Aspen tree is distributed in a temperate climate. This species must be distinguished from Poplar - its closest relative. With a minor dungement of the wind, his crown comes in motion, so this plant is also called a "trembling poplar". However, it is valued not only for decorative qualities. Different parts of the tree are used for construction purposes and medicine, and shoots go to feed animals.

Description of type

Aspen tree grows up to 15-20 m in height, some representatives can reach 30 m. This species has a direct colon-like barrel to 1 m in diameter and a gray smooth boring with an olive tide. On average, the life of Osin is from 80 to 100 years, but some long-livers can grow up to 150 years or more.

Ospens has several characteristic features:

  • the bark remains smooth even in adult trees, sometimes shallow longitudinal cracks appear;
  • rounded leaves, which at the beginning of the season are painted in light green, then dark, yellow and fall;
  • flat but powerful and wide root system;
  • the flowering period occurs at the end of July or early May.

The leaves have a rounded shape and are located on long flat cuttings.

In the photo, the Osin tree can be confused with a poplar. To distinguish these two varieties, it is enough to compare their leaves. They are rounded and have jar around the perimeter, and their width exceeds the length. Their feature is that they are fixed on flat cuttings. Thanks to this form, they are well bent, and at the slightest dungement of the wind Krone comes into motion. The facial side of the plate is shiny, the rear - matte.

In the description of the Osin tree, the shape and color of the flowers also matter. They are two-way and form inflorescences - earrings. Women's bright burgundy flowers, male - light green. In the fall, the boxes with seeds are formed on them, which are then spread by the wind.

What is the value of the tree?

Aspen is grown on an industrial scale or use parts of wild trees. The bark is harvested for the winter and take in food to tonize the body and strengthen immunity. The branches are added to the sauer cabbage to increase the storage period. Previously, from this plant was prepared to flour, which was used when baking bread. Now this tree is appreciated for its high-quality wood, and also continue to use in folk medicine.

The floor of the tree can be determined by color inflorescence.

In medicine

Different parts of the Osin tree are a source of organic acids, vitamins, carbohydrates and other beneficial substances. From his leaves and bark prepare brazers and infusions, shoots are used to prepare tinctures and ointments. Funds can also be added to the lining baths. Depending on the method of use, the Osin allows you to get rid of a number of problems:

  • decoctions - from wet cough and high sweating;
  • leaves - against hemorrhoids, seasonal diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • cora in the form of tinctures - from arthritis, cough, inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, as well as to stimulate immune protection and improving appetite;
  • annual shoots - when bleeding;
  • baths have a fitting effect, normalize the work of the nervous system.

Drugs based on aspen can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Aspen is popular exclusively in folk medicine. Such means have a softer effect than pharmacy preparations, but before they are used, it is worth consulted with a doctor.

For cultivation of soil

Aspen improves the properties of the soil on which it grows. In the autumn period, abundant leisurefalls can be observed, and small branches are also discharged. For the winter, this material passes a number of chemical transformations and becomes a useful fertilizer. In addition, the root system has its own characteristics. Roots shallow, but apply to a considerable distance. In the soil in which the aspen grew, multi-level moves remain, which are used by more demanding crops. The cultivation of this species is practiced to improve clay and insufficiently fertile soils with low moisture conductivity.

Aspen has a powerful root system and often displaces other plants.

Wood aspen in construction

Osin also processed on the boards. For construction purposes, adult trees will be suitable, which have reached the age of 40-45 years. Wood bright, practically does not have a picture. It has several features:

  • high resistant to high humidity and precipitation;
  • soft but uniform structure;
  • long service life - over time it does not crack;
  • low cost.

Aspen wood belongs to unstable species, so it is not suitable for the construction of residential premises. However, it is popular in the manufacture of wells, baths and other buildings, as well as in the production of matches.

In landscape design

It is important to understand where the ox tree grows to use it in landscape design. It prefers well-lit plots and displaces the other varieties of plants.
Representatives of this species grow rapidly, in the first years forming up to 3 m of young rigs. They are not afraid of heat and frosts, quickly restored after the winter. However, they have one problem - the center of the trunk often reloads.
With age, trees become loose and fragile, so if they are cultivated in cultural conditions, it is important to check their condition annually.

Aspen is popular in landscape design not only in decorative purposes, but also due to the useful properties:

  • aspen landings are well protected from wind;
  • on the shores, the tree prevents the crashing of the soil;
  • in large settlements it is used for landscaping and for air purification;
  • rarely subjected to fire.

Aspen is common everywhere. In most cases, it forms separate landings, displacing less strong trees. In nature, it breeds seeds, but it is more convenient to acquire and plant seedlings. These are strong trees with a wide root system, unpretentious to the conditions of cultivation. They are popular in construction and, and also continue to be used to prepare folk drugs.

Mythology About Aspen Tree - Video

Retaining alder from the aspen simply. It is enough to see these trees several times. But if you do not have pictures in your head, this article will help you to distinguish these trees even in winter.

On leaves

Trees are very distinguished by leaves. Aspen leaves are larger. The edges are smooth, the form is classic. Olhi, they are shrinking around the edge. The shape is elongated, closer to oval.

By fruits

Olhu is easily distinguished by fruits resembling a bump. In the spring and summer, they are green, and to winter dries, become brown and bone. On aspen, nothing like you will find.

By Kore

The bark in these plants is also very different. Osin is smooth, greenish - gray, sometimes with a light bluish shade.

Alder bark has different. In gray she has a pronounced gray color with a light wood texture. Black Alder Cora Dark Brown, Almost Black. In adult trees, it cracks and peel.

On wood

In my opinion, the characteristic differences are the properties of wood. If you cut aspen, it has an exceptional white color on the cut. And the wood of alder, black or gray - redhead.

Freshly wood light color. But literally in the eyes begins to blush, leaving orange or in a pinkish shade. Especially clear this phenomenon can be observed in winter when the reaction is faster.

Using these knowledge, you can easily distinguish alder from Osin. And it does not matter on the tree leaves or it will lie in your yard in the form of firewood.

Aspen and poplar, two trees that perform completely different functions in nature. But both are invaluable in its own way. Aspen - for the health of people. Poplar - for ecology. Osin belongs to the "IVV" family. Usually this tree grows in the forest, but there are exceptions. This is due to the fact that it is sufficiently susceptible to wood diseases. The forest bowl is aspen with a reliable home, since dense planting of plants, form a kind of shield from the wind. After all, it is precisely the wind all the existing bacteria and microbes affecting vegetable fauna. Despite this, healthy representatives of this plant are long-livers, the age of some copies, reaches 130 years.

Aspen has a slender and high trunk, it looks very similar to the poplar, they belong to one family. To understand how to distinguish aspen from a poplar, it is enough to look at the base of its trunk, and if the roots are not visible to the outside, then this is definitely not a poplar. When the weather is windless, and the crown of the tree is pegs, there is no doubt - this is an aspen. In the forest it is precisely impossible to confuse aspen with a poplar, since it simply does not grow there. The poplar has a powerful trunk, a very strong root system, as mentioned above. Poplar roots are located almost at the surface of the soil. It is very fruit, around you can see a lot of young offspring. The roots of the aspen are deep underground.

Before getting rid of Osin, it will not be superfluous to remember that the aspen on an ancient giving will distinguishes the unclean forces from housing. And at all, it is not worth destroying trees without a special need. But if there is a poplar on the plot, this need may occur. Topol will muffle with their roots any growing near the plant. He is able to lift asphalt and destroy the foundations of residential buildings. This plant has only one dignity - due to the resamping surface of its leaves, it is an excellent air sanitary engine.

If you walk through the forest after a fire, you need to pay attention to how the aspen looks like. Thanks to the structure of the root system, it is one of the few survivors in fires. Due to the fact that the aspen feeds deep underground, the top layer of the soil around this tree is most fertile. That is why the mushroom "Boostinovik" chose the place under the aspen. In the people there is a saying "tremble as an aspen sheet", it is used in the speech turnover associated with the expression of the fright. Botany also says that thin cuttings do not cope with the weight of the leaf, so Osin crown is always in motion.

Aspen is an excellent natural antiseptic. Aspen as a medicine, applicable in many diseases, as its bark, wood, kidney, and even leaves have antibacterial substances. In the old days, when there were no dentists and other doctors, people with head and dental pains went to the forest "hug with aspen". They applied the sick side to the tree cortex, and waited for healing. If you have walls in a pair of aspen wood, the effect of the healing properties of the Russian bath increases at times. For the same effect, it is necessary to have a pool for water from Osin in the steam room. People with problem skin (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema) is an aspen broom in a steam room - salvation from illness. So many useful properties carries this tree. And the mushrooms grow, and the evil spirits distinguishes, is a lake. It is worth protecting the right guard of mankind.

You have never thought, from which wood makes solid furniture? Or why in all the legends of the vampires kills precisely aspen count? It seems such a familiar name - aspen, and many can not even describe this tree. Some confuse it with a poplar. We will tell you what kind of aspen, a photo of wood and leaves will help in the future identify it by external signs. The article has information about where the aspen tree grows, its photo and description, as well as what furniture makes from aspen wood.
Ospen twig with leaves

What is aspen - Botanical Help

Sometimes someone is confused, the coniferous ox tree or deciduous. We answer: this is a fast-growing deciduous tree up to 35 m height from the Family Family Poplar. Latin name - Pópulus Trémula. The diameter of the adult tree is 1 m. How old is the aspen live? Botanical encyclopedias are responsible for this: the average life expectancy has 80 years, although there are copies, "celebrating" the 150th anniversary. Usually to the old age, this representative of the poplar kind is subject to wood disease.

Around the aspen of ordinary can see the numerous root piglery. The roots go deep into the ground, but at the same time there are many of their processes.

Adult Aspen

Below in the photo pay attention to the smooth greenish bark of young aspen. Inside the wood of a pleasant white-green shade. The leaves resemble a diamond size up to 7 cm, the top of the sheet can be either sharp, or stupid, but the base is always rounded. Interestingly, the leaves from the pores are always larger and similar to the heart.

Young aspen bark

Ospen separately, both sexes have hanging servings. Osin is male with a red shade, and in women's greenish. Blossom occurs in early spring before breaking the leaves.

Where the aspen grows: growing areas

This tree is quite common in Russia: Osina can be found in the central strip of the country, Arkhangelsk, Vologda region, in Transbaikalia, the Middle Volga region. Forest and forest-steppe zone, reservoir shores, swamps, ravines are considered to be a favorite place of growth.

The tree is not very welcomed to the choice of soil. Once in any soil, the aspen will spread over time in different directions, where a young Osiennik is formed. What trees grow in Osinnik? It can be pines, ate or birch. You can meet one or more Osin and among the birch grove, in Olkhovnik and next to oaks.

Osiennik from afar is heard by noise of their trembling leaves

In the steppe grow harder, and the aspen will be launched root shoots up to 40 m in different directions from the mother tree. A few years later, an aminous ring is formed in the steppe in the steppe, which many hectares will take place over several decades.

After a fire, Osienniks are very quickly restored due to the deeply located root system.

This interesting representative of the IVV family is disseminated not only in Russia, he seized both forests of Europe, Mongolian and Kazakhstan steppes, Korea Peninsula.

Why oxus tremit

Who saw Osin, immediately notes the shake of her leaves. This is a completely ordinary process for such mobile foliage. It's all the case in the cut of a sheet: it is thin and long, the sides are flexible, so it is easily short. Sheet easily ranges from the slightest breeze on such a thin cut. Another name of aspen is a trembling poplar.

The main properties of Osina.

Osin love since ancient times for its useful properties. Not only wood for the manufacture of furniture and baths, but also the bark is valuable. In hungry times, the aspen lobs crushed into the flour and baked bread. The branches of the lower tier are applied in our time to prevent damage to sauerkraut during the workpiece. Such cabbage without problems is stored until late spring. The crumpled bark is added with forestry and hunters for tired of fatigue.

Medicinal properties

To understand why the aspen is considered healing, consider its chemical composition. In the tree cortex there are glucose, sucrose, fructose. In addition, there are many aromatic acids, tanning substances, higher fatty acids, as well as salcin and population.

Aspen Cora applied drugs

The kidneys are rich in raffinoff, fructose, the same aromatic acids, tanning substances, triglycirids of phenolcarboxylic acids.

The leaves are also a storehouse of organic acids, carbohydrates, vitamin C, carotene, anthocyanions, flavonoids and some other substances.

Based on such a rich composition, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitussive, choleretic and antichelmintic property of aspen parts was revealed. Apply infusions of the kidneys, leaves and bark, water extracts of tree bark.

Wood properties

The wood is homogeneous, therefore it does not bring problems with neither cutting, not when processing. Remaining abrasion resistance. Osinsky wood dense (490 kg / m³) and moderately solid (1.86 by brinell).

Wood structure Light, lightning. From fine aspen chips make summer caps by weaving. The use of chips is not limited to head removals. It is painted with aniline dyes for the manufacture of colors. It is known to use extruded chips for packaging containers.

When working with wood Osin, it is noticeable that it is easily splitting and cracks very slightly.

Wasin carving

The use of aspen is wide: dishes are made, the aspen lemeh was used for the roof of the domes, the manufacture of matches, wood cutters also love to work with this tree.

What does ozin look like - photo gallery

Aspen underols are attractive for walking. For acquaintance with this tree, we picked up a number of photos. Now you can be sure that you do not confuse this tree with any other.

Photo of the oiled tree

Aspen's sheet photo

What does ozina look like in winter

Winter Osiennik

Lonely Aspen in the Winter Hair

In the photo, the Winter Tree Winter looks fabulously

The advantages of landing aspen on the country

In the villages of Ospen behind the yard - a frequent guest. It is rigorously worried about the shadow, it also grows well in the sun. The beliefs of the people talk about the ability of this tree next to the house to protect the tenants from unclean and negative energy. This belief is based on lesions of the trunk of wood diseases. Once the tree is ill, it means that it attracts everything bad to me - such conclusions were made in the villages.

Osin forest on the canvas I.I. Levitan

Today, the value of Osina goes down in history, and it is planting this tree at the cottage for beauty and improve the fertility of the soil.

Improved soil

All the leaves that dumps this tree in the fall are decomposed very quickly, increasing the fierce of the soil and turning into humus. Experienced politicians know that the Osiennik must be planted on clay non-born soils, because with its strong deep roots, the tree helps subsequently master such a soil with other plants and trees.

Landscape Design Opportunities

The aspen trees are actively planted within the city in the quality of landscaping. These trees are well restrained by the gusts of the wind, strengthen the shores near the reservoirs. Even the representatives of the steppe zone fauna are not particularly willingly penetrate into the forest, if the Osiennik grows on its border. If the aspen is used as a material for the landscape design of the country village, then they do it not only because of the decorative qualities of the tree, but also because Ryasin is a fire planting: the tree is bad.

Decorative features are reduced to the rapid designer of the tree after trimming and beautiful autumn foliage. Breakingers brought several hybrids that have a pyramid shape or busting tiers.

Autumn Alley Osin


A tree, even after a long stay in a wet environment, does not crack and does not breed. Aspen wood retains warmth well.

The use of aspen today:

  • lining;
  • board for bath and sauna;
  • shingle;
  • lemeh for wooden churches;
  • matches;
  • carved decorative products.


Usin application in furniture production

The quality of aspen wood we found out above, based on the use of aspen in the manufacture of furniture: it is recommended at high humidity in the room. In combination with the fact that there will be no burn from touching hot wood, the aminous furniture successfully fits into the decor of the bath or sauna.

The price of aspen furniture is low, but it is a pleasant smell of calm. In addition, this subject of the interior is difficult to stain. However, some people seem to furniture from this breed of wood non-primable. If a sick tree was used, that is, the possibility of bothering furniture from the inside. Recommend aspen furniture to those who chose the country style for home.

We hope that information about the Aspen tree, its use and properties were helpful.

Aspen, she is an ordinary ozoon, Eurosibirsk, or a trembling poplar (lat. Populus Tremula.) - This is the type of common wallable leaf fall tree, order Malpigiecethet, family of IV, family poplar. Limited and common names: Judino tree, dye, whisper-tree.

International Scientific Name: Populus Tremula. Linnaeus, 1753.


Populus Australis TEN.

Populus Bonatii. H.Lév.

Populus Duclouxiana.Dode.

Populus MicroCarpa. Hook.f. & Thomson Ex hook.f.

Populus. pseudotremula. N.I. Rubtzov.

Populus repanda Baumg.

Populus Rotundifolia. Griff.

Populus Villosa. Láng.

Tremula Vulgaris. Opiz.

English names: Aspen, Common Aspen, EUROPEAN ASPEN.

German names: Espe, Aspe, ZitterPappel.

Security status: According to the Red Book of IUCN (version 3.1), the position of the Osin causes the smallest fear (LC).

Etymology names, or why the aspen trembles

A characteristic feature of aspen is very movable, trembling leaves. Because of this, it was called "a trembling poplar" in Latin. It's all about very long stuffs, strongly flattened at the top. Because of them, the leaves are unstable and at the slightest air movement begin to fluctuate, trembling. With a stronger dunge of the wind, the petiole turns along with a sheet plate. By the way, with the inside of the aspen sheet is not green, but greenish-brown, so it seems that the tree changes color.

The name "Ospen" is traced both in Praslavyansky and in Indo-European languages. According to Hoops, it is borrowed from Iranian language, according to Pedersen and Liden - from Armenian. Many European and Asian peoples have a tree called consonant names. M. Fasmer in the etherological dictionary of the Russian language gives the following examples: "Ukr. Osina, Osik, Dr.-Russk. Aspen, Bulge. Osika (infants 388), Cesh. Dial. OSA, OSINA, FIGHTS. Osika, Polish. Osa, Osina, V.-Luzh. WOSA, WOSUNA, P.-LUZ. Weds, Wósa "Silver Poplar" along with the Bulgarian. Yasik "Osina", Serboorv. Jacik, Slane. "

Ordinary aspen refers to promising forest rocks to affore the slopes of ravines and other unstable steep slides. It protects blurred lands from the further development of erosion processes and allows them to return them to the economic turnover. The trembling poplar is well resumed after logging due to the ability to form root offspring. Therefore, plantings created on the slopes of ravines can be operated without the risk of weakening anti-erosion durability of the territory for a long time. It is one of the forest-visual trees, protected by valuable woody breeds.

Therapeutic properties of aspen and its use in folk medicine

The benefits of the funds from Osina have long been long known to people in many countries of the world. A large number of drugs from this tree is used as a medicine. The bark, young twigs, leaves, kidneys, ash and coal of a trembling trees are underway. In Tibetan medicine, the bark is often used with inflammation of light, PSP and malaria. It is useful as an anti-inflammatory and astringent, stiff, anticoagulant and painkillers. In Siberia, from time immemorial, it is treated with all parts of this plant.


  • Bark, leaves and kidneys contain essential oil, bitter glycosides, salcin and population, tanning (up to 18%) and resinous substances, as well as organic acids. By the way, the bitter taste of the kidneys and the crust is due to the fact that they contain glycosides of salcin and population.
  • The leaves additionally contain carotenoids, vitamin C, flavonoids, anthocyans.
  • In the kidneys contain aromatic acids, triglycerides of phenolcarboxylic acids.
  • The bark and young shoots have aromatic acids, phenol glycosides, higher fatty acids (whim, Laurinovaya, Arachnaya, Raughty, etc.), unsaturated fatty acids (olein, linoleic, linolenic), carotenoids, vitamin E, phosphatide.

pharmachologic effect

  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • anticoagulant;
  • reparative;
  • potting;
  • antipyretic;
  • diuretic;
  • binder;
  • anesthetic;
  • conjunctive;
  • anti-inflammatory.

What treats aspen?

  • Bacterial infections

Diseases caused by a golden staphylococcal, a silicular stick and bacteria of the intestinal-typhoid group heal the leaves, and to a greater degree of kidney aspen. They contain essential oil than their medicinal properties explain. The oil has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. The externally tincture and decoction of the aspen bark is used for angina, stomatitis, gingivitis. Heel also helps and tea from leaves, kidneys and young twigs of a flock of trembling. The aspen's kidney alcohol tincture is used as an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, coating agent.

  • Thrombosis

With the danger of the occurrence of blood cloth in the blood, treatment is produced by the crust and kidneys of aspen. Preparations of them in the people are called natural aspirin due to the presence of salister glycoside in them. It stimulates blood thinning, prevents the formation of clots.

  • Helmintoses
  • Respiratory diseases

Most often in medicinal purposes use decoction and tincture of aspen bark on vodka. Their use is widespread in colds and broncho-pulmonary diseases. Kidney Aspen's decoction helps with a cold, bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis. Alcohol Tinnoy Kidney Plants is used as an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, coogent. The plant has long been considered a strong antitussive product, it reduces the excitability of a cough center. But antitussive drugs cannot be taken independently, without the recommendation of the doctor. There are diseases in which it is important not to eliminate the cough, but to cause the debit of sputum. It will be appropriate for the use of this plant with an intrusive, irritant cough (pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, cough, bronchial asthma).

  • Furunculosis

For treatment, ash used from burnt aspen branches.

  • Toothpache and other types of pain

According to exposure to the drugs of aspen are comparable to aspirin. They are strong antipyretic and pain relief effects. For anesthetic, barks of crust and kidneys are used.

  • Type 2 diabetes

With diabetes, usain's bark is usually used. It normalizes the metabolism, the work of the pancreas and the endocrine system as a whole, reduces blood sugar levels. The bark is shown in type 2 diabetes mellitus, with insulted insulin.

  • Diseases of the kidneys and bladder

Preparations from bark act as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Her brands are prescribed to improve the urinary in jade, cystitis, urethritis. With an increasing urine volume, more toxins left by bacteria are derived.

  • Diseases of the joints and muscles

Funds from the kora of Osin remove inflammation, swelling, pain in the joints and muscles, improve blood flow, prevent salts deposition. They are recommended for arthrosis, rheumatic, gouty pains, radiculitis. Also useful with such diagnoses to take therapeutic baths with the addition of decoction of the aspen bark.

  • Problems with digestion system

The star of Osin treats gastrointestinal infections, including dysentery, digestive disorders, inflammation of hemorrhoidal nodes. It is accepted for diseases of the liver, spleen, biliary tract, stomach and intestines, to normalize appetite and secretion.

  • Jaundice

The increased amount of bilirubin in the blood also helps to eliminate the oxine bark decoction.

  • Prostatitis and prostate hypertrophy

In Western Europe, there is a demand for drugs from Osin's bark for urinary bubble diseases, prostate hypertrophy, adenome, prostate. Treatment of the prostatitis Bora of Osin is carried out according to a specific scheme specified in the instructions for drugs.

Who is replicated by the treatment of aspen?

Ospens-based funds can not be taken at:

  • propensions to constipation;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergies on the substances contained in the plant.

Also, do not forget what to do self-medication is dangerous! To diagnose and prescribe drugs should a doctor!

Aspen as pet food

Aspen branches and leaves serve as excellent pet food. For example, goats and sheep even prefer this food to the Seine. In Russia, the peasants were harvested and made brooms for feeding animals. Sheep suffering from poor digestion or fever, recovered, feeding by the aspen leaf. Cows that feed on this feed in winter give milk of the same quality as in the summer when feeding herbs.

From the wood of Osin, you can get wood flour, which is suitable for feeding cattle, like a meadow hay and clover. The bark is also nutritious, but the old bit is impossible to use in kind. Therefore, in the Leningrad Forestry Academy. CM. Kirov created technology, with which you can process the old aspen boron and get a vitamin concentrate (aspen fat) from it.

How to get rid of aspen on the plot?

Ospen gives an active stroke, occupying important to land owners. And if you cut it down, the root siblings will grow even faster and more abundant. You can try to harde the stumps and roots, cut off the shoots and wait when the underground part of the plants are rejected, buy in the store the veil and kill the trees to her. Most successful way: drill a deep hole in a stump and pour acid into it. So the Aspen will die quickly and for sure.

Pests and diseases of aspen, ways to combat them

Osin leaves damage the following pests:

  • yves watry (lat. Leucoma Salicis.);
  • osinsky gear stitching (lat. Pheosia Tremula.);
  • tassel rzavo-buura (lat. Pygaera Anastomosis);
  • osinsky mining mole (lat. Lithocolletis. tremulae.);
  • ospen Maspaint sawdle (lat. Cladius viminalis);
  • osin large sawdle, or a log-wide sawdle (lat. Clavellaria (Pseudoclavellaria, Tenthredo) amerinae.);
  • aspen leaf (lat. Chrysomela Tremula.);
  • osin yellow sawmill (lat. Cimbex Luteus.);
  • osine tube (lat. Byctiscus Populi.);
  • aspen bouquet tick (lat. Eriophies Dispar.);
  • osinsky leaf larvae (lat. Chrysomela Tremula.);
  • osinovaya grazing (lat. Poecilonota Variolosa.);
  • small (lat. SAPERDA POPULNEA.) And big (lat. Saperda Carcharias.) Aspen screenshots.

The most common pests of Osin seeds include a topolate servo mole, or a mol-frog (lat. BatRachedra. praenquusta.).

Fighting insects, damaging leaves and seeds, is carried out at the stage of the caterpillar or larvae. Trees are treated with chloroform, carbofosomes, methylnitrophos, benzophosphate. Entobacterin, Gomeline, Insectin, Dendrobacetelin are used from microbiological preparations.

Osinic gallicle Harmandiola Cavernosa on a sheet of aspen. Photo by: Gilles San Martin, CC BY-SA 2.0

Ospen's stem pests can also damage the roots and branches of trees. The most common pests damaging wood include:

  • large topcole glass (lat. Sesia Apiformis);
  • large Aspen Usach, or a large aspen screapin (lat. Saperda Carcharias.);
  • small aspen Usachi, or a topoland sypro (lat. SAPERDA POPULNEA.);
  • green narrow-sided gust (lat. Agrilus Viridis);
  • gray aspen Usach, or aspen clit (lat. Xylotrechus rusticus.);
  • osin tree (lat. Acossus Terebra.).

In addition to these species, the aspen can damage many types of glassnickers, rags and some types of cores, such as unpaired core. Measures are used as mechanical methods: the fault of infected with stumps, timely logging of plants. Also use biological and chemical methods: the creation of crops on the shadow method, processing insecticides.

Stem pests often become the cause of comute and root rot, since "open the gate" with decorated mushrooms.

Fungus from the genus Melampsora on the sheet of aspen. Photo by Rasbak, CC BY-SA 3.0

  • It is worth passing along the aspen grove, and you will hear anxious, as before the storm, the rustle of her foliage. Not very complained by a tree for his "talkativeness", giving him non-herded nicknames: "whisper-tree", "sworn tree", "trepidation". According to the legend, it was on Osin that he had a hungry of Christ Judas, the cross of the Lord was made from her. Allegedly she trembles, remembering the inglorious death of the traitor. But in fact, the aspen in Palestine is not growing.
  • In the paganism, the aspen was considered a savior from unclean power. For example, according to legends, vampires can be killed, just pushing them with an aspen cola.
  • Aspen is getting rid of extra healthy branches without breakdowns. Such a process is called the autumn branch. In the autumn, the land next to the tree is covered with thin young twigs long with a pencil and more.
  • Osin is used to create structural forest strips in the steppe zone of Russia. The tree forms thick thickets and prevents the penetration of steppe vegetation on the land processed.
  • Aspen - Tree-nannik in relation to ate. Under his protection and with it, young ate grow faster.
  • Aspen was introduced into the Red Book of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug in 2008.
  • Old aspen age in 150 years is growing in the Poltava region of Ukraine.