and f(0) i 0.

However, when solving this system, the first inequality can be omitted, since even if some value a does not satisfy the condition Dі 0, then it automatically falls into the solution of point A. Thus, we solve the system

whence a Ј – 3.

Combining the solutions of items A and B, we get


3) The condition of the problem is fulfilled in three cases (see Fig. 4):

A: the graph of the function y = x 2 - 2ax + a 2 + 2a - 3 lies above the Ox axis, i.e. D< 0, откуда a > ;

B: both roots (maybe one of multiplicity 2) of the equation x 2 - 2ax + a 2 + 2a - 3 = 0 are to the left - 1. This condition is equivalent, as we know from rule 3, to the system of inequalities Dі 0,x0< – 1, f(– 1) > 0;

C: both roots of the equation x 2 - 2ax + a 2 + 2a - 3 = 0 are to the right of 1.
This condition is equivalent to D
i 0, x 0 > 1, f(1) > 0.

However, in points B and C, as well as in the solution of the previous problem, the inequality associated with the discriminant can be omitted.

Accordingly, we obtain two systems of inequalities

After considering all cases, we get the result: a >
in point
in C.
The answer to the problem is the union of these three sets.

The second way. In order for the condition of each of the three points of the task to be fulfilled, the smallest value of the function
y \u003d x 2 - 2ax + a 2 + 2a - 3 on each of the corresponding gaps must be positive.

1) The top of the parabola y \u003d x 2 - 2ax + a 2 + 2a - 3 is at the point (a; 2a - 3), therefore the smallest value of the function on the entire real line is 2a - 3, and a >.

2) on the semiaxis x i 0 the smallest value of the function is f(0) = a 2 + 2a – 3 if a< 0, и f(a) = 2a – 3, если a і 0. Analyzing both cases, we obtain

3) The smallest on the segment [- 1; 1] function value is

Since the smallest value must be positive, we obtain systems of inequalities

The solution of these three systems is the set

The third way. 1) The top of the parabola y \u003d x 2 - 2ax + a 2 + 2a - 3

is at the point (a; 2a – 3). Let us draw on the coordinate plane a set formed by the vertices of all parabolas for different a (Fig. 5).

This is the line y = 2x – 3. Recall that each point of this line corresponds to its own value of the parameter, and from each point of this line a parabola corresponding to the given value of the parameter “emerges”. Parabolas that are entirely above the Ox axis are characterized by the condition 2a – 3 > 0.

2) The solutions of this paragraph are all solutions of the first paragraph, and, in addition, parabolas for which a are negative, and f(0) = a 2 + 2a - 3і 0.

3) From fig. 5 that we are interested in parabolas for which either a is negative and f(– 1) = a 2 + 4a – 2 > 0,
or a is positive and f(1) = a 2 – 2 > 0.

Equations and inequalities reducing to square ones

Example 12. For what values ​​of a does the equation 2x 4 - 2ax 2 + a 2 - 2 = 0 have no solutions?

Solution. Making the replacement y \u003d x 2, we get the quadratic equation f (y) \u003d 2y 2 - 2ay + a 2 - 2 \u003d 0.

The resulting equation has no solution when D< 0. Кроме того, первоначальное уравнение не имеет решений, когда корни уравнения f(y) = 0 отрицательны.

These conditions can be written as a set


Example 13. For each value of the parameter a, solve the equation cos x sin 2x = asin 3x.

Solution. Since 2cos x sin 2x = sin x + sin 3x and sin 3x = 3sin x - 4sin 3 x,

then the equation will be written in the form sin x (sin 2 x (4a - 2) - (3a - 2)) = 0.

Hence we obtain solutions x = p n, n O Z for any a. The equation

has solutions

not coinciding with the solutions of the first equation, only under the condition

The last restrictions are equivalent

Answer: x \u003d p n, n O Z for any a; Besides,

Example 14. Find all values ​​of the parameter a, for each of which the inequality
a 2 + 2a - sin 2 x - 2acos x > 2 holds for any number x.

Solution. Let us transform the inequality to the form cos 2 x – 2acos x + a 2 + 2a – 3 > 0

and make the change t = cos x. It is important to note that the parameter t ranges from -1 to 1, so the problem is reformulated as follows: find all a such that

t 2 - 2at + a 2 + 2a - 3 > 0

is satisfied for all t ABOUT [- 1; 1]. We have already solved this problem earlier.

Example 15. Determine for what values ​​of a the equation log 3 (9 x + 9a 3) = x has solutions, and find them.

Solution. Let's transform the equation to the form 9 x - 3 x + 9a 3 = 0

and, making the change y = 3 x , we get y 2 – y + 9a 3 = 0.

If the discriminant is negative, then the equation has no solutions. When the discriminant

D \u003d 1 - 36a 3 \u003d 0, the equation has a single root,
and x = – log 3 2. Finally, when the discriminant is positive, i.e.,
the original equation has one root ,
and if, in addition, expression 1 is positive,
then the equation has a second root .

So we finally get


there are no solutions for the remaining a.

Example 16. For each value of the parameter a, solve the equation sin 4 x + cos 4 x + sin 2 x + a = 0.

Solution. Because
rewrite the equation in the form sin 2 x - 2sin x - 2a - 2 = 0.
Let y = sin 2x, then y 2 – 2y – 2a – 2 = 0 (| y |
J 1).

The graph of the function on the left side of the equation is a parabola with a vertex whose abscissa is y 0 = 1; the value of the function at the point y = – 1 is equal to 1 – 2a; the discriminant of the equation is 8a + 12. This means that the larger root y 2 of the equation y 2 - 2y - 2a - 2 = 0, even if it exists, is greater than 1, and the corresponding equation sin 2x = y 2 has no solutions. 3. For what values ​​of a does the equation 2x 2 + (3a + 1)x + a 2 + a + 2 = 0 have at least one root?
4. The equation ax 2 + bx + 5 = 0 has a single root equal to 1. What are a and b?
5. For what values ​​of the parameter a do the roots of the quadratic equation 5x 2 - 7x + a = 0 relate as 2 to 5?
6. In the equation ax 2 + 8x + 3 = 0, determine a in such a way that the difference of the roots of the equation is equal to one.
7. For what a is the sum of the squares of the roots of the equation x 2 - 2ax + 2(a + 1) = 0 equal to 20?
8. For what b and c does the equation c + bx - 2x 2 = 0 have one positive and one negative root?
9. Find all values ​​of the parameter a for which one root of the equation x 2 - (a + 1)x + 2 = 0 is greater than a, and the other is less than a.
10. Find all values ​​of the parameter a for which the equation x 2 + (a + 1)x + 2 = 0 has two different roots of the same sign.
11. For what values ​​of a are all the resulting roots of the equation (a - 3)x 2 - 2ax + 6a = 0 positive?
12. For which a are all the resulting roots of the equation (1 + a)x 2 - 3ax + 4a = 0 greater than 1?
13. Find all values ​​of the parameter a for which both different roots of the equation x 2 + x + a = 0 will be greater than a.
14. For what values ​​of a are both roots of the equation 4x 2 - 2x + a \u003d 0 enclosed between - 1 and 1?
15. For what values ​​of a does the equation x 2 + 2(a - 1)x + a + 5 = 0 have at least one positive root?
16. The function f(x) is given by the formula

Find all values ​​of the parameter a for which the equation f(x) = 0 has at least one solution.
17. For what a is the inequality (a 2 – 1)x 2 + 2(a – 1)x + 2 > 0 true for all x?
18. For what values ​​of the parameter a does the inequality ax 2 + 2x > 1 – 3a hold true for all positive x?
19. For what values ​​of a does the equation x 4 + (1 - 2a)x 2 + a 2 - 1 \u003d 0 have no solutions?
20. For what values ​​of the parameter a does the equation 2x 4 - 2ax 2 + a2 - 2 = 0 have one or two solutions?
21. For each value of a, solve the equation acos x cos 2x = cos 3x.
22. Find all values ​​of the parameter a, for each of which the inequality cos 2 x + 2asin x – 2a< a 2 – 4 выполняется для любого числа x.
23. For all a, solve the equation log 2 (4 x + a) = x.
24. For each value of the parameter a, solve the equation sin 2 x + asin 2 2x = sin.

Lesson: how to build a parabola or a quadratic function?


A parabola is a graph of a function described by the formula ax 2 +bx+c=0.
To build a parabola, you need to follow a simple algorithm of actions:

1) Parabola formula y=ax 2 +bx+c,
If a>0 then the branches of the parabola are directed up,
and then the branches of the parabola are directed down.
free member c this point intersects the parabola with the OY axis;

2) , it is found by the formula x=(-b)/2a, we substitute the found x into the parabola equation and find y;

3)Function zeros or in other words, the points of intersection of the parabola with the OX axis, they are also called the roots of the equation. To find the roots, we equate the equation to 0 ax2+bx+c=0;

Types of equations:

a) The complete quadratic equation is ax2+bx+c=0 and is solved by the discriminant;
b) Incomplete quadratic equation of the form ax2+bx=0. To solve it, you need to take x out of brackets, then equate each factor to 0:
x=0 and ax+b=0;
c) Incomplete quadratic equation of the form ax2+c=0. To solve it, you need to move the unknown to one side, and the known to the other. x =±√(c/a);

4) Find some additional points to build the function.


And so now, with an example, we will analyze everything by actions:
Example #1:
y=x 2 +4x+3
c=3 means the parabola intersects OY at the point x=0 y=3. The branches of the parabola look up because a=1 1>0.
a=1 b=4 c=3 x=(-b)/2a=(-4)/(2*1)=-2 y= (-2) 2 +4*(-2)+3=4- 8+3=-1 the top is at the point (-2;-1)
Find the roots of the equation x 2 +4x+3=0
We find the roots by the discriminant
a=1 b=4 c=3
D=b 2 -4ac=16-12=4

Let's take some arbitrary points that are near the top x=-2

x -4 -3 -1 0
y 3 0 0 3

We substitute instead of x in the equation y \u003d x 2 + 4x + 3 values
y=(-4) 2 +4*(-4)+3=16-16+3=3
y=(-3) 2 +4*(-3)+3=9-12+3=0
y=(-1) 2 +4*(-1)+3=1-4+3=0
y=(0) 2 +4*(0)+3=0-0+3=3
It can be seen from the values ​​​​of the function that the parabola is symmetrical about the straight line x \u003d -2

Example #2:
y=-x 2 +4x
c=0 means the parabola intersects OY at the point x=0 y=0. The branches of the parabola look down because a=-1 -1 Find the roots of the equation -x 2 +4x=0
An incomplete quadratic equation of the form ax 2 +bx=0. To solve it, you need to take x out of brackets, then equate each factor to 0.
x(-x+4)=0, x=0 and x=4.

Let's take some arbitrary points that are near the vertex x=2
x 0 1 3 4
y 0 3 3 0
We substitute instead of x in the equation y \u003d -x 2 +4x values
y=0 2 +4*0=0
y=-(1) 2 +4*1=-1+4=3
y=-(3) 2 +4*3=-9+13=3
y=-(4) 2 +4*4=-16+16=0
It can be seen from the values ​​​​of the function that the parabola is symmetrical about the straight line x \u003d 2

Example #3
y=x 2 -4
c=4 means the parabola intersects OY at the point x=0 y=4. The branches of the parabola look up because a=1 1>0.
a=1 b=0 c=-4 x=(-b)/2a=0/(2*(1))=0 y=(0) 2 -4=-4 vertex is at point (0;-4 )
Find the roots of the equation x 2 -4=0
An incomplete quadratic equation of the form ax 2 +c=0. To solve it, you need to move the unknown to one side, and the known to the other. x =±√(c/a)
x 2 \u003d -2

Let's take some arbitrary points that are near the top x=0
x -2 -1 1 2
y 0 -3 -3 0
We substitute instead of x in the equation y \u003d x 2 -4 values
y=(-2) 2 -4=4-4=0
y=(-1) 2 -4=1-4=-3
y=1 2 -4=1-4=-3
y=2 2 -4=4-4=0
It can be seen from the values ​​of the function that the parabola is symmetrical about the straight line x=0

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