The season of an endless stream of bouquets has begun, and it is important that your chosen one knows which flowers you prefer. Do you know which bouquets you like the most? It turns out that your favorite flower can tell a lot about your character. Read our article and find out the whole truth about yourself!


Women who love roses are usually very strong natures, but at the same time romantic. They tend to follow traditions, but at the same time they are very passionate. Often among them there are perfectionists, although at heart they are kind and sympathetic.

Zodiac sign: Aries. This is a sign of fire, and this passionate flower suits him best.


If you love lilies, femininity and sophistication live in you. You are a great mother and wife, very caring and like to patronize. You are not arrogant, but you like your achievements not to go unnoticed, and your friends treat you with respect.

Zodiac sign: Virgo. Lilies are suitable for this sign, as they help him to restrain emotions.


Chamomile girl is kindness and naivety itself. She is optimistic and never lets anyone get bored. She is a very devoted friend and expects the same from you. With it, you can embark on any adventure and not be afraid to experiment.

Gemini. Daisies are suitable for twins because they help build relationships with friends.


Such women, as a rule, are very rational and do not tend to hover in the clouds, but at the same time they know how to truly love. You can always turn to them for advice, because real female wisdom lives in them.

Zodiac sign: Scorpio. This flower helps scorpions realize their inner weakness hidden under outer strength.


Some kind of mystery reigns in these women, which attracts men to them. They are very restrained and not inclined to reveal their soul to the first person they meet, but such a woman gives her beloved all of herself. They find it difficult to get along with men and endure parting very painfully.

Zodiac sign: Pisces. These flowers help the fish find their inner balance.


Such girls are very sweet, feminine and sociable. They put family and friends first. They always cannot sit still, they are looking for changes, so they can be fickle in relationships.

Zodiac sign: Cancer. Tulips help crayfish build comfort in the family.


Sunflowers are loved by self-confident and happy women. They are loved by others, it is easy and pleasant to communicate with them, they are the soul of the company and, as a rule, creative individuals.

Zodiac sign: Leo. These flowers help lions succeed in love and creativity.


Such flowers are loved by girls with a very controversial nature. On the one hand, this flower symbolizes vanity, on the other - shyness. These girls are very passionate inside, but they constantly suppress it in themselves. Insatiable natures who are trying to get everything from life.

Libra. Peonies help Libra to acquire femininity.


They are loved by kind, simple and open girls. Among them there are perfectionists who strive for perfection, but they adapt very poorly to changes, so they are often stubborn.

Zodiac sign: Taurus. Taurus, these flowers give softness and soothe them.


Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 10 minutes


What girl doesn't love flowers! And let some men sometimes wonder about the impracticality of giving flowers, and that it is much more expedient to give a pot with a flower, and not a bouquet that will stand in a vase for a couple of days. But, dear men, if the bouquet fades in a couple of days, then this is a good reason to give a new one, if only to see a happy smile on her face. Moreover, flowers always speak of a man's attention to a woman.

Girls who love roses

As a rule, such girls are sociable and know how to find a common language with everyone. They know how to give their love to others, but at the same time they are ambitious, and they know how to achieve their goal by any means.

Such girls stand very firmly on their feet, are realistic, appreciate comfort and order. At the same time, they are bright, feminine, they appreciate love and attention to themselves.

Girls who prefer chrysanthemums

Girls, as a rule, are quite closed, prone to strong feelings of their own problems.

It is hard enough to love them because of their isolation from the real world and their inability to love themselves.

On the other hand, such girls are reserved, practical, strong natures.

Girls who prefer carnations

Such flowers are preferred by practical, straightforward girls.

Such people always have their own point of view on any issues, and can always adequately defend it.

Girls who love peonies

The peony flower is quite controversial. On the one hand, it symbolizes vanity, and on the other, timidity and modesty.

Girls who love peonies experience unquenched passion, suppress their sexuality.

But on the other hand, such people are very loving. They can be insatiable in everything - both in love and in money, fame.

Girls who prefer violets and pansies

Violets are associated with nostalgic moods, like people who like to grieve about the past.

Lovers of these flowers are most often introverts, as they symbolize romantic sadness. Violets are preferred by people who prefer to stay in the shade.

Connoisseurs of violets are subtle, timid natures, prone to sentimentality and dreaminess, and often creative and domestic.

Girls who prefer lilac

Girls who prefer lilac tend to restrain their own feelings. These are people who are disappointed in some way and tend to seek perfection in the wild. They are also very easy to communicate, natural, do not like pretentiousness and artificiality.

Such girls will be wonderful wives and mothers, they easily adapt to difficult living conditions, they are ready for the difficulties in life. Lilac is a symbol of stability and endurance of their character. Lovely, sincere, gentle - and at the same time they have a strong core inside.

Girls who love chamomile

Daisy lovers are by no means simple and naive, as it seems. Rather, they are very pragmatic, they know how to set clear goals and realize them, while paying tribute to true human values.

Such girls strive for peace in the family, love, harmony, value friendship and human relations.

Daisy lovers are often very reliable friends.

Girls who prefer irises and gladiolus

These girls are usually energetic, strong, independent and lonely.

Irises always rush to their own desires with all their might, but along the way they may experience conflicts with others and loved ones. The lack of flexibility, in fact, contributes to the fact that they are often alone.

Girls who love tulips

This flower is preferred by flexible and plastic natures. Such women do not bend under the pressure of life situations, they easily solve all difficulties. In addition, they are very light and easy to communicate with.

But, for all their apparent simplicity, these are women of mystery.

Girls whose favorite flower is a tulip live in hope for a change for the better, and this faith gives them the strength to move forward. It is very difficult for such a woman to achieve recognition.

Girls who love gerberas

Women are kind, simple and open to the world, and at the same time very unprotected.

Such women try to achieve perfection in everything. But in order to have strength, they need a good support nearby. At the same time, they know how to be independent, proud, strive for self-respect and self-realization.

Girls who love lilies

These flowers are loved by people with a pronounced sense of dignity. They are always confident in themselves and their own abilities. Their distinguishing feature is pride, sometimes arrogance and arrogance are present.

But at the same time, they have a charm. Such people are not very prone to self-criticism, but they are very confident in themselves. They rarely care about the opinions of others.

Girls who love orchids

This is a flower of complex and original natures, which have their own oddities and whims.

They do not know how to enjoy simple ways, so they are looking for sophistication in everything. They are capable of all kinds of creative ideas and extravagance. However, behind their souls is not always a rich inner world. Perhaps they are still in search of themselves.

Typical orchid lovers love to subordinate people to their whims, they are often selfish and narcissistic, they require increased attention to their person.

What do you think about your favorite colors and your character?

Each person, like a flower, is individual. It has its own character, style and even outlook on life. Have you ever wondered why we prefer some flowers and dislike others? And it's not about the smell, color or shape - everything is much simpler: it's about the kinship of souls. It is by what flowers a person prefers that one can judge his character and mood. So let's get to know yourself: make a list of your favorite colors in descending order, and then read their descriptions. By reading the characteristics of each flower, you can learn a lot of interesting things about yourself.

Attract romantic natures who value the time they spend with loved ones. It is not for nothing that this flower is a symbol of love. With all its appearance, a rose expresses harmony and tranquility. Such are the fans of roses - they know how to give joy and love to others, appreciate comfort and order. Rose lovers stand firmly on their feet, they know how to achieve their goal.

gerberas- this simple flower hides sophistication, elegance and perfection. This is probably why gerberas are preferred by perfectionists who constantly set themselves new goals and objectives, trying to fulfill them perfectly. At the same time, the open cup of the flower expresses kindness, simplicity and openness to the world, so people who prefer gerberas are open to the world and friendly in relations with others.

lilies like people who attach special importance to aesthetics. It is very important for them that everything looks well-groomed and pretty. You are lucky if you are surrounded by the care of such a person.

tulips- these are the flowers of people who love life and know how to enjoy every moment of it. They love their home, and are also passionate about travel, eager to discover the world. Spring is their season.

if you love these flowers, then you are crazy about holidays and fun! All you need for a good mood is a little drink, a little dance, but do it your way, because you like the attention.

Alstroemeria is a symbol of friendship and devotion. If you like this flower, then you are a devoted friend! You are full of surprises and know how to find a positive aspect in any situation.

chrysanthemums preferred by sensible and rather practical people who are big adherents of traditions and love spending time together, for example, family Sunday breakfasts. There must be a bouquet of chrysanthemums on the table. People who prefer chrysanthemums have one wonderful quality: they love to make pleasant surprises.

Orchid- this is a flower of original natures, which are attracted by beauty and grace. For such people, it is very important to present yourself correctly. One of the main character traits that emphasize their individuality is the honesty that people can only have.

Preferred by proud people who go through life with their heads held high. They like distant, exotic countries.

dahlias like people who stand firmly on their feet and therefore radiate strength and independence. On the one hand, dahlia lovers are very domineering, they try to subdue everyone for themselves, but on the other hand, you can rely on them, and you will feel comfortable in their presence.

Freesia- this vintage flower is preferred by people who know a lot about pure, innocent beauty, have exquisite taste and pay close attention to detail. Freesia is a symbol of selfless love. Such are the fans of freesia - they value loyalty and dedication.

sunflowers- lovers of this solar flower radiate energy around them. People appreciate their positive qualities and a fresh look at things. "Sunflower people" are very sociable, they surround themselves with family and friends. And let it not surprise you - lovers of sunflowers feel most comfortable in summer.

This is an amazing flower that changes the color of its inflorescences. So people who prefer hydrangeas are susceptible to mood swings. Their favorite season is summer. Hydrangea lovers never forget the birthdays of their relatives and friends, they are very generous and try to create comfort for the people around them. Flower growers say that hydrangea loves to drink water with its head, not stems. So are hydrangea lovers - not averse to a cocktail or two after work.

Gloriosa- if you chose this flower, then you are quite an ambitious person who fully concentrates on a career. You never rest and can do several things at the same time. Treat yourself to relaxation, better enjoy a beautiful gloriosa in a vase.

Well, have you already thought about what is your favorite flower and how close it is to you in spirit? To find out, we invite you to take this short quiz. Without hesitation, you must choose one of the three answers. Then read the answer key. It's pretty simple and fun. Perhaps you will discover something new in yourself.

1. A stranger gives you flowers:

☺ You are alert

you were embarrassed

♪ You smile

2. What do you like the most:

♪ tall bouquets

☺ round bouquets

Bouquets of wild flowers

3. If you were to wear your favorite flower, would you:

Pinned him in the hair

♪ worn as a brooch or necklace

☺ would pin it to a blouse as a pattern

4. What kind of sweets do you like? V:

candied violets

☺ Turkish Delight

♪ dandelion jam

5. How would you describe yourself?

♪ tender as a forget-me-not

☺ sensitive like a violet

Romantic like a rose

Count how many you got ☺, and ♪

If you got more ☺,

You are close in spirit to a delightful rose:

You are a passionate person. Your fiery temperament varies between flowers and thorns. Your sensuality indicates that you express your feelings openly. You have a big and passionate heart, but you can sometimes get angry, but this only earns respect from others. You, like the rose, are naturally charismatic. You like the fresh aroma of rose petals - this only emphasizes the confidence and strength of your character.

If you score more ,

You are close in spirit to a four-leaf clover:

You are a very gentle person. You love wild flowers and simple, small bouquets that must be present in your home, somewhere on a windowsill or on a coffee table. You recall your childhood with nostalgia, scroll through the memory of pictures and fragrances that symbolize this wonderful and carefree time of innocence, the time of friends.

If you score more ♪,

You are close in spirit to the bewitching vanilla orchid:

You are a real seductress who is best suited for unusual and noble flowers, which is the vanilla orchid. Vanilla, with its sinuous stems, white flowers and dizzying aroma, embodies the art of seduction that combines play, fire and charm. You have everything thought out and honed to the smallest detail. You can give advice to any woman who needs it, and listening to stories about your adventures is very fun and entertaining. Therefore, vanilla orchid is the most suitable for your character.

Interesting, do you think you look like your favorite flower? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Translation: Lesya V.
specially for the Internet portal
garden center "Your garden"

1. Tell verbally what plants mean to you. Do you have favorite plants? Write what.

I love all kinds of plants. For example, I love flowers because they are beautiful. I love berries and fruits because they are tasty, vegetables are healthy, and trees are tall and protect from the sun in the heat.

My favorite plants are daisies, forget-me-nots, lilies of the valley, snowdrops. I am very sorry that there are very few lilies of the valley and snowdrops left and they cannot be collected in a bouquet. I hope that if we protect plants and take care of them, then in the future even rare plants will become abundant again.

2. Number the examples of the negative human impact on the plant world, expressed by these signs.

Use these signs to tell why many wild plant species are becoming rare.

Often people think that there are an infinite number of plants in nature. They start:

  • collect medicinal herbs in huge quantities and sell them;
  • thoughtlessly cut down forests in order to sell the tree later;
  • they behave carelessly in the forest and in the meadow and, as a result, they trample the plants, preventing it from developing;
  • collect huge bouquets of forest and wildflowers for the sake of fashion or for sale.

As a result, plants do not have time to restore their numbers. There are fewer and fewer of them, then they become rare plants and, in the end, may disappear altogether from our planet. To prevent this from happening, we must protect the plants.

3. Seryozha and Nadya's mother asks if you know the plants listed in the Red Book of Russia. Cut out the drawings from the Appendix and arrange them in the appropriate boxes. Check yourself in the textbook. After checking, paste the drawings

4. Using the drawings in the textbook (p. 82-83), number and color the protected plants.

Check your work with your partner.

5. Write down the rules that are "encrypted" by these conventional signs. (Give brief statements.)

Do not pick rare and listed in the Red Book flowers!

Do not collect more medicinal plants than you need for your own needs!

Walk carefully through the forest and meadow - do not trample the plants!

6. With the help of additional literature, the Internet, prepare a message about one of the plant species listed in the Red Book of Russia. Use the outline of the story about a rare plant or animal that you made in 2nd grade. Write down the basic information for your message, point by point. Specify the source(s) of information.

  1. Appearance.
  2. Places of growth.
  3. Plant reproduction.
  4. Economic use and causes of extinction.
  5. Measures for the conservation of an endangered species.

May lily of the valley

May lily of the valley is a small herbaceous plant with very delicate small flowers in the shape of a wide bell. Lily of the valley blooms at the very beginning of May, among the green grass that is just beginning to rise. Its flowers emit a very pleasant fragrant aroma - the aroma of May.

You can meet lily of the valley in the wild in the pine and mixed forests of Russia, as well as in the Caucasus, China, Europe and North America. He prefers to grow in large groups, forming magnificent miraculous flower beds right in the middle of the forest. However, for decorative purposes, they also learned to grow lilies of the valley and even bred varieties with larger flowers.

Lily of the valley reproduces by fruits that appear in place of flowers around the beginning of July. In no case should you eat lily of the valley fruits - they are poisonous. After the seed of this plant falls into the ground, six to seven years must pass before a new flower grows. The lily of the valley can also reproduce by rhizomes, but even in this case, the flowering stem does not appear every year.

Lily of the valley is a well-known medicine. Their leaves are made into infusions for the treatment of heart and high blood pressure. Also, lily of the valley, or rather the extract isolated from it, is widely used to create perfumes. And, of course, lily of the valley is used for decorative purposes, to decorate gardens and parks.

Unfortunately, in nature, lily of the valley has become less and less common. In search of beauty and health, people began to collect flowers in large quantities, trampling and damaging the roots of the plant. As a result, the plant no longer had time to reproduce in the proper quantity and became a rare, endangered plant.

Now the May lily of the valley is listed in the Red Book of Russia and other countries. Its collection in the wild is completely prohibited. For industrial and medical purposes, only plants specially grown in greenhouses are used. Perhaps in the future, the lily of the valley will cease to be a rare plant and will again delight us with its aroma and delicate flowers.

Find out what plants other guys have prepared messages about. Listen and evaluate their performances.

7. And Nadya came up with this task for all the guys. Write the letters in order. What did you get?

8. Think up and draw on a separate sheet a poster "Take care of the plants!".

Look what your friends have drawn. If you have ideas how you can help the plants, discuss them and do it.