People suffering from infertility and dreaming of a child will need an objective rating of IVF clinics in Moscow. According to statistics, out of 30 thousand operations of this type, only a third ends with the birth of healthy children. And the rest of the couples have to either try again, or give up on their dreams. Therefore, it is very important to competently approach the choice of a clinic, because success largely depends on its level and professionalism of specialists. Listed below are the five most reputable medical institutions in the capital that provide services for artificial insemination.

The best IVF clinics in Moscow: rating 2016

1. NCR "ECO-Assistance". The clinic opened in 2011, and over the 5 years of its existence has managed to gain great prestige. And all thanks to the results: 83% of women who applied to the NCR eventually became mothers. The clinic has a competent, polite, friendly staff. Comprehensive customer support is provided from the moment of contact until the birth of the baby. For people who cannot pay the entire cost of the procedure at once, various programs are offered that can make the task easier.

2. "Medkvadrat". Provides treatment of infertility of all types using the latest technology. The medical staff is highly qualified. The list of services includes not only artificial insemination, but also pregnancy management, as well as assistance from pediatricians after the birth of a child.

3. "IVF Center". The range of services of this clinic is very wide. Here you can carry out artificial insemination, select a sperm and egg donor, and even get the services of a surrogate mother. On the basis of the center, free IVF is provided for persons registered in the compulsory health insurance system. You can also get a service on credit.

4. "Mother and child." It is a network of specialized clinics. There are six departments. The list of services includes: diagnosis of infertility and its treatment, artificial insemination of various types, management of pregnancy and children under sixteen years of age. The clinics are well equipped technically. The professionalism of the staff is also top notch.

5. VitroClinic. Carries out the IVF procedure according to the European type model, which is characterized by minimal stimulation. This significantly reduces the risk of multiple pregnancy. The clinic is famous for its great achievements in the treatment of infertility in the male half of the population. The list of basic services includes not only the restoration of reproductive functions, but also the management of pregnancy throughout the entire period.

The rating of the best IVF clinics in Moscow, given above, is based on patient reviews and is objective. Each of the five leaders can be trusted with their health. Most of the clients of these medical institutions have become happy parents and are satisfied with the quality of services provided by the medical staff.

If you are faced with the decision to choose assisted reproductive technologies, then you should know what the best IVF (in vitro fertilization) clinics in Russia are and what services they can offer their patients. Very often, such information helps to successfully change one clinic to another option after several unsuccessful attempts.

Criteria for choosing a clinic for IVF

The choice of a clinic for IVF begins with the collection of information. The Internet will help with this, providing not only a description of each suitable place (clinic website), but also reviews of real patients about it. You should carefully read the opinions of people who have undergone the procedure, because their point of view and perception of what is happening can tell you a lot.

Introductory Reception

After choosing 2 - 3 options, you can make an appointment with a specialist and visit him with your husband. The initial appointment is usually free of charge and does not require the conclusion of a contract. It will allow you to leave your own opinion about the clinic and the specialists working in it.

Availability of a certificate

When choosing a clinic, you need to pay attention to whether it has a license to carry out the relevant activities - this is the "Certificate of an Embryologist and Clinician".

Clinic staff

An important role is played by the assessment of the clinic staff. It must consist of at least 4 specialists and several nurses. The presence of the following doctors is required:

  1. obstetrician-gynecologist;
  2. embryologist;
  3. andrologist;
  4. anesthesiologist.

Clinic area

Too small area of ​​the medical center should alert potential customers, because it should be able to accommodate:

  1. staff room;
  2. doctor's office;
  3. procedural;
  4. manipulation;
  5. embryological;
  6. donor room;
  7. room for the patient (temporary).

Geographic location

It is very important to choose the clinic that will be convenient for you to visit. Sometimes feeling unwell can become a serious obstacle to a visit to the doctor, especially if you have to travel a long distance for this. It is much more convenient to get to the clinic, which is located as close to home as possible.

IVF clinics: help women to carry and give birth to children

Rating of the best IVF clinics in Russia

The best IVF clinics in Moscow

Clinic "IVF Center"

In addition to IVF, this medical center provides the possibility of diagnosing various pathologies in the reproductive system of both women and men. According to statistics, it is in this clinic that 1.5 times more successful IVF is performed than throughout the country. In this medical center, you can do IVF according to compulsory medical insurance. Fertilization has an efficiency of 60%.

Clinic "Mother and Child"

The clinic's specialists were trained and retrained in leading European medical institutions.

Clinic features:

  1. the presence of a modern operating room;
  2. the possibility of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis;
  3. lack of queues;
  4. a large assortment of drugs in the pharmacy and a discount on medicines for the IVF procedure;
  5. the possibility of obtaining a state-approved sick leave is provided;
  6. the opportunity to be examined by other specialists;
  7. Flexible working hours (Sundays included).

The medical center is one of the clinics that carry out IVF according to quotas.

Clinic "Altravita"

The specialists of the medical center have many years of experience, some of them have been trained in Europe and the USA.

Clinic features:

  1. the presence of certification of the American organization CAP under the program of accreditation of IVF clinics;
  2. the presence of specialists from Europe and the USA;
  3. constant support of the embryologist during the treatment and procedure;
  4. modern technologies for selection of spermatozoa in cases of severe forms of male infertility;
  5. performing a wide range of diagnostic procedures;
  6. the presence of the largest bank of donor sperm and eggs;
  7. the possibility of obtaining a sick leave;
  8. Possibility of staged payment for treatment.

The medical center is one of the clinics, according to quotas, performing IVF.

Clinic "Mama"

Clinic "Mama" is a successfully functioning medical center where IVF procedures are performed. It has all the listed advantages that were listed in relation to other kinics of Moscow, with the exception of having its own laboratory. You will have to take tests at the nearby Invitro office.

The best IVF clinics in St. Petersburg

Russian-Finnish Center "AVA-Peter"

Specialized medical centers of the international AVA network are located all over the world. It is the largest private fertility clinic in the world.

Clinic features:

  1. great experience of specialists;
  2. the presence of a bank of donors of oocytes and donor sperm;
  3. conducting additional research;
  4. lack of queues and the ability to coordinate the reception in case of a long-distance move;
  5. convenient location in the city center.

To enroll in this clinic, you must apply 1 or 2 months before the desired date of admission.

International Center for Reproductive Medicine

The Center for Reproductive Medicine in St. Petersburg was opened with the assistance of the Institute of Reproductive Genetics (USA). It has a long-stay hospital and a large donor sperm bank. In addition, a bank of surrogate mothers has been created.

The best clinics in Krasnodar

Clinic of reproduction "Embryo"

If you live in the city of Krasnodar and are thinking about where it is better to do IVF, then you need to pay attention to the Embryo reproduction clinic. Attentive highly qualified specialists conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the reproductive system of women and men, which increases the chances of the effectiveness of artificial insemination.

Kuban Medical Center

The Kuban Medical Center in Krasnodar has a huge amount of positive feedback on the Internet from happy parents. Modern technologies and the experience of doctors make it possible to carry out the procedure effectively and achieve the desired pregnancy in the vast majority of cases.

The best IVF clinics in Yekaterinburg

IVF Center "Partus"

The list of Ekaterinburg IVF clinics should start with the Partus IVF Center. The latest technologies, an equipped embryological laboratory, the possibility of a complete and accurate examination increase the chances of a long-awaited pregnancy. Married couples can undergo full-fledged optimal full-fledged courses of treatment and become happy parents.

Family Medicine Center

The Family Medicine Center in Yekaterinburg offers for those wishing to do IVF:

  1. online appointment;
  2. IVF according to CHI;
  3. the possibility of a comprehensive examination;
  4. consultations of numerous highly specialized specialists;
  5. psychological support during treatment.

Choosing from the best clinics in Russia that specialize in IVF can be very difficult. However, it is worth deciding and doing it in order to feel the approach of your baby's happy birthday as soon as possible.

The effectiveness of in vitro fertilization is due to many factors. Among them, one of the most important is the qualification of the doctor who prepares for IVF and the procedure itself, as well as the level of equipment of the clinic with modern equipment. Today in Russia, more than 100 institutions conduct in vitro fertilization; to choose the best IVF clinics, first of all, statistical data and patient reviews will help.

IVF statistics in Russia

To outline the general picture of the development of in vitro fertilization in Russia, here are some statistics:

— more than 30 thousand IVF protocols (programs) are carried out annually in Russia;

- as a result of in vitro fertilization, more than 8,000 children are born annually;

- the average cost of IVF in Russia is from 120 to 230 thousand rubles. Partially these expenses are financed by the state in the form of federal quotas; since 2013, it has become possible to do IVF under the MHI policy;

– IVF clinics are mainly located in Moscow and St. Petersburg; their number in the regions is small.

Read also:

Rating and reviews of IVF clinics

When planning in vitro fertilization, you need to choose not only a clinic, but also a specific specialist, a reproductive specialist. It is necessary to pay attention to the number of operations performed by the doctor, their effectiveness, to the professional improvement of the doctor (internships, mastering new techniques, participation in scientific life).

However, the choice of institution is also very important. After all, the procedure and preparation for it will be carried out in the clinic. The Russian Association of Human Reproduction, which brings together specialists in the field of reproductive health, based on objective data (IVF effectiveness, availability of equipment, use of new technologies) and patient feedback, compiles a rating of IVF clinics. Below, in descending order of the rating, the best institutions in 2017 will be listed.

EMC Clinic for Reproductive and Prenatal Medicine

The team consists of doctors with experience in leading clinics in Europe. Various types of male and female infertility are treated in the clinic using modern ART techniques: IMSI, PICSI, assisted hatching, PGD, etc.

In difficult cases, doctors organize a consultation with the participation of all the necessary specialists (endocrinologist, geneticist, oncologist, etc.).

The IVF laboratory is designed and equipped according to the standards of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, which provides additional safety for patients in ART programs.

Thanks to the work of specialists from the EMC Reproduction Clinic, more than 3,000 babies were born.

The cost of the program is 3100 USD. (payment is made in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank).


I had my tubes removed 3 years ago. Pregnancy was only possible with IVF. 2 times I did IVF at home in Petrozavodsk, but not successfully, the embryos did not take root. My gynecologist, who has been leading me for 10 years, herself recommended that I contact EMC. Here, the doctors suggested that I do IVF using a special medium for the embryo, something like glue (Embryo-glue), so that the embryo better attaches to the walls of the uterus and pregnancy occurs. Finally everything worked out, thanks to the whole EMC team!

IVF Center, Smolensk

49.7% - this is the effectiveness of in vitro fertilization programs conducted in this clinic. In addition to IVF, the center provides infertility treatment. The cost of one program is 130 thousand rubles, taking into account the price of drugs. The center accepts patients for free IVF under the MHI policy. Here are some reviews about the clinic IVF Center in Smolensk:

Nika:“The clinic is equipped at the highest level. But even this is not important, but the fact that excellent doctors work there.”

Irina:“Many thanks to the doctors for helping me become a mother. For 8 years we have unsuccessfully applied to different clinics, made different diagnoses, but none of the doctors can help us. Only here they found out all our problems, prescribed treatment, and after IVF we became parents of two boys.”

Anna:“My diagnosis is almost hopeless -. I took a lot of tests in various places, they didn’t really find anything, and the pregnancy never came. I turned to this center, first they were treated together with my husband, then we tried IVF, and everything worked out for us.”

Clinic for the treatment of infertility "For birth", Moscow

The clinic uses various and modern reproductive technologies. The specialists of the Center regularly hold webinars, including for patients; there is a resettlement service for women and couples who have arrived for treatment from other cities.

The cost of the full IVF program, including drugs, is 223 thousand rubles. This price does not include the initial examination. Cheaper (170-180 thousand rubles) will cost IVF with donor sperm or eggs. characteristic IVF reviews at the Fertility Center"For birth" are as follows:

Margarita:“Behind my shoulders are several attempts in Israel. I treated domestic medicine with distrust, but, as it turned out, in vain. In this clinic, I managed to get pregnant from the first IVF attempt.”

Milan:“Thanks to the doctors of the clinic “For the birth”, I became a mother on the first try. The center itself is small, but it has its own hospital and laboratory.”

Eugene:“We came from another city and did not even expect that we would be able to get pregnant on the first try. The only negative is that they do not always appoint a convenient appointment time. But this is probably because there are a lot of people who want to be treated here.”

IVF Center Clinic, Moscow

As in all the best IVF clinics, different reproductive technologies are used here, as well as infertility diagnostics and treatment. According to the center, the effectiveness of IVF carried out in it is 1.5 times higher than the average for Russia; in some age groups it reaches 60%. The clinic IVF Center carries out reproductive programs for compulsory health insurance. The cost of the program with a course of injections is 194 thousand rubles. Some reviews about the work of the center:

Hope:“Had a bad experience with treatment elsewhere, which is highly touted. I lost a lot of money and time, and later I read on one forum that they do not freeze embryos. I really liked the complete availability of information at the IVF Center - they always talk about all the procedures performed.”

Elena:“The clinic is small, but this is only its plus - the atmosphere is very cozy and calm. Doctors are attentive and thoughtful. Before that, I did IVF in Finland, where my neck was torn into blood. And here everything was done very efficiently and accurately.”

How IVF is done from the network of clinics "IVF Center"

Clinic "Mother and Child", Moscow

Center "Mother and Child" - one of the leaders in the ranking of IVF clinics

"Mother and Child" is a network of clinics in Moscow and regions of Russia. In the capital, under this brand, 6 centers have been opened that provide medical services in various areas for adults and children. The IVF department is present in the centers located in Kuntsevo, Lapino (perinatal center), at st. Savelovskaya metro station, on the street. Ostrovityaninov (South-West). Medical centers participate in the CHI program; the total cost of the IVF program is about 200 thousand. Among IVF clinic reviews There are both positives and negatives:

Elena:“I really liked the atmosphere in the clinic, almost homely. The IVF department occupies an entire floor, where you can not only visit the right specialists, but also immediately pass all the tests.”

Victoria:“I did two protocols in the clinic. The first time was unsuccessful, the second time the pregnancy froze. Then she began to be treated in another clinic, where she also had a missed pregnancy. But there is something to compare. What I liked about Mother and Child is that you can always call the doctor, even on weekends or in the evening.”

Maria:“It is very convenient that they work seven days a week. I also liked the fact that they take tests that were taken earlier in other clinics. No need to overpay for the same study. We have our own pharmacy, they have specific drugs that are not easy to find in other places.”

Elena:“I liked everything, except for the queues in which you have to sit, even if you pre-recorded. Another disadvantage is that it is very expensive, and the same amount is charged for each IVF attempt. At the same time, pregnancy management is also paid separately. ”

International Center for Reproductive Medicine, St. Petersburg

The average IVF success rate in the center, which has been specializing in reproductive technologies since 1993, is 49-54%. Since 2015, the clinic has started IVF under the compulsory medical insurance policy. The cost of the procedure is 95 thousand rubles. (excluding the price of necessary medicines). In their reviews Patients, mentioning many advantages of the center, also talk about its shortcomings:

Anna:“It took us a long time to choose a clinic for IVF, and we settled on this center because it is one of the very first in Russia. The doctor was very attentive, you could contact her at any time. Another important factor is that the prices are lower than the market average. The result is positive, we have a daughter.”

Elena:“I was treated at the age of 4, my diagnosis is infertility of unknown origin. First, my husband and I went to free lectures that the staff of this center gave for everyone who could not get pregnant. Immediately there was confidence that the infertility clinic is good. We decided to go there. I was implanted with 5 embryos, one took root, the pregnancy came on the first try.

Irina:“Of course, the main result is the pregnancy after IVF. But personally, I lacked the human attitude of the doctor. She answered all questions, but very dryly and reservedly. It is very important for me that the doctor believes in the result, that he encourages me, but I didn’t see it.”

IVF Center, Volgograd

Clinic IVF Center in Volgograd is one of the institutions of a large all-Russian network. According to statistics, the effectiveness of the procedure reaches 49%. It is one of the first private centers to participate in the government's in vitro fertilization funding program. The cost of IVF with drugs is 130 thousand rubles.