Introduction .............................................................................. .3.

1. Social state ............................................. ... 4

1.1 The concept of a social state .......................................... .4

1.2 Models of the social state ..........................................4

1.3 Essence and principles of the social state ........................ 7

2. Problems of creating a social state

In Russia ............................................................ .. .................12

Conclusion ........................................................................ 14.

List of litter used ..................... ... ......... 15


The concept of state is complex and ancient, as itself. A. Parshin, Russian state scientist, said that the question of what the state is still open to humanity is still. " In the understanding of the state, its essence and appointment there is no single point of view.

Russian lawyers of the XIX - early 20th century, a significant sign of the state considered the state order, which is to prohibit the use of coercion by individuals in monopolizing the compulsory government.

There is a point of view, according to which "the state is a political and territorial, sovereign organization of a society management, consisting of a special apparatus, providing through legal regulations initially the interests of dominant classes, and as class contradictions exercising on a legal basis are smoothed

magnificent social function (social legal state) ".

The social value of the state does not boil down to its individual social qualities and properties, and cannot be their simple amount - this is a "systemic, integrative characteristic, expressing the measure of compliance of the phenomenon with the social needs of people."

The presented scientific position gives a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of the state. The state is not only not so much a special office of society management, as an organization integrating a socially differentiated society to preserve its existence and ensure the best further development.

1. Social state

1.1 The concept of social state

Social state - Characteristic (principle) relating to the constitutional and legal status of the state, implying constitutional guaranteeing of economic and social rights and freedoms of man and citizen and the corresponding state duties. This means that the state serves society and seeks to exclude or minimize unjustified social differences. For the first time, the social character of the state was proclaimed in the main law of Germany in 1949. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 7) proclaims: "The Russian Federation is a social state, whose policies are aimed at creating conditions providing a decent life and free human development." From this general provision follow the following constitutional duties of the Russian state:

a) guard the labor and health of people;

b) set the minimum guaranteed wage amount;

c) provide state support for family, motherhood, paternity and childhood, disabled and older citizens;

d) develop the social services system;

e) establish state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection.

1.2 Models of the Social State

The history of the present century has demonstrated that the mechanisms for the implementation of social state ideas may be fundamentally different. During the post-war years, various models of social states and, accordingly, various mechanisms for the implementation of social policies were developed with a market economy. Among them, three main models can be distinguished: liberal, corporate and public.

Based on liberal model The social state lies the individual principle, which involves the personal responsibility of each member of society for his fate and the fate of his family. In this case, the role of state structures in the immediate implementation of social policy is minimized. Its main subjects are the personality and various non-state organizations - socio-insurance funds and associations. The financial basis of social programs is primarily private savings and private insurance. Therefore, there is a principle of equivalence, replacement, and not solidarity. With a liberal social policy model, the state takes responsibility for the preservation of only minimal incomes of citizens and for the well-being of the least disadvantaged segments of the population. But on the other hand, it will mostly stimulate the creation and development of various forms of non-state social insurance and social support, as well as various means and methods for obtaining and increasing their income by citizens.

The second model of the social state - corporate . It is based on a corporate principle that suggests that the Corporation (Enterprise, Institution) is responsible for the fate of their employees. Creating a lifelong hiring system, the company stimulates workers to make the maximum labor deposit, for which it offers to the various types of social guarantees in the form of pension provision, partial payment for medical, recreational services and education. In this case, the state, and non-state organizations, and the personality also bear the share of responsibility for social well-being in society, but still a large role is played by enterprises that have their own extensive social infrastructure, their own socio-insurance funds. The financial basis of this model of the social state is primarily insurance premiums of corporations. With a corporate model, employers play a large role in the implementation of social policies, for which the latter in turn is a significant element of the labor resource management system.

And the last model of the social state - public , which is based on the principle of solidarity. He means the responsibility of the whole society for the fate of its members. This is a redistributive model of social policy, in which the rich pays for the poor, healthy for the patient, young behind the old. The main public institution that exercise such redistribution is the state. It is it that in this case takes most of the responsibility for the social well-being of its citizens. The state budget and state social and insurance funds are served by the financial mechanisms of redistribution, the funds of which go to ensure a wide range of state social guarantees, protruding for the population in most of the free (gratuitous) form.

As you can see, the ways of implementing the ideas of the social state, the mechanisms for the implementation of social policies may be different. The degree of social sociality does not always depends on the immediate amounts of state's financial participation in the implementation of social policy. In a much greater extent, the factors determining the degree of social state are the primaryness of social values \u200b\u200bin the official ideology of the state, the presence of strong democratic political institutions, the presence of administrative conditions and legal space for the free functioning of various business entities and their economic efficiency. None of the social state models are ideal, each of them has its pros and cons, however, in general, the limit of the possibilities of the social state is determined far enough due to its internal variability, external openness and dynamism.

1.3 Essence and Principles of Social State

In the modern world, a look at the essence of the social state, its nature and functions is very diverse. A clear understanding of the term "social state" was hampered for a long time, according to V. A. Ivanenko and V. S. Ivanenko, three circumstances: the ambiguity of the word "social"; The uncertainty of the tasks of the state, which, according to modern theories, should not be just an impersonation of power, but an institution existing for people; Finally, the loss of clear criteria as a result of a military catastrophe, the collapse of the German Reich in 1945 and disasters of post-war years.

There are several points of view and concepts on the problem associated with the essence of the social state. The most reasonable in the theoretical plan and implemented in one way or another in practice are moderately conservative, the Social -Temocratic, and the neomarixist concept of the social state. Since the specifics of understanding the essence of the social state depends on the regulatory provision of social rights and interests of people, it is necessary to dwell on the content of these concepts.

Conservatives are based on their own as a historical conditionality of the appearance of a social state, but they are critical of some aspects to the practice of the functioning of a similar type of state. The opportunity and in a certain sense, the need for the existence of the state on social principles of the Conservatives is justifying the interests of the state's stability, the need to ensure the loyal relationship of the majority of citizens to the existing system of relations, as well as the needs of citizens of society in social security, the state protection of their social interests. In other words, for the conservatives, the formation of a social state is dictated by as not as the highest humane ideas, but pragmatic interests. From the point of view of conservatism theorists, the social state is intended to solve problems that are not able to solve and relieve market relations.

The Social Democratic Concept of Social State was the most designed and acceptable. It was the Social Democrats that were the first to develop this concept and tried to realize it in practice. Social Democrats, based on the essence of the socialist concept of the company of society, believe that the social state becomes only when it provides a statement in the society of the principles of freedom, equality, justice and solidarity. For social democrats, the social state is an intermediate stage of the process of transition of society from capitalism to democratic socialism, but not through the revolution, but within the framework of bourgeois parliamentarism. Social Democrats argue that the main reasons for the transition of society to the Social State are the struggle of workers for their social rights; influence within the legal field on the government; Lobbying and acceptance of social laws that meet the expectations of citizens. Most likely, such a scenario of the formation of a social state, as submitted by the Social Democrats, is absolished. The emergence of a social state is due to a number of reasons, and, above all, the effective development of the economy. Essential in this process is the development of democracy, and the formation of a legal state, as well as the fear of the property classes, and therefore attempts to prevent, social explosion.

The main goal of Social Democrats is to reduce inequality in the distribution of social and economic resources by absolutely reduced differences in status and income. They proceed from the fact that freedom must be guaranteed not only politically, but also materially.

Social justice, according to Social Democrats, should be carried out in two meanings: as a fair leveling of chances for all people and as a fair distribution of income and property. This is achieved, mainly by the large-scale redistribution of resources through the budget, therefore one of the mechanisms of the social state is high taxation and universal (non-educational) principles of social assistance. High taxes in the state can be paid only at a high degree of cohesion in society, confidence in the government, democratic mechanisms for its control.

An example of the implementation of the concept of social state is Sweden. In the first half of the XX century. The Chairman of the Social Democratic Party outlined his vision and understanding of the essence of the social state. It was the fact that Sweden is a common house for the Swedes and in it the basis for life should be mutual assistance, equality, concern for people, people's cooperation, the fight against poverty. To this end, the principle of "Solidarity Salary" was introduced, the essence of which was that by industry production wages were equalized, which guaranteed a fair distribution of income.

The advantage of this concept is that it is implemented in practice, and its adherents have a program for the further development of the social state. This program contains provisions for the development and improvement of education and health systems through social investments; development of social security system; Providing material assistance in industrial accidents. The following concept of the essence of the social state is the Marxist concept, which proceeds from the fact that the contradictions between the owners of the production facilities and workers who, in order to survive, can sell the only product - labor, has one positive quality: it acts as a motivating factor For the destruction of private society and the approval of socialism. In accordance with Marxist views, the production method determines the political system in the state, social policy, the legal system, as well as the development of social legislation.

Thus, by almost all political forces of modern society, existing theoretical concepts of the social structure, it is recognized that the formation of a social state is a natural process due to the logic of social development, a certain level of development of production forces, democratization of public life, an increase in the level of legal culture of citizens, gradually approval by the norms The rights of the principles of justice, equality and freedom.

The following basic principles of the social state are distinguished:

1) freedom of making investment decisions, for individual entrepreneurship;

2) freedom of choice for employees;

3) Price mechanism and competition as the main leverage of the economy without state intervention;

4) a reasonable relationship between market economic principles and redistribution of goods through the state social assistance system.

The social state should be based on the unity of economic and social spheres, the synthesis of the dynamic market and the high level of the social assistance system. The developing state should enter into a new phase of "high-quality growth." Qualitative growth involves the development of social structures in order to bring in line with social and economic reality. This can be achieved by the intensive use of achievements of scientific and technological progress, the development of the initiative and the strengthening of the discipline. The criteria of high-quality growth are the growth of labor productivity, expansion of services, improving the quality of life.

2. Problems of creating a social state in Russia

You can call some problems of creating a social state in Russia:

1. Russia has not yet gained support in the right, in human rights and the social state in Russia can not rely on the foundation of the legal state: the creation of a social state we do not have a new stage in the development of the legal state (as it took place in the West);

2. In Russia, the "middle layer" of the owners was not created: the overwhelming majority of the country's population did not get anything from the spontaneously privatized party-state property;

3. There is no powerful economic potential that allows measures to redistribute income, not infrainmenting essentially freedom and autonomy of owners;

4. The monopolies are not eliminated in the most important types of production and sales, which leads to a lack of real competition;

5. There is no developed, mature civil society;

6. Reduced the level of morality in society is practically lost with the usual spiritual landmarks of justice and equality. In public consciousness, it is approved (not without the help of "professional" ideologues and politicians, as well as the media) a detrimental idea of \u200b\u200bincompatibility, on the one hand, morality, and on the other - politics and economics ("Politics - a dirty case");

7. The existing political parties of Russia do not have clear social programs and ideas about the ways of reforming society;

8. There are no clearly indicated real objectives in society, scientifically verified models of life management;

9. In the process of liberation of Russian society, the social role of statehood is reduced from the total intervention of the state of inertia, that is, the Russian state fell into another extreme, leaving a citizen one on one with the element of the market.

Nevertheless, despite the listed difficulties, the development of social statehood is the only possible way for free society, which Russia wants to become.


The state can be determined as social only when the problem of human life reproduction as a biological creature, as a potential subject of all types of social life, becomes the main task of the state, institutions of state power, when a legal system for protecting the social interests of the personality is created and operates, when to solve social problems The economy, politics and spiritual life of society are oriented. In this regard, an erroneous view is that the "social state" is such a state that regulates issues of labor relations, assists low-income citizens, carries out social insurance, etc., it is too narrow, because only some aspects of social spheres. There are several points of view and concepts on the problem associated with the essence of the social state. The most reasonable in the theoretical plan and implemented in one way or another in practice are moderately conservative, social democratic, and neomarix concept of social state. Since the specifics of understanding the essence of the social state depends on the regulatory provision of social rights and interests of people, it is necessary to dwell on the content of these concepts.

Conservatives are based on their own as a historical conditionality of the appearance of a social state, but they are critical of some aspects to the practice of the functioning of a similar type of state. The opportunity and in a certain sense, the need for the existence of the state on social principles of the Conservatives is justifying the interests of the state's stability, the need to ensure the loyal relationship of the majority of citizens to the existing system of relations, as well as the needs of citizens of society in social security, the state protection of their social interests.

List of used literature

1. General state and law theory / ed. M. N. Marchenko. T. I. M., 2008. P. 86.

2. Ivannikov I. A. Problems of the state and law of Russia began the beginning of the XXI century. Rostov N / d., 2003. P. 61.

3. The main problems of Russia's social development - 78 / Analytical Bulletin of the Federation Council of the FS RF. -2004. -№ 15 (235). S.V. Kalashnikov, Director of the Department of Social Development and Environmental Protection of the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics.

Definition 1.

Social policy is a set of activities that are aimed at achieving the welfare of society, improving the livelihoods of Russian citizens, as well as to ensure social stability in society.

Social policy can be implemented in the following areas: ensuring social protection and social guarantees of citizens, stimulating the full employment of citizens, the social level partnership, the protection of national health and income differentiation. Today, an effective social policy is being formed in the state, which is aimed at protecting socially vulnerable groups of the population and citizens in general.

Overview of the main models of social policy

The history of the past century openedly demonstrated that state ideas are concerned about the social mechanism can be fundamentally different. In developed states with a market economy, various models and mechanisms for the implementation of social policies were formed in the postwar years.

The conservative social policy model (institutional, continental European) has a major central direction - special attention is paid to insurance and market. This model is based on the principle of those achievements, where labor activity determines the future social security, but social services in this case do not implement the state. With a conservative social policy model, complexity may arise from those groups that do not have insurance and are not employed by professional activities, since the level of tax distribution in this case is very small. Citizens are forced to calculate only public assistance and regional charitable institutions. At the same time, the insurance premiums of the employee and budget deductions to social events are equal. The main tools of redistribution are private and state social and insurance stock organizations. The conservative model of social policy is actively used in Germany, Austria, France and Belgium.

The Social Democratic Model is also called Nordic or Scandinavian. Its main principle of social protection and ensure is universality. In accordance with its policies, all citizens have the right to social security and insurance that are implemented through the state budget. State taxes implemented through retail services have an indirect nature, only revenues are subject to direct tax. The Social Democratic Model is based on such principles:

  • regardless of productivity and age category, all citizens have the same value;
  • social support and assistance is implemented voluntarily;
  • social protection should cover all spheres of life and be continuous;
  • social security should equalize the social conditions of all categories of the population.

This model is actively used in the policies of states such as Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway.

The liberal social policy model is considering the market as the main tool for organizing interaction between people. This model provides for the social protection of the residual type when people can exist in society and without social security. The state in this case is limited to the social security of the population. Because of this nature of financing, the implementation of a liberal model depends on a large level of informal and voluntary assistance. This model is used in England, Great Britain, USA and Ireland.

The Catholic model is based on the principle of auxiliary, in accordance with which the nearest instance is obliged to solve all problems. In this case, the nearest instance is a person. And if he cannot help himself independently, he turns to his relatives and family. If these instances cannot help, then the next stage will be a community, including civil organizations and the church. If this does not assist, the person can contact the insurance services. The last instance in the Catholic model is the public sector.

Note 1.

You can summarize that the Scandinavian and Social Democratic Model are improved variants of the liberal model, but the Catholic - the worst option of the conservative model of social policy.

In accordance with the principles of organizations, the Commission of the European Community allocates two main social policy models: "Bevterjskaya" and "Bismarkkovskaya".

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Bewerjskaya" model is that any citizen has the legal right to minimal protection of their health or due to revenue revenue. In those states that have chosen this social policy model, there are systems insurance for diseases, and pension structures provide minimal social payments to all elderly citizens, regardless of their past work. Social security system data is funded through the tax structure from the state budget. This model prevails the principle of solidarity of the nation.

The Bismarkkovskaya model establishes the relationship between professional activities and a level of social protection. The rights of citizens on social benefits are due to the deductions that were paid throughout life, i.e. Social payments are transformed into insurance premiums. In this case, social protection does not depend on the state budget.

Figure 1. Social Policy Models. Author24 - Student Internet Exchange

Classification of social policy models

Depending on the type of basic process, social policy is divided into such models:

  1. Social help. This social policy model lies in charitable support for low-income families, as well as disabled and vulnerable citizens. In recent decades, this approach has been implemented in the Russian Federation, which led to a decrease in the efficiency of social security and the focus of state social functions.
  2. Social guardianship. This model is compensating for negative social factors that were formed due to uneven socio-economic development. The main purpose of this model is to minimize differentiation on a declarative basis in the standard of living of citizens.
  3. Social insurance. The model is to finance social services and payments at the expense of insurance premiums of employers and employees of the enterprise. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis model is the formation of the middle class and increasing the responsibility of citizens for their lives and the future.
  4. Social development. This social policy model consists in increasing the main criteria for the quality of life - health, employment, education, housing, as well as the state of the environment. The main focus of social security in this case is the organization of various shares that provide initial opportunities for independent support.

Social policy, depending on the subject of responsibility, is divided into such models:

  1. Liberal model. Its basic principle is that the personal responsibility of every citizen for their lives, as well as the role of social assistance is minimized. The financial basis in this case is private insurance and savings.
  2. Corporate model. The main idea is that the responsibility for the fate of his personnel is the organization where this citizen works. The Corporation stimulates employees to make a labor deposit in the enterprise's activities and offers various insurance guarantees in the form of partial payment for medical, recreational services and pension provision.
  3. Public model. This social policy model is redistributive, in which the poor pays rich, for the patient healthy, for the old young. The main institution that implements this distribution is the state.
  4. Patennist model. The financial basis of this model is the funds of the state budget, it implements the principles of equality and accessibility in the consumption of social and material benefits, due to this there is a high level of social alignment.

Social policy, depending on the degree of participation, can be divided into such models:

  • charitable model - funds for charitable assistance are formed from donations to charitable and state funds;
  • the administrative model - the state intervention is carried out in the market and the redistribution of income that are under state control;
  • a stimulating model - in solving social problems the state takes indirect participation (this model can be implemented in situations with a high level of economic development, as well as developed market economy and civil society infrastructure).

The most important signs of social state

1.Temocratic organization of state power.

2. High moral level of citizens and primarily - state officials.

3. Powerful economic potential, which allows measures to redistribute income, not infrainmenting the substantial provisions of the owners.

4. Socially oriented economy structure, which is manifested in the existence of various forms of ownership with a significant share ownership of the state in the right areas of the economy.

5. The right development of the state, the presence of the qualities of the legal state.

6. The socializing of civil society, in the hands of which the state acts as a tool for conducting socially oriented policies.

7. The pronounced social focus of the state policy, which is manifested in the development of a variety of social programs and prioritization of their implementation.

8. The state of the state of such purposes as the establishment of a universal benefit, the statement in society and social justice, providing each citizen:

a) worthy conditions of existence;

b) social security;

c) equal starting opportunities for personality self-realization.

9. The presence of developed social legislation (legislation on social protection of the population, such as the Code of Social Laws, as is the case in Germany).

10. Frequency of formula "Social State" in the Constitution of the country (for the first time this was done in the FRG Constitution in 1949).

Liberal social state model: dignity and disadvantages

There are several models of the social state.

One of them is a liberal model. The liberal model examines the market as the most effective sphere of organizing the interaction of people, on the basis of private property and freedom of entrepreneurship. The high standard of living is provided mainly due to two sources: labor income and revenues from property, it follows a fairly significant differentiation of income for their magnitude. It is assumed that people can exist in society and without social security. Payable benefits must be not high in order not to suppress the "tendency" to work. At the same time, the governments are assigned a certain responsibility for the social security of citizens, which is implemented mainly in the form of social programs. This model is used in the USA, England and other countries.

The liberal model has its advantages. With the one hand, it forms a strong personality capable of opposing vital difficulties. On the other, this model is ruthless: a beggar, for example, here is a victim of his own tension and immorality.

Features of the corporate social state model

Germany, France, Italy, Belgium and Austria

This model involves the development of a system of manuals for social insurance, differentiated by type of employment. Social insurance services funded mainly through contributions differ depending on the belonging to a particular professional group.

In contrast to the social democratic model, the corporate model is based on the principle of personal responsibility of each member of society for its destiny and the situation of close. Therefore, self-defense here, self-sufficiency plays a significant role. The basis of self-defense is the labor activity and mechanisms of solidarity self-defense - social insurance. The system establishes a tough link between the level of social protection and the success and duration of labor activity.

Therefore, a higher level of social protection (within the framework of social insurance) can be considered as a reward for labor and consciousness.

The country where the principles of the corporate model are most fully implemented, is Germany, which in general in the world has introduced a social insurance system in the 80s of the XIX century

So, the corporate model is built on mutual obligations of hired workers and employers, on the principle of labor participation (the one who more works more is provided is better and earned in preference to rehabilitate compared to retirement, to prevent early care due to disability. .

The corporate model - it involves the mechanism of the responsibility of enterprises and organizations (corporations) for the financial situation and the fate of their employees. The employee is provided by the Corporation with social guarantees, including pension provision, partial payment of medical, educational and other services. Social security is based on corporate insurance premiums and employment organizations.

Public (Social Democratic) Model of the Social State: problems and solutions

The main feature of this model is universality (universalization) of social protection of the population, as guaranteed the right of all citizens provided by the state. The model is distinguished by a high role of the state in the publication of income and nationwide social management mechanisms. The state provides a high level of quality and access to social services (including free medical care, education, etc.).

The Social Democratic Model of Social Policy is based on the concept of "solidarity" (social protection - this is the case of the whole society, and not separately taken individuals) and "social citizenship" (the requirement of equality in social protection above the liberal requirement of the type "Let everyone himself takes care of his welfare and providing ").

The economic basis of this model is effective production, full employment, strong unions of employers and trade unions and contractual relations between them, which are controlled by the state, a high level of redistribution of the social product. Social policy is funded by the state from budget funds (through the tax system). The state ensures the implementation of guaranteed rights and actions of social protection and is responsible for the active functioning of various non-state social services. This is possible in the presence of strong and decentralized management.

We can identify a number of social protection principles characteristic of a social-democratic model:

1. All people have the same value, regardless of age and performance; The company cannot refuse weak elements and should provide them with the opportunity to meet their needs.

2. Social services and service are provided on voluntary principles. If customers are not able to bear responsibility, they may be forced.

3. Social defense should be continuous, comprehensive, adequate social risks, cover all spheres of human life.

4. Social protection must be flexible, affordable and able to level social conditions for all groups of the population. This approach helps to overcome the gap in the physical and social opportunities of both the "weak" groups and the whole society. In particular, everyone should have an equal opportunity to receive education, qualifications and paid work, i.e., become normal, self-sustainable members of society.

5. By implementing the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe Swedish model - national solidarity, the government not only ensures equal protection of the interests of all members of society, but also achieves the relative reduction in the well-being of individual groups of the population.

Sweden, Norway, Finland

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1. Liberal social state model

2. Liberal social state model: advantages and disadvantages

2.1 Advantages and Disadvantages

2.2 Contemporary Liberal Position



Relevance. The economic crisis revived the concept of the concept, which, as it seemed, a couple of years ago, remained in the distant past. Marx and Keynes were again built into the rank of oracles. No, no one has taken them out of the Pantheon of Classics. However, Keynesian economic policy, and the Marxist image of a fair society, have long ceased to be mainstream. Liberal principles dominated in the minds of politicians and state economists. This does not mean that Western societies began to live on the canons of classical liberalism. Nevertheless, it was Liberalism that became dominant thoughts of the political elite.

In the current crisis accused an unregulated free market. Rejecting capitalism radical intellectuals began to find interest and understanding of politicians. The global economy was rendered a disappointing diagnosis: the cause of the crisis was that states, due to globalization, have lost control over what is happening economic processes. They traded global chaos an order of magnitude at home. And therefore, the state needs to strengthen, restoring the "correct" regulation, and then the economic car will start again as a clock. The main thing is not to release capitalism from under control. This point of view is now divided as a "man from the street" and highly high specialists.

1. Liberal Model of social state

At the heart of the liberal model of the social state lies the individual principle, which involves the personal responsibility of each member of society for his fate and the fate of his family. In this case, the role of state structures in the immediate implementation of social policy is minimized. Its main subjects are the personality and various non-state organizations - socio-insurance funds and associations. The financial basis of social programs is primarily private savings and private insurance. Therefore, there is a principle of equivalence, replacement, and not solidarity. With a liberal social policy model, the state takes responsibility for the preservation of only minimal incomes of citizens and for the well-being of the least disadvantaged segments of the population. But on the other hand, it will mostly stimulate the creation and development of various forms of non-state social insurance and social support, as well as various means and methods for obtaining and increasing their income by citizens.

Liberal model based on social support for vulnerable sectors of society, which is implemented through the Institute of Social Assistance; Government measures are reduced to establishing low-unified tariff rates in the field of pension insurance; The distribution of material goods is close to what the market provides this kind of state social policy model is characteristic of the United Kingdom, USA, Canada and Australia;

The liberal model also considers the market as the most important sphere for the organization of human interaction, but differs from conservative, at least in two respects. In Liberal, firstly, the social security of the residual type is provided, i.e., people tend to exist in society without social security. Secondly, the government is currently being limited, and, nevertheless, universal responsibility for social security of all citizens. Accordingly, social security is associated with a deep stigma, thus leading to a small return. Due to the residual financing nature, the implementation of the model depends on the presence of a large amount of voluntary informal assistance.

The strong side of the above consists in macroeconomic and political ways to assess the nature of social policy; Weak - in a certain convention of the applied assessment methods, it seems that their abretions determined by the use of indicators of the distribution of the produced national product and the institutional approach.

Liberal (US-British) model also considers the market as the most important sphere for organizing human interaction. At the same time, it has a number of features. First, it provides for the social security of the residual type, i.e. Citizens must be able to exist in society and without social security. Secondly, the state carries limited, and, nevertheless, universal responsibility for social security of all citizens. Due to the residual financing nature, the implementation of the model depends on the presence of a large amount of voluntary and informal assistance. A similar model of the social state is characteristic of the United States, Great Britain, England and Ireland.

2. Liberal social state model: advantages and disadvantages

2.1 Advantages and Disadvantages

There are several models of the social state. One of them is a liberal model, which is based on an individual principle, which provides for the personal responsibility of each member of society for his fate and the fate of his family. The role of the state in this model is insignificant. Financing social programs is carried out primarily at the expense of private savings and private insurance. In this case, the objective of the state is to stimulate the growth of personal income of citizens. This model is used in the USA, England and other countries.

The formation of a liberal model inherent in countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, occurred in the domination of private property, the predominance of market relations and under the influence of liberal labor ethics. The main conditions for the functioning of this model are the minimum state involvement in market relations and the limited application of state regulation measures that are not beyond the development of macroeconomic policies; In the inner gross product (GDP), the state sector of the economy owns only a small proportion. Social support of citizens is carried out at the expense of developed insurance systems and with minimal state interference, which is a regulator of certain guarantees. The dimensions of insurance payments are usually small. Transfer payments, i.e., translated from the state budget financial resources received from taxes directly to various groups in the form of benefits and subsidies. Material assistance has a targeted orientation and is provided only on the basis of checking the need.

In the field of production relations, maximum conditions have been created for the development of entrepreneurial activity. The owners of enterprises are not limited to the adoption of independent decisions regarding the development and restructuring of production, including the dismissal of those who have not needed workers. In the most severe form, this provision is characteristic of the United States, where since 1948 there is a law on labor agreements, or the "Wagner Law", according to which the administration of the enterprise in the event of a reduction or modernization of production has the right to make dismissal without warning or notice in two or three days, excluding the work experience and qualifications of employees. Trade union wills - upholding the interests of workers with the greatest experience in the event of the threat of mass layoffs, which, however, they do not always succeed. This model fully satisfies its primary appointment in the conditions of economic stability or lifting, but during the decline and forced reduction of production, accompanied by the inevitable cutting of social programs, many social groups are provided in the vulnerable situation, first of all women, youth, elderly.

Nored three models in the world are not found in its pure form, representing the "ideal types" of the social state, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages. In practice, it is usually possible to observe a combination of elements of liberal, corporate and social-democratic models with an obvious predominance of the features of one of them. In Canada, for example, along with the insurance pension, there is a so-called "folk" pension. A similar pension is introduced in Australia. In the US, there are many benefits paid in addition to the social insurance cass. There are at least 100 material assistance programs (many of them are short-term; after the expiration of the term, others come to replace), differing in scale, electoral criteria, sources of financing and goals. Most of them are carried out under the auspices of five federal ministries (health and social services, agriculture, labor, housing and urban development, internal affairs), as well as the Committee on Economic Opportunities, Veterans Affairs, Council for Railway Service and Civil Commission Services. Moreover, numerous programs act separately, not by drawing up a balanced and organized system, as a result of which there are no fairly large groups of people in need of material assistance, including those who want to work unemployed, for which a very modest amount of benefits and compensation is established. At the same time, such programs to some extent encourage social dependency in the medium of immigrants from the Afro-Asian and Latin American population: whole groups have developed, almost no days who have not worked on society for two to three generations. Another substantial flaw indicated is a negative impact on family relationships: they often provoke divorces, separate residence of parents, since obtaining financial assistance depends on the marital status.

One of them is a liberal model, which is based on an individual principle, which provides for the personal responsibility of each member of society for his fate and the fate of his family. The role of the state in this model is insignificant. Financing social programs is carried out primarily at the expense of private savings and private insurance. In this case, the objective of the state is to stimulate the growth of personal income of citizens. This model is used in the USA, England and other countries.

The liberal model is based on the dominance of market mechanisms. Social assistance is provided within the framework of certain minimum social needs for the residual principle of poor and low-income segments of the population, which is not able to independently produce existence. Thus, the state bears though limited, but, nevertheless, universal responsibility for the social security of all citizens who are incapable of effective independent economic existence. The classic countries of the liberal model are considered to be United Kingdom and USA. In relation to people with disabilities here, anti-discrimination measures are developing aimed at creating disabilities of equal conditions and rights with other citizens. Employers (except for state structures acting as a "exemplary" employer, obliged to work primarily in the first place of people with disabilities, as well as companies receiving funds from the state budget) There are no obligations to employ people with disabilities. But there is a ban to discriminate people with disabilities when receiving

work and further labor relations. These legal acts prohibit employers to refuse to people in admission to work, guided by their prejudices and distinctive features of applicants, such as gender, nationality, skin color, confessional affiliation, sexual orientation and disability. This means certain procedural constraints for the employer, for example, when conducting an interview, specific issues in the health of the applicant cannot be set, if such questions are not asked to other applicants. Also, it is also possible to create additional requirements for vacancies that deliberately infringe the possibilities of people with disabilities compared to other citizens, unless this is a necessary component of official duties (for example, the presence of a driver's license or the ability to quickly move around the city 14

on public transport). Well, of course, when conducting an interview, equal opportunities should be provided for access to all materials and elements of communicating with the employer (invitation of the survival, the translation of materials into the language of Brülle, etc.). In general, measures such as anti-discrimination legislation on persons with disabilities proved their effectiveness. But it is necessary to take into account that these measures can only act in the face of a developed legal and judicial system, when the relevant state, public structures and citizens have the ability to control the implementation of laws. In case of violation of the laws, there should be an opportunity to appeal with the established controversial situations in the administrative (in specially created commissions) and a court. At the same time, people with disabilities can claim not only to solve the problem, but also for significant financial payments for moral damage and missed economic benefits.

According to Espeng-Anderson, the liberal social state provides equal social chances to citizens (corresponds to the "positive state of social protection") and proceeds from the residual principle of financing of low-income, stimulating the active search by their work.

The liberal model is characterized by obtaining a minimum set of social benefits through a system of providing public services or insurance schemes and is mainly focused on low-income population. As part of this approach, the state uses market mechanisms and involves market entities into the provision of services, thus actually providing a choice - to obtain a minimum set of services is often low quality or get similar services of higher quality, but on market conditions. In states with a liberal model, social reforms were carried out under the strong influence of the ideas of liberalism and Protestant traditions, and led to the adoption of postulates that everyone has the right to at least for minimally decent living conditions. In other words, in this type of state, everything is subordinated to the market, and social functions are a forced concession, dictated by the need to stimulate labor motivation and ensure the reproduction of labor.

This model is most pronounced in the United States and, to a lesser extent, other English-Saxon countries (in the UK, it is customary to talk about the liberal model of Beverjezha, within which citizens are provided more guarantees and products (for example, free access to the health system). Partly This is due to the cultural traditions and the role of market relations in the life of society. Effective are the answers of Europeans and Americans to the question of whether 60% of Americans and 26% of Europeans are applied to this question. The distribution of answers is talking about the values \u200b\u200bthat lie At the heart of the social protection system in European countries and America.

The liberal model has a number of negative features. First, it contributes to the division of society on the poor and rich: those who are forced to be content with the minimum level of state social services and those who can allow to acquire high quality services on the market. Secondly, such a model eliminates most of the population from the system of providing state social services, which makes it not popular and in the long run is not stable (low quality services are provided for poor and politically marginal groups). The strengths of this model include the policy of differentiation of services depending on the income, less sensitivity to demographic changes, the ability to maintain a sufficiently low level of taxation.

Speaking of comparison of social protection models in different countries, it is necessary to take into account that researchers consider not only social and moral comparison criteria, but also the economic indicators of countries. In particular, economic indicators in the United States are compared - a liberal model - and European countries - a conservative model. The GDP per capita in the United States in 2005 was $ 39,700, in France - $ 32,900, and in Austria - about $ 35,800 at the annualized capital in the USA - 1822 hours, in France - 1431 hours and in Austria - 1551 hours. It is necessary to note the fact that in the United States there is a greatest difference between the richest and most poor layers of the population. The specific weight of the poor in the United States is three times higher than, for example, in Austria and is about 12% (Rifkin, 2004). At the same time, over the past years, the trend is obvious towards "cutting" the volume of social benefits provided by the state to the public. And this policy finds substantial support for the population. It can be concluded that the liberal model of social protection strengthens its foundations and becomes even more liberal. Some researchers pay attention to the fact that the policy in the framework of the liberal model, aimed at the actual exclusion from society and the cutting of resources to the life support of the poor in the population has a negative expression in an increase in the United States the number of crimes committed by citizens from the poor population. This led to the fact that the number of prisoners in the United States increased from 380,000 in 1975 to 1,600,000 in 1995 and led to a significant increase in prison maintenance costs (308486). This assumption is about the relationship of the existing social protection model in the country - and the crime level can be checked on the basis of the European study of crime and security issues.

On the wave of economic recession and increase the number of unemployed, the issues of reducing the size of the relevant benefits and the amount of employment services provided in the governments of many states. In some countries, especially with the liberal model of social protection, it is the reduction in unemployment benefits that is the least painful and "acceptable" from the point of view of politicians and society as a whole.

As the worldwide experience shows, two main models of the state with different modifications are possible. The first is the so-called liberal (monetarist) model. It is based on the denial of state ownership and, accordingly, the absolutization of private, which implies a sharp reduction in the social function of the state. The liberal model is built on the principle of self-recognition, the formation of a person - an independent, relying only on itself, with a certain system of moral concepts ("if you live poorly, then you are to blame for this").

The second model is socio-oriented. It rests on the free coexistence of various forms of ownership, the strong social function of the state. A socially-oriented state assumes a number of national functions, for example, in the field of education, health care, pension provision. It is more protecting a person.

The first model is the closest state in the United States. In Russia, this model persistently introduced the last 10 years.

The second model is characteristic mainly for European and especially for the Scandinavian countries, as well as Israel, Canada. China, South Korea, rapidly developing countries of Latin America, Arab East have chosen the same development paradigm. Although, strictly speaking, in a pure form, none of these models exists.

liberal Social Unprotected Society

2.2 Contemporary Liberal Position

The position of modern liberals about the future of the social state determines the following points.

First, there can be no speech about the dismantling of the social state. Neither the idea of \u200b\u200ba traditional social state (real civil rights for all) nor the main way of its implementation (redistribution of income) is not erroneous. However, in the future it is necessary to proceed from "that the government should help those for whom without such assistance civil rights would be empty promises.

Secondly, it is imperative to simplify the functions of the social state. As you know, the main goal of such a state is to guarantee all citizens the minimum level of civilized existence. However, it should not be attempting in each individual case to exercise special and at the same time there is always insufficient care. To achieve basic purposes, in terms of liberals, semi-automatic mechanisms and financing methods are also preferred as payment of tax compensation and maintaining the minimum guaranteed level of income.

Thirdly, it is necessary to clearly determine the ratio between the volume of government obligations and the size of individual tax payments, which is necessary to address the problem of financing the social programs adopted by the State. The fact is that social payments have increased significantly at the time when a sharp increase in real income occurred, and these payments began to be compensatory. Many get from the state as much as they themselves pay, naturally, minus payment for the activities of the bureaucratic apparatus exercising this operation. Hence the need for a deep realization that people themselves can satisfy their needs. There is a natural question: where the boundaries of the application of this principle? The answer is Liberals: it is necessary to help the most in need and those who cannot get out of poverty without any help. This means simultaneous expansion of the sphere of private services.

Fourth, one of the least protected in the new social situation of population groups is young people, since vocational training, retraining, the leveling of starting capabilities require significant funds. One of the options for financing longer education may be a return loan. However, in general, direct redistribution methods remain to meet the needs of the lower layers of the population.

Fifth, it is necessary to establish new relations between public and private, as well as between the central and regional (local) departments of social services. There is a tendency to replace state social institutions by municipal community and private structures as the most optimal for the provision of really targeted assistance.

Sixth, the development of a network of non-state social assistance structures depends not only on certain monetary support, but also from political choice. However, one should not expect that the provision of services on a public basis will easily fill the space left by the state. An obstacle to this is not only the scale of needs, but also the fact that people will not easily captivate the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating godly institutions and mercy funds for the purpose of simple substitution of government agencies. At the same time, the sphere of voluntary services can bring substantial benefits if their provision will occur against the background of the transition from the state to decentralized management.


What kind of two models is better? Unambiguously answer it is impossible. The liberal model has its own advantages. On the one hand, it forms a strong personality capable of withstanding vital difficulties. On the other hand, this model is ruthless: beggar, for example, here is declared victims of its own lamentation and immorality. Any model is not better and no worse than the other. They are just different. The question is how much one or another model is adequate to a specific society, its history, traditions, mentality.

Of the two models - liberal and socio-oriented - for Russia, in our opinion, the second is more suitable. For such a development model, the main political movements, business circles, most of the country's population.

However, the second model should be quite flexible, taking into account the originality of various regions, the national autonomous formations of Russia. It is unacceptable from Moscow to dictate progressive, it would seem that reforms for each region without taking into account national characteristics and types of culture.

Three groups of social states can be distinguished.

The first is the so-called liberal social states, where social reforms carried out under the strong influence of the ideas of liberalism.

Considering fundamentally impossible to achieve social justice in the modern society, liberals recognize the need for a certain concern for the least secured segments of the population.

In accordance with the liberal doctrine, social security system, somewhat smoothing social inequality, should not undermine the labor motivation of citizens, to create conditions for profitable entrepreneurs of their business. In other words, the amount of benefits and benefits of the poor should encourage them to work to improve their welfare.

In liberal social states, redistribution is built on two interrelated principles. First, it is impossible to focus in one hands such instruments (economic or political), which would suffer from human civil rights. Secondly, everyone has rights, at least for minimally decent living conditions. In other words, there are upper and lower boundaries of civilized existence. These boundaries are delineated by the space of guaranteed rights for all. And although at first glance, this postulate is theoretical nature, it is purely practical conclusions (for the tax system, social welfare, health, education, assistance, unemployed, etc.), which actually determines the essence of the social state.

Characteristic features of a liberal model: Check in need limited by its scale universal transfers, social insurance programs. The benefits are paid only to people with low income. The right to social security is limited by strict rules, the benefits themselves are usually very modest. Such a model is implemented, in particular, in the United States, Canada and Australia.

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Liberal Model of Social State

1.1 The concept of a liberal model

1.2 Liberal Model of Social State

Liberal social state model: dignity and disadvantages

2.1 Advantages and Disadvantages

2.2 Contemporary Liberal Position



Relevance. The economic crisis revived the concept of the concept, which, as it seemed, a couple of years ago, remained in the distant past. Marx and Keynes were again built into the rank of oracles. No, no one has taken them out of the Pantheon of Classics. However, Keynesian economic policy, and the Marxist image of a fair society, have long ceased to be mainstream. Liberal principles dominated in the minds of politicians and state economists. This does not mean that Western societies began to live on the canons of classical liberalism. Nevertheless, it was Liberalism that became dominant thoughts of the political elite.

In the current crisis accused an unregulated free market. Rejecting capitalism radical intellectuals began to find interest and understanding of politicians. The global economy was rendered a disappointing diagnosis: the cause of the crisis was that states, due to globalization, have lost control over what is happening economic processes. They traded global chaos an order of magnitude at home. And therefore, the state needs to strengthen, restoring the "correct" regulation, and then the economic car will start again as a clock. The main thing is not to release capitalism from under control. This point of view is now divided as a "man from the street" and highly high specialists.

1.1. The concept of liberal model

The liberal model also considers the market as the most important sphere to organize human interaction, but differs from conservative at least two ways. Secondly, the government is currently being limited, and, nevertheless, universal responsibility for social security of all citizens. Accordingly, social security is associated with large investments, thus leading to a small return. Due to the residual financing nature, the implementation of the model depends on the presence of a large amount of voluntary and informal assistance.

The characteristic signs of a liberal model based on the minor intervention of the state: the minimum of public sector enterprises, the maximum freedom of economic entities, the minimum participation of the state in solving social problems, regulation is monetary and is limited mainly by macroeconomic processes. Such a model (when the initial high level of economic development is reached) allows for a worthy standard of living to most citizens. This model is valid in the United States close to it England, France.

Different things in the liberal model. Here the employment rate among most people is low, but we discover relatively high levels of social redistribution. And finally, in the Catholic, or Latin, small attention is paid to both employment and social redistribution. States with social-democratic (socialist) and liberal models have a moderate degree of poverty, while the states of conservative or Catholic models are higher. This means that social redistribution is more important than the distribution of employment in the fight against poverty, or at least a conservative approach in the fight against poverty is inadequate.

The society, which in its development seeks to navigate the liberal models, inevitably faces their positive and negative consequences, and social research in the field of education is designed to detect emerging conflicts, their mechanisms. Social selection in such a society is carried out with the help of a thin, disguised and nevertheless a well-working mechanism. It includes a variety of training channels, a formal and informal hierarchy of school types, explicit and latent value orientations of various educational organizations, specific criteria for evaluating performance, teachers' judges who take the proper rules of the game. Without an understanding of these mechanisms hidden from direct observation, it is impossible to estimate the pros and cons of various models of education in the context of occurring social shifts.

Reforming the Russian economy from the very beginning was focused on the transition to the liberal market model. It was meant that it was the self-regulating mechanism of the emergent market system that would separate all and all in their niches and will create a new structure of ownership, a different system of division of labor in the Russian economy. The state of the economy requires to be drawn - whether it is still necessary to navigate the liberal model of market transformations. It is necessary to make focus on other anti-crisis tools of the state.

The United States is the opposite type of market system. This is a liberal model in which the market conditions are regulated mainly through the market mechanisms for balancing the supply and supply of labor.

It should be noted that the liberal model (as well as everyone else) was strongly modified from the moment when it began to form. The classic countries of the liberal model are considered to be United Kingdom and USA.

1.2. Liberal model of the social state.

At the heart of the liberal model of the social state lies the individual principle, which involves the personal responsibility of each member of society for his fate and the fate of his family. In this case, the role of state structures in the immediate implementation of social policy is minimized. Its main subjects are the personality and various non-state organizations - socio-insurance funds and associations. The financial basis of social programs is primarily private savings and private insurance. Therefore, there is a principle of equivalence, replacement, and not solidarity. With a liberal social policy model, the state takes responsibility for the preservation of only minimal incomes of citizens and for the well-being of the least disadvantaged segments of the population. But on the other hand, it will mostly stimulate the creation and development of various forms of non-state social insurance and social support, as well as various means and methods for obtaining and increasing their income by citizens.

Liberal model based on social support for vulnerable sectors of society, which is implemented through the Institute of Social Assistance; Government measures are reduced to establishing low-unified tariff rates in the field of pension insurance; The distribution of material goods is close to what the market provides this kind of state social policy model is characteristic of the United Kingdom, USA, Canada and Australia;

The liberal model also considers the market as the most important sphere for the organization of human interaction, but differs from conservative, at least in two respects. In Liberal, firstly, the social security of the residual type is provided, i.e., people tend to exist in society without social security. Secondly, the government is currently being limited, and, nevertheless, universal responsibility for social security of all citizens. Accordingly, social security is associated with a deep stigma, thus leading to a small return. Due to the residual financing nature, the implementation of the model depends on the presence of a large amount of voluntary informal assistance.

The strong side of the above consists in macroeconomic and political ways to assess the nature of social policy; Weak - in a certain convention of the applied assessment methods, it seems that their abretions determined by the use of indicators of the distribution of the produced national product and the institutional approach.

Liberal (US-British) model also considers the market as the most important sphere for organizing human interaction. At the same time, it has a number of features. First, it provides for the social security of the residual type, i.e. Citizens must be able to exist in society and without social security. Secondly, the state carries limited, and, nevertheless, universal responsibility for social security of all citizens. Due to the residual financing nature, the implementation of the model depends on the presence of a large amount of voluntary and informal assistance. A similar model of the social state is characteristic of the United States, Great Britain, England and Ireland.

Liberal social state model: dignity and disadvantages

2.1 Advantages and Disadvantages

There are several models of the social state. One of them is a liberal model, which is based on an individual principle, which provides for the personal responsibility of each member of society for his fate and the fate of his family. The role of the state in this model is insignificant. Financing social programs is carried out primarily at the expense of private savings and private insurance. In this case, the objective of the state is to stimulate the growth of personal income of citizens. This model is used in the USA, England and other countries.

The formation of a liberal model inherent in countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, occurred in the domination of private property, the predominance of market relations and under the influence of liberal labor ethics. The main conditions for the functioning of this model are the minimum state involvement in market relations and the limited application of state regulation measures that are not beyond the development of macroeconomic policies; In the inner gross product (GDP), the state sector of the economy owns only a small proportion. Social support of citizens is carried out at the expense of developed insurance systems and with minimal state interference, which is a regulator of certain guarantees. The dimensions of insurance payments are usually small. Transfer payments, i.e., translated from the state budget financial resources received from taxes directly to various groups in the form of benefits and subsidies. Material assistance has a targeted orientation and is provided only on the basis of checking the need.

In the field of production relations, maximum conditions have been created for the development of entrepreneurial activity. The owners of enterprises are not limited to the adoption of independent decisions regarding the development and restructuring of production, including the dismissal of those who have not needed workers. In the most severe form, this provision is characteristic of the United States, where since 1948 there is a law on labor agreements, or the "Wagner Law", according to which the administration of the enterprise in the event of a reduction or modernization of production has the right to make dismissal without warning or notice in two or three days, excluding the work experience and qualifications of employees. Trade union wills - upholding the interests of workers with the greatest experience in the event of the threat of mass layoffs, which, however, they do not always succeed.
This model fully satisfies its primary appointment in the conditions of economic stability or lifting, but during the decline and forced reduction of production, accompanied by the inevitable cutting of social programs, many social groups are provided in the vulnerable situation, first of all women, youth, elderly.

Nored three models in the world are not found in its pure form, representing the "ideal types" of the social state, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages. In practice, it is usually possible to observe a combination of elements of liberal, corporate and social-democratic models with an obvious predominance of the features of one of them. In Canada, for example, along with the insurance pension, there is a so-called "folk" pension. A similar pension is introduced in Australia. In the US, there are many benefits paid in addition to the social insurance cass. There are at least 100 material assistance programs (many of them are short-term; after the expiration of the term, others come to replace), differing in scale, electoral criteria, sources of financing and goals. Most of them are carried out under the auspices of five federal ministries (health and social services, agriculture, labor, housing and urban development, internal affairs), as well as the Committee on Economic Opportunities, Veterans Affairs, Council for Railway Service and Civil Commission Services. Moreover, numerous programs act separately, not by drawing up a balanced and organized system, as a result of which there are no fairly large groups of people in need of material assistance, including those who want to work unemployed, for which a very modest amount of benefits and compensation is established. At the same time, such programs to some extent encourage social dependency in the medium of immigrants from the Afro-Asian and Latin American population: whole groups have developed, almost no days who have not worked on society for two to three generations. Another substantial flaw indicated is a negative impact on family relationships: they often provoke divorces, separate residence of parents, since obtaining financial assistance depends on the marital status.

One of them is a liberal model, which is based on an individual principle, which provides for the personal responsibility of each member of society for his fate and the fate of his family. The role of the state in this model is insignificant. Financing social programs is carried out primarily at the expense of private savings and private insurance. In this case, the objective of the state is to stimulate the growth of personal income of citizens. This model is used in the USA, England and other countries.

The liberal model is based on the dominance of market mechanisms. Social assistance is provided within the framework of certain minimum social needs for the residual principle of poor and low-income segments of the population, which is not able to independently produce existence. Thus, the state bears though limited, but, nevertheless, universal responsibility for the social security of all citizens who are incapable of effective independent economic existence. The classic countries of the liberal model are considered to be United Kingdom and USA. In relation to people with disabilities here, anti-discrimination measures are developing aimed at creating disabilities of equal conditions and rights with other citizens. Employers (except for state structures acting as a "exemplary" employer, obliged to work primarily in the first place of people with disabilities, as well as companies receiving funds from the state budget) There are no obligations to employ people with disabilities. But there is a ban to discriminate people with disabilities when receiving

work and further labor relations. These legal acts prohibit employers to refuse to people in admission to work, guided by their prejudices and distinctive features of applicants, such as gender, nationality, skin color, confessional affiliation, sexual orientation and disability. This means certain procedural constraints for the employer, for example,

conducting interviews cannot be given specific issues in the health of the applicant, if such questions are not asked to other applicants. Also, it is also possible to create additional requirements for vacancies that deliberately infringe the possibilities of people with disabilities compared to other citizens, unless this is a necessary component of official duties (for example, the presence of a driver's license or the ability to quickly move around the city 14

on public transport). Well, of course, when conducting an interview, equal opportunities should be provided for access to all materials and elements of communicating with the employer (invitation of the survival, the translation of materials into the language of Brülle, etc.). In general, measures such as anti-discrimination legislation on persons with disabilities proved their effectiveness. But it must be borne in mind that these measures can only act in the conditions of a developed legal and judicial

systems, when the relevant government, public structures and citizens have the ability to control the implementation of laws. In case of violation of the laws, there should be an opportunity to appeal with the established controversial situations in the administrative (in specially created commissions) and a court. At the same time, people with disabilities can claim not only to solve the problem, but also for significant financial payments for moral damage and

missed economic benefits.

According to Espeng-Anderson, the liberal social state provides equal social chances to citizens (corresponds to the "positive state of social protection") and proceeds from the residual principle of financing of low-income, stimulating the active search by their work.

The liberal model is characterized by obtaining a minimum set of social benefits through a system of providing public services or insurance schemes and is mainly focused on low-income population. As part of this approach, the state uses market mechanisms and involves market entities into the provision of services, thus actually providing a choice - to obtain a minimum set of services is often low quality or get similar services of higher quality, but on market conditions. In states with a liberal model, social reforms were carried out under the strong influence of the ideas of liberalism and Protestant traditions, and led to the adoption of postulates that everyone has the right to at least for minimally decent living conditions. In other words, in this type of state, everything is subordinated to the market, and social functions are a forced concession, dictated by the need to stimulate labor motivation and ensure the reproduction of labor.

This model is most pronounced in the United States and, to a lesser extent, other English-Saxon countries (in the UK, it is customary to talk about the liberal model of Beverjezha, within which citizens are provided more guarantees and products (for example, free access to the health system). Partly This is due to the cultural traditions and the role of market relations in the life of society. Effective are the answers of Europeans and Americans to the question of whether 60% of Americans and 26% of Europeans are applied to this question. The distribution of answers is talking about the values \u200b\u200bthat lie At the heart of the social protection system in European countries and America.

The liberal model has a number of negative features. First, it contributes to the division of society on the poor and rich: those who are forced to be content with the minimum level of state social services and those who can allow to acquire high quality services on the market. Secondly, such a model eliminates most of the population from the system of providing state social services, which makes it not popular and in the long run is not stable (low quality services are provided for poor and politically marginal groups). The strengths of this model include the policy of differentiation of services depending on the income, less sensitivity to demographic changes, the ability to maintain a sufficiently low level of taxation.

Speaking of comparison of social protection models in different countries, it is necessary to take into account that researchers consider not only social and moral comparison criteria, but also the economic indicators of countries. In particular, economic indicators in the United States are compared - a liberal model - and European countries - a conservative model. The GDP per capita in the United States in 2005 was $ 39,700, in France - $ 32,900, and in Austria - about $ 35,800 at the annualized capital in the USA - 1822 hours, in France - 1431 hours and in Austria - 1551 hours. It is necessary to note the fact that in the United States there is a greatest difference between the richest and most poor layers of the population. The specific weight of the poor in the United States is three times higher than, for example, in Austria and is about 12% (Rifkin, 2004). At the same time, over the past years, the trend is obvious towards "cutting" the volume of social benefits provided by the state to the public. And this policy finds substantial support for the population. It can be concluded that the liberal model of social protection strengthens its foundations and becomes even more liberal. Some researchers pay attention to the fact that the policy in the framework of the liberal model, aimed at the actual exclusion from society and the cutting of resources to the life support of the poor in the population has a negative expression in an increase in the United States the number of crimes committed by citizens from the poor population. This led to the fact that the number of prisoners in the United States increased from 380,000 in 1975 to 1,600,000 in 1995 and led to a significant increase in prison maintenance costs (308486). This assumption is about the relationship of the existing social protection model in the country - and the crime level can be checked on the basis of the European study of crime and security issues.

On the wave of economic recession and increase the number of unemployed, the issues of reducing the size of the relevant benefits and the amount of employment services provided in the governments of many states. In some countries, especially with the liberal model of social protection, it is the reduction in unemployment benefits that is the least painful and "acceptable" from the point of view of politicians and society as a whole.

As the worldwide experience shows, two main models of the state with different modifications are possible. The first is the so-called liberal (monetarist) model. It is based on the denial of state ownership and, accordingly, the absolutization of private, which implies a sharp reduction in the social function of the state. The liberal model is built on the principle of self-recognition, the formation of a person - an independent, relying only on itself, with a certain system of moral concepts ("if you live poorly, then you are to blame for this").

The second model is socio-oriented. It rests on the free coexistence of various forms of ownership, the strong social function of the state. A socially-oriented state assumes a number of national functions, for example, in the field of education, health care, pension provision. It is more protecting a person.

The first model is the closest state in the United States. In Russia, this model persistently introduced the last 10 years.

The second model is characteristic mainly for European and especially for the Scandinavian countries, as well as Israel, Canada. China, South Korea, rapidly developing countries of Latin America, Arab East have chosen the same development paradigm. Although, strictly speaking, in a pure form, none of these models exists.

2.2 Position of Modern Liberals

The position of modern liberals about the future of the social state determines the following points.

First, there can be no speech about the dismantling of the social state. Neither the idea of \u200b\u200ba traditional social state (real civil rights for all) nor the main way of its implementation (redistribution of income) is not erroneous. However, in the future it is necessary to proceed from "that the government should help those for whom without such assistance civil rights would be empty promises.

Secondly, it is imperative to simplify the functions of the social state. As you know, the main goal of such a state is to guarantee all citizens the minimum level of civilized existence. However, it should not be attempting in each individual case to exercise special and at the same time there is always insufficient care. To achieve basic purposes, in terms of liberals, semi-automatic mechanisms and financing methods are also preferred as payment of tax compensation and maintaining the minimum guaranteed level of income.

Thirdly, it is necessary to clearly determine the ratio between the volume of government obligations and the size of individual tax payments, which is necessary to address the problem of financing the social programs adopted by the State. The fact is that social payments have increased significantly at the time when a sharp increase in real income occurred, and these payments began to be compensatory. Many get from the state as much as they themselves pay, naturally, minus payment for the activities of the bureaucratic apparatus exercising this operation. Hence the need for a deep realization that people themselves can satisfy their needs. There is a natural question: where the boundaries of the application of this principle? The answer is Liberals: it is necessary to help the most in need and those who cannot get out of poverty without any help. This means simultaneous expansion of the sphere of private services.

Fourth, one of the least protected in the new social situation of population groups is young people, since vocational training, retraining, the leveling of starting capabilities require significant funds. One of the options for financing longer education may be a return loan. However, in general, direct redistribution methods remain to meet the needs of the lower layers of the population.

Fifth, it is necessary to establish new relations between public and private, as well as between the central and regional (local) departments of social services. There is a tendency to replace state social institutions by municipal community and private structures as the most optimal for the provision of really targeted assistance.

Sixth, the development of a network of non-state social assistance structures depends not only on certain monetary support, but also from political choice. However, one should not expect that the provision of services on a public basis will easily fill the space left by the state. An obstacle to this is not only the scale of needs, but also the fact that people will not easily captivate the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating godly institutions and mercy funds for the purpose of simple substitution of government agencies. At the same time, the sphere of voluntary services can bring substantial benefits if their provision will occur against the background of the transition from the state to decentralized management.


What kind of two models is better? Unambiguously answer it is impossible. The liberal model has its own advantages. On the one hand, it forms a strong personality capable of withstanding vital difficulties. On the other hand, this model is ruthless: beggar, for example, here is declared victims of its own lamentation and immorality. Any model is not better and no worse than the other. They are just different. The question is how much one or another model is adequate to a specific society, its history, traditions, mentality.

Of the two models - liberal and socio-oriented - for Russia, in our opinion, the second is more suitable. For such a development model, the main political movements, business circles, most of the country's population.

However, the second model should be quite flexible, taking into account the originality of various regions, the national autonomous formations of Russia. It is unacceptable from Moscow to dictate progressive, it would seem that reforms for each region without taking into account national characteristics and types of culture.

Three groups of social states can be distinguished.

The first is the so-called liberal social states, where social reforms carried out under the strong influence of the ideas of liberalism.

Considering fundamentally impossible to achieve social justice in the modern society, liberals recognize the need for a certain concern for the least secured segments of the population.

In accordance with the liberal doctrine, social security system, somewhat smoothing social inequality, should not undermine the labor

motivation of citizens, creating conditions for profitable entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs. In other words, the amount of benefits and benefits of the poor should encourage them to work to improve their welfare.

In liberal social states, redistribution is built on two interrelated principles. First, it is impossible to focus in one hands such instruments (economic or political), which would suffer from human civil rights. Secondly, everyone has rights, at least for minimally decent living conditions. In other words, there are upper and lower boundaries of civilized existence. These boundaries are delineated by the space of guaranteed rights for all. And although at first glance, this postulate is theoretical nature, it is purely practical conclusions (for the tax system, social welfare, health, education, assistance, unemployed, etc.), which actually determines the essence of the social state.

Characteristic features of a liberal model: Check in need limited by its scale universal transfers, social insurance programs. The benefits are paid only to people with low income. The right to social security is limited by strict rules, the benefits themselves are usually very modest. Such a model is implemented, in particular, in the United States, Canada and Australia.