Larch is one of the most common species in Russia and abroad, along with such deciduous trees as linden, poplar, aspen, maple. Growth can reach 50 meters, the trunk - up to a meter in diameter, and life expectancy - from 300 to 400 years. But there is information about the 800-year-old old-timers of this breed.

A very unusual tree. Instead of foliage, it has needles, like all conifers. The needles are soft to the touch, not the same as those of spruce or pine, and one-year-old, which is surprising, and in autumn the needles are shed, and winters already like deciduous trees without foliage, which is why it was called that, by analogy with deciduous trees. Therefore, many do not know what types of trees this plant belongs to - coniferous or deciduous. And how to distinguish it from pine? What features does this tree have? What trees are called conifers? Let's try to figure it out.

Is larch a coniferous or deciduous tree?

Larch is conifer tree belongs to the Pine family. This is a beautiful tree, and remains so at any time of the year. In spring and summer - bright green, in autumn - yellow. In order to overwinter, it sheds needles in late autumn and even looks attractive in this form, beautiful cones remain on the branches, so the tree is deciduous.

needles bright, green, soft, growing in a bunch or singly. Due to this structure, the needles look like a light tree.

Light-loving, grows in those places where there is enough light for it. Under favorable conditions, it grows at a rate of up to one meter per year. unpretentious and tolerates frost well. growing on mountain peaks and in wetlands.

How to distinguish larch from pine

These two trees have many obvious differences, for example in structure:

Larch and pine are different trees both in properties and in appearance.

Construction material larch is more valued than pine. Pine can not be used in rooms with high temperatures, for example, baths, saunas due to oiliness. At high temperatures, you can get burned if the resin gets on the skin. What can not be said about larch.

Let's talk about the benefits

What can be said about the benefits of this tree? Larch is widely used in construction. According to the degree of hardness, it belongs to the middle group, comparable to oak. It has good resistance to impacts and chips, so good and high-quality parquet is produced from it.

Water resistance allows to use in external finishings, in rooms with the increased moisture. By absorbing water, the material becomes even stronger. Therefore, from ancient times this breed was used in bridge building, shipbuilding, in all places near water.

The floorboard from this breed will serve for a long time, thanks to wear resistance, moisture resistance. The floorboard of this wood is widely used in open spaces, terraces, verandas, gazebos. Previously, these boards undergo a special treatment, they are covered with a solution to form a protective film, so that the flooring does not fade in the sun, and the pores are not clogged with dirt, and the aesthetic appearance and quality are maintained for many years. This breed is popular abroad in the construction of houses, used in finishing works, in the manufacture of high-quality furniture.

Use in medicine

This plant is widely used not only in construction, but also in medicine.

This plant has medicinal properties. Used as medicine needles, bark, buds, seeds, wood, no less useful resin.

Pine needles are used as a prevention of many diseases. On its basis, they make the drinks, added to diet salads. Infusions are used for hernia. Essential oils are part of the ointments. For prevention viral diseases, treatment respiratory diseases. Used in folk medicine inhalations with larch essential oil. The description of its medicinal properties suggests that this is truly a miracle tree.

Where, in what places does larch grow?

Wikipedia says that larch is the most common breed trees all over the world, there are more than 15 species of this plant. Entire larch forests are formed in the natural zone of Siberia and the Russian Far East, occupying vast areas.

Siberian larch, interesting facts

Larch is an unusual and unique tree, interesting facts speak about this.

For example:

Based on the properties and characteristics of larch, we can conclude that this is a truly unique tree. The people call this forest beauty, for its strength and hardness, the northern oak. No wonder products from it are stored for centuries.

Larch and its application

Larch in the photo

Larch is a monoecious coniferous plant of the pine family. Unlike other conifers, larch sheds its needles annually, at the same time as hardwoods. Larch is common in the Northern Hemisphere (Europe, Asia, America) in cold, temperate and partially subtropical zones.

Look at the photo - the larch tree at a young age has a pyramidal crown, and then, as it ages, it becomes rounded:


Branching - not characteristic of conifers, presents an indistinct whorl, rather a spiral arrangement of needles and branches.

Branches of two types - elongated vegetative and shortened generative. Both female and male flowers are located on the same tree. Shortened, fruit twigs differ from elongated and needles. The needles sit on them in 20-60 pieces, and on the growth ones one by one and in a spiral. The needles are small, flattened.

Shortened shoots die off after 10-12 years, but, depending on the conditions, they may not die off, but grow into growth shoots.

A larch tree deserves a special description during fruiting, when spherical spikelets of different sizes appear on one shoot - male and female. What does larch look like in this picturesque period? Male balls are yellowish and sit on very short shoots. The female cones are larger than the male ones. They also appear on shortened shoots and simultaneously with male ones. At the base they are surrounded by rare needles. Flowering occurs in early spring, at the same time as the buds open.

Cones ripen in autumn in the year of flowering. After the seeds have spilled out, they can hang on the tree for another 2-4 years. Seeds are light, round, with wings. They are often empty, unfertilized, which affects their low germination.

These photos show what larch looks like in winter and summer:

larch in summer


Larch is a very original tree and, despite the fact that it is deciduous, retains its decorative effect throughout the year.

larch in spring

In spring, the crown is decorated with golden, mimosa-like balls, male cones and greenish-yellow, pink or purple-purple female needles with a tuft at the base. They give the appearance of larch great beauty and grace.

As the needles grow massively, the decorative larch tree turns green, the crown becomes lush and luxurious.

larch in summer

In summer, the crown, with all its foliage, remains openwork, airy due to the different types of shoot foliation.

Shortened shoots form needles in bunches, and elongated shoots form single needles. Not without reason, due to this quality, larch forests are called light coniferous.

As you can see in the photo, decorative larch is unusually beautiful in autumn. Its crown turns yellow with various shades - from lemon-golden to copper.

The needles fall off gradually in autumn. Unlike spruce fall, it does not acidify the soil, but, on the contrary, enriches it with calcium. Therefore, larch is considered a soil-improving breed.

The winter appearance of larch is only at first glance unattractive.

But take a closer look: the whole tree is, as it were, shrouded in a lacy haze, which is created by thin yellow twigs with small nodules such as warts and small, graceful bumps.

More than 20 species of larch are known, about 14 species grow in Russia, but the following six species are the most common.

Conditions for growing larch from seeds and tree care

When growing and caring for larch, it should be noted that this is a mycorrhizal tree. She needs a connection with mushrooms. For the formation of mycorrhiza, oily, boletus, porcini mushrooms are suitable. The tree successfully takes root if old mushrooms with ripe spores are dug into the trunk circle.

Due to the deep and powerful root system, which, depending on the conditions, can develop deep or wide, larch is an exceptionally unpretentious species. She is not afraid of rocky mountain slopes, permafrost and the proximity of groundwater.

One of the conditions for growing larch is to provide enough light. They grow very quickly, quite winter-hardy. Durable, live up to 700 years. But at a young age, larch loves nutritious, well-drained soil, does not tolerate both dryness and waterlogging of the soil and air.

Larch propagates mainly by seed. Cones are harvested at the end of autumn this year. They are stored in a warm dry place where they dry out, crack and release the seeds.

When growing larch from seeds, it should be borne in mind that their germination is low, so it is better to sow them before winter in boxes with light peat-sandy soil. Seedlings are grown in boxes for 1-2 years. In the spring expose to the sun and systematically watered. Seedlings are planted on the beds in the school. In school, they grow faster and reach a height of 1.5 m by the age of 4-5 years.

Larch does not tolerate shading at all. Trees are planted in a permanent place at the age of 5-6 years. The first year requires regular watering.

Any kind of larch will decorate your garden, summer cottage and personal plot. It will become your family tree, as it is unlikely to yield to others in terms of durability and decorativeness. It is better to plant larch alone, it is attractive as a tapeworm. In summer cottages of a large area, these trees can be used to create backstage (groves).

Larch looks good against the background of evergreen firs, firs, pines. Its advantage is that it easily tolerates pruning in the fall, after the needles have fallen off, or in the spring before the buds swell.

Here you can find photos and descriptions of larch tree species that are popular in the middle lane.

European larch in the photo

European larch, or falling,- the largest and fastest growing larch. The height of the tree is 18-20 m. It blooms in April. Cones ripen in September, and open only in the early spring of the following year. Seed germination 50%. Fruiting occurs from 25-30 years. Propagated by seeds, they germinate in 1.5-2 months. The species is very picky about both soil and air moisture, because it is considered a strong water evaporator. Winter-hardy and photophilous. It is unpretentious to soils. It can develop both a rod deep and superficial root system.

Siberian larch in the photo

Siberian larch- the most common species in central Russia and Siberia. Tree in nature up to 40 m in height and 1.7 m in diameter, with a rounded crown. It is especially picturesque in spring with its yellow-mustard shoots and multi-colored flower buds-knobs - yellow, red, burgundy.

Pay attention to the photo - this type of larch has a thick, reddish-brown, heavily fissured bark on old trunks:

larch bark
larch bark

Such a bark is not afraid of frost cracks, early spring burns and stem pests. The needles are bright green with a bluish bloom. It is quite long - up to 30-35 mm. Blooms in April 8-10 days. Mature cones are brown, up to 4 cm long, ripen in late August - September. The cones dry for 2-3 months, and only then the seeds fall out of them.

Fruiting is annual, but the yield is periodic, after 3-7 years. Seed germination is only 10-30% and lasts 2-3 years. Before sowing, the seeds must be soaked for a day and sown in boxes. The temperature of seed germination is optimal +27°C, minimum - +7...+8°C. Seedlings with 6-7 cotyledons, single needles, spirally arranged.

There are a lot of tannins in the bark, in the needles - essential oils, vitamin C and trace elements - manganese, magnesium, as well as sodium, potassium. The seeds are rich in fatty oils, containing up to 10%.

Sukachev larch- a close view to the Siberian. She has larger cones (3-5 cm long). Seed scales are thick, strong and also larger. Disclosure of cones occurs in the second half of winter of the year following flowering. In all varieties of this type of larch, the seeds are quite large (4-7 mm in length), light brown with white speckles. There are many empty seeds, usually no more than 18% sprout.

Dahurian larch- the shortest of the larches. Its branches are widely spread and often multi-topped, which makes it look like a giant ornamental shrub. Red deeply furrowed bark, yellow shiny buds and bright green light needles are the distinguishing features of this species.

Picturesque in color and female cones. They ripen in September and at the same time the seeds are poured out. Seed germination is 60%, which is a record for larches.

This larch is also distinguished by the plasticity of the root system. It can grow even in swampy soil, forming a superficial root system.

Daurian larch- the most unpretentious and also easily propagated not only by seeds, but also by layering.

Kaempfer larch used in garden design. This tree has bluish-green needles. Numerous decorative dwarf forms are suitable for bonsai.

Tamarack- This is a tree 25 m tall with a narrow crown, which becomes broadly conical with age. Needles appear in spring later than those of European and Dahurian larches. Its color is light green in summer and yellow in autumn. It is highly decorative, as it retains its beautiful outfit longer than other types of larch. In adulthood, it is distinguished by the tortuosity of the shoots, which give it a special appeal.

It is considered the most photophilous and slow-growing breed among other types of larch. Winter-hardy. Propagated by seeds. It is recommended to plant in groups, arrays.

Its most common decorative forms:

"Aurea" - needles on the shoots are golden yellow,

light green in summer and "Glauka" - blue-gray needles.

Here you can see photos of varieties of this type of larch:

Larch- this is a tree 30-35 m high and with a trunk diameter of up to 100 cm. Young shoots at the beginning of winter are light brownish-yellow with a bluish bloom, densely pubescent or almost bare; biennial - reddish-brown. The bark on the trunks is relatively thin, longitudinally fissured.

Buds are cone-shaped, brown.

Larch needles in the photo

The needles are blunt, 15 to 50 mm long, gray or bluish-green. Inflorescences are yellowish and reddish green.

Cones rounded oval, 20-35 mm long, consist of 45-50 (rarely 70) scales arranged in five to six rows.

Seed scales thin, brittle, reddish-light brown; covering scales are half as long as seed scales, ovate or lanceolate-acuminate, brown-red. Seeds 3-4 mm long, with a shiny brown wing.

This type of larch differs from others in slightly spiraling branches and reddish-brown fissured bark. For the year gives an increase of 25 cm in height and 10-15 cm in width. Fruiting begins at the 15-20th year of life.

There are a number of decorative forms:

"Gangofera"- with a dense conical crown;

"Pendula"- weeping;

"Dumosa"- dense, bushy shape;

"Diana"- slow-growing tree with branches slightly twisted in a spiral, usually on a trunk;

"Stif Viper"- variety with creeping shoots, usually standard;

"Blue Dwarf"- dwarf shrub with a hemispherical crown, usually grown on a trunk;

"Pyramid of Jacobson"- narrow-crowned form with vertically directed branches. At the age of ten, its height is 3-4 m.

As you can see in the photo, all varieties of thin-scaly larch are highly decorative:


Larch, despite its name, is a coniferous plant from the pine family. Her only needles fall for the winter, so you can’t call her evergreen. Only larch seedlings retain their needles throughout the year. This suggests that the ability to drop needles was acquired by the plant as a result of adaptation to changing climate conditions.

In what natural area does larch grow?

The question of where and in what forests larch grows in nature can be generally answered as follows: it loves mixed forests located in Western and Northern Europe up to. In general, there are many varieties of trees, the range of which varies slightly.

Where larch grows in Russia: most often it can be found in Siberia and the Far East. The plant is demanding on lighting. It does not grow in shady areas.

What soils does larch grow on: the tree is completely undemanding to the soil. It can be found both in swamps and on dry soils and even in permafrost conditions. However, the best soil for larch is sufficiently moist and well-drained.

Differences between larch and pine

First of all, larch sheds its needles for the winter, but pine does not. Pine is an evergreen coniferous tree that changes the shade of needles at different times of the year.

In larch, the needles are soft and not long - up to 4.5 cm. It is located spirally on the shoots in bunches of 20-40 needles. At the same time, her needles do not prick at all. Pine needles reach 5 cm, located along the entire trunk in bunches of 2 pieces.

The larch has a more powerful trunk, sometimes it reaches 1.8 m in diameter. Yes, and it lives twice as long as a pine. Her crown is more transparent, while that of a pine is thicker and more fluffy.

Cones on larch are very beautiful, rounded. In pine they are cone-shaped.

When creating the conditions for growing larch in the backyard, be sure to make sure that decorative flowering or rare collection plants are not planted nearby. The thing is that although the larch is a coniferous tree, for the winter it completely sheds its needles, as a result of which the entire soil along the diameter of the crown is densely covered with yellowed needles.

Larch Larix belongs to the Pine family (Pinaceae). The genus is represented by 10-15 related species growing in the temperate and cold zones of the Northern Hemisphere. In Siberia and the Far East, larches are forest-forming species.

This page describes what larch trees of different species look like and how to care for these plants.

Description of larch and use in landscape design (with photo)

All types of larches are outwardly similar large deciduous trees with horizontal, widely and unevenly spaced, and sometimes hanging branches. The first thing to note when describing larches is the power of the trees and their branched root system. They will grow up to 50 m in height. Individual specimens live up to five hundred years of age or more. The bark is coarsely wrinkled, thick. The needles are needle-shaped, flat, thin, soft, light green or bluish. Male "flowers" are solitary, rounded or ovoid, formed at the ends of short leafless shoots.

As you can see in the photo, the cones of the larch tree are small, oblong-ovate, young ones are green or purple, mature ones are gray-brown:

Seeds ripen and spill out in the first year, but the cones stay on the branches for several years. The percentage of fully developed seeds is small, and their germination capacity disappears in the 2-3rd year.

The larch tree is one of the most valuable industrially. The active use of wood has led to a significant reduction in the European distribution area. If in the XII century extensive larch forests were located even in central Russia, then at present this tree begins to dominate in the forests only starting from Siberia.

All types of larches are equally valuable for decorating the garden. As a rule, they are planted as tapeworms (attracting the attention of single specimens) or create backstage groves from them.

See how beautiful compositions with larches in landscape design are in these photos:

Against the background of deciduous larches, spruce and fir look spectacular. Joint planting of coniferous larch trees with the addition of hardwoods is the main theme of the classic park compositions of the northern gardens. Larches easily tolerate pruning, but are unsuitable for curly haircuts. To form a compact crown, pruning of large branches and branches in early spring or autumn is possible, as well as shortening of young growths, which causes active tillering and crown compaction. Young larches are flexible, elastic plants, and this allows them to bend their trunks and branches, intertwine branches and, fixing on a support, change the type of their growth. Applying this method and combining it with a haircut, you can create “live” arches, pergolas and arbors using larches in landscape design.

Popular types and varieties of larch: photo and description

Widely popular in culture and absolutely frost-resistant - falling larch, or European (L. decidua), Gmelin larch, or Daurian larch (L. gmelinii), American larch (L. laricina).

Larix decidua - Falling larch, or European.

It grows in the mountains of Central Europe, occupies large areas and reaches the level of alpine meadows. It has many cultivars of different habits and types of growth.

Larix decidua compacta.

Dwarf variety of European larch. The branches are densely pubescent, the needles are soft, green. Annual gains within 10-12 cm. Autumn color of needles from golden to dark orange. Fully cold hardy. The autumn color of the needles of this variety of European larch is from golden to dark orange. Fully cold hardy.

Larix decidua Lucek.

Srednerosly variety of European larch. The branches are upright. The needles are golden in spring, pale green in late summer. Annual increments are 30-50 cm. Autumn color of the needles is from golden to dark orange. Fully cold hardy.

Larix decidua Pendula.

A weeping variety of European larch. The branches are densely pubescent, falling, brittle.

Pay attention to the photo - the needles of this larch variety are soft, green:

Annual increments up to 70 cm. Autumn color of needles from golden to dark orange. Fully cold hardy.

Larix decidua Horstmann's Recurved.

Large-sized variety of European larch. The branches are twisted, growth is irregular, some of them are erect, others are cascading. Annual growths within 50 cm. Autumn color of needles from golden to dark orange. When describing this variety of larch, it is especially worth noting its high frost resistance.

Larix decidua Krejci Mutation.

Dwarf variety of European larch. Growth is irregular. The branches are densely pubescent, the needles are soft, green. Annual increments within 50 cm.

Larix decidua Pali.

A weeping variety of European larch. The branches are densely pubescent, falling, brittle. The needles are soft, green. Annual increments up to 30 cm. Autumn color of needles from golden to dark orange. Fully cold hardy.

Larix gmelinii - Gmelin larch, or Dahurian.

It forms powerful forests in the Far East, replacing a close species in Eastern Siberia - L. sibirskaya. In the highlands, it has a twisted shape and dwarf growth, which is used by gardeners to create bonsai dwarf trees. The needles are tender, green, slightly bluish. It has a few varietal varieties.

Larix laricina - American larch.

Forms large forest areas in the mountains of North America.

As shown in the photo, the needles of this type of larch are delicate, light green:

It has cultivars of different habits and types of growth.

Larix laricina Tharandf.

Mini-grade American larch. Round shape. The needles are gray-blue, soft. Autumn color of needles from golden to dark orange. Annual increments 5-6 cm. Completely hardy.

Larix kaempferi - Kaempfer larch.

It grows in the mountains of the Far East. The needles are tender, bluish-green. It has numerous varietal forms with bluish and blue needles. Widely used to create bonsai trees.

Larix kaempferi Blue Ball.

Dwarf variety of Kaempfer larch. The shape is rounded. The needles are soft, green. The autumn color of the needles changes from golden to dark orange. Annual growth 10 cm. Fully hardy.

Larix kaempferi Cruwys Morchard.

Virtually indistinguishable from Larix kaempferi Little Bogle. Branches lash-like, densely pubescent. The needles are soft, gray-green. The autumn color of the needles changes from golden to dark orange. Annual increments within 10 cm. Fully hardy.

Larix kaempferi Cupido.

Dwarf variety of Kaempfer larch. The shape is rounded. The needles are soft, gray-green, the autumn color of the needles changes from golden to dark orange. Annual increments within 10 cm. Fully hardy.

Larix kaempferi Diana.

A large variety of Kaempfer larch. Spreading oval shape. The branches are curved, the needles are soft, green. The autumn color of the needles changes from golden to dark orange. Annual increments over 30 cm. Completely hardy.

Larix kaempferi Gray Pearl.

Dwarf variety of Kaempfer larch. The shape is rounded. The needles are soft, gray-green. The autumn color of the needles changes from golden to dark orange. Annual increments within 5-7 cm. Completely hardy.

Larix kaempferi Little Bogle.

Virtually indistinguishable from Larix kaempferi Cruwys Morchard. Branches lash-like, densely pubescent. The needles are soft, gray-green. The autumn color of the needles changes from golden to dark orange. Annual increments within 10 cm. Fully hardy.

Larix kaempferi Mazanek.

Srednerosly variety of Kaempfer larch. The branches are curved, whip-shaped, randomly located. The needles are soft, green. The autumn color of the needles changes from golden to dark orange. Annual increments within 30 cm. Fully hardy.

Larix kaempferi Minor.

Srednerosly variety of Kaempfer larch. The branches develop in a vertical direction, whip-like. The needles are soft, green. The autumn color of the needles changes from golden to dark orange. Annual growths within 30 cm. Completely frost-resistant,

Larix kaempferi Stiff Weeping.

A weeping variety of Kaempfer larch. Oval-elongated shape. Branches densely pubescent, drooping.

The width and height of the plant can be set by the gardener himself. The needles are green-blue. Autumn color of needles from golden to dark orange. Annual increments within 50 cm. Fully hardy.

Larix kaempferi Wehlem.

Dwarf variety of Kaempfer larch. The shape is rounded flattened. The needles are soft, gray-green-blue. Autumn color of needles from golden to dark orange. Annual increments 5-7cm. Fully frost resistant

Check out the photos above:

Larix sibirica - Siberian larch.

Forms extensive forests in Siberia and the Far East. This is the most common plant in Russia. The needles are tender, light green. Unfortunately, it has practically no garden cultivars.

Below you will learn how to properly grow larch in the garden.

How to grow larch in the garden

When planting and caring for larches, do not forget that these are "freedom-loving" plants. Only in an open place do they acquire a characteristic sprawling crown shape. In shaded places and in thickened plantings, they are not very decorative.

Larch trees are undemanding to soils, both sand and clay can be used to care for growing trees, but these crops still give preference to light, fertile, slightly acidic loams.

Adult specimens have a powerful, branched root system and do not need top dressing. Young plants can be fertilized in the spring after the snow melts on wet ground with a complex or combined mineral fertilizer, but in no case with fresh manure and feces.

Transplantation when caring for larches should be carried out either in early spring before bud break, or in autumn after the leaves turn yellow. At the same time, it is possible to deepen the root collar, although it is undesirable. Plants with actively growing shoots require pruning, take root poorly and get sick for a long time, so it is not recommended to transplant them.

Young larches easily tolerate transplantation, large ones can be transplanted only after preliminary preparation, when a dense lump is formed as a result of repeated pruning of the roots. If the plant is planned to be transplanted in the fall, then pruning is carried out in the spring; for transplantation in the spring, a lump is prepared in the summer of the previous year. In the process of caring for transplanted larches, you must follow the same rules as when growing other conifers - water abundantly, and during spring transplantation, you must also spray until the tree takes root.

Mature larches are extremely drought-resistant. Young plants require sufficient watering during the period of active growth and are able to tolerate the proximity of groundwater, for adult plants, waterlogging is detrimental.

Most species are highly frost-resistant. Young summer shoots often suffer from late frosts, but grow back easily.

The next section of the article is devoted to how to propagate larch in the garden.

How to propagate larch: conditions for growing crops from seeds

The most rational way of propagation of larch is seed. Only freshly harvested seeds are suitable, but even among them the percentage of germination is low. When stored under normal conditions, germination is lost after a year, and sometimes even after 3-4 months, but if they are kept in an airtight container at a temperature of 0 to 5 ° C, they will sprout after 10 or more years.

Seeds that have freshly fallen out of the cones are capable of immediate germination, since their embryo is in a stage of shallow dormancy, but dried and, all the more, stored seeds need to be awakened by the embryo through stratification.

The following methods of sowing crop seeds are most rational:

  • Winter sowing. In the fall, immediately after harvest, without drying, the seeds are sown in a ridge to a depth of 3-5 cm and mulched to a height of 1-1.5 cm. In the spring, after germination, the plants are dived or left on the ridge until autumn or next spring.
  • Snowing. Seeds are sown in boxes in autumn or winter, kept warm for 2-3 weeks and then taken out under the snow until spring. In the spring - at the beginning of summer, after the emergence of seedlings, the plants are planted in a ridge or left in boxes until autumn.
  • cold stratification. At the end of winter, the seeds are sown in boxes or bowls in an earthen mixture consisting of rotted leafy soil, peat and coarse sifted sand in a ratio of 3:1:1. Crops are kept warm for 2-3 weeks, and then stored in a refrigerator or cellar at a temperature of +3 to +5 ° C for 1-2 months, maintaining an even moderate level of substrate moisture and a constant temperature.

Stratified seeds for growing larch are transferred for germination to a bright, warm (+18 ... + 25 ° C) place. Seedlings are protected from direct sunlight and moderately watered. If the seeds have sprouted excessively thick, then a pick is necessary. When heat comes, the crops are taken out into the garden, and after hardening they are planted in a ridge.

When growing larches from seeds, seedlings are unpretentious and develop quickly.

Creeping forms can be propagated by horizontal branches, but rooting rarely occurs in the first year. Cuttings are possible, but it is associated with very great difficulties and is ineffective.


And quietly slumbers green forest
And in the silver of forest lakes -
Even slimmer than his columns,
Still fresh pine crowns
And delicate larches pattern!
I. Bunin.

Because, like all deciduous trees in temperate forests, it sheds its needles. Thus, it saves energy, which in coniferous trees is lost to the evaporation of moisture through the needles. The loss of needles is a protection against freezing in the harsh winters of Siberia.

Young larch plants retain needles in winter, which, apparently, indicates that their ancestors were evergreen.

In total, about 20 species of larch are known, growing in the cold zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Mostly these are rocks that do not tolerate stagnant waters, but there are species that grow in the swampy forest-tundras of Polar Asia and Alaska, in the taiga and forest belt. Larch dominates the forests of most of Russia.

Larch is one of the most photophilous tree species. Its love of light is the reason that pure forest stands are formed only in conditions unfavorable for the growth of other species. Therefore, larch forests are common both in swamps (in the north) and on barren soils of steep mountain slopes (in the south).

Larch forests are called light taiga. Her crown is sparse, openwork, raised high on the swift shoots of the trunk.

Northern oak is called larch for its unusually strong and durable wood. In the legends of many peoples it is said that the gods preferred to create the first people from wood.

Here is how the Mansi peoples talk about it. In order for people to be long-lived, healthy and strong, the gods chose larch wood. Seven figurines carved from larch wood could only be revived, but due to the machinations of evil spirits, clay figurines were animated instead. Well, clay, as you know, is a very fragile material, it crumbles easily and is afraid of dampness. How can it compare with larch, strong as a stone! That is why people are weak and their age is short.
Of course, this is a poetic fiction, but it makes it possible to judge how highly larch was valued among the northern peoples. Especially its wood.

A mighty tree, sometimes reaching forty-five meters in height with a diameter of about one and a half meters, larch was revered by many peoples as a symbol of power, longevity and ever-renewing life.

They worshiped not only individual trees, but entire groves. The Yakuts had reserved sacred groves. During the period of spring awakening, when the first greenery appeared on the larches, people went to the grove, as if to a temple, to hang offerings to forest deities on the branches of sacred trees. Here, under the canopy of mighty trees, songs dedicated to them were sung.

In the epic tales of the Mansi peoples, a sacred grove of seven hundred-year-old larches is told, to which the heroes of the epic made great sacrifices in the name of love, happiness and peace on earth. But in the worship of the taiga inhabitants, it was not only sacred awe before the mysterious power of nature, but also simply human gratitude to the mighty tree, which gave them a lot of things necessary for life.

Knowing about the durability of larch, during the construction of St. Petersburg, which was to be built in a swamp, Peter I ordered larch logs to be driven into the ground. One of the most beautiful cities in the world was built on larch piles.

Larch wood also never warps. Therefore, during the construction of the Winter Palace, where the most valuable varieties of trees were used, window frames and doors were made of larch.
Almost all the details of the interior of the cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral were built from its wood. Many canals, dams, mills in the 17th and 18th centuries were built mainly from larch wood.

In Russia, larch was considered the best tree for building ships, especially during the time of Peter I, when the intensive construction of the Russian fleet was carried out. Naturally, this destroyed a huge number of trees. However, it was Peter I who initiated the laying of larch groves, one of which is now near Zelenogorsk, not far from St. Petersburg.

Special mention should be made of larch root wood. Its strength is much higher than that of stem wood, and the wavy texture pattern gives it a special expressiveness. If peasant craftsmen tried to use softer wood for the manufacture of everyday dishes, then for festive and ritual dishes they took durable and hard wood.

In the autumn of 1960 in the USA in the small town of Seattle, not far from Washington, the Fifth World Congress of Foresters gathered. After the end of the congress, scientists decided to plant trees - to create a Peoples' Friendship Park. In this park, a representative of each delegation had to plant the "national tree" of their country.

And 96 young trees were planted on American soil as a sign that the foresters of these countries want peace. Among these seedlings was our "national tree".

It was not easy to choose it, because in the former Soviet Union there were about four thousand species of various trees, and many of them could rightfully be considered national. What tree should become the representative of the USSR - the largest power in the world? Foresters hesitated for a short time ...

The anthem of the Soviet Union sounded, the red flag fluttered in the wind in the hands of the American youth, who stood to the right of the Soviet representative, and in the hands of the girl, who stood to the left, appeared a sapling of a tree that has since represented our state in the Peoples' Friendship Park - a sapling of larch.

In Eastern Siberia, there was once a children's joke: “Sun, sun, look out the window! Your children are crying, they are picking sulfur, they don’t give us a spoon, we don’t have a crumb for a black bear! Sulfur is a water-soluble larch resin, or gum, that protrudes from the cracks of the tree.

Transparent, like amber, larch resin is a kind of taiga delicacy. Being in the taiga, experienced tourists and geologists like to chew on a pleasant-tasting, fragrant, and most importantly useful resin. Replacing toothpaste and brush, resin refreshes the mouth and strengthens the gums.

Larch bark is also a valuable raw material. Taiga residents received red-brown paint from it. Durable textile dyes are also industrially produced from larch bark, while extracting essential oils and tannins from it. They also make floats for seines from the bark.

If you have to be in a larch forest, look closely at the trunks of old larches, and then perhaps you will be able to find the answer to the old Russian riddle: “Not a knot, not a leaf, but grows on a tree.” The riddle is about a tinder fungus. Larch tinder fungus is white with a yellow tint, most often it is called a larch sponge.

In the old days, the inhabitants of Northern Siberia, the Evenks used a sponge as an ordinary laundry soap for washing and washing clothes. From it, a rich dye for fabrics was prepared. More than once the sponge of hunters and travelers rescued. Interested in the washing properties of a sponge, after numerous experiments, scientists obtained liquid and bar soap from a sponge. Larch soap perfectly lathers and gives abundant foam, easily washing away dirt. The manufacturing technology of larch soap is much simpler than that used in the production of ordinary soap.

Larch sponge has long been used as a medicinal raw material. Since the 17th century, it has been exported in large quantities to Western Europe. In folk medicine, a decoction of the fungus is still used in the treatment of tuberculosis, various febrile diseases, neurasthenia and diabetes. A decoction is used as a hemostatic and mild hypnotic.

Larch wood is especially famous. It is very heavy (freshly cut larch trunks sink in water), resilient, resinous, and has exceptionally high strength, especially in underwater structures.

It is used in construction, where strength and durability come first. From it, the lower crowns of buildings, mine logs, a mine rack, poles for telephone and electric lines, piles and bridges are prepared. Boards are used for sidewalks, outdoor stairs, sheathing, joinery and cooperage.

Larch checkers are the most durable material for end bridges.
They can still be found perfectly preserved under a layer of asphalt in some northern cities. Larch firewood is characterized by a high specific heat of combustion of wood. The disadvantages of larch wood include its high cracking and special hardness, especially after drying.

It is often impossible to drive a nail into larch boards. So the builders refuse larch. But larch wood has a great advantage - it is resistant to damage by wood-destroying fungi.

The history of woodworking knows cases when larch wood was successfully used for the manufacture of large musical instruments, which are distinguished by high acoustic data and unusual durability. At the beginning of the 17th century, in the Polish city of Kazimierz, an organ was completely made of larch. And only the keyboard was made of black and polysander wood.

Long straight trunks of larch with a root - eversion - went to the manufacture of okhlupny, fastening the plank flooring on the roof slopes. Folk sculptors processed the root part of the okhlupny in the form of animal heads. Solid wood did not allow the master to overly detail the sculpture, especially designed for viewing at a great distance. Therefore, the traditional decorative skates, towering over the pediments of the peasant huts and made of larch, were distinguished by their special conciseness and monumental form.

Larch has high aesthetic properties in landscape plantings, in landscaping large and small settlements. But it is especially good in alley plantings along the roads in spring, during the landscaping period, and in autumn, when the needles acquire a fiery golden color and the trees are as if in a golden robe. Larch, unlike other evergreen conifers, due to its deciduousness, perfectly tolerates urban conditions: dustiness and air pollution. This is due to the fact that a large amount of dust, soot and other products settle on the long-lived needles of evergreens, which form a film impervious to gases and water. But this film greatly disrupts the normal life processes of the tree, especially respiration and photosynthesis.

In its natural state, it grows only in the Altai Mountains, in its central and southern parts as separate trees. Not forming large arrays, larch is found in the Ob pine forests.

From one cubic meter of it, two thousand pairs of stockings or one and a half thousand meters of rayon, two hundred kilograms of cellulose or six thousand meters of cellophane, seven hundred liters of wine alcohol and so on are made. Dozens and hundreds of valuable substances are obtained from larch wood processing products, such as turpentine and rosin, paints, acetic acid and sealing wax, tannins and essential oil, and much more.

Larch is not demanding on soil fertility and can grow on permafrost. The roots of the tree do not go deep into the soil, but are located in the surface layer. New roots grow higher than the previous ones.

Larch is a long-liver, it lives 5-6 times longer than pine. Of the Siberian tree species, larch is the most durable, lives up to 300 - 400 years, and some trees up to 800 - 900 years.

Larch withstands the most severe frosts that metal cannot withstand.

In Venice, the foundations of houses stand in the water for decades, and they are made of larch.

The covering of the bicycle track in Krylatskoye, which is considered the best in the world, is made from Siberian larch wood.