Free MMORPG ArcheAge opens up a wide range of opportunities for players. Moreover, the possibilities of the game are so rich that novice players are often lost what to do, where to go, what to do. We would recommend starting the passage of ArcheAge by reading this guide, which tells about the main features and capabilities of the game.

Character Creation

Before starting the game, all users will have to choose a race. It should be borne in mind that, as conceived by the developers, all players are initially divided into two large hostile factions, each of which includes 2 playable races:

The Western Continent faction includes Nuians and Elves.
The faction of the Eastern Continent includes Harnians and Ferre.

If you plan to start the game with a friend, choose one race to start from one location.

Each race has certain racial bonuses, but these bonuses do not have a special effect on the gameplay. Does not affect the characteristics of the characters and their gender.

Specializations in ArcheAge

Specialization in this game is a set of active and passive skills, grouped into 10 areas. Of the 10 available specializations, the player can choose 3 for himself. By combining 3 branches of skills, the player forms a certain character class. In ArcheAge, by the way, there are 120 possible classes, although not all of them are viable.

At the character creation stage, only 6 specializations will be available to you:

Attack- melee skills are collected here. If you prefer to fight in close combat using swords, spears, hammers, etc., then this is your choice.
Magic- Magic skills responsible for dealing damage are collected here. This branch is designed for combat mages.
The pursuit- a branch for archers.
Healing- magic skills responsible for healing. These skills are designed for those who prefer to play as support classes.
Mysticism- magic aimed at controlling the enemy and causing damage. A branch for magicians-controllers.
stealth- a branch for assassins who prefer to attack enemies suddenly, from invisibility.

First steps in ArcheAge

You shouldn't have any difficulties with leveling up your character - during the game you will be constantly given tasks that will allow you to quickly increase your level and earn some money. Completing quests is the fastest way to level up your character. By completing quests, you will gradually discover new locations and get acquainted with the world of ArcheAge.

Often you will come across tasks for which you will have to kill a certain number of mobs, collect a certain number of quest items that are rarely found in the location. In this case, there may be competition between players for limited resources. To close the quest quickly and without conflict, you can create a team or raid with other players and complete the quest together.

The second and third specializations become available to players at levels 5 and 10. Before that, you want to decide what kind of character class you are going to create. In total, 120 classes can be created in the game, but there are several basic classes that are most popular in the game. We will consider them below.


During the game, you will learn that a number of skills, when used in combination with some other skills, become more effective - damage increases, cooldown time between using an ability decreases, etc. In the description of each skill, all possible effects and combinations are indicated. Since combos usually require skills from different skill trees, this is one of the factors that influence the choice of skill trees when forming a class.


Assassin and Assassin (Attack/Stealth/Hypnosis and Attack/Stealth/Resistance) - these characters attack enemies from invisibility, inflict huge damage and hide again.
Champion (Attack / Stealth / Defense) - warriors with good defense who fight in the forefront, deal high damage and can control a single target.

At early levels, control skills from the Stealth and Attack branches are available to fighters: Cobra Throw and Dash. They can be used to attack mobs in the back with the Eviscerate skill. This will allow you to save on healing and mana. When attacking in the forehead, the Triple Strike skill deals more damage.


This class specializes in ranged attacks and is characterized by high mobility and high damage.

For archers, the obligatory branches are the Pursuit and Stealth branches. The third specialization is chosen based on the preferred play style:

Defense will help create a versatile and tenacious character.
Resistance will give you increased mobility and protect your character from enemy control skills.
Healing is a good fit for players who prefer to play PvE as they will have the ability to heal. But for PvP, such a build will be of little use, since you will lose your anti-control skills.
Hypnosis will give your character the ability to control the enemy and increase magical defense.

Before level 10, the archer does not have powerful attacking skills, so you will have to swing using the skills Serrated Arrow and Stunning Shot from the Pursuit and Eviscerate branch and Cobra Throw from the Stealth branch.

At level 10, archers will receive a powerful attack skill Avenger's Excitement. But it requires quite a lot of mana, so it is recommended to use it together with the Archer Stance skill.


There are many different mage builds in the game, but they can usually be grouped into three broad categories: AOE damage to a large number of enemies, dealing maximum damage to a single target, control of the enemy.

Sorcery/Mesmerize/Inspire or Sorcery/Mysticism/Inspire is more suitable for PvE against a single target. And for solo PvP, builds Sorcery/Resist/Mysticism, Sorcery/Stealth/Hypnosis or Sorcery/Stealth/Inspire are more suitable.
Mages geared for AOE damage will usually choose Sorcery/Mysticism/Defense or Sorcery/Mysticism/Resistance. Such magicians have to constantly be in a crowd of enemies, since the cast goes around the magician.

At the initial stages of the game, mages mainly use the Fireball skill from the Sorcery branch. Fireball is enhanced by Frostbolt. Frostbolt is usually cast after the first Fireball. All other spells require a lot of mana and therefore are rarely used.

If you stopped on the Mysticism branch, then actively use the Death Blade skill. Also, this branch allows you to replenish mana using the Energy Absorption skill.


Heavily armored fighters, whose task is to hold enemies and protect allies, are divided into two groups in ArcheAge:
Classic tanks (Offense/Defense/Heal or Offense/Defense/Resistance) are commonly used in PvE. They are very tenacious and able to withstand the blows of mobs for a long time.
Controller tanks (Mysticism/Defense/Healing or Mysticism/Defense/Resistance) fight more often in PvP. They can run into a crowd of enemies and cast debuffs that weaken opponents.

If you have chosen the branch of Mysticism, use the Death Blade skill more often. If you chose Attack, then your main attacking skills are Dash and Triple Strike.

Healers and supports

Healers (Heal/Resist/Hypnosis or Heal/Resist/Defend) should heal, that's their main job. The Defense branch allows you to wear robes at high levels, and the Hypnosis branch gives you more options for PvP.
Bards (Empower/Defense/Mesmerize or Empower/Defense/Resistance) are a support class. They strengthen allies.

Support classes have the hardest time leveling as they don't have powerful offensive skills. The main damage skill of Light and Dark healers has a cooldown of 5 seconds. But the combination of Light and Darkness + Immolate is still their best offensive skill. Bards attack skill - Tuning Fork also has a 3 second cooldown. These classes are best to swing in a group with other players.

Reset skills

All learned skills can be reset at any time using a special button located under the branch of these skills. The cost of resetting one skill is 50 silver.
Also, players can reset their specialization at special NPCs standing near the resurrection statues. Specialization can be reset for 1.5 gold.


The ability to use different equipment in the game is not tied to a specific specialization. In total there are three types of armor - fabric (magic), light and heavy. Heavy armor is vulnerable to bludgeoning damage, light armor is vulnerable to piercing damage, and cloth armor is vulnerable to cutting damage. When choosing equipment, it is worth considering the bonuses that are given for using the full set. Armor elements included in one set provide additional bonuses to attack power, mana and health if 3, 5, 7 items from the set are worn.

Cloth armor is commonly used by mages, as it provides bonuses to magic damage resistance, increased spell casting speed, and increased movement speed. But at the same time it has poor physical protection. The main parameter for mages is Intelligence.
Light armor is commonly used by archers and fighters. It increases attack speed and provides medium protection against physical damage and spells. Archers pick up kits that increase Dexterity and Endurance, and fighters - Strength and Endurance.
Heavy armor is more suitable for tanks, some mages and healers who have to be in the thick of the fight. Tanks pick up armor for Stamina, and Bards and Healers - for Intellect, Spirit or Stamina.


Death in ArcheAge does not cause much loss for the players. If mobs kill you, then some of your equipment may break (repaired by the NPC) and you will lose some of the experience gained. Experience can be partially restored at the statue of Nui. If a player dies in PvP, items are damaged by 5%.


Bronze/Silver/Gold are the main means of payment in the world of ArcheAge. For them, you can purchase most of the game items from the NPC, pay taxes and buy things at the auction. Money drops as loot from mobs, is given as a reward for completing quests, and is earned by trading packs.
Delphic Stars are the currency on the Trade Island. For the Delphic Stars, blueprints are purchased for the construction of houses, a trading schooner and various gliders. You can earn Delphic Stars by selling packs of regional goods to special NPCs. It is worth noting that there are two types of packs in ArcheAge: building and trade. Construction ones are needed to build houses and ships, and trade ones are rented to merchants for Delphic stars and gold.
Crystals are a premium currency that can be bought with real money. Crystals can be used to pay for a premium subscription and buy items in the game store.

Useful items and ingredients

Be sure to leave the following ingredients in your jar and inventory:

Akhium - you will need it for crafting in the future
Moon dust - needed for alchemy and the creation of runes, journey stones, moon stones and various magical items.
Bags of gold - contain money, open by double clicking on them.

When killing mobs, you will sometimes come across various pieces of equipment. Items of low quality can be immediately sold to NPCs, more valuable items should be broken to get akhium, and some items will be needed for future crafting.

The following items are broken into akhium:

Green, blue, purple and orange armor - blue akhium drops from it, used to craft armor;
Green, blue, purple and orange weapons - red akhium is mined from it, used to create weapons;
Green, blue, purple and orange jewelry - green akhium is mined from it, which is used to create teleport stones and jewelry;
Crescent Runes will yield moon dust, which is used to create runes to sharpen weapons and armor.

Things are broken into components with a special "Stone of the New Moon". It is sold by the Blacksmith NPC, which can be found in all major settlements. After purchasing the Dark Moon Stone, right-click on the item you want to disenchant. After a few seconds, it will be broken into components.


There are 20 peaceful professions in ArcheAge, thanks to which you can craft various equipment, weapons, items, equipment, improve equipment, create food and elixirs, steal and extract resources. Each profession is pumped in the process of its use. For example, the profession of a lumberjack is pumped by cutting down trees. Trade, craft, etc. are pumped in the same way.

Only two professions can be pumped to the maximum level (50000) (using a special item allows you to increase this number to 5). 3 professions can be upgraded up to the level of 40000, 4 - up to 30000. Other professions can only be upgraded up to 10000.

High levels of crafting professions (Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing, etc.) increase the chances of crafting high quality items. A high level of mining professions (Lumberjack profession, Herbalism) increases the chances of obtaining rare resources. Increasing the level of engineering is necessary for crafting more advanced things.


To get some ingredients and resources in the game, you will have to farm. You will be introduced to the basics of farming by the initial quests in the game, during which you can get the Little Scarecrow - a small personal plot of land.

With the help of agriculture, you can create trade packs for sale. But keep in mind that trading is a separate game profession, and selling packs brings experience for this profession.

You can raise animals and plant plants anywhere, but only on community farms, near your house and on a large and small Scarecrow, they cannot be stolen.

All plants have their own growth rate, which is influenced by the climate, which may vary in different locations. All plants have certain climatic preferences. You can find out about the climate of the location by looking at the map of the location.


One of the main means of earning in the game is trading packs. Packs are created using special machines from various resources that are obtained during crafting or on farms. To trade, you will need a merchant certificate, which costs 50 silver coins.

Each location allows you to create 4 unique types of packs that can be turned in to NPCs in other locations. The farther the path to the place of delivery of the pack, the more money you can earn.


A character of any level can create items, but a pumped profession level is required to create high-quality items. Crafting is carried out on special machines, which can be found in all settlements. Also, if you buy your own house, you can place the necessary machines in it.

An important ingredient for crafting is akhium. Characters will be able to wear craft items from level 20.

Crafted weapons and items have a level gradation. For example, armor can be crafted for level 20, 24, 30, 34, 44, and 50.

Items are crafted by upgrading items of a lower level. For example, to craft a level 24 item, you will need a crafted item of level 20. In addition to the upgraded profession, to craft high-level items you will need ingredients that can only be obtained by having a high level of the corresponding profession, for example, alchemy.

Craft items come in different quality and can be assembled into sets (kits) that will give you additional bonuses. The chances of crafting a high quality item depend on the level of the profession. Items have the following quality levels:

Green is an uncommon item
Blue is a rare item
Purple is a unique item
Orange - epic item
Red is a legendary item

Items, starting with purple quality, have a grade buff that increases the character's parameters, depending on the number of items of the same quality equipped. The increase in parameters depends on the quality level of the item and on its type.

Work points

A common resource for all professions is "Work Points" (OP). They are spent on all production activities in the game - crafting items, farming, fishing, resource extraction. Premium subscription gives 3000 EP. Spent work points are restored over time.


Riding animals (mounts) in ArcheAge are the most popular means of moving around the game world. By traveling on a mount and killing mobs with it, you can upgrade your mount. As they level up, mounts gain additional properties that allow them to attack enemies, slow down time, etc.

Mounts can be equipped with special equipment that can be knocked out of mobs or bought. If the mount dies, it can be resurrected, but at the same time it will have only 1 HP of health, and the movement speed will be reduced by 30%. You can cure him in the stables for a small fee.

All characters can get their first mount at level 5. For each race, mounts are different: the Nuians have horses, the elves have deer, the Ferrets have snow lions, the Harnians have Harnian lions.


Gliders are a special item that allows the character to glide through the air for some time. The glider is placed in a special equipment slot and activated by quickly double-clicking the jump button.

The first glider can be obtained at level 10 for completing a specific quest.


Game pets are special animals that help their owners in battles against mobs and other players. Pets can be upgraded at the same time as leveling up your character by killing mobs and completing quests. Gradually, the pets will become stronger and learn new skills. For pets, as well as for mounts, there is a special equipment. On

On the Western Continent, the first pet can be obtained by completing the quest near Marianhold, and on the Eastern Continent, the pet quest can be obtained from the Singing Land.

In ArcheAge, you can kill both members of the enemy faction and your own faction. To attack a character of your faction, you need to activate the free attack mode. This mode can only be activated in PvP locations. This mode is not available at starting locations.

After the first attack by a player of his faction, blood will remain on the ground, which any player can collect. If blood is collected, crime points will be recorded in the attacker's statistics. For every 50 crime points scored, after the death of a character, he will go to court and may be sentenced to imprisonment (the court is conducted by other players). All crime points scored are summarized in the statistics as "Criminal Glory". After earning 3000 points of criminal fame, your character can become a Pirate. In this case, players of all factions and city guards will be able to attack him, but at the same time, a pirate island hidden from other players will become available to him.

After inflicting the first damage to a player of his faction, the character will become flagged (the character's health indicator will turn purple). A flagged character can be killed with impunity by any other player. Flagging effect fades over time.

It should be noted that crime points can also be obtained for theft (blood in this case also falls). Therefore, crime points can be accumulated by stealing resources from other people's landings located in some secluded corners of the game world.

When killing characters of a hostile faction, honor points are earned. The accumulated points can be spent on purchasing powerful weapons, runes, mounts and special items for sieges.


On the oceans of ArcheAge, players can travel on ships. Ships allow you to reach outlying islands and other continents. There are 6 types of ships in the game, starting with a boat that can be obtained for completing a quest, and ending with a Black Pearl pirate ship, the blueprints of which will have to be collected bit by bit by farming mobs.

Most ship blueprints can be purchased on the Trade Island. Before building a ship, you need to lay a shipyard. After building the shipyard, you can start building the ship itself. To do this, you will need construction packs of iron, wood, fabric.

The ships in the game are arcade controlled, and to control the ship you need one of the crew members to be at the helm. Large warships are armed with cannons, which require shooter players to fire.

Own house

A player can build his own house at any time, but this will require a large amount of resources and money, which will be difficult for beginners to collect.
In the houses, you can place crafting machines and various furnishings as you wish.

To build a house, you will have to purchase a house blueprint on the Trade Island and collect the required amount of resources. Houses come in different sizes and, accordingly, require different amounts of resources.

Blueprints of houses are bought for Delphic stars, which can be obtained by trading in packs. The amount of resources needed to build a particular house can be found from the description in the drawings.

To build a house, you will need stone, wood, and iron building packs.
Houses are installed in specially designated areas.


Guilds in ArcheAge seriously expand the gaming experience. In addition to joint campaigns against raid bosses, guilds can fight for territories on the Northern continent and create their own factions.

A guild can be created by gathering a group of 5 players and paying a special NPC 1 gold coin.


In ArcheAge, pirates are a separate faction that can be attacked by representatives of any other factions. To become a pirate, you need to score 3000 crime points for stealing and attacking members of your faction.
Pirates are based on a separate island, inaccessible to other players.

Making money in ArcheAge

One of the most common and profitable ways to make money in ArcheAge is to sell packs on a neighboring continent. However, this is a very dangerous occupation, as you can be attacked by pirates and representatives of a hostile faction. Therefore, for successful intercontinental trading, you need to have a well-trained character and an experienced team.

Loners and beginners can earn in other ways:

Look for underwater treasures;
Collect rare crafting ingredients in various locations;
Grow resources for sale on the farm or mine ore and stone;

For singles, the Fisherman profession and the cultivation of rare crafting resources (for example, the cultivation of sparkling wood) can become relevant. But it will be quite difficult for one player to independently organize a full cycle of crafting things.


We hope this beginner's guide has answered most of your questions about the game. More detailed guides and tutorials on various aspects of the game can be found in our ArcheAge knowledge base.

The quest to get Dauta's ring is the longest quest adventure in terms of time and resource consumption of the character. Sometimes it seemed that it was impossible to pass it because of all these numerous transitions from one location to another and the search for one or the other without a hitch.

If you are going on this adventure, then water the horse (or any other riding pet that you like) and report a couple of teleport stones to your inventory. Now you are ready for this hike.

First we take quest to enter Nagashar(how to pass the dungeon,) to eventually get a whispering stone.

After you have completed the quest, you will receive task "After Sunset". The meaning of this test is to talk to, but the place familiar from the raid boss in the singing land was empty - this is one of those moments when it seems to the player that a bug has happened.

However, it is not. The fact is that the storyteller we need will appear after ten in the evening in the city of Al-Harba (solar tower park), there is another option to find her in Ost-Terre. In my case, it was easier at the tower, because the plan was to visit this location when I helped the guild.

The next task sounds like "Stone-nanny". By quest orientation in the character's inventory, you can accurately determine the place in Zloty plains for which we need to move with the help of a teleport stone (you can through the portal in Inistra, if you feel sorry for the pebbles). The ideal time is a truce, otherwise the death of the character will force you to repeat this route from the place of registration.

Finding another NPC named Bur Riri. From this NPC we get a new task for the ring of protection from the witch of the sea "Deal with Daru".

Northern sea chain

To complete this task, we go to the sea, of course, if you do not have a swimming facility or a friend who has one, then the passage will most likely be interrupted for you.

The place that was needed is under water - this is the territory where it will be necessary to kill the guards of Dauta. We solve the main problem by increasing the supply of air, since the character will not always be able to rise to the surface.

Quest is completed fairly quickly.

The next location along the quest chain is on the west coast to give the received item ( drawings of the masters of the island) find a friend Bur Riri and take the ring.

Using the teleport jump to the north. Perhaps Bur-Riri won't get you the job, but that's the way it should be. In the portal book we find a point at Nuanmar, more precisely on its western border. It remains to find a cave with lava, but you can’t get close to the lava (the character will die from fire), it’s best to use the ring given by Riri in the plains.

In the center of the avalanche lake we find a sword and use it. We take the task from the appeared NPC "ancient metal"(faradium ore), which comes across in Sangemare. In total, you will have to wave the pickaxe so many times until 30 faradic fragments are collected in the inventory.

Chain from the bay

It’s too early to rejoice, but you should charter another ship and go to gallows bay. You should choose a place so as not to burn your arrival and find a blacksmith Hello O'Brien. His mission is called "Story of the Blacksmith". Following his request, you will have to find a secret garden, which is located behind the eastern wall of the Two Crowns.

calling Lord Harriet that will be your victim. True, you will have to try to impose this role on him. Almost 272 thousand health and a few buffs - that's all that will resist you.

Having taken the ring, we return to the bay, give the item to the blacksmith and set off in search of " heavenly metal» In resource translation, you need 100 meteorite iron ingots and 15 meteorite mineral.

The mineral is mined in the ruins, I think you have already stumbled upon it in the process of pumping. It's strange, but without this quest you can't get anything from them, but you really wanted (if you remember at level 40) to see what these deposits hide. The entire collection takes no more than 20 minutes.

With ingots, you can have two options:

  1. First, buy at auction;
  2. Second, collect meteorite iron and smelt it.

I will say right away that the first option is cheaper. At least I was lucky enough to run it on two servers.

We hand over everything to the blacksmith in the bay. In the same place we take a task with a reward "ring of the serene sea"(epic quality) and quest "Hot Heart of the Volcano", for which we go to the peninsula of shooting stars (hereinafter referred to as PPZ) to the crater. Before the boss fight Spawn of Vulcan, I recommend to try as much as possible. We pick up a sealed box with heavenly metal from the Spawn, I won’t say that the battle was simple no matter how 490,000 health.

We return to the bay and turn in the quest to the blacksmith and get a ring of a serene sea, but you can’t go further alone, even with a guild it’s not easy to do.

In the future, we go through a series of quests to obtain a Serene Sea ring made of .

Legendary Serene Sea Ring

Let's move on to the second part of the search for the ring of the famous sorceress. The search will lead to an NPC who will continue our chain. A wanderer named Luke is in the Restless Sea, it won't take long to find him.

He won't talk to you until you put on the Serene Sea Ring. The wanderer will talk to you and automatically activate the quest "Knowing the Truth". I really hope that by this point you have a top guild with great online.

From Luke, your path runs to Khazira, and more specifically to the temple, where on the third floor, just on the corner tower, the keeper of books will be waiting for us Bikinist Naimin. If you wish, you can familiarize yourself with its history in detail, which will be the starting point for the "Books in Disgrace" quest.

Here comes the moment when it is better to be in a guild because it is very problematic to search for a raid. Please note that Morpheos is not the final raid boss. If anyone forgot, then this is the location where the pirates are located. There is also an event to kill the only serious enemy on this island. The main condition is to be at a distance of no more than thirty meters, otherwise the quest will not be counted.. Then we return to the book dealer.

Now you have become the owner of an ancient manuscript.

To continue the journey, you will need to make a book, to do this you will need a friend with a house, which in turn has a printing press. Remember I warned you about the state of the guild? It is easier to do this by being in a large clan on your server, where there are undoubtedly crafting lovers.

We put it in a book and after reading a fascinating story we get the next quest called "Sleeping Queen's Key". The key consists of two halves: the first is located at Najjar, and the second is obtained by farming Khadira (after killing Amber).

With the key, we dive into the serene sea in the southwestern part, not far from the island of the lost ships. Having explored the bottom a little, you will definitely find an underwater cave where altar of Dauta at the opening of which a creature from the abyss appears (it is not difficult to cope with it).

We give the received seal from the murder of the creature in the bay to the already familiar blacksmith. Next, we get an impressive list of required items: crystal, emerald, topaz, sealed ring and eye of the abyss. The difficulty is the latter since it will take 15 times to go through Nagashar.

As a result, we get a seal of the serene sea (legendary quality).

Achium Band of the Tranquil Sea

Getting the last ring is much more difficult, since you have to farm a lot of difficult mobs that you can’t go through alone.

With the help of a stone, we are transferred to the dragon graveyard, to the very location where the farm of the largest and most grandiose raid boss of the Red Dragon () takes place. In this location we find a wanderer named Aradan, who will need five hearts from different bosses:

  1. Agarite (marshy lowlands);
  2. Prince Federa (location Eternal Island);
  3. Metamarj (cradle of destruction);
  4. Khana (territory of Savannah)

Killing each of them is quite possible in solo, but it will take a lot of time. The quest is given to the same wanderer in the cemetery.

The location of the wanderer Aradan is not the best place, and therefore, like me, you may be glad that the following set of items: diamonds, rubies, sapphires (where to look is indicated on the map). The name of this quest is a bit cryptic and incomprehensible from " flowers from the snowy mountains We only need one. You will need to visit three locations: hills, passes, Tarren Ridge.

After handing over the flowers, we are getting ready for a big raid on the strong bosses of the game world. Before that, there is a small quest for a staff that is taken from a witch in the lowlands of the west, but these are, as they say, "flowers". The real, I would say epic, campaign is called " akhium magic».

  • First, you have to assemble an impressive raid on kraken(), from which you need to receive such an item as the "eye of the kraken";
  • Second, Khazira's cat boss Sekehme t, from which we get the item "Sekekhmet's heart";
  • Third, summon the boss Salfiron, which is in the north, we take a stone from it;
  • Fourth get the staff Antallon by killing the raid boss of the same name.

And now, having returned to the wanderer, we exhale in the hope of getting a ring, but no - instead of a ring, we are given the final quest to kill a cloud of mobs. In fact, it took more than 250 times to go through the dungeons, which was, to put it mildly, a surprise. Others have been known to be lucky with fewer numbers. However, farming is still a lot. Be patient and see how the following number of materials will be collected in quests:

  1. Demonic blood from the abyss, it will take a hundred;
  2. So many nightmarish flowers;
  3. And the Iramian ring of the guardian

The quest is now considered completed. However, in the future it is planned to continue this chain. Although the plausibility of such a rumor is very doubtful: I don’t think that the ring will be higher in terms of characteristics.

But, at the moment, there is just such an “epic” campaign in the game.

The ideal ring is yours, I don’t know if it was worth the time spent gold and expendable resources, but if you completed this quest to the end, then you can praise yourself. If at some stage they passed or did not find a guild or raid, then you should not scold your character too much. The quest is too difficult in my opinion.

Who is more comfortable to perceive the passage in the video, on the channel Nagual Channel found a chain of videos on the passage of all quests. I thank him for the work he has done. I post the first video, the next ones you will find on the channel, they are numbered in order.

There are a huge number of tasks that will provide a variety of values ​​as a reward, for example: pets or just valuable resources.

Scarecrow Quest

Previously, the Big Scarecrow quest chain in ArcheAge started at level 10 on your character's home continent. However, after the introduction of large-scale update 4.0, the scheme has changed significantly. From now on, even those who have previously received a small scarecrow can start these quests.

In order to start the quest chain, you need to reach level 30. After that, head to Summerfield and the Golden Plains on the Western Mainland. There you will be expected by an NPC with a characteristic icon above his head.

All those who come from the Eastern Continent can enter the Golden Plains through a rift in Cahor Nord.

You have to go through a number of quests: "Kettlepot", "Great Expectations", "Meeting with a Mentor", "A Profitable Investment", "A Short Course in Agriculture", "Rice Miracle", "Potential Competitor", "One-Two and Ready”, “Gift from a Pure Heart”, “A Tiny Favor”, “Mountain Lavender”, “Harvest at Risk”, “Helpful Tips”.

After completing all these tasks, you will acquire a small scarecrow. However, this does not mean that it should stop there. Now we need to start new quests to create Trade Packs.

First of all, we create a Pak of crushed Turmeric. In order to plant it, you need to contact any NPC with a sign "Seeds". We will also need a merchant's certificate, which can be purchased from an NPC with a "Craft Materials" sign for 50 silver coins.

After being created, the Puck automatically moves behind you. In no case, do not leave it on the ground, because in this case, absolutely any player can pick it up.

For convenience, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video version of the guide “how to get a big scarecrow in ArcheAge”. It is current at the moment.

Ring quest

In order to take the quest for the ring of the Serene Sea in ArcheAge, you must first complete the Nagashar dungeon.

The instance is located on the Primordial Continent in the Abyss. After killing the last boss of Barragu the Mad, you will drop a Whispering Stone, which will present you with a task for the ring. We use the item with the help of RMB and get the desired quest. Next, we need to go to the archaeologist, who will be waiting for us on the Island of Freedom or on the Peninsula of Shooting Stars at the Seachild pier. There we need to take a new quest. Next, we are looking for the NPC "Night Storyteller". She appears randomly from 22:00 to 8:00 in one of the cities of the Western and Eastern continents.

We go through a certain number of tasks and turn in our last quest to the NPC "Big Obryan", which is located in Hangman's Bay. From him we get the long-awaited Faradian Ring of the Serene Sea in Arche Age.

It is impossible to describe in a short article the basic knowledge about any MMORPG, since this genre is too large and diverse world, but we will try to give complete and detailed answers to the most popular questions of newcomers to ArcheAge.

Is ArcheAge paid or free to play? What about the donation?

Perhaps the most important question for a player is whether to purchase a subscription or opt out of a paid game. Claimed to be free, the ArcheAge game provides its users with the opportunity to safely reach level 55, visit dungeons, join guilds and families, and engage in professions.

You can explore the amazing world of ArcheAge without investing any money. But some aspects of the game, including quite important ones, will remain inaccessible without purchasing a premium account. What gives a paid subscription to ArcheAge?

  1. The most important benefit of premium the opportunity to equip your field and, where the player will restore, can grow the right ingredients to earn gold in ArcheAge. A free user will not be able to put a scarecrow, and using those available to players without a premium account is quite a tedious task.
  2. Perhaps no less important plus of a premium subscription - permanent recovery of Work Points, regardless of online (10 units every 5 minutes), and their number (5000). A free account will restore 5 EP in 10 minutes and only when the character is in the game, and up to a maximum of 2000. Without EP, it is impossible to engage in professions, collect resources, and even some quests require a significant amount of EP to be invested. To open wallets, which make up the majority of the loot from all the monsters in the game, EP is also required.
  3. Premium account increases the experience gained, the chance to get more expensive trophies. Since the whole game at first is all about leveling and killing various monsters, this is a significant advantage of a paid subscription.
  4. Subscription gives you the opportunity receive 5 Daru coins daily. This is an alternative currency of the ArcheAge world, for which you can buy really unique and useful things.

Tasks for beginners in ArcheAge

The quest chain, starting in the starting location, competently guides the beginner through the game with explanations of all the nuances along the way. Quests marked with a green sign are the main storyline that will introduce the player to the history of the world. Yellow exclamation points are additional tasks for gaining experience and equipment. Quests marked with a green leaf help you get familiar with the crafts available in ArcheAge.

If you have lost the quests you need, you can open "Settings" - "Display information" - "Display tasks on the map". We move the slider to the “all” mark and scroll through the maps of the locations passed, where all the tasks available to you will be marked with the corresponding icon (green, yellow exclamation mark or leaflet).

ArcheAge Work Points

This is an extremely valuable resource in ArcheAge, which is slowly replenished, but it is with its help that you can collect ore, cut down a tree or pick flowers that you can then sell. RP is needed for the development of crafts and the creation of items. There are two ways to restore Work Points.

  1. Buy a "ginger drink" at the auction or in the game store for crystals or Daru coins.
  2. Natural regeneration, which can be accelerated by sleeping in the bed of your own home.

The most common questions for newbies in ArcheAge

  • How to separate items in Archeage?

- While holding Shift, click on the stack of items in the bag, and in the window that appears, count the required amount.

  • How to enlarge a bag?

- Inside the inventory, at the bottom, there is a plus sign, by clicking on which you can increase the number of cells in the bag. The warehouse is also expanding.

  • How to repair equipment and weapons?

- Also, inside the inventory there is a repair icon, by clicking on which you can repair all equipment.

  • Where to get ?

- Complete the quests marked with a green leaf. The first chain for the smallest scarecrow 8x8 starts at the starting location of the race and is available at level 10. , size 16x16, you can only get after reaching level 30.

  • Where can you put a chest?

- The chest can only be placed on your scarecrow or in the house. And for this you need to purchase a premium subscription.

  • Where to get ?

- You can complete the quest for a racial horse in the starting location. If it does not suit you, mounts of all races, including enemy ones, are available for purchase. They can be bought in the starting zones of any race. And do not forget about the opportunity to purchase a thoroughbred trotter in the Mirage, worth 10 gold.

  • What is Mirage?

- A separate independent location owned by the Daru faction, a coalition of merchants in ArcheAge. In the Mirage, you can buy blueprints for houses and ships, recipes, pets, and other necessary things for gold and Delphic Stars.

  • What ?

– Completing story missions marked with a green exclamation mark will reward you not only with experience and silver, but also with Delphic Stars. This is the alternative currency of the ArcheAge world that can be spent in the Mirage.

These are not all questions asked by newcomers to ArcheAge. The world of this game is inexhaustible. Develop, communicate with people, explore closed areas, enjoying the carefully crafted world of a wonderful game. And come back to us for detailed, accurate and up-to-date information about ArcheAge.

I want to bring to your attention a guide on fast or more precisely rooted pumping in Archeage. It was written for playing for the West, or rather for Nuian, however, it is suitable for leveling for the faction as a whole, since the difference will be only in the first location, and the experience gained in it is not critical. The main idea is quite simple, as you complete normal quests, collect as many hidden places as possible and get to the maximum number of secret places, which also give experience. In this part I will try to describe the first three locations: Solrid Peninsula, Liliot Hills and Land of Talking Stones.


It should be noted right away that the guide is not something axiomatic, it is rather a guide to the preferred or even possible course of action, and not a mandatory list. It is very important to adapt to your current leveling, character build, server conditions, and so on. If you are swinging in release, there are a lot of other players around and some mobs are missing, skip the hidden quests and move on so as not to waste time waiting for the respawn. If, on the contrary, there are few players, and you are swinging in a group, that is, killing mobs is not a problem for you, try to clear everything to the maximum. I did all these measurements playing solo as a healer, so killing a bunch of mobs was a bit of a hassle.

If you didn't manage to get to any hidden place, don't worry. Skip it, then come back. I tried not to add hidden places to the list that are difficult, long or impossible to get to with a starter glider. That is, all you need to have is a glider and quest equipment.

Most likely, in order to bring the guide to an acceptable state, I myself will have to pump through it at least 5-6 times, which can take a lot of time. Very often it is not clear for which mobs this or that hidden quest was given. I will try to update the information over time. At the moment the guide looks semi-rough as I still don't have some important screenshots and videos. I will try to add all this over time.

Among other things, I would be very grateful for any additional information on hidden quests, places and everything related to fast pumping.

Some background information

There is a regular quest chain in the game, the easiest way to level up is to take all the quests that you come across and complete them. I suggest doing roughly the same thing, but with a few extra sources of experience. To cut a lot of text, I won't describe the basic quests you can pick up from NPCs. You will find them anyway, without anyone's help. I will only focus on what is relatively hard to find, listing hidden quests in the order you complete the main quest chain.

The general advantage of such leveling is that you will always be higher level than the mobs you beat and the quests you complete. So it will be much easier for you than other players in the same area. In addition, you will finish downloading much earlier than you run out of quests in locations, which means you can, for example, pump an additional branch of skills on the remaining tasks.

Over-fulfillment of quests

Almost all quests in the game that require you to do something multiple times (kill a bunch of the same mobs, collect a bunch of the same items, etc.) can be over-completed. Roughly speaking, in Archeage there are 3 ways to complete a quest: complete it at 50%, at 100% and at 150%. Intermediate options are also possible, but we are not interested in them. For over-fulfilling the quest, you get a noticeable increase in experience, so all quests that can be over-fulfilled are desirable (in fact, even mandatory) over-fulfilled by 150%.

Quests that require an odd number of objectives to complete require over-fulfillment, rounded up. That is, if you are told to kill 7 mobs, then in order to overfulfill the quest by 150% you will have to kill 7+3.5=10.5=11 mobs. When the quest is maxed out, when you kill the last mob or collect the last item, you will see a small inscription in the middle of the screen like: "killed 11/7 (max)".

Quests with 1 objective cannot be overdone. Moreover, quests that have several different tasks, one of which is unique (for example, find 3 items and another 1 item of a different type) also often cannot be re-completed.

Hidden Quests

Hidden quests are mob-killing quests that cannot be obtained from NPCs, but can be completed simply by killing enough mobs of the desired type. The problem is that it is not known exactly which mobs need to be beaten and which ones are not, that's what I did here, beat heaps of different mobs and looked for hidden tasks.
For the most part, hidden tasks are the same as regular tasks, and if you need to kill, say, 12 mobs for a quest, it may turn out that killing 5 more on top, you will also complete a hidden task and gain additional experience.
If you are playing without a group, and not in a dps spec, you may have to skip some hidden quests that require you to kill a lot of mobs.

Hidden places

There are hidden places in the game (actually they are not very hidden, they are just hard to get into). When you get to such a place, you get experience and a tear of Nui. Most of the hidden places are all sorts of hard-to-reach peaks, which means you will definitely need a glider. I recommend that you immediately set the use of the glider for a double jump in the options, so it will be much more convenient to fly it often. As I wrote above, the guide omits hidden places that require a lot of time to get into them or a glider with a higher level than the very first one, the quest one.

Important. In the screenshots, I will try to show both the window of the task itself, with the text about the completion, and my current location on the minimap, so that it would be more convenient to imagine exactly where the hidden task is being performed. As I wrote above, I did not take screenshots at first, I thought they would not be needed. I will definitely make and add them in the future.
All screenshots are clickable.

In the plans:

  • Add all locations to the west.
  • According to the advice and requests on the site, I will try to add a general map with the marking of points at the beginning of each location. So that those who have already passed the location, returning to it, could more easily find all the points without having a quest chain.
  • Add the Elven starting location as an alternative start to the west guide.
  • Write a guide for the east (I'm not sure that I'll pull it, firstly, because of the time, and secondly, due to the lack of free twinks for the east, at the moment there is simply no one to play there).

Solrid Peninsula

All hidden places in this location give a tear but do not give experience. If you are not in a hurry, then you can run to collect tears without experience, but if every minute is important to you, skip all the tears in the first location, as you can return for them later. Personally, I skipped.

1) . We climb the stairs to the roof of the house near the elder. It is easy to distinguish it from others, as it is covered with ivy. +0 experience + Tear.

2). Climb the watchtower. In the screenshot below, I'm looking at the tower from the roof of the elder's house. +0 experience + Tear.

3). Enter the house near the Rhone +0 experience + Tear.

four) . Taking the quest from the ghost, we kill 6 robbers. +510 experience.

5) [You have examined the megalith guarded by stone guards]. Explore a large megalith surrounded by earth elementals. +0 experience + Tear.

6). Kill 6 elementals around this megalith. +555 experience.

7). On the way to the Crescent Fortress, passing between two hills, go to the left of them and fly up the hill with the help of a whirlwind. +0 experience + Tear.

8) Visit the east pier of the Crescent Fortress. +0 experience + Tear.

9) [Fight the Blood Hand Bandits on the shores of White Moon Bay]. Having reached the shore by boat, we kill a total of 20 bandits of the Bloody Hand (for quests, you need 12 + 1 + 1). +600 experience.

10) [You found an abandoned mine]. Visit an abandoned mine, right after all the quests on the beach, turn right. On the map it is depicted as a cave in the rock. +0 experience + Tear.

11) [Pest Control]. We kill 13 possums on the farm. +645 experience.

12) . We kill 16 bandits near the Old Fort. Both bandits near the fort and inside are counted. According to the quest near the fort, you need to kill 12, the rest are convenient to finish off already in the fort. +645 experience.

13) At the bottom of the moat near the abandoned fortress there are several spawn points for the item "Knotted Pants" (highlighted with a blue light even through water). Having received them, we get the quest [Hero without pants], surrendering right there at the NPC. It is convenient to look for them either under the destroyed bridge of the fort or closer to the NPC itself under a tight rope.

fourteen) . Kill 9 spiders in the fields north of Milk River. It's better to hit the little ones. +645 experience.

15) . In Riverton, where the house is drawn on the map, visit the playground. +0 experience + Tear.

16) Get to the source of the Milk River. +0 experience + Tear.

17). Kill 10 rats that spawn after killing Decaying Corpses. In total, this requires, it seems, 3-4 Decaying corpses. +690 experience.

eighteen) . Kill about 22 undead in Edification Ruins (about 15 are needed for quests). + 690 experience.

Liliot Hills

1) . Kill any 17 followers of Dauta (you need 12 for the quest). +735 experience.

2) [You have found the home of one of the Blue Salt Consortium Artisans]. Enter the house near the Blue Salt Consortium NPC. +500 experience + Tear.

3). Kill 16 any wind spirits (according to quests, you need 5 + 8 = 12). +735 experience.

4) Near the road to the stonebridge, the item “Shabby knapsack” falls from the bears, starting the quest [At the same time with the kobolds].

five) . Kill 18 of any cobalds on the road between the Crossroads and Stonebridge (According to the quest, only 8 are needed). +735 experience.

6). 29 of any undead in the fortress above Stonebridge (for quests, you need 12). +780 experience.

7) From the dead lords in the fortress of Stonebridge, parts of the seal of the lords fall. We collect all 3 parts, we run to the melting furnace right in the fortress, we take 2 fuel from the boxes and a cooling solution from the barrel. Press 4 times f on the furnace and create the item Seal of the Undead Lords, starting the quest [Mystery of the Ruined Fortress].

8) . We climb the stairs to the abandoned siege tower inside the fortress and stand approximately in the place of the mechanism sticking out of the floor at the top. The tower is near the quest pentagram on the ground, which can be seen on the right side of the screenshot below. There is a bug where the stairs inside the siege tower are not counted as steps, but rather as slopes. That is, you will constantly fall inside the tower. To climb such a slope from the stairs, we press against the left side of the steps, press forward and spam the jump. +1000 experience + Tear.

nine) . Near the siege ladder, we climb the stone steps to the bastion. +1000 experience + Tear.

10) [You found the Bear's Lair]. Visit the house with two entrances in the center of Beora's camp. +500 experience + Tear.

eleven) . Kill a total of 25 Rogues. All bandits from Beor's gang are counted, both those you find in his camp and those you have already killed on the road near the kobolds. For quests, you need 5 + 12 robbers. +832 experience.

12) From Beor the Bear in the camp of Beor, the item “Paper with the seal of the Order of Dauta” is knocked out, starting the quest [Web of Dauta].

13) Having received the glider, we descend to the northwest from the Bear's Lair. We collect all 3 ingredients for the ritual from the ground. Use them in order: Crystal - Blood - Skull. We kill the appeared mob and loot it to take the item that gives the quest.

fourteen) . Having reached the cave, we climb onto the broken rails to the right of the entrance. They are quite easy to climb up the rock, on the right in the screenshot below. So you get to the roof of the tunnel with rails. We turn around and begin to back away towards the rails, so as not to fly over them with acceleration. +1000 experience + Tear.

15) Inside the mine from Airbron (quest mob) the item “Sphere of Power” drops out, starting the quest [Deprived of Will].

16) [Reaching the Bell Tower of Count Ronwen]. We drive around the Ronven fortress and find statues of cupids with lanterns. Right behind them we climb the wall near the cypresses. From the wall with a glider we plan to climb the mountain. We climb up the mountain, planning with a glider if we rest and cannot climb higher. Having reached the ledge opposite the tower, we plan on it, and then, already on the tower, we press the glider again to hook the top. Unfortunately, when I did this in the release there was a huge crowd and some bastard spoiled the screenshot with an invite. In fact, it is easier to do than it seems, and certainly easier to do than to describe. All screenshots are clickable. +1000 experience + Tear.

17) Having taken all the quests in Ridgerow, we kill any orc shaman to get a hidden task to kill shamans [Forgotten by Kirna].

eighteen) . We kill a total of 32 any orcs or ogres near Ridgerow, shamans are also counted (24 + 5 + 1 are needed for quests). +877 experience.

nineteen) . Having reached the cave with the followers of Dauta, we go into the structure of several burnt logs inside the cave. +1000 experience + Tear.

20) . We kill 11 banshees in the forest on the way to Scars of the Earth. +930 experience.

21) [Earth Scars]. In Scars of the Earth, reach the end of the gorge. Now this tear has been made much easier, you get it right at the entrance to the gorge. +500 experience + Tear.

22). After returning from the quests in Windilow, we go up the road to the east to the sawmill and plan from the hill to the windmill. The second option, which I use, is to jump onto the roof of the barn near the mill, glide onto its support, and then from the support to the barrel. It is not necessary to hit the barrel itself, about the second option, the main thing is to fly close enough to the top. +1000 experience + Tear.

Land of Talking Stones

1) . We kill 11 robbers near the road (according to the quest you need 8+). It is convenient to do this by taking the next 2 quests along the way, namely the quest to collect angelica near the bandit spawn. +975 experience.

2). Having reached the quest with lizards, we kill 10 ants staggering around. They are not needed for the quest, but no one beats them. +975 experience.

3). We kill 7 spiders near Royster's camp (on the quest you need 5). +975 experience.

four) . Having reached the quarry, we kill 14 golems (8 are needed for the quest). +975 experience.

five) . We kill ~ 30 bandits in front of the bridge (According to the quests, they need, it seems, 11 + 5 + 12 + 3). +975 experience. I'm not sure if it's worth doing this hidden quest, especially if you're leveling alone. There are too many mobs.

6) Immediately after the bridge we find a blood stain on the ground, giving a quest, which will later lead us to kill the golems. Golems drop Cooled Lava Core to start the quest [Under control].

7). We kill 17 golems, having received a quest for them (12 are needed for the quest). +1027 experience.

8) . Having reached the valley in which the orcs are mining stone, we complete quests and look for a hidden cave, right next to the lake. In the screenshot below, I am standing near the water. +1000 experience + Tear. (need video).

9) [Climbing to the top of the ear]. Having got out of the cave, we climb the same mountain. This is easier to do than it looks. In the screenshot above, approximately where the minimap is located, the slope is quite gentle. You can’t run along it, but you can climb to the very top using the glider 2-3 times. You will find yourself on a platform between two stones, with tree branches sticking out around. Climb onto the rock on the right, again using the glider, and run to the top of the mountain with the tree. On the left side of the screenshot below, you can again see the mentioned gentle rise and the top of the mountain with a lone tree, which you need to get on. +1000 experience + Tear.