In fact, these animals with a gorgeous fur coat from the weasel family, despite their small size - adult ferrets weigh about two kilograms - are predators, and in the wild they feed on small rodents.

“However, those ferrets that live at home are not caught in the forest, but specially bred for keeping at home,” explains Heleri Haiba, who organized an association of ferret lovers in Estonia. - Domesticated ferrets can be trained in the same way as dogs and cats. And lately ferrets have become more and more popular pets. "

Not evil animals at all
Khaiba has been breeding ferrets for more than one year, so who, if not her, should know that, contrary to the prevailing opinion, ferrets are not evil animals at all, although they look like rats, which only do what they bite, and which therefore do not very fit.

“Firstly, the rat is a rodent, and the polecat is a predator, and there is nothing in common between them,” explains Khaiba, adding that ferrets, of course, bite, but this is a sin only for puppies, which, like any cubs, want to play, and they do not yet know the boundaries that cannot be crossed in communication with the owners. "Puppies bite because they are used to playing with their peers that way."

In addition, ferrets have not only beautiful fur, but also a very durable skin, and when they play with each other, they do not feel bites, but a person can cause tangible pain with their sharp teeth.

According to Heleri, whose pets love to be petted and allowed to sleep in their arms, the "bite period" lasts only a few months, and the puppies quickly learn not to use their teeth when playing with a human.

“If that were the case, no one would have dared to keep ferrets at home,” she says, explaining that animals do not always smell. - Animals secrete a secret with a characteristic and strong unpleasant odor only during the rutting season.

Neutered and neutered animals do not smell, and under the right conditions and hygiene, there is no smell at home. "

While breeding ferrets, Heleri Haiba never, according to her, faced dangerous situations, but nevertheless, if there are children in the family, then the animals should not be left unattended. Ferret females, protecting their offspring, can be dangerous to them.
True, in the family of Heleri herself, small children, two Dalmatian dogs, and ferrets get along well with each other.

Constantly playing games
“Ferrets do well in families with dogs and cats,” she says. "A ferret, having entered the family as a puppy, quickly gets used to all family members, including animals, but whether they will get along with each other depends on the character of the dog or cat."

Since young ferrets are very playful and constantly play games, they can tire adult dogs and cats with their activity. The owners will have to make sure that all pets become friends, constantly pay attention to them and “reward” them for good behavior.

“Ferrets react very painfully if not enough attention is paid to them, if they are left alone for a long time, then by their behavior they make it clear that they do not agree with this,” says Khaiba. - Ferrets are very good at distinguishing between friends and foes, and they do not treat strangers in the best way. But a well-mannered ferret is very friendly, he always meets his family when they come home, attracts attention, and in general it is fun to live with him. "

“They love to open doors and drawers, climb into them, dig out flower pots, throw things off the table and like to hide what they like,” Khaiba says, adding that those who decide to have a ferret can be advised to take care of to remove anything that could pose a danger to the animal. “Fortunately, unlike dogs, they don’t gnaw table legs or other furniture, and they don’t have such claws as cats do.”

The owners will have to make some effort to make the ferret a full-fledged member of the family and a pet. He must certainly be trained, encouraging sweets.
“The ferret is not a dog that immediately understands and remembers everything.

In order for the ferret to remember what is required of him, he will have to repeat this more than once, says Heleri Haiba. "In fact, ferrets don't have any strong motivation to be obedient, but they can still be taught a thing or two by encouraging them with sweets and a kind word."

Ferret (ferret) is a predatory mammal, belongs to the marten family, the genus of ferrets and weasels ( Mustela), subgenus Putorius.

Ferret - description, characteristics, structure. What does a ferret look like?

The body of ferrets, like most weasels, is elongated, flexible and very squat, due to disproportionately short legs. The limbs of the ferret are very strong and muscular, thanks to which the animals can easily move by jumping and swim perfectly. The toes end in long, strong claws that allow ferrets to deftly climb trees and dig deep burrows.

The average body length of adult males is about 50 cm, female ferrets are always smaller and grow up to 40 cm in length. The weight of a ferret, depending on the species, ranges from 300 g to 2 kg.

The ferret has a long flexible neck, a neat oval-shaped head and an elongated muzzle that is slightly blunt towards the tip of the nose. Ferrets are especially proud of their bushy tail, which grows up to 13-18 cm in length.

Ferret fur usually consists of a thick, soft undercoat and guard hair, which is usually lighter at the base and darker at the end. After the autumn molt, the ferret's coat acquires its characteristic shine and becomes especially beautiful.

The color of the fur depends on the species and can range from a light sandy shade to almost black or completely white in albino ferrets.

All ferrets (except for species with a white color) have a peculiar pattern on their muzzles, reminiscent of a black mask.

There are special glands near the tail of the ferret that secrete a specific secret, which is distinguished by a pungent, pungent odor and is used by animals to scare away enemies. Of all the senses, the ferret has a well-developed sense of smell; it is on it that animals rely on when hunting.

In total, the ferret has 28-30 teeth: 12-14 incisors, 12 false-rooted teeth, premolars, as well as a pair of canines on each jaw.

The life span of a ferret in the wild is about 3-4 years; in captivity, ferrets live up to 5-7 years.

Enemies of the ferret in nature

The main enemies of ferrets in the wild are larger predators: often young ferrets become the prey of feathered predators - and. In some areas, the ferret is a valuable game animal, so the animals are ruthlessly exterminated for the sake of warm, soft and beautiful fur.

Ferret species, photos and names

Ferrets are classified into 3 main types:

  1. he is light ferret or white ferret, also known as steppe, light or polecat(Mustela eversmanni)

a large ferret that grows up to 52-56 cm in length with a body weight of up to 2 kg. The length of the tail of adults is 18 cm. The light ferret has a long, but sparse guard hair of a brownish color, therefore dense underfur is visible through the fur - an additional hair of a lighter tone. The limbs, tail or tip are dark in color, and the muzzle is covered with a mask. The steppe ferret eats quite differently. In the warm season, pikas, invertebrates become its prey. To a lesser extent, food is amphibians and birds. In winter, the diet is narrowed down to hamsters and voles, which can be caught in the steppe. Since it becomes impossible to dig holes for rodents, the animals are content with carrion and food waste, which they find near people's dwellings, and in the spring they pick up dead fish in river floods. In the presence of a sufficient amount of food in settlements, the animals avoid. Females of the steppe ferret are extremely fertile and bear about 7-10 and even up to 18 cubs. On the European territory, ferrets live in the Czech Republic, in the east of Austria, in the south of Slovakia, in Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, in the north of Bulgaria, in Moldova, Poland. In addition, ferrets are found in Central and Central Asia, in the steppes, forest-steppes and semi-deserts of Russia from its European part to the Far East, as well as in the eastern part of China.

    • The only subspecies of the blond ferret is Amur steppe polecat (Mustela eversmanni amurensis)

The length of the animal's body reaches 56 cm, the length of the tail is 18 cm, and the weight is no more than 2 kg. The color of the fur is dominated by white and yellowish tones. The abdomen of the animal is light, the tip of the tail and legs are black, on the muzzle there is a pattern in the form of a mask. The main part of the population of the subspecies is concentrated in the northeast of China; on the territory of Russia, it is found in the steppe landscapes of the Middle Amur.

  1. Forest ferret he is ferret or black ferret also called ordinary, dark or black polecat(Mustela putorius)

The ferret is inferior in size to the steppe relative: the length of the body is about 36-48 cm, the weight is from 400 g to 1.5 kg, and the females are 1.5 times smaller than the males. The tail of the male ferret is 15 to 17 cm long, and of the females 8.5-17 cm. Unlike the steppe animal, the color of the black ferret does not have a sharp contrast between the color of the legs and body. The main color of mature individuals is black-brown, and the legs, tail, throat and dewlap are almost black. The muzzle is decorated with a characteristic mask. Pure white or red ferrets are also common in the population. The basis of the ferret's diet is mice and voles, additional food is snakes, frogs, birds and their eggs. Ferrets burrow holes and eat their offspring. Individuals living near settlements will not miss the opportunity to feast on rabbits and poultry. Unlike the prolific steppe ferret, the female black ferret produces only 4-6 puppies. Ferrets live throughout Eurasia, especially in Western Europe and practically throughout the entire European territory of Russia. The animal prefers groves and woodlands, waits for prey on the edges of forests, in connection with which it received the name of the “edge” predator. Together with weasels, the black ferret was brought to New Zealand for the destruction of rodents, where it successfully took root and became a threat to the local island fauna.

    • Ferret (domestic ferret, African ferret), also known as furo ( Mustela putorius furo)

the domesticated form of the black ferret. Scientists and breeders use the name "furo" exclusively to refer to albino ferrets, although a pet ferret can be any one color (white, black, brown) or a combination of colors. The body length of an adult domestic ferret is about 51 cm with a body weight of 700 g to 2 kg. The length of the tail reaches about 13 cm. Furo is bred both in pure form and when crossed with natural species. The Poles called the hybrid of furo and wood ferret “thujofretka”, which in Russian sounds like “chorefretka”.

As a result of crossing a forest ferret with a ferret, golden ferret, the first Russian breed of ferrets.

It is a large animal with thick silky fur, which is distinguished by black guard hair with orange underfur. Females of the golden ferret reach a length of 39 cm, males are larger - their body length is 46 cm.

  1. American ferret he is black-footed ferret(Mustela nigripes)

a rare species of North American predators that is under US protection and is listed in the Red Book as endangered. The body length of the American ferret does not exceed 31-41 cm, and its body weight ranges from 650 g to 1 kg. The bushy tail of the animal grows up to 11-15 cm in length. The hair is white at the base and dark at the tips, which gives the impression of a general yellow-brown color. The tip of the tail and limbs of the ferret are black, and there is also a distinctive black mask on the muzzle. Ferrets live in the central United States, on the prairies east of the Rocky Mountains. Ferrets feed on mice, voles, ground squirrels, but the survival of the black-footed ferret depends entirely on the population of prairie dogs, which are its main source of food. One colony of dogs occupies 50 hectares of prairie and can feed only one adult ferret, while one family of ferrets requires about 250 rodents per year to survive. In the 80s of the last century, the remaining representatives of the species of American ferrets were caught for artificial breeding and are released into the wild in some states of the United States and Mexico with the aim of reviving the population.

Honorik is an artificial hybrid of a ferret (bred by crossing steppe and forest ferrets) and European mink. Rarely, honorics appear in the wild in areas of intersection of the ranges of these 3 species. Honoriki are larger than their parents and inherit their traits equally. Outwardly, the animals resemble a mink, and their black, shiny guard hair with thick brown underfur is very similar to sable fur. From ferrets, the animals got large ears with a light border around the edges. Honoriki, like minks, swim well, and from ferrets they took over the ability to dig holes. Their own character trait is a rare aggressiveness and inability to get along with people.

Where do ferrets live?

Ferrets live in European countries (including England), in the USA, in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, China, countries of Central and Central Asia, in northwest Africa. At one time, forest ferrets were brought to New Zealand to fight rats and mice, as a result, predators have spread there as well. Ferrets live in steppes, semi-deserts, sparse forests and even settlements. The animals avoid open areas and dense taiga. Ferrets are sedentary, strongly attached to their habitat and are typical nocturnal predators. Ferrets very rarely dig holes and more often occupy the dwellings of other animals, for example, foxes, or they can settle in the hollows of old trees, in a haystack, a log-box or in a pile of dead wood.

What do ferrets eat?

Ferrets do not have a caecum, and due to the low synthesis of amylase, their body poorly assimilates plant food. The diet of the animals is based on various types of small rodents: voles, mice, hamsters, water rats. In the spring, animals ravage bird nests, dig out hare holes, large species attack muskrats and ground squirrels. An insignificant part of the diet consists of large species of insects, frogs, fish, snakes, etc. For winter, the animals prepare in advance, storing excess food in their home.

The main method of hunting ferrets is to watch for the victim at the entrance to the shelter. In other cases, you have to run and catch the prey. Often, hunger forces ferrets to consume carrion and food waste, ravage poultry houses and rabbitries. And the bad reputation of ferrets as arrogant and unprincipled predators is greatly exaggerated, largely due to the ignorance of the people themselves. Most of the "sins" on animals are hanged in vain and the animals are ascribed to the crimes committed by martens, weasels and foxes.

Ferret breeding

Ferrets' breeding season depends on the habitat and lasts from February to the end of summer. In steppe ferrets, rut occurs in early spring. Ferrets start rutting in April-May, sometimes in the second half of June. The puberty of an animal occurs at the age of 10-12 months, and there are no special mating rituals among the animals. Ferrets mate violently and aggressively: the male ferret grabs the female by the scruff of the neck, despite her resistance. Therefore, after the completion of the process, the females are often left with a frayed withers, on which the marks of the male's teeth are noticeable.

Pregnancy of a female ferret lasts an average of 1.5 months, and in a brood there are from 4 to 18 cubs. The weight of newborn ferrets is about 5-10 g, the cubs are born blind and helpless, but they grow and develop quite quickly. Breastfeeding lasts about 2-2.5 months, and the mother begins to feed 4-week-old cubs with meat.

At the age of 7-8 weeks, young ferrets are already able to hunt, although they continue to feed on their mother's milk. In the event of any danger, the mother selflessly protects her offspring.

Up to six months, young ferrets hunt together with the female, gaining useful skills, and then move on to independent life.

Ferret colors with pictures

According to the Russian classification, there are 3 variants of ferret colors:

  • Pearl color(it includes silver and sable colors). The general color of the ferret's fur is light cream, it can have an ash or silvery shade. The awn is black or brown in color, the ends of the hair are cream or gray.
  • Golden color... The general color of ferrets is yellowish or closer to orange. The awn is black, the ends of the hair are red.
  • Pastel color... The overall color is light cream. The guard hair is light brown, may have a smoky tint. The ends of the hair are light gray or creamy.

According to the American classification, 8 colors and 4 colors of ferrets are distinguished from the AFA (American Ferret Association), but this classification is also not complete and does not include all the color diversity of the fur of these animals. Ferret color refers to the color of the guard hair and undercoat, as well as the color of the eyes and nose. Coloring implies a pattern that is formed by combining different colors. Another characteristic of ferret fur is markings, spots, which, depending on the location or combination, are divided into several variations.

AFA distinguishes the following colors of ferrets:

  • albino(albino, red-eyed white)

Fur with white undercoat (sometimes with light creamy splashes) and awn of the same shade. Ferret eyes are always red, nose only pink;

  • black (black)

The guard hair is black. The underfather is white or golden. Ferrets of this color have black eyes and a nose of the same color (a variegated nose is allowed);

  • sable

The awn is warm brown, the underfur is white, creamy or light golden. The eyes can be brown or almost black, the nose is brown or light brown, there are individuals with spotted noses and a T-shaped pattern;

  • black sable

The fur is distinguished by a black-brown or dark ash topcoat with a pronounced glossy sheen and underfur from white to cream tones. The eyes of the ferret are dark, almost black, the nose is black-brown, can be spotted;

  • champagne

The outer hair is colored brown or light brown, the shade of the underfur varies from white to cream, without any yellow spots. Eyes cherry or dark cherry, nose pink, beige or pink with a T-shaped brown stripe;

  • chocolate (chocolate)

Awn of the color "milk chocolate", underfloor white or with a slight yellowish tinge. The eyes of the ferret are dark cherry or brown, the nose can be light beige, pink, pink with dark stripes in the form of the letter T, sometimes there are individuals with a brick-colored nose;

  • cinnamon

The guard hair is colored in a rich shade of red-brown, the underfur is golden, sometimes pure white. Ferret eyes are light or dark brown in color, nose is pink or incompletely colored.

  • dark-eyed white

The mantle and underfur range from pure white to light cream. Ferret eyes can be dark cherry or dark brown, the animal's nose is always pink.

According to the AFA, ferrets are classified not only by color, but also by coloration, which is determined by the color of the nose, the type of mask on the animal's face, and the concentration of color on the legs, tail and trunk. There are 4 types of colors:

  • Siamese (siamese),
  • roan,
  • solid
  • standard.

In addition, it is customary to take into account the presence of peculiar white spots on the ferret: depending on their location (on the tail, muzzle, trunk, limbs, head or neck), the American Ferret Association designates variations under the names:

  • Blaze (blaze - flash),
  • Mitts (mitts - mittens),
  • Panda (panda).

The wild ferret belongs to the weasel family. This medium-sized animal is distinguished by intelligence, agility and good learning abilities. But catching him is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

First you need to find out what this animal looks like, what it eats and what its habits are. And you also need to prepare for him a suitable home and conditions of detention, so that the animal feels as at ease as possible. You also have to choose a method for fishing. At the same time, you need to understand that even an experienced hunter cannot always catch a ferret the first time, so you have to be patient.

To understand how to catch a wild ferret, there are a number of important points to first figure out. The first thing to be familiar with is the appearance of ferrets. Many people, when they say the word "ferrets", mean several medium-sized predators, from weasel to ermine. Yes, they all belong to the weasel family, but they differ even in appearance, just look at their photos. Their habits are no less different.

You also need to understand that the methods of catching the same animal differ depending on the purpose of catching. In particular, for those who want to keep ferrets at home, a number of methods used by hunters or farmers are not suitable.

Yes, these animals are hunted for their valuable fur and also to protect poultry. The fact is that most weasels are very bloodthirsty. Ferrets are not dangerous to humans, for the most part, but they pose a considerable threat to chickens, ducks or rabbits, and to other birds and small animals raised on farms. For this reason, most farmers do not keep domestic ferrets, like other weasels: these animals are incompatible with poultry or rabbit farming.

Also, to catch ferrets, you should not resort to the methods that hunters usually use, because these animals are most often caught for the sake of a beautiful and fluffy skin. Of course, when catching it, it is important not to spoil it, but for this it is not necessary to leave the caught animals alive. There are even so-called humane traps. But their humanity lies only in the fact that they quickly kill animals without spoiling their skin. Otherwise, these are the same traps that are intended to kill. And although the captured ferrets die quickly, this does not change the essence of the matter.

Ferret behavior

Ferrets have two unusual traits that every fisherman should be aware of. First, wild animals of this species are territorial. They diligently protect their habitat from the encroachments of relatives and other offenders. Moreover, the size of the one who invaded their territory does not play a role here. And the fact is that if these animals lose their legal land, they literally lose their right to life. They have nowhere to hunt, and also nowhere to hide from dangers and bad weather. In the wild, the ferret that has failed to gain territory for itself always dies. These animals always fight desperately for their place and their lives.

The second trait worth knowing about ferrets is their relatively weak heart. It often happens that an animal caught in a live trap is so desperately trying to get out that its body simply cannot withstand the adrenaline rush and the animal's heart literally breaks. Of course, this does not happen every time, but such an outcome is more than possible. The point is that instinct makes wild ferrets fight to the last, no matter what. But, if the animal is crippled while trying to escape, it will be inhumane to let go of it. It will be expelled from the occupied territory and it will inevitably perish. In this case, he must either go out, or finally get rid of the torment.

Ferret traps

There are several types of traps that can be used to catch a ferret. You can make them yourself, or you can buy them in a specialized hunting store. When buying, it is important to choose exactly the device that allows you to catch the animal alive, because you cannot tame a dead animal.

In addition to a live trap, you may need a few more things to catch, which will also be useful for a catcher of wild ferrets:

  • Thick and durable gloves or mittens.
  • Dense clothing impervious to the teeth of the animal.
  • The bait for the trap.
  • Wormwood infusion.

It is not difficult to explain why all this is required. Thick clothing and strong gloves are needed to protect themselves from the animal, because when caught, it will desperately resist, and the teeth of wild ferrets are sharp. If we talk about bait, then here you need raw meat that smells of blood: the ferret always reacts to it. You can enhance the effect with the help of special attractants, which are made on the basis of ferret glands. A strong infusion of wormwood is needed in order to repel the smell of a person.

Homemade traps for catching a ferret in winter

This type of live trap can be used only in the area where there is a rather cold and severe winter. The trap is made as follows. Water is poured into a metal bucket and placed outside. This requires the temperature to be as low as possible. When an ice wall of at least 8-10 mm thick forms on the walls of the vessel, the water is poured out and the ice is carefully removed from the bucket. In no case should it be broken. A hole is drilled in the bottom of the future ice trap so wide that the ferret can crawl through it.

The resulting trap is placed on the ground with the bottom up. The main thing is that the animal cannot make a tunnel for itself. A bait is placed inside the live trap, after which it remains only to wait. If the ferret smells blood, then he will definitely climb inside, but he will not be able to get out, and if he does not die from cardiac arrest, then he can be placed in a cage and taken home.

The trap is not the most difficult to manufacture, but it is not always convenient to use it in warm regions. And here you can use a different design.

An ordinary cage with fairly strong rods is taken as the basis for the trap. Her door should close vertically. A kind of pharmaceutical scales is made under the ceiling. On one side, a bait is tied to the "scales". And on the other side is the door. When the bait is removed from the rope, the cage door slams shut under its own weight. That's it, now the ferret is trapped. To understand exactly how it is tripled, it is enough to look at a number of simple and understandable photos and videos.

Domestic ferret taming

The first thing anyone trying to tame a wild ferret should learn is that it is not easy to do. An animal will never be as friendly as one born in captivity. An adult animal will never completely trust the one who caught it, but the offspring of this animal will already be much easier to train, but for this you still need to be able to catch a couple of animals.

Everything is complicated by the fact that the ferret does not like to be given in hands alive. At the same time, you need to understand: the older the animal, the more difficult it is to establish contact with it. Even young ferrets at the age of 1.5-2 months are not distinguished by gullibility, and an adult and experienced ferret will not believe a person in principle.

Those who tame such an animal should have a good supply of patience. Firstly, this relative of the marten must be allocated a separate corner, as close as possible to its natural habitat. One-on-one, like in the wild, a place will not work, but the animal should be comfortable there. For consultation, you can see the corresponding photos.

Secondly, when keeping an animal at home, you need to disturb it as little as possible for some time. Otherwise, the ferret will have a nervous breakdown or heart attack. Moreover, it will take at least 1-2 months for the animal to come to its senses, only after that it will be possible to continue the taming process.

The first step is to get the ferret accustomed to the presence of the owner. At first, he will probably be hammered into the farthest corner of the corral, or, conversely, will violently rush to the bars of the cage. It is necessary that such obvious manifestations of hostility should not be observed. Next, you need to check how quickly the ferret begins to feed after the owner leaves. It is necessary to ensure that he agrees to take food in the presence of a person.

It is worth giving the animal a nickname, and periodically referring to it: over time, it will react to it in one way or another. But do not rush and try to feed the animal from your hands. This will end with the owner's bitten fingers. In general, the domestication process can take six months or a year.

Feeding a wild ferret

The diet of wild and domestic ferrets is not fundamentally different. It is enough to look at the photos of ruined chicken coops to understand what these animals eat. Yes, they are convinced predators. They should not be given sweets, as well as flour or dairy products. Vegetables or cereals should be in the diet in the smallest quantities. The basis of the diet will be raw meat, offal and some fish. Ideally, feed killed mice or poultry chicks to the ferret.

Here's what they say about feeding frequency:

“To say that a ferret is a mobile creature is to say nothing. These animals are constantly in motion, constantly climbing or running somewhere. And this is reflected in their metabolism. These animals need to be constantly fed. It may not be worth feeding them in large portions. But feeding will be required 6-7 times a day. In particular, this applies to wild ferrets, which in nature constantly need to hunt. "


The wild ferret is a very beautiful and interesting animal. It looks great in the photo and in various descriptions, but it is very difficult to tame it even for an experienced person. This will require knowledge, a suitable dwelling and a lot of patience. Without all this, it is better not even to try to tame the animal.

There are two species in Russia: the forest ferret and the steppe. The forest color is much darker than the steppe color. Males reach 50 centimeters in length, females - 40. The length of the tail can be up to 20 centimeters. Ferret as a pet used by humans as early as 2000 years ago.

In addition to creating comfort in the house and love for its owner, the ferret also helped him in the hunt. A special character trait is a non-aggressive disposition. Basic instinct animal ferret is the desire to bury itself, since in wildlife a mammal lives in a burrow. The ferret rarely makes any sounds. During the hunt, they can make a sound that resembles a cluck.

Sometimes gentle cooing is also heard between mom and baby. The ferret's sound for negative emotions is similar to hiss.

In the photo there is a forest ferret

Ferret character and lifestyle

Ferrets are predatory animals... They prefer to live on the edges of the forest, near water bodies, in the steppes. Wild ferrets are periodically found in human settlements.

All ferrets are nocturnal animals that wake up when the sun goes down. This cute little animal is a very scary hunter who is not afraid even of birds that make up half its size.

The ferret lives in a burrow, hiding the entrance to it under stumps or bushes. In winter, forest and steppe inhabitants often move closer to human settlements, they may even firmly settle in a cellar or shed. This behavior is due to the search for a source of heat, as well as the presence of a large amount of food in people.

But, a wild ferret is such an animal, which can be useful to a person, because if he settled in a shed or cellar, he will catch the rest of the rodents, but he himself most often does not touch human food.

With the arrival of warmth, the ferret goes back to the forest. This hunter has many enemies - any other predatory animals and birds. In case of danger, the ferret emits a fetid odor that drives away the enemy.


Ferrets eat only animal food. He can hunt any bird, rodent or amphibian that he can master. This mammal is agile enough to catch any small and fast prey. They can dig rodents and lizards from their own burrows. Large individuals can catch up and catch even an adult.

It is difficult to tame forest and steppe wild animals, you should not do it. However, specially raised or young ferrets are easy to tame and do well in captivity. Ferret reviews how about home residents are mostly positive.

At home, of course, it is impossible to satisfy the ferret's natural need for hunting. Ferret's diet at home consists of dry food or organic food. You can also feed him with poultry meat, eggs, fish.

Feeding takes place 2 times a day. Plant food can be omitted, because in nature they do not eat it. It is also not advised to give dairy products to the ferret, because the animal's stomach is not used to them, the only exception can be cottage cheese.

In reviews of the animal ferret often a special mince is mentioned, that is, meat or poultry organs with cereals and vegetables are ground in a meat grinder and mixed.

The resulting product is fed to animals at home. However, some experts advise feeding the ferret with animal food at home, such as small rodents.

Dry food, specially prepared for ferrets, already contains all the necessary elements. In addition, dry food is much more convenient to eat. Of course, some dry food is much more expensive than natural food. For a pet ferret, a dry food and animal food combination may be a suitable food.

Reproduction and life expectancy

On photo of animal ferret As in life, it is often difficult to determine its age, but experienced breeders know perfectly well which individuals are ready to reproduce.

In the photo, ferret cubs

The mating process is quite noisy, the male can take care of the female, but most often he unceremoniously grabs her by the scruff of the neck and drags her to his favorite place. The female tries to escape, hisses, but the male is usually larger and stronger, so all her attempts are in vain. The animals may appear to be fighting violently.

Male sharpened teeth bites and skinned withers are common signs of recent mating in ferrets. Buy ferret you can in a specialized store, while, ferret price may vary depending on its age and characteristics.

In the spring, animals enlarge the sex glands, they are ready for the mating process. Males can stick to any females, even not walking ones. Usually the offspring consists of 10-12 babies, but it all depends on the mating time.

If the process occurs too early, only 2-3 cubs may appear, if too late - none. The sides of the female become rounded during pregnancy, the belly and nipples swell. Most often, birth occurs once a year, the male does not participate in the upbringing of children in any way, however, the female feeds and takes care of them for many more weeks.

Feeding takes place in a very interesting way - the female puts the cubs very close to each other and curls up around them in a ball so that they can settle themselves near the nipples. The little ferret weighs only about 5 grams and is 4 centimeters long.

For about three weeks, they feed only on mother's milk, then the babies can be fed. Top dressing is carried out gradually - you need to start with one spoonful of minced meat or feed per day, after a while increase the amount to several spoons.

At the age of one month, babies grow up to 150 grams and 20 centimeters. Only in 35-40 days their eyes open. Ferrets have a lifespan of 8 to 10 years. Of course, this figure can be much less if the ferret lives in an unfavorable environment in wildlife, and does not receive proper care and nutrition in the house.