All-camp (mass) events in modern children's centers originate from the emergence of the first children's camps in our country. They were born quite naturally, almost immediately with detachment affairs. And today we have a rich pedagogical treasury not only of the events themselves, but also of ideas, concepts, approaches. However, due to the frequent renewal of personnel in children's centers and camps, the process of professional training of organizer teachers and counselors simply does not have time to go through, in whose hands all responsibility for events that we used to call "general camp" or mass events is concentrated.

In all my leadership and organizational activities, I have never come across articles, methodological recommendations, textbooks on mass events. Something can be found in the field of culture, where there is an institute for professional training of event organizers. But this is mainly a concert, competitive activity, and in our field, where in one event a child can not only have fun and play, but also learn something, become “better” as a person – there are no methods that would distinguish “quest” from “ role-playing game” or even from a concert program, I have never met.

In the ANO DOOTs "Scarlet Sails" we made an attempt to summarize the accumulated experience and use it in the training of counselors, so that at the planning meetings, beginners would not be afraid of the terrible words "KIP", "IPS", and their older comrades did not have to explain for a long time not only the secret the meaning of the abbreviations, but also the inner content. For to make the same games at the stations, absolutely unlike any others, our organizing teachers have sharpened up, but explaining another fresh idea even to experienced counselors is hard work.

We tried to compile a more or less complete table of events and combine them according to forms - according to those magical abbreviations that we ourselves are already used to communicating with: “KIP” (competitive game program), “IPS” (game by stations), “TRP” ( dance and entertainment program), “SRI” (role-playing game), etc., and besides, “quests”, “concert programs”, “exhibitions” and much more were taken out into separate forms. But in order to convey to a person who had just come to learn the leader’s craft how all these names differ from each other, I had to look for “litmus test papers” - indicators that would explain the differences between one and the other in an accessible and understandable way. And at that moment, as it is fashionable to say now, I had an insight. The thing is, when I tried to explain to my colleague, the organizing teacher, that the traditional event "Agiotage", where the guys, visiting a great many stations, receive tokens for winning or participating, and then spend them on snowmobiling, sweets, etc. This, in its form, is nothing more than a game of stations, then received a fierce rebuff. It turned out that I saw this event in two more Tyumen camps, only they were called "Fair" and their principle of holding did not differ from each other. For my colleague, there was no other event except for the "Agiotage". She saw only "The Excitement". “Agiotage” for her is not a game of stations, even though there are more “stations” there than anywhere else.

A similar case was described to me by another colleague, already in the shift leadership department, Natalya Muzyro. At one of the municipal seminars as an invited specialist, she talked about role-playing games. And the older generation of teachers, having heard that "Zarnitsa" is nothing more than a paramilitary role-playing game, with righteous anger rushed to poor Natalya, proving that "Zarnitsa" is "Zarnitsa" and cannot be anything else. And the fact that in this game there is a plot in the form of a legend of military exercises, and each child plays his own role (commander, private, radio operator, etc.), while having some freedom of action and choice within his role, the older generation did not care at all and they did not want to hear about any “forms of events”.

Two years ago we realized that this was a big failure in our work. We write technical assignments to organizing teachers, and we cannot convey our idea to them, we come up with events and are not able to explain them to counselors.

At my request to the candidate of pedagogical sciences, game engineer Kudashov Grigory Nikolaevich, to help with the search for literature on events, I was surprised to learn that they do not exist as such. And writing such guidelines, textbooks, and so on is not entirely correct. Then I learned an interesting opinion - "any such training manual would completely kill the creativity in organizing events." It was a revelation for me until the moment when I realized that we, who work in the children's health and education center in the "non-stop" mode, when one shift is immediately replaced by another, are not quite "creators" in the usual sense. Yes, my colleagues consider it bad form to hold the same event several times, yes, we invent and implement any event based on the plot, goals and objectives of a particular shift, but we do not change the form. You can replace the plot, you can edit the principle of evaluation, you can introduce more and more new elements into familiar forms, but ... We are still “artisans”. We use familiar forms over and over again, changing their content. But at the same time, we have never been reproached for repeating ourselves. Our counselors change every year, this is a natural process. But the success of the event just largely depends on them - on the final performers. Try to hold an event even for a hundred children, if their leaders themselves do not understand the rules, cannot be interested in the gameplay, convey the plot, fulfill their task as actors, organizers, animators, etc. Therefore, we simply need a common “language”, a common understanding, although forms of events. Maybe someone will be surprised, but someone will understand painfully the fact from my experience when the newly passed counselors cannot distinguish the classic competitive-game program on the stage from the game on the stations on the territory. And they cannot, accordingly, prepare their squad - from the uniform to the emotional mood. Our craft simply required defining the terms, characterizing the forms of events.

Leading the reader to the immediate subject of the conversation for so long, it is absolutely clear to me that without understanding the importance of singling out such a form as “quest” as a separate category, further text will not work. For everyone will understand in their own way, but I would like to communicate in the same language.

What is a quest? First of all, commercial projects come to mind - quest rooms. These are very interesting quests in terms of content. We are immersed in the role of detectives who are trying to investigate a complicated case, as captives of a mad scientist trying to destroy the world from his laboratory, and so on. There are such quest rooms in almost every city. There are quest rooms in children's camps, but a quest in a children's camp is not only a quest room.

First of all, you need to understand that the quest is only one of the forms of events that is used in team work and general camp events. Moreover, two quests on the same shift can be absolutely different from each other. The whole trick is that the quest has one distinctive feature, which I would like to talk about. Despite the fact that "quest rooms" have firmly occupied their niche in gaming technologies, many of their features are only conventions.

The use of limited space in quest rooms is a game convention and should not be assumed that a quest always has such limits. By the way, staying in quest rooms can also be limited in time - this is also a convention of commercial activity, and not a rule.

Let's try to characterize the very concept of a quest.

The quest in the children's camp, in my opinion, is an event based on game "mechanics" - a system of "riddles" and "keys" that lead the player to one or more logically built outcomes. The quest can have its own plot, can be carried out both in a strictly limited and in a conditionally unlimited space, can have the ability for players to interact with each other or with the direct characters of the plot, and can serve as a means for the player (child) to master the knowledge and skills offered by the pedagogical goal of the shift .

Thus, the quest, as a form, is in no way limited by dogma on the principle of space organization, plot construction, use of props, player interaction, etc. The quest, as a separate form, has only one essential detail, the very characteristic that I mentioned above as “litmus test”. This is a system of "riddles" and "keys", on which Her Majesty the Game is built.

Who said that the quest cannot be carried out by the host from the stage in the assembly hall? Or a counselor within a residential building? There are no restrictions for the organizer, the main thing is that understanding the "quest" as a separate game form helps its organizers prepare and implement it as an event in a limited time. All the salt in understanding just lies in the magical "riddles" and "keys". Let's take a closer look at them.

The main element of the quest is the “mystery”. We may or may not know what we are looking for at the end, but all our activities as participants in the quest will be related to solving riddles, searching for ciphers and decrypting them, finding codes and using them, and much more. It is important to understand that the word "mystery" is a convention that simply characterizes this important element. Guessing, for example, the word in the game "Crocodile" is also solving a riddle. Only it is not written on paper, entered into a computer and not encrypted in a letter. But it also carries important game information for the participants.

For every "mystery" there is a "solution". The second element of the quest is a system of "keys" that leads to a specific result. Having found three keys in a closed room and opening three chests with them, we seem to get access to the next level. Each guessed "riddle", each found key, each decrypted message escorts us 1 step forward to the denouement of the quest. Moreover, a consistent search and solution is also a convention. Imagine that you only know the end of the story, as in a crime - in front of you is a robbed safe, left evidence and there is a circle of suspects. All detectives in literature are an interestingly described quest plot. Have you ever collected a package of documents and certificates to send a child to a children's camp? Or passed a medical examination for employment in the camp? Congratulations, you have completed the challenge. Only the riddles there are not interesting and the process itself is not very exciting, because there is no game plot, and we know exactly what we have at the beginning and what awaits us at the end. That is, the Game itself does not take place.

The main value of the quest as a form is the emotional feature of the game. What do people experience when they first enter the quest room? Confusion. They do not know, left to their own devices, where to start and what actions will help them complete the quest successfully and what will not. Only attempts, activities lead to results. Moreover, at a certain point, logical thinking may not help you, but associative or your emotional intelligence will help. Or divergent, when the result is achieved not by one solution, but by many different ones (in quest rooms, everything is just sequential and straightforward, if you look back at the game after passing it).

The main value of the quest in the conditions of the children's camp is its possibilities. In addition to the fact that the quest itself makes the brain work, think, connect all the reserves, it is a means for the child to assimilate information. What will be in it? We concluded in the quests the personality types of the child and showed the counselors examples of behavior. You can enclose several paragraphs of the history textbook in the quest and encrypt key dates. Moreover, key historical figures will be present in the characters of the quest. It is quite possible to collect a child on a hike by arranging a quest to collect things for him. The main thing is not to forget to enclose all this in a system of "riddles" and "keys". Otherwise, it will turn out to be a rather boring game of stations. A badly organized quest will not become a good game on the stations.

By the way, how does a quest differ from other forms, for example, a concert program or a role-playing game?

Precisely and only by the "riddle-key" system. Everything is built on it. Riddles can also be in the competitive game program. But it evaluates the number or speed of riddles solved, and not the result to which they led. Because solving the riddles will be a competition. Even in the playlist of a dance and entertainment program, if desired, you can encrypt the message. Only the main element in this program is still dancing and entertainment. And the main element of the quest is a system of "keys" encrypted in riddles. I will give an example so that the reader can still abstract from quest rooms and “mysteries” in their usual sense.

In May 2018, we held a counselor's seminar before the summer season. And we decided that we just need to take advantage of the experience that our colleagues from the Childhood Island camp gave us. It was the quest idea. Our version had its own plot - two guys quarreled while playing an old game, and its heroes escaped from the game into the real world (the idea was taken from the movie "Jumanji"). The task of the counselors is to find the runaway heroes and bring them back before midnight. The whole point was that in each hero a code was encrypted - a type of personality. The child is “anxious”, “hyperactive”, “demonstrative”, etc. And the heroes did not agree to go to the place allotted to them until the counselors-players unravel their code and build their behavior in accordance with it. By the way, it was also a horror story and we gave a hint to the code through the behavior of the characters. Someone climbed the stairs, sat on the branches, ran away. Someone stood and whimpered, afraid to cross the dark bridge. We collected children's fears and, interpreting them in the plot of the game, waited for the counselors to solve the code, guess what kind of behavior model they should build. This was the clue, the key was the knowledge that the counselors received at the Counselors Training School, our interpretations of children's fears were clues. Our goal is to evaluate their preparation and make it clear that even such complex psychological topics can be presented in a playful way, quite accessible.

Once again, there are no restrictions.

The riddle can take the form of text, a digital code, a picture, a pantomime, a QR code, the character's behavior in the context of the plot - anything! The field for creativity is unlimited. Otherwise, it would not be creativity, but the game "mechanics" - the principle of conducting a quest as a game form - remains unchanged: "mystery-key". It is this element that makes us more like “artisans”, but conditionally, not to the full extent, which is great both because we always have a “field for creativity”, and because in the conditions of limited time and professional conventions, we need to organize an event from the stage ideas and goal-setting, to the stage of implementation and analysis.

The human brain is designed in such a way that it enjoys going from point "A" - a mystery, to point "B" - a clue. In addition, the quest is almost always framed in the plot. Whether it's a fairy tale, the motive of a film, cartoon, book - all this only helps the participant to join the process. Be interested first in the "wrapper" of the candy, called the quest, and then move on to mastering the contents. But from the point of view of pedagogy, it is the content that is the main value. This, unfortunately, is often forgotten by the organizers of quests. The difference between a commercial quest and a quest in a children's camp lies in the purpose of its implementation - making a profit through an exciting game form or education and upbringing of a child. Feel the difference? There is not much time to organize the pedagogical process in the camp - a maximum of 21 days. So is it worth spending it on exciting and well-organized quests that do not have a specific pedagogical goal?

Why do we need quests? Any form of activities that are taken into "armament" on a shift is nothing but a working tool for a teacher. Let's draw an analogy with building a house. The goal is clear - to build a house for any needs. A hammer in this case is a necessary thing, but hammering screws and self-tapping screws with it is a disastrous thing. The forms of activities that we use on a shift are, of course, much more versatile than a hammer when building a house. However, to open a shift when the children have just arrived, are unfamiliar and not adapted to new conditions for them with a role-playing game, the task is truly impossible. Each form has its own, unchanging, functions that they perform. And the quest has several main functions that have traditionally been established in the ANO DOOTS "Scarlet Sails":

– Assistance in the implementation of the pedagogical goal of the shift. That is, the creation of an environment that helps the child develop moral qualities, various types of thinking, moral and value orientations, communication skills, etc. (specifically based on the purpose of the shift). This feature is top priority. Otherwise, why do we need these events at all?

- Development of the plot of the shift - maintaining the emotional atmosphere, harmony and consistency of the storyline in the understanding of the child. It is development, not a plot, although the one who really manages to “start” the plot with the help of a quest is a true Master and Creator.

– Teambuilding – contributing to the formation of a temporary children's team, prevention of conflict situations. An additional but important feature, I think it needs no explanation.

I believe that in every camp that has adopted such a game form as a quest, these functions are similar.

Project Manager ANO DOOC "Scarlet Sails", Tyumen

(Autonomous non-profit organization children's health and education center "Scarlet Sails")


The participants of the live quest find themselves in a situation in which they have a common goal - the search for the killer, the struggle for treasure, the disclosure of secrets, and salvation from disaster. Each participant receives an individual role in this situation, as well as their individual goals, sometimes even running counter to the general one - for example, to return a lover or learn about betrayal, restore justice, or, conversely, cover up the traces of a crime. The ability to convince is a useful skill for a player on a live quest. The presence of several goals provides different planning of the game. The player will be able to determine which goal is the priority for him.

The point of the game is to complete as many goals as possible.

To do this, players need to communicate with each other, analyze information about other characters known to them from their role, obtain additional information, look for clues, think about motives, enter into alliances, bluff, intrigue and convince.

The outcome of the game usually depends entirely on the actions of the players.

Game Description

Live quests last 2-3 hours. As a rule, 10-20 people participate in one game, sometimes a little more. This is due to the fact that each player has an important and related role in the quest.

This distinguishes live quests frominteractive theater, popular in the West, where the whole detective story is played by actors, the players do not have individual roles, and they only try to determine who is to blame.

Live quests are costumed


Controls the course of the game, explains the rules and supports the players. He can both observe the action from the outside, and play an auxiliary technical role. Through the leader, the secret interaction of the characters is also carried out, if it is provided for by the game, for example, the use of hidden opportunities.

Psychological and social component of the game

Live quest is built on communication interaction between players. Without communicating with other players, it is impossible to achieve individual goals, which stimulates acquaintances, communication and serves as a good way to introduce a completely unfamiliar company. In addition, since the goals of the characters are often opposite, live quests carry an element of competition.

On the other hand, live quests contribute to the development of analytical skills: as a rule, live quests contain a detective element that requires the ability to work with information and analyze it.

QUEST game "Talisman of Five Goods"

Symbol of five blessingssince ancient times it has been used as a very auspicious sign. It was embroidered on clothes, placed on military shields, on all kinds of decorations and things. This is a wonderful gift for close and dear people,
whom you want to wish prosperity, a long and happy life. The amulet depicts five bats around the sign of the Eternal Universe. Bats are messengers of the sky, spreading all kinds of blessings around the world. The amulet has been stolen. And divided into five parts.

The task of the QUEST participants is to collect the amulet and determine which five benefits the amulet contains.

Symbol of the Five Goods:

Rose - happiness

Water - health,

Fire is the world

The mirror is a virtue.

The camp is divided into 2-3 teams. The task of the participants throughout the game is to walk around the camp holding hands and in complete silence. The host of the game strictly monitors the teams; if the rules are not followed, the team is penalized by deducting a point. Teams need to listen to each hero and understand what the hero wants. Usually the hero lacks some little thing. If the team brings this thing, the hero gives another one in return. When things are given to the heroes, the last hero usually has what the team was looking for.

Role for costume quest

Sage (by candlelight): "In one ancient castle, an amulet of five blessings was stolen. The kingdom has fallen on hard times. Princess Naina fell ill and fell into a sleep. She urgently needs a sip of clean water. But the heat dried up the waters and the heat destroyed the earth. The warriors have begun. I feel my days are numbered, I don't have long left. Dear travelers, help our kingdom. I give you this little thing (mirror), maybe it will come in handy for you.

(The team must bring a candle (peace) to the sage. The sage gives grass in return)

Our princess was completely weakened, she used to have fun, she even ran and was in love with a shepherd.

Grass - longevity

Naina and the courtier (Near her is a vase of flowers): “Our princess was completely weakened, she used to have fun, she even ran and was in love with a shepherd. They rejoiced for a short time. The shepherd was taken to war, and the princess fell ill. How pale. I've been waiting so long for her to wake up. I would do anything for a princess.

(The team must bring water. The courtier gives a rose in return)

Travidonna (sitting in the grass) with a healer and reading recipes:“There is only one grass left in my forest. The flowers have dried up. And once in our forest flowers bloomed and birds sang. My favorite roses grew along the edge of the forest. I have grown new varieties. And now the grass is one grass. Yes, the herb has medicinal properties. And she can help people heal. But I want everything to be the same as before.

(Teams bring a rose. In return, they receive healing herbs

Aquarius (with water): "The last drops remain. What to do? How will I appear at the court. I was beautiful, and now…… I was beautiful, I was beautiful. If only someone would say that I'm beautiful. I do not believe. She used to be beautiful, but now…”

(Teams must bring a mirror. Get water in return)

Warrior: " 25 years in our kingdom there are warriors with the kingdom of darkness. The fire of the world will help stop the warriors. My wounds have disfigured me so much (looks in the mirror). Now the princess will stop loving me. The war will end, but the scars will remain. No, I will not show myself to the princess. What terrible wounds.

(The team must bring a candle. The warrior gives the mirror)

In a game of this genre, there is always a task in which you need to find something - an object, a hint, a message so that you can move on. The word Quest is translated into Russian as "search". Sometimes a quest involves completing a task. The task of the player is to think carefully in order to solve the proposed problem, as well as to show ingenuity and skills in order to cope with the task, and then move on.

Recently, quests in the form of a team game have gained great popularity. In the process of such a game, people have the opportunity to communicate, learn a lot of new and interesting things and realize the craving for adventure and mysteries inherent in every person. Teams follow a given route, perform tasks that require intelligence, erudition, endurance and the ability to think outside the box.

Below are examples of quests

Option 1.

On the organizational line, each squad receives its own route sheet, where the stages are indicated and where the points are entered. On a signal, all units disperse into stages, at each of which a task awaits them (the completion of tasks is evaluated on a five-point system).

Stage 1. "Golden brush"

The children are invited to draw a general picture on a given topic. Everyone should take part in drawing, i.e. one child completes one detail of the drawing.

Stage 2. "Music box"

At this stage, you can conduct a “ringing song”. The squad is divided into two teams, and a song contest is held between them. One team starts to sing (one verse is possible), gives a countdown to the other team: 1,2,3, the other team starts to sing (another song is possible), etc. You can suggest song themes about summer, flowers, animals, friendship, etc. And you can offer a song that they should sing as an ensemble of Russian folk songs, in the style of rap, like children from kindergarten, like a gypsy choir, etc.

Stage 3. "Image maker"

Children are invited to create someone's image, for example, an Indian, an alien, a famous actor, etc. To do this, at this stage, the necessary details (make-up, clothes, etc.) must be prepared.

Stage 4. "I am an actor"

Participants at this stage are invited to play in the impromptu theater. The text is selected in advance, the roles are distributed. The presenter reads the text of a song familiar to the children to the music, and the actors perform actions according to the chosen role.

Stage 5. "Game library"


Children stand in one line. By lot or counting, the first participant is chosen. He becomes facing everyone and performs some kind of movement, such as clapping his hands, jumping on one leg, turning his head, raising his arms, etc.

Then he takes his place, and the next player takes his place. He repeats the movements of the first participant and adds his own.

The third player repeats the previous two and adds his own, and the rest of the participants do this in turn.

"Crows and Sparrows"

The detachment is divided into two teams: one - "Sparrows", the other - "Crows". For example, at the command "Sparrows!" the children will squat, and with the command “Crows!”, they will stand on the bench. Now you can start the game. The leader slowly, syllable by syllable, gives commands. Children must quickly complete the movement if it was given to their team. Whoever executed the command last or confuses, loses a point.

"Hat Game"

Children sit in a circle. The leader turns on the music, and the children begin to pass the ladies' hat to each other. As soon as the leader stops the music, the one of the children who has this hat left puts it on himself and walks in a circle, depicting a noble lady. There may be several options: cowboy hat - depict a cowboy; military cap - to portray a soldier, etc. You can complicate the game by passing several hats. When the music stops, all the children who have hats show their one-man show.

"Sea - land"

This game requires hoops. Hoops are placed on the floor. They agree that inside the hoop there is a water element - a sea, a river, an ocean, etc. Outside the hoop - land, coast, meadow, beach, etc. At the command "Sea!" children jump into hoops. At the command "Land!" children must be outside the hoop.


Players freely walk around the room. Suddenly, the leader gives a signal and announces the condition. Participants must form groups as soon as possible in accordance with this condition. The conditions can be simple (gather in twos, threes, fours, etc.; gather in groups with an even (odd) number of people. Also, the conditions can be complex (gather in pairs - boys and girls; gather in threes, where all of the same gender (same height, same hair color, etc.)).

" Discoverer"

First, the contestants are invited to "discover" a new planet - inflate balloons as quickly as possible, and then "populate" this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw little men with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more "inhabitants" on the planet is the winner.

Stage 6. Dance

At this competition, the squad shows their dancing skills. The music changes several times. Of course, not all children know how this or that dance is performed, it is important that they feel the music.

Option 2. Quest "The Secret of the Pirate Treasure"

Equipment and design: signs with the names of stations, a tape recorder, a recording of the song "Stay Alive"; sheets of paper; markers; fabric with the inscription "The Secret of the Pirate Treasure"; map (2 pcs.) indicating the route; 2 plastic bottles; 2 balls; 1 glass bottle; pirate's message rope, walkie-talkie.

Preliminary preparation:

Two equivalent teams of "searchers" are formed in the detachment (no more than 13 people in each).

The game is played on a pre-checked and prepared area in compliance with all safety rules. The territory is marked with special signs on the ground. Warning signs, station names stand out clearly against the background of greenery.

Each participant has a business card (distinguishing sign) of the "searchers" team, which, if necessary, can be used as a "life card" of the player.

Short description. After passing through certain stages and completing the proposed tasks, the participating teams must find the treasure hidden by the pirates.

Rules of the game:

Each team is accompanied by one adult observer and one person from among the organizers of the game.

The stages of the game are indicated on the map (each team takes out bottles with follow cards from the sea. The bottles are tied to buoys and marked with colorful balls).

Having taken out the cards, the teams begin to move through the stages according to the indicators of their card. At each stage - stations - they perform a certain task, for the completion of which they receive the right to move on. Tasks can be different: some - for collective, others - for individual execution.

The time spent at the station and completing the task should not exceed 10 minutes (on the back of the card, the leader of the stage - the "pirate" - writes down the number of his stage and his label).

Some stations provide for penalties: getting extra time or tips in exchange for the "life cards" of the players.

"Pirates" can give the participants "black marks". A player who receives 3 marks loses the “life card” and becomes a prisoner of the “pirates” or is out of the game for a certain time.

Having reached the last station of the Mysterious Tower, the participants of the game receive information about the location of the buried treasure, but the team that reached the Mysterious Tower first gets the right to go there.

At the last station, one of the teams finds a bottle with a message from a pirate containing information about the treasure. Time to search for the treasure is limited.

Stages of the game and approximate tasks:

"Labyrinth". All players must walk through the labyrinth laid out on the ground blindfolded, following the orders of their commander ("forward", "right", "left", etc.).

"Speech". One representative of the team receives a card with a word written on it that must be used in a specially prepared speech. The task of the team is to identify this word.

"Lyrics". The facilitator reads out the words - nouns. Each team member comes up with a definition for the words - an adjective - and writes it down. The facilitator reads a list of 20-25 words, and after the participants have written their adjectives, asks to restore the list of nouns.

"Connection". Find a walkie-talkie hanging on a tree, climb up and get information about the further movement of the team.

"Stars in the Grass" Two teams are participating. Players stand on different sides of the clearing, on which blue and red stars are laid out. One member from each team is called. They are blindfolded. They must collect as many stars of their color as possible within a certain time, listening to the prompts of the team.

"Secret Rapana". In the pool (inflatable) beautiful rapanas are placed on the bottom. One of them contains important information for the team. The task of the team is to find this rapan in a certain time and decipher the note.

"Music field". One expert is selected from each team. All players of both teams are given cards with one word from a popular song. An expert from the opposite team asks the players questions, and those, answering the question, must necessarily use the word written on their card in the answer. The team whose connoisseur quickly collects the hidden line from the song wins.

"Trial of Silence" Players will need to add 10 identical squares from the materials that they will be given. You can not talk and use gestures.

"Mysterious Tower" Teams answer questions:

What laws of the children's camp do you know? (a point is awarded to the team that named more laws).

What traditions of the children's camp do you know? (a point is awarded to the team that named more traditions).

What legends about the children's camp and the legends that are popular in the camp do you know? (point awarded to the team with the most legends).

Teams are given time to come up with their legend in 5-7 minutes.

The treasure is stones with inscriptions of the letters D, U, R, Zh, A, B. Having put them into a word, the team finds the very mysterious treasure - "FRIENDSHIP".

Quest - game "Adventures in the country of Nangiyale" based on the book by A. Lindgren "The Lionheart Brothers"

Target: rallying children, strengthening friendship, mutual understanding and mutual assistance in the team.
Tasks: To develop logical thinking in adolescents, to promote the development of independence and responsibility, the ability to make and implement decisions.
The game was invented by me for teenagers having a rest in a summer camp in Korablinskiy KSTSON. During class, I read to them the book "Brothers of the Lionheart." This is a wonderful book that you can not just read, you can play it! The children listened attentively, answered questions, and received stickers as prizes - stickers for the future game, in the form of a crown. These stickers (3 each) were subsequently used as "currency" for hints. Before the start of the game, the children put stickers on their T-shirts like badges. I came up with a quest based on the book, in the spirit of those mysterious and incredible adventures that the characters go through.
The quest requires careful preparation - several organizers - assistants, a comfortable platform - we played the game in a city park, props: a ball - papier-mache piñata, wooden saw cuts, scarves, buckets, wooden swords and shooting bows, sticks for collecting coins, plastic bottles with drinking water (children can drink, it was hot), envelopes with prompt texts. Some of the props were made by hand. Important: do not allow adults present to suggest something and interfere with the course of the game!
1. Divide children into 2 teams. Commanders - two people with the maximum number of stickers, gain commands for themselves. The teams are given the first task - a bag of sweets. You need to guess that inside the wrappers there may be clues. In one of the candy wrappers there is a note: “Listen carefully!”
2. Players must hear and locate a cell phone hidden in the grass nearby. Attached to the phone is a piece of paper with a number to call and ask for a hint. Hint - "Shooting at the target"
3. Paper baskets (not very high) and a bag with prepared crumpled papers are attached to two trees. Children from a certain distance throw pieces of paper at a target. When all the papers were in the bucket, and the players did not guess what to do next, they can ask the host for the next clue.
4. The hint (in the form of a vertical list of words) is given in a sealed envelope. In capital letters, from top to bottom, you need to read the phrase - "The hint was in your hands." This means that you need to look for the continuation of the game in crumpled pieces of paper.
5. Players unfold the papers and look for a clue. One of them has a message (back to front)
Not water, not land - ashus en hells eN
You can’t sail away on a boat - shyovylpu en ekdol an
And you won’t pass with your feet - shёdjorp en imagon And
Children must read and guess the riddle - "Swamp". As soon as the word - the answer sounds, the leader leads the team to the "swamp".
6. Task "Swamp". Labyrinth principle, entrance and exit.
Swamp bumps are laid out with wooden cuts (15 pieces), and since there is a lot of space, you can go through this type of distance with the whole team, holding hands. If one of the children stumbles and falls into the swamp - for three stickers he can return to the team, otherwise he leaves the game. On the last cut, an orange arrow is drawn, which points to a mark on the tree. There is a bow with arrows hanging from which you need to shoot.
7. Archery task. The legend is explained to the children. They ended up at the place where Hubert hunted wolves. On plastic water bottles (they depict predators) images of wolves are attached. The whole team takes turns shooting at the bottles until they fall. The labels must be removed (the skins are removed from the wolves). One of the labels has a hint - "Go to the Karmafallet waterfall and get 100 coins." The team is given a specially made stick with a tin scoop.
8. There is an active fountain in the park, so the children quickly guess that they need to go to it. Before the start of the game, the organizers threw a handful of small (ten kopeck) coins into the fountain, they glisten in the sun. (Here the children took off their shoes in the blink of an eye and ended up in the fountain, they had to be fished out of there). When the coins are collected, the question arises: What to do with them? Hint: buy something!! Children are invited to find a seller.
9. The seller is in the far corner of the park, he has a poster in his hands: "Here you can buy something for the quest." The seller offers each team to buy 3 boxes. Boxes - one with pebbles, another with sweets, the third with a hint (cost - 10, 20, 30 coins) Children decide that they need to buy all the boxes. The hint says - "It's time to go to the underground passage!". Children go with the leader to the "Underground"
10. All participants are blindfolded, they join hands and start moving in complete silence. According to legend, the team makes their way through the underground passage, and at the top are Tengil's guards - Veder and Kader, they can shoot from bows. On the track across, you can put obstacles - a stone, a stick or pull a rope across. The host talks about the dangers encountered, gives commands - bend down, sit down, freeze, etc. The team goes through the bushes, bypasses the trees.
11. The host leads the team to the "Knight's Tournament". We go to the stage located by the fountain, outline the area with chalk and arrange a tournament with wooden swords. Only boys play. Whoever goes out of bounds first, loses. The winner is given the right to break the piñata fixed at the top. The impact shatters the piñata, sending candy rain down on the heads of the enthusiastic players.
The children really enjoyed the game. How many experiences, disputes and trials they endured! How difficult it was to make your way through the “swampy swamp”, holding hands tightly, risking stumbling! How accurately it was necessary to shoot from a bow at the "wolves" baring their mouths on the narrow mountain paths! How scary to walk in the dark under the "fortress wall", keeping complete silence, and being afraid of every loud sound! And how joyful to finally guess the meaning of the encrypted note! To the delight of the townspeople walking in the park, the quest included a lot of different tasks, so by the end of the game spectators gathered around us. Do you want to instill courage, strong character and the will to win in your children? Then read them the book by A. Lindgren "Brothers of the Lionheart"!

Quest game for schoolchildren "School of young scouts". Scenario

Material Description: the material can be used by teachers-organizers of educational institutions as an independent event or as part of a large event, for example: the game "Zarnitsa", the game "Memory Express" and others. In our institution of additional education, the quest "School of young scouts" was held as part of the regional meeting of the search teams "Heirs of Victory". 10 teams participated in the rally. Each detachment received a route sheet and performed various tasks at the stations. The scenario of the quest was prepared as soon as possible in order to fill in the pauses that arise when the troops pass through certain stations. The participants liked the quest "School of young scouts" very much.
Target: civic-patriotic education of students.
- the formation of knowledge about the military, about the defenders of the Motherland;
– development of physical and intellectual qualities of students
(dexterity, ingenuity, speed, etc.), ability to work in a team;
– development of creative abilities of children;
- education in students of the qualities necessary for the future defender of the Motherland, a sense of mutual assistance, endurance, resourcefulness, courage, perseverance, the ability to act together in difficult situations, a responsible attitude to the task;
- education of love and respect for the defenders of the Motherland on the basis of vivid impressions that cause them emotional experiences.

Equipment and materials: route sheets according to the number of teams, in which the host, after each completed task, notes the number of stars received, removes penalty points, or vice versa adds points for an excellently completed task; stars (cut out of red cardboard); items necessary and unnecessary for a scout; chalk for depicting "hummocks" of an impromptu swamp on the asphalt of the playground; children's game "Darts" (pistol with suction cups and target); inflatable water bombs; diplomas for the winners and the participant of the game.
Location: Park zone of the institution of additional education.

Game progress.

General formation of units.
Leading. Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to the School of Young Scouts.
- Do you know who the scouts are?
- Scouts are very attentive, cautious, and also reliable, specially trained people. There are special intelligence schools. And today I suggest you go through the school of military intelligence and become real intelligence officers!
You have to complete difficult tasks and become real scouts, and, as expected, get prizes for good studies! For correctly and quickly completed tasks, the commander and squad will receive stars. Is the goal clear?
- But you don't have a commander yet. I will ask questions and the one who gives the most correct answers will become the commander and lead the rest through the difficult but interesting everyday life of scouts!
1. What kind of headgear does a fighter put on during a fight to protect his head from injury? (helmet)
2. What does both a rifle and a tree have? (trunk)
3. A place where you can shoot at targets? (shooting gallery)

4. Heavy fighting vehicle? ( tank)
Participants answer if three or more children are allocated, then two additional questions are asked to select one
1. Where do the soldiers shoot from? (trench)
2. A soldier guarding the borders of the Motherland? (border guard)

Leading. Now you have a commander. And I want to get to know him.
- What is your name? (commander's response)
“A lovely name, but from now on you need to forget it.

Task 1. "My callsign"

Leading. When going on reconnaissance, scouts do not take documents confirming their identity with them, so that in case of being captured, the enemies could not find out anything about them. And do not use their real names when communicating with each other. So now we will come up with and all together remember your call signs.
Participants come up with call signs for themselves and call them in turn, each next participant must repeat the call sign of the previous one and name his own.

Task 2. "We are going to explore"

Leading. Great! Before the start of the operation, the scout must be properly equipped, with all the essentials! You need to choose from the proposed items only those without which the scout cannot go on reconnaissance, put them in a duffel bag and tie it correctly.
Items: Binoculars, weapons, compass, first aid kit, wallet, matches, shovel, telephone, passport, mirror. The detachments choose what the scout needs, justify their choice, correctly fold and tie the duffel bag.

A squad that correctly completed the task receives an asterisk.

Task 3. "Flash on the right!"

Leading. Now we will test your reaction and attention! The scout should have them well developed!
- Commander! Build a squad!
The commander builds a detachment and the command “Flash on the left!” they should step to the right... up/down (crouch, jump).
1. Flash on the left! - go right
2. Flash from above! - duck down
3. Flash on the left! - go right
4. Flash from below! - jump up
5. Flash from below! - jump up
6. Flash from above! - duck down
7. Flash on the right! - go left

A squad that correctly completed the task receives an asterisk.

Task 4. "Walk through the swamp."

Leading. Well done! You are well prepared and your squad of scouts is sent on a combat mission. You will need to cross the swamp, find the enemy and destroy him. Conditions: it is necessary to move in complete silence so as not to be detected. Holding hands, go through the bumps with the whole detachment in such a way that the legs of two scouts stand on the same bump at the same time.

A squad that correctly completed the task receives an asterisk.

Task 5. "Sniper".

Leading. Well done! We passed the swamp with losses / without losses (the presenter comments on the results of the passage).
You are at the target - in front of you are the positions of the enemy. Task: three players need to destroy the enemy with a pistol (darts) and three players to throw grenades at enemy trenches (inflatable water bombs).

A squad that correctly completed the task receives an asterisk.

The result of the game is summed up, the winner is determined by the number of stars received.

While summing up, the participants could take pictures in a specially prepared area.

Leading. Each of you today has demonstrated how attentive and quick-witted he is. Working in the same team, you proved your courage, perseverance and friendliness! You all went through the school of military intelligence and, performing a combat mission, proved to be real intelligence officers! I want to express my gratitude to you for the successfully completed task and to award the winners and participants.
Thanks to all!
The award ceremony is underway