The beneficial qualities of grains such as oats have been known for a very long time. However, this ingredient is not always used in nutrition, and in vain.

In folk medicine, there is a recipe for one very healthy drink that saves from many ailments and simply prevents many. Its name is Izotov's kissel. How to cook it and what properties does it have? More on this later.


This miraculous drink was patented by Russian doctor Vladimir Izotov in 1992. However, as history shows, its author is not this person at all. This opinion is connected with the fact that the recipe for Izotov's jelly was known back in the 16th century - it is in the literature of this period that the first mention of the drink is found. Even then, the world knew the recipe for this very powerful probiotic and used its beneficial properties.

As for the patented recipe for Izotov's jelly, a modern doctor has studied in detail the properties of a previously known drink, supplemented its composition with some modern ingredients and improved the preparation technology with new methods. As a result, he received a healthy and quite tasty drink, which was appreciated even abroad.

general information

Kissel Izotova is a drink that is a real storehouse of various useful components. This is a kind of fermentation product, which is created on the basis of grain (oats), with the addition of a small amount of chemical elements and lactic bacteria.

The composition of the drink contains a rich vitamin range, as well as a huge amount of trace elements and minerals that help heal the human body and keep it in a healthy state, enriching it with the substances necessary for its normal life.

Chemical composition

Izotov's jelly contains a rich range of useful components, including vitamins, minerals and other chemical elements necessary for the normal life of the body and its development.

Among the vital components here are such as lysine, tryptophan, choline, methionine, and lecithin. The product is rich in vitamins A, B, E and PP. Of the mineral components in jelly, there is a particularly significant content of magnesium, fluorine, mineral salts of various types, as well as iron.

Harmful properties of the drink

As practice shows, all people who see in front of them a certain medical preparation or a folk remedy useful for the body are trying to find side effects from its use and contraindications. As for the possible harm from Izotov's jelly, it simply does not exist. You can drink it to people of any age, with different diseases. To prevent diseases of various types and strengthen their immunity, absolutely healthy female and male representatives can use such a drink.

The above statements regarding Izotov's jelly were made only after a detailed study of the drink at the research institute. Based on the results of all studies, it was found that the product is absolutely safe for everyone, it is very quickly and easily absorbed, saturates the body with the components necessary for an active and healthy life, and also has high biological activity.

Benefits for the digestive system

You can talk about the benefits of Izotov's jelly for a very long time. However, if we consider it separately for each system of human organs, then they can be determined in more detail.

As for the beneficial qualities aimed at the work of the digestive system of the body, such components as lysine and methionine play a special role for it. It is these components that do an excellent job with the removal of body fat, which contributes to rapid and proper weight loss, and also prevents the set of extra pounds. However, it should be noted that if there is such a problem as anorexia, the drink helps to cope with it, as it significantly normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamin PP, which is part of the drink, helps to improve the functioning of the pancreas. It can be used during the course of diseases associated with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, stomach or intestinal ulcers, pancreatitis, etc.).

Almost all the components that make up the jelly have a positive effect on the metabolic processes in the body, speeding up the metabolism.

For people who regularly suffer from dysbacteriosis, the action of jelly prepared according to the recipe below is also necessary. This is due to the fact that it has a positive effect on the restoration of intestinal microflora, as well as on the elimination of residual components after taking antibiotics, other medications, as well as during malnutrition.

Benefits for the cardiovascular system

For blood, blood vessels and muscle tissue of the heart, Izotov's jelly also has beneficial substances in its composition. First of all, lysine has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, which brings significant benefits in the presence of heart pathologies. This acid is also actively involved in the production of antibodies and hormones.

Some vitamins that are present in the drink also have a positive effect on this group of organs. In particular, these are PP and E. It is these elements that directly affect the regulation of blood cholesterol levels, the excess of which can cause disability or even death of a person. In addition, these elements help to improve the production of red blood cells, and also prevent the formation of blood clots, which often leads to death or disease. Of particular benefit for this group of organs is also vitamin B5, which is present in the composition of properly cooked jelly. It is due to its presence that the drink is often used to treat many heart diseases. As for vitamin PP, it is especially necessary for people who suffer from high blood pressure - hypertension.

Minerals that are in the composition of the drink have a huge benefit for the circulatory and cardiac systems. In particular, it is calcium, calcium, iron and potassium. It is these mentioned elements that prevent poor blood clotting, as well as improve the production of hemoglobin and normalize its level.

Benefits for the nervous system

People who suffer from disorders of the nervous system should also use Izotov's jelly. It contains elements such as tryptophan and lecithin, which are of great benefit to the nervous system, helping to fight depression, stress, as well as the consequences that they caused. Among other things, this group of elements helps to improve memory and concentration, which is especially important for a person of any gender, staying at any age.

Vitamin B4, also called choline, is actively involved in improving the functioning of the nervous system.

As for the minerals that strengthen the nervous system, calcium and magnesium have an active positive effect on it from among those present in jelly. These substances significantly reduce its excitability and have an anti-stress effect.

Other benefits

Talking about the benefits and dangers of Izotov's jelly, we can talk for a long time about how necessary it is for other human organs. For example, it can be used in the presence and for the prevention of problems with the kidneys and liver, since the elements that are in its composition actively stimulate their normal functioning. In addition, for many years it has been known that tryptophan is able to significantly neutralize the harmful effects of alcohol and nicotine.

The structure of the drink contains an element such as lysine. It should be noted that he does an excellent job of restoring tissues, as well as strengthening them and giving elasticity to the fibers. That is why this product is highly recommended for fans of an active lifestyle who want to constantly keep their body in good shape, as well as for people who have recently undergone surgery to remove or restore organs. Due to this property, the remedy is very useful for children, since the lysine contained in it helps to accelerate their growth and normal development of bone and muscle tissues.

The vitamin composition of the drink contains a significant proportion of elements that help strengthen hair, bones, nails and improve vision. In addition, the minerals found in it actively contribute to improving immunity and maintaining it at an appropriate level. It is thanks to its active components that a person has the opportunity to get rid of the constant manifestations of beriberi, which are expressed in dry skin, cracked lips, hair loss, as well as their weakening. Thanks to them, the water-salt balance is restored in the body of any age, and the proper functioning of enzymes is also ensured.

Step by step recipe for oatmeal Izotov

It is not so difficult to guess that the entire listed list of useful properties of jelly will only have if it is cooked correctly. Only with high-quality processing of ingredients, useful vitamins and minerals will be preserved in them, due to the presence and combination of which the product in question is so valued.

As they say in the reviews of Izotov's jelly, a properly prepared drink at the exit is a rather high-calorie product that quickly causes a feeling of satiety. This is what should be taken into account when it is planned to use it in order to get rid of a few extra pounds.

The basis of such a drink is oats and fruits (or berries) or healthy herbs. To prepare it, it is necessary to properly prepare the fruit component, since it contains a large amount of useful substances.

What to do kissel?

So, before you start preparing Izotov's jelly according to a step-by-step recipe, you should decide which container is suitable for this. For this purpose, it is best to avoid using iron or aluminum utensils, since when interacting with metal, some of the useful components will simply disappear. To carry out the process of preparing a healing drink, it is best to use a three-liter jar made of glass.

Building the Foundation

First of all, you should start preparing the basis for the future drink with a bunch of useful properties. The main ingredient for it is oats.

In order for the maximum amount of useful components to stand out from the grain, before starting to prepare the base, it must be ground into powder, for which you can use a coffee grinder. The resulting mass must be placed in a pre-washed and wiped dry jar, in which Izotov's oatmeal jelly will be prepared according to the recipe proposed in this article. At this stage, the question may arise as to how much cereal should be taken. For the right drink, you need a third of the can.

Pour half a glass of a fermented milk product into the poured flakes, which can be used as yogurt or kefir. Izotov's step-by-step recipe for jelly Izotov (from the author) says that if the purpose of drinking a drink is to treat a disease, then it is best to use home-made products that contain the greatest amount of useful components in the form of live bacteria.

On top of everything, about two liters of boiled water should be poured into the jar. At this stage, you should pay attention to the temperature of the liquid - it should not be hot. Warm water would be ideal. When filling the container, you should also pay attention to the fact that you should not fill the jar completely - in anticipation of the fermentation process, you must leave a small space, otherwise the lid will be torn off under pressure.

After the flakes are filled with all the necessary ingredients, the resulting mixture must be properly stirred using a wooden element. After that, the jar must be tightly closed with a lid and placed in a dark but warm place to carry out the fermentation process. As a rule, it lasts no more than a couple of days. It is not recommended to leave the mass for a longer period, since an excessive fermentation process will be harmful to the body.

Second stage: straining

After the contents of the jar ferment properly, it must be filtered. For this purpose, you can use a small colander, cheesecloth or strainer. When choosing an improvised element, special attention should be paid to what material it is made of - metal should still be avoided in this procedure.

Using any of the above improvised materials, the liquid should be filtered into a clean dish. As for the flakes, they must be left - they will still be needed for further cooking. Separately, it is necessary to rinse the flakes, which is done with the help of boiled, but already cooled water. The procedure should be repeated several times until the water becomes completely transparent. The liquid that forms during the washing process should also be left.

As a result of this procedure, there are two containers with liquid remaining after the flakes. Each of them must be tightly covered with a lid and let it brew for a certain time (no more than 18 hours). The remains in the form of thick will no longer be needed, but they can not be thrown away, but used as food - they will be quite useful for the body.

Third stage: filtering

After the period allotted for infusion, a filtration process should be carried out, that is, the separation of the sediment from the water covering it. This action is best done with a rubber tube, so at this stage it is very important not to mix the resulting layers. After the liquid has been pumped out, the remaining thick should be placed in a separate bowl.

In the reviews of doctors about Izotov's jelly, it is often said that the beneficial properties of different liquids (after decanting and washing) differ significantly. That is why most experts recommend not mixing them in one dish, but separating them and using them for different purposes. That liquid, which is more concentrated, doctors advise using to treat the most complicated gastroduodenitis.

The product that remains after washing can be drunk in the form in which it is available at this stage, since it is already enriched with a huge amount of useful components. It keeps well in the refrigerator for several days. The step-by-step recipe for Izotov's jelly says that it is the most concentrated sediment that should be used to make a healing drink. In the event that its manufacture is not planned in the near future, the infusion can be placed in the refrigerator, closed, but not more than 21 days.


After the concentrate is ready, you can proceed to the direct preparation of jelly. To do this, take 3-4 tablespoons of the concentrate prepared earlier and pour it with a glass of boiled, but cooled water. After thorough stirring, the mixture should be put on a slow fire to heat. In this form, it should be boiled for five minutes, stirring constantly - after this time, the process of thickening of the mass will be noticeable. At this stage, Izotov's oatmeal jelly is considered ready. You can drink it both cold and hot. However, it should be remembered that for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it should be consumed exclusively in a warm form.

As practice shows, this drink has absolutely no taste. That is why many seek to diversify it with fruit additives. It is not forbidden to do this, and many doctors even recommend it, since fruits and berries also contain a rich bouquet of useful minerals and components.

Grind oats in a coffee grinder. Heat the water to a temperature of 40 C.

Pour oatmeal into a three-liter jar, add ground oats. Pour in kefir or yogurt, top up with water. There should be about 10 cm of free space under the lid of the jar - when the oats ferment, carbon dioxide will begin to be released. Mix everything with a wooden spoon and cover with a plastic lid. Place the jar in a warm, dark place for 2 days.

After a couple of days, the sourdough will acquire a sour smell. Strain the prepared mixture into a saucepan through a sieve. Rinse the remaining cake with 3-4 glasses of water, wring out. Pour all the resulting oatmeal "milk" together and distribute among jars. Keep warm for 18 hours.

After 18 hours, the oatmeal liquid in the jars will separate into transparent oatmeal kvass (which can be drunk just like that or added to jelly) and the sourdough itself, from which medicinal oatmeal jelly is brewed. Drain the clear top layer carefully into a separate container. Collect the starter separately - its quantity should be enough for about a week.

Take 3-4 tablespoons of oat sourdough base, a glass of water (or oat kvass), mix in a saucepan and put on low heat. Stir constantly and watch the jelly thicken. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface (jelly boiled) - remove from heat.

Add 1 tsp to the jelly. any vegetable oil. Sweeten with honey if desired, sprinkle with chopped fruit or nuts.

Kissel Izotova is a unique tool that its author tried on himself. Virologist Izotov could not recover for a long time after being bitten by an encephalitis tick. Traditional remedies did not help, and over time they began to cause allergies. It was possible to get rid of the consequences of the bite only with the help of oatmeal jelly. The doctor's secret is now used all over the world.

Kissel Izotova - benefit and harm

Oats contain a huge amount of nutrients that are perfectly absorbed by the human body and have a positive effect on health. Since it is unpleasant to eat raw cereal, and when cooked, all properties are preserved in it, oatmeal jelly - its benefits and contraindications - are actively exploited today by adherents of non-traditional methods of treatment.

The composition of the tool includes:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • fluorine;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • starch;
  • proteins;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, PP, E;
  • lysine;
  • choline;
  • lecithin;
  • methionine;
  • tryptophan.

Izotov's oatmeal jelly - benefits

It has many advantages. Kissel Izotova is suitable for people of any gender, age, build. The body easily absorbs and digests it. Oatmeal jelly restores health, strengthens the immune system and effectively fights various chronic diseases. Among the useful properties of the tool include the following:

  1. lowering cholesterol;
  2. healing;
  3. choleretic;
  4. cleansing;
  5. anti-inflammatory;
  6. improving metabolic processes;
  7. enveloping;
  8. improving vision;
  9. painkiller;
  10. moisturizing;
  11. mucolytic;
  12. decongestant;
  13. relaxing;
  14. anti-sclerotic.

Kissel Izotova - contraindications

Almost all medicines have contraindications, but this remedy can be considered an exception to the rule. Kissel Izotova can cause harm only if there is an allergy to oatmeal, which is very rare in adults. All other patients can safely use this tasty and healthy drug for treatment and prophylactic purposes.

Izotov's oatmeal jelly - recipe

The process consists of three main steps. At the first, the basis of the remedy is prepared. On the second, the medicine is filtered. The final step is filtering. Making oatmeal jelly, the recipe for which may seem complicated at first glance, is actually not so difficult. The main thing is to follow all the tips and not deviate from the technology.

Kissel Izotova - step by step recipe


  • oatmeal - 500 g;
  • crushed oats - 10 tbsp. l.;
  • kefir or sour milk - 100 ml;
  • boiled water - 2 liters.

Preparation and application

  1. Fill a dry and previously thoroughly washed jar with a third of oatmeal mixed with crushed oats.
  2. Add a dairy product to the container. It is best to cook Izotov's jelly with homemade sour milk - it contains the most beneficial living bacteria.
  3. Pour water into the jar. The liquid should not reach the top, otherwise the lid may be torn off during the fermentation process.
  4. Mix the mass and hide in a warm dark place for a couple of days, but this is not the end.
  5. In the process of fermentation, Izotov's oatmeal jelly, as the recipe suggests, should be divided into two parts. The flakes settle and the water collects on top.
  6. Strain the medicine and drain the liquid into a separate container.
  7. Rinse the flakes with purified water until it becomes clear, but do not drain it. In order not to confuse the resulting liquids, it is better to mark the jars and leave them warm for 16-18 hours.
  8. The contents of the cans are again divided into two layers. The liquid from above must be carefully collected with a tube into a separate container - this is kvass, and it is no less useful for jelly. It can be drunk instead of water. It is allowed to store kvass no longer than 3 weeks. A thick sediment is the basis from which Izotov's oatmeal jelly is prepared.

How to take Izotov's oatmeal jelly?

First you need to cook it. Take 3-4 tablespoons of the concentrate - thick sediment - and pour a glass of cool purified water. Mix everything well, bring to a boil and cook for a few more minutes. It will be possible to understand that oatmeal jelly according to Izotov has been prepared by thick foam. The concentration of the drug should be traditional - jelly-like.

It is best to use the remedy in the morning. Eating oatmeal jelly for breakfast is possible and recommended at least every day without interruption, but there is one problem - it is tasteless. To spice it up, you can add dried fruits, nuts, salt, honey. You quickly get used to such a healthy and satisfying breakfast. Moreover, jelly does not leave a feeling of heaviness and very quickly gives vigor.

Kissel Izotova for weight loss

Very often, the tool is used just for this purpose. The dish really helps to get in shape, but only due to the normalization of metabolic processes and the correction of the body. If you seriously understand the issue, then oatmeal jelly is not suitable for weight loss, because on its own - without additional efforts on the part of a person - it cannot get rid of extra pounds.

The tool normalizes metabolic processes, removes toxins from the body and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, thereby eliminating the need for harmful snacks. Only in order to get the maximum effect from taking oatmeal jelly, in parallel, you need to change the diet (include healthy meals in it) and it is desirable to add activity to everyday life.

Kissel Izotova from pancreatitis

In addition to the fact that oatmeal jelly is useful for the liver, it is often recommended for patients with pancreatitis. You can start taking the drug as early as 2-3 days after the exacerbation. You can eat jelly both in the morning and at night. It envelops the mucous membrane, eliminates soreness. After the medicine, before taking a regular meal, it is recommended to take a 3-hour break.

Oatmeal for gastritis

This dish is a real salvation for those who have to limit themselves to ordinary food due to illness. Izotov's oatmeal jelly gently envelops the affected mucosa and eliminates soreness. What is important is that this effective medicine remains tasty, and patients can use it with pleasure for several weeks or months, simply by changing supplements.

Kissel Izotova from allergies

The dish contains vitamin B5, which helps to cope with allergic reactions. The element is involved in the process of energy release and the formation of a normal amount of cholesterol. Among other things, a tasty medicine strengthens the immune system, which allows the body to adequately resist the irritant. How to take Izotov kissel? Exactly the same as always - instead of breakfast.

Izotov's oatmeal jelly, which I want to tell you about, is a biological stimulant, immunomodulator, a safe way to heal and cleanse the body. It contributes to the restoration of tone, vitality, prolonging life.

Everyone knows that our health largely depends on the food we consume. Many diseases of the digestive system arise from the frequent and excessive passion for food of animal origin.
Animal proteins, not having time to be processed, cause fermentation in the intestines, causing oxidative stress, during which toxins are released.

And they, in turn, getting into the bloodstream, are carried throughout the body, causing diseases associated with a glut of toxins in the body. In other words, causing poisoning.

What is oatmeal jelly according to Izotov

This amazing health product got its name by the name of its inventor - Vladimir Kirillovich Izotov, a virologist.

Izotov suffered a number of complex diseases, after which he had to drink up to 30 tablets at a time to recover. From such a load of chemicals, complications and failures of all organs and systems began. The doctor himself found a safe method for cleansing the body of toxins in folk medicine, which was oatmeal jelly.

He drank it for eight years every day. I was able to get rid of all diseases, I felt energy and strength in my body, and most importantly, I restored my lost immunity, which is the basis of health. According to Izotov: "This product heals even in cases where traditional methods of treatment are ineffective ..."

He found a mention of this healing product in Domostroy, which was popular in the 16th century. Having supplemented the old recipe with modern knowledge, Izotov received his own recipe, with wider therapeutic possibilities.

His invention was approved by official medicine and a patent was issued for the health product not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad, where it is called the "Russian Balsam".

What useful substances are in the composition of jelly

Kissel Izotov, the broadest therapeutic and prophylactic action, is obtained by fermenting oats, during which it is saturated with lactic acid bacteria that are beneficial to the body. And the presence of vitamins and microelements in the cereal, together with bacteria, make jelly a unique health product.

The chemical composition contains:

Extensive range of amino acids (tryptophan and lysine, methionine, choline and lecithin); It is known that methionine controls metabolism, improving the functioning of the pancreas and keeps the liver from deposition of excess fat.

The role of lecithin is important in the breakdown of cholesterol and its removal from the body. And choline is famous for regulating fat metabolism, maintains normal cholesterol and has anti-sclerotic properties.

vitamins groups B (B3, B6 and B1), E, ​​A, PP contained in jelly also play an important role in the body. So, with a lack of vitamin A, there is a predisposition to pustular skin diseases and night blindness, a sign of which is photophobia and decreased vision in the dark.

With a deficiency of vitamin B 2, the skin becomes dry, microcracks appear, and hair falls out. When there is a lack of vitamin PP, and even worse, not only diarrhea and memory fail, but mental disorders also occur, up to depressive states.

Minerals, enriching jelly: fluorine, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium. They ensure the normal functioning of the body (pressure, bowel function, bile secretion, blood coagulation mechanisms). Maintain water-salt balance, activate the activity of enzymes.

lactic acid bacteria normalize the intestinal flora, strengthen the immune system, activate the synthesis of vitamins in the body, normalize the level of stomach acidity, and contribute to the timely cleansing of the intestines.

Considering that with age, the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestine decreases, jelly can be a good help.

Proteins and starch are an indispensable building material for the body, without which life is simply impossible.

Oatmeal jelly according to Izotov: benefits and harms

The beneficial properties of jelly are determined by its composition, because it is the combination of ingredients that makes it possible to obtain a unique therapeutic effect.

The Research Institute of the State Patent Examination, where the usefulness of the invented product was confirmed, made a conclusion about the merits of this balm. It was noted that:

“The product has a high biological activity, which leads to the improvement of the body.

All the ingredients that make up the jelly are easily digestible, have the ability to maintain their organoleptic properties and stability for a long time.

Oatmeal jelly does not cause any side effects.

It has a simple cooking method that does not require sophisticated equipment, making it easy to reproduce at home.

The product is unique, having no analogues in the whole world, but very effective and effective, which, in terms of its effect on the human body, can compete with many expensive imported drugs, and more often just replace them.

Including oatmeal jelly in the diet, a person gets excellent health, health and longevity. After all, jelly contributes to:

  • improvement of metabolic processes and purification,
  • strengthening immunity, influx of energy and vitality of the body,
  • the formation of a normal stool and relief from constipation,
  • increase in life expectancy,
  • having anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties, makes a person healthy.

In just a short period of time, if you drink jelly daily, it cleanses the body of toxins, toxins and harmful substances.

It restores the work of the gastrointestinal tract (due to its enveloping properties), metabolic processes, strengthens the nervous system and is an excellent prophylactic for heart disease.

The rich composition of vitamins, minerals and trace elements allows you to successfully fight chronic diseases. Activates the body's defenses, increases tone, performance, endurance and energy. Being a biological stimulant, it helps to slow down the aging process and rejuvenate the body.

What diseases does kissel treat?

Almost all diseases can be treated to varying degrees, and the body gradually heals. But this product is especially useful for:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • pancreas,
  • liver and stomach,
  • kidney and cardiovascular diseases,
  • metabolic diseases, intoxication of the body,
  • reduced immunity and early aging,
  • decrease in performance
  • for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks.

Feedback from people on taking this product

Dr. Izotov has accumulated thousands of letters in the archive with grateful responses from people in which they notice that they not only got rid of ailments, but also improved their general health.

In letters, people note that jelly reduces fatigue and increases efficiency, the brain works better, lightness appears in the body.

More enthusiastic reviews come from people of mature and advanced age. This is probably due to the fact that at this age there are much more diseases, so positive changes in the treatment with jelly are most noticeable. People note that the work of the stomach and intestines, liver and gallbladder, pancreas, heart and blood vessels improves, that rehabilitation after a heart attack is much faster and more successful.

  • And here you will find out what diseases it treats.

It is also interesting that people in their letters report a significant improvement in those diseases that are not amenable or difficult to treat with traditional methods and methods. This suggests that the influence of the healing properties of jelly is at the intracellular level. Cells are healed, their normal vital activity is regulated and the whole organism is being tuned for healing.

In one of the issues of the newspaper Arguments and Facts, V. Izotov was asked the question: “Does he have examples of people who have been drinking oatmeal jelly for several years?”

Which was followed by the following response:

“Last time I already said that with the help of oatmeal jelly, I first of all cured myself. In addition, I can give many examples from letters from those who take it for both treatment and prevention.
So, for 5 years I observed a 70-year-old patient suffering from chronic cholecystitis with involvement in the inflammatory process of the liver, pancreas, duodenum, stomach.

The disease was expressed in disordered activity of the gastrointestinal tract, frequent constipation, followed by profuse diarrhea. In this regard, she developed pain in the abdomen, which was accompanied by vomiting with an admixture of bile. Often, the pain intensified, the body temperature rose to 40 degrees, and then suddenly chills set in with a sharp drop in blood pressure, weakening of cardiac activity.

On my recommendation, the patient included oatmeal jelly in her diet, which she patiently and persistently consumed daily for breakfast. Gradually, signs of relief began to appear: pain decreased, constipation and diarrhea stopped, and the general condition improved.
Before the patient began to take jelly for food, there were usually 6-7 attacks per year.

However, over 4 years of treatment with oatmeal jelly, the number of seizures decreased to a minimum, and then they disappeared completely: there was a complete relief from the disease.

Can jelly cause harm, are there any contraindications?

Doctors state with confidence that this product has no contraindications. It has no side effects when consumed, except for intolerance. The product should be used with caution in intestinal infections with signs of diarrhea. It enhances peristalsis, which can provoke an increase in existing symptoms.

In all other cases, oatmeal jelly benefits not only adults, but also children. He gives only health! And more longevity!

Stages of preparation of a unique product, step by step

The cooking process consists of several stages, which I will now sequentially outline for you.

The first stage is fermentation

Pour 2 liters of boiled water into a 3-liter jar and cool it to room temperature.

Pour 300 g of hercules into the water, about 3 cups and add 4 tablespoons of kefir (it is better to use kefir with bifidobacteria).

And add crushed oats (8-10 tablespoons) for better fermentation, you can grind them yourself in a coffee grinder. Mix everything well with a wooden spoon.

Close the jar with a nylon lid so that air does not get in, you can put on a rubber glove, where fermentation gases will accumulate. However, for the accumulation of gases, we leave a place in the bank, because we do not fill it to the top.

The jar can be wrapped with paper or cloth so that the light that destroys vitamins does not penetrate and put in a warm place for fermentation.

For fermentation, it is necessary to create a temperature regime of at least 25-28 degrees. If the house is cold, then you need to cover the jar and put it closer to the heating system. If the temperature is above 28 degrees, then the fermentation process will also be disrupted.

Separation should begin inside the liquid itself, and bubbles should appear on the surface. If you see these signs, then fermentation has begun, it should last within 48 hours. Longer fermentation affects the taste of jelly, worsening its quality.

Reminder: During fermentation, it is important to observe the following conditions: tightness, protection from light, thermal conditions and free space in the jar for the accumulation of gases.

The second step is filtering.

Obtaining a high acidity filtrate . After the fermentation is completed, the infusion must be filtered (filtered). A colander or sieve is used as a filter.

If the holes in the colander are large, you can line it with gauze. The strained liquid is called high acid filtrate.

Obtaining low acidity filtrate. After straining, the oatmeal clot must be washed with 2 liters of boiled cold water, dividing it into halves.

That is, pour a clot with one liter of water, stir with a wooden spoon, strain. Then repeat this procedure again. Strain again. This will be a low acid filtrate, drain it into another container separate from the first filtrate.

The filtrate of high and low acidity can be drained into one jar, or you can infuse them separately (in different jars). In the future, we will brew jelly from the filtrate.

A washed clot of oatmeal is added to cereals, bread and cakes are baked from it. You can simply give it to your pets, because it is also a bioactivator, saturated with beneficial bacteria, vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

The third stage is the settling of the filtrate and processing

The resulting filtrate must be put on settling. This process takes up to 20 hours. During this time, a thick sediment appears in the jar, which has settled on the bottom of the jar, and on top - a layer of light liquid.

Now the top layer of the liquid must be poured into another container without shaking the contents of the jar. It is very convenient to use a rubber tube for this.

Place the jar into which you will drain the clear liquid just below the jar with the filtrate (for example, on a chair), lower one end of the tube into the filtrate (carefully so that the liquid does not mix). And lower the other end into a jar that stands on a chair. According to the law of communicating vessels, the liquid will flow into the lower jar.

The drained liquid is a pleasant drink or sour kvass, which can be:

Concentrate storage. Transfer the white sediment from the bottom of the jar to a liter jar and refrigerate, it is stored for up to 2 weeks. This is an oat concentrate, which will later be required for the daily preparation of kvass. It is also used instead of kefir, at the first stage of fermentation, for subsequent portions of the preparation of the filtrate, 2 tablespoons each.

Reminder: To prepare the filtrate, it is desirable to use glass or enameled dishes. Metal and plastic utensils during fermentation can release harmful substances into the solution.

Preparation of oatmeal jelly according to Izotov

Bring two glasses of water to a boil, pour in a trickle of the concentrate previously diluted with water (5-10 tablespoons). How much concentrate you will decide after yourself (who likes it thicker and more sour, and who likes it thinner and less sour). Bring to a boil while stirring and immediately remove from heat. It must be remembered that heating destroys vitamins and destroys beneficial bacteria.

  • A more concentrated, and therefore more acidic, jelly is used to treat gastritis with low acidity and pancreatitis.
  • Less acidic - for the treatment of gastritis with high acidity, dysbacteriosis and hypertension.

In the finished jelly, add butter (butter or vegetable). As soon as it cools down, you can add honey, if you like - sugar, fruits, vegetables, plant seeds. And drink or eat (if it's thick) for breakfast with a slice of whole grain or rye bread.

  • Adherents of a healthy diet often replace kefir, when preparing jelly, with special starters containing bifidobacteria, for example, like Kurunga Starter, which is offered by the Zdoroveevo online store. Click on the banner:

Those who wish to improve their health with a miracle jelly must be patient. It is necessary to eat it daily, in the morning, the treatment is long. Kissel increases the tone of the body, so its evening reception is canceled. Izotov himself was treated for 8 long years. Everything depends on the state of health.

After 3 hours, you can take your usual food.

Watch a video on how to cook Izotov's oatmeal jelly:

Health to you and longevity!

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What is the most common wish for any holiday? Of course, regarding health. People who have problems in this area like to add that this is the most important thing. It is difficult to argue with this truth. After all, only a strong and healthy person can truly enjoy life. The secret of well-being is quite simple: it is worth fully realizing the full responsibility for your well-being. And only by accepting it, the individual receives all the rights to good health, and, consequently, to a rich, fulfilling life.

Today, there are many excellent ways to take care of the prevention and treatment of various diseases. You just have to be a little more careful and follow certain rules. One of the miraculous elixirs of life is Izotov's jelly. This is a unique healing drink available to everyone.

The legacy of ancestors

A popular book in the 16th century - "Domostroy" - contains a recipe for healing oatmeal jelly. It is also mentioned in ancient monastic books. This dish was the most popular at that time in Russian cuisine. They were widely treated for diseases of the stomach, spleen. Unfortunately, for a long time the recipe was undeservedly forgotten. The greatest omission, because the healing properties of jelly are unique.

Justice triumphed only when the virologist Izotov Vladimir Kirillovich turned his attention to a long-forgotten recipe. Having carefully studied it, he fully appreciated the unsurpassed virtues of the drink. An experienced Russian doctor supplemented the legacy of his ancestors with the innovations of modern medicine. And a unique miracle appeared before mankind - Izotov's oatmeal jelly. Its benefits were appreciated not only in Russia, but also far abroad. In the West, he was respectfully called "Russian balm".

Composition and benefits - amino acids

What is the brainchild of the world famous doctor? What are its miraculous powers? The answer to the question lies in the unique combination of nutrients. They endowed Izotov's oatmeal jelly with simply magical power.

The drink contains essential amino acids. The human body does not synthesize them on its own, so they can only come with food. Their deficiency is quite detrimental to health.

Essential amino acids:

  • Tryptophan. This component gives Izotov's jelly an excellent ability to normalize the digestive tract. The tool is used to cure serious ailments such as bulimia and anorexia. Tryptophan is able to partially neutralize the harmful effects of alcohol and nicotine. Being a natural antidepressant, it perfectly relieves neurosis, mental disorders, stimulates efficiency and concentration.
  • Lysine. This amino acid is necessary for the production of hormones, antibodies, enzymes. Participates in the process of tissue repair, stimulates growth. Lysine has an antiviral effect. Thanks to this component, the benefits of Izotov's oatmeal jelly in the fight against respiratory infections and herpes are very high. Amino acid promotes the breakdown of fats, enriching the body with the necessary energy. It significantly increases the absorption of calcium, so it is an excellent prophylactic in the fight against osteoporosis. It is of great benefit in pathologies of the heart.
  • Lecithin. A vital substance for the nervous system. In addition, the amino acid helps to restore the structure of the lungs and liver. It should be noted that this component rewards Izotov's oatmeal jelly with the ability to resist even the development of cirrhosis. Another amazing effect on the body is protection from excess weight.

  • Metonin. Plays a leading role in ridding the body of heavy metals. Removes excess fat, thereby reducing the accumulation of extra pounds. It is a good antioxidant, significantly improves memory.

Vitamin composition

The drink and other components make it very valuable. We are talking about vitamins, which abound in Izotov's jelly. Their content is really great. The list consists of vitamins of group B, A, E, PP. Is it worth saying how positively Izotov's jelly affects the body? The benefit of this elixir is to increase immunity, prevent cardiovascular diseases, support the work of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

  • Vitamin B1 contributes to the preservation of memory, stimulation of the brain. It is an excellent prophylactic in the fight against Alzheimer's disease.
  • Vitamin B2 provides excellent skin condition, stimulates the visual organs. It is simply necessary for the growth of healthy hair and nails.
  • Vitamin B5- one of the powerful stimulators of adrenal synthesis. It is thanks to him that jelly is used to treat arthritis, allergies, heart disease.
  • PP (nicotinic acid). It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of this vitamin. It is involved in the formation of hormonal levels, regulates cholesterol levels, prevents the occurrence of blood clots, activates the pancreas and liver, and plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells. Serves as an excellent prophylactic for hypertension and diabetes.
  • Vitamin E being a powerful antioxidant, it strengthens the immune system, prevents thrombosis, and compensates for the lack of estrogen. It is noticed that he perfectly fights against aging of the skin, increasing its elasticity and firmness.
  • Vitamin A ensures the health of bones, teeth, hair and skin. Useful for the proper functioning of the urinary tract and lungs.
  • Vitamin B4 (choline) supports health. It has a number of important effects on a person: anti-atherosclerotic, nootropic (stimulation of cognitive function), antidepressant and sedative.

The Benefits of Minerals

Of course, Izotov's oatmeal jelly contains not only vitamins and amino acids. It is also rich in minerals. It consists of:

  • Magnesium. A vital element for the construction of bone tissue. It has sedative properties, reducing the excitability of the nervous system. It has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect on the body. Regulates the work of the prostate gland, bladder, intestines.
  • Iron. Everyone heard about the need for this element for the formation of hemoglobin. But few people know how useful the component is for the thyroid gland. In addition, iron ensures the transport of oxygen in the body.
  • Potassium. Regulates the removal of fluid from the body, which prevents the formation of puffiness. Stimulates blood clotting. Potassium salts enrich all soft tissues, ensuring the healthy functioning of brain, heart, kidney, and liver cells.
  • Fluorine. Great for supporting the immune system. It stimulates the regeneration of bone tissue, therefore it acts as an excellent prophylactic in the fight against osteoporosis. In addition, it prevents the occurrence of caries.

It was such a rich composition that made Izotov's kissel a cure for all diseases. Reviews, it is worth saying, fully confirm the miraculous power of the drink.

Drink harm

Most people are accustomed to the fact that any medication or food, bringing great benefits in one, can turn into unpleasant consequences in another. Therefore, before preparing jelly, you need to ask the question: to whom is the drink contraindicated? Nobody!

It is simply amazing, but not a single contraindication has been identified for taking this elixir of life. Over the years of use, not a single minus of this drink was found, except for individual intolerance.

At the same time, the recipe for Izotov's oatmeal jelly passed the strictest examination at the research institute. The conclusion revealed only advantages:

  • high biological activity;
  • effective healing of the body;
  • easy digestibility;
  • complete absence of unpleasant side effects.

The examination confirmed that there are no analogues in terms of effects on the human body in the whole world.

Cooking jelly

A healing drink can be prepared from fruits, berries and herbs. This is a fairly high-calorie dish, after which there is a feeling of satiety. How to cook oatmeal jelly from fresh fruits so that all vitamins are preserved? From fruits or berries, you must first squeeze the juice. Make a decoction of the mixture. And then add to the finished jelly.

The recipe for Izotov's oatmeal jelly is quite simple, but you still have to make an effort. After all, for several days you need to carefully control the process of fermentation, settling. To avoid the most common mistakes, let's take a step-by-step look at how to cook oatmeal jelly.

You will need a three-liter clean jar, oatmeal, oats, boiled water (warm), kefir. Instead of the latter, you can take curdled milk or sour milk.

We prepare the basis

Before preparing jelly, oats must be ground in a coffee grinder. Pour oatmeal into a dry jar. Next place the ground oats. The mixture should fill the jar by one third.

Pour in the fermented milk product - 100 ml. If you have taken a course for treatment, then it is best to use homemade sour milk. After all, it contains much more of the necessary live bacteria, unlike store-bought kefir.

Top the mixture with boiled water. It will need about 2 liters. It is very important that the liquid is warm, not boiling water. Sometimes purified water is used. Do not fill to the top. Be sure to leave space. Otherwise, during the fermentation process, the lid will be torn off.

Stir the mixture thoroughly. Remember that metal objects cannot be used for cooking. It is best to stir with a wooden spoon. Close the jar with a lid and transfer to a warm, dark place where the fermentation process will begin. It usually lasts about two days. Do not leave for a longer period, because we are talking about health. Therefore, it is very important to follow the instructions if you want to make real Izotov jelly. The recipe, no matter how complicated it may seem, has long been tested and initially tested on the doctor himself.

The straining process

After two days, the following picture can be observed: the mixture in the jar has separated. A layer of flakes remained below, and liquid collected in the upper part.

Content should be filtered. Use a small colander. Pour the strained liquid into a separate bowl. Leave the cereal in a colander for now.

Boiled water should be stocked in advance. It is only important that it be cool. It is in it that the flakes are thoroughly washed. The flowing liquid should be collected in a separate container. The washing process continues until the water becomes completely clear.

As a result, you will get liquid after filtering and after washing. It is best to use banks for these purposes. In order not to be mistaken, each of them must be marked. These jars need to be closed with lids and allowed to settle. As a rule, it takes about 16-18 hours.

In most cases, the question arises: what to do with the remaining thick flakes. Don't rush to throw it away. After all, this is another useful product for the body. It can be successfully used when cooking porridge or added to pastries. Such a thick cleanses the intestines in an excellent way, helping to remove the accumulated "garbage" from it.

Filtration process

The preparation of oatmeal jelly includes another important step - the filtration process. After the specified period, you can notice that the liquid has separated again. Very carefully, so as not to mix the two layers, the upper part must be assembled. A rubber tube will allow this process to be carried out correctly. Place the top layer in a separate bowl. The resulting liquid is called oat kvass. The bottom layer is a dense white precipitate - pour into another bowl.

Remember that there were two types of liquid available. One after straining - with a higher concentration. The second - after washing. Sometimes they are recommended to be mixed. But from the point of view of medicine, each of the compounds has its own medicinal properties. Therefore, it is better to use them separately. At the same time, a more saturated liquid is used to treat gastroduodenitis with a characteristic low acidity. The infusion obtained by washing is more suitable for stomach diseases with normal secretion.

Oat kvass keeps well for several days in the refrigerator. It is enjoyed as a drink. Such kvass quenches thirst well. Do not forget about the healing properties. It perfectly saturates the body with all useful substances and vitamins.

The lower sediment is used directly for the preparation of Izotov's jelly. This is the so-called concentrate. It can be stored in a tightly sealed jar in the refrigerator for up to 21 days. But no more! On average, such a concentrate, subject to regular use, is enough for about a week.

Manufacturing process

How to prepare a concentrate - it is clear. Now you should consider how to cook oatmeal jelly. After all, if the goal is to improve your health, you should strictly follow all the recommendations of Dr. Izotov.

Three to four tablespoons of the finished concentrate should be poured with clean water. Again, use either filtered or boiled, cooled. Liquids must be taken one glass (200 ml). Stir the mixture and put on fire. This composition should cook for about 5 minutes with constant stirring. This time is enough for the jelly to begin to thicken.

Unfortunately, this dish is completely tasteless. Therefore, it needs to be slightly diversified. You can add honey or various dried fruits, salt, vegetable oil to it.

Kissel Izotova is completely ready for use. Do not forget that this is not only a hearty and healthy breakfast, but also a powerful weapon against any disease. That is why, in order to achieve excellent results, it is necessary to use the elixir daily.

Kissel for weight loss

Most people use a healing drink in the hope of getting rid of extra pounds. Unfortunately, this is completely the wrong approach. The drink does not burn fat at all. However, a question arises. Many people have already used oatmeal jelly for weight loss, reviews prove that the process was a success. What is the secret here?

Everything is quite simple. However, do not expect that extra pounds will instantly "fly off" you. This is a rather lengthy process. The secret is that by using jelly every day, you replace one of the meals with this elixir. As a result, the total caloric content of the daily diet is reduced. This is one of the key points in the process of losing weight.

In addition, the body is saturated with useful substances. They normalize the work of the digestive tract. And this leads to the cleansing of the body of toxins and the proper assimilation of all the necessary elements. Thus, jelly does not really burn fat, but stimulates the body to function properly. And excess weight is the result of the inharmonious work of the internal organs and systems of a person. "Russian balm" makes the internal organs function properly, as if putting things in order. Thus, it forces the human body to get rid of extra pounds on its own.

Results and reviews

If we talk about the effectiveness of the use of jelly, then it is worth paying special attention to the first person who experienced the "Russian balm". We are talking about the author of the recipe - Dr. Vladimir Kirillovich Izotov. At one time, he suffered a serious illness - tick-borne encephalitis. Complications were not long in coming. The doctor acquired a number of chronic diseases - urolithiasis, hypertension, cardiac ischemia, hearing loss.

For a long time, the doctor treated his ailments exclusively with pharmaceuticals, sometimes using up to 38 medicines per day. A side effect was a severe allergic reaction to medications.

It was then that the doctor drew attention to the forgotten heritage of his ancestors. For eight years, the virologist regularly took his own oatmeal jelly. This completely brought him back to a full normal life. Vladimir Kirillovich completely forgot about visiting doctors, not feeling any need for it.

The author regularly received letters (there are more than 1000 of them in the archive) from people who experienced Izotov's jelly. Reviews tell of miraculous healings from a variety of ailments. Those admirers of the invention who are over 50 testify to the effective rejuvenating effect of the remedy. This is reflected not only in the appearance of a person, even the nature of his behavior, expressed in an increase in vital activity, changes. Thus, in addition to all the above healing properties, oatmeal jelly slows down the aging process, being an excellent natural biological stimulant.

It is noted that regular use of jelly reduces chronic fatigue, significantly increases efficiency, stimulates brain activity. At the same time, the healing properties of the “Russian balm” manifest themselves even in those ailments that are quite difficult to respond to traditional methods of treatment.


I would like to emphasize that food is also medicine. It depends only on your decision whether it will benefit the body or become an enemy, endowing it with many serious diseases.

A doctor named Izotov became famous not only because he managed to find a new use for oatmeal. Being a microbiologist, V.K. Izotov discovered that fermented oatmeal contributes to the high-quality cleansing of the body and increases its resistance to infections. The recipe for making jelly is far from Izotov's personal development. The microbiologist only adapted the old cooking recipe to modern realities and patented it.

How Izotov's oatmeal jelly works: the benefits and harms of this product will definitely be discussed in this article. First, let's find out what components are part of the miracle elixir. To prepare jelly, you need 3.5 liters of water, 0.5 kg of oatmeal, 100 ml of kefir. All ingredients are mixed, covered with a lid and cleaned in a dark place. The container should not be tightly closed, otherwise the lid will be torn off during the fermentation process. The fermented mixture is decanted and the resulting liquid is settled. As a result, two substances are obtained: a transparent filtrate, which is used to make kvass, and, in fact, the basis for jelly. For two glasses of water take 4 tbsp. l. basics. Bring to a boil, cool. This is how Izotov's famous oatmeal jelly is obtained, the benefits of which are invaluable, and the harm (if any) is minimal.

The effect of oatmeal on the body

For medicinal purposes, both the liquid filtered after fermentation and the weakly concentrated liquid, which is obtained by washing oatmeal, are used. The first is suitable for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases against the background of low acidity. The second is for healing the body with normal secretion of the stomach.

Izotov's oatmeal jelly has no harm, and its health benefits are invaluable. It contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, suppresses appetite, although in itself it is very satisfying.. A more powerful bowel cleanser is hard to find. Kissel Izotova normalizes stool, relieves constipation, protects the body from toxins. High benefits and the complete absence of harm make Izotov's jelly desirable on every table.

Among the components of jelly:

  • protein - a wonderful elixir can be recommended for use during weight loss, as it replenishes the protein deficiency in the body and relieves hunger;
  • minerals - oatmeal jelly is rich in fluorine, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium;
  • vitamins - a balanced vitamin composition includes vitamins of groups B, PP, A and E;
  • amino acids - jelly prepared according to Izotov's recipe boasts a high content of lysine, choline, etc.

You can cook jelly not only from flakes, but also from crushed oats. In the latter case, a better quality raw material is obtained, because during the fermentation process it is not prone to loss of healing properties. But instant flakes for medicinal jelly will not work. There is a high probability that the prepared mixture will not ferment at all.

The benefits and possible harm of Izotov's oatmeal jelly

It is almost impossible to get harm from the use of magic jelly, unless you drink the concentrate in large doses with high acidity. But we can talk about the benefits of Izotov's patented development for a long time.

Oatmeal jelly promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue and the removal of cholesterol. It improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and stimulates intestinal peristalsis. Among other advantages of Izotov's development:

  • strengthens the immune system
  • prevents premature aging,
  • compensates for vitamin deficiency,
  • improves performance,
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Without exaggeration, oatmeal jelly can be called the food of the gods, but not because the product has an amazing taste, although this is also important, but because oatmeal jelly prolongs life, gives health, relieves chronic fatigue and dissatisfaction with oneself. A healthy and cheerful person cannot be discouraged. To make the day go well, you need to start it with a cup of oatmeal jelly. It is noted that oatmeal jelly also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin: acne and oily sheen disappear, a healthy glow appears, and flabbiness disappears.

Kissel can be taken on its own, or you can diversify its taste by introducing additional ingredients: fresh fruits, jams, nuts. Kissel goes well with honey. For flavor, you can add a pinch of cinnamon to the finished jelly. It will enhance the effect of the therapeutic composition, increase efficiency, improve mental activity. The taste of jelly is weak. Not everyone likes this product, which is neutral in taste and reminiscent of liquid glue. But skilled housewives experiment with ingredients and create their own unique oatmeal jelly, which not only has health benefits, but also has an excellent taste.

Izotov's oatmeal jelly - the benefits and harms

The benefits of Dr. Izotov's oatmeal jelly are enormous and he has practically no harm. Oats have traditionally been used in agriculture for feeding domestic animals, they were also used to make cereal, flour, and oatmeal. Its healing properties have long been noticed.

Composition of oats

The composition of this cereal includes various amino acids, minerals, vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, PP, fats. The most valuable property of oats is its ability to remove cholesterol from the body.

The optimal form of using oats in nutrition and therapy is kissel. Since any oat fraction contains a large amount of starch, making jelly from it is not difficult.

Especially useful for the body is Dr. Izotov's oatmeal jelly. Its specificity lies in the fact that its components are fermented with kefir sticks. Thanks to this, the nutritional and medicinal value of the product is significantly increased. Such jelly stimulates metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the digestive organs, and is extremely useful for the pancreas and kidneys. Let's look at how to cook Izotov's oatmeal jelly

Recipe for oatmeal jelly Izotov


  • oatmeal - 0.5 kg;
  • oat grains - 5 tablespoons;
  • kefir - 0.5 cups;
  • purified water - 2 liters.


Grind oatmeal and grains in a coffee grinder. We add kefir there and carefully, you can use a blender so that there are no lumps, knead. Dissolve the resulting mixture in warm purified water and pour into a glass jar. Close tightly (lactobacilli have enough air for division under the lid) and put in a warm, dark place for two days.

The fermented mass is filtered. First, using a colander, we easily strain 1.5-2 liters of liquid, we get a high acidity filtrate (used to treat pancreatitis, liver diseases).

We wash the flakes remaining in a colander over a clean vessel with one liter of purified water - this is how we get a low acidity filtrate (used for hypertension, stomach ulcers, poisoning).

We defend both liquids for ten to twelve hours. Subsequently, the filtrate in both vessels is divided into two fractions - kvass and sediment, which is used to prepare Izotov's jelly. It can be stored in the refrigerator for about twenty days. Two or three tablespoons of the concentrate are diluted with kvass or water, put on a slow fire and brought to a boil. Before use, jelly can be salted or sweetened, you can add dried fruits.


Izotov's oatmeal jelly has practically no contraindications. It is important to observe the measure and not overeat.

Kissel: benefit and harm. How to cook medicinal jelly

Berry jelly has been and remains a favorite food not only for children, but also for adults. It contains a whole complex of vitamins, a charge of fructose and glucose. You can indulge in this delicacy at any time, because its recipe is quite simple. Don't know how to make jelly? Then our article is for you.

Recipe for berry jelly

The amount of ingredients is calculated on 3 liters of water. We will need:

  • berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, currants, cranberries) - 300 g;
  • potato starch - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 100 g.

Rinse the berries thoroughly and remove the seeds. Pour the berries into a pot of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes over low heat.

Strain the broth through a sieve, grind the berries thoroughly. Add sugar to the resulting fruit drink and boil again. Dilute starch in a small amount of water and stir until completely dissolved until it turns into a homogeneous mass. Reduce the heat and slowly pour the starch into the pan. Add sugar. Remember to stir constantly to prevent lumps from forming. Wait until the jelly cools down and thickens.

Kissel: benefit and harm

Kissel performs a cleansing function: it removes harmful toxins and slags from the human body, saturates it with amino acids and vitamins. Kissel helps to quickly assimilate food entering the body. During breakfast or dinner, drinking a drink such as jelly will help get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. The benefits and harms of the drink depend on its type.

For example, cranberry jelly helps in the fight against colds, and in combination with orange jelly, it also enriches the weakened body with vitamin C.

Blueberry jelly improves eyesight, benefits an upset stomach and protects against infectious diseases.

Rowan drink prevents diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Apple improves the digestive system, is considered an excellent tool in the fight against anemia, as it contains iron.

Cherry jelly is recognized as a good antiseptic. It brings great benefits to children, as it “feeds” them with vitamins and energy.

The harmful effect of jelly on the body

Despite the variety of useful properties, jelly can be harmful. The starch, which is part of it, contains a large amount of carbohydrates, which means that overweight people are not recommended to abuse a viscous drink. Its calorie content depends on what ingredients it is made from. Blackcurrant jelly is considered the most "harmless" drink - only 54 Kcal / 100 g.

To get a natural and healthy jelly, it is better to cook it yourself at home. Purchased jelly powder does not contain useful substances, and it often contains artificial dyes that can cause an allergic reaction.

The main thing is not to forget that jelly, the benefits and harms of which are commensurate, must be consumed in a reasonable amount, because any product in excess can “go sideways”.

Healthy oatmeal drink

Oatmeal jelly is a traditional Russian drink. It is considered an effective body cleanser of toxins and toxins. Improves well-being, speeds up metabolism and improves immunity. Since ancient times, it has been proven that the benefits of oatmeal jelly are enormous.

In addition to starch, it contains proteins, vitamin A (normalizes the condition of the skin, hair and teeth), B, E (improve blood circulation), minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, fluorine) and amino acids important for life (lecithin, choline, lysine, tryptophan ). Thanks to this composition, oatmeal jelly is recommended for older people.

Oats, which is part of the drink, have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Kissel helps in the fight against diabetes, obesity and heart problems. It is drunk during the season of colds and viral diseases in order to strengthen and increase the functioning of the immune system. It is also known that oats have long been considered a rejuvenating cereal.

Recipe for making oatmeal

We will need:

  • hercules - 100 g;
  • water - 250 g;
  • butter - 1/3 tsp;
  • salt and sugar - to taste.

Pour oatmeal with warm water. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 12 hours. Strain and set the cereal aside. Salt the liquid mass and put on fire. Cook until thickened. Stir continuously so that lumps do not form, add butter at the end of cooking. When the oatmeal has cooled, you can sprinkle it with nuts or sugar for taste.

Method for preparing oatmeal jelly in milk

For cooking, you need to take:

  • oat flakes - 100 g;
  • milk - 450 g;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, sugar to taste.

Soak 100 g of oatmeal in milk (two glasses) and keep until they swell. Strain, add starch. Add salt to taste. Put on fire, stir constantly. Watch carefully so that the jelly does not boil.

How to cleanse the body with oatmeal

Cleaning should be done half an hour before meals. For one month, take a glass of oatmeal jelly on an empty stomach. A spoonful of honey will also be useful. Half an hour later, it is recommended to eat a dairy product - yogurt or cottage cheese. While following the course of treatment, it is important to adjust the diet: give up heavy and fatty foods, focus on vegetables, fruits and green tea. If you follow the rules, then very soon the benefits of oatmeal jelly will become noticeable.

drink for gastritis

A useful property of jelly is its enveloping ability, which protects the mucous membrane of the stomach walls, reduces pain and eliminates inflammation. With proper brewing of the drink, it will retain all the substances useful to humans.

Kissel for gastritis and ulcers is used as a remedy precisely because of the viscous consistency. Often, oatmeal jelly is included in the diet. You can brew this drink from non-acid fruits or berries. Fruit, berry, oatmeal, milk - there are kissels for every taste and color. A delicious cure for all diseases, which invigorates and charges with a positive attitude, is jelly. Benefit and harm is a topical issue, of course, but no matter how you look at it, jelly has been and remains a storehouse of human health and vitality.